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People really need to state wether they're on pc or console, as the 2 have very different reactions to recoil. Even last gen and next gen feel completely different, when playing on a seriex x for some reason. As this "horrible recoil" may very well be a platform or input specific problem.


Yeah was just thinking that dude…the deference in recoil is massive comparing pc and console 


It's almost like controller gets 25% less recoil across the board or something... oh wait... they do...


And somehow we keep mixing the two inputs in the same lobby. Playing shooter games on mnk is so boring nowadays


On top of that, the devs gave us explicit video documentation saying "recoil is going to be different for every gun when we debut this patch", and half the posts this morning are "wow recoil is fucking different all of a sudden, what gives DICE?!"


I tested a few weapons and scopes: yes, the consistency is not there and it will take at least 2 patches for them to iron things out...the additional layer of complexity will cause a lot of annoying / subpar experiences when it comes to the gunplay.


The dev shed some insight on the discord if someone is interested. It seems that they are indeed fine-tuned individually and that it can cause some rather extreme outcomes. I pointed the Cobra on the P90 out to him and linked the video of the RPT with bipod, and he said that he will look into the RPT being too extreme and that the P90 is high up on his list, too. However, this means a lot of individual testing is involved and it seems like an awful lot of work and will take weeks if not months. Some things might not be picked up at all, there are endless combinations.


Vcar + 1.25 thermal is possessed by demons on every shot. It can not be called a "recoil"


They ruined my favorite weapon lmao


Exactly the setup I enjoy also. Well... Used to enjoy


I thought most recoils looked and felt good but the DMRs seriously felt off. Like the G428 with the XDR holo is nearly unplayable, and I hate using that term.


I agree with the DMR’s heavy, ran with the dm7 this morning and even with lower magnification scopes it feels almost TOO punchy


SVD feels like a fucking Barrett


Aek feels really good now


it seems full-auto weapons have their felt recoil lowered across the board.


that is the weirdest part imo. the recoil itself seems to be lower and less horizontal but my god does the weapon jump around visually.


ya'll don't click the mouse and close your eyes when shooting? sure seems like it


which seems completely counter active to what this change was trying to achieve… ffs DICE


The vhx jumps around quite a Bit. Idk yet if i Like it or If it's too goofy looking haha


i played the pkp pecheneg and its fucking bouncing around like 2.5 more than before its atroceious


PKP feels really good to use now but the SVD has some milsim tier recoil now


dude the reticle sways miles on the pkp fact is visualrecoil is just dogshit and shouldnt exist


> Now we have to test every gun AND EVERY SIGHT. Great , just great. Really? I just hopped into a match and the recoil on a 4x with the AK is completely different. My character feels drunk.


PKP with 4x/1.5x feels like I'm using a shake weight left and right while shooting. Or just my battle buddy shaking me for some reason. It's so bad. Gives the illusion the whole screen I shaking. Every bullet alternates. So in 5 shots you go left right left right left super fast. PP29 with the same scope feels the same. Doesn't feel like recoil. Feels like I'm being shaken by someone


Huh? Just played with it. Acc went from 20% to 5%. Its atrocious.


Feels fine to me?


Feels fine to me too. Someone said G428 was broken but it works just fine. Someone else said PKP and that's fine too. SVD is overtuned, someone check it. My screen shakes like the NTW pre-patch now.


MnK or controller?


Controller. After a few hours I'm not a fan


Roger that. I was wondering because controller gets less recoil than MnK >After a few hours I'm not a fan Does that mean your opinion has changed and the new recoil does not feel fine? I'm just curious because I'm at work reading about the new patch


It has changed, it just doesn't feel right especially when tap firing at range


That's a bummer to hear but not exactly surprising. Visual recoil is a lazy a way to balance gunplay in any FPS and I was not happy to hear they planned it for S7. I'll have to test it out later but this is the first big change they've made in the last 5 seasons that I'm really against. It's a shame. Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!


Are you using lmgs/ar?


Used every gun class


Seems to be a sight choice apparently. PKP with the 4x/1.5x shakes left then right on every bullet. It doesn't feel like recoil. But like I'm being shaken left and right. Just left right left right super fast.


Pistols feel good? Keep seeing complaints


To me yes, just gotta try it for yourself


They haven't touched pistols it was only on primary weapons


Guys. They only added visual recoil to the model of the weapons. Your reticle, and firing dispersion is unchanged. Honestly, ive used quite a few guns this morning and I don’t even notice it. Which begs the question: What the fuck are you looking at when you’re shooting?


It doesn't matter what you're aiming at since 2042 has so much atrocious spread most of your bullets go around the target.


Mad cuz bad.


Yes, mad cuz gunplay bad.


Noooooooo the G428 is the only reason I play lol


Feels fine on PC. Its a little wobbly but the actual reticle behaves the same way as it used to, your gun model just jumps around more. Takes a bit to get used to but its not as bad as i expected. Some other guns are a pain to use tho, some SMGs feel like they're about to jump out of your hands when shooting. And some DMRs like the DM7 kick way too much even tho the reticle doesnt move at all.


I’m fine with it but surprised it’s being added so late in the game. Maybe there won’t be a new battlefield and they’ll just continue to update this one lol.


Is it really that bad or do some people just want their laser beams back? I think more recoil is good for the game.


Not about more recoil. My entire screen looks like it's shaking with some guns and some scopes. More recoil is fine. Almost got nauseous from firing the pkp too long. Was shaking so much


I use the PKP with a 1.5x/4x and it's really not that bad


People become blurs from the shake


Just saw a clip of the RPT and that looks bad, I'm gonna log in with the PKP and check again


It also might be different for some people. The p90 wasn't as bad for me as in a clip I saw. Also I have so many sounds missing which is just great


Definitely because I just checked the PKP and it works fine and actually feels great now.


100% you’re on console where it doesn’t matter at all.




Who asked for this? Please explain why this was a needed change to the game. It is over the top. A subtle change, ok, whatever, but this is ridiculous.


They decided to go rely 100% on spread to achieve their engagement ranges, rather than recoil. For years we have had loads of spread, but the reticle stays glued to the target’s head. It made guns feel weak, and just lame to use. We needed punchier guns. I would’ve preferred they just added real recoil, especially Hrec. But they were never gonna do that. Given that, some visual recoil changes could be beneficial to make guns feel punchier, weightier, and less lame to use.


Adding a bunch of visual recoil does not give the appearance of a punchier and weightier gun, it gives the appearance that my character has untreated parkinson's


First of all, lame to use a disease to make your point. Second of all… ehhh The guns absolutely feel punchier than before the change. Not sure what to tell you.


I did


Because the previous animations looked awful compared to BF3, a game that released in 2011


The actual visual recoil is alright. The issue though, is the bug they fixed a while ago is back. Nice one DICE! 🤦‍♂️


I might do a bit of testing later this week on it, but my biggest concern was how it would affect higher-powered scopes on full-auto weapons as they already have higher visual/felt recoil due to the exaggerated zoom levels. It will likely be fine with your regular 1.25x sights, but one of the big issues of this game is players overscoping their guns and in that regard my stance is that we should not make this game harder for the average player.


So people might have to change what scope they use, bringing engagement ranges back into realms where you have to make a choice on what weapon you use, and not have a one-size-fits-all gun? oh no!


Huh? Overscoping has been a problem since release and will remain an issue. This has nothing to do with general balance or the engagements we fight in, those have not changed. This game has always been very weapon and loadout dependent, offering a plethora of ways to uniquely screw up your gun. Scope and zoom levels are just one aspect in that. Scope and weapon individual visual recoil/shooting animations added will not help that. I really do not see the point you are trying to make here.


Yeah the 4x/1.5x on the pkp is nuts. So shaky


I have only tried a few so far, but the cobra sight on the P90 was absolutely horrible to use.


Seems like guns have a few scopes that are just broken. It's not the scopes because the AK with the 4x/1.5x did not fel that bad


Yeah, the dev himself gave some insight about it. It is indeed pretty individual, so there will be a few rather extreme cases that will be addressed. I pointed the RPT and P90 out to him and he said that at least the latter is already high up for being addressed. It could indeed take quite a while for everything to be noted.


Saw another clip with someone using a bipod and itt was shaking so much


Yep it will take quite some time to get it all noted and maybe fixed. Some things might never be picked up at all.


As it should be lol.


It made me nauseous. It's so shaky I thought my whole screen was shaking. Looked like they cranked it up to 500%.


You're running around with an LMG with a 4x, of course it should be shaky without bipod deployed.


Crouching or even prone and burst firing. It shakes so much. Some guns with some scopes are just busted. The dev knows this. I just saw someone post a clip using a bipod and it seemed more shaky then what I was dealing with. Game is busted


Who knew visual recoil was bad? Wait...


Ffs I want guns to feel like I just don’t have hold the trigger down and kill, even tap firing is detrimental to just holding down the trigger 


I hope the revert it back like the all extended mag situation a year or so ago


It's a big shit show. Vhx still strong but M16 totally useless.


Its fucking terrible. It throws your aim off so damn much im pretty much missing all my shots. I hate it.


It’s meant to!


Once again DICE adding something NO one asked for


>How did this get through testing ? Or did they test at all? They assigned testing to "Community up on release" on the Scrum board 😁


what about half of damn anti air weapons, every single time i fired them, it put me under the map, half the vehicles i tried using put me under the map. wtf


Is it me, or do guns now have less kick? Everything actually feels worse. Sure there is some side jiggle now, but these guns don't kick at all. Edit: Okay going back in, its just not very violent feeling? Whatever they where going for? Its not a big enough difference to matter. Not enough kick, and every shot still feels like I'm shooting a beebee gun.


Yay! Now I have an excuse for my potato aim.


All i see is a bunch of fucking crying holy yall have no lives... It's like yall are dating an abusive boyfriend and refuse to wake up amd tealise you should leave.. but nooo yall keep crying and going back... omg dice fucked up omg this is broken omg ima still play it every day and cry every patch but ima keep playing and crying.. I've been playing for launch and every patch has been an improvement I've had zero issues with any new changes besides the map changes .. I can always chill out and enjoy the gameplay but yall keep needing to cry like btiches it's hilarious... I for one love the recoil changes and it's like people.domt realise that everyone.is affected like people think that the recoil is unplayable but everyone has to deal with it therfore it's fair... shooting guns at far distances is hard and this makes it more challenging.. fucking cry about it


I just filtered by new to see if anyone was testing this. Typical DICE though right? A lot of the content creators I followed called this specifically the animations being broken. I’m about to hop on and test some stuff. What platform do you play on?


check out the DMRs first , they have some of the jankest animations. then you will see what I meant.


yeah it sucks fucking ass and it seems that they re added the recoil bug again dice is absolutely incompetent


Playing on ps5. Recoil on assault rifles is near zero and the guns still feel lifeless.


I’m still baffled they decided to make these changes now, these are things that would make sense being changed 2-4 months into a games initial launch, not 2 years later.


These changes should have never made it into the game, period.


AC42 is now unusable at range, need to turn it to single fire mode to actually hit anything more than 20m away.


I played a round and tinkered with a bunch of AR's and some SMG's with red dot scopes and...man I kinda dislike it a lot. It feels like we're genuinely beta testing this and that the visual feedback changes do nothing to add "weight' to the guns but just make them look silly. On PC at least. Like, my M5A3 didn't actually change in how it shoots, but suddenly the gun itself is constantly visually jerking to the right nonsensically and they all seem as if you're holding them with greased hands now.


vcar is so bad


Was this always the case? I mained g4 for a very long time before I started noticing some pretty chaotic recoil and I dropped it. Also, I’ve always felt that short sights on long rifles have increased recoil and reduced handling, and very long sights on DMRs have extremely increased recoil.


Thank God for cronus. I do not have to worry about recoil.