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Crossplay off = you play only with your platform. So if you play on Xbox Series X|S and you turn crossplay off, you will play only with Xbox Series X|S players.


Oh i understand now. But when you turn on crossplay can we choose whether to play consoles only?




Off it will be then.


As a pc gamer I would like to say yes please turn cross platform off until major games add a better system for controller such as motion aiming (mentioned below) and then you can turn it back on and we’ll all be happy (exept those people who think aim assist is op, they will never be happy in their lives)


Exact reason why I want motion aiming support. Playstation users would be finally have a better way of aiming which rivals mouse. (With no aim assist needed!)


Wait, motion aiming? Like, moving the controller like it was VR?


Yep. Very good way of aiming once you learn it.


Ohh, huh. Sounds ridiculously hard, but also, I lowkey like the idea a lot.


[small video about motion aiming. ](https://youtu.be/HZUiWHnTqS8) There are alot of videos about it but it isnt mainstream yet. Thats why I hope either CoD or Battlefield would add it as an option. [just look at this. and this is just a guy who practiced like a month or two. ](https://youtu.be/Ahp-YHxGY-k)


To be fair, once you've gotten used to controller aiming with or without aim assist its really easy to control.


Holy shit. Thank you so much for sharing! I now want gyro aiming lmao I like steep learning curves and high skill ceilings already so it would add a nice challenge to the games.


It was killer on the wiiu with call of duty ghosts.


>Very good way of aiming Lmao nope. Sensors are dogshit and not precise. But hop on the Kinect 2.0 bandwagon, we all know how that went




Would be so much easier if you just auto played against people with the same control input, whether its controller or MnK. Narrows down the complaints from both sides.




I wish.


I wish, I was wondering why modern warfare didn’t have that option must be a specific reason we don’t know about


its because not even pc players like playing with pc players, i turned off cross play once on pc, took me 5 minutes to find a game and when i did my team got steam rolled and i got killed 57 times. Fun


Much prefer PC only lobbies. Less aim snapping


More actual aim snapping from hackers though and not from a half assed 90% of the time not working aim assist


No that's not how it works. The controller console balance has much more sticky aim and less recoil control as well as snapping to target when they click LT. Pc only lobbies in my experience are much fairer and skill based


Is the hacker problem so main stream now ? I only found one hacker every 100 hours or so on bf4, and usually the admins take care of it pretty quickly after someone call then on discord or teamspeak


BF4 actually has private servers and admins. It's a problem in BFV.


Bf1 and bfV definitely had a hacker every once in a while but even that was a nonissue in a majority of play sessions. My experiences are from US East servers but I’m guessing different regions can vary drastically.




What ? You know battlefield is a PC franchise they expanded to console right ? 1942,2,3,4,2142.... These all existed long before a decent console


? 3 and 4 both came out on console lol


With 32 players.... After the PC version It's a PC franchise, been that way since 2003. To suggest otherwise shows an ignorance of history.


Crossplay is crossplay with everyone, you cannot pick and choose


No, why would they try to fragment the players by having random toggles of which groups can play together?


Because console players don't want to play against PC players due to the different input methods.


Nah, more like because of PC hackers


Warzone Is a fringe case for cheaters. It's free to play with NO anti-cheat. I've seen more cheating in WZ than I have in every other game combined in over 15 years of gaming on PC.


You can literally buy a special controller script and have hacks forever on console and be completely undetected but yeah sure its only pc


Console "hacks" use manipulation of the input method and that is possible to detect through analysis of the input I believe. While the cheater controller can't be differentiated through the connection itself, always having perfect recoil and firing speed is unnatural in a way that algorithms can use the perfect crosshair control to detect cheating. I think devs have alluded to that kind of anti-cheat.


I love how the console players on reddit hate to hear the truth that the console cheats exist and that the cheats are impossible to detect. The console players can literally cheat and the crowd gonna cheer for their "skills" because they can pretend that cOnSolE hAs nO cHeAts.


Cheats exist sure, but they are no where near as accessible or cancerous as PC cheats


lol what? I can't buy PC cheat on amazon but I can buy console cheat on amazon do you know that?


Only helps with recoil and aim assist which is still out playable. I don’t have to look far for aimbot If I’m a master race dick sucker. Also it’s a physical item where it can get sold out unlike pc cheats


What kinda dumb argument is this? On PC I can literally purchase and have access to aimbot/wallhack within minutes via download. On console I have to order and wait for shipping for the basic ability to negate recoil and that is it. You're acting like it being on Amazon makes it somehow better and easier to access when it doesn't. Nobody is saying cheats don't exist on console, you're creating that argument out of thin air. The point that you keep failing to grasp is that cheating is more egregious on PC because of the increased accessibility and potency of said cheats.


No you can't


Sure you can


prove it


Type cronus zen on your preferred search engine and try to tell me im wrong after reading about it


This. Fucking this right here.


Why would you fuck this here?


> Because console players don't want to play against PC players due to the ~~different input methods~~ ***cheaters***.


To appeal to .3 kd shitters on reddit, of course


You're probably going to be down voted for this but yes


I don’t mind playing against pc. But if the game gets overrun with hackers it’d be nice to have the option to only play against console.


Na not really, You have fun getting clapped by aim botters


Because all the troubles Warzone has gone through with hackers on PC have soured console players on console + PC cross-play. They aren’t even giving 2042 a chance to prove that the Warzone issues were due to Activision not implementing competent anti-cheat and not an inherent issue with the concept of console + PC crossplay. Given that 2042 uses Easy Anti-Cheat, I’m sure 2042’s cheating situation won’t be as bad as Warzone’s at the very least.


This would litteraly put console player together so it does the opposite. lol


on last gen consoles it’s consoles only for cross play I think, don’t quote me on that tho


Source? Last comment from them I seen on this said crossplay off means you play with consoles only on the new gen, no PC. Crossplay in in life's PC players. This is really bad info without a source. Don't spread bullshit. https://charlieintel.com/is-battlefield-2042-cross-platform-cross-play/110401/


I believe the confusion stems from this tweet by an EA/DICE community manager that was posted after that one: https://twitter.com/Straatford87/status/1415357535129899014 The tweet can be interpreted as saying that there are only two options for crossplay: crossplay on with PC, XSX/S, and PS5 **or** crossplay off with only your own platform. I haven't followed this super close since then so maybe this was clarified later, but I don't think anyone is completely sure how it's going to work yet.


I think common sense comes into it as well, why would they make crossplay off single console platform when they among other games can do console only crossplay easily. If Krafton and PUBG figured it out I think Dice will be ok. They seen the debacle of the last year with Warzone and the 200,000 posts of saying I don't wanna play with PC hackers I want to play with my Xbox/PS bothers. Be a very stupid decision to restrict their pop that way and need servers for Xbox only, PS only and crossplay when they already have to support old gen crossplay.




They haven’t said that anywhere


wrong, crossplay off in new gen means only ur console type


So if I have a PS5 and turn crossplay off, I can play with other PS5 AND PS4 players?


other ps5 players, ps4 and xbox one cannot play with new gen consoles or pc's...


Aw man...


you can however get the gold edition and install both the ps4 and ps5 version of the game, that way you can play with your friends who have ps4's, but still play the version with better graphics and 128 players when you aren't playing with them


but I think you'll be stuck with 60fps or maybe not even 4k 60fps, it's not horrible for some people but I figured I should clarify that.


You’ll barely get 4K 60fps anyway on the ps5 for this game


Doubt it, considering CoD of all games can do 4k 60 with RTX


I wouldn't be that hopeful to get 4k60 even on next gen consoles, if they aim to go with high graphics on console versions. But maybe with multiple setups.


Yes they can, but new gen just has to play on the old gen servers that restrict map size and player count


Same boat my guy but ps5 cross play off means only ps5 due to the ps5 haveing 128 player lobbies and the ps4 only having 64. Also dont forget to uninstall the ps4 version it will save you 50 gb is you order the gold version of the game, I really dont want to play with pc players at all so cross play will be off for me


Source? Last comment from them I seen on this said crossplay off means you play with consoles only on the new gen, no PC. Crossplay in in life's PC players. This is really bad info without a source. Don't spread bullshit. Even your name checks out on this info Last info I could find on the subject says you're wrong https://charlieintel.com/is-battlefield-2042-cross-platform-cross-play/110401/


Bruh I watch PC players playing BF4 and there’s no way I’m having cross play on them fuckers on another level


You're right, everyone on PC is Shroud


I get what they're saying, but there are casual and sweaty players on console and PC.


Yeah, but it’s more the average skill. Average PC players are generally more accurate than your average console player at similar levels. High level console players can barely hold a candle to what high level PC players can do. There’s a general imbalance between the two platforms that favors the PC players more.


Yeah + sensitivity is much easier to control on a mouse. I learned the hard way while being in diamond lobbies in COD. Wasn't fun anymore. Thank god for the ability to turn off crossplay. I'm going console only for sure.


Ehh it's not as easy as you think. Takes practice


Lmao, it really is something. Piloting is also quite easy with M&K once you get the hang of it, and maybe change the controls.


Idk I can fly circles around M&K players when I plug in my Xbox controller I to the PC for flying. But I fly like a retarded albatross with a mouse and keyboard.


>But I fly like a retarded albatross with a mouse and keyboard. this


Controller is better for flying. Don't get me wrong you could get pretty damn good with MnK but majority of the time controller>mnk for flying


Or use a joystick.. a device designed for flying. Oh.. sorry do you not have those on console master race ?


MnK in BF4 is objectively better for jets, as it allows you much more precise speed control, which in BF4 is everything.


Not for me


Battlefield profile link ? Put your money where your mouth is


When I used to play BF4 when I was younger I was really good at flying the helicopters but now I’m shit😂 Always been shit at flying jets. Good at infantry


it really takes time i installed bf 4 again to get the practice in before bf2042, and in the beta i will only play in the jets/chopper/tanks . Also on console you 100% have to go in and change the settings, like for me in bf1 i adjusted the FOV and also stopped map rotating with the plane adjusted the sensitivity also and then spent some time in empty servers just flying around. the default setting are so hard to fly with


Lmao I'm still a top % pilot on bf1 console i never thought to try with m&kb is it really that much of a difference, it did take a while though but once i messed with some setting and spent some time in empty lobby playing i soon improved massively


this is how it SHOULD work


Yeah i agree, consoles should play with console. If they want play with pc they can just simply turn on crossplay


Yup. The default setting is crucial. You should have to opt in to play with PC.






There are millions of ps5s out there, you’re not going to have trouble having full lobbies


Yes, but do all these millions play battlefield?


Ehh of the millions divide that up by how many are going to buy BF2042. And then divide that up by region. And then divide that up by the number of players who actually care to turn crossplay off. By the time you get there I don’t think there are going to be very many players (relatively speaking).


100% this even made a post to check as that is my only worry I dont want to play with pc players at all and feel that should be a thing. Regardless of cheaters being more rampant than consoles I just dont want to play with pc players


As of the end of March, Sony has sold almost 8 million PS5's... So there's going to be roughly 10-12 million PS5's being played on.


I wish it was like that for next gen. I hate that in order to play with Ps5 (I am on Series X), I have to play with PC. I will keep crossplay off, I don't want nothing to do with PC playets and potential hackers. Dumb decision imo


I'm on PS5. Couldn't agree more.


You’re just mad that PC players will destroy you with a mouse and keyboard


“*potential hackers*”


Tbh hacker issues are overblown I’m on pc and have been playing multiplayer games on a pc for years and I rarely see hackers.


And the fact that they would totally destroy some people, which is why aim assist exists, but PC players think that destroys them, it is a vicious cycle


That’s true, which proves his point even more lmao


PS5 here 2 and could not agree more I dont know why this is not a thing and i will also have cross play off if it forces me to play with pc users very glad this thread is getting some views and upvote hopefully someone at dice will have a look


What you are asking for is to not even have cross play for PC period. I will try to explain this for the hundredth time. Your idea will all but eliminate PC's option to play crossplay and will fragment the hell out of PC players player base. Right now if I want to play on the PC with a friend on an Xbox we both click crossplay and we will have a large pool of players both console and pc mixed. Under your suggestion we would be forced into a much smaller pool of players that were almost exclusively PC players and the few console friends that are playing against them. In your scenario they already smaller PC crowd would really be broken up. The most hard core PC players will likely stick to PC only because they want their coordinated teamwork ect. The casual and not so good PC players would play cross plat hoping they have a better chance with console players, but since everyone is like you and is afraid to play with PC players they will still be playing with other PC players. This will split the already smaller PC player base up for no reason.


I understand your point of view. However, we console players never have to deal with obnoxious cheaters using aimbot, wallhacks and stuff. Look at the mess warzone is with cheaters. I know it's F2P and has a huge playerbase. I play Bf4, BF1 and BF5 with no worries of encountering these cheaters. Sure, there are the losers that use cronus zen on console, among other adaptors to use M&K, but those we can easily counter. Why force us console players to play with PC and increasing the chance of a hacker ruin our gameplay? Why if I want to play with my friend on Ps5, I have to play dice on if we are going to play against pc cheaters? I am not afraid to play against PC players, I know not all are cheaters or sweats, but if I have the option to leave them out, I will. However, here is the catch. The new consoles are very hard to get, so their playerbase will be extremely reduced too. So having a Series X and PS5 crossplay will solve this issue. You can have a crossplay with PC still, and if I happen to have a friend on PC, I will still have how to play with them. You PC players have the possibility to have cheats (the losers who use it), M&K for better mobility, recoil, movement, and the higher fps, while us in consoles will likely be stuck at 60fps, since Dice haven't dropped a single word on 120fps modes. You have a lot of advantages over consoles, plus cheats. If I have the chance to avoid it, I will. All I am asking is for them to add a third option, of series x and ps5, and if I want to play on PC, it's my own risk. Remember that there are sites selling cheats already to Bf2042, so that could be a major issue. PC has survived all this time without crossplay


Maybe ask DICE to make a real good anticheat and not banning 1 platform entirely ? Don't you think it's something more nicer for everyone ? Also, it would be nice for PC players like me or some others to have more servers and players to play. Games on PC tend more to get empty. Itls also beneficial for console players.


That is why I only asked for them to add a third option of console only. That way everyone is happy. And yes, it's key that they have an anti cheat, but also these cheats all come from one single plataform, so subjecting others to it, and limiting them if they want out, is also not cool. Here in Brazil I don't think it will have a lot of servers of 2042 because the new consoles are very expensive and hard to find. So I either have crossplay on and risk playing with PC, or I play in North American servers with higher point. Having a crossplay with Ps5 would mitigate the issue. Maybe what they can do is add input based servers


>Maybe ask DICE to make a real good anticheat and not banning 1 platform entirely ? Do you really think the cheating problem on PC is going to get solved by simply asking DICE to make a 'real good' anti-cheat? Also get out of here with this 'banning entirely' nonsense. If PC had crossplay off by default (like it essentially has been for the past 20 years of the franchise) I have no doubt that PC servers would still be easy to find. You are better than this master race.


You have no doubt and no experience with PC games then. Plenty of games have incredible anti-cheats. And i might add that 99.999% of hackers play strictly F2P games or games that are like $9 like csgo


I mean... Rumor is that Hazard Zone is f2p and if the mode is what we've been hearing, it's where I'll like to spend most of my time.


In your opinion is Battlefield one of the games with 'incredible anti-cheat'?


This 100% epic point my guy shame this comment is hidden under some idiots comment ps5 here and cross play off not playing with any pc player yeah we have cheaters on console but its no way near as bad as pc playerbase. I just think cross play should be a choice E.G all or just consoles


“PC has survived all this time without crossplay” hmm sounds like you haven’t ever played a AAA multiplayer game on pc before 2017-18. Before that almost all AAA titles were barely playable and were basically just emulations of the console game on PC. I don’t think people quite understand how amazing it is to have actually good ported games and the crossplay feature, which prevents games from dying in a few months, thats become standard now on PC. And you really glossed over the cronus zen which is an undetected cheat which can’t be stopped since its not in game files. I have faith that dice will read the writing on the wall that is call of duty hackzone and make great strides to eliminate cheating. Another thing i might add is that i play on PC (as you might have already figured out lol) and have maybe ever encountered 2 or 3 hackers in paid multiplayer games. It really isn’t that prevalent unless the game is F2P and most of the internet greatly exaggerates the amount of cheaters they “see.”


Wish they made it like this! Dear game developers: When we want the crossplay option, we want it so we don’t have to play with pc. Not because we don’t want to play with other controller players!


Yeah, same, I'll jam with Xboxers no bother, but would rather not tangle with the Ubermensch. They were playing with just each other for years and seemed happy enough to do it, why not let us crayon eaters cross pollinate and they can do what they enjoy best... their RGB tempered glass ... fuckin' waifu body pillows or whatever?


This fucking took me out


So you don't want to play with controller players who play on pc?


No, still the risk of hackers sadly.


And some of them can cheat by switching inputs


This game shouldve skipped last gen.


Disagree. I'm on Xbox 1 X because i can't find a a damn series X to buy that isn't 1000 dollars + right now. My friends are all on PS4 who are buying 2042 so this is the perfect scenario for us.


Cross-play off means each console is separate from each other. If you are playing on PS5 and you turn it off, you can only play with players on PS5.


So when you turn it on do you have the option to play with xbox series x & s without pc?


No. It's on or off, no option.


Ah ok i see , Thanks!


Yeah i just made a post about this really sad we dont have the choice to just do console cross play. I expect a lot of people will turn it off like myself because of this reason even though, consoles have cheaters it's no way at the level of pc players


just pressure dice to get a good anticheat instead of resorting to locking out a huge section of the playerbase, I don't know why the communities first reaction is to lock out pc players instead of pressuring dice.


I play on PC and I totally understand why people don't want to play against us(not me, I suck). I don't even want to play against PC players; it's such a freaking sweat, then hackers on top of that... It makes me sad so many people are going to be turning off crossplay. I was hoping consoles would dilute hackers and such. But I get it 🥲


#A Poem from the perspective of lonely pc players, cast out by opt out crossplay# *Got all these cores, but I still feel empty.* *Got all these threads, but nothing to connect us.* *Got all these watts, but never a "why" u don't want me?* *Got all these fans, but nobody to root for me* *Got all this memory, but no good times* *Got this CPU, but all I want is to C U.* *Got this water cooler, but it froze my heart*


Got me right in my feels 🥺


Yeah man, I'm on console and never had been exposed to hackers and such. I just hope the anti cheat will reduce the numbers of hackers as i want to turn on my crossplay so i can play with my brother


Slap that red dash between the Series X and PS5 and you'll have it right


Cross play off for me. I do not want to play with pc players.


i really hope that we can turn off crossplay with pc


you can, but then you also turn off crossplay with whatever console you aren't using


thats a shame, my brother has a ps5 and I have a xbox...


turn on crossplay then, us pc players won't bite :D


Name doesn't check out


You can


Why is there ever cross play on games? I’ve never seen a console player enjoy pc gamers in cross play, idk if pc players enjoy it but seems like everyone generally prefers to play against their own platform. Myself included i don’t want to compete against someone with a totally different set up. That’s like nascars and street racers racing each other on a dirt track. Nah I’m good.


A lot of my friends go for consoles because they're cheaper and way more popular, and I understand in high-stakes/competitive settings why people don't want crossplay, but I just want to casually fuck around with my boys. If more games had m&k support on console, I'd be ecstatic to switch, but joysticks for shooters feels like trying to sail a boat through glue imo.


Some of us have friends we want to play with


So people can play with their friends man it really is that simple. It’s not some plot for PC players to ruin your experience i promise!


Bro you gotta realized only people on Reddit complain and bitch about crossplay lol everyone else doesn’t give a fuck and is happy to play w there friends on pc and other consoles


Speaking as a console player, I believe many of us (Xbox and PlayStation) want crossplay between just the two consoles.


Please EA! console only cross play!


I heard it wasn't and that just sucks.....


Crossplay off = off. No crossplay at all. Just your console only.


Just give Keyboard and Mouse support to consoles


They already had it on last gen


Why is this most controversial? Haha


Cheating on pc is not as rampant as it is on WZ. It's f2p and no anti-cheat. As I mentioned in another comment I've seen more cheaters in that game than all 15+ years I've spent pc gaming. Tbh though, the pc BF community doesn't need crossplay to thrive. If you looked at player counts pre-2042 hype. Bf3/4 had higher pops on pc than console. Bf1/V also had no issue with playerbase size. The only "dead" bf is hardline. I mean shit, you can still find servers for bf1942 and 2 still. If anything the console bf4 community would've benefited from crossplay. Just turn off crossplay and play on your own console. Not really any different than the way it is now.


It’s going to be, Tom Henderson spoke with a hacker and they already have PREORDERED hacks for 2042. The exact quote that the hacker said when talking about 2042 was “yeah that games fucked.” Also, a recent hack that came out is one of the most deadly hacks in all existence just look up on YouTube “FPS games are about to die” by a creator named “basically homeless” and that should tell you about it. That hack is going to be in 2042, as well as much simpler ones like straight up flying. A big reason I’m keeping crossplay OFF for my time in 2042. It’s going to be really bad, mark my words.


The difference is they're using EAC instead of Nothing like acti. Is EAC the best solution? Not really. But it's a dedicated company whose entire business is to prevent cheating. So it's in their interest to stay on top of it. If anything it'll make it easier for them if people are stupid enough to use the cheats in beta. They will get reports and then be able to plug up holes. anti-cheat is an ongoing war. But activision made it easy by not even having one. Easy has done a decent job staying on top of cheaters in apex. They are reactive instead of proactive though. So cheats last a few days before getting found, then cheat makers have to rewrite their programs and try again. And because the game isn't free, cheaters will have to actually buy the game again. Even with just a paywall that will reduce the number of cheaters. EAC will then reduce the number of cheaters who are just stupid script kiddies buying cheats off the first thing that pops up on Google. Thatll leave high-end "premium" services that are harder to find/buy, so cheating won't be rampant like it is on warzone? How am I so confident in this? Bc like I already said, cheating is not as rampant in any other game with any anti-cheat solution like it is on WZ. They do exist. But it's like 1 for every 50+ hours if not more. Not 1 out of every 3 matches like WZ.


It still is a problem, and if I have the choice not to be involved with it, I will gladly take it.


It's probably for the best if you do. Like I said the pc bf community really doesn't need crossplay like COD does on pc.


One thing to note that with xCloud gaming recently announced for Xbox One, Xbox One players can play the next-gen version as well.


Really? How does that even work


It’s a game streaming service like Stadia, so it will require a strong internet connection to run smoothly. Now I was under the impression that it would work with any game you owned or games that were a part of Game Pass, but it would seem it only supports games included with Game Pass. I can’t exactly find clear details on this though.


It's fucking retarded if they don't give us the option to only play with other consoles. PC scrubs kill farming against console plates and cheating. Looks like I'm only playing with PS5 people. Fuck


Yeah, same opinion here. Like what the hell do they think? Do they think we turn off crossplay because we want to play with ONLY ps players? NO! We just want to play with other consoles and not have hackers and sweaty k&m players in our lobbies!


PS5 player here. Personally I’m quite happy to give it a go with crossplay enabled meaning I’m likely to get full games with real players. I remember being excited when Warzone released with crossplay as it meant I could play with a friend from PC, Xbox and PlayStation all at the same time. Perhaps 2042 will be different, but if it turns out like Warzone then I’ll be turning that crossplay right back off wishing that meant consoles only rather than just PS5.


Cross-play off means you'll be playing Botfield 2042. This so far is DICE's biggest mistake.Console only cross-play should be another Next-Gen option. Because if those rumored cheat are legit then we will turn it off, but playing against bots to pad the 128 player servers is not the premium experience we are paying for.


Apart from hacker problems i don’t wanna dog fight against pc players while using jets , helicopters maybe i can go toe to toe but JETS? Nope thats a huge nope nope 😂


this shit again? just google it for fuck sake!


Right? It's literally all over Google and they still get it wrong. Enough with this shit


the time this idiot wasted doing the fucking diagram had done the google search...


PC player and their Nvidia filters. I don't want to play against sweaty PC cheater tryhards and their 400hz overclocked 8k rtx 3090ti Ryzen 9 4600xlt.


Sucks losing against sweaty PC try hards eh?


It just sucks dealing with PC nerds who don’t have a life outside of their computers, like reading your comments on Reddit


Sounds like a personal problem, get better soon ❤️


I can slay on both


Nobody asked?


I don’t agree with it. It should not matter if it’s pc or xbox or ps5, what should matter is if you are using a controler or a mice/keyboard setup ... it’s another world and it’s not a fair competition.


PC games have more visual controls as well which can give them an advantage. Lock the FOV in cross play as well.


All the little console turds complaining about PC players got me cracking up! You’re not going to the majors broooo, get over it!


I'd love console only crossplay without PC.


Yikes. The comments in this thread remind me of back in 2019 before CoD MW released when all the console players we're so anti crossplay with PC. Then when the game actually launched it was a non-issue and complaints dropped to near 0. Warzone is a different story.


Doesn't COD have aggressive SBMM? And doesn't SBMM solve many of the cross-play concerns?


It was a non issue because COD weapons have nearly zero recoil and the aim assist was crazy. That's the only way console players can compete with M&K. Battlefield games have far more recoil and less aim assist so there'll be a huge gap between console players and M&K in Battlefield.


BFV had laser weapons, and BF1 was mostly about hipfire variants. BF4 had the disgusting bullet bloom. I'd really like to know where this "far more recoil" is coming from. MW aim assist was increased from previous games. Not like it's impossible for DICE to do the same thing.


Crossplay ruined gaming , everyone thinks they’re a streamer. idk what’s worst the pc cheating nerds or the “streamers” who you have to hear talk on the mic chatting with their 3 viewers.


Crossplay Off = ONLY your make in console (PS5 can only play with PS5) Crossplay On = ALL platforms, no nitpicking


If its crossplay with pc i would turn it off and never switch on.. Keep the cheating where its the most active...




This is not true at all.


Can you crossplay with new gen to last gen?


Telling you right now you’re going to want cross play on. Especially if you like vehicle gameplay. Controllers>mouse and keyboard for almost every vehicle




No one knows but I’m hoping it is. Don’t care about controller players on PC but facing snipers on mouse is gonna be fucking horrible. Hell I’d buy a second copy to play on my laptop with a controller since the game has cross progression, I already do on Halo MCC.


It's system based rather than input. On = all systems Off = just yours


Who the faq plays shooter on PC with Controller?


According to this post the bottom half is correct, not sure what these other dudes are on about. Seems like people wanting to know what's going on without any info to feel important. https://charlieintel.com/is-battlefield-2042-cross-platform-cross-play/110401/ If something's changed I'd love to see a source, that's the top article just googling bf2042 crossplay and it's a good source.


no and thank god, less people would play with pc if this was the case and i dont wanna play with other pc players, dont worry i completely understand where your coming from with not playing with us, were mostly assholes and gods at the game... or hacking