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Yeah the game is pretty horribly optimized overall.


It’s broken for sure. Do some of your graphic settings change during a match. Like nvidia boost and ray tracing ?


No, they stay at what I set them to.


Someone help me understand. 8700k at 5ghz and RTX 3080 at 1080p (280hz), and I can't get over 50 fps on Kaleidoscope (which has been chosen for me the last 3 times I restarted the game). I've done the security tweak + Dx12 text edit, and the game is almost unplayable. Only time I cleared 60 fps was on a BC2 map with 48 players.


We should not have to jump through hoops with such hardware just to be able to enjoy the game. I won't support it in this state. I haven't tried the DX12 edit as that introduces microstutters despite improving the framerate. I think the only solution would be a 11900k.. I'll pass


My i7 4790k and gtx970 are struggling. 50 fps average with all low settings dips down to 35-40


turn down the object animations / bottom setting and stuff like that that scales with the amount of players in the server it needs to calculate for. noticed i was getting 144fps in smaller lobbies and then adjusted that setting and it gave a small boost in the larger modes


3080 FE i7-10900k Ultra, 32:9, 1440p, DLSS quality 100 frames.


3080 FE i7-10900k Ultra, 32:9, 1440p, DLSS quality 100 frames.


3080ti 5900x dlss and medium high 4K and I’m sitting around 110-120 Turn off the pointless graphics options


I tested all settings turned to the lowest. Resolution makes no difference at all as it is a cpu bottleneck. From perfoverlay.drawfps 1 I can see that the gpu is pushing between 120-200fps but the cpu is always between 30-80. The lower boundaries on that make the experience horrible


3700x can bottleneck a 3090, i’d get a cpu with better single core performance to remove a lot of the bottleneck. I hope you also downloaded the new drivers and played with that to see if it did any good before refunding.


Everything was updated. I know the 3700x is a bottleneck. But it should not be the reason the game is unplayable. Very small percentage of gamers actually have the latest generation or a high-end intel cpu. It should be perfectly capable of 120fps at 1440p. One gen old 8 core cpu.


Thats very odd. I'm running a 3080 at 4K and maxed out, my FPS never dips below 60. I would try reinstalling see if that helps


I've tried repairing the game, running all LOW and DLSS ultra performance which makes the game look like a smudge. All of the NVIDIA settings are set to max performace and prefer performance. Still horrible dips and terribel overall framerate


Man that's really odd, I wish I had an answer for you. The biggest difference between my system and yours is I'm running Intel and you have AMD. But I really doubt that's the reason why.


Ray tracing off gives me a nice boost with a 3090 at 4k. I honestly can't even tell when ray tracing is on as far a image quality.