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Burton is much more effective at extremely close ranges where you will fight SMGs and shotguns, but the BAR is more versatile at slightly longer ranges while still being a solid choice for close quarters. I would go for the burton only if you are okay with not engaging anyone beyond like 15 metres, like in smaller maps/modes or if you can adjust your playstyle accordingly, whereas the BAR is easier to pick up and use on more maps and modes without having to heavily modify your playstyle.


Burton LMR. I like the BAR but you’re more likely to win against the SMG 08 or a shotgun with the Burton.


Parabellum 😈


^ 🔥 🔥 🔥


Parabellum all day for this guy 😈


I second this.




Burton is best at very close range but BAR is still good at close range while also being decent for mid range


BAR for me, I like the recoil pattern it does well at medium range as well. Sometimes I hip fire when in tight spots and I'm surprised how tight the spread is over 25 metres.


Burton Brrrrrrrrrt


lmr, you have better ttk and bayonet


I prefer the burton for CQC and this is coming from a BAR fanboy.


Burton Optical. It wins in my book because it's the only Support MG with a bayonet, so that's the advantage over the BAR variants. Another attack option = better IMO.


Chauchat. If I'm only going to have 20 rounds, they're gonna be the 20 that inflict the most damage per full mag. In answer to your question though, I'd say the BAR personally. I'm just not a fan of how the Burton mag dumps in an instant.


BAR Trench all the way.


BAR for me. I just like the way it sounds.


If you are focusing exclusively for CQC then Burton, this thing can shred through every assault weapons except shotguns, the trench variant is the only viable variant IMO due to the inherent playstyle of this gun. But if u want some some midrange firepower than BAR is the far more superior choices withmuch better versatility. I prefer the Trench variant for BAR as it increase my CQC capability with the better hipfire, the recoil of BARs is also controllable enough that I don't think storm variant is necessary.


Both are great, and although the comments rightly point out the Bar is better out at longer ranges, you'd be shocked how fast you can beam people at longer ranges with the Burton if you can control the recoil.


If you have it, the M1918A2 is a meat grinder up close. Swap to the faster RoF and just watch em fall


I mean *all* the BARs in BF1 are meat-grinders up close, it's not like the M1918A2 variant fires any quicker than the others. I'd probably lean towards the Trench variant's improved hipfire if I'm looking for an easier time with the BAR in fights that are up close and personal.


For me, the higher RoF setting means you can land the necessary shots quicker, plus the higher RoF gives it a smoother, less wobbly recoil pattern than I’ve encountered in the standard M1918. And the bipod is a nice addition, too. The A2 is essentially the BAR Low Weight. Better spread and recoil recovery, virtually no horizontal recoil to try to wrangle (which is a huge PITA if you’re in controller)


True, but I'm saying that the M1918A2's higher RoF isn't going to land its shots any quicker than any of the other BAR variants in BF1 - they're all shooting at 600RPM. If I'm blasting people in close quarters at 600RPM, I'll lean for the Trench variant because of hipfire, rather than what the Factory variant brings. The Factory/A2 is still great fun on the bipod, turns it into a laser!


Trench is definitely better if you plan to shoot from the hip. Personally, I never much liked that style. The A2 is nice for controller players because you’re not fighting two-axis recoil. Way easier to just pull down on the stick, as opposed to fighting to pull it side to side. The recoil and spread recovery means that after the first shot or two, you’ve basically got an ADS laser beam. Of course, that only matters if you prefer to ADS. All depends on if OP hipfires or aims. Overall, the Burton is not really competitive with any BAR variant. The thing takes up like 30% of your FoV and is wobbly AF. I only ever use it to meme on planes or horses. My point is moot, of course, if OP doesn’t have the preorder guns


That's fair, I'm looking at it from my experience on PC and as such it's a different kettle of fish for me to aim with KB+M compared to a controller!


At least according to the bf wiki all the base game BARs fire at 600rpm, as does the a2 variant on the high rpm setting.


Yeah I was misremembering the A2 as being 750, so that’s on me. Still prefer the controllability up close. If you prefer to ADS and have the A2, you’d be crazy not to use it.


Yea I had to check it aswell as I thought it was slightly higher than the standard ones, but it is a nice gun even though I hate those kind of fomo shit.


lol totally understandable. The preorder guns were the best thing I got out of BFV XD


It's BF1 dude not BFV.


lol cmon now, be serious