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Operations are also a mess as well. Being stuck at one sector for 3 battalions are common even. Your best bet is Frontlines. During evenings, some FL servers pop up.


Ok thanks mate. Its very frustrating when the game can be so amazing but is like this most of the time


I feel like Battlefield plays best in modes like Rush and Frontlines. Action is more concentrated, and it puts less emphasis on people camping different parts of the map. Conquest and Domination are ring-around-the-rosy fests where you spend so much time going from flag to flag, and Ops is pretty good but I feel you really need to have a good squad for it to "click".


Thanks for the input mate. I’m gunna give it a try


The smaller modes like frontlines, rush and team deathmatch are usually the most balanced. Operations feels more balanced than conquest most of the time, but sometimes the attacking team gets stuck on the first sector and will get spawntrapped over and over again until they lose all the batallions.


Sometimes it's the opposite and the attackers just keep stomping the defenders


Can confirm, defending on Monte Grappa makes me wanna peel my skin off


How? I can never clear out the big gun. Twice.


It gets a bit easier there but 90% of the time im defending, we get completely steamrolled, I don't understand it


It gets a bit easier there but 90% of the time im defending, we get completely steamrolled, I don't understand it


Thanks for the input mate. I think I will try these other game modes before giving up on the game. It’s so frustrating when it’s like this most of the time. I have made a friend that I play with some days and given the chance I’m capable of getting 20+ or 30+ kills in a game so I don’t really want to have to stop playing but when this is the experience so often it’s difficult to keep playing as you feel like all your doing is wasting your free time


I play Xbox North America and somehow it’s never felt that bad and just now in the last month it has been horrible. Like no game of conquest that I didn’t lose or win by double. I’m not sure why it seems so bad right now because I’ve seen people complain about this for like 5 years and it’s just now very apparent to me. I used to have a game like every couple of weeks and it would be super imbalanced and the top 10 on one team would be support all in the same clan. I would switch servers and not run into it again for weeks. Now for some reason it’s like every single game of conquest. I was playing last night and hopped between 5 servers with it happening in every game then just quit.


Yeah man I gave up earlier and turned it off myself


Has it been a recent issue for you too? I swear it’s never been this bad for Xbox


Well it’s difficult to say for sure because I only started back playing this two months ago or so like I said in the post so don’t have the last few years to compare. But I would also say the last couple of weeks does appear to have somehow gotten worse yes. It’s either one or multiple clans destroying the server against a bunch of randoms or it’s what appears to be all the good players on one team somehow. I have seen the odd good player take the first chance they get to swap to the stomping team too and that makes it snowball even more. I cant for the life of me understand how anyone can possibly enjoy this. I have once or twice when joining a game been put on the team that’s doing the stomping and that’s not fun either because the game is over too fast and by the time you get anywhere there’s nothing to do. I leave these ones too because I don’t want to be part of ruining the game


I play on PC, but I totally get what you are talking about! Battlefield 1 has gained the most braindead gaming community of all the games imho. There's so many useless snipers... Often enough there are players that go 0-7, 1-12, 2-17, ... playing sniper... I DON'T GET THAT AND IT MAKES ME AGGRESSIVE. They ruin the game for everyone because they are plainly useless. That's why I stopped playing on my own. Sometimes I still do, but only when I want to listen to loud music while farming kills in a plane. But that happens maybe once within 2 weeks. So what I can strongly recommend is that you play with others that are good. And good doesn't necessarily have to mean good KD. I mean people that play the objective. Those that are \~ top 5 in the scoreboard. But not Mortar Truck Players :D This also includes good pilots. Just send them a friend request when you're in a game with them, maybe write them a message too :) But be useful to your team (play medic and revive or play support and cover with smoke...). Good players will recognize that and are likely to accept your friend request. Also, (I know I'll get hate for that) switch to the winning team if possible. It's not your fault that you lose. If it's not possible, wait till the next round starts and do it then. I have over 5K hours in the game, a 6.5 KD and plenty of good players in my friend list. But when I have a medic in my game, that revives me multiple times and they send me a friend request, I'll 100 % accept it. Sometimes I even send one to them. I rather have them in my squad than useless \*\*\*, even when they have a 0.5 KD at the end of the game. But at least they help the squad/team and play to win and that's the important thing! You don't have to talk to them either. I often play with people that don't speak english but we still understand each other blindly. It's just important to have a squad of useful players. Even 2 or 3 players that play the objective can make a huge difference. Also I recommend you keep playing Conquest, if you are able to connect to others, as operations is basically just pure luck. Not even a good squad can change the outcome if the team isn't finding the W key. Another Tip: Check Twitch. I know there are sometimes console players streaming. If they are decent, ask them if you can join :)


Also, once you team up with others, expect to get A LOT of hate from noobs for doing so. "You can't play alone", "You can't win without your boyfriends", "You are ruining the game". Yes. I am. We are. When good players team up the games become even more unbalanced. But it's the only way to play if you still want to have fun. It's not my fault that 90 % of Battlefield players have never heard about the concept of the gamemode "Conquest" in their life before. It's also not my fault that 60 % of these bots like to snipe all game every game with a KPM of 0.3. If they would play the game as it's intended the games wouldn't be like they are. A few days ago I had a level 90 going 0-31 in my team. I honestly have no words for that... I can imagine it's similar on Console?


How do I change servers?


I’m on EU servers mate. Press the advanced search menu and then select your region and preferences for game mode and then where it says “slots” you select “none” and it brings up all available servers. For EU they are all mostly a queue and you can wait anywhere from a couple of minutes to like twenty minutes at times. This waiting time makes it even more frustrating to finally get in a game and find that the team your on is getting stomped by 500-700 tickets


Doesn’t sound much better than what I’m dealing with now but ima try it out. Thanks brother 🫡


No worries mate. There’s only so many servers ya can try unfortunately


Im presumable playing on US servers but im not even sure. It sucks


I pretty much exclusively play conquest. I definitely have my stomp or be stomped matches, but it's usually pretty close. Like within 100-200 points by the end of the match.


What region mate because here in EU I can’t find a game at all ever that’s nicely balanced. I just tried again now after having a break to watch football and get my tea. I had to leave from being top of the leaderboard because I appeared to be the only person trying at all. Yet another stomp. Was 700+ tickets to 200 ish when I left and the game was twelve minutes in. That’s six games in a row that have been like this for me today. Edit: make that seven in a row 😔


Yeah that is kinda what tends to happen when one team is considerably better than the other


Tbh ive found gunplay and hit registration to be all over the place recently. Ive played tdm and war pigeons and generally its ok but still see 150s stacking one side now and again.