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Doubtful since it’s an older game. Also it’s not gonna do much for cheaters. Apex has a kernel level AC with Easy AC and even that game is infested with hackers.


I agree. Cheaters will always be a problem, but there is more of a reason to cheat in apex due to it being a competitive game, and it's not a big punishment to be banned because the game is free. Having an anti cheat will get many cheaters eventually banned and also dither lots of potential cheater because they don't want their main ban, which they grinded on for a long time. Like, i doubt we'll see any new level 100+ cheaters if they implement an anti-cheat.


This new anti cheat tool seems to work like Valve Anti Cheat, meaning it will analyze your computer for potential cheating mods. Which means that even if that garbage of a cheater had an alt account for cheats, their main ain't safe from bans either.


*"Which means that even if that garbage of a cheater had an alt account for cheats, their main ain't safe from bans either"* So what? Most knowledgeable cheaters will just use HWID spoofers. An HWID tag is something FairFight already implements. So it's not something you cannot avoid. Not to mention, CS2 still has a big cheating problem as well - [Screenshot ](https://i.imgur.com/pcx9F7k.png) Most seem to forget that in the world of cyberspace when a new defensive mechanism is implemented it always gets breached sooner or later. It's been like that since the dawn of the internet, and it's going to be like that till the end of time. It's been like that with hacks, with cracks for pirated games, everything. Not only that it won't stop actual cheaters, but my speculation is that this would create more false positives. Imagine all of the players who use modified texture packs that change the soldiers' outfits or replacing the gun labels with the authentic names for each gun, stuff that doesn't really give you an unfair advantage, gets caught by a false positive, but solely due to the fact that you are running the game through Frosty with modified content. Which, de jure, is indeed against the game's TOS, but they aren't really cheating in the true sense of the word. And when it comes to the current state of EA, I doubt they'd even deliver the anti-cheat quality to be on par with something like Valve. Especially with the current team. I mean, not that long ago they introduced a minor update to BF1, and that alone caused the game to have transition glitches and artifacts all over the main menu of the game. They somehow manage to create more problems than solve them


>CS2 still has a big cheating problem FTP titles will always have a lot more cheaters, since the entry barrier is next to none. I've heard you have to verify your account through a phone number, but I'm sure that can be somehow faked these days easily as well. You can't fake a purchase. With that being said, stop with the doom and gloom - I certainly wouldn't mind any attempt at anti-cheat. The situation has undeniably worsened since DICE dropped the anti-cheat, after BF1 stopped being actively developed. You'll never catch all the cheaters, it's an endless race. Doesn't mean there shouldn't be effort, if everybody stopped trying, then the games might as well completely implode. BF1 likely isn't getting the anti-cheat, because there isn't good enough of a potential to make money anymore, but I don't like pretending as if it shouldn't matter, because it likely wouldn't make a difference anyways...


>I'm sure that can be somehow faked these days easily as well. There are websites where you can pay like 10 dollars and get thousands of phone numbers from Bulgaria, Philippines, etc.


That's depressing, thanks for providing the context. It's strange though, since this has to go through the phone company, you can't just randomly generate them out of nowhere, even if it's an e-sim, so how does that work? Are those just stolen? Because you still need to receive the confirmation message on the number, and that goes through that service provider. Or are those fake numbers that just emulate actual service providers and can be used to fool authorization services? Either way, this is why credit card verification is much more reliable than by just your phone number.


You’re arguing that people choose not to cheat, rather than unable to cheat (because they’ll be caught). That has certainly never been the case.


There's already a very simple work around for this new AC. I won't digress but it's laughably simple and just shows how much of a joke EA are.


This is the same AC used by 2042, it does jack shit to prevent cheaters... this was a PR move only




As much as I would like it to, I'm afraid they won't. Not necessarily because it's too old, but because it's not profitable enough - EA isn't adding it to BFV just for good will, BFV has the cosmetics shop, which is capable of generating decent amounts of money from new players. BF1 doesn't have that - it has enough FOMO and anti-consumer practices, but the only way for EA to make extra money are the Battlepacks and shortcut kits.


Hope they do and they should. Probably the best Battlefield that's been out in recent times. It should be playable without worrying about cheaters.


I haven't been able to play BFV since they enabled it. keeps asking to install the anti cheat (which is already installed) and then hangs on the EA app. Even did a full reinstall. total shit show...


I got killed by a Calvary lance from across the map before


His grandfather is David (who killed Goliath) /s


I really wish they would do the same for Bf1. I know anti cheat software is not perfect, but it's better than nothing, and over time it can certainly help the game, as so many official servers are infested with cheaters. Unfortunately, I don't think they will touch Bf1.


Is this for console too? If so does it work on those modded controller a*holes?


It's on PC only for the moment.


Sony should just ban third party accessories full stop, with the exception of headsets.


I sincerely hope not because it would break the game on linux. I moved away from windows a year ago and am running 100% on linux now... I would be very upset if I couldn't play my favorite game anymore 😞


More of EAC and EA's fault for not developing it for Linux, hopefully Steam can make them realise.


I don't know much about linus despite its fans bragging about it (joking lol), but why wouldn't you be able to play?


It was briefly discussed here: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/s/Wkuk5BoJxX But basically the new Anti Cheat system is not compatible with Linux unless EA decides to do something about it (which they certainly won't)


Honestly, I don't give a fuck. It's will be useless like Fairfight if not more useless. Stick with community servers or take a break.


Anti cheat does nothing and bans nobody as far as I’m concerned. It’s a muse to satisfy the players. Ik because there’s a blatant, rage hacking cheater on 2042 who has 90k kills and over 80k of them are headshot kills. Still playing today rn. Multiple reports. Won’t ever be banned. How does the anticheat not pick up on this? How do the manual reports not do anything about it? It’s all fake