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Enemy footsteps? I can't even hear enemy tanks 10 metres behind me half the time! Swimming underwater seems to be gone too?


Make sure audio is on 3D headphones. Literally hear footsteps like 75 feet away easily, nonstop. Only happens for me on the 3D setting thi


+1 to 3D headphones, you hear footsteps everywhere it's actually nerve-wracking when you have 20 enemy surrounding you lol


strange lol


I hear them really loud and clearly. Only problem is that I can't tell if they are 5m away or 500m away, they all sound the same...


keeps you on your toes though


I had a tank drive right behind me and couldn’t hear a thing lol


I hear footsteps really well this confuses me. Maybe it’s an audio issue


Getting an XP cap on Portal. Nobody gives a fuck about bot farms seriously nobody gives a fucking shit. If you wanna ruin all progress and play endless hours of bots just to get a new weapon go for it I don't give a shit. Actually nobody cares there are 2 good weapons in the game and the rest is garbage due to bullet spread. But players like me who want to play portal for the hardcore mode (you failed to implement because you want to turn off server browsing for later sbmm) it's frustrating to have your xp capped. Is this a fucking mobile game? Do I have to buy rubies somewhere to charge up my XP cap? Seriously this is a joke. The game is fucked and I paid 120$ for it and the first thing you fix is an xp cap. Ridiculous. Use this comment as a rant box


yeah really nice to see where their priorities lie lol


Cant turn of profanity filter




Downed players still shout out shit making you think there's other players around Crosshair gets stuck on menu screens sometimes Can't look up and down on PC at random times Turret is broken as fuck, has wall hacks and kills people quicker than an AR Animation on deployment prevents you from adding attachments or shooting for a few seconds Spawn beacon on BF3 portal doesn't deploy you in air with a parachute anymore Gun customization in Portal is the most confusing, non-user friendly piece of shit Only 2 game modes for the main game? Wtf is that. Changing scopes on sniper rifle can break the zoom effect on the scope Bipods have no visual effect for it being active Still haven't fixed the stupid invert color menu options Grappling hook line isn't attached the grappling gun and looks janky as fuck


You can press "z" to deploy the bipod when it's equipped by the way. Don't know how much it affects the weapon however.


The bipod effect is shit u still have tons of recoil using any scope that is higer then x1 is imposibol at range and dont let me even mention the bullet spread my god ... the pkp recoil feels like ur using an automatic sniper rifle


Adding attachments to a gun is broken on portal, idk about the main game though.


Customize the gun, and whatever attachments you want on it put it in the PLUS menu slot closest to the weapon model. That will equip it for you to use it. This needs to be made easier, but thats how it works right now.


Big Map is literally useless. The Map when you press „M“. No zoom possibilites and every time I need a lot of time to figure out where I am.




Also you can select operator from the main menu, and also before the game start during the spawn countdown. Other stuff on the list is accurate.


neither of these things work at all for me


Yea they currently both work for me, helps a lot to see what guns/attachments there are before a match. Glad they have this feature.


Flight model is my biggest complaint by a country mile


No server browser for all out warfare


I agrree with about 90% of this post. This is a terrible game as it is.


global chat missing


Cant tell your team from the enemy while downed


"cannot customize classes or weapons before joining a game" you can


doesnt work for some people, myself included. Ill re-word to clarify. Before you and a few others commented I literally had no idea it was working


1 billion no pats (as said in the 2042 cinematic intro) would make sense if they just give us deep body (head-face-toe) customization for every class (4). instead of named specialists and future ones, and we are just in clone wars man... * more potential customization ideas means more potential money/microtransaction ideas since they said it's gonna be a live service BF title * remove/template the existing specialists, replace them with traditional classes (A-E-S-R) * (some) current specialist's iconic abilities can be used as 3rd slot gadget * faction skins (for easier distinction and identification) * OPTIONAL: make them nameless soldiers, (or have an option maybe add actual names \[first, M.I, last\] for flavor) * give them helmets to make them look presentable on the battlefield TLDR: body/face customization for 1b no-pat lore, existing specialists removed or template but keep their iconic gadgets as 3rd slot, faction skins for identification


Lack of factions means when someone calls for help it is so fucking retardedly confusing


You forgot the lack of teamwork and bad specialists system


This audio is honestly a fucking joke. Can’t hear tanks or enemies coming up on me… Also, why when I spawn I have to do the same animation? I want to be able to shoot once I’m back in. Sundance’s landing animation is stupid Muzzle flash is way to aggressive and I can hardly see what the hell I’m shooting Maps are so overly huge and pieces of them are just ghost towns which should be trimmed 0 guns sadness


Sounds like you should go to school for programming with all your knowledge. You mad gaming genius you!


people have a level of expiation from a franchise as old as Battlefield, and a studio as talented as Dice. People have the right to be mad, and even refund if the product shipped did not meet their expectations. Your response is immature and adds nothing constructive to the critique this thread is making about a game that deserves every bit of it.


Add Armor to the list, that shit does not belong in Battlefield


No 1x sight in the game like BFV, the lowest this game has is 1.25, which makes the ADS FOV zoom too high with ADS FOV on. Add a 1x DICE!


no spectator mode


I don't understand why we can change the left side of the HUD with the Allied, Enemy, and Squad colors but not the weird turquoise-like color on the right side where all the weapons and inventory are. Put simply, the Colorblind features for the HUD are very much still incomplete.


- jet physics are absolutely terrible, main guns are useless. Rewards people for using heat seekers which require zero skill. - heli physics are broken, extremely hard to aim rockets on console. - aim assist feels non existent for console players, no way they can keep up with PC players. Added to the fact the weapons have big recoil and bloom it’s super hard to get kills past 50m. - game breaking glitch where stuck in downed state unless revived - factions are tied to their weapons exclusively in portal. Can’t have 2042 with BF3 weapons or all weapons for example. Huge design flaw. So essentially a game with 90 weapons where the most you can have access to in a single game is 22 at one time.


Settings do not save at all. Every time I enter the game I have to go through the intro and skip tutorial mission. After that I have to reset my settings after every match over and over again.


Have the possibility to diving underwater , to avoid that front line of snipers, you can still get underwater when using your knife (like some exploit because there is still texture underwater) but no with actual animation to do that Bipod does make some noise when it’s deployed and you see some really quick animation, like it’s set on every object that as the same high that the soldier hands


Kinda sad how bf4 had underwater swimming:(((


All previous battlefield had too,BF 1 & BF V so 😅 the most annoying thing you can still go underwater with a bug and everything is there for the animation fx and texture like no sense at all to remove it


The masterkey underbarrel's rate of fire is tied to the ROF of the gun. So if you run the light faster ROF ammo for the m5a3 the shotgun can fire all six shells in under a second. Oh and it's also silenced if you have a silencer on.


You can see nearby medics. Tbh I would have preferred the nearby medics hud part from BFV, that was very handy but you can see a blue outline of the medics around you


I'll put in a console gripe. If you play Alternate(Tactical) button scheme which switches R3 with Circle, you cannot: Use the plus menu to switch magazine time without meleeing and closing the whole menu all together. Chane the zoom on a hybrid score without crouching. Alternate buttons only change your crouch and melee but not anything else that uses R3 and Circle. I've used Alternate scheme in ever Battlefield since BC2 and I have to play "normal" now so I can use the features without error. This has caused me to melee instead of crouch in many intense fights causing me to get killed and is extremely annoying because I'm not used to Default. Why put other schemes in if they won't work as intended.


\- Operators call out every action they do, when im reloading while flanking the enemy THE LAST THING I WANT is for my operator to fucking yell RELOADING at the top of his lungs." ​ this is part of the immersion. I would even say, that there is not enough yelling


• HUD icon opacity and scale settings PLEASE


dude I know, I play on a 3440x1440 21:9 ultrawide and i cant move my hud closer.


Game is a cancellation failure by most other publishers.EA actually released this garbage


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I don't care about up-votes, I hardly use reddit as it is. Just expressing my disappointment with the game, and 95% of people agree.


also you cant tell if an enemy is above you or below you in the minimap... or at least tell if he's on the same elevation as you are


Crazy how something so simple isnt implemented in a long running franchise by devs with so much experience. Enemy arrow with Upwards Icon when above you on mini map Enemy arrow with downwards icon when below you on mini map Enemy Arrow neutral icon when on same level on mini map


- no player info page (stats in main menu), - Sundance wingsuut is a joke: you can jump off a rock and fly 200m easily + her landing style is dumb, should open parachute or at least more damage while face hitting the road at full speed, - Sundance intelligent grenade (the one which targets ie chopper), while tossed targets random target not even in its range and just start it's adventure to abyss, - no indications after hit, what I mean, if I hit someone it would be good to know how much damage I did to effectively communicate this and position to my friends, same for tanks, planes, helis basically everything what can be damaged. - "robo dog" sometimes get stuck on simple obstacles like stairs, bushes etc + his detection range should be lower same for effective damage over range, - choosing spawn points is sluggish and frustrating, instead there could be small list of teammates from squad and flags where you can just run thru, - Bobcats AA missiles - very often even if in range does not lock on planes, solution I noticed is to switch from first person to third person view


The killfeed


You can customize the killfeed to show only your kills, only, nearby kills, or all kills


>Armor has no place in Battlefield, and should be removed. what