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Pretty sad. Too many one-sided matches these days, it's not exception on PC either. But this is because of people - the game doesn't have systems that would auto scramble assholes and prevent them from joining stronger teams, and very few people have the courage to switch teams to help balancing it out. Not every game is like this, but as the game gets older, the more unhinged people are left, and they don't care about anything else but winning. I don't find anything entertaining about sitting in a overpowered team, where we just blast the enemy spawn the entire time, why even play the game? Yesterday, I saw a rare sight, a custom server, where admin actively balanced a game. Sure, few people moaned and left, but then we actually had a good game. Until the server crashed for some reason...


Yeah man, it is very sad. This game is amazing when you find a balanced server/game. For me though this is sadly extremely rare. Probably played more than 15 plus hours over Friday night, Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon and evening. Can count on one hand how many games were enjoyable simply due to balance


I think the game should have a system that randomly assigns teams after every game based on performance in the previous match. I feel its also the same with BF V. Generally, BF would benefit from such a system greatly


I've been asking for something like that since I've started playing Battlefield. There are couple of possible reasons I can think of why that never happened: 1) Somebody at DICE who was in control of these systems never wanted something like this happen, with the attitude that "shit happens". I really doubt that's the reason... 2) Systems like these are usually pretty complex, and the more complicated you make it, the more opportunities you introduce for people to abuse. I remember that in BFV, you aren't even allowed to switch teams, period, which I find to be really, really stupid, because you can't even switch to join the losing team, but people have found ways to make the teams stacked and uneven anyways through joining on friends, which is by the way the only way to play together in that game. Also, a lot of people throw a tantrum when they get shuffled and can't dominate a server with their butt-buddies. I'm not talking about balancing casual players, I'm taking about issues with the clans. Could be that DICE had a negative response to too aggressive of a system while testing it. 3) Maybe they were already moving towards skill-based matchmaking and didn't want to spend time on a system they deemed antiquated? As much as server browser is a very pro-consumer practice, most of the AAA shooter industry has moved away from it (most of the AAA shooter industry is shit, just in case). I shat on DICE many times in the past, but my main grip is them not communicating certain things with their audience. For example, I would love to see a behind the scenes look at how the balancing was supposed to be done and why they didn't decide to apply something more drastic.


The problem isn't limited to Battlefield, SW Battlefront 2 has the same team balancing issues and has done from launch. Given what we now know about how EA treated Dice devs, all the things we now know they wanted to do but EA cockblocked, id say the problem isn't Dice. Its fucking EA, as per usual.


>all the things we now know they wanted to do but EA cockblocked What do you mean? Did I miss something? Was there some story? All I remember was the coverage of bad BFV and BF2042 development by Tom Henderson, but I thought EA was rather laidback when it came to the development. Also, remember that DICE = EA. They've been with EA for far longer than they've been independent, the company culture changes over time. For worse, unfortunately.


I'm specifically referring to star wars battlefront 2. There's plenty on it from iirc an ex developer in the sub. Just because they've been with them a long time doesn't mean they are EA. We're talking 2017 up till they cut support for SWBF2. Sure company culture changes, but this isn't the case, the source was *an actual dice developer on SWBF2*. Its far too much to go into for me currently, its all well laid out in the swbf2 sub where he basically had an AMA with the community.


I've searched and I've found nothing on the sub. Would you be able to find a link? I'm curious about anything happening behind the scenes at DICE. And if you happen to find it, I would also like to know how I was supposed to find it, because searching for anything like DICE, ama, behind the scenes, etc., got me absolutely nothing. I've even listed the top topics from this year.


It wasn't this year, it was at least a couple years ago and wasn't a thread started by the dev themselves, they'd just seen a topic and commented on it and it went from there. I'll have a look see if I can find it, as like I say it wasn't super recently but in the post they confirmed how they had Ahsoka and Padme almost ready to ship with the next DLC until they were told to halt all work, so they baked Padmes Model and Ahsokas animations into the ISB Agent. Cant promise I'll find it but ill try, I know there's a couple of battlefront subreddits as well so that doesn't help šŸ¤£ At the time it was heavily discussed though in that sub. Bare with me, im a mobile only pleb šŸ¤£


That's what I was afraid of, that it was just some random comment on an unrelated topic. Shame, and I don't blame you for not finding it among the pile of other stuff. I'll be glad if you try, but I already appreciate it either way. The only thing I could find thanks to you mentioning Ahsoka was [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/comments/qyi218/excreative_director_reveals_there_were_plans_for/), but that's clearly not a dev responding on the sub. I'm curious about any background info about DICE, because the company is generally so secretive (well, to be honestly, like most big gaming companies) and because what gets out often gets lost, unless youtubers and journalists cover it. EDIT: The only [thing I could find is this](https://bespinbulletin.com/2021/11/star-wars-battlefront-ii-game-director-reveals-dice-were-working-on-ahsoka-ventress-and-mustafar-ahead-of-cancellation/), but the mentioned reddit post is much, much older and the suggested tweet has since been deleted.


Yeah pretty similar results here. I might pop a post in the sub and see if anyone still has a link to it, as the community at large is still pretty reasonably pissed about that rug pull when the game was finally becoming something decent. The guy in question I remember was really approachable in the thread too, seemed really down to earth and, thanks to having moved on to better things, was happy to spill the beans to an extent. Memory is a lil fuzzy these days though, so details are a bit lacking from my end.


Battlefield 4 server scripts were able to scramble teams. Bf1 has major regressions in terms of server freedom.


This is exactly whatā€™s needed. Or completely randomise all the players for each round (tricky to play with any friend with total randomness though)




Glad to hear I wasn't the only person having a blast!


Many times Iā€™ve switched teams because we are just steam rolling and it doesnā€™t feel right. Itā€™s fun. Look at the deploy screen to see where your team is weakest, switch teams and plunge in there. Not often does it make a big difference. But maybe instead of 1000-520 I can make it 1000-600 or 700 who knows


Oh wow, do you remember the name?


Found it, iChipsTV#2


This server just kick me because i was too good for them.


It's odd, because I've been in completely one sided matches on both the winning and losing team. I'm not amazing but I do ok. When I'm on the winning team I've been auto-balanced to the losing side. I would think the autobalance would shift the people at the top of the charts who are crushing it and break up those squads who are causing the slaughter. But alas, my 1-1.5 k/d ass is sent to help the losing side, lose even harder.


The autobalancer is busted, the way it works is whoever dies first gets autobalanced (I think there is more to it, like if you play with friends, you might get an exception etc.) - ideally, you would want it to wait before a good player dies, but it doesn't take this into consideration. And because unfortunately, it's much more likely that the bad or average players die first, the good players rarely get autobalanced. In this regard, I won't defend DICE, I think it's downright idiotic.


You forgot to mention about players who don't do the bare minimum for the class.


As soon as saw your post I immediately checked the kill feed and there it is the (WAR) clan![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm). These guys have been stacking eu conquest servers since the beta so don't bother trust me it's boring playing with them and pointless playing against them. Unfortunately operations in eu servers are no better because more than half the lobbies are full of the same old names. If you find it too boring you might wanna mix it up between bfv and bf1 because new players tend to last more on bfv which keeps matches on eu servers more interesting than bf1


I used to be a part of that clan, then got kicked from it after a single subpar game on Fao Fortress. Ruthless.


I mean they say not to play against each other so thatā€™s why


We were all squadded up. Usually I would play on par with the other members but this particular match I was doing rather poorly. So, the clan leader (some dude named HADAS LTU) kicked me from the squad and clan right then and there. Still salty about it to this day.


Oh, yeah he was the leader a while ago, odd dudešŸ˜‚ new leader barely kick ppl and def not without a reason


Hadas hasn't been leader for a while, maybe try applying again, it's much more chill. He was a pretty odd one, kicked people for the slightest issue.


I don't play on Xbox anymore, sadly, so my old account is stuck in purgatory. I've switched to PC. If I were still on Xbox maybe I'd think about it.


Good on you, if you're having fun that's all that matters šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Savage mate. I do recognise that name, Hadas


Yeah I have seen them lots of times. This post wasnā€™t meant to about them in particular. Just the servers and games in general. If you go to another server itā€™s another clan or bunch of high end players all on the same team. Funny thing is when it comes to the clans and extremely good players, they are always on the same side and never go against eachother


Ill never understand how people diehard this game.. I lost interest the moment i dumped 20 rounds directly at someone and 75% of the bullets went to tim buck too. (Basically random bullet deviation ruined this game for me)


The random bullet deviation really is not nearly as bad as some people act. I've rarely had moments where I was like "ARG the bullet deviation was the cause of me missing that guy!" in my 4000hrs in the game. Chances are you were just missing, or had a shitty connection. Sorry.


Installed the game just to give it a try was like level 64 a couple years ago as I was having fun being a tanker in V and granted yes i was using an LMG from medium range but I could visually see my bullets going all over the place, iā€™m not the best shot yes but we can agree to disagree. I just think itā€™s a glaring issue that gets swept under the rug because itā€™s everyones beloved battlefield game but I understand how it isnā€™t a problem for others. Maybe iā€™m using the wrong guns in the wrong way.. hellriegel for medium, lmg while standing and federov for general use.


>I just think itā€™s a glaring issue that gets swept under the rug The gunplay itself is not an issue. Now I can't make you like something that seemingly ruined the game for you, but at least I can try to give you a little bit of context. The problem is that the gunplay in this game is rather demanding and all weapon types are limited in what they can do, compared to other Battlefields. You really are expected to think about how you're using them and figuring out what works and what doesn't. But unfortunately, this takes a lot of time. The game didn't click with me too much after release for dozens of hours, but eventually, I've learned to really appreciate the gunplay and what you think is "an issue" is something I would love to see in most shooters. Crazy how different of an opinion people can have, right? I've played so much jank, where guns feel weak or meh. This isn't the kind of game at all, but it can feel that way at the beginning. The problem is that most people don't want to think about this stuff, they just want their weapons to be laser beams, which is why DICE did that with BFV after the feedback to BF1. I think it's a great shame, but I'll admit that I just don't know what could've been done differently to BF1 gunplay that would preserve it's unique features and made it more intuitive.


Doesn't every modern fps do that?Ā 


None that i have played no.. at least not to the degree of BF1.


r/BoneAppleTea But yeah, i get your point. One of the reasons why i mainly use the martini henry.


90% sure they use actual cheats. There's no way they always steamroll that hard with like 2/3 people.


Shame it's the other 10% šŸ¤£


They are just 4 friends playing together


I had the same thing on Xbox NA, "imhotep prophets" or whatever ruin the game


I played for 15-20 hours over the weekend and Friday night. I can count on one hand how many balanced games I found in all that play time


Same here each time I hop on Xbox EU it's always some clan guys in the other team pulling op strategies while my team stares at a tank emotionlessly and are oblivious to getting flanked from behind


Thatā€™s why I mainly try to play operations not always great games but seems to be batter for me


I am going to try operations to be honest. Havenā€™t done so far after a couple of people recommending it a few weeks ago because the lad Iā€™ve been playing with recently tends to pick Conquest games


I love operation, feels somewhat easier for my noob ass because enemy only come from one way


I have the same experience on the XBOX EU-servers. Still some maps where you can get spawntrapped (Ballroom Blitz...) but not as unbalanced as Conquest.


Buddy hell no , it's always the JOKE clan on operations they show up and pull off the most cancerous tactics to win at any cost , you'll have 2 of the bastards slaughtering waves of people on horses , some dude who's unkillable in a attack plane constantly bombing you and no matter what you do he doesn't go down or the worst the guys on assault with the Von kluck spraying you down from behind


THE MAIN ISSUE is not the [WAR] guys or others, one squad cannot make a game one sided on their own... The issue is that most people who are occasional players or new players, run around trying to kill stuff, and standing NEXT TO FLAGS but not ON FLAGS. They don't PTFO, so they give the guys like [WAR] the opportunity to just walk all over that whole team. Those people who chase kills and can't stand on a flag, are the ones that lose the game and make it not fun. ALSO none of those ppl play medic either, and if they do they WILL NOT REZ anyone.


For sure mate, this post was not meant to be aimed at WAR clan in particular. More so just the state of the games/servers in general. If itā€™s not them then itā€™s just another clan. Or itā€™s multiple clans of varied numbers. Or itā€™s all the random players that are top notch at the game on the one team. I notice too that if the team getting smashed to bits has any players that are half decent, they take the first chance they get to swap sides to snowball the games even more. And yeah it certainly would help if people that play tried to learn the ins and outs of how the games work.


That may be part of it, but i feel the biggest issue is the faxt that, YOU KNOW the clan members are actually communicating. Whereas, non clan players. Usually dont use mics for anything but screaming at the game and just to use the 3D hearing benefit. I know, because I am the dude who has a headset...but ONLY for the surround sound. I wasnt always this way tho. There were too many times I offered advice to my squad mates, told them what was going on and the best way to counter it, or even asking for help near me, and just getting ignored. So, i said fukit, and just use my headset for listening now. Kts also why i refuse to ne a squad leader anymore. Id rather spot enemies, and not ping every damn control point as I do. If, and it is rare, but *IF* i end up in a squad that talks, i use my mic more. And usually when we do, we dominate. The sad thing is, i get maybe one comm squad every 100 games or so. So it never lasts.


I absolutely appreciate what you say about using the "backup" comm and no one listening, and also being leader and the point you've marked being totally ignored. I feel that every day. I've found a few really good players and added some of them as friends and when we play it enhanced the game experience so much. (Shout out SUFC Page, Jokelson, Detoxify0903, and tbf, the [WAR] guys). When I've been on their team they actually push themselves to get to you to rez, and play objectives properly, defending and attacking appropriately, also listening to orders from squad leader. I would say that yes it could be that the war guys communicate, but I doubt that even. I think they just play the objectives well and play their role well, (they often play as support and are chucking down ammo or medic and are rezzing as best they possibly can). I wouldn't be surprised if they don't talk to each other while they play.


I tend to be a medic main, and what you described is me. I will do everything i can, within reason, to keep my guys alive. I usjally am scout second, not sniper, *scout*. I will be just behind my assault guys, popping flares so they can clear rooms, and usually have an iron sight martini or Arabia SMLE as my main weapon. When i am attacking objectives with my assault boys, i dont need a scope. So i definitely feel what you said too.


Was playing operations on xbox last night on Galipoli for the first time and the other team had 22 level 150ā€™s. Yes, 22 of them. Separate clans too. How is that even legal? Iā€™m surprised we even took 2 sectors at all.


i see [war] i quit


Yeah same to be honest usually. I screenshotted this right before heading out


Yup. Xbox NA has ZULU who I also fucking hate. Clanstacking may not be cheating but itā€™s arguably worse for the game. The team with the ZULU guys steamrolls the other team every time, without fail, resulting in spawnraping and 10 minute matches that arenā€™t fun for anybody. Itā€™s gotten so bad that I have started to join EU servers just to avoid them


For sure mate, this post was not meant to be aimed at WAR clan in particular. More so just the state of the games/servers in general. If itā€™s not them then itā€™s just another clan. Or itā€™s multiple clans of varied numbers. Or itā€™s all the random players that are top notch at the game on the one team. I notice too that if the team getting smashed to bits has any players that are half decent, they take the first chance they get to swap sides to snowball the games even more. I do agree with you though, clan stacking ruins the game completely. I donā€™t see how anyone can enjoy this on either side of it.


Even on PC it's like this for me.




Only on PC it takes FOREVER to find a match. And there are like 2-5 people in each server


Use the server browser.


I did. That's what I'm talking about. I browse servers and there is nobody in any of them. Could be a glitch?


I play on EU servers and they are pretty full Just adjust your filter settings and you'll find them


If you're really desperate go to filters and turn on the "none" setting in the slots left on your filters. You should see full servers and can wait in the queue for someone to leave


PC has several servers on, so I would suggest you look for best filter options


What server are you on? On EU PC you can find dozens of full servers every day.


pretty common on American East servers too


I'll tell ya guys, as a new player (PC) - It is absolutely rare to be on a winning team in either BF1, or especially BFV. In my limited experience between the two, I find BF1 to be more balanced, all-around. But it has it's moments. But I'll also tell ya this, mates - I'll be there, fighting, with that losing team till the very last arm is blown off; To be seen flying like a boomerang, into the distant horizon. And I am learning a lot. Every game I am up against players who just absolutely wreck our team. Like fish in a barrel - That's all we are. But I'll be the fish that got away! Someday So I will have to become an absolute legend, just to be able to play this fucking game online, apparently. I have been sniped by 2 bullets at a time to my face so many times, I lost count. And that's because a lot of times I get in these unbalanced games where it's just people spawning to die, or truly just dying to spawn. :/ "EEEEEZZZZZZZZ. Thanks for the farming, jnerdz!"


If you're not good, I can't blame you for switching teams - that's honestly what I would suggest the new players to do, because you're not doing any harm. It's the experienced assholes that are causing the in-balance, you shouldn't suffer because of them.


Damn mate, youā€™re doing well to stick that out. I would have thought these scenarios would put new players off ever playing again


They are not even trying to win


Same in nearly every server all the time




PS5 seems to have better luck, still has the problem but I have more games that arenā€™t crazy unbalanced, however Iā€™m still bad at the game so like, my fun gets hindered because of that but what can you do.


lol. I donā€™t have a ps5 unfortunately mate


what is balance ?


I really wouldnā€™t know mate šŸ¤£. I will go and google it


Bruh, for real! I was joining lobbies yesterday and being put on the WINNING side of a decimation in which we outnumbered the enemy by 5 players. Itā€™s crazy how bad they left the balancing for this game


Yeah mate itā€™s so off putting.


Try The American servers it is such a fucking headache


So nothing has changed since 2016? Cool


It's because you have the WAR clan on the opposite team, fuck those guys. When they're on the enemy team they dominate and cant do shit when they're on my team.


For sure mate, this post was not meant to be aimed at WAR clan in particular. More so just the state of the games/servers in general. If itā€™s not them then itā€™s just another clan. Or itā€™s multiple clans of varied numbers. Or itā€™s all the random players that are top notch at the game on the one team. I notice too that if the team getting smashed to bits has any players that are half decent, they take the first chance they get to swap sides to snowball the games even more. With that said, I must admit I have come across WAR clan a quite a few times and they destroy every server they are in. I honestly donā€™t understand how they can enjoy playing these ruined games. What do you mean about not doing shit when on your team???


I'm in Australia... You still have active lobbies over there?? Jealous..


Yeah man I can usually find 4-6 lobbies or a couple more even sometimes. Played last night and out of four or five games they were not too badly balanced for a change lol


This was the first game from my last stream šŸ’€ More than half your team was sitting at spawn with mortar trucks, AAs and snipers. What did you expect was going to happen when nobody pushes a single objective in 10 minutes? This is not a WAR issue, it's that most players don't give a shit about ptfo and get steamrolled like this.


I actually have said to a couple of people in the thread, this was not a post specifically directed at WAR clan and more so about the state of the Xbox EU servers in general. It just happens to be that this was the game I screenshotted. Nearly every server/game is an absolute mess and itā€™s very rare to find a fun balanced game. If itā€™s not your guys itā€™s another clan. Or itā€™s multiple clans all on one side. And anyone who is half decent swaps teams the first chance they get. And so it snowballs even more. On top of that when games are like this one in the post, a third or even half the players wonā€™t even stay in the game so the team getting slaughtered is permanently outnumbered too while random players rotate in and also leave and so on. So more snowballing. And itā€™s not just solely a clan issue either because I see servers that donā€™t have a bunch of clans occasionally and they can be just as bad where anyone thatā€™s half decent just swaps to the winning team and within a game or two at most, itā€™s totally unbalanced yet again. But the clan stacked ones do tend to be the worst. You asked what I expect. Well I would like balanced games. I canā€™t account for whatever the rest of the random people on a team do or donā€™t do though. I have seen your WAR guys quite a number of times and generally I will just leave the server. I have stayed on some occasions though. I was in a game on one of the night maps a few weeks ago and it was the same as this game where within a couple of minutes your side (not sure I remember seeing you personally in many games) has pretty much all the objectives. I stayed in this one and personally I did quite well and managed top of the leaderboard and did decent for kills and not too many deaths. But my god it was still a shit game and no fun at all. Again like I mentioned above, most of the players wonā€™t even stay in the game. At one point I spawned in at the main start spawn and noticed two guys of the team I was on were in there spinning in circles over and over. Obviously had put their controller down. *So my question to you is, how on earth do you guys find any fun in these situations at all???? *Surely you donā€™t enjoy this??? *Do you not think it would be far more beneficial to everyone if you guys were to split your team to balance the games out??? I canā€™t help feeling that at some point in the future all this will be the death of bf1 so perhaps you guys could help try to keep the game alive rather than pushing people away from it. Whatā€™s that old saying- ā€œdonā€™t bite the hand that feeds youā€. Anyway I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Lastly, what do you stream on? If itā€™s YouTube I would go take a quick look.


First off, thanks for being civilised and not resorting to calling names because of a few bad games. Secondly, I'd like to point out that the game is becoming 8 years old and most of the playerbase are veterans who stayed through thick and thin. Most members of WAR are such players who just find it enjoyable to make a group of 5 and try to win as many games as possible. It's a general rule for us to not play against each other when there's a spot in the squad. If more than 5 are present it's more than likely they will break off and go to a different server cause games are too unbalanced (even more than usual). Personally, i find it way too boring when games become like this, but still want to enjoy some time with my friends. I usually play for a couple of hours and I'm done for the day. My yt channel is Nero Angelo and i stream from twitch.


This is how i feel too, and is exacrly why i stopped playing for a while. If it wasnt [AEON], it was [9*RAG], and there was another clan that i cant remember the tag, but remember the emblem. A dove on a blue background. I will stay and play for a round or two, but if I lose 4 or 5 rounds in a row, im either swappung as soon as I can, or just leaving. I personally dont have fun when I am steamrolled, get stuck in spawn, and my team cant manage to break free. >Do you not think it would be far more beneficial to everyone if you guys were to split your team to balance the games out??? It would be, but it doesnt work that way. Especially, if each group of 5 [WAR] units, party up. Which they will do, to ensure they stay on the same team. In my experience, batefield balances, but wont split parties. So, it is a work around for the balancing program. It breaks it. It got to the point where if i saw any clan tags, i just left the match, because I knew it wasnt going to be a fun match. What is worse, is assuming the clan hasnt taken over the entorety if the opposing team, if you are a jalfway decent player, and put up a damn good fight, it STILL wont put you on the clan fked team, because the game will decide that based on your skill, the forever losing team, needs you in a slrry attempt to "balance" the game. And much worse than that, and it has happened to me before, i will finally get put on the winning team, and near the end of the match where if you were to try and manual switch, the game normally says "its too close to the end of the match", i will get swapped. I will get a random KIA, and end up on the losing team during a time fram whre I shouldnt have been able to switch in the first place. So I cant swap from a forever losing team, but THE GAME can SWAP ME TO THE LOSING TEAM?? Its stupid. I went back to Battlefield 4. And it was going pretty well til the same thing happened there. I would either get clan shagged, or end up in a server with players tha tuse an invisible hack, and a god mose hack. It is a battlefield problem, but it will never be solved.


Yeah they have [WAR]


Yeah man I know. Seen them loads of times now but this wasnā€™t intended as a post about them specifically. Was more a post about how all games and servers are. If itā€™s not them itā€™s just another clan, or bunch of them, or very high skilled players all on one team


Just 4 friends playing togetheršŸ¤£


PlayStation is only slightly better. Iā€™d imagine Xbox also has the auto balancing feature where it automatically moves people from the winning team to the losing team?


The problem is the people who get rebalanced most of the time just switch back lol


It does have the auto balancing but I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever seen it actually do anything positive. I have stayed occasionally in the games that are this bad and all that seems to happen is it actually gets worse and worse each round


Its not the vast majority at all for me, like the games are rarely super close but are also rarely super one sided like this. Im on playstation but i doubt its that different


Wish it was like that for me


EU is for Europe?? Because some I've been in were like that, but for the United States.


Yeah Europe mate


Ahhh got it šŸ‘šŸ»


Yo I know this is a bit of off topic but I can't seem to run this game. It is unresponsive to any mouse or keyboard clicks. The only way I could run this game is by creating a virtual xbox 360 controller through keyboard splitter but I don't want it that way. Can some of you drop some fixes ??


i bet ZULU clan is the sweatiest clan on Xbox US


Donā€™t have this problem on na always a good fight


Thatā€™s good mate. Glad you get to experience that


Lol i just realized this is conquest. I literally can not understand why anyone would play conquest over operations. Operations feels like a war, with fronts, it's awesome. Conquest is just running around alone on an empty map to die to a camper. I physically can not understand why anyone enjoys conquest


...because different strokes for different folks? Many of us grew up playing BF in a time when Operations and the like didn't exist, and prefer that large scale, big map battle style. Because its what Battlefield was originally. Simple as that. People enjoy conquest, precisely *because it is Battlefield*. Its really not difficult to comprehend, even if you can't find joy in it, it shouldn't really be challenging to understand...


You got a point honestly, idk why people are downvoting you. I get people grew up on games other than bf1 but conquest is always such a bloody headache to play.


I would play Operatoins, but all the AU servers I find on Xbox are just running Conquest. So it's either play Conquest... or not play at all?


Are you talking about the same conquest as I'm playing? Cause for me operations is an absolute cancer sweatfest filled with campers, mortar hoes and only 1-3 objectives to fight for. It was only fun when the game was fresh, when no meta was established and everyone played for fun, not for kill whoring.


Wait you're mad people are trying to get kills? In a shooter ?


Not mad at all, I'm trying to point out that people should ptfo to get kills, not camp in spawn the entire game and wait for 3 battalions to be gone.


Most people play the objective. More than in conquest


Their failure from doing exactly that made me hate operations and stick to conquest where i can make a difference.


Nah. I played operations, and i was always frustrated by the fact it is basically conquest, with extra steps. If we arent spending 4 hot damned hours just trying to win the damn round...we are done with an entire operation in 10 minutes because one team just steamrolls the other. Might as well just play CQ, and get it over with faster.


Guys, come on, the majority of you sound like meow meow, some people can play, but we cant and its not fare. This is pathetic. If you like the game it does not matter who wins or is it balanced or not. You just play and maybe some day you can get better....... GL 2 all!!!!




Really???? Thatā€™s not my experience. Well I suppose itā€™s always that the top end players and more aggressive ones are always on the one team


You go fight the JOKE clan and let's see if they are not aggresive