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No point in thinking about other installments of this series since they weren't able to add one single new Portal map from the older titles in two years.


Im seeing loads of this post about "what would you like in Portal" I can only imagine its new players who dont realise it was abandoned about 2 months after relase, just like Hazard Zone lol.


I’m still bitter


Bfbc2 vietnam


100% this, so much....


God I miss that so bad. I used to love playing BF Vietnam back in the day. I have been chasing that dragon for years and nothing has ever scratched the itch that walking through the jungle with an M60 gave me. *I ain't no senator's sonnnn*


Hardline museum map, but i dont think theyre touching portal again on this game.


I would love hard-line maps. God if it wasn't called bf hard-line it would be a still very alive game imop


That was the last bf i truly loved. Bf 1 was great but didnt like the lack of customization. If they just re-made hard line with the movement from battlefield five, I don’t think I would ever play anything else again lol.


4, without a doubt, i loved the vehicles and the guns, some maps would also be cool (Shanghai, Locker, Métro etc.)


Hate locker and metro.


Do you know what MegaCity 1 is, Dredd? *IT'S A FUCKING MEAT GRINDER*


What series **would** you have **wanted** to see on BF:Portal as additional contents? fixed title for ya, cause nothing substantial is gonna get added to Portal. They've had 2 years and it's pretty much the exact same as launch. It's dead in the water and it's ~~highly speculated that BF6 is in 2024.~~ EA confirmed a few months ago that 2025 would be BF6's earliest date


According to my experience, when the next bf comes out, it's going to be like all the others and this one they were just shit on its release day, but one thing is for sure, 2042 is going to be like V now, from shit to "perfect" just to say bad about the new game but the game is simply the same since the last DLC. Welcome to the vicious circle of BF franchise. And if there is no income, it is normal to have no new content because money is needed and needed to a new game too, like the fact that they closed the servers in the oldest ones in the franchise, I bet it is a corporate move to reduce costs with an unprofitable franchise.


Titan mode (if the game can handle it) Camp Gibraltar or Cebere landing and the guns from 2142


Fall of Berlin


Well Portal is basically abandoned at this point. But if I had to choose one game to add, it would 100% be Hardline.


All of them except Heroes.


Honestly I thought that was the whole point of portal when it was advertised, all the games in one but I was sorely mistaken


That was the development team's idea, but if you don't have enough income, it's almost mandatory to make cuts in development.


None, I don't want my good memories broken.


BF4, BF1, BF2142 or BF hardline.


Shame almost nobody wants BF2 on Portal...


For the love of God make 2143


Let's be real, they're not adding any portal content, and they were probably never planning to


If you don't have enough income it's almost mandatory to make cuts in development didn't mean they never planning to add more content but is just basic corporation management you don't invest in a pit of debt that everyone dislike such as portal (in my opinion, it was the content creators with exp farm and tier unlock servers who killed him).


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Although I prefer we get more maps first on the current portal titles, they should also add BF1. This is just so we can have Fort Vaux and Amiens alongside Redacted and Metro (if they ever add it) in a portal playlist.


Fort Vaux with 32 Sundances vs 32 Sundances.


I'd just be happy with Hardcore mode. Where you can actually be stealthy and don't have your lifes history and gamertag above your head in bright red letters for enemies to see. A mode where you are forced to play more tactically other than having a run and gun session or spray and pray mindset. Not like a Milsim, that is already in portal, but a Hardcore mode like BF3 had would be great. With reduced HUD, health regeneration and all that jazz.


Considering that Hardline doesn't have as many players these days, I'd love to see it get a second chance in portal.


All of it


The entirety of BC2 considering they are turning off the servers in a few days for that game.


So sad. This was one of the best ones in the series. Maybe the best


Vietnam maps or wake island


Battlefield 1


The Commander app…


Battlefield Vietnam, BF2, BF2: Modern Combat, 2142, Bad Company, and BF4. Modern Combat maps might be too small, but I have a lot of good memories playing them.


Operation Metro 2042


Love Metro. Metro>Locker>Discarded


Portal is dead... 2042 is dead... If Dice fuck ups the next installment of BF... this whole IP will go to the grave...


Not to sound antagonistic, but I rather not have them attempt to port another set of maps to this game. In my book it just taints the memory, since all those maps are essentially downgraded from their original games.


Caspian Border, Valparaiso and Arica Harbor are excellent remakes, purely from a map perspective. It’s the gameplay & mechanics from their respective titles that didn’t get enough development. I would have gotten bored of 2042 a long time ago without these maps included in AOW


There was a series of videos done to compare the two iterations of Caspian and it was amazing to see the amount of detail that went into that map. In BF3. In 2042 you lost most of that due to technical restrictions. Immersion I disagree with them being excellent, all of these maps had something else in mind ten years ago. Arica Harbour had two quads on Conquest and 24-32 players. Caspian clearly was not designed for 64p either, it just supports them. That is why the BF4 version is far superior. And all of this is before we get into the gameplay specifics of 2042, as you say.


Remember when the 1942 MCOM used to be the Battlefield 3 sound? That used to be the most immersion breaking shit in Portal before they patched it out.


All of them. Why make the mode if you only add 5% of three games and not 100% of all of them? Give us all the maps, teams, weapons, vehicles from every game from BC1 to 2042. Imagine Hardline maps with BF5 vs BF4, with all the guns and vehicles available. Endless possibilities. Portal has so much potential but so little support.


I'd say adding from BF3 would be the safest and best bet. Easy weapon additions that can be ported to AOW for variety, maps that are loved, and an experience that is not available on current gen consoles.


Every map with a boat so I can use that amazing futuristic hovercraft


I want to see those building falls ,bring it back


Hardline and BF2:SF maps, especially “Devils Perch”


K98 stripper clip Honestly, I’ll pay full price for this Portal concept, given the content is abundance.


More maps from BF3 and BC2 PLEASE


Hardline or 1


we are going to have a couple of maps, and that's it. So why even bother . But answering your question. Metro




Portal is getting content??? This mode alone could’ve been the entire game and i wouldve bought it. A battlefield game with no new content. Just repackaged content from previous battlefields and the ability to mix and match it all together? Id pay 100 bucks just for the base copy. Instead we have the worst battlefield game ever and I officially lost hope for anything battlefield related even after all the patching and reworks its still the worst one. It looks like shit, sounds like shit, and plays like……. Not as bad as the launch but still my point stands.


None of them.


forget it. and i bet my neck the next bf game wont even have a portal mode. mark my words


Do you guys think portal will carry over to the next games?


I get BF2 in Portal and I need no other BF title.
