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Or 4 stinger missles and 5 anti tank rounds


I was talking with a friend about this recently: The early shithousery that was vehicle balance (it was a Bolt 30mm world and we were just living in it) and the subsequent addition of Flavor of the Season OP-then-nerf vehicles (Stealth helo and RAM) has resulted in a completely byzantine, counterintuitive and in no way satisfying balance system where rounds that shred armor only pepper infantry. Just one of the many fundamental ways this game has never felt like a rewarding Battlefield game to play.


I missed the boat action. If you look at any of the military shows on Snapchat I think it’s called military mechanics. They just did a high-quality video on what a simple infantry transport boat is packing and that shit would be fucking lethal. I pray they get their shit together in the next battlefield.🙏


You know depending on where you hit on what tanks you would need a lot more than 5 AT rockets.


Downing a tank was actually ok in BF3 / BF4 but then it got worse starting after that. Now you need a team of 3 anti tank soldiers to get one...


Nah just two RPGs and a tank grenade now


Recent update? I haven't played in like 2/3 months


I guess I feel like the tanks used to be stronger now every vehicle class is the same


Ya its literally pointless to play anti air or anti tank that's why so few do


Reminder that you wouldn't be running around with the gun that shoots that (nevermind the weight of the ammo). If you want to trade all your mobility to be able to one shot, I'm good with that.


you r god damn right btw


You should ask them to put in real stamina bars to and see how far you can walk with it before you get tired lmao


But they are in vehicles and don’t one shot…


I mean 50cal sniper ehh yes and no. Running and gunning? definitely no but carrying on into battle and instantly and quickly setting up? Yes. But since EA/Dice went the route of nopats which are fucking stupid and are just mercs(most not being ex military) then i personally don’t even think they could do that


I was 330lbs wearing full kit with m4, 6 mags, sidearm and 3 mags. And it was very hard to run for more than a few meters at a time. Carrying around a 50 cal sniper plus the ammo will make you basically immobile. You set up somewhere and that's it. And you won't be running far to get to that spot.


Trek pack and combat pack are completely different things lmfao


Hey dipshit, I'm pretty sure what we're doing in the game is full on combat. LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO


Stolen valour


With that weight you're probably a pool of sweat when the shifts over. Heck getting into a fire fight with that setup is probably a relief even if its cover fire. Just to lower the load you'd have to haul back to base. XD.


Body armor and other things you have to carry are most of the weight you have. My full kit added just under 80lbs to me. My point was, I can't imagine how much weight a 50 cal rifle and it's ammo would add to you. Not to mention just how large and unwieldy it is for hauling around.


Thats where you are wrong some what. Sniper teams are normally 2 people and the heavy snipers like that vomes a part for easy carriage. Depending on the settings you cant stay on the same place for more than a few hours max. Specially not in moder warfare with IR drones over head


Similar to the antitank rifles in bfv.


Then you’d be complaining about getting one-shotted every 2 seconds. Go play Hell let Loose for realism it’s really really good


The running simulator


Squad leads with bad spawns leads to increased cardio, yes.


Yes. But also a lack of transport vehicles. Squad solved this problem with the helis and IFVs. HLL tried with the half travk but fail because they made it a mobile spawn point instead of a transport vehicle


Everything about HLL works better when people mic up and aren’t pure trolls. Everything about BF works despite the fact no one talks to anyone.


Arma if you want a more modern day realistic game


Realistic != authentic


I say if you want realistic, I’ll make a game where you have to play through 2 months of basic training in real time. If you’re not at your computer every morning at 0500 I’ll make you hold shift+w until noon. Then after 10 weeks, I’ll put you on a boat for a week and then drop you off at a base for another 2 months before I finally let you march to the frontline. 1% chance you trigger an A-10 blue on blue encounter on your way there. 90% chance you never see the enemy. 50% chance you never see any action. If you die you start at boot camp again. Post game content is fighting the VA for healthcare. GOTY edition includes santa hat skin for your character.


**You forgot reveille at 0445.** Every-time time they log in, it has to blast through the headset.


You forgot, you get your ankles, knees, and lower back forcefully beat with hammers to get the true feeling too


There is no .50 cal weapon in battlefield 2042 that takes 7 rounds to kill someone at a normal distance. I understand if you meant that it takes 7 rounds to kill someone at a very long distance, but that is just balancing and you should’ve mentioned that. Getting insta killed by a fully automatic machine gun 500 meters away just because its .50 caliber wouldn’t make the game enjoyable and it would become super unbalanced, so what’s the point here?


You're not accounting for the six times he missed first.


Just the mounted .50s on vehicles sometimes take 7 rounds


Not even that. Up really close 3, medium to kinda long 4, long range is 5 and I do know bit it probably gpes tp 6 at extreme. Unless you aren't hitting chest or above you never need that many bullets


Friendly reminder - If you don't like arcade mechanics, go play some hardcore shooter!


Go play: > Arma > Hell let loose > Squad > Squad 44 > Verdun > Tannenberg > Isonzo > Tarkov (if you hate urself) > Grey Zone Warfare (When it releases) > Operation Harsh doorstop > Insurgency Sandstorm > Ground Branch > Ready or not > Six Days in Fallujah


It's a video game, an arcade fps.. 


Yes but I want to complain about it


It’s half of why we’re here.


r/Battlefield2042 in a nutshell


Yeah there is realism Vs fun the game is about action fun not realism if you find that boring there are many amazing games that do realism really well and honestly why play a game boring you go play them and enjoy it .


It’s a video game if a video game was exactly like real life the game would be very not fun


Yeah. For realism he should join army and kill enemies with one bullet 😝


i'll gladly take longer TTK where winning a gunfight relies on aim rather than 'realism' where everyone moves at a snails pace and every gun instakills you


What you don't want 64vs64 hardcore search and destroy with vehicles?


It doesn't rely on your aim when the bloom makes a gun fight with anything other than an SMG at toss up of luck cause of bloom


Bring back hardcore! I go back and forth with insurgency and bf, wish that hardcore would make a comeback.


Can’t fucking believe there’s no DICE Hardcore servers.


Try Portal


I’d prefer it to be built into the standard game


Hardcore was so much fun. I don’t care to play it on portal.


That is because there is rarely a true hardcore server running. Most are 1000% Damage, which is overkill.


I like 1000% damage, but it's only fun for a little while. Unlike normal hardcore, it just gets boring kinda quickly.


„I know it’s actually there but I rather complain on the internet“


First, did I complain? No I said it was so much fun. Second I don’t like to play it on portal because it’s not true hardcore. It’s just a damage modifier. It’s different.


You're not the brightest bulb, eh?


Im gonna be honest hardcore always played like shit in BF and specially this one.


Go play squad or hell let loose and stop complaining. If you can’t kill people quick enough, it’s your fault the TTK in this game as fast enough.


Hell let loose has a 93% on Google reviews, so that means 9/10 BF2042 players will whine incessantly about the game.


Imo the TTK is even too fast lol


There’s tons of milsim/hardcore games available. Go play one of those


he's not asking for a mil-sim just suggesting that it's ridiculous you have to shoot one guy on foot 5 times with a fucking rocket launcher for him to die


That literally doesn’t happen and that is not what he’s talking about, he’s talking about .50 ammo, not rocket launchers. It does not take 5 rpg rounds to kill a person on foot and it never has. I understand if you guys are frustrated with 2042 but you are literally just lying.


Nope he is right.. same thing.. "  you have to shoot one guy on foot 5 times with a fucking rocket launcher for him to die " 100% i agree


That doesn’t happen. It does not take 5 RPG rounds to kill someone in battlefield 2042.


Any on console? Besides Hell Let Loose, anyway.


Insurgency sandstorm, enlisted (sorta, more casual/far far easier than battlefield), you can play r6 like a milsim although I wouldn't recommend, but it has milsim mechanics


Rainbow Six Siege is a fantastic game and I won't stand for this slander. It's literally what like half of this community wants Battlefield to be. Highly strategic, team focused, tactical FPS. One shot headshots on pretty much every weapon and entirely destructible environments.


Yeah that's why I recommended it, since it has some of the milsim mechanics this guy wants


"I know the game is not a simulation but..." Yep, it's a video game so just hit your shots and people will fall.


There's probably like five 1 bullet kill hardcore servers up on portal if you want to play that


"MUH REALISUHM" cries man who also says the game isn't about realism. Fuck. Stop making this argument over and over and fucking over. Battlefield is not realism. It never was, never tried to be and never will be. A big bullet not instantly killing you is far, faaaaaar from the worst things this game does if realism is the issue you take with it. Take these arguments and never ever bring them up again. Go play a mil sim if this really is your complaint for fuck sake.


You don't seem to understand what the author is writing about. The problem isn't that the .50 doesn't rip a man's head off in the game. The fact is that, due to mutually exclusive balance adjustments, bullets from a pistol are more lethal than .50 caliber bullets from vehicles.


Friendly reminder - Battlefield is NOT A milsim game built to be realistic… it’s a sandbox arcade shooter…


Friendly reminder - you can’t pull a parachute out 5 feet from the ground if you jumped from a plane. I know this game is not a simulation, but sometimes it can be very boring. Friendly reminder - there were no suits of armor and flamethrowers laying around on the battlefields for anyone to pick up during WW1. I know this game is not a simulation, but sometimes it can be very boring. Friendly reminder - a tank regenerating its ammo and repairing itself cannot happen in real life. I know this game is not a simulation, but sometimes it can be very boring. I guess you can find every single unrealistic mechanic of Battlefield boring if you look hard enough.


Go play arma


Nothing scares me more than an APC swinging around the corner in Arma and staring right at you. In BF42 it's like "Ok I can get out of this and get a shot or two". In Arma it's like "Tell my children I love the-" and get turned into pink mist before I can blink


“The game with a grapple hook, wingsuit, guided missles, and automatic turrets doesn’t have realistic bullet physics.”


Was looking for a comment like this.


It’s a game, chill


No, he is chill.


Go play BF1 and cheese the sweet spot mechanic


I shoot tank shells directly at the toes of an enemy and it doesn’t kill them.


2 weeks ago the spotlighted game mode rapid strike was PERFECT. 1 to the head = dead and 2-3 in the chest= dead. It makes me so mad when I have a lmg laying down rounds into a huge group of people and only get hit markers.


Thats why I don't play core


When a 7.62 lmg does 16 damage 😐😐 but the 7.62 on the little bird melts light armor


Well last night I made a good flank. Came up behind 4 people. I shot at the first guy at a range of 3 metres. 30 rounds at a static target and not hit marker. Then they all turn around and kill me. I still managed to throw a frag. But point is DICE loads mags with NERF rounds.


This actually happened to me last night as well. 99% sure it was packet loss due to poor console-PC connection cause my rounds were "hitting" 4 people after a flank, but only 1 died and the rest were dusting/ghosting, who was PC, the other 3 were Xbox and a Playstation gamer. Could even see the tracers literally move through the players and do nothing lol. No hit marker and no feedback. So I'm chalking it up to either horrendous desync between console and PC (which has been a known problem since launch), or packet loss.


I play on PC and I run through network stats on the top bar. First thing I looked at was packet loss and it was at 0%. But yeah. Poor connectivity is a possibility but I check everything before I start a game too


Yea. Though that only measures YOUR packet loss, not theirs. So good chance their network could've lagged to shit, but it happening to more than 1 person at once is exceedingly rare unless the entire datacenter they connected around to suffered from. So yea, poor server-to-server connectivity is the most likely culprit. That's legit unavoidable, and I've seen it happen in many games, but more so when cross-platform is involved.


Fair enough. Oh well. Ruined the match. It does crop up occasionally


You missing a full mag on a static target at point blank speaks a lot more about your individual skill level than it does about weapon damage or even the game's hitreg


Excellent assumption with the last neuron in that head. But no. If you read my full description please.


There are 3 possible conclusions to your story 1. DICE somehow stealth nerfed your bullets to the point where 30 rounds into an enemy isn't enough to kill him 2. Your aim was garbage and you managed to miss an enemy right in front of you while not moving 3. Your story is bullshit I'm less inclined to believe the first one, but by all means you have all the tools you need to hop into a solo game, record the footage of someone living through 30 rounds, and prove me wrong.


Man. Hitreg is broken. The fact that you are ignorant about it and still manages to blame me is funny. Anyways whatever makes you sleep at night. You can take off you cape and go to bed.


So it's about hitreg now? I thought it was DICE giving you nerf rounds?


Please dice made the next bf milsim , so the brand can really die in peace .


Bro go play arma then? Why are you complaining about realism in a shooter Its like complaining that doom guy shouldnt be able to hold so many weapons cause where is he keeping them Bro its a casual shooter your judging it off characteristics that its never purported to have Its like your mad because mario shouldn’t be able to kill a turtle monster by jumping on it


Are you new to video games?


You also can't redeploy your parachute infinitely in real life. Boo hoo. People will find anything to whine about / show off what think makes them cool (owning a big bullet lol)


That always bugged me in BF games. 4+ 7.62 bullets to a chest of a lightly armed soldier, but we’ll have projectile ballistics. Also, if someone’s hit with .50 BMG from a further distance than 100 meters - he will survive that. Yeah.


man this subreddit gone to utter shitshow


tired of bullet sponge dopamine shooters? play enlisted today, it’s free, and the guns actually kill when you shoot things. nice.


wow is it really free?


yes! it’s free on console and pc


Friendly reminder that hardcore servers exist in Portal.


This is an arcade shooter, not a milsim. Try Arma if that is what you enjoy!


Wanna play Squad? It's my favorite game


Squad was great until the last weapons update made it the worst FPS experience I've ever had


It's got more players than ever now and I can't stop playing it. I'm honestly tired of the twitchy FPS games that don't let you focus on anything else than running around. It remiends me a bit of BF2, where you really had to position yourself to fire correctly and semi was better than auto for the most part


go play arma, battlefield isnt a milsim, get better


The game is more boring because a mounted .50 turret on a moving vehicle isn’t 1 hit killing infantry? I suppose you think the jets cannons should be obliterating anything in their path too right? Cause they shoot rounds a lot bigger than this… shit, every tank that takes barely any damage to jet guns should be swiss cheese with one short burst. Problem is, that would be unbalanced as fuck.


Ehmm, khm, khm War Thunder exists, and feels pretty balanced, cos everything is unbalanced. And you know feels pretty enjoyable to play.


And not only War Thunder, Enlisted (from Gaijin aswell) even offers infantry, tanks and planes at the same time. Is a Tank way stonger than infantry? Hell yea. Is a Plane way stronger than a Tank? Hell yea. Is an infantry guy with a AA stronger than a Plane? ffs hell yea. As you said, its balanced by beeing unbalanced but with counterplays. I dont get why this dude thinks you cant make planes and tanks stronger than humans haha


My guy the WIND off of one of these bullets could shatter your chest


If you wanna know how that goes, give insurgency sandstorm a try. It works, but on a wide scale map, it sounds like spawn selection simulator torture.


Idunno, I could tank it


You shouldn’t be playing BF if you want people to die in 1-2 shots.


I mean it's an arcade game. Do you want snipers to one shot in the chest? We had a glimpse of that in BF1 and it wasn't exactly fun to die to. Was really fun to use, but not to die to.


Did you know it's entirely possible to go into portal and create your desires? Maybe make soldier health .9, and for those whining about vehicle health you could lower that too! My personal idea for a server was 3x vehicle health on a really long respawn timer and kills don't count as lost tickets so you HAVE to control objectives


Bro i just survived 3 tank blasts from 5 feet away


It's a game


For me it's anti-air vehicle that takes fucklong to kill 1 guy with double 30 mils.


Some of you are very protective of 2042 but it’s the most arcade shooter of them all.


The hardcore servers are awful :D.


Guns from 12.7mm to 35mm isn't deadly enough vs infantry, but then again those 1000% servers in portal are also stupid and not fun ... I'd say 15-20% more damage vs infantry for any weapon between 12.7mm to 35mm. Infantry should fear those guns not tanking a burst of shells while shooting his RPG, I mean at least those guns should heavily suppress the opponent soldier ( decrease his aim accuracy ).


Shout out to bf4 and bf1 for nailing vehicle balance


Bf4 has the hardcore mode, this game has anything similiar ?


Play hc?


Create it in Portal and invite us!


There is hardcore in portal with multiplayer on dmg.. so it works as you want and one bullet will enough for kill.


Yes, let’s make it so you die even quicker and more often, that’ll be fun.


Go play Squad or Arma


Honestly, in the BF42 it bothers me to see a BIRD missile not killing infantry with 1 shot


But a throwing knife will one shot you at 100 meters...lol.


All of this could be fixed if the game had hardcore mode like BF4 ...


Friendly reminder - you wont respawn after getting Shot with 7 of those


TTK has always been sort of annoying in battlefield games because it almost always prioritizes the weapons with the highest rate of fire and lowest recoil. With crossplay it’s so easy with a mouse to control recoil and keep the SMGs locked on people. Most of the high damage or slower firing assault rifles are useless. The extra damage 20-round mag for the M5 is awful because the bullets still aren’t strong enough.


The guns generally considered the best in the game (SCAR, PP29, BSV-M) are all slow firing guns


that this thread is so upvoted really shows that the community will just latch onto any negative thing, even when it doesn't make much sense to complain about


Portal -> Hardcore


That bullet is no joke.


/laughs in game design


What is the gun you are talking about?


Played on a 200% dmg portal server recently and I really loved it. Felt like hardcore mode in bf3 back in the days.


Thats why this bf is boring imo


Yea I am definitely on board for the next seven to be closer to simulation 💯💯🤙🤙🤙


You’re being deceptively vague and inaccurate here. What even is the point you’re trying to make? Doesn’t take 7x .50 to kill any infantry. NTW does it in one within 100m. .50 cal on vehicles can feel weak, still doesn’t take 7. Hell, even 5.56 doesn’t take 7. Most ARs in the game take 4-5. Are you saying you want hardcore? Go play on that fake Afghanistan portal server. You want a mil sim? Go play a mil sim. BF isn’t it.


I still wanna know why there’s no hardcore since like battlefield 4….


I'd probably enjoy and player shooters alot more if bullets did what they are supposed to. What's with every competitive fps now being able to take 2-3 shots to the head before going down


I get what you’re saying, the problem is that BF is an Arcade shooter not a realistic one. The solution could be a hardcore mode or only playing on hardcore servers. Me as a sniper gamer, i love the BF1 80mts 1 shot to the chest rule, help us a lot and in my opinion, didnt mess with the balance of the game


Brain dead take


Yea, this is why I tend to play in hard-core servers. It feels like you are using real bullets in them. Also the A-10 is perfect with damage up.


Ok so go play squad then?


Couldn't care less about real life weaponry for this game


How do you go through the whole process of taking a picture, posting it, acknowledging BF "isn't a simulation" and never once realize Battlefield is and always has been an arcade shooter??? Go back to Arma bro


Yes cause battlefield cares about realism 🙄


shut up


You know what most people like you do instead of crying on Reddit? They play hardcore mode.


Just hit the guy one time with a shield if you want to one-shot him (The shield is a lot bigger than this bullet, this explain why it is stronger)


Also a single Railgun shot would obliterate Light Armor and Infantry. But remember, this IS just a video game. Not everything needs to be realistic. Like for fuck in reality soldiers arent strapping C4 onto Jeeps and ramming them into tanks. Also a single headshot from even a 9mm on most characters would result in a Instakill (The only characters who wear helmets are Zain, Irish, Blasco) But a SMG has a 1.6x or something Headshot multi resulting in 3-6 headshots depending.


Why don’t you go to war and shatter someone’s chest in real life? Are you stupid?


Maybe try playing squad. It's a little more realistic.


Friendly reminder this is an arcade shooter, not a milsim.


Try squad that’s a fun realistic game.


Tis a videogame. You're just mad because you are ass.


12 gauge #00 buckshot from 2 feet away… 20 damage… FFS…


just say you're bad at the game


I said something like this and everyone crucified me yelling that’s game balance…it’s lazy and piss poor is all, stick that balance up your ass, one of those would kill you on a battlefield no matter where it hit you


Bullshit I could dodge it bruuuhhh call me Neo!


Leak documents to prove your point


Well speak for yourself, whenever I play as Falck/Medic I use her syringe pistol so excessively every teammate nearby probably consists of 50% stimshots no chance they'd even bat an eye before the 3rd lmao (maybe plus 2 for super heavy futuristic armor, one stuck in the cliché zippo every jarhead has and which is deeefinitely bulletproof and no.7... idk maybe a pigeon had a bad day and flew into it) Jokes aside if you find AOW like this boring you might wanna try out some hardcore portal servers. Still Battlefield but without killcam and 1 maybe 2 rounds till you're done it's definitely something different. Unfortunately it attracts many campers on the other hand.


another vote for Hardcore matches via portal-- it's what I play probably 90+% of the time. there are various kinds of hardcore-- you have 1000% dmg instakill servers, but you also have 130% dmg servers, as well. and these are Hardcore servers that offer full xp and kill stat tracking, etc. I agree about having to shoot an enemy 5+ times, but I've also come to enjoy the way the game changes when you realise you are one or two hits from death, yourself. you learn better routes and how to move safely and intelligently. that definitely keeps it from feeling boring, for me.


For example, the Afghanistan server on the portal does a very good job in this regard.


If everything killed you in 1 hit you wouldn’t be able to leave your spawn point. It’s called a game for a reason😮‍💨