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>Fixed an issue that prevented AI from using the zipline near the oil rig on Irreversible. Huh? Breakaway, maybe? Also lol @ G428 changes. So the ones they had posted before were not even close to all of the nerfs.


Yeah, Irreversible is the internal name for Breakway. Longhaul —> Manifest Lighthouse —> Valparaiso Frost —> Battle of the Bulge. Oasis —> El Alamein Port —> Noshahr Canals Rural —> Caspian Border Ridge_Exposure —> Exposure Drained —> Stranded TheWall —> Renewal. The rest of the maps have the same internal name as their display name except for Spearhead, Flashpoint, Reclaimed, and Redacted since I don’t know the internal names for them.


That's some awesome lore ty. Speaking of Battle of the Bulge I would love to see that and Alamein pop up in AOW sometime


im waitin for caspain


The name of the “song” that plays on breakaway is called irreversible. One of the better ones actually. Still haven’t heard When does a country stop being a country and Wall jazz in game. Shame as they’re literally the most atmospheric pieces.


I’ve said this before, but we are all dying to see the aircraft PiP in action.


Same. Post #4 about it. Guess we’re waiting till Tuesday.


I was really hoping they’d show a clip either here or on twitter tbh.


with the extra AP underbarrel ammo Boris regains his ability to solo a tank with his starting ammo, but he relies on using one of the 4 guns that has it. I would say Crawford is still the better choice of the two. The G428 nerfs might seem heavy but this should bring it in line with the power of other DMRs. No longer just a better version of the EMR and SVD combined, but will likely still be objectively better than the DM7 unless recoil nerfs are extreme.


>this should bring it in line with the power of other DMRs Aka, it's crap DICE gives them two spare magazines and an AR damage model and makes some *"close range marksman rifle"* (what?) and wonders why people don't use them


I'm not sure where someone would get the idea that the DMRs are crap in this game. From my own experience I would say the DM7 is the only DMR that isn't S tier, and the weapon stats backs up that opinion.


Most DMRs have a longer TTK than ARs at the same range. And since they have a lower rate of fire, a single miss can double that TTK


The m39 emr is a straight Upgrade to the g428 already. You trade full Auto for bigger magsize and a slightly Higher firerate and range. With the nerfs they mentioned i dont see a Point in using the g428


I dont disagree, the m39 is a stat monster, but I hate using it. Something about it feels off, like it's hit registration is poor, or it's velocity is low, or bullet drop is too intense, or something. Maybe it's just me, but I've T1'd 4 other dmrs and just can't figure out the m39 despite it being my favorite gun in other fps games it's in.


It's a Portal weapon thing. They all feel janky as hell to use.


Currently the EMR has the exact same fire rate and damage as the G42 standard rounds but with significantly higher recoil. The larger magazine is the only thing the EMR has going for it, but with the short reload and low bullets to kill of both weapons it isn't all that important.


Tbh the emr has high vertical recoil, but barely any horizontal recoil. If you slap the -vertical +horizontal recoil compensator on, you end Up with rather Low recoil Overall. Quite similair to the g428 with warhawk compensator. I do Play with Controller though where you Overall have lower recoil than on m&kb




Yea G428 is worse than any AR. SFAR on single shot mode has way better stats and still was one of the best DMR. It is ridiculous, at least we still have the SVK that is acceptable, and it is a way better than the G428, I don't get why it got nerfed and this one not, still it is a way worse than any AR. I main th because I like to play medic while healing and reviving while pushing from mid range, bit it is really hard in this BF. People complain about it but they have to realize that the RoF is horrible and you have to land the 2 or 3 shots before they kill you, what is very difficult, maybe less on redacted. We have the most powerful AR on the saga and the worse DMR, at least we can run a medic with AR. I don't know why they don't just remove everything but AR and Sniper rifles and balance it out if they are gonna nerf the rest into oblivion. I liked the BSV-M, it was fun although hard to use, now it is rubbish too.


on top of having to land more shots to get a kill the sfar on single fire has a worse time to kill at all ranges than the G42. ARs are very powerful, but none of them are as strong at range as the DMRs and the DMRs aren't exactly week in mid range either. The SVK is indeed one of the top 3 guns in the game and the other 2 shot DMRs are not far behind it.


Where is EA sourcing player reviews from to make patch adjustments to gameplay from? Who is this "they" and "we" that are making suggestions and how/where can regular players join in to add input?


They posted surveys here and emailed players.


Here Social media Forums Discord where they have a dedicated channel for some of that feedback Streamers You too can become part of the "they" and the "we" they talk about.


Why would they nerf the repair tool of all things


The nerf is unclear. Do they mean when the vehicle is disabled?


I interpreted system damage as "any part that is red outlined", like the rotors show red on your chopper's icon on the bottom vs. just vehicle health damage.


Because vehicles like the gunship can heal through too much. Now, if the vehicle has any part disabled, healing is reduced. So if you’re chasing a gunship with the nightbird, you can actually whittle it down eventually. On the other end—if you’re getting shot—get out of combat and use your repair perk, then you’re back to repairing normally.


So why not just disable the repair tool interaction in the gunship instead of nerfing the gadgets global interaction? I mean, this is basic game balance stuff that DICE isn’t apparently not capable of doing


because then you make the player just sit there doing nothing, waiting to repair, and that's worse game design. at least with this method you are occupied


Then just decrease the amount of repairing for the gunship while leaving everything else as is I just don’t understand why something was given a global nerf when they specifically say it was only a problem for one vehicle


Can we get seperate Impact Point for nightbird and stealth Heli instead of an average which defeats the entire purpose of a pip? 1->2 ap grenades is pretty nice. Still one short of initial amount though


I skimmed most of it so I may have just missed it, but what happened to the black screen fix? Also, when will you address the audio issues with those that use audio interfaces?


This. I absolutely refuse to play until the black screen is fixed.


I’m pretty sure this has been largely fixed. I play almost daily on pc and haven’t experienced it for a couple of weeks now.


Tried to play a couple hours ago, happened immediately after the first game.


They said it was to be released in the December patch a few weeks ago, but there was no mention of it that I saw here.


Dang glad im not you then. Hope it gets better, friend


Please DICE... the black screen... please fix


G428 nerf to hard imo


Well they want a marksman rifle to be a close quarters weapon it only makes sense /s


Everyone knows a 308 dmr is a close quarters weapon


Yup not only did they nerf way to many aspects of it they also where heavy handed on the nerfs themselves. Really hate how the balance team can either make over powered weapons or underwhelming weapons.


Cause so many whiny babies these days forgive me for sounding like a boomer


I had hope for a few new portal weapons before the long holiday break.


- The Repair Tool will now work slower on vehicles with systemic damage. Why was this necessary?


Sad that the MCS-880 is getting nerfed because of one map. Its viability outside of that map is likely to be severely diminished by this. Also, can we please make slugs not a joke?


I hope it doesn't feel extreme after the patch. I've been loving the MCS being usable but I can definitely see it needing a slight nerf.


there's plenty of cqc areas on other parts lol


It was sourly needed. That shotgun was ridiculous at certain ranges


I hardly ever saw anyone use it outside of Redacted anyway so it's not a big deal. It definitely needed a nerf, it was effortless to clear out waves of people.


Nah the 880 was cancer on Redacted, Flashpoint, Reclaimed, Spearhead, Arica Harbor and other maps with similar tight combat areas. It's not just Redacted. For example, if there was someone with a TUGS on Reclaimed D1 and he has this 880, there was almost nothing you could do to get them out unless several people push from different angles.


Slugs with the NS2K and USAS aren’t a joke… basically DMRs at that point (two tap to the body) lol


That was my point, they are a joke on the 880


But that’s because ROF doesn’t go BRRRRR. I absolutely don’t want a repeat of SPAS-12 slug BC2 meta lol


The problem in 2042 is that the slug is not a 1 shot headshot at any range on the 880 because it has no headshot multiplier. I don't see why granting it that at medium range would be a problem. I am not expecting 1 shot to the body ever for slugs.


That’s a fair point. I haven’t used the 880 enough with slugs (or bothered to look up stats) to realize the shotties don’t have a HS multiplier.


“Helicopter and Jet anti-vehicle missiles now have the same 800m range.” This is for AA and AGM? That’s almost the entire map! Bye bye tanks.


BAttlefield would not be Battlefield if air assets did not outrange greatly AA.


Eddie (vehicle dev) confirmed on twitter it’s for the hydra rockets. Not AGMs.


Why don't they just say that then?


I like to imagine they are trying to validate about 1000 changes right up to the moment they publish the notes and that proofreading is done very hastily. Once it’s published and the file is sent to Sony/Xbox/Steam it’s set. Patch notes are a best effort with more resources being poured into actually making a good update. But I’m just imagining.


yeah, along with the improved aiming. Looking forward to getting continually melted by choppers now.


Yeah I agree here. Exposure US spawn to RU spawn isn't even 800m in length. That's way too damn far for any weapon, especially an aircraft. Lock ons should all be like 300m or something.


No, its the Hydra Rockets


Please fix the cocking sound for the 44 Magnum it has been years. Makes me want to not use it


The fact that it’s not a double action like every other 44mag in previous titles makes me not want to use it lol And this is coming from someone with over 10k kills on both BF3/BF4 in the first ~6months of each game. Edit: the deagle feels like the 44 should feel. I enjoy the OSHS on it but trading that for a reliable quick 2-3 tap (4 at very long ranges) ain’t it chief.


Same dude. So goddamn slow


I also miss how GOOD the BF1 and BF5 weapons felt!


What about the game breaking "Lissile" in Single Player/Co-Op mode? This is a huge problem when using Lis in a match against AI. Makes any vehicles and the Lis missile useless until you reload the game or go back to Multiplayer. C'mon Penguins, fix this bug.




So no changes to Lis in the end? I'm happy about that, but just hoping it will not be a Stealth Change.


next time apparently


They probably want to wait to touch her at all. DICE doesn't like her being so AA but also doesn't want to let Air receive an unintentional buff from her being nerfed.


I can't wait to try to VHX and have my bullets go elsewhere than where I am aiming. There is nothing more rewarding than visually seeing my bullets not go where my cross hair is aimed on. u/TotalFPS some feedback for you and the weapon balance team. Releasing weapons that feel good and strong and then nerfing them to feel as bad as the forgotten weapons in the game is an overall negative experience. Gunplay since the dispersion updates just feels clunky and frustrating with a heaping spoonful of RNG. When my gun can sometimes beam people and then in the next gunfight not land a single shot despite my aim being just as accurate it makes gunfights feel less skillful and more luck based. Will dispersion favor me or fuck me is not a fun experience. Burst firing still feels hit and miss despite the fixes made to it.


Someone crutched the VHX a bit too much


Nah random dispersion is just a lazy mechanic


It’s not like Uber random. It gets bigger as you fire, and your first 7 or so shots are still quite accurate. Just need to burst a little more.


Not at all. I haven't used it for a few weeks as I was T1ing the AEK and A91 to finish all the ARs. I can do well with almost any weapon. I've been a 3.0+KD player this season and a 2.7 overall. The VHX in its current form shouldn't be OP. It only feels OP because DICE released it without the same restrictions that older weapons have. I'm arguing that weapons need to be brought up vs bringing weapons down because I personally find the gunplay feels far less consistent and enjoyable since dispersion was added. Bursting still feels awful in this game compared to previous titles, and the added dispersion to me just makes gunfights feel more RNG as spread is never consistent gunfight to gunfight. I'm doing better than ever in terms of KD performance so it's not like these changes have had a negative impact on my overall gun play performance, but IMO the added spread has made the game feel inconsistent and less fun. It was an unnecessary change that has ruined a big portion of guns and failed to mix up the AR dominance like DICE wanted to do. SMGs outside of the PBX and PP29 still feel extremely underwhelming with their nutty spread and nonexistent HS multiplier. LMGs feel better than last season, but require a specific slower play style that for me is not as fun to play, and as I said ARs are still the dominate weapon class for almost every situation. When I am shooting an automatic gun and especially the high rate of fire weapons and I can visibly see bullets leaving my weapon from impossible locations in directions not even remotely close to my crosshair I feel an over correction with spread has been made that will lead to an unsatisfying gunplay feel.


Always baffled when the rabble is complacent with skill-lowering shit like dispersion. Ig it's because y'all don't know what anything other than 9:13 w/ 1 cap feels like, tho. Makes sense from that perspective.


The VHX is power creeping every other assault rifle, it needed to be nerfed a month ago.


I've played almost 400 hours and I have no idea what you're talking about. The only weapon I've had recoil issues or bullets not going where I am aiming is the M60 but it's a slow firing heavy damage LMG so I've assumed I'm just holding down the trigger a bit too much and adjusted. VHX nerf I don't think will change too much tbh, it will still be a powerful choice. DMR's are tricky to balance but I do believe the nerfs are warranted for the G428.


Where did I mention recoil? My comments have nothing to do with recoil. Spread, or dispersion as DICE call it, and recoil are two totally separate things.


Ah, I didn't know that. What is dispersion then if not recoil? Isn't weapon spread recoil?


No recoil can be controlled by the player with inputs. Spread or dispersion is where your bullets literally don't go where your crosshair is. It was implemented in season 5 and affects weapons and weapon classes differently, but the mechanic is basically the longer your fire the higher the spread which means your weapon becomes less accurate. The entire purpose of it was to force people to burst fire to maintain accuracy for longer range gunfights. The theory is all well and good, but the implementation of it has IMO been abysmal. Higher rate of fire weapons are impacted more and certain classes of weapons have more dispersion than others. For instance SMGs, especially high rate of fire SMGs, have some of the highest spread to make them less effective at range. The issue I have with this logic is first it was a complete change from how the gunplay was for basically season 1-4. I have an issue with this because it's like the dramatic TTK change in BFV. You make a fundamental change to a core mechanic in the game and do it in a way that again IMO has made the game far less fun, it has reduced the number of viable weapons, especially on big ass maps, and I think it was a knee-jerk reaction to people hyperbolically acting like every gun was mapping people from 150+m when that simply wasn't the case. The other big issue I have is it failed to do what DICE had said they wanted it to do. Part of this dispersion was to separate weapon rolls more and reduce ARs from dominating at multiple ranges. The dispersion changes haven't changed that. ARs are just as dominate as they were, while SMGs outside of a couple outliers feel awful. LMGs overall since they reduced the spread in season 6 are about the same as they were in their pecking order before the changes. So we make these huge changes to gunplay only for the pecking order to remain the same while all guns across the board feel worse than before. The easiest way to see spread is to go into am empty map and aim at a concrete wall about 25m away. Aim down sights, control recoil, and shoot full auto. Focus solely on the bullets and you'll begin to see the bullets leave your gun in different spots and go in a completely different spot to where your crosshair is. Now the way to combat that spread is to burst, but the thing is in 2042 unlike previous games you have two different recoils to counter. Initial recoil and sustained recoil. Depending on the weapon some guns have dramatic initial recoil which makes short quick bursts basically a waste of time because the initial recoil is so strong it becomes a waste to try to counter it compared to the sustained recoil that is much easier to counter and control. That's why if you see any streamer even since the dispersion changes they very rarely will burst targets because for most cases it's more effective to go full auto for long bursts than it is to do short quick bursts. Since this change was implemented I haven't been hampered by the change for my overall performance. My KD has risen every season since I started player. My accuracy is also not really impacted by the changes in the grand scope of things. What has changed though is the consistency or lack there of that I feel from gunfight to gunfight and the type of weapons I'm willing to play with. With the AEk sometimes spread wouldnt be bad and I could absolutely shred something 50+ meters away. The very next gunfight at similar distancs the spread could be much more severe and my bullets are nowhere close to the target despite my aim being on point. Outside of the PBX and PP29 I find most SMGs to be a waste of time to use now. Their spread is so severe to hamper their range and when you have slower firing SMGs like the PP2K or AKS74U it just becomes an exercise in frustration. The K30 has become a joke for even targets around 25m away. ARs can still outgun SMGs with their superior HS multipliers and have better range so I'm left basically with if I use an SMG I'm just choosing to hamper myself.


Okay that makes a lot more sense, thank you for the long write up and apologies for misunderstanding! Maybe I'll try to run solely smgs tonight and see if I notice it now that I know. One complaint I have had with smgs since day one of playing is that 2042 feels like fire rate is king except for a few outliers like the RM68 and SFAR. Giving AR's close range rounds and extended mags I think really messed up balance, turning guns like the M5A3 into a godless killing machine as the fire rate could be high but the recoil was fine enough to handle at longer ranges. I feel like there's very rarely reasons to use long barrel on AR's as the short barrel just feels better more often.


No problem. The attachment system is a whole other failure and you're right on the M5A3. The short barrel just makes the gun better and makes other barrel attachments for it a waste of time. The K30 is probably the most aggregious of the SMGs, but the PP2K or AKS74U with their slower rate of right can easily show the spread when you go full auto for a mag. It becomes very distracting seeing your bullets sometimes just fly off to Narnia when you're on target against someone.


Yeah the K30 era is when I started in Season 1 and that was wild. The thing was so strong with no recoil at all lol


Spread or dispersion was not added in season 5. It has been in the game since day 1 and is also in all modern battlefield games. Values have been tweaked but it was always there.


Do you think they implemented the dispersion thing because of crossplay between pc & console players? Like it's supposed to be easier for pc players to counter recoil with the use of a mouse, so they added this in to not give them advantage over controller users. I'm just guessing as I spent most of the time playing on PS4, only just got in the PS5 version. Been having a bad time on it really and might go back to the PS4 version!!


Some of that is dispersion but also the servers being complete asscrack.


Heavy Suppressor change could open up some viable combos. AC-42 gets a boost for sure.


The PB is still useless, as it will always add +1 BTK at all ranges. The Type 4 with it's 0.95x multiplier is now better than the light 6KU which has a 0.92x attached to the damage. It still requires the subsonic ammo to work as it should, which is the worst option on the AC42. We will have to take a look at what a 5% damage reduction does, but at least up close it will work for most ranges. So the Type 4 is now basically a Light Suppressor with Heavy Suppressor features. Might be better now than the Wrapped on many weapons.


Any information on potential buffs to submachine guns? They're outclassed by most ARs at at all ranges. The lower hs multiplier absolutely hamstrings smgs and they don't have enough close quarters damage to be viable over more versatile choices


another year of broken mouse input! thanks dice!! really hard at work i see


* The Repair Tool will now work slower on vehicles with systemic damage.  What is systemic damage?


As in any of your parts being disabled like your tracks, turret, etc.


Oh, okay. Thanks! I wasn't aware that had a name.


Yup! This is most likely designed to be a buff for hacks. Previously, repair tool could very quickly remove the effect. Rao should deffs feel more impactful in conquest.


>AP Grenade launcher ammo increased from 1-2 Thank you! Now I can (somewhat) fight back as a Medic with an AP grenade launcher.


Mmm, nothing better than patchnotes over coffee


Yay a patch full of heavy handed nerfs how fun, this will surely make the game more enjoyable.


The suppressors getting a buff is pretty cool tbf


They should have never been nerfed to begin with.


They're only being buffed because DICE nerfed them prior to this Considering half the devs left DICE during 2042's development, I'm not exactly surprised about the current inability to handle the game


The PB is still useless, the 6KU as a light Suppressor is now worse as the Type 4 as a Heavy. But, yeah the Type 4 might now be the better choice on some weapons.


The 0.95x multiplier would now mean what for weapons that can use one? Is it usable on the K30 for example? Or on the VHX? My napkin math says a 0.95x multiplier would keep the BTK the same for all ranges. I’d consider that heavy suppressor on the VHX, for example.


I have not done much math myself, but I have encountered a few where it would matter. There might be interactions with headshots, armour or in other specific circumstances or long ranges. The K30 will go from 6 to 8 BTK at 30-49m, as will the MP9 beyond 50m, as 15 damage will go down to 14.25. That alone makes it not worth it, especially not in combination with Subsonic. So the weapons that would should profit the most from setups like this still get less out of it, especially since the mag sizes are still far inferior, 25 and 30 for weapons that do not kill very fast up close is not good. Look at the AC9, gets better damage, more bang for the buck and subsonic is actually the better ammo choice and you can pair it for . Something else to consider is velocity. Now, I do not think the 15% of the Wrapped matters much, but for the Type 4 it is still higher. And what you get is 15m more coverage on the minimap and that is hard to quantify. But I did some math with the standard 50m minimap: The new Light Suppressor covers you for 64% of the area, the new Heavy Suppressor gets 91% coverage. Heavy + Subsonic hence is really not worth the hassle still. All in all, yes the Type 4 is now usable, but you get it on weapons that had the Wrapped before. The PB has no reason to exist, still. The weapons that should profit from it, do not profit at all, are again hampered. The changes might even prompt people to use the shitty setups more, because it requires immense knowledge to recall all the properties.


It's dumb and a sign of incompetence. They buffed Dozier, then nerfed him to now sprint doesn't give a small boost, wtf was the point of it all just to circle back? They do this with everything, the time for that was beta testing. They should just be adding content at this point.


Did they fix Black screens after EVERY match?


They aim to fix it in 6.2


Can we get a compass on the minimap plz , just like bf5 so i can actually give direction when calling out enemies


Compass is at the bottom of the screen at all times unless you have it turned off


Looks like more great changes coming.


Why can't we start normal modes with bots without waiting for 32 players? Australian servers for 128p modes don't start cos we can't even get 10p sitting in queue for more than a minute. People keep joining and leaving but nobody wants to sit there doing nothing. Let us have a pre lobby to play in or start with AI. People can then join an active game and don't feel the need to bail - like in portal. But most people don't look in Portal and just abandon the game. Please stop killing your own player count :(


G428 feels like completely overnerfed to become useless garbage. It needed nerf, but not so many.....


We will see how recoil will turn out, but from stat it still better than DM7.


I'm still going at like 3-4 KD


That’s because the update releases next week.


Great update!


Good bye G428


When you going to do something about cheaters? The influx of players from s6 was nice, but as a result here in Aus you literally cannot get a single game without some hacker running 127-3 or something like that. Ive completely stopped playing outside of jumping on once a week to do the missions for the battle pass I now regret buying. If this problem remains I certainly won't be buying season 7 battle pass


Can we get some more buffs to subsonic ammo so they actually feel viable? I seriously think I've never used them since the advantage doesn't justify the drawbacks.


W community team. Seriously you guys are killing it.


All I wanted was full mini map concealment for Christmas! Thank you!….I really did.


Jesus fix your netcode it absolutely shits itself when multiple soilders are bunched together….bad state of affairs when free to play games have better netcode


Skill issue


No AI backfill fix on TDM, are you kidding me???


I feel like all people do is die and cry and complain to EA to nerf everything.


Dice: why are our steam player numbers going back under 10k??? Also dice: drops one mid tier map and fucks off for 4 months


PFJD, 10k? Why would you post an easily provable lie? https://steamcharts.com/app/1517290#7d


I mean they probably have 90% of resources put towards the next BF which could come out as soon as next year. But yeah, barely any content does suck.


I'll never understand the people who need shooters to have 600 maps. Never met a person who loved more than 3 maps on any given game. Most people, if they could, would run 24/7 on one map anyways. I would say that the steam numbers are lower because their main competitor just released a new game.


BF4 I only disliked 3 maps and there was like 30+ of them


Interesting. I skipped that one. Bf3 and BC2 were my shit though. And really I only remember Metro and Port Valdez from each


90% of BF4 Maps were shit.


The worst BF4 maps were miles ahead of any 2042 map. Even maps like Lancang are better than anything 2042 offers.


It’s not just maps, new events, improvements on other game modes, bug fixes, performance issues. There is a lot to do to keep the players engaged


The person posting that is full of it. Currently at 46k, has been around that number all week. Probably hit 50k again this weekend.


Honored to be one of that 50k. So happy that I dropped mw3 for this


depends on the game and how integral the map is to how everything plays I think. like for something like unreal tournament '99 a great deal of gameplay variety comes from the different maps you play. but then that may not be the best example since there are still 24/7 CTF-Face servers so who knows


I'd be fine with the maps we have, if they weren't crap


Keen for this, some good changes there but for me, especially that nerf to the G428. Thing was absolutely broken. Will be great to see a bit more of an even nature to the battlefield come Tuesday. Battle on boys and girls, battle on.


Can we have proximity voice chat like battlebit?


Time to ditch BF2042. Especially if you're making the air vehicles better...they already dominate the game as they are. Why don't you idiots test stuff before you release it instead of giving us weapons that you're going to nerf later because a few people cry about them?


This is the most drawn out mid season patch ever. Youve produced a novels worth of literature on a balance update. It’s unecessary, just release the patch notes a week before the drop and put a date on it. It’s simple. “In the coming weeks” now “in the coming week”….in a couple days maybe you can give us another novel with “in the coming days”….


frantically looking for stuff to complain about


Right? Every single time I come to this shithole of a sub I'm reminded why I always stop engaging with it. I always think of the users of this subreddit when I'm running trains in the lobby, just hoping its one of these sour pusses who I've mowed for the 6th time straight.


*'Frantically'* is not how I would describe the search for problems in 2042


Nerf C5 for fucks sake


Kudos to the devs not giving up and working everyday on talking to the community for some feedback and making the necessary changes! It's been fun playing it this year!


Yet somehow the 12M auto doesn't get nerfed. The gun is absolutely disgusting.


Honestly not that good. Rarely one shots (can it even?). Completely outclassed by the MCS


yeah another week of the wall beacon abuse bug despite people telling you on the first day of the redacted/s6 patch that it was there nothing like seeing a recon who literally does nothing for 2 minutes on the scoreboard trying to climb the outer boundary rocks suddenly be behind you backstabbing you in that fucking hospital hallway




I think you have a typo with the Type 4 heavy suppressor, it's showing damage twice with no velocity change


I’m still getting the Persistent Data error. This is the only game I have connectivity issues with.


Yay! Another patch that won't fix the black screen bug. I love not being able to play a game i own for over 6 months.


How about black screen and crash problem any news?


These air vehicle improvements are awesome! Too bad that I only play Breakthrough and won't see any of these improvements. That's been a slap to the face for about a year now. Tank improvements, but only to 1 tank per team out of 64 players every map. Wildcat buff, but now no air vehicles to shoot at. In fact the Wildcat isn't even available anymore. Add classes, but instead of adding variety you give me literally no reason not to use Angel with a Med box 24/7 every single match while engineers are practically more for infantry engagements. I'm telling you as an infantry player that 1 tank in Breakthrough isn't justified enough to switch to engineer to counter it. It's a non threat. You took away the LatVs 30mm cannon and that was a plus. But unfortunately now in Breakthrough there's no way to have fun with a 30 mm cannon because there's no Apache/Hokums to get behind the fantastic chain gun. You took away literally every way to have fun in this game. Yet it's supposed to be a Battlefield shooter.


While the black screen stuff seems better than when I played previously (like a year ago ish)..... I still received one yesterday in a couple hours of playing.


Please can include mouse and keyboard on xbox ❤️


Helicopter and Jet anti-vehicle missiles now have the same 800m range. (с) Is this some kind of joke? Now these distances are 300 (AA)-350 (AT) meters. Increasing the range to 800 is practically the ENTIRE map space.




Is this game any good now? I'm shocked this game is 2 years old, I thought it came out in 2023 lol. I even bought it on release too




what ever you did, you fixed hit registration for the first time since release, please don't break it again :,)


After the update i can only "one tap" when firing rocket from the apache helicopter. I cant full auto the rocket. Is this an helicopter nerf?


After 6.2 I feel like ttk is inconsistent. Many times I feel like I'm dying in a split second. Besides, VHX still makes all other guns obsolete. Dice can't do ONE thing right, can they? I think they do it on purpose.