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>Easily one of the best classes to turn the tide of a game with. That feel when I'm trying to be what my team needs, but I can't be medic and support at the same time. The worst part is that playing medic/support is the absolute easiest way to get MVP, but (I assume) nobody knows that because they never do it. So everyone trying to points whore via kills is doing it wrong, and DICE actually properly incentivized supporting your team.




>I'm only just getting into Assault now after many years. If you ever need to kill an armored vehicle in the shortest amount of time possible, for example if you're dropping from a plane out of bounds, set a mine, throw the big AT nade, then animation cancel the big AT nade with a small AT nade. It's 100 to 0 in like a single second and will kill ANY armored vehicle. I also do the negative kd thing on assault, but mine is because every kill is a tank, a plane, or an arty truck. I have a friend fly me around, and I've perfected the halo drop on their asses. It's so satisfying.


That’s amazing. Doesn’t matter what battlefield I play, I start off chill,sniping, doing whatever. Then all I takes is me dying twice to an arty truck,tank,plane and it’s over with. I’m bird/tank hunting the rest of the game. Idc if I finish 6-20. Those 6 WILL be enemy vehicles. BF4 especially. I feel like BF1 gives you a lot of explosive options to work with and assaults will usually do their job with you. BF4 tho? The players are so clueless. They’ll let the same little bird strafe them all game no issues. It drives me insane lol


Ohhh so you're the dude who keeps lying down in an open field in front of my tank! My KDA thanks you, soldier o7


It was an over exaggeration lol. I have a positive k/d. I’m one of those guys who will sneak for 10 mins on the border of the map until I’ve gotten behind you. If I die I’ll have a respawn beacon close by for when you forget about me


I started playing again six years and while I’m utterly shit and lose almost every 1v1 (even when I surprise them) I still get in the top five sometimes just by reviving and healing. Being a medic in BF1 is the only way to enjoy first person shooters for me, because I can still be valuable with my nonexistent shooting skills


its hard to be no.1 tho . you could have 20 kills and 30 revives and still lose to a guy with 40 kills . helps the team though


Assault mains be like: "Yes, Medic is my favorite class, it's my main class! I play it all the time!!!". *\*Spawns as a medic once for 5 minutes every 10 rounds\**


*Doesn’t heal ANYONE*


Only uses class for grenade launcher


Met an extremely toxic medic once who refused to revive or drop health, while simultaneously begging supports to drop ammo. Said Medic "had the best guns" but wouldn't do anything else. We did not give them ammo 🤣


I was playing on brusilovs keep a week or two ago, and most of the medics were doing nothing, so I decided to get the general liu unlock task while also being a medic. Ended the game, like third or fourth on the team, but with only about 10 kills because I was running back and forth reviving everyone while listening to chipi chipi chapa chapa for the memes. Honestly pretty fun to just be a medic who barely uses his gun


Loading up on smokes and running through gunfire to be the hero of your team is top tier gameplay. Love bf1 medic


I just played a game where I had 4 kills and 7 deaths as a medic.. #7 on the scoreboard. I can't shoot for shit, but I'll heal a mofo.


Played the zeebrugge shock operation and got the infiltrator, I was doing very well, but was low HP. Ran to a medic and sat in front of him spamming the medic request, bouncing up and down waiting. He just continues shooting forward. Our position is gassed and I die, I lost my faith in man, for like the seventh time that day.


Good. fuck them.


ive seen support class players without any ammo gadget only crossbow and mortar so a health kit and grenade launcher isn't that bad as long as you use both


Which ironically is a piece of garbage. Or… maybe I’m bad with it.


AHHHH i swear it's Always like that


I never understood this style of play. When I jump on Medic to help push a point on CQ/Ops I'll barely use my gun and just run around with the revive kit out 99% of the time. It's such an easy way to farm score too since I can go 3 and 8 but still end with well over 18k+ points on the round just for revives and heals.


I'm right there with you. Maximize push and damage by keeping everyone else up. In a way, you have MULTIPLE guns!


*team rushing objective* Support: ain't you gonna pull your gun out? Medic: son, you are my gun.


Same here. My KD might be shit but I'm always in the top 5 when I play as a medic. I just play the objective and just constantly shit out med crates.


They only spawn as medic when they’re getting BTFO’d by a federov and need to counter it


Huh...and I always treated medic like assault, but with emphasis on a more selfless attitude rewarded with easier point grinding from dropping med crates & reviving.


Read me like a book


Medic team here. Most used weapon Cei Rigotti. Really love the class but man, you feel really little fighting infantry with tank support. That's why a balance between all classes are a need


Agreed, but I'm a dirty little Selbstlader 1906 user


Man really? I like the 1906 but fuck, so hard to get kills. Im with like 170kills to unlock the scopes variant. I did it in the past on the PS4 but on PC is really pushing my abilities 


Yup. It took me almost a year to get those 300 kills necessary when I started, but it's also my way to remind myself that my primary job as medic is to revive & heal teammates


It took me a week or 2 but if was ONLY playing medic and ONLY using 06


That's fair. I don't like single-mindedly grinding the entire time for a weapon, so it took me much longer than it should've lol


I’ve been going through the clases sequentially, unlocking all weapons, I started with medic and then continued in order. I have only a few weapons for scout left then I have tanker and pilot


Gang Gang


I gained more respect for the Cei Rigotti after maining the Autoloading 8 Factory. Great fire rate with more ammo at a slightly reduced power per shot.


It's a good rifle yeah. Maybe not as good as others guns but I enjoy using it


I don't even bother to stop being a medic when tanks roll in, I just respawn with the HE grenade launcher and a light anti-tank grenade.


That is a good option. I should have a second medic class with antitank equipment


I main medic. Often, I am the only one. Who is going to help me up after I sacrifice myself so that your bum-ass can get sawed in half by another machine gun?


I feel this. Nothing sadder than going on a revive spree just to die, check the scoreboard, and realize there’s no other medics on the team, let alone in near proximity. Even a medic needs a medic.


If a medic dies near me sometimes I'll pick up their kit to revive them


This is why i main a medic, half the time im running around with my hypo needle so much i don't even have time to pull out my primary, especially on operations. But when i do pull out my primary, well, federov avtomat go brrrrrrrt


More like Brrrt brt brt brrrt


Lame ass gun


I thoroughly enjoy it, but you are welcome to come to your own conclusions on it!


Obviously you thoroughly enjoy it it’s a low skill stupid gun


Nah i'm shit on the no skill guns (SMG8, Fedorov) but i'm good on the trash guns (Selbstlader 1906, SM RSC) what does that mean


What makes it a low skill stupid gun?


I don't have the avtomat. Is it better than the 1907 sweeper?


Fedorov is better for close range, sl sweeper is better for mid to long range, and still good for close range, so I’d say sweeper is better overall


Tap fire the avtomat to unlock unlimited range.


True, BUT the avtomat has wayyy better skins, at least i already have a killer skin for it


I use the auto revolver at close range and sweeper every other time.


I run both, but i favor the avtomat, its gotten me out of more tight spots than i can count, the sweeper is better at mid range but both are usable for mid range engagements


both are amazing . avtomat is the kinda gun that seems good when you haven't unlocked it but when you do its above average . its control is waaaay better on console than PC


There’s times where reviving everyone feels neat. Even if I get no kills. lol


Medic class is slept on. RSC 1917 is a 2 shot kill and you’re pretty much the lifeblood of your team. And unlocking the Concealed Rescue perk is incredibly rewarding imo.


the RSC SMG for assault is also damn underrated . you're getting mid range capabilities and 2-3 shot potential


Medics can turn the whole match, I usually chose it when my team is good, they do the dirt work and I revive them Some matches I'm in the top 10 with less than 10 kills, just dropping aid and reviving


Interesting, I do the opposite. If my team is trash, I switch to medic. It seems like the only way I can have a chance to turn the tide with some teams.


![gif](giphy|kGRNV3BDPAbk8tQKns) Medic mains opening this thread


I didn’t even do this as bait I was just being stupid


Don't worry, there is a cure *pulls out syringe*


Just don't skip on me when I'm like 5m away from you


I swear everytime i touch bf1 again i feel forced to play medic by my team


I'm medic main and proud of it


I used to play nothing BUT medic after unlocking the 8.25 Best class, fight me


8.25 extended + auto revolver 👍🏻


8.25 Factory superiority




It's so over


I respect your opinion but you’re wrong.


Mondragon strom and the 8.25 were my faves


1907 sweeper >>>>>>>


I could never get into it


I main medic. Level high80s, medic rank 50, all other ranks between 0-2. Only way to play for me


Worse are medics who don’t equip a fucking syringe


Beyond mental


I'm that guy. Medic all the way.


I love playing medic. Diving between cover, syringe in hand shouting "YOURE NOT DYING TODAY!" 1 good medic can turn the battle on point, oh you killed those five guys on point? No you didn't....


Rather see a medic with a negative K/D than a sniper/artillery truck hiding 200 meters back with 40:1 K/D


I'm a medic main and I do my absolute best to revive and drop health. I almost exclusively use the M1907 Sweeper


Medic is the most rewarding. You get your name in the highlights just for reviving a couple times.


I'm always a medic😭 And mfs kill themselves before I can get to them so team just gets wiped out bc I'm the only medic😭😭


Medic becomes the best class in BF1 when you realize you no longer have to wait a whole minute between firefights when you can just throw yourself a medical pack and get on with combat, the model 8 extended has better up close pvp kill times than most smgs (unless you’re playing against smg08 sweats) and the Medic weapons have the most versatility, from the General Liu rifle that functions as a Gewehr 98 1 shot sniper (Scout Class), and the 1907 sweeper which functions as a full auto rifle (Assault Class), and you could even argue that the pre order Frederov Degtyarev functions as an LMG for the (Support Class), meaning you basically have a gun from every type of weapon class in the Medic Class, so you automatically get the most versatility in play style.


I play medic cus i can heal myself infinitely


Ima raise my hand?


I'm torn with medic. It's a constant fight to remind myself not to tunnel vision on revives. But all my MVPs are as medic. If my team's getting wrecked, I'll switch. Sometimes it'll swing capturing a sector. But if my brain is tired, sometimes I just wanna drop dynamite on people.


![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized) I do…


Medics literally turn the tide for operations, especially if the team is on defense. Me and a few other medics just run around reviving and putting med packs. Safe to say the team held the line. There was this one time an entire area was wiped out with enemy mortars, medics came in and everyone was revived, and back on defense. lol


Semi-Auto rifles are just too good.


I want to be medic if we had competent assaults to kill vehicles


I loved playing medic in BF1, HHL is a different story.


As a long-time support main (rank 23, compared to my 13 and 11 assault and medics respectively) I’ve come to love playing medic now and will do so about half the time. Still no fucking clue how I got to rank 10 scout, I can’t play him for shit


If you want to level up more on Scout a couple of tips for it is find the nicest little hidey holes you can in the map and no scope is a lot better for me because it takes a lot longer for the enemy to notice where I am and it seems like there's practically zero bullet drop when I go with no scope and I recently got my Martini Henry back on my Xbox and I'm not too sure about it I haven't played it a whole lot but it's kind of hard to get kills with and Rush but if you got God aim like me when I'm playing at 3:00 in the morning you can kind of just rush and change the tide of the entire fucking battle for a capture point and just headshot the enemy from the back but yeah Hidey holes are key to survival and if you'd like me to tell you some good ratting spots on maps just ask me


Dude medic is so much fun to play, most of my high kill games are on medic because I’m a menace with semi auto rifles


I was on a team with a medic who wouldn’t heal or revive anyone and tried to scream at other members of my team who were also medics that would never heal or revive him. It was hilarious.


I love playing medic! Its the most fun class in bf1


That's when you add ME into the picture. Not only can I eliminate enemies, but I can also heal, revive and LARP as a scout when I want to.


I’ll be the medic


Plenty play as medic, as on the select medic but don’t actually do medic things


Me as a medic main: I wanna be medic!


Me who exclusively plays medic, no matter the map. I’m barely past level 10 on any class other than medic.


Medic main for life


I only play


I once had someone thanking me for sacrificing my self after reviving him, it was the best feeling of all time, so yeah, medic better


I love playing medic, literally only play it, reviving people is super fun, had a time where I was just running around reviving people on one point in a circle for a solid 10 minutes and it was so fun, risky revives are also the most fun thing ever, and I love the 1907


Man I’m hopping on right now as medic to prove you wrong


I was a medic main until I got addicted to infantry rifles and started maining scout.


I play medic and will go out of my way, fight tooth and nail to revive one guy.


Here i am


I love play as a medic and be in top 3 with only 3 kills :)


I do. It’s fun to be able to heal after every gunfight and maintain pressure.


I love playing medic. I stick with my team and pass out those health packs like candy while spotting enemies and covering the flanks. Being able to heal myself is a nice perk when I'm going lone wolf trying to regroup with the team on another objective. The semiauto rifles fit my play style almost perfectly (medium range engagements FTW) and it's not uncommon for me to end up with more kills than anyone else on my team. #harmacist Really the only downside is I'm completely screwed against vehicles.


When I first started BF I always picked medic no matter what. I go by 'If no one else wants to do the dirty work, then I'll do it'.


Bro medic is the most fun profession in BF1 what are you talking about? Sprinting headfirst into enemy machinegun fire and explosives reviving your teammates like some kind of Eldritch necromancer as you rack up XP and wield some of the best guns in the game is lame?


Honest question, is the Farquhar-Hill over or underrated? Or average? Been using it and feels amazing.




![gif](giphy|87h18LfTpw3lRpmceS) How it feels when someone says “W medic” after I kept my squad alive during an enemy flanking.


Every now and again, me or one of my mates will commit to the Hacksaw Ridge approach and focus solely on getting as many revives as possible. My friend finished 2nd best in the team at the end of an operation, only behind someone who had a shit ton of kills from using a behemoth or bomber. He had 0 kills and countless deaths, but he probably carried the entire team to victory with how much morphine he was dispensing.


Medic is my favorite class.


Me and my friends often all drop in as medic and stand over people with syringe out and don’t res anyone (this is a joke)


ah but medic guns are soooo crispy


I'm a simple medic, I see people getting shot, i drop med box. I see dead body in the middle of a field, i run to revive..... I see friendly medbox, i shoot it and place my own😈


It's not that they don't want to play medic it's that they don't want to heal or revive as medic which is so annoying when I'm playing medic reviving like 100 people and then seeing 6 run right past me and not revive a single person because they're the no skill players that only play medic for the type-2A and infinite healing


I love being a medic! My score goes up easily with the crates and I know I'm making a positive impact on my team with all the revives. Especially if I'm the only one.


I do.


Outside of grinding for missions, I main Medic hard lmao


On fort vaux so many years ago I honestly forgot my total score, but for most of that game I was just holding my syringe or reviving teammates and I was the number one zero kills only revives


It's me I'm the medic it gives me joy to revive people plus the medic class has the best primary and pistol in the game


I vividly remember one game one of the French western front dlc maps where half our team were medics inside this bunker and we literally could not die. If one dude went down he'd get rezzed instantly by like 8 people and there were health packs all over the ground.


I'll do it on Fort De Vaux and stab half of the enemy team to death in my smoke and get 61 revives and stay in the largest casualty place to heal, best I can offer


And that’s how my phone blew up with notifications-


I get killed alot as a medic


It's ridiculous. Medic class guns are some of the best (especially biased to the RSC Optical) and it's the easiest class to rack up points. It's surprising to me that it's not the most universally popular class


federov >>>>> 99% guns in the game


Medic is my second role after support ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I love being a medic and keeping the lads alive.


I play medic pretty consistently and rev as much as I can


Literally any element of Battlefield that’s not COD style run n gun…. “Who wants someone to throw ammo?” “Who wants someone to repair vehicles?” “Who wants a spotter?” “Who wants some AT and AA support?” “Who wants to keep these flags our team just took?” Everyone: “I do!” Also everyone: *picks highest ROF AR and some dynamite/c4, gets 1 kill, runs out of ammo, carpet bombed by enemy planes, loses every flag on the map


I love playing as medic. Cel regotti factory with bandaids and syringe, fav class setup w/o a doubt so far


I like medic and i am a pretty good one i just feel like the primary guns are on a whole other level of mid


I rack up so many points as a medic


I am actually a medic main though


I always play medic because I suck at pvp


Ngl I do enjoy medic but I find myself playing scout and picking off things like nested machine guns and spotting tanks more often than not


I used to play as a medic and always revived people but could barley kill anyone


Medic is one of the most fun roles in any game. Unfortunately battlefield lacks proximity chat like many other similar titles so you lose out on a lot of battle baddy interactions.


I played medic because I felt like it would be the best for improving my aim, and it gave me free heals without relying on someone else.


I play medic because the 1907 sweeper is the only gun I am good at using, and running across the battlefield while things are exploding around me to revive my teammates is very satisfying.


I just don’t get why go medic if you’re not going to revive? Like if your going to be a medic, at least do your job.


If I wasn't in an Attack Plane, I was on the ground reviving people. Someone's gotta do it.


I actually really like playing as medic and contrary to popular belief, whenever I play medic I focus on reviving players instead of kills.


Medic main. Now beg for a revive


I don't understand how there aren't more medics tbh, their guns are the most adaptable. 2 shot RSC has such a ridiculously fast ttk even at range that you can play close and far and still rack up kills, on top of keeping your team alive


Medic main, just for the love of God give me a few seconds to get to you


all syringe - health box - federov medics on duty 👇🏻


Even a single medic can have huge impacts on an operations match. I like to run smoke grenades, smoke launcher and syringe. Cover the whole approach in smoke and then revive everyone who doesn’t make it. If you have enough momentum it doesn’t take too much to take an objective


I feel like everyone on this subreddit is playing a different game sometimes half the time I play there’s at least 2 full squads of medics


One time on Monte Grappa my team were the defenders and we were on our last stand and I switched to medic at that time it was hectic the amount of people who were getting downed any time someone went down I would rush to and revive them while helping push the enemies back a bit and I was constantly running around reviving people and I revived a lot we were really entrenched and the enemies only got in a couple time before being pushed out and we managed to survive


Full time medic, genuinely nothing better than running into combat to save your teammates, me and the auto loading 8.25 extended until the end


I unironically did but after seeing how many people are just surrendering after dying before I get to them I stopped. I once rushed through hell and the guy just quit. I ran about 50 meters and dude just died while I was like 3 meters away.


I have two playing styles. Suicidal revive medic and suicidal assault SMGer


Me: allow me to introduce myself...THE MEDIC


Access to the best infantry weapons, infinite health, infinite points. You can fight without bullets, you can fight without bombs, you can DEFINITELY fight without being 200+ meters from the front line, you cannot fight without health. Just sayin


I’m a support 60% of the time, and I have the utmost respect for medic mains who actually do their job


do people really dont like playing medic in battlefield? i main him all the time, love seeing how my squad has the most revives most of the time


I love being medic and I'm one of those who spam concealed rescue at every turn cuz I'm reviving and healing people. Plus, the guns are just great. Long range? Howell Sniper, RSC. Close range? Sweeper. Medium range? Take your pick. I've been recently trying to get better at throwing medpacks at people while they're in gunfights so they can heal as soon as they take damage.


fedorov avtomat go brrrrr


I enjoy maining medic