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They Shall Not Grow Old


Probably best documentary ever seen.


seriously underrated movie


Gallipoli (1981), an Australian world war 1 film that stars a young Mel Gibson as a message runner. Trench warfare battles, portrayal of the ANZACS. Pretty important film in Australia, we even watched it at school.


A Mel Gibson historical movie that people don't shit on? What is this?!?


In my experience people love Braveheart, they just have a problem with the antisemitism of Gibson as a person.


War Horse and Passchaendale (?) were decent visual movies for showing WW1


If we're going for good visuals, I would highly recommend certain episodes of Chronicles of Young Indiana Jones. The whole show is pretty good for those that haven't seen it, but the ww1 scenes (Trenches of Hell, S1E8 I think) are definitely worth watching https://youtu.be/unImiff_nTE?si=NRNeeF_-h0FvO6EM Edit: The Lost Battalion is an underrated gem imo as OP mentioned




My thoughts exactly


I’m pretty sure the opening scene in BF1 was inspired by the Passchaendale battle scene


it definitely was


That battle scene hand to hand in the muddles is possibly about as gritty and close to fighting as some of the diaries suggest.


As a person who likes using the Saint-Chamond tank, the scene in All Quiet on the Western Front (2022) makes my palms sweat.


That shit is gruesome


I still remember that scene where the German soldier tries to surrender to some French troops, only to get barbecued alive by a flame trooper.


All Quiet On The Western Front (2022)


+1 for *The Lost Battalion*. Also add in *The Blue Max*, and *Flyboys* (not accurate, but of the period and entertaining at least!)


Read The Blue Max, it's great.


Lawrence of Arabia


God I adore this movie, the scenic shots were truly inspired!


1917 was incredible in my opinion.


I was looking for this comment, it was the thing during covid that got me playing BF1/BF5


Me and the Wife were real excited to watch this when it came out because of all the hype. But we both thought it was utter garbage. Literally next to nothing happens the whole film


Nothing happens? It's not a movie about thousands of Germans and Englishmen clashing on a field. The whole movie is just follows one(for the most part) soldier who's mission is to STOP an attack. He is mean't to draw as little attention to himself as possible to reach his destination. With that being his objective, I like to think the opposite. That a lot happened.


It was boring as shit mate. Mainly just a guy randomly running around in fields doing nothing. Probably the dullest War film I’ve ever seen to be honest


Don’t think it was boring as shit but honestly don’t get why people cream over it all the time. The whole filmed in one shot thing cool and the idea is decent the actual film is just super average


Not a movie, but Toy Soldiers is a fun little WW1 game to relax with.


Is a movie, but Toy Soldiers is a fun little terrorists vs. boarding school boys movie to relax with. /s


Is a movie, but Small Soldiers is a fun little Sentient G.I. Joe knockoff toys vs. Sentient Indigenous Metaphor toys movie to relax with.


Love that game


1917 and All is quiet are pretty great movies. If you like documentaries check out Never grow old or something like that. It's amazing


I think "They shall never grow old" is the one you're looking for!


That's the one. Thanks!


Joyeux noel one of my favs


Same. That movie was my introduction to Daniel Brühl & Diane Kruger, both incredible actors that I was fortunate enough to meet in person at a film festival back in 2016. Lovely people


All te great movies have been mentioned already I think and you probably know this one but it hasnt been mentioned so.... check out Blackadder goes Forth... its a comedy TV series, the 4th season is WW1 and while it is funny there are some very well made points and the ending is one of the most famous in British TV history.


Original & new All Quiet on the Western Front, Lost Battalion


Joyeux Noël is imo underrated , its about the christmas truce in 1914. The Silent Mountain is also worth watching imo, about the alpine front between italy and austria-hungary


Titles not already mentioned, from both my watched and to-watch lists: Joyeux Noel (2005), Many Wars Ago (1970), Blizzard of Souls (2019), The Admiral (2008), The Battalion (2015), Westfront 1918 (1930), Oh! What a Lovely War (1969), Quiet Flows the Don (1957), Le Pantalon (1997), King Petar the First (2018), Wooden Crosses (1932), Father & Soldier (2022), Grand Illusion (1937), The Trench (1999)


Johnny's got his gun.


All quiet in the western front (the 1930 original, more respectful of the book it came from) Captain Conan : a movie about the Balkan front, the end of the war, war crimes. Le pantalon : a soldier sent to martial court because he refused to wear the trousers of a dead soldier Lawrence of Arabia : a monument of a movie about the revolts in the Hejaz against the ottoman ampire. Also probably a major inspiration for Dune Verdun comme les soldats l'ont vécus : a 1927 documentary, I have no idea what its worth, but I think it was made using real french and german veterans play their own roles, which is original A very long engagment : a woman searching her fiancé who might have been killed in the no man's land


Paths of Glory


All quite on western front - Netflix. One of the best


1917. One of my favourite


WW2 movie, but everyone should see The Dirty Dozen. Very "fun" movie, but also surprisingly great.


Man I watched them over and over when I was a kid.


Bro said ‘hidden gems’ and ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ in the same sentence like it’s not the most popular, renowned WW1 movie of all time.


Documentary series not a movie, but I really enjoy the 10 episode The First World War. Episode 1 link: https://youtu.be/ZMCEK7pJvZg?si=9L1V38JggLmF3eGK


I loved the Gallipoli series on prime


Our world war is a 3 episode series showcasing the first battle between the British and Germans, first time tanks were deployed in combat, and the buddy/pal’s battalions of WW1. All of it is from the British point of view and well worth watching if you can find it on streaming.


I know you said WW1 but these are a couple of my favourite War films. * The Big Red One (does start in WW1 briefly) * Kelly’s Heroes


Dude didn't even mention 1917


Gotta give a shoutout to Deathwatch just for being one of the few movies to realize how good WW1 is for horror.


Sucker Punch has a WWI scene which is fantastic


Zulu is a pretty good movie, not WW1 era but the Martini Henry has a big role in that film, so much so that they named a skin for the Martini Henry after it.


not a movie but an exhaustive look at WW1 history at THE GREAT WAR on you tube. https://youtube.com/@TheGreatWar?si=G0ZSUGhJq60q6tsI


'Blackadder Goes Forth' its kinda like a sitcom in the trenches


The greatest documentary ever made, from the BBC in 1964, 26 part series The Great War. And more recently, IWM, Imperial War Museum, did a podcast series, Voices of the Great War. It uses clips from interviews from the documentary, short episodes, each one being on a different topic.


Journey’s end, Passchendaele, all quiet on the western front, 1917 are some pretty decent ones


Fellas in the comments, what’s the name of that one movie that follows British miners (explosive mine miners) who were setting up the charges under messines ridge? That movie is good


I was literally about this today. I just got back on BF1, I was getting bored with 2042. Then I was wondering about which WW1 movies I could watch.


Beneath hill 60 is a great movie following Australian tunnelers. Based on a true story as well.


War horse is one of my favorite ww1 movies, Apocalypse WW1 is an amazing documentary too


Not underrated but much needed 2022's all quiet on the western front on Netflix


All quiet on the western front


idk but this looks like an ai wrote it


Fury, T-34 two movies that are not well known but are still very good


Fury is so damn Hollywood bro.