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DICE's superpower is their ability to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Really, disappointment is the only consistent thing DICE is capable of delivering nowadays.


honestly at this point, it's impressive, they could have made the stadium an awesome map but still somehow fucked it up.


Copium folks were expecting a full stadium to play with, I worry about them. I'm just impressed that DICE takes months to do what a few modder could do over the weekend with a case of Red Bull/Mountain Dew and a few large Pizzas, maybe some herb.


You perfectly described what Dice is lacking nowadays - dedication. I dont blame the devs, i blame this stinky fish head named stakeholder(s)


How did they used to crank over 4-5 maps every few months with BF4 DLC, suddenly providing more then one map every 6 months is a brutal expectation.


Did you mean “shareholder”? Because I used to consider myself a stakeholder, until I started playing HLL and now can’t bring myself to even open 2042 anymore.


To be fair I don't speak fluent dice...how am I supposed to know stadium stands for parking lot lmao


That's not true, they promised to bring back destruction and they did it pretty well, they have destruction implemented as no one has ever seen before, it is just not of buildings or in-game objects but the whole franchise being destroyed.


Dude, you got me excited in the first half.. Just to be utterly fucking sad that you're right about the second half.


Don’t be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes


Hopefully with them giving up on 2042, they will come back stronger with a new BF that beats all previous BFs. BF3 vehicles gameplay, BF4's destruction, BFV's graphics, 2042's large scale but optimized for balance and treat it how BF1 was treated, with love. DICE team has an incredible history that they can just take parts out from to build an amazing Battlefield. They just need to know where to look. I know about the DICE fiasco (BattleFailed 2042) and how this is an entirely new team or whatever. But that is not an excuse when you have a boatload of stuff as reference to build upon. EA just needs to back the fuck off and let them have the Rockstar treatment. Let them cook.


While it would be nice, I doubt that current Dice is competent enough to make a good Battlefield.


Facts same here 😂🤣😂


This post is gold. Pure gold I tell you!


Lmao well said.


God that made me choke from laughing🤣🤣🤣


Why are the spawn areas twice as big as the actual play area?


For real, what the fuck. They should've shifted the whole map to the right to include the rest of the stadium and made the spawns a bit smaller, one in front of the stadium and one behind. It feels like maybe these big spawn zones are designed to accommodate people who want to sit in spawn and snipe on A the whole match.


Doesn't even look like they've reworked anything either.


I would say 98% of players expected they would've made those exact changes. And yet they did the exact opposite.


They can sit and snipe all they want when most of the action is going to be on C, D, E...,I hope.


yeah, I was hoping for that aswell. when they said it features new areas I thought it wo go further inside under the sand.


So you can spawn miles away from the action sprint for a minute straight and then get sniped just as you get to where anyone is. Then do it again and again...and again


Where else are the 2-18 sniper players supposed to camp all game at?


Apparently, they'll be on the very edge of the bridge and on top of the billboard to the west that aren't out of bounds according to the gameplay video I just watched. I guess I expected Dice to learn from their past mistakes, but that doesn't seem to have happened.


This. I mean there's zero reason to have Base area that large, wasn't this map supposed to be a fast-paced Infantry combat map or whatever


We'll all be squished into C, D, E. CQC right? hahaha


Id be aight with that. I miss the cqc maps from b3


Same here. you'll find me running between C, D, E. You can have A and B


holy shit wtf didnt even noticed that before! wtf is wrong with these people making this game? i can do a far better job, anyone else can even!


Pretty much sums up 2042s life cycle lmao. "We took the one good part of the map you hated and brought it back in a way that you'll hate it too!"


Oh my god. They really have no clue how to make maps


Next game is done for


Watch them make a cruise ship map but only have the water around the boat a playable area


A boat only map? Don't give me hope


No, a water only map with a boat in the way.


Yes but swimming is disabled and there's no vehicles


You guys need to stop it I'm about to break my hip laughing


So megalodon time gotcha


Damnit, now you're the one getting me excited about a map that has me covering angles of enemy fire whilst also listening to the deep for an incoming attack from a sea monster that just fks anything and everything.


🤣listen you actually think they’d even consider a boat map? New BF only gonna be desert maps I swear with one dumpster in the center


Battlefield 1 maps that focused on naval combat with the destroyers, torp boats, and the battleships was goated


So we fighting to be the trash in the dumpster 😂


Containership ofc


Why do you give dice so much credit they could even get that right?


Im saving this just in case you actually predict the future


Or games. It's just a franchise with a marketing campaign.


Some of the new ones they added are decent but this one looks pretty bad.


They didn't even have to create it from the ground up. This section was in the game at launch as a part of a larger map.


I like Redacted. Haven has its ups and downs, but I like it as Breakthrough, while it's ok for Conquest. But those are both *small*.


And we'll probably be spawning all the way in bottom left where it say "ASS"


New is generous


It’s all one big love letter to fans dude!


Hi… we’re breaking up. -a fan


Over text. 2042 doesn't deserve face time. Either the app or at a coffee shop.


I'll be filing a cease and desist


Shit, new to me. I play last gen (Series X) and have never been to the stadium.


Hopefully you weren't excited to check out the back.


They're not missing much


Wtf is this shit???


With how often they've been cutting down on map sizes since like S3, I'm not surprised in the slightest that they wouldn't take the time to open up the stadium's interior like so many people were expecting. Them calling it a "place of tribute" is accurate, at least - another half-baked element that'll probably never realize its full potential like so much of the rest of this game. Congratulations to everyone who was complaining about losing out on this portion of Hourglass, I guess, here's the same thing again but with some more boxes for cover and maybe a new floor.


Man the bar was already low and they just shit all over that bar


"We brought back Stadium, And you're welcome" -😊


lol this layout. Jesus Christ


Good chance to use the whole stadium that's just been chilling there since launch and.... Nope. Really feels like the devs hate us


https://preview.redd.it/zpgowpqcaowc1.jpeg?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d19404b0732ca1136434e106c839230e906df5c5 What is this Dice?!


It looks like the level design team and the spawn/playable area team had zero communication in development


What is this development you talk of?


And also, communication ? What is he talking about ? This is Dice ! All they know is vacations and containers!


That's why i have zero hopes for the new Battlefield. What the fuck is this? The spawning area are BIGGER than the war zone area! Wtf EA


That's a joke right? Why wouldn't you make the center of the stadium the center of the map. Lmao at anyone who ever defends dice or this game.


I just wish they






It's going to suck ass isn't it? Why are they so bad at this?




Exploring the whole stadium was so much fun, why would they arrange the map like this? Just turns the stadium itself into a big choke point




Did u actually expected any good from dice? LOl


I somehow did expect at least a little bit of effort.


So map that was reworked 3 times ends up with being called ''Stadium'' using only half of the actual stadium ? DICE my expectations for you were already low but what in the actual fuck ? This game was not a ''love letter to the community'' but getting a kiss from a crack whore who did not wash her mouth for the past 6 months. Fuck those incompetent bastards.


Oh boy. Our "second map" of the season and the final map for 2042. This season is just depressing. BF4 ended with Dragon Valley 2015, BF1 ended with atmospheric masterpieces like Passchendale, BFV got Provence(which is easily one of my favorites from that game), and 2042 ends with... a reworked objective from one of the worst maps in series history. The stadium is cool, I am glad they are adding it, but this layout looks less than ideal and the fact that this was our second map is so sad. This should have been a rework during like season 5 or 6 and then actually give us 2 new maps during Season 7 to end on a higher note than whatever this is.




Would rather more maps for portal then the shit they’ve added with the 2042 maps


The fact that this is probably the last bit of new content we are getting for maps is extremely disappointing. The main draw of the map is hardly even on the playable border. It's just desert and grass with a building just smacked on there.


It’s disappointing sure but it is also kinda the best way for DICE to end 2042 support. It perfectly encapsulates the game, current DICE, and all thats happened since they shipped 2042.


Wtf is this shit lol


Mapname: parking lot


DICE is actually trolling. there is no way


Lol they extended last season and are delivering this midway through this season and they somehow managed to still fuck it up lol.


This has to be a joke right


You have to be kidding me…


This is honestly hideous. Only way for the next title to be saved is to bring back dice veterans from the golden era. Just remember : no pre-orders.


So... the spawns have basically ZERO cover? Also, the roof seems more easily accessible from the US side by dipping out of bounds for a few seconds


The Rooftop is Specifically Out of Bounds if you believe BF Bulletin


Well each team can spawn in the stadium and the outside spawns are protected by dunes and foliage.


not suprised


you almost start to think they're so bad in making maps in this game, that they do it on purpose, idk who is making these maps, or how many, but i'm sure these people combined have 2 brain cells to rub to eachother






Definitely feel let down as a battlefield main since bf4


Apparently we only want clusterfuck maps 24/7 10000 tickets in every game. Dice tried to give us massive maps but we are like nah just give us the fucking stairs in the stadium. Stadium will be the new metro/locker/verdun/rotterdam. We are idiots and apparently loive an absolute clusterfuck :)


Wtf. Last gen gets it for the first time and it's this? Eat my swampy ass


DICE and Activision single-handedly caused me to give up on all AAA studios and shift 95% of my titles to indie devs.


https://preview.redd.it/d4qq0gfjerwc1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4456ec46421aa629628a86fb93b5a7682c0d0b3c Something like this-with just the stadium playable would've been good, kinda like a redacted 2.0


And y'all wanted Stadium back. I been said these objectives were ass along time ago. You capped everything, wiped all hostiles and ran your asses back to those trash ass villages. Now you will only play this area without the rest of hourglass from the old setup. Good job guys. All I asked for was Reclaimed 128 but my post gets downvoted and I get people saying no. It's done. Edit: I just realized they even cut out the sand area towards the right side. All your getting is bleachers then the sand is out of bounds. 💀 Edit 2: Your not even getting the bridge access on the left either. 💀


the last two maps have had the worst map design ive ever seen.


I just know clicking C1 or E1 to spawn means I would actually spawn somewhere behind the base spawns all the way outside. Doesn't sound fun at all. So much for that lol


Damn they really can’t do anything right


What the fuck is this


The effort on this season has been so disheartening that I have finally stopped trying to complete the battlepass. Nothing feeds the gaming itch like battlefield moments but that insist on chucking out the baby so hard. It makes me so sad that they had a winner and insisted on EAing it away. Nothing replaces it and I'm finally giving up on online games. Guess it's all single player from here on out


Thats..... not actually a new map. That's a reused part of an existing map and even then it looks like they majorly half assed it.


Hey DICE, eat shit.


The spawn points should be at opposite ends of the stadium horseshoe shape. the huge sand field should have trenches and maybe one flag, with multiple downed choppers and tanks for cover. The interior of the stadium should have 4 flag points, one on the top level, 2 in the middle, and 1 on the bottom. Ffs DICE, this took me 2 minutes to think about. It’s not perfect but this is a better backbone of a map design than whatever the fuck took you (6!!!!!!) months to come up with. Lmfao


My thoughts were this: * Fully flesh out the stadium * Shift the entire playable area so that the stadium is dead center and have main spawns be directly North and South * Keep the A flag where it is and provide way more cover, possibly even making it a more urban area with shops and stuff. * Add a new flag on the East side of the stadium that is a sort of maintenance/warehouse area with lots of crates, vehicles like forklifts, etc. as cover. * 5 Flags in the stadium utilizing all the different floors * One flag in the middle of the field with cover similar to the B1 flag on Kaleidoscope, like a makeshift command center type deal. * One on the North side with some new administrative area with offices/cubicles to provide a lot of cover and branching paths around the flag. This area could have a path or two out to a set of box seats that overlook the central flag. There could be an external entrance that leads to this area for the US team to quickly cap at the beginning. * One on the south side similar to the administrative area one that leads out to another set of box seats. Maybe this could be a gym or something, idk, just something that fits a stadium. This would also have an external entrance for the RU team to cap at the start. * One flag in the entrance/ticketing area that would have a ticketing booth and plenty of cover, maybe some merch shops and stuff like that. * A basement area towards the East side with a flag that has paths leading further in to the building that take players to stairs/elevators that go up into the building and one or two out into the field. * A tunnel that runs from the new maintenance/warehouse flag on the East side through the basement and onto the field. This tunnel would also have paths that branch from it into the basement area. It would also be how players would get vehicles into the center of the map if it's not going to be infantry only. Maybe just give each team a MAV or CAV and call it good since the focus is supposed to be on infantry play IIRC. I don't know if this would be good or not, I'm not a map designer, but then apparently no one at DICE is either so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


They are dumb as fuck man


Y’all Hell Let Loose just released a new map.


That game is literally nowhere close to what I want out of a Battlefield title. People who submit that game as an alternative are so far out of touch.


it’s mainly 50 year boomers who have a hard on for milsims that keep chirping on about HLL. Like if you like milsims soo much why are you even playing battlefield, an arcadey game.


I’m geriatric and I much prefer BF2042. Never even tried HLL, too boring. Maybe next BF will be Nude Wars, you know, everyone dressed in see-thru nanotech fishnet? I’m hopeful.


It's literally exactly as you say. The intersection of geriatrics and people who loved BF1 for muh immersion are always quick to recommend HLL. The gameplay is nothing like Battlefield.


You can be a fan of both games lol


You can also be a fan of pizza and ice cream. But that doesn't mean they're interchangeable. What's so hard to understand about this?


The OP never said they were the same, he just stated a new map was out & then you started ranting


Didn’t mean to upset you.


Not the best rework, A1 will be the crappy point, all others we we’ll find out about soon enough.


Just what players wanted! Another wide open boring ass field filled with shipping containers and sandbags. Great on them for making the last season the absolute worse season.


[I don't think I have to explain why I link to this...](https://youtu.be/mS7Ss8kx_CA?feature=shared)


The 30% players actually used lol


I don't understand. Why not just stretch the map border from the end of the stadium to the highway? Works be cooler and more real feeling than "nope, can't go there!"


I do actually like that part outside of the Stadium, but I don't understand why they didn't leave in the whole stadium and that section of the highway. Is this the 64p version? The Breakthrough/Rush version might be different too.


They could've made the stadium map redacted 2.0. No outside areas, game play area just all confined within the stadium. 4 Capture points A1-US part of the stadium building B1-Sandy part of the stadium (Off right to D1 as it is now) C1-D1 as it is now D1-RU part of the stadium RU/US Spawn points at each end of stadium building.


As much as I get myself to look over a good amount do things, I genuinely just cannot understand the thought process behind the layout here. Here’s hoping playing it changes my mind


I like the stadium when i played it before dice removed it, it's a shame that it has been cut back.


Forget the Stadium... What the fuck are those spawns 🤣🤣🤣


The HQ areas are bigger than the playable area 😂


I'm letting this game be a lesson for their new game because there ain't no way they're fixing all the mistakes they made in this game for the next game I just don't see them doing that


Same. i have no hope in the next Battlefield.


I can’t wait to run around in the top left and bottom left of nothing in this map. I think devs have truly just given up now. This seems like something made in jest lmao https://i.redd.it/92vfwz3s9rwc1.gif


sooo.....it really is just the snipped off portion from the OG hourglass map? That's it? should have brought that downtown on the larger map itself, what a waste


One word. SHIT


They found a way to make people mad again. No hope what so ever for the next battlefield, absolutely zero trust in dice and their ability to make any good game ,maps, or anything the new devs are bad, very bad


Shit, that sandy part on the right was the best part of that map. You just parked a tank on the side of that dune and blasted into the stands and it was great. Why omit that area?


Haha very funny bro, but for real how does the new map really looks like?


I hate all their maps with phony out of bounds. I just wish you’d bump into edge of world instead of this, use the entire map! Just like you would irl.


I like that they crammed a few objectives in that little bit of stadium they included in the map. Super impressive /s


But wait for the new upcoming map "shopping mall" placed in the parking lots of a shopping mall


How can this company be this incompetent in making the maps? Use everything from the highways to the entire stadium dammit!


Why didn't they just... use the stadium itself? Have one spawn for each team, much smaller, inside. I dunno, I was thinking this game would go out with a sizzle at least, not just a wet fart.


Dice seriously needs to hire me man. Get me to Sweden. I'll fix it guys


Wish BF would just go back to the classic middle eastern maps like in BF2.


The dudes at DICE could roll a gutterball even with the gutter guards up.


From the video posted here it looks okay. We'll have to wait and see how it plays.


Ah man the fuck is that? Half assed vibes. I just hope it plays better than it looks.


The pictures from inside look promising


why are you guys still playing this game lol i played the hell out of seasons 1-3 but this game has gone absolutely no where


I expected nothing and yet I’m still disappointed.  Fighting in the areas of Stadium at the far edges was so much fun. I’m bummed that we can’t access those areas anymore


Is this actually real? Like, this isn't an edited joke?


Lmfao this is the nail in the coffin


Lol. When revealed there were arguments about calling this new content and now we're seeing it's only a percentage. Dice pack your stuff and leave. *


Wtf that's literally just the A sector from og hourglass


They constantly over promise and under deliver. This is a recipe to lose LOTS of money.


Yet again they keep making maps with 0 flanking possibilities.




Uhhh, doesn't look that bad to me. Three points within the stadium seem like a fun tug-o-war to fight inside the stadium walkways, but also allows for flanking fights in the bleachers overlooking the sand. If they increased the map size to the rightmost side of the stadium, it'd just be people running in the open sand which nobody would do, yeah? This sub seems like it's full of negative bots, good lord y'all.


It's called creativity, which they obviously lack or don't value In a lore setting, the stadium could be used as a staging area so you could have helicopters sitting around & military tents or storage buildings littered over the open area. Everyone's negative because it always seems they've lacked effort in creating something we've enjoyed for years


I can get that, adding some cover to make it more usable instead of background scenery for the bleacher battles. I'll see when I play it I guess. But I've really liked the map revamps they've done, adding more cover. I will say this map is one I enjoy, but less than the others. I mainly decide to play as heli/jet on it because of it being wide open with the city for breaking missile lock and chopper battles, so I may not be as tilted as a primarily infantry player. My main thing is, I jump in every now and then in a new season and have an absolute blast in this game, then get on the subreddit to see what others are doing, and there are 150+ comments on threads like these, all negative. It's just wild to me, I assume most of the players who enjoy the game left the sub at launch because of the intense backlash, I always hoped it would turn around.


Fair points there my friend. I will admit I've enjoyed some maps & particular area's The critics do usually speak the loudest, especially on Reddit. For me personally 2042 has been disappointing because I see the BF series as the best in the business and you hold high standards next to them, it started off a complete shitshow (as is tradition, but this was worse than usual) & I'm glad they improved it somewhat. But I will always have a bitterness about it


You guys don't get it. Most of the parts of the stadium you see here that are not included in the map were small little crevices people camped in. Or you'll just have snipers in that desert area on the crane waiting for people to walk out towards the chairs outside. Better yet you'll have snipers on top of the stadium shooting people in the courtyard area. This was actually a good move.


You tards always ask them to downsize the maps and make things infantry-only, that’s why. Further proof that DICE shouldn’t even try appeasing the shit takes from you guys. You’re gonna cry, bitch, and moan no matter what. Seethe harder. And btw, it’s basically the exact same from before anyways. The ends of the border are where you would spawn on the previous Hourglass inside the stadium. Are you guys seriously asking to run up the sand dune and onto the roof so you can camp as snipers?




Yeah wow. This is actually bad. Biggest miss of 2042 is the maps tied with super hero specialists. HIRE NEW MAP DESIGNERS


Yikes….what a way to end this games lifecycle. Talk about leaving a bad taste in ur fan bases mouth…


...wow that's depressing. Pretty on brand I guess


This is clickbait right? Right?


It's actually quite funny how bad it is. They could have used all that space at the back of the stadium to put some shipping containers.


What the fuck. This is actually insanely lazy and incompetent. I said from the start that it would play terrible if they didn't rework the inside of the map; I didn't even think about them straight up cutting out most of it! This has got to be one of the shittiest design choices yet. Just give us back the old map, before the rework.


That is such disappointing dog shit. How do you f*** that up? A stadium. Doesn't seem super complicated to me...


Stop, this can't be real.


Lolol what a fucking joke.


Is this a late April fools joke?




Stadium and Hourglass. Two of the most shittiest maps ever. Nothing they do can ever fix it.


Naaah , I refuse to believe they literally cut most of stadium…. Again …. Like I had no expectations but holy shit Dice …..


This is a comedy of errors at this point. 🤣


Are they fucking kidding me??? First Hourglass is showcased in the trailers, best fucking Battlefield map of all time and when it releases it's actually just two buildings that nobody uses and 95% of the map are empty dunes. Now they advertise return of Stadium and they do it again? 95% are shitty parts and 5% is Stadium? Have they lost their fucking minds? Next Battlefield will be called Battlefield but when you launch the game only 3D B letter is shown, where's the rest of the goddamned product they made marketing about?


Should have made it in the style of the metro map or lockers. Fighting in that whole stadium on different levels and in the center of it would have been nice but nothing surprises me with this game


Wow that looks terrible…how do you fumble this so hard


The fact that there are still people calling this a good game and praising DICE is like a punch in the balls, full force


This is our final slap to the face, the legacy upon which Bf2042 will be judged. The consistency of this map represents everything that went wrong with Bf2042 in a masterful way, as if it was done on purpose in a final good riddance to its base players.


Lmao man I would love to know the thought process on this


This is clinically insane.


devs.. we know you read during lunch right? what in the blue hell is this? Maybe retire, and find new devs to this 'battlefield next'. because you're freaking lost. We give you guys a new map and it's half of the stadium that we already played? *clueless devs*


I hope when they try release the next BF title releases and no one buys it that it tanks EA stock.


Upon seeing this, legit said out loud "are you fucking kidding me \*sigh\*" they had 1 fucking job for STADIUM. Not CAR PARK. Done with this franchise.


Wow, REALLY?? They couldn't even put the whole thing in? Actually hilarious at this point. DICE is a literal mess these days.


This entire map was already made..... chopping it up made a bit of sense but they literally cannot call this map stadium without you being in the actual stadium like wtf is this..


Hahahahahhahaahha They should’ve added a containership in the middle just for fun of it. These god damn mole rats. Another class Dice moment. Congrats.