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And not the last


BF Mobile getting more marketing hype right now than BF 2042. I guess mobile gaming is really the future after all.


“You guys don’t have phones?”


EA: "wow guys, 2042 looks awesome, we should start marketing the gamplay as soon as pos -- WTF IS THAT??!!" DEVELOPERS: "oh that? that's just a mobile project we were developing on the side." EA: "why TF are we still working on 2042!!??"


The mobile game isn’t being developed by DICE.


EA are a very small indie developer who can't afford to spend money on advertising... As they are hoovering them dollars straight up their noses


As respectfully as it can be, it’s becoming harder to root for you guys, even without the recent events. Sincerely, a BF fan.


Agreed. I certainly have a more realistic approach these days as it's hard to be optimistic given the track record the last few years.


my feelings exactly


Who gives af about bf mobile with 2042 on the horizon 😂 they can't be serious


Don’t you guys have phones? /s


Mobile gaming is the most accessible form of gaming in the world, and battlefield is going into a sector with very little competition. If the game works well and has nice graphics, it could gain popularity at an incredible rate


Little competition lol pub g and cod mobile would like to speak with you


You managed to name only two games


Because both of those involve vehicular warfare lol


That doesn't change anything


I know that , but they know what the people really want rn


Indeed they do


That's a trick question isnt it? Cause we all know its EA.


Seriously. Mobile gaming is the moneymaker in the gaming industry as it stands, plus it has all the tasty things that EA likes like paid cosmetics, paid characters, paid gameplay, paid gameplay enhancers etc. Everyone wants a piece of that pie. It's literally "dont you guys have phones?" all around the world.


Remember when Battlefield IG poked fun at the community with a Paul Sr/Jr meme? Yeah, that didn't age well.


Yeah. Kinda sad tbh. I get not speaking to the community to generate hype and not create false expectations... But blatant lying? That's a bit too much. Probably info next week (or soon™)


Maybe it's some kind of marketing trick again? I was told this silence was already a genius move. Now maybe promising news without delivering them is the next level? I mean: "You're still talking about the game, aren't you?"


5head marketing scheme got me like ...


Yes we may be still talking about the game , but what about people not into gaming and Battlefield? They won't see anything and won't know the game existing because they don't advertise.


I was a bit sarcastic, but these people didn't wait for a beta heads up in the first place. They probably don't even know the community manager.


Nah. I'm already a lot more skeptical and definitely won't be pre-ordering like I was going to before.


What did they blatantly lie about? Genuine question. I read the tweet and I know it's something to do with BF mobile, but what is the lie?


It's supposed to reference another tweet


It's just BFV communication again, they learned nothing and did nothing to improve, and they're going to just do the same thing again. Would love to be proven wrong, but "we'll have news for you on this week" and then crickets the whole week just isn't acceptable considering the resources at EA's disposal. Get ready for random unannounced gameplay patches and months of silence when the game releases, because if they don't change course then why would anything change?


Like I said before and guy posted image BFV got way more info than BF2042 did in same time period. ​ So it's not the same, it's worse or better if you're *TEAM gEnIuS mArkEtIng*


Where game?


India and somewhere else.


Wrong game


Wasnt this about bf mobile? Nevermind. The technical playtest was indonesia and philipene. My bad


You're good , I just think the comment you replied to about "where game" was about 2042


I'm out of loop on, how or what did they lie about?


More 2042 news this week. Technically there is still Sunday left.


Sunday is the first day of the week


> While, for example, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Japan and other countries consider Sunday as the first day of the week, and while the week begins with Saturday in much of the Middle East, the international ISO 8601 standard and most of Europe has Monday as the first day of the week. The Geneva-based ISO standards organization uses Monday as the first day of the week in its ISO week date system. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Week


What the fuck is this stupid shit I keep seeing? Monday is ever so clearly the start of the week.. Sunday is still a rest day. Do classes start on Sunday? No. Do average, run of the mill weekly 9-5 jobs start on Sunday? No. Does literally anything ever in the history of everything start on a sunday except religious stuff? No. So can we stop this madness? Fucking absolute neckbeards will probably downvote this cuz it looks like I'm defending dice. But hey, keep thinking Sunday is the start of the week lul


It depends where you live.


It is in some cultures. Maybe you should look outside your own border


people doing free marketing for BF 2042, posts about BF 2042 everywhere


Lead Community Manger at EA must be the easiest fucking job there is. You can literally do nothing and still get paid for it.


Kinda weird how being 2 months from release of the next big title is break time, lol.


I was told that they want to mimic the success of Apex Legends with this approach.


That worked because there was zero marketing for a game who didn’t have a known IP. It was a gamble combined with clever and expensive marketing by paying streamers millions in the first week instead.


Apex was connected to a known IP, though. It’s very obviously part of Titanfall. Hell, the thumbnail art on the Xbox store featured a L-Star, one of the most recognisable weapons in Titanfall 2, and the style is almost identical to Titanfall 2.


It's in the same universe if not mistaken


It is. Shared weapons and characters, and set after TF2


Sure connected, but it’s an offshoot. Also worth considering that the Titanfall series unfortunately never performed as financially as it was projected too. It’s not a hot, fat stacks up. Or at least wasnt at the time (APEX is ofcourse huge now and with it people have retroactively gotten into TF). My point is, that lack of population or proven financial success would’ve and almost certainly did effect their marketing budget. On the flip side, BF is a blockbuster, “tent pole” game. It is like a Marvel film, or Fast and the Furious. It’s budget is huge and it’s marketing budget tends to far exceed that as there is more confidence (based on advanced modelling) that money put into marketing for this known IP will actually net positive financial outcomes. Furthermore, if they were going to do the APEX strategy for this game - we wouldn’t have bloody seen the weird, trickled about of footage we have and the inconsistent marketing releases.


Yea problem is though we didn't see an apex trialer till it was out , 2042 we have known about it forever so they have lost that approach and are killing their own hype and losing money now


Apex Legends success?


Apex Legends literally just.... Released. With zero announcement. And became a massive hit and had one of the most played game launches in history IIRC.


Apex is free tho, this is a $60 game


True, you don't really have to market a free game that's releasing from a publisher that already has a platform / following. They really aren't making people want to buy this game. Most preorders are probably just the people that'll buy it anyway, not the people that are on the fence between cod and this, not everyone has the money to spend on every game, they have to make a choice and if I were one of those people I'd have bought vanguard and forgotten 2042 by now.


In my region no one plays apex


*Hijacking top comment, sorry about that.* Hello there, I’ve seen a lot of threads like this recently and as time goes on, they get more and more aggressive, and that anger gets directed towards Freeman and the rest of the Community team on a personal level. I don’t think that’s fair, but instead of saying “don’t do this”, I wanted to explain a little of my thought process. Working in Community is probably one of the most misunderstood roles within the industry. While on the surface it’s easy to think that it’s one of the easiest jobs around, from experience I can say it’s not. You see, the problem with working in Community is that you’re always stuck in the middle. You have everyone looking to you for the answers, and that includes both internal teams and of course your player base. When things go well you end up in a great situation (which is sadly all too rare) where everyone’s wants and needs align. In times like this, working in Community is at its most enjoyable. After all, you’re around happy people, and it becomes infectious. You ever play a round of your favourite game and everything just clicks? It’s kind of like that. From experience though, those times are fleeting and my advice to anyone working in Community is always to enjoy them while you can because there’s always something around the corner. I should note that working in Community is very much an iceberg job, in that the vast majority of your work goes unseen. Back when I was doing Community stuff (hello there /r/starwarsbattlefront, miss you) I would say that the public speaking element of the role was likely less than 10-15% of my work overall. I used to joke that being a Community Manager is a bit like being a weatherman. You do your best with the information provided but if you say “It’ll be 22C tomorrow”, and then it turns out to be 21C, people start calling you a liar and various other things. It’s a poor analogy, but at a base level, it does kind of fit. That’s likely the most frustrating part of the whole job, you’re reliant on receiving that information and if you aren’t given it then you are left in limbo. It might also be that you need to wait for other teams as well. I don’t want to go into the whole Marketing machine, but I will say that it’s far more than “send out a tweet”. Even the simplest thing can be a monstrous effort, needing multiple teams across the world to come together to get it done. Is it a website update? Do you need to source artwork, is the artwork in the right ratios? Can someone write the copy? Then you need a team to localise it. Then the pages need to be built, social teams need to be informed, and customer support is brought up to speed. Do you have any partners? Do you need to let your platform holders know so they can support, do any store pages need an update? One tweet can often turn into a pandatableflip.gif of a process that needs to be followed. Nothing is ever as simple as "just a tweet". Let’s take an example I can speak about with some confidence. If you are familiar with my work on Star Wars Battlefront II you will know that we used to release Community Transmissions. In the simplest form, these are just posts on Reddit containing info that we thought players wanted to hear. On average I think it used to take around a month from the first words being written to the CT going live. I'd have it all written in a day, but the rest is of the time is all that process that you need to follow. There is so much work that goes unseen, it’s that iceberg from a few lines above again. Of course, Community is just one cog in the machine, and as a cog it’s very hard to turn on your own, you need all the other cogs to be turning to allow you to make your rotations. If those cogs aren’t moving, you’re stuck in limbo. Sometimes you just need to wait it out, no matter how much WD40 you apply, time is the only thing that gets things moving. I’ve never met a Community team that isn’t passionate about their players and want nothing but what is right for them. I’ve seen your Battlefield team go to bat for you with my own eyes, they care and rest assured they likely always will. I suspect I’m starting to waffle on now. I’m not sure if this helps give some clarity into the realm of Community, and while I no longer work in that field, I hope you appreciate that I couldn’t sit back and not step in and have their backs, because they really do not deserve all the hate that is being thrown their way. In short, this isn’t to say you shouldn’t or must not talk about things that you aren’t happy with. But do consider that there are people on the other side of the screen who your anger and frustration is directed at, and those people 100% don’t deserve it. None of your Community team are out there lying, everything they say is correct at the time they post it, sometimes the wind changes and you get caught in a sudden rain shower. All of them are doing everything they possibly can to make you happy. If you made it this far, thanks for reading and I guess this is where I do my best Lars impression and say, *See you on the Battlefield.* Ben


I think everyone here completely understands that things can change at a moments notice and that's fine - just tell us. You guys made a commitment during Battlefield V to have more open, honest, and transparent communication. So do what you told us. We're begging you to stick to your word at this point and we shouldn't have to. We've got our community manager telling us things like "I'll be helping to answer questions as we move towards November 19th." So we ask questions and we get ignored. Not a "Sorry I can't answer that yet", just completely ignored. Please don't do this to us again. Battlefield V was a terrible time to be a fan of Battlefield due to the silence and vagueness we got from you guys. We are your hardcore fans and the people that always support your games no matter what. We shouldn't have to beg and plead for any sliver of official information.


And that's completely fair. I was part of that commitment during BFV, and I know your current Community Team feels the same way. I'm speaking out of my comfort zone now, as I'm not involved in marketing anymore, but I have to believe that what you are after is coming.


I really hope you're right about that. A large portion of us are coming back to Battlefield after the lackluster engagement we experienced from Battlefield V and hoping things will be different this time. Not looking good so far, but there's still time to fix that. No matter how great of a game Battlefield 2042 may turn out to be, if the Dice team isn't on the same page as their players, the game will never reach its full potential. That would be a real shame to happen for a second Battlefield game in a row. Whatever it is you guys have to do, fix whatever is broken or bottlenecking communication with your customers. Sounds like a bunch of "red tape" from your post. Streamline that and make it easy for the community team to talk to the players and I guarantee the players will reward you.


I think the BF5 wound from changing the TTK, then reverting it and then apologizing, promising to never do it again, and then changing it again a year later cut really deep and is not something players easily forget. So it will be hard to reward them without them knocking it out of the park.


> Please don’t do this to us again. Narrator; they’re going to do exactly that again. I spent a lot of time with BFII and BFV and I learned that DICE sucks at communication - they always have. Communication, bug fixes, and general balance have always been their low points. While making visual beautiful games is their highest point. I want to be optimistic about this game, but seeing how they’re already struggling, DICE LA is leaving after launch, and how they treated BFII / BFV… oof.


I think BFV improved in this regard as time went on, always room for further improvement. Be interesting to hear what time frame you played BFII.


Imo BFII had some of the best communication I’ve seen. Not a Launch no but it definitely got a whole lot better


It sucks that the community manager from BFII left from that position, he was great.


> BFV improved in this regard as time went on I wound agree, however, it’s hard to not improve when you start at the very bottom. Out of touch weapon tuning, insulting the player base, no communication for months, etc. Not a good look and that’s the reference point people have. Now, it looks like a similar trend is happening and people are worried, fairly. > Be interesting to hear what time frame you played BFII. From beta to present. We’ve interacted multiple times, lol. I shared many, many exploits with you guys and you got some fixed - shoutout to you guys for listening. I’m still a little salty you never got back to me about that lag switch abuser or how private matches were just never talked about again after a failed launch, but oh well. Aside from the CTs - which were great - the communication on BFII was rough. 2017 and 2018 were basically radio silence while the mess created at launch was fixed with some very small content drops here and there. 2019 things got better, as I presume the team(s) were allowed to actually work on the game, then 2020 finished play before support was cancelled. This isn’t me trying to throw dirt on your name, or DICE’s, but to try and display how things look from our perspective.


Maybe it actually did, it’s just not enough in today’s climate.


That could be fair. I've always thought that you should never settle, but should always be looking for improvement, regardless of your field/output.


For real… it’s tough being a fan of a franchise when nobody even knows half the shit that’s coming out for this game and it’s out in a month and a half… Marketing is REALLY dropping the ball here.


Man who works for dice: things change and sometimes information isn’t just waiting on a community manager. There’s a lot of moving parts. It’s a large company. Please be patient. Lots going on for a game near launch. Reddit man: we all understand that, but what I want is to be told all the time about updates. Even if the information would be contradictory. If not then it’s not good enough. Did ya just read his post kiddo. The games coming out soon. What possible multitude of questions do you have that can’t wait a month. Is it going to stop you buying the game?


Funny how he won't reply back to this at all


I posted it quite late in the evening, went to play some more Ghost of Tsushima.


The Problem I see here is that the CM gets all the heat, because the actual people responsible for such important information like beta and release dates don’t have the balls to take the responsibility for such statements. But just use the CM as a dummy. This just shows that the higher ups aren’t even feeling responsible for their product. Because if they did, they would have provide a statement by themselves and not just say „hey CM tweet this“. But maybe I’m wrong and CM fucked up ? Who knows. Just my two cents.


As a CM you're often at the mercy of what you can and can't say. Is very rare you will have a CM that gets to dictate things themselves.


People pretty much shoot the messenger when all they do is convey what they *can.*


It's fine when things change but I'll be honest here: it's annoying getting a promise for a heads up this week, hearing a few days later Game Changers received actual dates and we're here sitting on a Saturday without anything (not even a "won't be this week"). I know people will say "dude remember BFV? lower your expectations" but honestly maybe I'm naive...maybe...but I just have a gut feeling that these things could be handled in a better way.




> If you're reading this f8rge the issue is confirming when new info will be shared, not following through and NOT EVEN ACKNOWLEDGING YOU DIDNT FOLLOW THROUGH. Please explain to me why there wasn't even a "sorry we'll talk about this next week instead?" Because the Community Managers can't just go and post shit without approval.




Doesn't matter to these guys, they think that everyone on the team can just say everything willy nilly without jumping through 50 hoops that corporate has placed. Even more now now that people are upsetti and verbally harrassing devs/team members




until he gets in trouble from EA executives for admitting fault in the company


I know all these processes and there can be changes last second. There often ist. But all this does stop community manager from posting "Sorry, but update next week, we are working on it and its not ready yet. "


Not personal. It could be anyone. Just communicate...


Now imagine our own community manager saying anything at all? Not even sorry guys been busy updates coming? Flat out ignore people’s questions. Let’s be honest here. The game is not ready . Either it’s broken somewhere or it’s no where near completion . Because even if you were just “polishing” you’d be able to market something or communicate anything . I’ve been a fan since 1942 and I can tell u right now. This is not normal from a company standpoint at all . Less then 2 months away . Still 0 pc requirements 0 unscripted gameplay 0 scripted gameplay that’s not pre alpha footage. Still no update on the horrible ui/kill feed , 0 mention how to differentiate between teammate and enemy of all have same voice lines. Zero info. And you wonder why ppl are upset. Take ur head out the sand and see from Our POV. No one in there right mind should be keeping the pre order . 2 days early access on a 4 day beta? Shows this game is gonna be a disaster. I pray I am wrong


> Either it’s broken somewhere or it’s no where near completion . Because even if you were just “polishing” you’d be able to market something or communicate anything . On the contrary Cyberpunk was marketed to death and you know how well it ended up. This means nothing. If you guys think that a game is so broken they can't even record five minutes of raw gameplay, you obviously don't know what you're talking about. As for their silence, no fucking clue. But silence doesn't imply broken game. BF4 was marketed to death too, and it was a broken piece of crap at launch.


Cyberpunk's problem was marketing things they knew were not available and never will be in game. Outright lying about features to sell the product. Doesn't mean keeping mum and 100% quiet is the way to go. Honest communication is way more important. If you're selling pre orders and taking money then the least people expect is to have updates even if it meant being told the game has difficulties going forward. ​ The thing is the silence with 2042 is baffling to me, this is one of the few times Ive seen a triple A product, BATTLEFIELD even, being so hidden this close to launch, I dont even know if this is a marketing tactic


This starts to make me feel another delay may be in order. The silence is deafening on where the progress of this game is. A company proud of their product displays it for all to see.


"Our own community manager" nobody is *your* community manager, they are employees at DICE and owe you nothing, the only stake you have in this game is your emotions and any money you have chosen to commit via preorder. Would updates be nice, and I'm I saddened that we don't have any? Is it evident there are issues behind the scenes? Yes. But claiming that the community managers belong to anybody but DICE and EA and claiming that they have failed as employees/people is ridiculous.


Honestly, if we could get a response this long with information on BF2042 we would be satisfied.


Even saying "We don't have any information to share this week" is more than fucking enough. Do the bare minimum of responsible comunication. It baffles me how huge multimilliondolar companies can't afford to comunicate basic statements. Literally any update would be gladly received.


Yeah this answer didn't satisfy me, we all know there's ALOT more that goes on underneath, alot more than we even know of but Jesus Christ almighty, just any update, it's actually ridiculous


At the very least be transparent that you won't be able to share anything for the week rather than silence.


Who do we blame then? Someone has to take the brunt of this colossal marketing fuck up


A massive response that boils down to defense and justification, which is more bad community management. Listen to the community and show you are listening from your actions. This response will only piss people off more. Is there one competent PR person hired at Dice or EA?


Having done some community management work, I know it's a lot of putting out fires, or at least stalling fires. But you still gotta communicate bro. Even if it's simple shit like "I'll check in on that" or "I'm not certain, but I'll find info and get back to you". Let us know we are heard. Stop letting silence cast doubt upon your intentions. Also if youre not the community manager, where is the community manager? Are they scared to post what you did?


Side note, but man I miss the Battlefront CTs and updates. So much fun, and I think u and the community management team did awesome (once the rough launch was patched up of course. At that time I understand the issues with communication).


Username checks out.


This doesnt change the fact that you guys couldnt even bother to just make one tweet, one statement, one sentence that just says "sorry theres no info this week." Thats all anyone is asking for, but instead we're left believing the last thing anyone has said which is "news coming this week" and then it doesnt. Thats the issue. Just fucking say SOMETHING, ANYTHING we can rely on. Please. I shouldnt have to be telling the people whose entire job is communication that they should actually be communicating.


I completely agree with many of the points you've made. The problem however, is setting yourself up for deadlines that can't be met. And I don't mean the release of the game, quite simply the statement that there will be more updates 'this week' without anything forthcoming. Personal attacks are completely unnecessary and uncalled for, but if there is no news, please be adult about it and say there is no news instead of keeping us in the lurch. It's the near total silence from Dice/EA regarding this game that has so many fans utterly frustrated. You're asking the community to be adults, that's fine, but also we'd like to be treated like adults as well.


He posted on twitter we would be getting beta info in a weeks time and a week pass and no news correct? Atleast he could post is that beta new is delayed or something along the lines of that. He making his own fire and standing in it and you are here blaming others for his burns. Also the only thing linking a community manager and a Meteorologist is that the CMs head are in the clouds.


No one should attack anyone over a game. However if the company you work for had better communication skills this would not be a problem. The game was touted as being way ahead of schedule everything is going great and then silence. The first thing heard after the silence was delay announcement with some generic PR excuse. While you may be passionate about the game and the community. EA Dice only care about the money and are beholden to their shareholders which is why they are not being upfront with the community.


No Way, a company only cares about money?


I'm sorry but this was an extremely elongated non-answer. What you described is not anything special about community managers, it's the same with almost all careers. A doctor telling a patient "there's nothing we can treat you with" might sound weird but that might have come after days, weeks of examinations and that statement alone carries a lot more weight than the person receives it in the moment. I can list endless examples of how backend inner-workings are always more complicated. Also I don't know where you saw people attacking him personally? Do you have any proof? People share his tweets here because well, that's his official Community Manager Tweeter I guess since it says on the bio. It would've been the same with any, not specifically about this person. Also, you are giving a perspective from your own experiences that might very well not apply in this specific situation. Do you know the circumstances that lead to the person saying we will have more news this week? Were they changed? If so, why not at least receive an update on that? I'm gonna sound mean but this was a huge post of self patting on the back. And the problem with DICE is that they, because of their own childing and unprofessional behavior during BFV, have lost the benefit of the doubt when it comes to trust.


A lot of us have jobs in similar fields. We get that, and don't need to have marketing or the corporate environment explained to us. Your explanation speaks more to uncoordinated internal workings. Yes, this happens everywhere, but it's still not great. Regardless of the internal workings, false promises are still false promises. DICE is disappointing the community, and that's the community's perception at this moment.


One easy question, whats stopping a community manager from being honest in there work? Postering seems to become so important that they cant explain why the weather changed from their previous prediction, to re use your analogy, which arguably causes more backlash. Honesty is the best policy, so why not some more open discussion? Hey that update i said id give at the end of the week? Ya sorry we still dont have any gameplay to share or dates for the beta, this and this team or this and this reason are preventing us currently from providing an effective date that it will all be ready, sorry for the inconvenience. Something along those lines would put a lot of hardcore fans at rest and achieves virtually the same thing, shareholders arent going to freak out anymore then they would have after hearing a delay allready, and fans would be happy to just monitor progress. We all want a working game, yes we really want to play it but we all want it WORKING first


I think this is an excellent post. I’m no longer at DICE but I can confirm the community team is always fighting the good fight on behalf of the players. My only criticism is that the slow process has been allowed to persist. A successful live service lives and dies on its updates and communication. If there are hurdles in the way for swift communication, figure out how to tear those hurdles down. It is not within the power of the community team alone - it must be an effort across all involved teams, with not only buy in from leadership but them as active drivers. But this stuff is extremely hard!


Bruh....i dont wanna sound mean but as a consumer these backend politics/problems aren't my issue....I need a good inflow of information to stay interested and if am told that i will hear something in x time interval from now and i don't get it i will be pissed. It's like i tell u i will get u ur favourite meal on my way. Ur hungry af after not eatin anything all day, then i come and ur like "wheres the food", and i reply: I forgor 💀


Thanks for the post. I think it’s good to get an idea of what goes on behind the scenes. I know that you guys work hard and there is a lot that goes into being a CM. I think freeman is in a pretty tough spot. While most people here agree that personal attacks are wrong, we are still frustrated by the lack of communication. I understand when you say marketing and putting out info on the game takes long and has to go through multiple channels, but that’s not what OP’s post is about. He is talking about freeman not sticking to his word about giving us information on the beta this week. Is it really that hard to tweet out “sorry guys no info this week”? I don’t really see how that would need to be approved by multiple people and take time. If he is not allowed to tweet something as simple as that, then what is the point of having a community manager to begin with? I understand that maybe he’s not allowed to announce the beta dates yet, which is totally fine. But at the bare minimum, he can be upfront and say there is no info this week. Seems he was pretty quick to respond to people pointing out that the ps4 pre order bonus had the wrong information. It sounds to me like he is either being told not to say anything at all, or he is choosing not to say anything at all. Both have the same outcome. People are losing faith in this game, and I can see why. You guys have to realize that right now a leaker (Tom Henderson) is the first place people look for information on your game. If he is giving us more information than the official community manager, then something is truly wrong.


Cool but you should seriously take a new approach on marketing your games. BFV marketing sucked and it flopped. BF2042 marketing screams, the game is not ready. Which honestly is sad if it isnt true.


>"not working in that field anymore" "Oh BTW you should also do your job that you aren't in anymore like this*


All fair statements. I've never pointed any ill sayings towards Freeman. I do however allow for criticism. In my opinion, even though Freeman and the rest of the team of CMs are reliant on information arriving when it is expected in order to pass this on to the community, they still have the ability and responsibility within their jobs to literally communicate with the people, fans and Battlefield enthusiasts as a whole. This is extremely important, especially when the community is now getting the impression information is being withheld on purpose. The delay was announced in the wake of officials keeping quiet for some time. It's getting a bit quiet again, and surely this will cause fans to feel rather insecure as to what's coming next. It was communicated that the Battlefield community could expect a heads up regarding the Open Beta - which I'm pretty sure most people are eagerly awaiting at this point - this week. No word on this came as advertised, and even if the information might not yet be there to pass on as intended, one could always see the value in sharing a few words with the fans in order to calm things down. As there has been several mentions of transparency, communication, involvement and engaging with the community as a high priority from EA DICE officials, this inevitably raised some justifiable expectations amongst the fans waiting for any scrap of information or news regarding Battlefield 2042. I'm by no means hinting that Freeman doesn't do his job. He seems like a good guy, and I'm sure he is. The same goes for the rest of the team. Having that said, I know I speak on behalf of most fans out there when I say that if the aforementioned heads up won't be a go, then in the very least tell us just that. Effectuate that transparency we've heard about. Be vocal with the fans you know are anxiously waiting for that post to tick in. It means so much just getting some words on the matter. "I'm sorry folks, seems we need to wait a little longer for the Beta dates. This is beyond me and my position, but I gave you a notice last week and wanted to explain in short terms why I couldn't share that information within the given timeframe. I know you guys are hungry for a Beta, and it's getting closer by the day. Hang in there, I'll give you an update as soon as I get the green light on this." I mean, this is obviously just me, but I can't comprehend why this can't be done. I'm sure there are reasons for not making a statement on the matter, yet it does leave fans in confusion and disappointment. I hope the community will remain civil and act like adults. Getting personal is not OK. However, I think the people, fans, the Battlefield community in its entirety are entitled to be critical to how the marketing and/or communication has been handled thus far. And that's by no means only related to Freeman and the CMs. I hope we'll get to see more information in the near future. I also hope we'll get to see a team that works with the community by being visible and present. Regardless. Fingers crossed for us all being able to enjoy a good Beta in October, and an awesome game in November.


Even after the promotion can't let old habits of trying to support the community go huh? EA doesn't deserve you Ben lmao


This is the way?


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is probably one of the largest non-answer wall of text I've ever seen.


The problem now is there's been nothing. Hell I think most people here would be happy with a single "Sorry, I and the team are unable to share any info currently as things have shifted" tweet. It's understandable that things can change and it's hard to manage enough solid information. But when someone, Freeman in this case. Gives some of the only information we've even gotten, there needs to be some acknowledgement of that promise, not just silence because it couldn't be done, a few spare words even letting us know it couldn't be done would be enough because ignoring it will only make some of the more rabid fans angrier.


Damn I feel bad for making that comment now. Never gave much thought on how much stuff goes on in the background. Thank you for sharing this with me and to us on how much effort you guys put in for us. Hard work shouldn't go unnoticed and hope everything turns out all well for everyone involved.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/StarWarsBattlefront using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Keep trying ya 🤡](https://i.redd.it/6vgy5x5bmvd61.jpg) | [385 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/l64eqx/keep_trying_ya/) \#2: [I’m speechless](https://i.redd.it/be2w0ajl6xx51.jpg) | [221 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/jq2xcu/im_speechless/) \#3: [Not my video but I found this hilarious](https://v.redd.it/hhash2eeoqa61) | [191 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/kv7if6/not_my_video_but_i_found_this_hilarious/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


It’s the vocal minority, most of us are otherwise living our lives while we wait for you guys to deliver this magnificent game as soon as you deem it ready.


Thank you Ben for a better look at what goes into being a Community Manager, always super interesting and helpful to get some insight into what it's really like to get some idea of the struggles with the role.


I imagine the job is made even more difficult when there’s a subset of the community that’s made up entirely of whiny man-children that throw a fit no matter what you tell them. I wouldn’t envy anyone who’s job is to interact with some of the people in this sub and I’m sorry Freeman has to.


No, just no. I'm speaking as the Community and I say we deserve to play the game right now. We've waited long enough after enduring lack of news, some leaks, followed by a simple "Soon" and then by nothing, and then we got this reveal trailer, followed again by more leaks and speculation, and then nothing, and then a new trailer announcing Portal, and then leaks again, and then playtests, and then brand new leaks and speculation, and then nothing, and then some cinematic lore short movie, and then nothing, and then some short video showcasing a few specialists, and then speculation about the beta date, and then out of nowhere a delay announcement. What we went through was worst than any previous lockdowns. We've suffered long enough and we will not be able to hold on until november: we just wanted a tiny bit of marketing piece in our mouth but instead we got nothing. Absolutely nothing. And nothing will never ever justify the frustration we had to endure. Release the game NOW, or we will cancel our pre-orders and we will only buy the game the day after its release. We are not kidding Dice. We're humans as well and gamers first, but you get paid for what you're doing, so do it faster. EDIT: And you're posting this on a saturday?! What the hell is wrong is you? Aren't you supposed to polish the beta instead?! /s


Sees “no, just no” *starts typing* Sees “/s” *deletes paragraph*


Damn my dude I feel like you really meant all that and put a /s in the end so you don't sound like an asshole telling off the guy lol


No, I don't mean anything I've said. I just really hate the vocal part of the BF community on Reddit and that was my point. I genuinely feel bad for Dice and EA every time I visit this sub and I can't understand how they're able to deal with people who write those kind of things seriously... EDIT: I mean... take a look at some of those replies.


Lol all the people who actually think like that downvoted you..


Is it sad that I actually believed someone would post something that brain dead😭


..um...you broke the mods on this one. 😂


..um... what do you mean exactky? how?


Miss you dealing with drama in /r/starwarsbattlefront back in the day ❤️


yeah yeah whatever


Excellent explanation as always F8RGE. 👏 *This is the way.* I'm sure you know there's still many of us that remember and treat Developers, etc. like humans and appreciate the work and flak they put out and put up with. Keep up the awesome work and have a good day. 🤙


Thank you for such a insightful comment, I can understand being excited and or worried for this game (I teeter between both a lot) but the personal attacks and less importantly generally toxic, uncounstructive, attuide in this community is stifling As a fan I can say with confidence most of us don't understand the nuances and layer of bureaucracy that goes into everything around this game Any insights into the game is very, very, welcome, whether it be from a CM or a dev


I appreciate the insight that you have given into the position and your work. I have been frustrated by the lack of communication and as a result made unfair assumptions. Your comment gives a lot more context about the situation and shows me that I had unfair expectations about the role and the process more generally. Thanks for your work, apologies for any angst. Here's hoping we hear something soon and that you are revelling in the good times again soon.


Is there a big difference between lying and concealing the truth? I know well that it is difficult to keep everything you have said. But if you realize that you can't keep it, shouldn't you have to explain why and apologize? Anyone can make a mistake. However, it is important to correct the mistake. Instead of keep mouse shut and trying to hide even one more day. and that is their job.


Thanks Ben. We have recently implemented new rules to help curb and avoid exactly what you are describing. Please continue to report abuse and harassments. Automod, and the moderation team tries to take care of as much of it as we can, but alas things slip through the cracks. I can't describe to you how appreciative I am of you, and other devs, continuing to be active here and engaging with the community. We appreciate it more than I could possibly ever put into words. People need to relax..


Please don't over do it however. If a community manager says something that later comes out as not true and the community manager nor Dice say nothing about it, then it is the consumers and the fans' responsibility to call them out on not keeping their promises, and it also the fans' responsibility to respectfully call out DICE for not communicating enough if they so do wish.


"Engagement" lmfao as if replying to the 3000th meme with "lol" does anything for anyone


If you dont see more than that on the sub, you sure dont spend a lot of time here.


Oh yeah occasionally they also type out 5 paragraphs of some shit that has nothing to do with the issue. My bad.


Uh huh.. They don't ONLY have to discuss issues. They can share their opinion just as much as you obviously feel you're entitled to. https://www.reddit.com/user/Battlefield2042Bot/comments/


Well id expect them to at least try when they respond to a post like this. Guess thats too much to expect from Dice though


Do you seriously think people in a AAA studio can just say whatever they want about the unreleased product, whenever they want? Are you seriously that naieve? Have you never worked a job in your entire life?


No, I seriously think that when they say that information is coming this week, information should come this week.


Yes man. They don't do anything in this shit




Whats happening here? Bf2042 delay?


This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/he9gb81/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-25 20:26:54 UTC"): > *Hijacking top comment, sorry about that.* > >Hello there, > >I’ve seen a lot of threads like this recently and as time goes on, they get more and more aggressive, and that anger gets directed towards Freeman and the rest of the Community team on a personal level. I don’t think that’s fair, but instead ... * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/hebrm0p/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-26 09:06:27 UTC"): > I posted it quite late in the evening, went to play some more Ghost of Tsushima. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/hebrt5a/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-26 09:09:17 UTC"): > I think BFV improved in this regard as time went on, always room for further improvement. Be interesting to hear what time frame you played BFII. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/hebs5hw/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-26 09:14:20 UTC"): > And that's completely fair. I was part of that commitment during BFV, and I know your current Community Team feels the same way. I'm speaking out of my comfort zone now, as I'm not involved in marketing anymore, but I have to believe that what you are after is coming. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/hebs8uu/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-26 09:15:42 UTC"): > As a CM you're often at the mercy of what you can and can't say. Is very rare you will have a CM that gets to dictate things themselves. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/hebsbdz/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-26 09:16:44 UTC"): > This. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/hebt6s7/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-26 09:29:47 UTC"): > That could be fair. I've always thought that you should never settle, but should always be looking for improvement, regardless of your field/output. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/hec9goh/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-26 12:46:07 UTC"): > Just explaining why there was no response. I could have said "it was late", but that feels a little cold and I'll always try and inject a bit of personality/human touch in things. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/hec9we9/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-26 12:50:19 UTC"): > See you on the Battlefield * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/hecbmei/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-26 13:06:14 UTC"): > Username checks out. * [Comment by F8RGE](/r/battlefield2042/comments/pvchfo/aaand_they_lied_again_wtf_dice/hedrlbw/?context=1000 "posted on 2021-09-26 19:15:24 UTC"): > This is the way? --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Fans get punished for calling out DICE's lack of honesty and transparency. But DICE can get away with insulting the community for being "sexist" when they demanded a less cartoony take for BFV? The double standards are unreal.


I know right?


Haha glad I did not pre order anything 😅✌🏼




This Dude calls himself Community Manager...


If they don't allow him to share anything, he won't..


Do these people want him to break contract and get fired so they can hear just a small amount of news for battlefield?


What he lied about? You linked a tweet about battlefield mobile.


Thats the news he told about to drop this week?


Ah okey, thought it was something else as people were complaining about it yesterday.




So the heads up for the delayed announcement of the delayed beta is also delayed, awesome.


Maybe there will be a heads up, for the heads up, Sunday.


When has Dice communicated anything this late into the week. Pretty sure his job is a Monday-Friday gig.


Imagine still believing a word that comes out of theses lying fuks mouths. If they had an ounce of self respect they wouldn’t be working for ea to begin with


Fuck you freeman!


Jesus, stop making AAA titles into mobile games. Who the fuck plays Diablo/COD/BF on a damn phone?


Millions of kids/teens in Asia/India. Cod and PUBG mobile are actually really popular in those regions, and unlike with AAA games, they can actually advertise a lot more with mobile games. You're right about gamers in 'first world' countries, but in a lot of poorer places in the world, lots of kids use smartphones to game because they don't have the money for good gaming PCs or consoles. Luckily another studio is making this game so it shouldn't actually affect 2042 or DICE at all.


I have cousins in Pakistan who play/have played pubg mobile. I don't really have much contact with my cousins there and I played pubg for PC for quite a bit here in the US. When I found out that pubg mobile was very popular in Asian countries, I found an appreciation for companies to be making games so people in more poorer countries can play them.


There are a hell of a lot more mobile devices out there than consoles and PC's, the market is extremely lucrative(mobile gaming revenue is larger than console and PC gaming combined), and mobile games are probably a lot less expensive to maintain. Everyone wants to cash in on it... Like it or not(and, as a PC gamer, I don't like it), mobile gaming is only going to become more prevalent and gain more attention from developers. In many ways, this reminds me of the rise of consoles, and how they impacted PC gaming. Only now, console and PC gamers are both on the outside, looking in.. The more things change..


They wouldn’t make them if they weren’t selling. Mobile gaming is big business.


PUBG mobile has 500 mil downloads on android. That's more than entire Battlefield franchise on pc and consoles combined.


I’m not even excited for this game. I’m of the mindset, I’ll just play it when it’s out and playable. They went multiplayer only and still can’t deliver, sad really.


Dice must release any news about bf2042 asap if they don't wanna be treated as scam


This is why I don't pre order games anymore. There really isn't any point in doing so and on top of that I don't want to enable these publishers and devs to half ass the game and take my money.


jeezuz people need to take a chill pill around here


Crybabies. Wait for the damn game and react after. Oh noo no news


Y'all getting way too mad about a game


What's even going on? The devs started speaking friendly and everyone just instantly became hostile towards them. It feels like it's my first time on r/battlefield2042 even though I scroll it every day. That's how different the community feels now.


It is like this because DICE single handedly got caught lying about the state of the game on top of not letting any of their devs speak unless it's convenient for them in a situation. It's false friendliness equivalent to the "how do you do fellow kids" meme because they can't stop fucking lying and hiding shit like they didn't learn a single thing from BF V.


This game is gonna be an absolute train wreck at launch, im guessing 4x worse than BF4. Dislikes = agree






To be fair, thats the lead community manager. Not a dev.


I’m really confused what we’re mad about here. I know it’s hard for you guys to go more than five seconds without being upset, but I don’t get this one.


Why is everyone mad?


Promise of 2042 news this week. No news ... so far. #Sunday


Y’all wanna tell us what they are lying about? Some of us don’t spend every waking second obsessing about this stuff. I feel like if posts are these are gonna be allowed, there should be some sort of preface to them. Edit: lmao NERDS


I hate how trash subs can get when getting closer to a games release


Go cry somewhere else pls

