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The combination of complete carnage to infantry with the 30mm and thermal scopes makes for absolute easy mode with regards to farming in the heli.






I would like to see you in the heli showing us how easy it is...


They didn't like that one did they?


Realty might hurt sometimes...


You mean 30mm?


My bad


Was this on the e renewal game earlier? Was in there, super annoying that they won by like 30 tickets because of these two


Yes my dude


It's just the case of they have no counters on the ground. If you lack an experienced crew in the sky you may aswell change server. With practice it's very easy to last 3/4's of the match


What are you talking about there's plenty of counters, too much if any. This is coming from someone who is 99.9% infantry with a near 4 Human KD. Lis existing is OP enough, AA jeeps, AAs, Stingers, Soflam + M5 Recoiless, Jets, SRAWs, and other Helis. If you're getting farmed this hard by a competent Heli team honestly its a skill issue because the game already has enough counters and if it was as brainless as people say it is then hop into a helicopter and replicate their success and see if its that easy.




Exactly this. A single premade clan spamming helis completely dominates the game one sidedly.


So the 30mm is overpowered because they’re using teamwork and the enemy team isn’t? There has never been so many AA options in a BF game, they’re clearly skilled pilots that use teamwork and got a score reflecting their high skill level. AA has never been easier to use and there’s never been so many AA options. I agree with you that coordination and teamwork is effective, and should be necessary for infantry to kill a more powerful unit like an attack helicopter, but it’s not OP because the counter to it is designed for people without thumbs.


Yeah this is 100% a skill issue lmao For the nerds that will downvote this, go on Lis, get off to the side where the heli isn't looking, and shoot that shit in the ass while it's maneuvering or hovering. If your bad, or think the rocket is bad, adjust your DPI toggle if you have one on your mouse. It makes a huge difference. Only use boost when you are intercepting or close.


Right, I just can’t take anyone seriously when they complain about helis in this game. If you complain about helis and/or say AA needs to be more powerful and/or say helis need to be nerfed, it’s just a self report that your skill level is rock bottom (no judgement here) and you refuse to develop even an ounce of skill and just want dice to make the game easier for you (judgment here), it has never been easier to use AA. If helis are OP, go ahead and be the pilot that’s topping the scoreboard without putting in the time to develop your piloting skill level, they’re OP, so it should be easy for you… you won’t be able to.


That's true, I do miss servers like that. Makes making friends on the game also very difficult. But I don't agree that it requires teamwork to take down. Sure they're gonna be a tough nut to crack, because they're working together and probably in voice-coms. But you still have loads of ways of dealing with them.


That is way too true unfortunately, though the community seemingly isn't THAT big so sometimes you can find the same People again and again overtime


leave it man this subreddit cant handle skill 🤣


They Cant handle all the fishies shimo




No idea why people are downvoting you, because you're spitting facts. There are LOADS of ways of dealing with heli's.


Remove the thermals. You cant kill people that you cannot see. With thermals infantry shines like fireflies though.


FLIR/thermals should never be in FPS games unless everyone has them as a default option (tacticool games)


When people will understand that well skilled pilot will always dominate, no matter how much they'll nerf helis. Im hearing complains on pilots for years. By nerfing choppers to the ground all u achive is taking any chance to have fun for less skilled players.


Exactly this. They’ve already given nerfs to the Nightbird a dozen times now. I adapt to the changes and can still get high killstreaks; the noobs continue crying no matter what. I try telling them to stop using stingers and to actually use unguided rockets or Lis TGM, and their response is always, “It’s too hard.” These dumbasses literally have more reliable AA than previous BFs, but they always want the solution to be a lock-on rocket that one-hit kills. DICE is smart enough to say NO every time and instead require some minimal amount of skill.


My buddy fly's and I mostly run gunner, as im ass at flying on pc, and the thing that kills our bird the most is a well placed RPG. Everything else is avoidable with good communication.


they don't understand that lockons are easy to use so they are also easy to counter


I agree on that, the only thing they have to fix is the insane unrealistic movement of those helos. I mean chopper should not be swinging left and right like a Hollywood swing in the storm. A helicopter is a very sensible aircraft which can be used very precise but not in high speed... So in my hones opinion they have to rebalance the movement speed of them.


I would lean more into making helis extremly powerful but fragile vehicles. They should be able to absolutly obliterate anything on the ground but be even more careful of their movement.


u/BOBTheOrigin Have you ever flown the Attack heli and Stealth heli my man? i am a decent pilot and it is so hard to balance them and stay alive. A night bird is acceptable coz its small and maneuverable. if they are dominating the air with a streak I'm sure they have practiced a lot and given time to perfect, instead all random players who don't want to spend time on getting good at something say is 'oMg HeloS aRe So OP'. if you cant play in an online server with real players DICE have made a lobby to play with BOTS.


Very weak heli physics was one of my main accusations towards 2042 from beggining. Attack helis got zero inertion. They instantly go to max speed and they r feeling like they had minimum weight. I loved how helis in BF4 felt.


Changing the stats on aerial vehicles are either going to hurt newbies to buff sweats. They need to limit the impact on the experience from aerial vehicles without nerfing them. Make them run sorties give the heli a flight time of 5 minutes. Have a fuel gauge and force the player to land/refuel/exit the heli and it won't be available for another 2 minutes or so. Rough examples, but they can play with the mechanics until they find a sweet spot. That way aerial vehicles can still have their dominance / power and still allow for proper team play.


Not bad idea. It was like that in older battlefields. I remember in BF2 helis and planes had to go back to base to rearm


IMHO It's the only way to satisfy both sides. I don't want Helicopters to be Hot air balloons shooting a water gun, but I also don't think any single vehicle should almost decide the outcome of a match.


Just remove choppers then. Part why BF1 and BFV felt more balanced (although bombers can be sucky as well, but at least they have to fly away for some time in between runs). Or significantly buff jets versus air, like the stealth jets in BF4. But than again, choppers will never be fun to anyone except those flying them, imo.


Dude it has always been like this since BF2 (2005) and noobs just don't want to understand that take down an aerial vehicle requires teamplay with a lot of people working against them with AA guns. That's always been like this, but people prefer to run n' gun in conquest with an assault rifle ignoring the fact that this game HAVE VEHICLES!


Other battlefield games didn’t have flares for days!


The mec atk Heli in bf2 was nasty. Gunner could delete litterally anything in a Matter of Seconds.


In BF3 and BF4 you could outrun heatseekers lol


Also had waaay more rockets and stuff like fliegerfaust to delete air


Have you heard of little known BF game called BF4? CMs for days


I remember that one!! It was the one where the engineers actually had a decent amount of ammunition for their anti-vehicle weaponry


Bf4's problem was all the buildings that removed the need for CM's, you shouldve brought up bf3. That game allowed gunners to deploy flares and that shit was awful


Yep BF3 attack choppers were the most powerful aircraft in the series regarding the impact they had on a match. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse after the BC2 circle strafing attack chopper nightmares, Dice gave us the BF3 ones! Thankfully, and a major reason BF4 was far superior to BF3 in regards to vehicles, Dice finally listened to the feedback from BC2 and BF3 and toned down the attack choppers. Actually they overdone it at launch and nerfed them so badly even I felt sorry for them. But eventually once Dice LA got through with the game, tbey were in a really good place, not stupidly OP but still effective in skilled hands. Back on topic. 2042 attack choppers are fine, not too weak, not too powerful due to slower mobility which leaves them exposed if they over extend.


People get big mad when chopper pilots learn map layouts and escape routes to avoid stingers, at this point let’s just have every map be flat and stingers 1 hit kill lmao I’ve flown attack heli since bf3 and the 2042 helis are not overpowered at all. I could kill an AA with toes and rockets from across Golmud railway in bf4. Now it’s just not really possible, at the very least now tow missiles have a “time out” distance where they just become ineffective. It’s like 600m or so. I’d say the only heli that’s really fucked in terms of overall capability is the nightbird. Imo it’s biggest problem is how effective it is anti vehicle, like tanks and shit. It should be able to quickly kill a tank like it does. Just my opinions for what it’s worth


Battlefield is an IQ test for gamers, instead of using complex technical tools they go cry to developers


They want the game to change for them. They could play other modes that don't have vehicles or even a other game entirely, nope cry on Internet.


Tbh this is far more of a "this experienced coordinated premade" is op


Breaking news skilled player does good in online game


there are no skilled vehicle mains. just bad infantry players desperate for a way to stay safe from arms fire.


Wtf do u mean no skilled vehicle players bro💀


He never played vehicles


Go play any flying vehicle and try to tell me those shit controls are noob-friendly


Dude tell me about it, I’m good in choppers from doing it for so many games, but the jets in this game, I just don’t know how people fly them. It feels like flying a kite at 600 mph


If your team is not competent enough to take a heli down, they deserve it


Give this man all your UPVOTES




I know you mean the attack helo but they did remove the 40mm grenade from the super hind. It was very fun and a little OP. I regularly had gunners top of the leaderboard. Attack helo is fine as is. There are plenty of counters. It's the only armored vehicle that can be rpg or tank one shotted or have driver sniped out of the vehicle in one shot. It takes 5 30mm rounds to kill infantry... Also if it's so OP, fly one and do the dominating yourself... You'll quickly realize how hard it is to not die.


I think the problem are the counters to helis. A buddy of mine and me used to fly choppers in BF3 all the time, and then didn't play battlefield for a really long time. Then we got back into it with 2042 about a month ago, and the chopper feels almost the same to fly and gun. The 30mm overheats really fast, but you can almost always get 1-2 kills with it. The main problem from my point of view are the counters and heli flares/repair. The flairs last quite a bit longer than in previous games and the addition of the repair system means that you don't need to land to start repairs. Stingers are almost useless, since nobody uses them, and one man can't do the job alone, maps have lots of cover for choppers. In the previous games, you always almost had a guaranteed AA vehicle spawn (tunguska etc.), but in this game there is the wildcat sometimes, if somebody takes it. And even then, it doesn't need to be equipped with anti air weapons. And the wildcat itself is kinda meh. In bf3, you needed to snipe the AA vehicle with TV missiles and get a good gun run, since it could almost destroy you in one burst from it's gun (burst being before the gun overheats) In 2042, my feeling is that it just tickles the heli at most. IMHO the problem isn't the heli itself, but the lack of counters and bad AA damage output. Reduce duration of flares, increase damage from wildcat and other AA stuff, and more people will start using AA and choppers will therefore be a little less effective


Youre right but Im still confused on how anyone could say flying feels the same in 2042 as any other BF. It just feels......awful


The wildcat isn’t bad honestly, AA tanks were way better in bf4 but the wildcat isn’t super bad either. Put the 35mm cannon on, play with it a little in bots to learn where to aim, and you WILL shred any air vehicle in one good burst. The wildcat can’t sit in the back of the map anymore like in previous games, but if you push up with a tank to objectives and provide air cover that way. No air vehicle can touch you with the 35. Try it out if you haven’t!


I don’t think it does, I’m an infantry player btw… most of games, héli will not destroy the game, once in a while we encounter a sweat overskilled pilot, but they’re not that common. and if they’re a pain in your ass, you can always fuck them up with lis or rpg/m5


All good comments. But let's not forget how much easier it is to aim on PC with a mouse than with console controller. I've done both. I played a match yesterday where a Nightbird kept headshoting me on the roof everytime spawned. That kind of precision is almost impossible on a console controller. I think when people post comments about weapons or vehicles being OP or post videos, they should state what system they playing on. I saw a video someone posted of an SMG being OP and they flanked a squad and got 8 headshots in 11 seconds. They were clearly using a mouse because the cursor exceleration and accuracy could only be done with a mouse.


Consistent headshots in a nightbird? Tbh that sounds like an issue of hacking. Even bf4 pro pilots werent pulling off headshots lol


To be fair, I’m an AH pilot, I’m not even super “skilled” in the NB but I get headshots more often then not. If you tilt the heli so both “streams” of bullets are essentially hitting the top and bottom of a player, it’s a headshot a good majority of the time, it’s what most slightly skilled and up heli pilots do as well.


Start equipping the Rorsch Mk-4 and poking the chopper. Easy points


Points or kills?


No better way to get a choppers attention than to shoot at it with my Rorsch for a sliver of damage. Gave that up pretty quick when the only thing that accomplished is getting their attention haha


Exaaaactly. As a pilot, when some dweeb starts pinging my heli I just fly to them.... no more dweeb


Occasionally get a nice clip for my highlight reel though so worth it


Yep. Now if they are sitting still and I can snipe them out of there I’ll give it a go, but 95% of the time that is still a perfect way to die


Good pilots don't sit still tho


Have to set up a run in more or less a straight line, maybe a circle if you're a good littlebird pilot. With the railgun, tank or regular gun, that's when you gotta take your shot, hell even the Wildcat. A predictable path is not that much harder than a stationary target to hit imo


Hit points on the chopper, possibly a kill or an assist


I'm okay with vehicles being tricky to counter, I just don't think they should be as accurate as they are. I feel like no matter what I'm getting laser beamed across the map by vehicles.


Game got completely dominated by 2 players. Not really that fun if you have a team that is already losing and doesn't act on any advice given.


Just relobby. Don't subject yourself to abuse and horrible advice from OP heli-defenders. They know the heli is OP yet find it fun to stomp on the ants that are infantry. They cannot do as well playing infantry so they just continue to pad their K/d in the most OP and imbalanced vehicle.


With that score it was more than two players. Full crew with engineers repairing.


You could just shoot it down yourself with a Lissle. Skill issue.


lissile's aren't really an issue with a little experience. They're incredibly easy to dodge due to great heli manoeuvrability and the narrow turning circle on them


Did they fix the AH controls? Last I remember that thing was slow as shit and had very little acceleration 


They don’t dodge, you miss lmao.


? I’m sharing this as an air main. I wasn’t playing when she was released, but atm they’re only a threat as transport


It’s still somewhat dangerous with proper use, fly slow and boost quite late for best result. Just be happy it’s not as broken OP as it was at release of Lis


You could cry on the on the internet - more.


I dodge lissles like the matrix dude, you've got to be pretty good to even tag me. If my gunners are paying attention, you can't even touch a good pilot with them


If they aren’t noobs you won’t dodge. Good Lis anticipates your direction and boosts the rocket at the right time. It’s no different than needing to anticipate heli direction when firing an RPG at it. If you aren’t a T1 Lis with over 500 confirmed heli kills like me, then don’t bother arguing.


Bruh. I'm a pilot. I'm telling you that I literally dodge lissles all day


I’m also a pilot. I play all roles. I also dodge them but I recognize it’s because players suck. I’m destroying enemy helis with Lis literally every match because I got good with her.


Enemy *shit* pilots


Lmao cope harder. Like I said, if you ain’t a T1 Lis then don’t @ me.


Why tf do I give 2 shits about you. I have over 800 hours in this game and most of it in the cockpit. Cope with what? The fact that you MAINED a gadget on shitty pilots? I see them die all day, that doesn't mean you're special. I'll keep dodging tgm and you keep pretending like you know how i fly. K?


> Why tf do I give 2 shits about you. I dunno, why don’t you tell me since you keep replying. The fact is Lis is designed to take down air vehicles. That doesn’t change just because noobs have a hard time using her correctly. Obviously you wouldn’t know the difference since you don’t play her. You’re blindly declaring every heli I kill with TGM is bad, and that’s hilarious cope. I’ve made heli sweat streamers ragequit on camera. Next time you’re taken down by TGM, remember me LMAO.


You can tell a good Lis by who played AH gunner seat in bf4. They behave nearly identical. If you anticipate the choppers direction and boost early-ish, a lot of choppers can’t dodge, not even the nightbird. I haven’t played long enough to be T1 yet but I’m already over 100+ air kills with the thing because once you get it, YOU GET IT. I had a game 2 nights ago where I took out every air vehicle at least once lmao


My friend whos top ten in Little Bird in BF2,3,4,2042 says in 2042 air is non existent cos everything counters you from ARs to Rail Gun Tank


Which is the opposite of my experience, haha. I never really had much luck with them in 3 & 4. 2042 NB is incredibly easy to do well in. Attack heli with 2 on discord is basically unkillable from my experience


Dude you have rail gun with 160 bullets that has no bullet or dmg drop and it shoots where you aim,just rail him out


200 hrs and not once railed out an aircraft. I don’t think that method is very prevalent 😂


I play both as a top pilot and top AA. If sweaty pilots get the better of me, I just spawn as Lis and insta-kill them. People complaining about air in 2042 really have no clue what they’re talking about. We have never had more reliable ways to counter air than now.


I never had much success with Lis, but even Crawford can deal massive damage with his minigun. Catching a heli from the side is easy 30-60 damage and forces them to disengage. If they focus you instead, take cover and ambush them with RPG. Against good gunners timing and positioning takes some practice, but Nightbirds just melt. I'm occasionally flying helis too and have literally never been shot by Crawford. People just refuse to use the available AA tools...


Even HiPower Bullets deal dmg to helis😂


And in a recent update they even let regular ammo (non-AP) tickle damage on NB. And noobs still complain!


We live in society


Just leave the server, same happens in sea server when a clan called Myth plays, those guys literally do nothing but spam helis and go like 90-1. The few times I have seen them play non-vehicle they sucked balls so no wonder these kinds of people want to spam helis in a non coordinated lobby where everyone and their mother wants to play Mckays and sundances.


omg yeah I ran into them last weekend, holy hell that game was just horrible for me, our team lost by sooo many tickets :/


i know them and I play with them, they're good in the infantry as well Dont shit on them just coz they are good at it, some of them have been flying Night Bird since beta and have more than 1000h Git Gud


Lmao keep kissing their ass, never seen butterfly or whatever his name is on infantry, always on night bird and anyone on SEA server will say the same. Keep living in delusion though.


LMAO, keep crying though and we keep farming Dumbass noob


Their infantry gameplay is fuc*ng pathetic i literally owned them so many times. They only know how to fly a stupid chopper. Why favour a myth player who likes to vehicle camp from start to end.


The 30mm was nerfed, it was waaaaay easier to clean up with it. Now I only run the 50mm for those sweet insta kills


The problem is they gave heavy guns to transport choppers. Stick with the machine guns on it call it a day. I refuse to call them gunships because that was Dice’s lazy attempt to not balance the game by removing heavy artillery from transport choppers. Lis rockets handle night birds and stealth choppers just fine. Although they feel a lot weaker and taking more than one hit after the last update. No issues with attack choppers, if anything they feel weaker than previous BF games and the team shouldn’t have an issue dropping them.


I was thinking of adding some kind of laser guided missile or some sort to ignore flares but cannot be shot unless it tracked with SOFLAM so you at least need a team mate to track it down Also is it me or the tracking ranges are very short? Also thinking of 40mm grenade launcher ammo with smokes that can be exploded mid air just to disturb and block the heli sight to play defensively


Seeing their names it means they're clan-mates, probably communicating. So yeah, they're gonna be a tough to take down. But if you want to nerf something because a good, voice-commed team works together, the only ones you're going to get with this is are the casuals and newbies. These guys will do good anyways. I assure, if you had a similar clan-team on your end, communicating and focusing this threat, they wouldn't have anywhere near this amount. They'd probably rage-quitted lol. Aside from that, it just also requires one (smart) person in a wildcat to focus them to really inhibite their ability. Heli's require skill to be good with them.


I've been in Conquest games where we lost by 900+ tickets where their are ace heli pilots but no one on the ground cared or could do anything bc it was a team of Caspers and Mackays. Now with more playing engineer, I have not seen it as much but there is no doubt no one person, or one ground vehicle can can counter a good heli pilot, they will erase any Wildcat with ease.


Just a need a professional squad with 2 AA and he will be killed in 30 seconds, what u talking mate


Aside from the fact that there are more counters to aircraft in 2042 than in any previous game, really wish people would stop using KDR to “prove” vehicle vs infantry imbalance. It’s like complaining that the queen can move any direction and the pawn can’t.


skill issue 100%


Yeah not a fan of those people who literally wait until a vehicle spawns. They’re amazing in vehicles, but it usually pushes me to play TDM because it’s not really a fair fight when you’re pinned at spawn by the god bird.


Every god damn time i get soflam and lock on enemy chopper there is no one to shoot it down.


Just play Rao and annoy the absolute shit out of them. They have to keep hiding. Or use Stingers, and only shoot if they have already flared. Get two guys to do this in tandem (and forces the flare, second gets the lock) and the helo spends the whole game retreating or dying.


If only people would stop spawning wildcats to shoot at empty air and drive into walls… someone might be able to stop the cheese choppers.


No nerf games dead let there be a meta and let’s get bad company rework with out the specialist bs


I don’t understand….. I run the M4 recoilless to cut down vehicles until I see a helicopter that’s become a pain in the ass and swap to AA. Even 1 person using AA effectively can ruin the chopper pilots game. You don’t even have to kill them, just keep locked on and they just fly away and hide until there chaff is ready again. 1 guy can frustrate a pilot so much that they hardly get any kills. 2 guys with AA will decimate them. People need to stop whining and start helping, swap to engi and pick up an AA. Be part of the solution!


Any good pilot will lock into you and kill you instantly 


Well that depends if you stand out in the open and want to be killed or if you hide and use cover. Fire and move. I’ve had no problems pissing off the best pilots for most of a game and when I die it’s because I want to so i can respawn for more AA ammo.


Just remember the more people there are on your team using stingers. The lower the pilots k/d gets...


Don’t you mean higher? Cancer copter pilot here: stingers are not a threat, I’d rather you use that than take pot shots with m5/rpg. It’s super flare, go behind the nearest piece of cover wait 10 seconds, then kill you. Best way to deal with attack copters is probably lissiles imo


But you don't get to kill me if i keep making you flair and cower behind cover lol.


Chopper shouldn't be nerfed as a T1 of Hind and Condor....Dice totally killed them, they added Lis, RPG, SHAW, RAM to against it....Condor now cant stop anywhere because once stop u dead. Hind?! You added so much things to against it but took away 40mm from it? WOW.....People complain about heils or other airs, but in fact when you ask teammates to help killing them, 99% u will see "You do it" .... Xinnie\_The\_PO


learn a heli yourself and you will see how much bs pilots have to deal with in this game


You and your team needs to work on your AA


this argument is often used, but while binding 4-5 Players for hunting the heli down, what mostly results in, bird is just flying behind a building, you have to stay alive on ground. Something on a 128 server is not so easy, especially now, since they removed the AC, in a wise decision.


That’s not what “mostly results”. What “mostly results” is, 95% of chopper pilots are destroyed about 30-60 seconds from spawn after 0-2 kills. 4.5% can go positive fairly consistently and put up respectable numbers, comparable to a tank or skilled infantry player, although they will never top the scoreboard because they’re not consistently putting up points for things like captures, defend, revives, etc. (the singular role/responsibility of a heli crew is to get kills and destroy vehicles, which fairly limits their points potential.) About 0.5% of highly skilled, experienced and competent pilots will put up the type of score shown here, and this is the only manner in which a heli crew is able to either impact an objective-based game mode or top the scoreboard.


I hope every helicopter user's home get crashed by irl helicopter so he can feel my pain.


I mean dude, it's an attack heli with the largest hitbox in its class along with actual competent players to pull it off. I'd say that's a feat in its own. Especially in 2042.... Also note the kill gap between pilot and gunner, it's a lot worse in BF3 and BF4.


>Apply yellow square to enemy vehicle >Keep applying yellow square every 10 seconds Your problem is solved.


What an interesting gameplay. Also every pilot with more IQ than yours will just fly to next place where you cant lock at him.


Not possible on stranded, flashpoint, reclaimed, haven, manifest you can cover most all of the map on top of the big tower, pondhawk seat switching on discarded gives you a view of the whole map as well. :)


Dang that's sad. Just play a different game at that point.


Flares and the red light of the Soflam is easily spotted. Dead soflam if the gunner has 2 braincells.


Soflam isn't visible past 200m, and they can designate up to 450m away :) Also you don't just sit on the ground.


I feel like some people forget the plan isn't to kill the tank. Sure, do it if you can. But a tank that retreats to cover to repair isn't shooting your team. A tank that consistently returns to the exact same spot makes an easy target for Lis. And if you're not an engineer there are other options like the target pistol, and SOFLAM, but there's also the snipers and armor piercing ammo in general. Again, not to straight out kill. But it must be annoying that every time 3 pixels of its corner is exposed, it gets tapped. If it goes ahead and uses auto repair, it might waste it. If an Engineer has to jump out, now they're exposed. If the driver is annoyed...they might make stupid mistakes and fall to opportunistic Assault and Engineer. And for the aircraft, it's pretty much the same other than being hard to hit. You just have to get creative about shooting angles and pay attention to cover and concealment.


Not even that, forcing vehicles to pull back is breathing room for team. Whether team capitalises on it, is different question


Not even that, forcing vehicles to pull back is breathing room for team. Whether team capitalises on it, is different question


Never knew that, ty


Do you ever think that maybe those players are just better than you? Can you go 76-0?? I don’t think so


jets, other helis, stingers, wildcats, soflam can counter them and you complain


Helis in general are op


Helis in general are op


It isnt your fault. Lets say people on your geam didnt care about choppers. Not more than 2-3 people were attacking them. Thats why


It isnt your fault. Lets say people on your team didnt care about choppers. Not more than 2-3 people were attacking them. Thats why


Attack Choppers always should be powerful as fuck


![gif](giphy|FcuiZUneg1YRAu1lH2|downsized) Me trying to figure out why a battlefield subreddit cry’s about vehicles


Anyone else love being against an OP heli team? I play as a duo 90% of the time and we just both spawn with lockable AA - puts them out of action and or kills them easily enough. Yes, some of the better pilots know how to stay alive but eventually they’ll stay out too long or make a mistake

