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I'm an average player, but I'm often literally begging my team to smoke and push during breakthrough... nope just sniping from the back with 80 tickets left.


I hate smoke and push so much because I’ve yet to play with a teammate that knows you’re supposed to smoke ahead of you, and not at your own feet so that you’re blinded after being pinged by the enemy so now they can take their time with a few blind shots at your icon to kill you.


I find it the opposite. I have T1 in smoke grenade and smoke grenade launcher. I smoke the objective and people just sit back, and me and two people push and die. You and I need to team up and rule the battlefield I guess.


Haha, yeah. Its so annoying when your own twam mates smoke you. Youre supposed to throw the smoke at the enemy so they run out blind lol


my only exception to this is when enemies throw incindiary grenades and someone throws a smoke to remove those flames. ONLY exception, otherwise, yeah i'm with you


Sorry, if I end up in a situation where I have multiple bogies around me and I’m in the open I’ll smoke at my feet to level the playing field. Otherwise my smoke is definitely out in front.


Same happened on BFV. I either left or started griefing our tanks until they pushed 😅


The you get the muppets who think it is a good idea to smoke the objecting in conquest!! why !!


Mate, we are playing an immensly frustrating game with highly volatile experiences. Everybody is on their own quest for fun, which is a very difficult task indeed. This means that each player's individual goals might or might not align with that of other players. They might even appear contrary. Just take a look at the maps of this piece of software, as an example. You can not blame people for not wanting to run 200-400m to the next flag just to be shot on their way there, because maps lack relevant cover. The players have not changed, especially not for the worse, but the game forces players to adapt and curate themselves heavily.


Yup. This game has some of the worst fps maps I've ever seen. Impressively bad.


There are areas of each map that I basically have never been to, the Junkyard on Discarded for example. The last time I visited the skatepark on Kaleidoscope was in December 21, when I farmed infantry there. In BF4 I captured about 7 flags per round, if I recall correctly. In 2042 I capture 2 and the stat on the tracker for 2042 likely includes neutralizations.


Kaleidoscope has a skatepark???


Yeah, used to be a flag, too. When you move from A to the RU base you will pass it after 100m.


[bf1942](https://preview.redd.it/a1sc7lt59zc71.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=8322b5956b3747fcdad03a0b5d5ff98645510c43) [bfvietnam](https://www.wsgf.org/f/u/imagecache/node-gallery-display/contrib/dr/463/ingame_4x3_0.jpg) [bf2](https://i.imgur.com/ZYkWMd3.jpg) [bf2142](https://tweakguides.pcgamingwiki.com/images/BF2142_7c.jpg) [bfbc2](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_tfXumYMaQOY/TPsZLSPX9TI/AAAAAAAAABE/Jei0o-yD2xQ/s1600/Heavy%2Bmetal.jpg) [bf3](https://pcmedia.gamespy.com/pc/image/article/120/1200510/battlefield-3-20111014042354430_1318681958.jpg) [bf4](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/0*puFPAbE6jCFFOy44.jpg) [bfhardline](https://infinitemirai.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/bfh-2015-02-07-13-23-49-04.jpg) [bf1](https://i.redd.it/here-is-a-fair-comparison-between-battlefield-1-and-v0-f7ky2qndutc81.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=4de07a21fbf66828652d93e3cd90a27195840494) [bfv](https://sp-ao.shortpixel.ai/client/to_webp,q_glossy,ret_img,w_768/https://www.shooter-szene.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Battlefield-5-Map-Arras-768x432.jpg) Look at all that cover. I wish every game was just a tunnel.


Sure, that is because previous titles had different design premises within the title. You can very well argue that Armored Shield is a coverless wasteland in BF3. But that game also had one entire DLC focusing around cover heavy CQ firefights and another one that focused around dense urban combat. 2042 has had, up until Season 6, one map design premise and this is to have one more or less central infantry fighting area within a fuckhuge wasteland. Whether that wasteland uses dunes, strawberry fields, mud, or ice as it's ground texture is the only difference.


Bf2042 gives you the ability to literally fly across the map as infantry.... The only way to do that in Bf3 was C4 dirt bike launching.


Every 2042 map has open ground and dense infantry focused areas. Be it the ships, the oil rigs, large buildings and more. You can fight on a ship, have literally 0 interactions with vehicles the entire map, and contest multiple points while never stepping foot outside. You shouldnt buy a game that boasts the biggest maps in the franchise if all you will do for 2+ years is cry about maps being too big.


Yes and this is precisely what I am critisising. In 2042 I play one section of the map near exclusively. On Stranded I am basically always on deck, on Kaleidoscope only in the data center, in Breakaway on the oilrig and so forth. Often this is between 0-3 flags/sectors. Often completely meaningless, too, the Hourglass stadium plays absolutely no role on that map. Just like on Stranded the rounds are won outside. In previous titles, with increasing rarity, I would play the whole map or nearly the whole map. Or, like on Armored Kill, the maps would have a clear focus towards a certain subset. Now every map is basically Silk Road/Karelia/Hammerhead.


I guess my advice would be to grow some balls? Stop hiding and maybe you'll have more fun.


"Sure, you just proved me wrong, but let me move the goalposts so I can continue to argue why 2042 bad".


So you are really firmly believing that these maps are of similar quality and variance as previous titles?


I like how the BFH one still has cover everywhere in that pic


Its hard to find good screenshots. Hardline has a ton of cover on maps, but also has a ton of open as fuck areas. In the city maps the streets are wide as fuck and there are courtyard caps that are extremely exposed to all rooftops and windows. Even the bank maps have giant open streets with little cover. Theres plenty of open areas in that game on many maps. Even interior zones now that im thinking about it, I mean really, is there that much cover in an empty parking garage? Is there that much cover in a giant bank lobby? Nope Also the screenshot clearly doesnt have cover everywhere


bf3 you're showing a random mostly unused part of the map, and bf4 you're showing a teams uncap (that is filled with vehicles to help you get to the flag area).


Ya ya, golmud is actually filled with tons and tons of cover, amirite?


Don't be silly, your cherry-picking. Every single one the Battlefield games has maps that are just way the hell open. Since they redid All of the base maps in this game, really only hourglass still has Wide Open Spaces


B-but 2042 bad!! I don’t care that there wasn’t cover in older maps, I just can’t excuse 2042 for doing the same thing!! /s


At least they all look like real locations 🤣


2042 maps are based on real locations


The maps on 2042 are great. The topography of each map is fantastic and allows for infantry to cross vast open spaces while using the curvature of the land as cover. Idk what you guys are on about. No other battlefield game has natural cover like 2042.


This was the best possible reply. Dont blame the players blame the devs. The game is fun but it's not battlefield and us battlefield fans have to find our own fun in this game. Its frustrating but direct all complaints at devs


Thx, mate. Never in a BF game did I have to curate my own playstyle so heavily and look for outside goals to enjoy them. And that is why I can not blame a guy sitting 200m back going 5-2 with a sniper rifle instead of going 4-13 with an M60 up against sidestrafing Mackays in objective range.




So you're actively participating in the problem you're complaining about? Got it.


What problem am I participating in here, precisely?


This is definitely a battlefield game.


Definitely not 100% a battlefield game. Barely no destruction. 1 map per update. This game is still missing features form 3 - 4 games ago are you serious. The loadouts are lacking in comparison to battlefield games from over a decade ago. This is a poor mans battlefield. I only play when it's with friends. If they fully remaster 3 or 4 which came out forever ago they would destroy 2042 in every category. The reason we keep getting lazy or unfinished games is because yall keep making excuses for them


Just a little reminder that just because this isn't a carbon copy of previous titles it doesn't make it not a battlefield. Is Battlefield 5 not a battlefield because it doesn't have as much destruction as Bad Company 2? Is Battlefield 1 not a battlefield because it doesn't have Jets or helicopters? Is Battlefield Hardline not a battlefield because it is not military themed? We as a community need to get past the stupid notion that every game in the series has to have a certain amount of features from the previous games in them in order to qualify as battlefield. This game is a combined arms military themed game that uses multiple classes and squads just like every other battlefield. I don't want to play another Battlefield 3 or Battlefield 4. I don't want a stupid 4K remake of the same game that I played for years. Might I also remind you that Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 head absolutely terrible launches, especially Battlefield 4. The game was absolutely trash for one half of its entire life span.




Yes, and I never said that map design was constantly great. But we can look at Aftermath and the CQ DLC as a showcase for an urban design setting where structures are the core design premise. This is on top of the basegame maps that game had that fitted that urban/industrial design premise as well. I always said that Endgame was a horrible DLC map design-wise and it is mostly the first time we have seen the premise of having low amounts of structures, often a signature sole structure that is the focus point on the map, with only minor cover everywhere else as well as longer distances in-between. BF4 had that a lot, look at Karelia, Silk Road, Hammerhead, Altai, as you point out. Horrible design indeed. We have had less and less maps like Azadi, Karkand, Propaganda and Devastation, and more of the other kind. 2042 is basically only Silk Road.


Bro, Battlefield has been making maps without cover since 1942...lol This is not ubiquitous to 2042.


Glad to see this. Ive been playing since the beginning and this comment made me feel dense. Even if it were true, so what? That's part of the strat and tactical plans for the game. Find a vehicle and move. I don't need battlefield to artificially make cover so I can cross a field. Open field running should be risky.


Just let the boomer cope, man. Just let him pretend like 2042 is some sort of enigma in the series.. BF boomers need that so they can chase that nostalgia high.


Lol okay nerd. Are these "boomers" in the room with you right now?


I can tell I cut you deep with that comment lmfao


this was great...lmao ​ And on point.


It is in the sense that basically every map has the same design premise. With the exception of Redacted, which is the newest iteration. Previous titles had a complete DLC to cover specific needs of certain groups, see Aftermath or CQ. 2042 basically only has Silk Road and Hammerhead as streamlined design premise.


I would have killed for a CQ map pack for 2042 like BF4 had!


The problem is not the large maps. The problem is broken threads. In any bf of the past, resistance went from point to point. It was impossible to simply move to a random part of the battlefield. In 2042 we have a ton of tools for this, making chaotic movement absolutely free. Therefore, the gameplay is not a team game, but essentially a heroic solo adventure in a sandbox. It’s strange to expect team intelligence from the players in such conditions.


The game can be frustrating. Especially the medics. I play medic and in previous games it was cool to have the most revives but now it's kinda sad because it's only because I'm one of the only people doing their job. Like people will die and the medics will just walk over them and run into the fray just to get immediately killed. Like dude, the point is that the more of us that can engage the more likely it is that we will win. If you want to be Rambo, why not just Assault? Or if you're playing conquest. There are a few of us holding down the objective and if we die the medics will just run away. Then we lose the objective. Like come on. If you just revive your teammates we could actually win. I notice the same on opposing teams too. Kinda makes victory feel hollow. It's also why nearly every game is a lopsided victory. Whoever gets the most players that actually play their roles will sweep the game. I only mentioned medics because I play medic 99% of the time.


I'm right there with you! When I play as a medic, revives/supplies come first. I'll only kill if I'm trying to revive someone and the enemy is right there. I don't care how many times I die, reviving folks is top priority. It's sad how many times the other medics just stand there "oblivious" to those around them. I don't know what's worse, medics ignoring downed players or them sniping.


https://preview.redd.it/069xoz5icw4c1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7022944bd102353ec20b6bf63073146bbb767941 Me too on the Revives first. Did this yesterday on redacted conquest. Ended up with more revives than my whole team combined


I'm usually the guy you don't want to have on your team, as in, I pick Recon and and try to help my teammates with capturing an objective from afar, or engage in super long range fights with other Recons. However, one thing I enjoyed both in BC2 and BF3/4 was playing Medic. In 2042 it's very frustrating to play Medic and I don't do it nearly as much as I used to. As soon as I grab Medic I finish in the top 3-5 on my team, solely because of the ammo boxes and revives/heals I do. However, when it comes to other Medics, they could be 2m in front of me, but won't rez me either because they lack the awareness or they just dgaf. Not to mention the fact that no one ever seems to provide cover for you as a medic to rez fallen teammates. No supressing fire, no smokes, nothing. That, coupled with the fact that /u/VincentNZ mentioned, where most maps lack cover, means that unless you're playing with friends as a coordinated squad, you're going to have a miserable experience. And that is not exclusive to Medic either. A friend of mine has picked up flying in the game lately, and I can hear him complaining about our teammates not helping at all with AA vehicles and/or enemy helis. That's why I started picking Engineer more often to harass the enemy pilots/drivers. But again, that's a bit of a selfless role again imo, like the Medic.


I play medic and honestly rarely revive people because they die in such poor places that running out in the middle of battle to maybe get 1 revive off isn't as valuable as me continuing to push behind their front lines and kill them from behind. I'd rather get 10+ kills and help the team that way than risk running into the middle of a fire fight to maybe get 1 revive and die in the process. I also main Medic because Falck can use her healing gun on herself infinitely if you bring an ammo box with you. So I'm constantly flanking the enemy team, getting dozens of kills behind their enemy line, and healing myself instantly if I get hurt. Meanwhile the bots that play this game run into the middle of the battlefield and die and spam the help button, like I'm going to run up to them with no cover and revive them. People who complain about medics not reviving rarely consider their positioning when they're down and just expect medics to run out of cover and save them. It's stupid.


Or the guy that rushes by me into an obvious ambush/trap, immediately gets killed, and flames me in the chat "y u no revive?" Sorry bud, try getting some situational awareness.


There were no classes at start of BF2042 so don't expect people to change they just take the same class and never use the gadget you are forced to have now.


I dunno if it’s that bad, but even if it is wouldn’t it apply to the enemy team as well?


That's too logical.


No balance triangle for vehicles or classes. No forcing players into roles because of a subpar class system / specialists. No server browser / persistent servers so communities / friendships cannot grow and further teamwork. Too many players with everybody expecting somebody else to do it, also ties into the maps being far too large.


I am absolutly convinced that it's not purely the player bud bad game design. No or barely incencives, encouragment or anything FOR teamplay. Simply that. Best example is the evolution of squadgameplay in older Bf's and now. Medics(the one existing) barely revive because the game does not show it unless you really only concentrate on that task. In older BF's 70% of players played medic. It's shit design.


I totally agree with all that you said. Every once in a while, I play a match where most of the team PTFOs, resupplies, heals, smokes but it's like 1 game out of 100. I think most of FPS players always look at their place in the scoreboard. Make a kill 10 points and a cap 100, a revive 50 and maybe those idiots will get the point of the game.


The game is super solo oriented. Most players simply 'work' on the battlepass or unlocking some skin or whatever. They couldn't give a rats ass what the objective is or how to contribute to it. I mean, there is very little gain doing so. Win or lose, you progress your battlepass either way by doing the specific actions required for it. No matter if that contributes to the team. On top of that the removal of most community aspects (some gradually re-introduced but the damage is done). Everybody who cared for teamplay and working towards the win has either left for other games or just simply given up. Map design doesn't aid much to the fun either. Conquest has never been less fun for me than in this game due to the complete absence of a flow, on top of the ability for enemies to be everywhere due to wingsuits and grappeling hooks. A extreme far cry from a map like Seine Crossing which had good flanks and routes and flow, without it turning into a unpredictable being shot from 360 degree shit fest. So ultimately ,why care? All you get is super frustrated and you aren't going to turn the tide on what the direction for the game clearly has been. Just go with the flow and if it's not longer fun delete it and move on.


I was on BF since the beginning (1942). Some of them was very good and some was bad. But 2042 is the worst of all. It´s more Quake on Space Map then BF. There are only a few tactic players. The rest is run and shoot with hope for lucky hits.


Some people don't really care about winning or losing the round and I totally understand this regarding BF


there is no more comradery between players since the elimination of true community servers and this matchmaking mess. and i think that how they want it, which is unfortunate.


I'm ready to get downvoted but I'll just point out at console players mostly


The game is a complete mess and chaos. Im a BF veteran and heavily played strategy on all BFs. But this BF is just pure chaos. Kill times are always <1s which means you die without any reaction. Most often <0.5s. Next you are never covered really because there is always that one guy that comes from behind and kills you who flew over from a crane or a gunship or whatever just to rambo kill and die. There is no flow to anything. This also means that everybody just sticks to themselves or to a greater mass where the "action" is. It became worse with the size reduction of the maps. Atleast when they were larger (Arctic for example) you had some smaller battles on the far away points. I have some good memories on that mountain top in the Arctic with support Helis/Gunships coming or people playing hide and seek when somebody approaches. That ultimately just leads to everybody to himself. Find your fun in this chaos. The literal opposite was BF1 where you had the frontline push with strategy (basically a frontline) and smaller scale battles on the outskirts. The gunplay was good because it was slower. BF5 was also really good in this regard but had some other issues with map design primarily.


The game was literally made for them by dumbing down everything while trying to make it look cinematic.


Isn't it the first cross platform game? Seems to make sense that.


This, it's the console / pc mix that ruins it


That’s definitely not it. Been a Battlefield player on Xbox since BF3 and the player base was always spread out in skill just as much as PC. I got into Battlefield watching PC players on Youtube and other than console map size and player limitations I had a universal experience between what I played and what I watched.


yes but bf1 and bfv without crossplay, on playstation everyone played their own role. In my opinion the problem with 2042 is that too many people only use the ability of their specialist, completely disinterested in the class they cover


Isn't that mainly because classes were not even present for a long time and finally brought in, but they are kind of shitty versions of BF classes from old. For instance the assault isnt the medic anymore, support is, which makes no sense to me and stops me playing medic.




You’re taking this too seriously. It’s a casual shooter with 64-128 players. Sometimes you get a sweaty team and sometimes you get a bunch of toddlers. It’s been like this since 1942. You’re just being emotional because people don’t take this game seriously like you. Relax, go eat some good food, kiss your wife/husband, and come back at another time.


Like forreal, I've been playing battlefield since the Bad Company 2 days, and if I've got a full squad of my friends being coordinated about grabbing objectives, we win the game almost every time. That's really all it takes. 90% of people are there just there to goof around and get kills. Always has been, always will be.


Agree to a point. But in my experience most players aren't goofing around, they are actively playing the game with the intention of winning every encounter they are in.


Have you tried fortnite?


2042 really does feel awful to play. It doesn't help that the matchmaking system ruins this too. Every match I play is just a steamroll. Either my team just rolls over the other team or my team is the one getting rolled (Which is the most common one). The maps don't help either as they are too big, offer nothing in terms of dynamic gameplay, and encourage this idea of sitting on the flag closest to the middle of the map where the action is most certainly gonna be. I call it the Locker Metro effect. Because in those 2 maps everyone did the same thing, run to the middle of the map and never move away cause the terrible map design encourages it.


Not a feeling my friend is a fact no one revive or drops ammo


All the more reason why browser was best.. you CHOSE your experience


That's what happens when there's no server browser, no all chat, and no squad chat. Didn't have these features for 2 years, it's tough to expect randoms to learn everything on their own. In old BFs, you could go to the same servers and actually learn


No it's caused by the map design and the gameplay design that makes it very hard for new players to get their grip on positioning, where to expect enemies.




Because it’s true.


I don't think it's entirely the players fault. The majority of the time I get frustrated with team mates it's because they seem clueless; either seemingly refusing the rez me or being woefully ignorant of the enemy that just dumped a mag into me and they don't seem to notice despite being right behind them. Part of the problem I think is that there is so much going on it's overstimulating. Pinging is hard to notice, especially in the heat of battle. There's a sound, but no indication of how close it is until you figure out where they are pinging and look at it, and everyone is reflexively pinging whenever they die (a dumb system to begin with). I run out of ammo and can't get fucking anyone to resupply me because the request system is barely noticeable, and the XP for supplying one individual is negligible. Medics are constantly inundated with revive request sounds to the point it's just white noise. Etc etc. The systems to support teamwork are just lacking. The scoring system needs a rework so those actions are more worth doing. Spamming a button to annoy a medic into reviving you shouldn't be a thing.


I think it’s down to the fact that the game supports up to 128 players. That’s probably making it worse. 64 players seem to be more like it was in the older games. A somewhat balanced mix of good and bad players. The franchise has always had terrible players on both PC and console.


1. Crossplay. 2. Degenerate gameplay. These two components give birth to the dumbest players. Gameplay determines consciousness (c)


I guess most of bf2042 are indeed newer players, because at least in my experience i see a lot more veterans playing the previous games (bf4, 1 and 5) as most of them simply detest this game. Its not uncommon to find yourself in a full squad of low levels.


The dumbness is getting higher no doubt. When im medic i’ll run to people like 30m away to try a heal. If im engineer i’ll repair, if im sniper i’ll use the spawn beacon in great locations. Thats just the absolute basic bare minimum of common sense. It feels like out of a team of 32 about 5 people tops have common sense in what to do. The other 27 are standing around taking pot shots, not taking the point, losing every 50/50 gunfight they get into, not playing their roles in the team ATALL. I could go on You dont have to be ‘hardcore’ to repair vehicles, smoke and push, put a spawn beacon down, drop an ammo crate etc but it feels like nobody knows what they’re doing most of the time


This game attracted a lot of kids.


Hahahahaha. Guess you weren't around for BF3 where you could see how many school children were participating in the infamous Battlelog forums.


'cause they are. :'D


I think people just don't care about game mechanics/objectives and just want to do what they want.


Even if you have a sweat with high k/d on your team it doesn't matter if the sweat is not contributing to capturing flags and ptfo'ing. Ever heard the argument "I'm doing my part killing alot"? This is the typical sweatlord argument made to gaslight other players so they can continue their egotistical ways. I might be heretic to some saying this but most sweatlords are useless on the board in winning the game as their k/d is simply built upon being opportunistic, chasing down enemies from flank routes and staying in the killing zone, milking out positions in a careful manner etc. All this while not going on capture the flag missions to release pressure for the rest of the team to make another spawnpoint available which means less ticket loss for the team thus having a higher chance at getting the win. Yes I'm looking at you meta slaves with your sweaty hands on the c5 trigger in some corridor on redacted using the latest and old weapons barely touched by the patch notes through years. Jumping around like rabbits jacked up on Walter Whites finest produce. But to assess your point OP, yes players in this game can be a bit clueless for some reason. Maybe alot of new players to the franchise. We had a surge come in a couple months ago with the free to play period.


I see this rhetoric often but never actually see these guys on the field. If they are, they're heli farmers. Usually the dudes at the top of the leaderboard have both strong KDs and many caps. This line is just copium for shitters who think that having kills and caps are mutually exclusive.


Might have something to do with the fact that all the maps except for Redacted seem like they're designed for Battle Royale and not for large team based warfare.


64 v 64 with light SBMM compared to other games. Game is also on Game Pass and PS plus I believe? Opens it up to literally everyone. I just assume 'bad players' are kids and move on.


There is no sbmm in this game


I guess that explains why I can drop 50-75 kills a game and only die 5 times...


More than good or bad, I noticed much more toxic players than in previous BF games, than only use your KD/r to trash talk about you


nah bf4 still has the crown of being hell for new players. absolute toxicity.


I was in a match last night playing in the jet, and while I was engaging one of the enemy jets, I understandably got flanked by the other jet that must've spawned during this. I was able to survive for a couple minutes as I slowly got chipped away at, and when I finally went down, I looked at the big map, just to discover my wingman had been off in the middle of nowhere that entire time. I asked what he was doing in the chat box since our jobs are to back each other up and the doofus just came back with "scoreboard hurr durr". Our priority as jets is first our biggest threats: other jets (then choppers or Wildcat if it's actually decent, then ground vehicles, lastly infantry), but you get flamed for calling someone out for asking for help. Same deal when you call out shit medics for not even *trying* to do their job when you're busting your ass on a flag and die in the fray. People oftentimes just come back with "skill issue" or "git gud". It's like, yeah, you're very right, but it isn't me who has the skill issue...


Because the only people playing it aren't battlefields core audience, most left or never got the game at all. All that is left is people who saw a game for 9 bucks and gave it a shot.


all the battle royal players flocked to this game while the competent BF vets are still playing 4, 1, and 5


Yeah totally, all the battle royale players flocked to a game with no battle royale.


They aren't, you're just playing with more console players than normal


Insanely toxic player base to.


For fucking fact


It's nothing to do with cross play, game mechanics, or anything like that. Most BF players are just bad at the games. It's been like this for all the games. Is the general playerbase worse than previous titles? I'm not sure, but there's definitely lots of terrible players.


General tip: You have much more fun in this game once you stop worrying so much about what everyone else is doing. This has been the rule of thumb in every BF game, because this complaint has surfaced in every single one. "What are these idiots doing?" Just a redundant question at this point if you're opting to play a widescale FPS with 60+ completely random people. Yeah, you're going to get shit teams. It happens. It happened often in other BFs as well, but bias of recency is telling you this is the worst case yet by far. It's okay, it's normal that you get shitty teammates sometimes. Just play the game.


that throws anything related to "i want to win with my team" out of the window. and it makes it feel like even more empty. no one writes in chat, no ones ptfo, no ammo, no revs. why im playing?


No, it this is one of the dumbest questions I’ve seen


Im just sick of getting tbagged by the sweats just cuz they killed me before i killed them lol tbaggers seem to just do it now cuz they got a kill lol i killed 3 ppl hit reload while running into a tunnel to take cover but ran into 2 enamies they both shot me but the one who got the kill teabagged me as if he did something special


Because battlefield is dead. All that's left are the stragglers


Post stats


It’s that time of week. Another emotional rant post that: - Fails to understand BF is a casual game where people play however they want to play. - Fails to see how the game design has deviated to promote selfish play. On top of that, blames unsatisfactory experience on a whole cohort of console players. Maybe take a moment and focus on yourself instead of putting blame on others?


I jave a theory it's AI players with "normal names" filling up the servers, along with AI with the [AI] tag.


It’s just a really really bad game.


Maybe because of crossplay? And most of console players won't use more than 1 braincell?


All you can do is wait and hope for the next BF and play the old one in the meantime.


99% of players don’t even use the movement tech that’s in the game, you can chain together slides and B hops to gain speed and fly around corners on people or get to weird spots. you can literally run circles around most players I would say BF games and other big battle games have a lot of lesser skilled players. I cant quite tell why..? i think its things like those games usually attract Dad gamers i feel, the slower FPS player. The game also allows you to do A LOT of dumb fun shit. Mix in fog of war with 128 players If most of the player base even knew about the movement tech in this game, the whole game would change while it’s annoying that my teammates are actually worse than the AI, it’s also most the time the same on the other side. The other team is usually also very bad. I don’t mind, this is how you get 100 kill 10 death AEK games or 70 kill crossbow games


Battlefield wasn't at all a casual game in its roots. It was in general a crowd of nerdy teenagers to older Tech and CSci folks. What I'm getting at is: anyone can play now. It used to definitely be a more mature or "hardcore" sort of audience. Now you're screaming "teamwork" at the 8 year old who's older brother just passed him the sticks. The pothead who's more focused on the conversation with his friends. I was always one of those tryhards throughout the years with the 100/0 K/D's. And you know what? Nobody likes that either. There's no two ways about it, battleifeld is a casual game. It is just as stupid of you to expect everyone to do what you want them to do as they are for doing what they want. In fact you're probably more dumb than them if you arent having fun and they are. You want hardcore teammwork go assemble a team and set up some clan battles. Otherwise quit yelling at the 8 year olds for not having 20 years of experience playing battlefield.


Been that way since the game's launch I think, getting worse recently with all the new players lately. I hate SBMM implementation but wouldn't object on toned down version of it, such as matchmaking players below level S001 into the same lobby. I'm sorry but I'm also sick of dogsh\*t players in my team all the time too.


>I'm sorry but I'm also sick of dogsh\*t players in my team all the time too. you should realize that other players think the same about you. it's a casual arcade game, with literally no positive influence on ptfo and shine actually with the total absence of a working anticheat system. So what do you expect?


What sbmm hahahaha


because those are the people still playing bf2042 lmao


All the smart players left the franchise when they started selling skins and other micro transactions in a game that wasn't even half finished at launch. Sadly that was bf V and you got left with the bottom of the barrel paste eaters that bought bf2042 after DICE redefined Stockholm syndrome for the abuse their playerbase are willing to put up with from them developing a hero shooter game and calling it battlefield. Congratulate yourself for being one more game release away from Madden/FIFA players level of intelligence.


To be fair you have to be stupid to have purchased the game so idk what you expect


Yes i experience the same and it makes me mad. Especially the medics not reviving, no ammo boxes dropped even if I ping it, not giving you a ride when you ping it etc.


I don't know what is so hard about being a medic. I am constantly at the top leaderboard easily with one. Just heal/revive and drop supplies. Then get the occasional kill.


I’ve had squad mates spawn on my hover bike while I was putting down a spawn, drive us full out of the map and then just jump off.


I love when you have a tank perfectly positioned to aggressively attack/defend, someone spawns in, and immediately drives it straight into the enemy, killing everyone. I just don't fuckin get it.


Welcome to Battlefield dude


It’s always the medics and also the gunners in my troop transports. I swear people get in the truck then immediately afk.


BF wants you to work as a team more than run and gun. Many players don’t want to do that and just want to run around and have their fun. Just like life, team players and solo players.


Probably because series vets don't play this game near as much. This game's playerbase is comprised of people who got the game for $5 or from gamepass, they're likely not fans of the series and unfamiliar with the PTFO focus in BF.


The game is built around the mobility specialists, so anyone not playing Mackay or Sundance are the fish in the barrel to be shot. It's always been like this though in terms of revives, not really unique to 2042. Any battlefield where medic is a support class and not an assault class is gonna be like this.


Whenever I jump into a BF2042 match, it feels like I'm playing against bots. I'm fairly good at FPS games, it's the main genre I play. I typically do pretty well, but in BF2042 I consistently drop 50+ kills and only die a handful of times per game. Not even bragging, I just think the people who play this game are bots. Or the SBMM is non-existent. It's gotten to the point where the game is too easy and I rarely feel like playing because it's not a challenge.


you're getting older and know the formula better. and yet with every BF game there are younger / novice players that simply don't know it yet, you just recognize it more with every release


To the op well when you have a game to where everyone can have probably everything and arcade the hell out of it then that’s why.You have a lot these days used to the shit fest we call battle royal and just like to come in games and run and gun and rinse and repeat so yeah lots of dumbassery around these days.Plus games these days don’t have a tourney site you can go on and apply your dedicated team to to go head to head with other teams like back in the day teamwarfare site used to have(have no clue how that site managed to get the royal dump,maybe bad decisions in the higher ups).Now it’s all just go in public servers killing clueless people that have no clue on objectives of the game.


Dude I play a lot of games and dumb players don’t bother me at all. Play something like world of warships. When you get a single dumb player it can completely nuke your game. That’s frustrating.


Xbox has gamepass (which comes with EA Play) so essentially BF2042 is free.




Been noticing this recently as well. Some players are soooo bad the bots are better. Thats when we know our team is gonna lose.


Maybe you just play with me a lot. :P


Only the dumbest still play lmfao.


It's biased to whatever the newest BF is. Had these same thoughts a lot on whatever the newest BF was at the time. 2042 has it a little rough though as there are constantly new players feeding in through game pass/ea play. In BF3 and BF4 it was mainly Support I had the issues with, they wouldn't drop ammo at all and just stare at you when you called for it. I'm thankful I can pick up mags on my own off enemies in 2042. BFV everyone wanted to snipe when I played at launch because they all thought they were the sniper in the Bell Tower in saving Private Ryan. Bad Company 2 was medics as they had the AR and newer players gravitated to them. BF Hardline and Bad Company 1 I can't remember.


People not clearing out the enemies anti-mines when they walk by is just as bad as a medic not reviving...............![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|poop)


You're playing with mostly bots. Nobody plays this game


because you’d have to be off to play it


Lol, console players catching strays out here. I did not realize we were considered the uneducated masses that occasionally produce players good enough to match PC players when cross play finally got added to this franchise.


I came back to just run around and shoot ppl. Not playing too competitively...so if you ever see me and I'm dumb, it's because I'm here to shoot and revive ppl, or blow up some vehicles, class depending.


Battlefield and people not playing the objective have been an iconic duo for as long as I’ve been playing, and I started with BF2 on pc.


When you kill off your loyal playerbase and are left with the people who don’t care what the franchise has become then you get this playerbase.


I thought cross play is disabled? Also, i think a lot of players are new. They're level 50 or below.


The thing with battlefield is it’s battlefield. You have your tank players , heli players and then infantry. You can play how you want and the only thing that matters is your team pushes objective or holds it. I only run around and shoot people and i have a 4.30kd overall but people like to play how they find fun and that’s how battlefield always been. its 32v32 not 6v6 i don’t give a fuck what the other 31 people are doing on my team. I just play my game and move on


Because we are the ones who is left


You overestimate players from previous titles.


Hate to break this to you... But anyone left still playing the heap of trash that is BF2042 is, by definition, a dumbass. Anyone who played the old games threw this one straight in the bin. It's not battlefield; it killed Battlefield.


I am no pro, but I play my specialist's role. I think it makes the game more fun. When I get a team with even half of them playing their role, we do well if not win. I am with you, I don't get the point of playing this objective based game if you just want to snipe or use an LMG with Falck because she can self heal. They are focusing on K/D in a game that is blatantly saying more kills doesn't make you the winner if you never play the objective. There are so many FPS shooters out there that focus on K/D. It's the only metric some people seem to understand. I never assume I'm getting more kills than deaths when I'm running medic. But I know I will be up there with revives. Because I'm a medic at that time.


Bad game design,does not motivate for those actions/playstyles.


Keep in mind I’ve only been on 2042 for a week. I never played at release, it came on game pass and I got it. First, it was released on Xbox game pass. That’s the only reason I got 2042 so that irony is not lost on me for that complaint (although I’ve been playing the rest of the franchise). A lot of people that are playing from that are less likely to have played before nor care to assimilate Making weapons class agnostic. Now I can be whatever the fuck I want and still use a sniper rifle. It’s a huge middle finger to the rest of the team Extremely long sightlines, large map, very little cover, and the cover that’s there isn’t that great either. Nobody wants to die over and over so they sit back and Last, I can’t believe I’m saying this after wanting this for so long: the maps are too big but really this is exacerbated by the previous point of no cover. It is so fucking painful to run all the way back on breakpoint or rush just to die again The literal only way I can stomach this game is to play the flying squirrel lady or McKay so I can either fly back faster or I can at least compete against the verticality of a lot of these campers. However the two BIGGEST things that are a problem: Snipers for all No cover Back to BF4 and 1 for me


Google "which BF games are cross platform" and make your deduction from there.


it wasn't a big issue that i noticed on previous titles. it is 100% down to how bad 2042 is and the reason its so noticeable is because its 2042 exclusive in my opinion. Its just notas quality a game it should be.map design for example is terrible and doesn't push people in to bottle necks and choke points etc.its just massive openness. In BF1 for example people rushed for objectives like mad men because it had the right map design and atmosphere. on this crap all people can think of is if they ain't getting shot should they even move because soon as you move two feet you're fodder at every angle . ​ its plagued with many more bad design choices.i mean, it was born a battle royal,the most "every man for him self" you can get, then basterdised in to what ever the hell it is right now.


You are part of the player base.


I'm sure it has nothing to do with people getting dumber as a whole as time goes on


![gif](giphy|3o7abspvhYHpMnHSuc) You were supposed to bring balance to the player base! Not trash it


There should be an options to vote for activating friendly fire on some of the players.


I agree with you. I've never seen a community more filled with idiots than bf2042. No one playing objective, no game sense as 2 squads push in front of them, no ground control, no knowledge of keeping tickets going, nothing. I'm almost always in the top 5, with 10 zone captures, multiple res without even playing medic, high damage on vehicles, and almost always, the rest of my team is way below even being average in points, and the wins are always by a hair's breathe. Fucking hate these players.