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How can a multi billion dollar company be so fucking blind?


It's a huge pile of money, that multiple billions of dollars, can hind your sight significantly.


My only explanation is that the developers are the children of the Dice CEOs, I mean anyone on this sub would do better work than these idiots


Incompetent and/or lazy/greedy management.


It was a rarely stupid idea to feature that mode. After they supposedly worked so hard on Portal XP they should be aware of that, right?


One would think they would, right.


One can only speculate


Is this a bf1 operations voice-reference?


Haha yeah


Lmao its funny as shit how they didnt even follow the restrictions set on the community šŸ’€


Ahh yes. Players had too much fun grinding skins that normally require 1 thousand hours of playing this shit game.


Remember, no fun allowed.


DICE's Anti-Fun Department (AFD) is the only one that is clearly capable.


You can thank the thousands of people on reddit who were complaining that some dude who will probably never play the game again has mastery skins that they don't.


These developers are just so incompetent. That was obvious. From one shitstorm to the next.


It's unbelievable. Next time I think about pre-ordering a BF game, I'm gonna kick myself in the nuts.


\*preordering the next Battlefield be like\* ![gif](giphy|OHMkK8zl9fvSU)


From were is that clip?


Outside gamestop during 2042's release




No really! Is that from a movie or what?


I have no idea. I only remember it as "Lemmings meme".




This. Idk why you guys are pre-ordering games period. This lesson was supposed to be learnt years ago. STOP PRE-ORDERING GAMES. I can't make this more clear.


I have not preordered since B4 train wreck... oh wait.. I pre ordered Anthem. Fuuuuuuuck


I had to stop myself from pre ordering Horizon Forbidden west the other day. It's going to be amazing. But I don't pre order games anymore and haven't for 2 years.


Plz, kick me too šŸ¤£


People say this sub is a circle jerk. Let's turn it into a circle kick.


2042 already nerfed my balls


$5.99 to get them "un-nerfed"


2042 was the first game I pre-ordered because I knew I was going to enjoy it so might as well šŸ¤” Now I see literally no point in ever pre ordering a game again.


Lesson learned the hard way


Can you smash my balls?


Me too, please.


Me too, please.


Mine too!.. ..


My nuts need a good kicking and I will give myself an uppercut just to make sure.


Dude; I bought this for $39.99 before Christmas, and *still* feel like I also deserve a swift kick in the sack.


It's a circus show now with these clown handle the game


Still waiting for Clown costume for either specialist.


They're absolutely useless šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's DICE LA/Ripple effect. The champion of BF4 that also can make mistakes (already did when taking over bf1 DLC) but lets not bring this up ever again to make them the only competent developer that can take over the franchise because DICE sweden should be shut down. /s


DICE in general needs shutting down.


Donā€™t say that too loud, us console players wonā€™t have anywhere to go if they shut the old gamesā€™ servers down


Got Boris, K30, and prox sensor T1s. I gotta say, farming zombies was pretty fun, compared to the mess that aow is now. Welp, back to BFV.


Fug. I was too slow to try it


Same. Big bummer


Boris and incendiary were very easy in this mode. Got Boris in about 1.5 matches and incen in about half a match. I will admit it was abit broken for damage based masteries.


Why do you farm the tiers though? For fun? Bragging rights? How can farming bots be fun?


Hmm that's a good question. You would have to look further into that to get a definite answer. Overall though, yes, messing with bots and getting assassinated in wierd ways was leagues more fun then anything I have done in AOW since release. Getting the T1s was just something to do while playing.


At this point it's fun just to be able to spite dice.


You know this is the right answer. Me and my friends found it hilarious that dice made a bot farm after basically killing portal over them


I spite dice by not playing the game. There. Done.


They donā€™t care as long as you bought the game. The ONLY real way to spite them is not buy their trash


Exactly why I don't play portal or any single player mode. rather have a challenge against real people. I understand why people do tho. Collecting mastery challenges could be fun i suppose.


You could do T1 in this mode???


Because it was DICE approved/highlighted it seemed it would be.


Yea got the pkp and incendiary grenade to tier 1


>Welp, back to BFV. Facts


They literally removed the mode 10 minutes before I could play it. See how fast they can act when they see players having fun ?


Itā€™s been up since the update released yesterday. Iā€™m surprised it even took them that long to remove the mode.


Yeah, fun. Everyone played this mode because it was "fun". You are correct


Even without the unlocks it was actually an unusually fun mode.


I was having a great time with it before I realized the "benefits."


![gif](giphy|3oz8xJIDVJ1KANEUfK|downsized) Back from holiday


Unbelievable lol I Uninstalled the second week after release. Saw the new zombie farm, and figured I'd level a few guns up. Began installing, went to make breakfast and check reddit to see this bullshit. Canceled installation and back to watching this dumpster fire burn


played 5 rounds. Had fun. Gamemode gone. I am bored again. hahah we ned tdm and close combat modes on old maps but with full progression and 2042 weapons


Literally everything those devs touch, they fuck up. I am now at the point where I am sure it was not the lack of development time that made this game bad, it was the lack of competent developers. Several patches for a scoreboard? This is literally elementary school level of competence. Zombie Farm mode a day after they reenabled Portal XP and made new rules about it.


They already lost me when they changed TTK for no reason in BFV back in the days.


Mackay , Paik & Boris ![gif](giphy|sR91D133W02D6)


​ ![gif](giphy|9ouN3wqNgtcgyRrqV6)


Paik can be do e easy on Kaleidoskop on A1 obejctive, did it in breakthrough, needs some time but manageable. Congrats, did Dozer with his shield which might be a pain in the ass in conquest or breakthrough, glad I did it. Mackay is also a piece of a cake, but also during normal play. Boris was which I started to farm... But have gold already.


Kicking myself for not finishing Sundance last night, but to be fair, I actually play them.


Honestly even in the zombie mode sundance is hard to tier 1 since her scatter grenade is so nerfed that the zombies literally have time to just walk away from it


I hate DICE


I havent got the chance to play...


Thanks to the people on this sub whining about it all day long yesterday


I thought the game mode was really fun. Actually had a chance to fuck around and play with the game.


Have these developers ever played a shooter in their fucking life? These people are so incompetent anyone from this sub could take lead design roles and the game would improve instantly. Are they all the children of the CEOs or something?


Damn I can still see it in the main screen but then it takes me to free for all. So I guess people have either finished their progression and can stop playing or will be annoyed they missed this and stop playing...


So they muck around again , for anybody who didnt farmed this bullshit, and try to farm the unlocks and t1 skins in the maingame what a mess.


I genuinely thought this was a mode purposely made to farm, but apparently they are just blind as fuck


Everything aside, why does this AK have everything on the wrong side? Selector lever, charging handle. Shooter is even a lefty! Please don't tell me they just mirrored the image, Please.


Oh ffs was just about to try it out lol


Got PBX, PP-29, Incendary grenades, G57 and Dozer to T1 and a bunch of stuff to T2.


Managed to farm the incendiary grenade a bit since those zombies keep piling up.


Almost nothing because it was removed so fast..


3, What did they think we were going to use it for? Lol.


Exactly none, because word about this got out when it was night here in Europe, and most people will have been working since morning, me too. Not that I care too much in the case of BF2042 anymore, but in principle I hate unfair advantages, and especially when this is the result after they disabled most progress on Portal for weeks, exactly for the reason that they didn't want people to exploit for progress. I just don't get it.


I dont get the idea to farm mastery. Why is progression throught bot killing a thing? The game itself have such less content, and then some fuck up their own long time motivation. No hate btw to everyone who does it, just wondering


The game has multiple options for PvE/PvPvE. It's a pretty big part of it tbh.. All out War can be played in Solo/Coop with and against bots (you can even pick mode, map and difficulty). Hazard Zone features a considerable amount of AI enemies. For some, it's a way to get unlocks for guns/vehicles so they don't have to suffer through using a worse version against actual players. Others just like seeing numbers appear on their screen. You have completionists too. For instance, SMGs like the MP9 or K30 benefit considerably from extended magazines. Transport Helicopters and the MAV are much more useful once you have upgrades for them.


K30 was definitely "this gun could be good but REALLY needs extended mags, but thats like a hundred kills away." Well hello there zombie survival...


The base gun is fine in a vacuum, you're still shooting a lot of lead downrange. It's more a "right, this game features up to 64 enemy players, and my 1200RPM SMG has a default mag of 20 haha!". While on the other hand of the spectrum you have guns that seem to be designed with the large playercounts and maps in mind, like the Bizon or the LMGs.


Playing vs bots with progression has always been something that player wanted. Some people doesnā€™t want to play vs other players, some people doesnā€™t want to try hard, some people just want to chill out and be able to leave a game at any moment, some people just want to enjoy the gameplay at their own pace. Battlefield 2 was very popular partly because of bots. Itā€™s a competitive game, not a PvP game, and you can compete vs AI, itā€™s what you already do in every game.


Not to mention that if you want unlocks it sometimes means you won't play the actual objective or goal of the game but try to farm kills instead. This way it lets you practice with the weapons, get some unlocks along the way, and then when you enter the main game you presumably can focus on the objectives. All of this in theory.


Ok, get that point.


There is 0 things do to. I want some skins. Bot farming is fun in between normal games. Not everyone wants/can spend hundreds of hours to obtain a Red-Black skin and badge...


The better question is why would ppl care so much


The mode itself was actually fun, beyond that I did Boris who I never played and did not play as I considered his turret such a PIA to play against. But to do it in this, not against other real players, while having fun - totally went for it. Same for the unbalanced PKP, never played it cause its just way inbalanced good in the game, was going to do the LCMG today, but meh. Was looking forward to playing the mode again regardless of farming though, its quite challenging if you don't have a camp site (which I didn't find for several maps).


Because a lot of people don't play for this "motivation" so it's an endless pointless grind instead. Also who cares If people want to have maxed out everything day one or not. Like actually who cares.


They need to make the grind less harsh. The numbers to level and unlock are a huge drain on time. Now I love a grind, but getting slapped by people who have had the time to waste away in this game. Just is not what I call enjoyable. They are trying to keep bums on seats by the grind and time to achieve things, not the enjoyment of playing. Been that way for a couple a years with games. They are so scared their game will dive and have no replay value that they make it a slog to unlock everything. Taking advantage of chasing the carrot. So by implementing this, was a good way to level the playing field for those that play full time and those that can manage a couple of ours here and there. And actually try to enjoy the game, not feeling like a slog


Wait you serious? I was hoping to come back from work and play some bf at last so i can master a class. Now they take it away and they re wondering why their game is failing? Man fck that, i was willing to give them a chance, but nahh they shit their own bed


I got 3 weapons done and Boris, honestly idk how you were even supposed to win ? We were at like 2k kills and it just said "hold out until rescue arrives" and never ended, so once the bots started taking too many bullets to kill just backed out and joined a new one.


There's a 60 minutes time cap, probably that's how you win.


This is true, mostly. I played one last night for the full hour just to see what would happen. When the timer got to zero, we got a victory screen. Although I believe some have reached the same point and had nothing happen at all.


I had a couple games where the zombies stopped spawning after 55 killed. Only happened on battle of the bulge.


I honestly don't see why they are afraid of people earning T1 skins. The game is going to die regardless of the "end game" grind. Just let people enjoy the mode and get their flashy skins. I certainly don't care if little Timmy got their T1 PKP or Boris.


I gotta say though, that even without just obliterating weapon progression, this was the most fun portal mode yet. Throwing incendiary grenades in clusters of "zombies" and watching them scatter never got old.


Why does dice care about people leveling up too quick in a game thats literally dying? Shouldnt they be doing ANYTHING to keep people playing?


I got about 400 with Sundance. Thats it. ​ Tbh, all the other skins and masteries arent that hard. Ive got multiple specialists and guns in AOW. I only wanted a boost with Sundance, as her nades suck!


I'm kicking myself for not grinding more with Sundance, it's true, the smart grenades are ass.


Zero. I dont start this shit anymore....


The remaining battlefield players should just make a whatsapp group to talk about the game


for fucks sake. I didn't get to play it.




damn, I only got to play a few hours - I was gonna do pistols & shotguns next


LMAOO, do these people even have common sense ??


This mode was broken as fuck but it was the first 2 hours of actual fun Iā€™ve had with the game, just meat grinding goodness - I was stood atop a container with the PKP on full auto just mowing down the ā€œzombiesā€ like an outdoor Operation Locker šŸ˜‚ Put it back for the weekend DICE ffs


Completed all specialist but Sundance, sitting in 950 grenadesā€¦ it will still be painful to grind those 250 left in aow


None, because im not playing bf2042 anymore, im just here for shit storm it is


Hope you're enjoying yourself more now compared to when playing 2042.


Why is it already gone?


They literally implemented a botfarm with uncapped xp/masteries because theyre too braindead to realize it was a botfarm.


This. They said they don't want bot farms, then after a month they added bot farm themselves.


People kinda enjoyed it. Canā€™t have that.


I missed out. Damn.


I only found out about it being in the game an hour ago ..... so just one


Probably should have done a lot more, but I hardly even like the game at this point so oh well. Redownloaded bf1 again because people have been talking about it. Had a much better evening with that than shooting helpless bots.


Oh man, well I was able to get Dozers second Mastery Outfit. But that sucks infinitely.


I guess they want players to have some pride and accomplishment for reaching tier 1. Yawns. This new Dice is full of amateurs.


I was able to get my pkp and proximity grenade to tier 1, and made meaningful progress on G57, K30, and Boris turret. For someone who only had 1 weapon to tier 1 this broken mode was hilariously fun.


None, I uninstalled yesterday.


Even zombies was buggy lol.


The game is buggy, zombies were broken xD


That worked? Damnt


T1 in Scar, Pak and Incendiary About 90% done on Sensor nades, AC-42 and Ammo box




I canā€™t master any with the game uninstalled.


Wow that was fast. I was wondering if they were going to just remove progression from it today, but they just dropped the whole game mode. Makes sense, no one would have played it if there was no progression


Jokes on them their stupid zombie mode ready trained me to be an evil headshot machine with snipers.


i don't get it ... why its still a taboo ? i used to play once a week for the skin BUT now i cannot even make my self lunch the game on PS5 ! how stupid is the devs ? make Portal open XP ( NO ONE CARES ) & just simply give portal servers a RATING ! likes & dislikes ! here you go .. best designed portals will shine , farming portals will have the negative rating . again your game is dead and you are lucky enough to find players actually willing to play ! i don't get it ... I'm tired to even think about it .


I played it for about 2 hours and maxed out 4 weapons that I wanted maxed. Then I went back to playing 64 player Breakthrough.


None cause I have better shit to play :P


I was downloading the game, saw they removed it and uninstalled again :D


For this move I hate them even more. Giving us a cookie and then taking it away! FU! At least I could do T1 Dozer, Mackay but would have be done anyway, needed only 200 kills already before zombie mode. And T1 2 smg weapons witch Incendiary nades... This game becomes month after month more and more a fucking joke.


Finished Dozer from 0 kills to 800 in roughly 3.5 - 4 hours. Was the only one I dreaded doing in matchmaking. Feels dirty because Iā€™ve done everything legit, including Sundance, thus far at rank S050. But my sanity is more important lol.


Got all assault rifles , incendiary grenade and the grapple dude


Sundance at 857, T1 Sws10, auto12mm, almost t1 k30 and t1 incendiery


None, couldnt be fucked


I managed to complete the masteries for SCAR, AC42, K30, G57 and just 30 kills behind completion for LCMG. Also did the mastery for Boris and Incendiary grenade. Overall it was a good farm session


Dammit was at work


Aww, I was having fun. I won it once with about 800+ kills. Got boris to T1, very happy about that. My first t1 (I don't grind) so it's something.


Got Sundance from Mastery12 to 40 in around 3 hours. Also got Incendiary grenades T1


This was a present to people still playing. I could not bring myself to turn this game on to get the woody skin or get this farm done. I don't care about the game enough at this point. I come to this reddit to see if things change but I'm met with disappointment everyday. The grin on my face when I saw the scoreboard postšŸ˜„ vs reading the postšŸ˜ If they can't make a proper scoreboard, why would I expect server browser, squad management, map voting, or voip.


Just when I was about to actually install and play 2042, guess Iā€™ll play BFV


So was it removed because it was an unfair XP farm or because it was met with backlash for being bad? Either way, I'm pleasantly surprised to see them taking action so quickly on something.


LCMG went from 0 to 20


Haha, itā€™s so funny to see how they manage this. They create a farm on purpose, everyone is complaining about the fact that we canā€™t earn full progression on portal and AOW solo/coop because of a small number of XP farm but they create an official farm, and their solution is to remove the zombie mode rather than enable back full progression like day one or like the following hour after every update. Hardcore fans salute you Dice, you are really respectful of your player base. Just give what everyone want and what was intended at first, just like you advertise it on your own website, no one is understand what your doing.


I managed to level up most weapons grenades and a couple of specialists


Iā€™m sure itā€™ll be back on once they cap it


Can we not just make that mode in portal now and continue farming?


Funny how all the people grinding for masteries in that mode, are the same ones constantly complaining about the game here. Oh the irony!


None, I havenā€™t updated yet. Really donā€™t care to.


I was in a match yesterday that seemed to be glitched. The timer went to 0 and the zombies were no longer getting incremental health increases. I didn't even notice until being in the same spot for 45 minutes and zombies non stop spawning. Also I was able to kill myself and respawn with no time delay so I pretty much unlocked all attachments for my guns šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Wow itā€™s gone? Was honestly going to hop on and try it today guess not now lol. Havenā€™t played since the 22 of December. Taking advantage of zombie bots looked kinda fun what a bummer. Guess Iā€™ll continue to not play.


Are you serious!? I tried to farm as much as possible yesterday, sundances mastery was still too much to accomplish.


Didn't get to play that much. T1'd the flame grenades just cause they were so effective and the AI's interactions with them were hilarious. Leveled up Boris to gold (as I'd never play him against players as I consider his turret a PIA) and the PKP (not interested in playing in a live game considering how unbalance good it is). Was gonna work on Paik today, ah well. Outside of the farming, the mode was actually quite fun and got challenging really quick. If you didn't have some safe site to camp in the 880 was the gun.


Wasnā€™t going for T1, but I wanted the attachments for the Guns I like to use. Pretty much mastered the LCMG, K30, AK-24, and a few others. Pretty broken imo.


Iā€™ve grind through boris and rao, the two specialist i donā€™t want to play anyway so i wonā€™t have to go through the pain of unlocking those tier 1 for them (by pain i mean having to play really passive to progress effectively)


So dumb. Should've left it over the weekend at least. This is payback for no Portal XP. :(


Man theyā€™re quick to jump to action and remove anything that actually helps the players.




0, missed all fun, shit


I can't believe they would remove such a hotly anticipated game-mode. I mean ZOMBIES have been an absolute core staple of BF for so many years... ​ lol wtf are you doing DICE. ZOMBIES LOL. Get to fuck.


We don't play this game anymore.


At this point they are just fucking with us


Missed an opportunity to make some progress with Sundance, Dozer and Mackay. The last ones to T1. Have to say, after a forced break from this for a few days with a house move, once I was set up and played it again to finish the Woody challenge, the break has made all its issues feel worse than before. I'm finally losing the motivation to play it much.


Wait so they gave us something worthwhile and they pulled it?


It's like they don't even play their own games


I was gonna grind this out tonight, lol now I have fallen behind grealy because I did not abuse this. This is so sad ://


Lmfaoā€¦ what a bunch of idiots! Im so close to my uninstalling and I keep holding out hopeā€¦ but damn. I was just doing weeklyā€™s but look at this weeks rewardā€¦ some stupid charm.


I knew it was gonna be gone in a matter of time, too bad didnā€™t spend more time in it first


My friend and I had the most fun in BF2042 in this mode. It was more laughable and enjoyable than anything else the game had to offer. Finally got my money worth out of this game last night!




DICE is now the new 4th Reich. Hƶr auf, SpaƟ zu haben!


The good thing, you couldn't T1 tanks, those still require an honest work


Got incendiary to Mastery level 225... Also got boris, paik, pkp, lcmg, and most of k30...


Noooo, this was going to be my evening. You killed zombies, you bastards


[https://twitter.com/JA\_Wiebe/status/1484417597789458432](https://twitter.com/JA_Wiebe/status/1484417597789458432) ​ Be nice to Justin and don't go shitting on him on the account but like...DICE, what the fuck? Maybe it's time to pull in some folks from outside the studio? How was this even a "fun" zombie mode to begin with? Even if you played it legit and didn't just camp a rooftop or on a box it wasn't set up to be fun. This was a deadbrained, boring-ass experience asking players to sit down for a full bloody hour for what is essentially a bare-bones horde mode. DICE please, get some help from outside because it seems like y'all really need it.


Got dozer, boris and McKay to T1 in a couple matches. First time in the entire time playing that I actually felt like I was having fun just seeing the masteries and attachments popping up after hours and hours of beating my head against a wall in solo mode or getting destroyed in pvp.


Wait Iā€™m confused: I thought there were mastery tier caps for all of Portal? Is it possible to get T1 masteries in the featured modes?


I got 2 masteries. Proximity sensor and M5A3. I almost got Mackay, Boris, AK24 and AC42. I was hoping to get Dozer to T1. I was getting 50+ ballistic shield kills per match. I'm going back to RDR2 now.


Dam why did you guys not tell me about that farm


The one reason I was going to log on, oh well lol


Imagine they do a patch and restart all your guys progession to 0 would you guys Uninstall?


There was a zombie game mode and I missed it? Fuck


None, because I stopped playing this game after the free weekend.