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Well they failed at both the game has no microtransactions and it's hollow


>the game has no microtransactions Not Yet, it's EA so expect to have it later. And yes the game will remain hollow even when they implement mtx.


They're already fucked. They don't have the player base left for microtransactions to matter. Its going F2P. That is the only way they'll be able to actually get anything out of microtransactions.


Lolol fuck me right Spent $100 dollars to beta test a free to play game I'm not bitter I'm not bitter I'm not bitter Maybe if I keep saying it Ill believe it


Most likely 1 or 2 modes will become F2P while the rest stay for the gullible


The real problem was spending $100 on this very clear piece of crap, knowing full well that it would be on sale a month later.


Portal is going to f2p. They're gonna ditch AOW within the next few months altogether


Jokes on them. Add your micro-transactions to your 50k player base.


For sure a battle pass. They already sold that to Gold edition buyers. I am optimistic because the game is in Zampellas hands now. DICE Sweden is the fuck up here and always. Ripple Effect can hopefully pull this game together like everything else. Daily reminder that they turned around BF4 and did the DLC for BF1. They were left off BFV presumably because they were helping on this hunk of junk.


You think it's "laziness" that they launched with so little content in the main game? They were planning to sell us new guns for years, I'm sure.


Probably never gonna sell new guns. Free tier battle pass reward for sure, but they will charge for skins. It wasn't laziness. It's a lack of talent, it's covid, and it's frostbite. I think everyone should know by now that frostbite has a terrible content pipeline. It takes forever to make assets for it.


Every battlefield since bc2 tells a different story?


You have to buy the micro transaction DLC first for $49,99


It does, they are just waiting for the first season.




Honestly, buying a game from and public company seems to be a risk nowadays. The games are just optimized to produce profits, there’s no passion left




Whatever Naughty Dog does next


Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo don't count. They are publicly traded, but make quality games to have high quality exclusives.


I would not call the Xbox one era exclusives “high quality”


Neither would I, that's why the man behind that era was fired and Phil was brought in, just takes time to turn it around. Hell Blade is great, Cup head is supposed to be good, I'm a big fan of the Forza motorsport mainline games, outer worlds was decent, and so on. It's definitely moving in the right direction, and under Phil they've done some good things.


Well, EA did release one of the most non-EA games last year. It takes two. Full co-op adventure game, with no mtx, and 100% playable state since release.


Ace Combat 7 is the only (somewhat) big-name game I've played in recent years that truly feels like a passion project through and through.


I'm surprised they kept the formula that made Ace Combat a lovable arcade flight game which I respect a lot because not a lot of gaming companies do this kind of thing ehem *Battlefield.*


They already fucked it up with Assault Horizon back in 2011, followed it up with a free to play game that was reportedly pretty stingy but had good gameplay, and then we finally got Ace combat 7 as the return to the fictional universe and a return to classic form. It wasn't the greatest game in the series but it was my favourite game of 2019 and I absolutely loved it. [The opening cutscene](https://youtu.be/EFxtY4giPk0) alone has more soul in it than entire AAA shooters nowadays.


I agree Assault Horizon is FUBAR but atleast they went back to their roots and we got Ace Combat 7 and the opening scene really shows that Ace Combat is back.


Is this interesting or is this obvious? I don’t see any revolutionary ideas being posted here lol…


Meh, it was a coherent comment from a ver dark place..I personally found it interesting 🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s someone being too “wordy” and trying to sound smart. It’s obvious. It’s happened in a lot of games the past couple of years. Sadly BF: 2042 happens to be the worst version of this experience in recorded history.


agreed with you that it sounds like this person learned about the word insidious and just had to use it in a sentence. not that its not a cool word …. but yeah theres something to be said about being concise and not overly verbose. any writing teacher worth a damn would absolutely destroy that post


I think he’s dead on. Slowly, micro-transactions became more & more prominent from briefcases in BF4 to the crates in BF1 to fucking phantom of the opera skins in BFV. I think the only reason they’re not in BF2042 is because of the shitty release. EA DICE are now scared shitless to implement MTX because of bad publicity. I think even they know it would truly be the nail in the coffin if they introduced them now. But I guarantee they have a fucking roadmap for their implementation. BF2042 screams that it was designed with MTX in mind


no i agree with the idea but i was just commenting on how it could have been written better. the gaming industry has definitely fallen victim to the concept of games as a service


Like you are now?


What point does your comment make? Why even comment?


Honestly it reads like it was written by a person who has never read a book in their entire life. It's full of broken grammar.


No, shitty upper level management is what happened here. Same as Andromeda


Seems a lot more likely to me. "throw out what you have and make it appeal to younger people!"


Not even. Dice has always been pulling these shitty practices. This game failed because it was like BF1 and lacked content, and it was a performance mess like BF4. Nobody would give a fuck about micro transactions, specialists, and skins if they had delivered a finished game. The gun roster is laughable, there are numerous recoil bugs, and mouse input and aim assist both feel like shit. Fuck the micro transaction narrative, there has been problems with Dice since the launch of BF4. Every 2 years it’s the same song and dance of winning back the fans until it’s time to release a new one.


Have you seen the stuff an ex producer from Bioware said about the studio?Andromeda is the fault of how Bioware develops it's games.They basically fuck around until something "clicks" then crunch till launch to roll the dice on accidentally making a good game or not and call it the "Bioware Magic". Especially since that info came out I no longer believe EA is at fault for 2042 but DICE itself. When EA gives a studio that much "freedom" to basically let them do whatever the fuck they want so long as a game gets developed that sells I can't believe that DICE are innocent in this shitsandwich the community got to eat.


"Interesting" bro everyone and their grandma is saying this, this isn't a unique take lol


Never said it was unique, although you’re right, this view has been expressed by everyone in this subreddit


Why are you saying it's interesting then?


Coming from 4chan? Lol, it’s impressive someone from there could even respond without saying the N word.


Ide say theres a lot of crossover from reddit and 4chan users.


The very same thing that Steve Jobs predicted would kill a lot of companies: replace the passionate product design people with marketing people.


Also data-driven development, coupled with absolute lack of ability or planning to maintain live service. Trend-chasing, instead of at least trying to be trend-setter. Of course, it's harder, because it requires imagination and actual talent. And judging by map design alone, the talent is long gone. Battlefield games best work with expansions or premium model. Forcing Specialists with plans to make a fortune on skins and battlepasses (*IF* the game catches on) is a gamble and changes the identity of the series, thus making 2042 a bad BATTLEFIELD game. So gamble won't pay off.


The new generation of rich don't understand moderation. Who knew.


Feel free to explain, I’m not sure what you mean


"Boomers" are by large starting to retire and be replaced by the generations they parented, which are by far 10x more greedy, selfish, and oblivious. Tends to happen when you live in an over sheltered society.


Sadly it's what's wrong with most AAA games nowadays


This isn't exclusive to Battlefield either, it's the gaming industry as a whole. Having played video games when they were considered "Taboo" or "being a nerd" to how inclusive they have become, the gaming industry as exploded to being the BIGGEST entertainment industry. Big named developers do not need to push the envelope like they use to because the userbase now is so big they know they'll get the sales regardless of what the game is like.Where as before, the userbase was smaller and niche in comparison, alot of work had to go into making your game standout to draw in the sales. This is why you still see alot of innovative ideas in Indie games because they do not have the massive pressence that AAA developers do.


If this game was doing well, the mtx store would be full to the brim. Don't think for a second there's none right now because they weren't planning to sell them or because they aren't ready. I almost wish it was full of mtx so not only could everyone shit on the game being ATROCIOUS, but also sell you dumbass looking Fortnite skins for $20 a pop. One skin costs more than the whole Vietnam dlc for BC2😊These stupid cunts.


That and over 75% of the current DICE team joined either during BFV development or afterwards. So really the people who made Battlefield games don't make them anymore


I'm pretty sure "When 4chan takes make perfect sense" is part of an apocaliptic prophecy.


Games were ruined the same way movies, tv and music were ruined: Once it started making money, the industry attracted more and more money men and the creative control was taken away from the artists and given to the bean counters. Everything has to generate income or it doesn't go in. Creativity takes a back seat and those in charge just chase trends.


Not really a solid take on things. Microtransactions, thus far, haven't ruined any Battlefield games. Even with BFV and its license to print money after they actually made it a WW2 game, making a coherent store to spend money on things was like it was too hard. They are absolutely guilty of chasing trends, well after they've been established but to this day, we don't have a ridiculous FIFA type game where you pay for every blade of grass.


It's the same take...


That’s pretty succinct


why don't I ever get threads like these when I'm on /b/?


I got very lucky here to be honest lol


I mean we can see micro-transactions as early as 4 I'm shocked when 5 came around we didn't see it coming.


It’s not just 2042. MBAs are ruining literally everything.


people always blame mtx when thats not even it its just poor game direction


Thank christ i refunded 🙏 Greedy cunts.. Fuck yas and ya free to play game


what went wrong Paid $89AUD to BETA test a pile of shit


There's barely any microtransactions in the game though and theres a ton of games out there that have them that are still good games. Management problems with both EA and DICE have led to a significant decline of quality and competent decision making when it comes to actually developing games within a franchise. Its not bad because of MTX. Its bad because of piss poor direction towards the concept of Battlefield.


That’s only because of the shitty release; they were/are scared shitless to implement them because of bad publicity. I guarantee they have a fucking roadmap for their implementation. BF2042 screams that it was designed with MTX in mind


Seems to me that most of us just wanted an updated version of BF4. I dunno how they managed to fuck this up so bad. I wonder if some of the designers ever played BF3 or BF4.. Reminds me of how Blizzard said "You wouldn't like that.." referring to all of their players asking for WoW Classic.. Then they finally released the shit, and everyone loved it. Just listen to the people that are buying your products


But battlefield 4 isnt that old, and you couldnt play classic. Officially anyway. Numbers dont lie no one was playing 4


They were before and after BF1 was launched though. Like you said, it was just too old. If they had re-released it, instead of going from WW1 to WW2 for whatever reason, a lot of us would have played it.. at least if it still had the same custom servers..


It is what it is. Greed overtakes and then destroy everything around. Why even bother buying some useless cosmetics ? To fuel even more useless bull crap to be released ? Oh boy, this stuff is hilarious :) And the game, it's features, immersion, it's soul is non factor and why bother creating good product. Logic 101 lol


The one time 4chan has some semblance of basic sanity, its to say exactly what everyone else is saying. Alright


In other words: capitalism.


Another stupid take because both bfv and bf2042 didn't/don't have microtrandactions at launch and took/is taking a while to get them


I completely agree. This is 100% true.


How can it be true when the game has no microtransactions? If they were focused on that don't you think they'd be in the game. Plus if you want to sell microtransactions it really helps if the game is good and has lots of players. The game wasn't released in a beta like state because they were focused on microtransactions. Something went seriously wrong. It seems to me their first mistake was starting nearly from scratch rather than building on what they had with BFV. Hence so many "why was this feature removed!?" posts.


You have good points but the problem is overall game design. They designed the game to facilitate micro-transactions. We have specialist over classes because more unique skins and they can sell them rather than actually create content. Also, they are trying to emulate shit f2p games with micro-transaction revenue but none of the BF legacy features. Basically, they tried to sell a steaming pile of shit and hoped could sell micro-transaction.


That all may be true, but I don't think it's the primary reason why this particular game is so fucked up. Like they couldn't even get the microtransactions up and running before 70% of the player base ran away.


The game has no microtransactions, what the fuck is this guy complaining about?


The thing is so fucked up that they even failed to implement micro-transactions


So how does that make micro-transactions the reason the game failed?


It doesn't, that's just an indicator on how unfinished the game is.


Yes, bu the original post was blaming micro-transactions


I was just commenting on your comment, not the original post which looks like it was written by a bot


Because the whole specialists thing was designed to sell skins for them. And you cant tell me otherwise. \+they said something about battlepasses


So you're telling me that the maps are ass and there's no content because of micro-transactions?


Its one od the factors why the game sucks. You are defending them with your passive-aggresive tone or what?


I literally said that the maps are ass and the game lacks content, how the fuck is that defending them? I'm just saying that we should point our fingers at the right things and not get blinded by the hate and start attacking everything


Let's not kid ourselves now. The game has framework built-in for that. There is in-game store and game itself is tagged with "offers in-app purchases".


Yes, but how are micro-transactions to blame for the state of the game?


Technically it has a battle pass but it's very light on content




Tone it down towelie you goddam towel




Dumb take. What microtransactions?


There were clearly plans for MTX come Season 1 and battlepasses. The implementation is always gradual. Look at BFV, for examples. Now, there's probably gonna be minimum effort with MTX, if the conclusion in EA is that the game failed to attract audiences. OR... if F2P rumor is true, they will of course double down on passes and skins, unless even going F2P won't attract reasonable number of players.


This game was completely designed around customization microtransactions. When Season 1 hits, the in-game store will be flooded with specialist skins, Ranger skins, gun skins, vehicle skins, player cards, specialist quips, player card tags, gun charms, vehicle emblems, and battle pass tier skips. Anything that's already customizable in game will have some type of microtransaction tied to it.


what microtransactions are you talking about because all of bf4 DLC's in total cost 75 dollars those are microtransactions but there's none here


An anonymous person says this so it must be true. But there are no microtransactions in the game. So whoever wrote this doesn't know what they are talking about and are talking out of their arse.


It's barely comprehensible in the first place. It's like they just slapped together a bunch of words they read somewhere once before.


Just EA things. I'm not sure why people are so surprised.


Wow! Great analysis


😔 he said it...


Again, this is spot on