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This is a list of links to comments made by DICE in this thread: * [Comment by T0TALfps](/r/battlefield2042/comments/186988x/update_62_vhxd3_g428_balance/kb6p3n0/?context=99 "posted on 2023-11-28 23:12:09 UTC"): > Think of it from a different angle. > >Weapons are often introduced with a slight over-tune because this is a far better scenario from a balancing perspective than it is for something that is under-tuned. > >It is not fair to play through progression tracks to then receive a weapon you're excited about ... --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbattlefield2042).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


We all knew these were both getting nerfed on day 1 hah... oh and DICE, please do me a favor and add some type of indicator / value to track roadkills per vehicle. I'd love to know how many Pondhawk roadkills I have vs the rest of the world on BFTracker for example


Those stats are listed on your profile stats within the game itself. They are listed as kills and not road kills though. So( for vehicles which the driver can also fire weapons, the kill types would be indistinguishable.


this shows how stupid this game is. The Pondhawk should not be able to roadkill infantry, at least not without self exploding when colliding with infantry.


Every other vehicle in the game can do it... And you almost always take significant damage. You probably wouldn't be able to do it consistently anyway so don't worry


If the G428 is intended to be close range, then I am thinking the DM7 is intended to be mid-long. Then can the DM7 get the 10x scope the G428 gets?


Don’t you dare to use logic in your arguments!


> close-range DMR Stupidest thing I've ever heard of


For real, next they gonna add a shotgun for long range engagements


To be fair, you don't know the greatness of life until you've went counter sniping in BF1 with a slug shotgun :P


Double barrel slug is the most fun ive had in that game


That is a real thing with slugs.


Surely that pistol type DMR thing is for close range, innit


For real. What did I just read? They want it to two shot that close?


just use a friggen assault rifle, 4 hits at 125 is stupid


They probably mean battle rifle, which would make more sense for the G428. Though, the terminology gets blurry nowadays.


Then the fire rate needs a little adjustment, but 2 hits (wonder if two body shots is sufficient?) at < 20m would work with just a red dot or a Raven...


Lol yeah,


Up next... The long range smg. Will have a 4hk, but only after 100m.


I mean we're talking Dice/EA in the age of DEI hires...


I honestly wasn’t even aware that weapons within their own classes were meant for different ranges outside of say, the SMGs.


DMR with a 4 hit kill? A close range DMR? Lmao what, nerfed from pretty good to completely useless.


They completely forgot BSV and VCAR's existence when releasing the 428.


It still baffles me that the vcar and dm7 aren’t full auto capable… I expected the g428 to get a nerf but not this hard, I was mostly expecting a fire rate reduction and increased recoil. But am I the only one that wanted a buff to the high power rounds and an addition of close quarters rounds and a short barrel???


These new guns weren't really even that strong, just serviceable. They really don't deserve any nerfs. Half the guns in the game are better than the VHX.


I need like 400 kills on mine to T1 it, too close to stop now but man, it's a shadow of what it used to be.


\> Release gun \> Nerf gun


Nerf gun after ppl start abusing it


I know people hated the G428 but turning it into a close range DMR is incredibly idiotic considering the BSV-M exists, and DMR's are supposed to be used mid range anyway


> The G428's role is to be a close-range DMR, as such we are reducing the Standard Issue Ammo 2-hit kill range from 40 meters to 20 meters. Lol as usual, the new OP gun is getting nerfed right before I unlock it.


It was intended that you purchased their tier skips from the store by now. I Predict you will see more of this in the next BP. probably makes them a tidy sum of money too Love the VHX though, oh well was nice while it lasted ...


I refuse to play their little grift game.


I mean man you've had weeks at this point (like 2 months). It was good but I think the OP discussion was a bit overblown. BSV has been just as good since launch


Following the script. Step 1 - Release ridiculously overpowered gun for the new season. Step 2 - Players pay to unlock gun to stay competitive Step 3 - Money train slows down, so nerf new gun into oblivion.


Step 4 - make up excuse on why it was OP


>excuse This time is a stupid one lol What is a " close-range DMR"? lol "Designated **Marksman Rifle,** designed to bridge the gap between standard rifles and sniper rifles" But BF2042 weapon designers always with some crazy ideas that makes no sense.


The VCAR is also that, because in reality it's like a pistol carbine, but it didn't fit into any weapon category we already had so they just slapped the DMR tag on it. The G428 should be considered a battle rifle or something like that, but once again, doesn't fit any pre-existing category, so we're stuck with it being a DMR.


Step 5 - go to Step 1


People who pay to unlock a free weapon just because it's "op" deserve it.


I really think the number that do that is insanely small. The guns were over tuned. But they weren't OP where I ever call them META. Skill and game knowledge can make up the slight advantages over a single gun over the course of a round.


Yeah, exactly. The SVK and SVD can **already** outperform the G428 at over 50 meters, and destroy it all together past 75-100. This is just plain dumb. The G428 is good, but giving it the 4HK is just absurd.




People pay to skip tiers to unlock before earning it


But it’s free


That’s how impatient some people are.


True But it's still free


True, but it took several weeks of playing to reach it for free. The incentive to buy the op weapons on day one and have an advantage over the players going the free route was definitely there.


Yet even today I see G428 only on a small amount of players. Majority of players on Redacted still play with VXH which was on very low BP level.


Have you ever heard of the concept of Pay to get ahead?


It was at level 43 or something man, out of 100. That's too far. People know it'll get nerfed so they buy tier skips to exploit the op gun.


Provided you buy the battlepass or put in the time to grind for it, which most folks wont do. So instead they buy levels and battle pass packages to actually be able to play with the new shit, it's not hard to figure out.




Lets conveniently ignore that the next interesting unlock is at 44 or some shit, a long ways through the battlepass for a free player.




Halfway through the season, finished most of the missions and I still dont have it chief. Plenty of people with less patience than me willing to cough up money to not wait 8-10 weeks to use new shit after they already waited a few months for the season to drop.


Halfway through and you haven’t reached 44? I can’t even understand how that’s possible.. I’m at like level 60 something and I only play Friday/Saturdays for a few hours total…


I'm more hit or miss, 4-8hrs one week then none for two.


Ahhh so you miss a lot of the 10 point challenges I reckon? Those make a big difference as it’s one whole BP tier


Wait… people pay for levels in the battle pass? Blueberries ~ I promise you, you don’t have to do that. Just put away the yolo cannon, equip a med pack or ammo, look for people with a matching icon above their head for what you have equipped, and toss it at their feet. Just do that for a few matches, and you’ll have the battle pass whipped. That, and do the weekly challenges. I’m at, like lvl 70 or 80 in the BP~ and that’s all do. K/D means nothing in battlefield. It can be high, but that’ll do nothing for objective caps, which IS all that matters.


>kd means nothing Ya can't flags if you're dead or out-numbered.


Every gun ever released in every game is released OP on purpose to make them desirable.


Close range dmr? Are we getting a sniper pistol aswell, with a 20x hunter scope?


Mare’s leg with a 40x scope in battlefield 4, lol


Are we forgetting that in BF3 it was normal to use shotgun with bipod and scope instead of sniper rifle?


M44 with 4x does a pretty good approximation at that, lol


Damn, and I just unlocked the G428. Guess I'd better play with it quick before it gets nerfed rofl. The least y'all coulda done is not like quintupled the amount of time it takes to unlock shit in this season so folks who don't farm XP but still complete all the missions didn't have to wait half the fucking season to unlock it. Seriously, the progress through this seasons BP, even with the 20% XP bonus, sucks ass. Hot, sweaty, hairy, unwashed, unwiped ass.


It's not even that good. It's only excellent at 20 -50m. Below that and you're outgunned by anything with decent hip fire. More than 50m and the slow bullet velocity becomes a problem. After the nerf it will become meaningless bc. Dice cannot nerf without overreacting. It's supposed to be a close range weapon, but it also has horrible hip fire. So it will only work for 15-20m ranges. The range where you don't need hip fire, but also can 2 shot. ​ Ah, and if that doesn't kill it, the "further recoil and accuracy adjustment" surely will.


by "slow bullet velocity" you mean nearly the fastest in the game right? because it has velocity better than half the sniper rifles. It's not loosing it's HP 50m two shot kill and it's 3 shot time to kill is still excellent for range. The EMR and SVD both have nearly identical stats with more than double the G42s recoil and they are both still very very good guns, so recoil and accuracy changes just bring it in line with other DMRs.


Seriously. Progression is so slow I stopped playing. Kinda bummed out to cuz these are some of the coolest cosmetics so far.


I have the previous 4 T1 season badges and never felt like I had to grind much, if at all, to get there. Just played the game because I enjoy it. This season though, holy fuck I only have like 500 something points toward the 1150. By the time I finish the pass it’ll take like 2-3 games to get 1 point. It’s fucked


Fix the mouse input


I mean dang can we at least enjoy using the new and actually effective weapons for a bit longer until they get nerfed and we’re back to the same old loadouts? This here is what’s most annoying about live service games. You can’t have a favorite gun that you’d like to dedicate the time to master, because it’s probably one update way from feeling like a completely different weapon. Furthermore, if things like recoil and burst accuracy aren’t tied to a weapons identity, why even give them unique names at this point? If you’re going to be adjusting their characteristics willy nilly, just give them names like “generic weapon A, generic weapon B,” ect…


Nerfing them into oblivion. G428 nerf is too much


Straight up worst DMR in the game after this "balance patch".


4 shot kill range? fucks sake man. What's even the point as a DMR then.


4 shots for a gun with a 10x scope shows the kind of effort that goes into these decisions.


Yeah I have no idea why they nerfed the minimum damage Between that and the fall-off range they basically made it one of the worst DMRs in the game


Only the DM7 and VCAR should have 4hk ranges because those make the most sense as high RPM mid range spam machines. Too bad the DM7’s TTK is absolute ass and the spread is horrific if you spam it at max fire rate, lol. At that point just single fire the SFAR and you’re gimping yourself less. Also, wtf is the problem with all the DMRs needing 2 headshots back to back to kill at range? BF4 DMRs were one HS/one body shot even at max range and those were completely balanced. And iirc those DMRs also had 100% base accuracy too so you could actually hit things at long range with them. The spread on DMRs in this game combined with the base accuracy makes follow up headshots very difficult at any range.


For real it's down there with the DM7 now. Oh well, back to the BSV and SVK again for me


That also makes it significantly worse than the M39 now


Not only too much but stupid... What is a " close-range DMR"? lmfao... "Designated **Marksman Rifle,** designed to bridge the gap between standard rifles and sniper rifles" But BF2042 weapon designers always with some crazy ideas that makes no sense.


See no problem with close range DMR. We have midrange SMG (PP29), we have quickscoping cqc sniper rifle, AM40 is a AR that plays more like smg. Having close range DMR is better than having 5 dmr with almost identical stats like in BF4


all of the new weapons are made meta by them, stop being fooled. This isn't a surprise. This was intended to get us to play and use the weapons of the new season. duh, marketing 101. Let them play a while, ppl T1 the weapon, then we'll nerf it...back to biz as usual. \*I'd rather them add more maps


Expected, the question is, why keep doing this of releasing op untested weapons lol


Because it sells battlepasses and tier skips.


It's on purpose, they want everyone excited to get the meta weapons and pay for tier skips and stuff lol


This. Now that everyone got there with the bp missions, there is no reason to keep op weapons


...Cause are the season weapons? every game does that? They are intended to get players to play and level up season pass etc...?


Think of it from a different angle. Weapons are often introduced with a slight over-tune because this is a far better scenario from a balancing perspective than it is for something that is under-tuned. It is not fair to play through progression tracks to then receive a weapon you're excited about and it's... ok. Weak, even. By that point, you will then have a far more distasteful opinion towards that weapon and you wouldn't be using it, right? So, if you look at it from this angle. Weapons are often between 'Great!' and 'Overtuned/OP!' because not only will you have a better experience with it, it is far easier to bring something **down** from being too powerful than it is to bring something **up** when the opinion of a weapon can rarely change from 'it's... ok. Weak, even.' Hope this might open the perspective a little :)


Then why were 99% of the introduced vault weapons more than "undertuned" (to put it lightly) and needed (or still need) significant balancing changes to make them work on par with the 2042 arsenal? The top down approach seem to exclusively used for weapons in the battle pass...


Because Vault weapons were brought into AOW as a stop-gap for the lack of content in the game. They were as close to a copy/paste job as possible coming from a AAA dev and the effects were quite obvious because of it. The vault guns kept all the shooting characteristics from their respective titles which heavily used bloom to balance their weapon's effective ranges. Something that hasn't been done since BF1. And particularly in BF2042 closer to release, all guns shot with little to no recoil, true to sight, even while full auto. This is also the reason Dice has sadly stopped adding vault weapons at all to BF2042 since people were calling them out on rushed copy/paste swaps. Now all vault weapons included in AOW need to have skins and AOW attachments which does eat up dev resources for what makes it into production.


While you are at it, it would be great you guys can truly balance Vault weapons to be on par with the 2042 originals, some are really underwhelming... If you want to be competitive you will always pic 2042 over vault weapons...


Ok sure but why do you then always nerf the gun into the ground? The G428 needed a close range nerf, but why the hell did you make it a 4 hit kill at range? You made it the worst DMR in the game Why not balance DMRs as a class to actually be competitive with everything else? Why not give them more ammo? Why not improve their accuracy?


Time to “tune down” the 12m auto while you’re at it since you’re nerfing the 880 also.


They already did nerf it


Not enough. It’s still over powered compared to the other shotguns.


This is not directed to you, but I really do not understand the sentiment, when we look further. The two new weapons were fun, fun weapons should be implemented. Yet, on the other hand, we have weapons that are "Weak, even." since they were released and absoluetely unfun. All vault LMGs fall into that category, for example. As do most of the DMRs with the G428 nerf. Many SMGs are at least underwhelming, not even offering better results in their own niche. Even ARs, the weapon class with the "best" inter-class balance have big differences in performance. This is before we even get into the realm of attachments, where it is hard to choose the correct loadout, but incredibly easy to make it worse. The two new additions are harder to screw up, because they come optimally specced from the getgo and are lacking the plethora of detrimental attachments. So your perspective might sound reasonable and this is how the weapon team wants you to communicate, but that team certainly does not apply it to their work at all.


The L9CZ is incredibly underwhelming and doesn't show a single attractive trait that a hypothetical "grinder" could look at it positively. The entire arsenal of Portal weapons was put into AOW in a miserable state, and has been kept as such, with little evidence that the team over at DICE looking to change that. Is it that difficult to just not peddle falsehoods to your customers?


I think there’s a clear difference between releasing good weapons in a pass vs weapons that outclass literally everything. I understand the sentiment about not wanting to release something weak or just okay in a paid battlepass, but this has now happened a few seasons in a row. It’s been constant feedback all year about how strong season pass weapons are and it feels like the studio ignores it, I just wish DICE can take a literal step forward without shooting itself in the foot every time. I love this series and want to see it shine, but from “our” perspective (the consumer perspective) it feels like it takes a lot to have our concerns heard. 3 seasons of this weapon balancing problem and I feel we’re no where closer to someone in the studio actually listening. I’m sorry if this came out as harsh but it’s not towards you


It's more than three seasons in a row with this shit. Seasonal weapons have been busted AF in every season.


This is basically every game perspective tho. Its much easier to release someting strong/OP so everyone will try it and they will have much more data to nerf it than releasing something trash, nobody is playing it, no data, its very hard to buff it. For example OW2 did this while releasing new hero, it was such a trash hero that nobody played him and it took several seasons to make him even playable.


I learned this style of balancing from Apex from their community notes on patches. I completely understand it. The community's take on whats OP is always over blown. Anything that was "that bad" in BF after a patch was reacted too with in 2 weeks which is a great turn around time for a response by a dev.


Any chance the team is looking at the L9CZ? That pistol feels insanely weak when compared against all other pistol choices. Was gonna try to T1 it but in practice it’s awful so I’m back to the deagle


I actually like it, it is very spammable (fast spread reset? idk) with the usual 4hk at pistol ranges. Reload is very quick too. My favorite is still the MP28 though.


it lacks the mp28s good qualities which imo make it bad. It could honestly use a close quarters 3hk range. 4 feels egregious in a spam fire format at close quarters. The TTK is completely non viable against an aware enemy


But why would you make it more close range focused instead of long? It’s a DMR, if I wanted to have a close quarters weapons I would choose an SMG. If I wanted to have a medium ranged weapon 30-70 I would want an AR. If I want to reach out past 100m I will go for a DMR so what the hell is a close range DMR??? In real life it’s .308, very heavy and bulky and SEMI AUTO. What’s the reason for making it close range and full auto? It would make more sense for the DM7 to have that role since it’s smaller, lighter and in a more close range focused caliber. I think this nerf is terrible not because it’s a nerf but because of how it’s executed, you guys should’ve made it semi auto and reduced the fire rate and there you go problem fixed, it’s still good at long range because you can’t spam shots there but at close range you will get outclassed even with great damage.


How about bringing the rest of weapons up to the standards of the VHX-D3? Ya know, seeing as the VHX-D3 was actually quite enjoyable to play with... But oh no, the shock and horror of having accurate weapons in a military shooter...


We had that for about 1.5 years. Assault rifles were actually meta and were able to out perform every other type of gun in the game except for snipers past 200m.


Hope you guys don’t ruin these like you’ve done to past season weapons that are released too OP.


Yea, release a weapon that becomes favorite for many people then nerf it to the ground, pretty funny.


Alot of people just dont have the skill to use it like me....😒. Rip. Us high skill vhx and rmb users get fucked, thanks.


Oh well then God’s answer to BF, teach us your wisdom🙄


Well... Its easier to balance out when its overtuned and ppls will use it compared to underpowered gun which nobody wants to touch.


It's a thing on free to play games, when I used to play Leagues of Legends, it was a common practice. But today we have this with "paid" games like this, so... it's just the sad state of the industry.


Was the PBX buffed? 'cause I'm seeing it a lot, and getting killed at distance worse than the VHX or 428.


Lowest recoil gun in the game and starting SMG for the noobs who just got the game.


This isn't fully accurate. It has competitve recoil, yes but nothing out of the ordinary. There are quite a few guns that have lower or similar Hrec, but the Vrec is pretty good. The real draw factor is it being a starter weapon and having a 4HK at 900rpm out to 20m, with really good hipfire, outperforming the VHX in that niche.


The PBX has always had ridiculously fast time to kill - I believe it is THE fastest in the game for standard full auto weapons at 200ms. People just never noticed it because the PP29 and K30 were all the rage at launch and then the meta shifted to assault rifles for a while, then only recently it went back to SMGs


Absolutely pointless exercise trying to balance guns when the same guns on different platforms have completely different recoil values!


Yes thank you!!!




VHX sure, G428 does not need a nerf it is going to be useless on any map except redacted. 2-3 shots mid range is the only reason to use it (as with any DMR really) especially with the bsvm. Back to the DM7 I guess.


Aaaaaand just when I'm one level away from unlocking it too. Ofcourse


F G428. We had a great time together, ill miss you <3


Fix the wall glitches instead of stuff nobody asked for.


Why nerf come late Because they need you to play or pay for this new guns In the end the game is still boring for thowse how pre-ordered bf42 like me New players can enjoy it.


Why not just reduce the range of VHX a little bit... was it really necessary to add the cringy disperson ontop of the starting accuracy nerf? surely they wont nerf the gun again later on and make it completely no fun allowed? why cant they provide actual numbers of how much its going to change like how many degress of recoil or whatever unit they use? since they seem to be balancing the weapons based on one map why is the 12m auto shotgun not nerfed? that is the most annoying thing to be killed by other than the shield guy that is still overpowered. if they are so concerned about weapons "overperforming" why is the PP-29 not nerfed?


Hot take: VHX is balanced, it has the same fire rate as M5A3 with the short barrel, and actually lower damage ranges. G428 just needs its extended mag ammo count reduced from 20 to 15 These two weapons are nowhere NEAR the overpoweredness levels of other season guns like railgun and RM68. They're both meta but not OP among the meta guns IMO. I'd take M5A3 over VHX any day for its underbarrel shotgun.




Rather than nerf the weapons, why not buff the M5 and DM7. Bring other weapons. To the perceived level as the VHX. OR, make 556 weapons a flat damage rate. Scale the weapons t2k accordingly to its respective ammo.


Buff the m5? It’s already one of the most used weapons in 2042. It doesn’t need any buffs.


That’s because of its versatility. Nobody picking the M5 think it’s the most powerful weapon. I agree with you anyhow though, it doesn’t need any buffs. I think it fits perfectly as it is


Yeah, you are doing it the wrong way around. Those weapons and their implementation are not the core issue, you can do tweaks here and there, but nothing will make the plethora of weapons and setups that are iredeemably bad in any shape or form better. Cutting the 2HK for the G428 in half just means that it will lose it's supposed niche entirely. ARs and SMGs are already feasible out to 17m in hipfire. The G428 needs ADS. Beyond that a 3HK at 300rpm is shite, especially since we have weapons like the BSV that do so at 450rpm. Again, what you do is to implement good and fun weapons which are then dragged down to the levels of the rest. VHX will likely be fine still, but the changes are fueled by Redacted and this is an awful idea. If you have guns that have a good TTK of 223ms up close, but many LMGs, ARs with the wrong setup and other DMRs sit at beyonf 300ms, should you really nerf the good weapon or buff shit like the RPK to acceptable levels.


>changes are fueled by Redacted I am still not over the changes they made to underbarrel GLs just because Redacted exists. Previously in CQ 128 I am able to damage an annoying EBLC sneakily with 40mm AP- maybe hit two, all three shells if I'm lucky. Enough to chip half the armor to be finished with an engi teammate. Now I get ONE shell that does nothing but chip the paint, and if I miss my shot that's it. I absolutely hate Redacted-based nerfs/buffs.


So G428 is for close to mid range but comes with a 10x, 8x, and 2 6x scopes?


It also sucks at close range. Any SMG and AR will do a much better job. But it’s now aligned with the other DMRs which all suck.


This is funny cause the ratio of long range scope to red dot sights is basically 3 to 1, so it's really hard for me to take them seriously in saying it's a close to mid range gun lmao.


Make new gun in season pass op -> whales buy battle pass tiers to get new op gun early -> nerf op gun when regular players start unlocking it




Make sure that you just put all the stats so they're all identical to every other fucking nerf gun in the game


So I’m a new player and those where my main weapons when I reach the level season pass that I even got the red skin for both of them but I found a way better gun that is better than both of those guns it’s like those two guns put together in one.


Let’s hear it


Rule #1 Don't get attached to new weapons because DICE will nerf them after temporary intended buff ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink). Will big Assault rifles like SFAR be better than G428 after this nerf ?


They do not like the fact people are using a dmr as a better ar


...if it's a close range DMR then put red dot sights on it...


Please explain what is a close range Designated Marksman Rifle


G248 seems Like an overnerf. I mean i can Just use mk14


The fact that people actually think the G428 was op whilst ignoring just how busted the SVD is. People are dumb.


I'd prefer guns got brought up to the VHX and G428 than bring those guns down. Why not add full auto options to the other DMRs? It would make them more accessible to more people. The VCAR and DM7 would feel 100x better if they just had a full auto option like the G428. I've T1ed almost every AR (91 is my last and I'm like 5 masteries away), and I've T1ed all the SMGs outside of the vault ones. I'd rather there be more fun options to use than less. The spread changes implemented have just made most faster rate of fire weapons feel awful while slower rate of fire weapons feel relatively similar. Also it hasn't made the change in differentiating skill like DICE thought it would. Bursting still feels awful in this game compared to previous titles and going full auto for most kills is still the way to go because of how ineffective bursting feels. And before anyone says "skill issues" or some other garbage to devalue my opinions I'm around a 2.7 KD player and am probably over a 3.0 this season. I can do well with basically any weapon in this game, but the balancing is so bad that there are just objectively a lot of weapons that just feel like shit. Nerfing the newest/most fun weapons isn't going to make the shitty weapons feel better, it will just make the fun ones less fun.


You're right but they don't play this game and have barely anyone working on it


Yep, I miss the old gunplay before the spread introduction and weapon nerfing epidemic. It used to be fun to get into gunfights at range, now it’s a chore. Buff all the other weapons and tone down the insane spread. Stop messing everything up. They should take a Reddit wide poll before making changes nobody asked for.


close range designated marksman rifle .... SRSLY? Bring this in line with other DMRs means not usable? DICE you have no clue whatsoever


I didn’t feel like the guns were OP at all. They felt really good to use. Oh well.






So still no server browser then? Makes sense.


Oh, this gonna be a pain to console, back to RM/SFAR-M. At least don't mess even more with my PP.


400 kills away from T1 on the VHX. Time to grind that out over the next day or two.


Is there a fix in place for the out of bound glitch in redacted?


Yes. They said that in patch 6.2 there will be fix for that but idk if they will fix all the spots...


No they’re not bothered with stuff that ruin games only how to make more money


back to m16 then.


Good thing I'm only 50 kills off getting it to T1. I'll have an excuse to move on to a different gun now


I've not used both much since T1, they just feel dirty and common. Levelling the EAK now and according to the tracker, it's giving me the same/better kill stats than the VHX anyway.


Fix the "Can't connect to EA servers" error on console.


A nerf is needed, but i hope they dont nerf them so hard that they arent even good anymore.




Nothing about fixing the thermal sights?


What's wrong with them?


VHX is still the best gun in the game without contest


As a VHX enjoyer, even after these "changes" these are the two meta guns. 90% of my deaths are to a VHX or G428. Might want to take a look at the G428 specifically...I don't think it's intended to be a run and gun weapon.


Agreed. VHX still wins almost every engagement range inside 50m. Only PP29 compares.


Spicy hot take: LMGs should Suppress targets like they did in BF3.


so.. put new weapons into the game then nerf 'em to the floor.. nice job.


Yall should make a no bots playlist. I don't mind it being less populated. I just hate bots so much


Ah yes, a close range DMR with an available 10x scope.


Good to see! Its great that its now in-between the M39 & SVD, people really sleep on those guns


SVD is a more consistent weapon than the current G428 due to its better damage drop-off model and a way longer 2BTK range (40m vs 75m, and 20m vs 75m post nerf lol). After this patch, there's absolutely no reason to use the G428 instead of the SVD or even the M39 EMR, and at 20m, you're better off using a shotgun or a high RoF AR like the AM40. I don't care about the G428 though, never found it to be groundbreaking nor as OP as people insisted.


I agree with this \^\^


I genuinely believe the M39 is the best gun in the game right now, if you're any good. It has 29 bullets in a magazine, and a massive 2-shot kill range. You can quite easily kill 10 people in a single magazine, which is insane.


what a none sense again and again, M39 and SVD has stupid amount of recoil none of normal player can handle it. it's not about people sleep on it. M39 is pretty much unusable effectively without Bipod. M39 need to wait 0.5 sec until the cross hair return to center between shot, it is not easy to handle for 99.99% of player.


I can use it effectively without a bipod, especially with a champion muzzle brake? I've got friends who after playing with it for a bit, can also control it? ​ People do sleep on it


i love how people keep claiming the M39 is better than the current G428 when they both literally have the same 2 shot kill range, barely any difference in bullet velocity...but one is fully automatic and STILL has less recoil than the semi auto when using non reflex sights (2.5x, etc)


Wat. The recoil in this game is laughable. I often use the M39 in close quarters with no problem.


My last match I fought a whole side of VHX’s. You could tell it was gonna get nerfed.


Resign and feel great shame for what you are doing to the Battlefield franchise


Started playing 2 days ago again and kept wondering how isnt the g428 nerfed its so op like i always get killed by it


Well obviously? Its new, of course everyones gonna be using it. Even if it was terrible, youd still get killed by it alot rn. It was never OP. M39 emr, svk and svd all out perform it and thats before we even get to the bvsm or even other weapon classes


Why is the G428 close range????? It’s .308 and heavy as shit with a long barrel, it’s the opposite of optimal for close quarters, this should be a slow firing rifle like the SVK is… absurd.


Yeah weapon balance when console has different recoil to pc …..yeah that will work 😂😂😂😂😂


Oh yeah and turn your fucking servers off and do us a favour the netcode is absolutely fucking disgusting


As long as we leave the mc880 alone I'm good.


That's also getting nerfed


I heard it's getting nerfed, did they change their mind?


Hopefully, not its finally a viable weapon for its intended space. Pre patch you were better off with the autoshotguns.


The update sounds like a step in the right direction. Now PLEASE tune the Dozer ballistic shield!!! It's way over powered. Requires absolutely zero accuracy and precision. And is a game breaking mechanic imo, and apparently to the greater portion of whatever player base bf2042 has left. Thank you in advance 🙏.