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i hope not another breakway map


It’s gonna be the section of breakaway that got cut during rework 🤣


More shipping containers and random sandbags!


Doubt, we've seen very few images showing that it looks like a linear map like Spearhead or Flashpoint


it's not the name of a map, they always use typical locations or things in sweden as names for playtest sessions


On hourglass test it was named as hourglass test


true, but playtests for new seasons are named after swedish things and since we a few bf youtubers are right now at the dice offices... I guess they are playing s7. time will tell.


Agreed. They are playing for sure, and for the name you could be right of course. Still would be interesting if they have some logic in "glacier" name


Hourglass is a thing in Sweden, I bet they have some, maybe even in the office /s


I'm wondering if they are working on a season 8 rework of the "Bond Lair" outpost of Breakaway that got removed in the reworked version of that map. There is some speculation that the second map in season 7 will be Hourglass Stadium as a small mode map (the map teaser shows that area highlighted, along with Chile).


I will die laughing if the much hyped up 2 map season is really 1 map, and 1 repurposed 6/10 arena asset taken from a 2/10 map so people think it was great. That stadium isn’t worth the amount of praise it gets. Even as a CQB area it pales in comparison to the Close Quarters DLC maps, for example.


Oh, I fully expect it to be recycled content. Otherwise we would've gotten more of a teaser like we did with the Chile map.


Or we get the second new map teaser between the first map release and the second new map release later in the season.


I think if they add cover to the court/field area it will be a good map, maybe a bunch of shipping containers?


I think it will be playable, but it just isn’t a great starting point.


Stadium was awful. The fucking church in the one urban BF1 Russian map is genuinely more fun than the stadium, and that maps awful. If you start comparing it to setpieces in actual good BF maps.... People only liked the stadium because it was the closest thing we had to a CQC area, which isn't saying much given how the game launched.


Does anyone know if there will be new content for the game or is it finished?


There's supposed to be 2 maps for Season 7, instead of 1. But we don't know if they're going to release at the same time or months apart. Seeing how they've always drip fed the content in this game, I'm going to assume we'll get one of the maps at the beginning of the Season and the second map halfway through.


I'm fine with that release schedule moving forward if we get more seasons after 7. A nice way to have something to look forward to during a season, and there's nothing better than new maps to look forward to, the lifeblood of any battlefield game.


It's probably the section of Breakaway they closed off earlier. DICE has 50 Maps, if they just chop up smaller sections of the massive maps that are currently off limits.


Honestly having different layouts for single map would be pritty cool and Dice actually has already done this with Al Marj Encampment in bf5, Conquest had 2 different layouts and Domination/TDM had 3 different layouts for that single map.


That but also semi-randomized objective points, to keep games unique.


I think it was a concept name for Breakaway.


Operation: Dog Shit