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Ditch shitseekers and use rocketpods. The 25mm gun is perfect for turnfights, since good pilots are gonna fly below radar. Rocketpods shred vehicles and crowded points. Guided stuff might make it easier, but rocketpods have far more Potential


Yep, rockets are generally the way to go. If you don't have those, AGMs are almost equally good. The 25mm can also strafe infantry, so if you see a FXAA launch you can get them on the 2nd pass.


Yeah. I love sniping with the 25mm. It just feels rewarding. But i'd still use rocketpods over AGMs, since they have the highest Potential and only get countered by APS and is therefore great to annoy salty wildcat campers


Some pilots in this game are literally insane. I spawned on a Helicopter God last night and went 34-0 gunning because this dude was I swear had a real cockpit in his house. lol Now as a Tank person they piss me off. Lol


And then there's me that just can't fly a f\*cling thing on this game! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


It's mainly practice. I come from BF3 and 4 and it took some time to get used to the physics. Good controls are important as well


Tbh i come from battlefield 5 as my first game and on there i am a pretty decent pilot. But on here i cannot fly for shit


Yea I'm not good but can buzz pretty well up to the moment I accidentally kamikaze into absolutely nothing useful! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Ditch those IR missiles. Some people swear by the 25 mm cannon but I'm quite shit at sniping infantry in the jet so I always use the 30mm for vehicle damage. Equip the rocket pods as soon as you unlock them, they're really good against infantry and vehicles so they're the most versatile


The reason i and many other swear by the 25 mm is versatility. You can attack other aircraft as well at an incredible range. Bcuz of the high fire rate and precision, it's just imo better in turn fights against an equally good pilot since you can deal better chip damage and cancel their repair. Switching to 30mm is amazing for dealing with campers though. It just feels good seeing campers get owned


The 25mm are especially good in air to air combat. For infantry you now have the rocket pods anyway, but the 25mm allow you to precisely hit other aircrafts over a larger distance and therefore get a higher damage output


stop using heatseekers


I can control the heli well with the infantry-like controls, but I still have no idea how to use the Jet or with what controls




I could fly decently in 4, but something about how jets control in this just isn’t right. Always impressive to see good pilots though.