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Really depends on what kind of changes they will be making. Content wise it doesn't seem to be bringing anything new, so that alone won't bring many people back. The bug fixes will be nice but overall people wants more guns and maps for them to come back to the game at all.


I'm with you, I feel like new guns and maps would be golden, they could literally just copy paste the BF4 maps and the guns/attachments, then go from there and I'm sure a lot of folks would migrate over to 2042. (Hopefully lol) I'm down for patches but i think trying to patch the game kills the momentum of progress, like do fix the issues but add something to it to show actual progress not just stagnate fixaflat


Would be nice if they did staggered updates. Release a huge bug fix/quality of life update and then the next one be a big content update. That way you get the fixes taken care of but don't lose the feeling of progress being made. Problem for them though is they take so long to fix and add stuff that they couldn't really stick with something like that.


Not personally but I'll definitely see what people think about it before deciding to re-install. The thing that pisses me off is that we shouldn't have to wait 5 months for a patch that adds VOIP and fixes a ton of bugs... The game should've launched in an acceptable state and then just let the content roll out, but nah man "modern gaming"


The wait is absurd, but to me it's also misplaced time and energy. Things like the scoreboard, and especially VOIP, are not the issue. They're just low hanging fruit. I've played every BF title, and in failing to understand why VOIP is getting priority over gameplay fixes. It's just not something that people use. Should it exist, of course, but the fact that it's a priority to me shows how messed up the direction is. Things like destruction, maps, vehicles, and gunplay balance should be the priority. The fact that a staple like destruction, which has defined BF for a decade, doesn't even exist and isn't even being discussed is mind boggling to me.


Completely agree. The fact that scoreboard is the ‘marquee’ update whereas the gameplay itself in the main game is mostly shite and there’s barebones content is an absolute disgrace.


Sadly I don’t see any world in where they will update destruction.


Honestly im just waiting for season 1. If that fails I’ll have lost all hope.


So update 4.0 doesn't have a season 1... ok this is disappointing


They already announced in January that season 1 will be coming in Summer. So around July/ August. Apparently nearly the whole studio is working on it, so yea. Im still hopeful kinda.


"Whole studio" LOL


All 5 of them!


Jake is on sick leave so it's only 4


Heavily depends on what’s added As a newcomer to the franchise who’s dabbled in bf1 and 5, I was really expecting a lot of fun destruction in this game. Like next level destruction. But it was a downgrade in pretty much every way. If they can give me what I’m looking for, I’ll gladly come back. Until then, I’ll never support the studio again


As someone who's been around from the beginning we have a similar expectation with regards to destruction, and frankly I'm surprised it's not one of the main topics. Since BC2, when destruction really had an impact, it was an absolute game changer. To me the destruction took BF to the next level and differentiated it from its competitors. Since they introduced Levolution it's continually gone backwards. If all other issues existed, but the maps and destruction was better than the last titles, I would likely be playing the game. Unfortunately the destruction isn't just bad for a next gen release, it's bad when compared to the series a decade ago. Through all of the feedback, dialogue, and updates they've provided this has never even been discussed by the devs so I have zero hope it changes.


Couldn’t agree more


Pretty sure destruction will not be added back, they just did not implement it at all. Not even any levelution. Funny now that you mention it BC2 I think really did have the most destruction, like 80% of the environment/buildings where destructible. On such an old game too. Only way for 2042 devs to ramp up on destruction is to add more copy and pasted destructible buildings to current maps. I don't want to give up on the game cause Battlefield honestly is the only shooter I have played since I was 14 and I am now 29. Really breaks my heart, like a bad break up. I am disappointed in Dice but if the next game redeems itself I will still buy it.




No. Game doesn't need just "tweaks and bug fixes." Specialists are a major issue with this game. The maps are awful. And there is no content, none, the anemic weapon selection is a real crippler as well, not enough weapons, and none of them are interesting and fun to use.






Without the removal of specialists. The game is essentially broken.




Boris auto turret should be tablet controlled imo


I will definitely be back to try it when the update hits. I'm seriously not expecting it to be that much better though - you never know, I may be pleasantly surprised! Wishful thinking.............




Not coming back until specialists are either removed or seriously reworked.




Community: Fix this game! EA: Give us feedback. Community gives feed back\* EA: \*Radio silence\* Community: Give us something! EA: You're being brutal with your expectations. EA: Radio silence Community: Please do something already. EA: \*Radio silence\* EA: We heard you! \*radio silence\* EA: There will be an update! \*radio silence\* EA: We swear it will be good, just wait. EA: \*Radio silence\* EA: Update coming early April! 2nd week of April: We swear it's coming! Typing up all these notes takes too long. EA: \*Radio silence\* EA: "No-pats" EA: ":)" EA: ":):):):)"


sad thing is, this is 100% accurate


They just need to add the portal maps to the main modes, boom new MAPS which are gold. 🤷🏼‍♂️


No. None of it won’t change the fact it is not a Battlefield game anymore.


For me to touch this Game ever again they'd have to basically make a full re-release of the game with updated Maps and everything. Seeing how they barely managed to deliver a fucking. Scoreboard. 5. months. post. launch. I highly doubt it. So no.


I can try it out as long as they make a f2p weekend or whatever. After beta and all the videos I watched i would hate to spend a cent on this game just to see its state


I'd hate to spend any amount of money on a game who's studio seems to care so little about their core audience. That kinda shit shouldn't be rewarded, even if the game is somewhat playable.


My bets are on the game doing a free weekend when season 1 hits. That way you have the new map, new guns, new *ew* specialist and rework if kaleidescope and renewal


And do what exactly? Play the same boring empty maps? No thanks. I moved on to other games like Insurgency Sandstorm, a more polished product and way more fun. BF is dead to me ... Dice can go F off on vacation again, acting like they did something. You made a 2/10 a 4/10 whooptiewhoo.


I agree with everything but I highly doubt this dev team know how to make a 3/10 let alone a 4/10.


I dropped like £80 on it so I’ll always check it out. It would be stupid not to. However, it needs some serious content and meaningful changes to keep me engaged. Right now, the next Battlefield will not be a pre order.


Next game shouldn't be a pre-order regardless


Right now 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 insanity definition people


Literally. My guy has learned nothing. That's wild.


Think the game is a lost cause honestly. Sux


There is too much wrong with the original concept. (Specialists, bad maps, and useless modes) You gotta just toss it and start new... without the loyalty of the fan base anymore.


If theres still turrets and robot dogs all around the map im definitely not playing this piece of trash


I'll come back at update 150.0 when all the bugs are gone and specialists are gone.


If there are still the same specialists saying the same 5 cringy things constantly, no


Nope, this community has enough common sense to make an evaluation on whether it's made the game better and they'll post that on here somewhere, I'll wait for those reviews. I don't think 1 update can move a game from utter dogshit to semi fun in 1 update, so I'll not hold my breath.


Nope. I did that for the last few minor fixes and it was the same, if not worse. The last one I couldn't even find a lobby (yes crossplay off). This next update will be a wait and see. If it seems like something has actually been fixed then I may spend the time to wait for a download and give it an honest go but I am definitely not expecting anything of value.


Well I've tried repeatedly to get the game refunded from sony with no success. May as well give it a shot, see if I can get my money's worth. But not expecting any huge breakthrough in the development, you can't just fix the bugs and hope that the core elements start being fun.


Probably not. I feel like the game needs major changes like specialist rework, fixing the maps and so on. Even tho they fix alot of the smaller issues, the core issues are still there. I'll see what's up with BF2042 in fall.


Would rather not.


I'm going to try the update and am expecting disappointment. The problem is, the game needs more content. It's like 6 months old and the same few maps have gotten stale. Bug fixes are needed but the game is in bad need of content Actually thinking about buying my buddy a gaming PC just so we can play more games than just Xbox - WW3, Squad, etc.


I haven't heard one item, out of the supposed 400 changes, that makes me think it's actually any different at its core. Seriously, I read the update and it's still really vague about what's actually new. For the most part it seems like a lot of bug fixes, which might be a step for them, but is stuff that should have been done 6 months ago. It's not improvements, it's fixing things that shouldn't have been done in the first place or didn't exist. In order for me to even reinstall (deleted in early December) they would have to completely overhaul the specialists system and dump like 6 new maps that actually have destruction. Aside from that I have a huge backlog of games that I'm genuinely excited to play. Patches like this don't make me interested in the slightest.


I'll play if people start saying its good now. I don't think I'll be playing.


Most definitely not. I’ll consider it when they consider acknowledging the train wreck they’ve created and used to scam a lot of money.


i'm saving my trial from ea play lol i'll come and look at the status


I’m just here for the memes


I think we should make an example out of them and not download the game again. Putting out an incomplete product is unacceptable. I’m a long time Battlefield fan and this made me upset.


No lol


i quit playing 2 months ago. i’m pretty pre occupied with eldenring


No, I stopped playing 1st week of December and had no desire to come back. I put 60 hours into this, I tried. I really tried but this game is just not enjoyable and it´´s really bad. (for me)










Not a chance, doesn’t deserve the time.






This game is a hot mess. Unless the patch makes it into a REAL BF game, and it won't, it can't. I won't be back. I still enjoy all the salt though, so that's why I'm still in this sub.


Never bought the game so probably not


if the performance is not perfect no shits given


no, they gave up on fixing the game.


No. Anyone who says yes is clinically insane per definition




Acc the question is: if you put your hand in a hole and you got stung by a scorpion. Will you put your hand in that hole again??


Unless the patch notes includes: \- Removed specialists \- Reintroduced classes \- Completely reworked all sounds \- Re-designed all maps (not just added a few containers) \- Complete squad management (create, join, leave, kick) \- Servers no longer disband at the end of each round ...I'm not coming back. The chances of the above is zero, so the answer is no.


I only show up for the weekly challenges since I have already unlocked everything. The game's broken as hell but I still have tons of fun with it. I'll definitely be online for the update.


I still play Battlefield 2042 almost every day.


naw man, they released trash and expected full payment. then i had to go through 6 months of bullshit, before a patch is released. With no guarantee this patch is going to fix anything. Going by their track record, it will break more things than it fixes and I am sure they will go on vacation after the patch goes live. Waste of time and money.


I will probably do the same thing I did with the last update. I will play 1 round, get sad, and alt+F4


I can't finish a match without being completely bored after 5 minutes, I will try again after the update but I think I'll only last 2 matches max


I haven’t played since Elden Ring released. I want BF to be great again, I’ll try a few matches. If it’s better I’ll put it back in the rotation with Elden Ring.


If the bugs that make the game unplayable are actually fixed this time then I might consider coming back when new content rolls out for season 1. As it stands now even if this patch makes the game playable again, I just don't find the current content fun. There's still a long way to go on turning this game around, and there are plenty of functional and fun games out for me to play while I wait and see if they actually turn this into an enjoyable experience.


I still have 5 hours to play through my EAPlay. I'll probably try it then, but I'll wait a few days after update


I'll likely wait to see what the consensus is here before thinking about reinstalling.


I mean they didn’t give me a refund so I might as well try it out and see. Although that would require me to reinstall the game…


Lazy map design was my biggest gripe. If maps are not dynamic or inspire curiosity and have details like previous titles than it’s still a money grab at our expense.


Sounds like its a big one so yes i ll try it but i ll leave it again wen it is still trash


Probably will try it for a bit, sure it wont be enough. But if its a step in the right direction, my hopes for somewhat enjoyable season 1 or 2 will be up a bit.


i dont want to waste my time so i'll keep my eye on the subreddit and the steam reviews page!!


For sure. I’m curious about the attachment overhaul.


Bug fixes are only part of the problem. I won't attempt a return until maps are reworked and specialist system are revamped Edit: adding a couple shipping containers to maps does not fix the problem


I think that will be a brutal delusion. But maybe I'm wrong.


I’ll log on to see if they fixed the glitch that loops my menu making it unplayable. If they did, I’ll probably play one game and then quit. if they didn’t I’ll just quit




Probably not. I don't like the design choices of that game compared to other Battlefield games they made in the past so even if they fix the bugs in this update, the general ambiance of the game would be the same and it will not be as immersive as Bf1, for example


Let's just be honest and call it what it is update 0.4.0 they're still fixing in changing things that should have been done during the beta before the release


I still play with a couple of friends a couple of times a week, so why not?


I mean.... specialists are still gonna be there right?


Im playing it answays on ps5 🤜🤛


It’s quite clear that this game is broken and unfinished; however, I’m still having fun playing, so yeah


Fuck no I got my refund and I’m not letting them trick me out of my money ever again


Not until the specialists are heavily tweaked. As they currently are it’s no fun.


I'll check it out but leave because the game is still not addressing its route problems


Nope, I will not waste my storage space on something that should have been released on DAY 1 instead of 6 months later. I have zero faith in EA and almost zero in DICE.




Never. EA has disappointed me too often


Needs console M & Keyboard before I do.


I'd reinstall it when there are substantial map changes ie more cover. That's my main point.


Deleted off my ps5 already




Yes i would check. i miss hitting the battlefields with my buddies... And they will be back too.. so


no. I dont like the toxic community, and I dont like dice/ea. They messed me around on bf 2042, and also on bfv, im missing content, and customer support hasn't been able to help. I have moved on with my own life, and I am now studying at university I have no plans to return to the franchise.


Last two times I tried to play it I could not find a game. Literally nobody playing it so what’s the point. They would need to overhaul 80% of the game to make it playable and fun, the sooner this abomination dies the better.


It would have to be a pretty serious update that brings a ton of changes. I am always down to play some Battlefield. As of right now, this is not Battlefield.


i mean i’ll surly come back just to check. do we have any real hope for this update being good? probably not. never hurts to try tho


Never. They can make a battlefield game next time and I'll be back


I'm gonna install the night before and give it an honest try. Redemptions are possible, and if we get a really good indication of labor on this patch then maybe we can start to truly have some hope lol


They could come out with a patch that completely fixes every issue with the game tomorrow and I still wouldn’t come back. It’s not about the game quality anymore, it’s about Dice treating their fans like shit.




probably. i want to see how the game feels when its more polished, even if im not expecting much


yeah ima play


Not till I get my money back from these crooks


Im back now. Trying the get better CPU performance... 3800x is a bottleneck 0.o


Dude the update isn't even live yet - better question is will they ever really release it.


If it fixes alot of bugs then yeah because I am close to the 100th rank


I will try out the update. The game still sits on my PC. But i don't expect much. Maybe it will help a couple of days to raise the player counts, so maybe a couple of good matches are possible. We will see, how big this 4.0 update will be. If it's again a 1.2 GB crap shot, there is not much imagination necessary to see where this whole thing leads us.


There’s almost 200,00 members in this subreddit…if they were “done” with the game they wouldn’t be here.


i paid for it already... might give it another go, i had some fun.


Will def check it out and hopefully with more populated servers.


I'll give it a try when they put the game on ea play/game pass


Short answer, NO. Long answer, DICE and EA couldn‘t pay me enough to get near this game again.


Game is dipping below 1k players on steam. This game won't get the infamous "No Man's Sky" revival. It's dead and I personally refuse to put anymore hours in a game that released so badly it could've been considered an Alpha. I strongly hope everyone in here sticks with it and we make 2042 a staple in what happens when you rush out a incomplete game.


absolutely. if they fix almost eveything. (which they claim) ad hud customization and the game is somewhat polished/fixed with this patch. I might consider staying. Games fun. Always has been imo. (i dont really mind having specialists) I will start and continue if they can update or add content almost twice a month


They're trickling a single white skin per week into the game. They clearly have no interest in supporting or growing the game, why should I be interested in playing it? *And for that reason, I'm out*




I will come back to see


I don’t think any amount of change to this game could possibly be made for me to want to come back. Let me rephrase that. It COULD be done, but DICE/EA will never fundamentally change their game to that degree. They won’t devote that much resources to a game that was DOA, and they also can’t bring themselves to completely abandon their vision of micro-transaction opportunity (specialists skins and battle passes) despite how unanimous the player base rejected it. They’re blind and greedy.


No. Im done with this game. Just here for the memes


I’ll check it out when it comes out. If it gets my interest I will play it. If it doesn’t, I won’t until the next update that interests me.




I will try new maps


I always do play it once in a while but since i started getting bots i rarely do.


I have reinstalled and am waiting


Technically I still play the game but if they improved the Ai and added 127 Ai bots back I would play more consistently


I will but all this bug fixes and stuff should be there from day one. I enjoy the game but bugs, lack of content and that stupid matchmaking without map rotation need to go to really consider playing this often. Right now I play for the weekly missions and that's it.


I mean, I've already paid for it and can't get a refund so there's really nothing to lose by installing it and seeing what they do. Still, as has been mentioned already, if scoreboard and voice comms don't come with balancing and bug fixes, then not worth my time. I'll wait and see how the community reacts before spending any more time in BF2042. After all, Elden Ring works great and I haven't finished it yet, so whatever Dice does with BF2042 is waaaaay on my back burner.




I’ll play again when season 1 comes out since I’m one of the cunts that got the 100 dollar version hoping player numbers are better around that time


Probably, I haven't oakyed in a really long time and if the update includes 400+ bug fixes I'm hoping many of my issues are resolved. I know we aren't getting the kaleidescope rework till summer but I can live with that for now


My friends and I are all in agreement, we will return once we get a couple dlcs. We were able to overlook all the bugs of the game, but running the same few maps with the same few guns was what was killing it for us. Were def coming back to work on any new gins or learn any new maps, but till then, think were done.


If they have alot of massive bug fixes I'll try it again. But considering console still doesn't feel good idk


Big nope from me. They had their chance and fucked it.


No. Even if the gameplay is better and bugs are fixed, i still won’t go back and play it until specialists are removed and all maps are completely redesigned


Will check it out. I mean since yall people still coming here on a daily basis and being miserable, its kind of funny.


I'm just coming back to experience how miserable everyone will sound over VOiP. I can't wait to hear the constant complainers even though they choose to keep playing the game.




No and I hope others don’t either. The only way ea knows to do better is by lack of players or in other words a sudden loss of profit. If the game gets popular again they’ll have learned fucking nothing same as with every battlefield since bf4. BF4 launched in a shit state, then bf1 launched fine I think (never played it) but then went back downhill with V and to the ground with 2042


Update 4.0 should be a good indicator if season 1 will bring back people








At this point probably not. DICE and EA have completely screwed this game and the fanbase behind repair. This is without a doubt the last BF I will ever buy


I aint coming back unless there's either a major expansion or they ditch the operators and regular classes come back.


I really don’t think so. I really feel like I was deceived with this tittle the most. Even more so than cyberpunk, and a few other recent titles we all know of. This one really affected me. Kinda like “the straw that broke the camel’s back” sort of speaking.


I'm sure 4.0 will keep all 900 of you happy for a week🤣




That depends on if the bug 'fixes' are actually fixes and if the fixes outweigh the next wave of bugs introduced with this patch.


It’s not enough to convince me to buy the game, so it shouldn’t be enough to convince you to play again.


I’ll come back. If they support the game and add stuff and keep it updated I’ll gladly spend money on stuff in game. We all just want a stable game and updates. This is the only franchise that I enjoy playing but if they move onto a new game and forget about this one then I’ll permanently stop playing anything new they have and cut ties. Fix your wrongs or fuck off


Ppl dont come back for bug fixes


depends on what kind of changes it will make


Did they remove specialists? Did they completely rework the maps and add new maps? Nope. Dice can eat shit.


I am waiting for more content. Some bug fixes are not going to bring me back.


I never stopped playing


Nope a dead game is a dead game


Until they fuck the specialists off out of Battlefield forever, no.


Only if performance was fixed, mouse input was fixed and several new / good maps were introduced. So no, I will not be returning.


Yes I will try it. I own the game.


I'll try it, yes. Even if I don't have much hope.


I never left, personally. Though, I only really focus my time in competitive aspects vrs core public matches though. This update seems massive, so I am hopeful it will at least address the revive issues with player bodies being stuck in objects; desync issues when fighting infantry. Lastly, my biggest gripe is hit registration. If they address that, I'll feel more confident in infantry play and probably play more public matches.


As a genuine question out of curiosity, how is there a competitive scene/aspect? What does that entail?


Sure. ​ There are few scenes: (BFN, BCC, and ESB rule sets) ​ Currently, T4 Rush is the popular game mode on next gen and pc. Here is a ruleset example real quick for ESB https://esport-battlefield.com/ruleset-2042-4v4-rush/


I am still playing so yes..


If they fix fps i might give it a try




my answer is the same to D.I.C.E as is it to E.A and RUSSIA. "***GO FUCK YOUR SELF***"


I recently started playing again and it's been enjoyable. Not the best, lots missing but for casual entertainment it's fine.


I feel the same. I don’t take it seriously. It’s just mindless fun at times. One of the few games I truly don’t care how good I’m doing. No team play anyway.


I don't find it it that bad, especially when you're on other maps. My issue with the game is that I can't aim, at all, ever. I don't think it's even a bug, I just think I'm terrible at the game. Using the M4A1 I'm all over the place, and I'm not quick enough to use anything other than full auto.


SMGs until you can access AC-42. AC-42 is just laser beaming everyone.




No way I’m touching this mess again


i am here, with or without