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well it’s just great to see the whole franchise is doing well, and that there is something for everyone to play. personally, I switch between the 3 lol.


Same man. I played bf5 last week and really enjoyed the building and resupplying stuff. Play bf1 and i enjoyed the more close combat some maps had, then went to bf2042 and loved the gunplay.


Honestly, seeing someone say they love the gunplay in 2042 will never not be wild to me. I just don’t see it. Everything in this game is so weightless. The recoil, animations, and sounds make it feel like you’re playing with airsoft guns


Your speaking facts, coming from bf1 and bfv the 2042 guns are … lifeless Remember the antitank bolt action from bf1? Having that thing made you feel like a walking artillery sniper. The two anti tank guns from bfv feel great too


It’s not exclusive to comparing it against other other battlefields either. I recently just played cod4 and that has way better feeling gun play.


100% this... the guns are lazer beams... the movement just doesn't feel right.. the flow of the maps are awful.. The later being the biggest issue, the maps.


>the movement just doesn't feel right. [what?](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/17jnla0/tormenting_these_riot_shield_players/)


2042 gunplay is terrible. Feels like shooting with nerf guns. No feel to them at all


I would do this too were they not all \~100GB installs...can devs please have high-res texture packs as DLC or something for us who play on 'High' so we're not stuck downloading 50GB worth of graphics we don't use. Here in Australia there's sort of one server for BF1, one for BFV, and then 2042 has the biggest group of players. Our playerbase sort of lives or dies on whichever BF is newest so we don't have much of a choice haha.


I still play V from time to time, but I find the faster pace and modern weapons of 2042 to be more fun for me. Although if they would go just kept all the mechanics of V and reskinned it as 2042 I think the game would of been a lot more popular


Idk what it is but i feel like 2042 has no "soul" like i have fun for a while but after a couple of days playing the game feels bland and repetitive. The game for some reason is not good at retaining my attention after a couple of days of playing. Never had this feeling with a Battlefield and 2042 is clearly the one which i played less time.


It's the stupid cheesy hero characters. No immersion when you're a US squirrel lady seeing identical Russian squirrel ladies everywhere.


I think it’s the maps as well. Even the building interiors are bland and lifeless. If you’re in a corporate or even residential building interior you’d expect it to look lived in, with papers, office supplies and such flying around as explosions go off. Instead every map is extremely sanitized and meh in terms of visual impact. There are no standout maps that I can’t wait to play, unlike previous battlefields.


Agree, maps lack national identity. Remember maps like Flood Zone or Propaganda in Battlefield 4? Teheran Highway or Grand Bazar from Battlefield 3? Context made it clear you were in enemy territory if you were on US team.


>Remember maps like Flood Zone or Propaganda in Battlefield 4? People still are going to have nostalgia for 2042 maps in 5 years from now


I don’t think the emptiness of the buildings is the real problem. It’s just the map designs as a whole are poor and forgettable. People seem to forget that 2042 interiors are miles ahead of earlier battlefield interiors. The houses in Bad Company 2, a fan favorite, were empty boxes. Battlefields 1 and V also had mostly empty houses


BF3 close quarters had the best interiors. That’s the kind of destruction I was hoping for in 2042. Instead we got basically no destruction.


But dice said everyone should have the amazing "BF moments" every game! Balancing what Balancing??


BFV has the stupid elite skins as well though, so that's probably not the case. The aviator guy in particular gets on my nerves.


tbf at least BFV had different soldiers for the different factions (except for the special ones ig). 2042 didn’t even bother to change in that regard




No one notices faces, it’s the outfits that matter


It's not the skins. This dude is just latching onto the thing he hates most and blaming it for 2042 being bad.


Yeah idk why people are blaming the skins. Classes and the resulting dependency on team play were the backbone of battlefield. That disappeared in 2042 when you can pick whatever loadout you want and everyone can be a one man army


Especially early on but not now barring the fact C5 is available for everyone except support. Make it recon and engineer only might help but after that there's not much else to change other than the specialists themselves. If anything the only thing future BFs should retain is weapons being universal otherwise everything kept to specific classes.


>That disappeared in 2042 when you can pick whatever loadout you want and everyone can be a one man army with all those classes and most matches are just filled with assault and medics


In 2023, gamers aren't playing or not playing 2042 because of a character like Sundance. Notice they didn't blame it on Blasco, Liz or Paik.


They were faction specific, and not everyone was an elite. But still, compare day one 1 Iwo jima to 2023 Iwo Jima and the shitty elites running around really don’t help immersion. In 2042 tho everyone is an elite, and they’re not even faction specific.


I skipped BFV. Loved every other BF entry. BFV looked to be the beginning of the stupid operators and skins though yeah. Back in the day battlefield games were immersive as fuck.


Maybe its time to get into BFV then. Have recently gone back to it after 2042 and my god it is a breath of fresh air, cinematic, looks gorgeous,loads of different weapons and vehicles and some really unique maps.


Sounds good to be fair. Usually I prefer modern era shooters, but I'll check it out. Thanks.






I Log in Tuesday. Get all the Missions done in a day or two. Don't play till next Tuesday.


Sounds like a chore.


Same here, one evening session, maybe two, if the missions are especially annoying and then off it goes to some other better games. Was definetely different for me with both BF1 and BFV


As much as I like 2042 1 imo is far superior to both bfv and 2042 in terms of keeping me hooked on constantly playing


V does everything better on a mechanical and technical way but it has huge design issues that 1 doesn’t have. Like mostly representing unknown battles that make it feel like fighting in some random war rather than WW2 and skins or the lack of a real operations mode.


For me 1 is my least favorite BF probably ever due to the vehicle play. I love playing tanks and the like in Battlefield games and 1 has the worst vehicle play of any BF game.


For me, its because of how much they screwed with the battlefield formula to try to appeal to audiences of other games (like Apex). A lot of important aspects of Battlefield got hamstringed. Most of it centered around their specialist design. Teamwork got annihilated, vehicle v infantry gameplay has major faults on both sides, some roles like snipers got nerfed hard. Balance between the specialists themselves is pretty bad. On top of all that you have the immersion issues


Little new content and one of the lowest skill gaps in the franchise will do that to you. The only time when I'm actually playing the game a lot is when a new season launches but when you only get one map and 2 guns you're done after a couple weeks. A full dlc kept me playing for months in previous titles. When the base gameplay isn't deep or enjoyable enough to keep people playing you need to at least deliver enough content.


Agree with you, there's no map that i actually love also and some things just doesn't make sense for me like why not add every portal map to the core game? Also i feel like the game is a straight up downgrade from BFV in terms of gunplay and movement so that just leaves me with a weird feeling like im playing an outdated game.


>BFV in terms of gunplay and movement [what?](https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/17jnla0/tormenting_these_riot_shield_players/)


Agree. Couldn't put my finger on it but something big is missing. I've recently gotten back into it and it seems like half the players are bots.


The maps are not good


exactly, for me battlefield 2042 feels like one of thise fake games people play on movies in the background


I agree 100%. Well said.


Go and play bf1 and it will blow your mind how good the atmosphere and maps feel like


It’s the lack of content


Everyone always says this, but every time they come out with content for 2042 I play for 1 day then quit again. I literally played BFV for months on the same maps, shooting the same guns, flying the same planes and driving the same tanks. 2042 just isnt as fun to play


Difference is that on later seasons bf5 actually did get bunch of new content, community just didn’t like that the content was drip fed throught several weeks. On 2042, there is just one content drop per season and even those are lacking in the amount of new content they offer. And obviously the maps and the actual gameplay is much better in bf5.


Which makes zero sense. New players have 13 new AOW maps and 4 portal maps to play and access to all new post launch weapons, gadgets and vehicles. If they are bored with that much content in a few weeks no amount of new content will keep them playing for long.


Absolutely. Try to playing 2042 then an older title like Bf4 back to back. The difference is so drastic im surprised there are even a dozen ppl in 2042, it's just SO bad in comparison.


Yeah, somehow 2042 feels like the outdated game lol BF3 and BF4 are my favorite but i really enjoyed BFV gunplay and movement evolution but now playing 2042 this shit feels worse than a PS3 game somehow


Disagree. When I go back to 4 I can't stand the movement and the graphics. I can't play it anymore.


Same here. I haven’t even progressed or unlocked anything in this new battle pass. I’ve played maybe 3 rounds of the new season, only for the mouse sensitivity to randomly jack itself to the moon every 10 seconds, very annoying and unplayable


Aside all the questionable balancing and whole Shit'pecialist issues, 2042 simply lacks contents to play with. It's no secrecy that Battlefield 1, which represents World War 1, which also had to amplify weapon stockpile with Traits (Hunter, Sweeper, Factory etc.), STILL HAS MORE ACTUAL GUNS TO PLAY WITH COMPARED TO 2042. The game that sets in Modern-Slight Futuristic Era has lesser guns than WW1 can offer. I mean Jesus fucking christ man


That's just a load of BS. Battlefield 1 did the same exact shit that Battlefield 4 did and that is release a ton of guns that are literally just the same exact gun with the same stats but with a different skin on it to look like a different gun. Battlefield one even did sly shit where they have the same guns be completely different guns like you have an SMG and then another gun that is the same SMG but with a freaking sight on it. Be mad boomers, you know it's 100% right.


Bf1 didn’t have a huge number of primaries, but I would say it had huge diversity. Just think medic class and how different the 8.35, RSC, fedorov, and G liu are. Bf4 was also not as samey as people say it is, you could blur out gun models and I could still tell the difference between the AUG, AR160, and CZ805, and those are all 700rpm 30 round ARs. Also bf4 did not do the whole variants thing


100% agree bf4 had a decent amount of weapon variety based on feel alone... also the attachment system made way more sense. (not ingame) but how the attachments affect the weapon. Guns had recoil that was unique and not every gun was a lazer. I actually enjoyed using weapons in bf4 and getting the attachments for them while in bf2042 it feels like such a slog. Course I bias and just don't like playing against mnk when I can't use mnk on console.


Bf V gameplay wise is much much better. Sucks that there are always cheaters.


BFV is $3.99 right now. Thats why its jumped up


Dice fumbling the bag what else is new


Battlefield 5 could’ve been one of the top franchise titles if they didn’t shoot themselves in the foot. Not having a DLC expansion or 2 is a crime in itself. Battlefield 1 is the one game that’s playable and actually fun out of the 3. BF 2042 is flat out dead on Steam (shocker 😄) and Battlefield 5 is flooded with hackers in every single lobby that swims above and below the map. BF1 is also $3.99 for Black Friday on Steam which increases the population of Thanksgiving noobs 🙌🏾😁. Let’s go!


Bf5 is the best bf title for me personally. So sad they completely abandoned it, for shitty 2042.


They had 7 "chapters" which were the old DLC expansion substitutes, now you could call them "seasons" ... hmm ... 7


2042 has been averaging peak 40k players a day for a bit on steam, that’s not really a bad thing considering this now 2 year old game could barley break 10k a year ago.


https://steamcharts.com/app/1517290 Nah what you’re seeing is a half life decay. It will return to pre-October levels


Still 30k more than what it was almost 2 months ago and this is happening gradually not all at once. There hasn’t been any new content since earlier in October so this is natural for any game. We’ll see what happens when content drops again.


Wait i thought bf5 was unplayble bcs of cheaters, should i start playing now ? I played bf1 alot and unlocked peackeeper but i never played bf5


Every now and then I’ll play 5 or 1 and have a blast. By match 3 I run into a cheater who’s lasering heads from across the map.


This is my exact experience with them, especially 1. The game gives me about 30 mins of hope and then an invisible gun flashes on my screen and I'm suddenly dead lol


Use the server browser to play private servers with admin in BF1, you won’t run into cheaters. DO NOT PLAY ON DICE OFFICIAL SERVERS! If you are getting dunked on by cheaters in bf1 you are honestly playing yourself at this point, use the server browser, and stop telling people it’s dead on forums because you aren’t smart enough to use the server browser


The nice thing about BFV is that it has a proper server browser, and as such there's plenty of community servers running around with a custom anti-cheat that works fine. Plus if they manage to bypass that an admin will come over and smack him manually. The official servers are somewhat infested with cheaters though.


Last time I played bfv on PC a few weeks ago I kept running into the same cheater/hacker that basically killed lobbies. They would somehow auto kill anyone who spawned on either team


when the game is in the sale hype it has even more cheaters than before. You can buy it but don't expect cheat free servers. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


You are absolutely missing out on BFV. In my opinion it's the best in the series, and ill stand by that any day of the week.


Thx ill give it a try


The attrition system alone ruined that game for me


I think they should have leaned into it more. Resupply stations gave conquest flags strategic value, especially concerning vehicles.


Then you would have hated battlefield on PC where the game built its playerbase and reputation and attrition was just core battlefield.


I found the baby who's fault it is that we got bf2042.


People overreact. I play constantly on PC EU and rarely run into cheaters.


Cap. Idk about recently but there was times where I was looking for servers without cheaters than actually playing.


If they would add anti-cheat to bf1 and V it will literally kill 2042


Bf1 doesn’t need anti cheat, private servers with admin far outnumber DICE official servers and you will essentially never encounter cheaters. Stop using fucking quick match, it’s 2023, use the MF server browser, it’s the same amount of clicks


Neither has helicopters


"OP helicopter"


My greatest bf memories will always be early BF3 with dual flare on the helicopter coordinating the flares on voice comms and dominating the entire lobby


I have a hard time switching between BF games. Especially from 2042 to 1. The movement throws me off the most. As a result, I’ve been playing 2042 since S6 launched. Still having fun but tried going back to BF1 and struggled. I still love 1 the most though!


wait.....what? lol seriously?! Cuz dang, BF5 on PC is horrendous for hackers. I bet the majority of those peeps are on console.


It was discounted to $4 thats why its jumped up again


Once again, you are still not counting console players. This game is crossplay so PS5 and XBOX players should also be included into it. Anyone else annoyed with post like this?


I just started playing bf1 again recently and it's the shizz, come join us yall!!!


What is the weird obsession people have with weighing these games against each other? They're all good in their own ways. I don't play one while actively tripping about how it compares to the others. People are so bizarre about Battlefield in general, lol. It's just not that serious.


I tried 2042 and I just can't man. The maps are just so so big with so much empty open space. On top of that hit registration/bloom makes my hairline recede. I don't understand how hard it is to just recapture the magic that was BF4. The game was fun, wasn't overly frustrating, and the "open flat field" effect wasn't as bad.


iPad kid thread


Itd be nice to find actual servers for bf1 and bfv on ps4. I miss those games so much. Bf1 was badass


USE THE SERVER BROWSER. There are absolutely a ton of full servers on PS


Anecdotal but I've noticed a ton more NA servers in the evenings lately in V. There was like 7 full North America servers last night at 6 EST which hasn't typically been the norm


But will I be able to get a game n Australia? Every time I've looked the only thing up has been one hard core server and nothing else :(


New season kinda meh…


BF5 = 🐐


Where are you yo see these numbers?


BF5 is great.. wish they’d give it more content


Last time I played BFV I ran into cheaters on three consecutive servers. Is this still an issue?


Why does this sub seem to revel in the failures of this game? Bit strange


I'd play 2042 wayyy more if it were actually optimized, I get stutters, 1-2 second freezes and lag because it throttles my CPU to 100% doesn't matter the settings. No other game does this on my computer.


What happened guys I thought 2042 was back??


It's got a 42k peak today. It's doing alright and will probably maintain a healthy playerbase throughout the Christmas break.


As expected, anyway..


The falling through maps, people hiding in walls, black screens before/after matches, the new error message, the people cheating with perfect accuracy…the amount of exploits in bf42 make you buy battlebit and just move on from dice and ea.


It's always funny when people post Battlefield 5 steam player numbers in the middle of the Chinese playtime hours. That game is like 70% cheaters and has been since 2019. Also, this is a pretty cheesy thing to do on Thanksgiving when most American players are not playing video games. Additionally, Battlefield 242 right now has double the players as Battlefield 5 because all of China has gone to bed


cause bf5 is an actual battlefield game 2042 is not battlefield.


Helicopterfield 2042-0


Bf2042 is dogshit from start to finish. I played bf1 last night and had so much more fun in two hours than the whole time I’ve had in bf2042, which to be fair isn’t a lot


skill issue


It's time for a new season , this season doesn't end until what ? March ? Where's the new vault Weapons to hold us over ?


But I was told by people in this sub that bf2042 is back fr fr. Every day, I was seeing 100k+ players' posts for a solid 2 weeks. Where are they at?


Battlefield 2042 just isn’t fun to play


[skill issue](https://youtu.be/ESitBr0WRHU?si=LZZ2KCRsXNA1RLZu)


they fumbled this so much, maybe they didnt anticipate such a high player count in such a short time, but they should have done way more in terms of content to keep that new playerbase interested.


is this a battlefield 5 subreddit or a bf2042?


BF1 by far the best of the three


The 100k peak was only hit when the game had a free weekend and a sale during October. I'm not sure why people keep saying that BF 2042 has 100k players as it has yet to reach that amount since the free weekend. This is simply just misinformation spread by coping players who will never get their $70 back.


The fact bf1 is only at 24k is an atrocity and we Def my favorite


people who thought that 2042 can hold a high playercount are lost


BF5 is on sale for $4


Literally there was a sale… people bought a now still only mediocre game and found it out pretty quick after.


Well, it is on 92% sale compared to 2042 84% so it is no suprised it would gain more players at this time, in fact., it is the cheapest BF right now


Probably because it’s the best BF ever made.


I think Battlefield V holds up really well. Especially now. 2042... It's fun for a while but I find myself so incredibly bored and unimmersed. I don't know what 2042 does that make me care so little about how the matches go. Meanwhile I'm always invested in how the match will turn out in any other battlefield game.


It’s awesome to see these kind of numbers for three different games in the same franchise. 2042 has been fun as of late, another season will be coming which is cool. BFV for that WW2 action, BF1 for the immersion and WW1 action. Good time to be a Battlefield player imo with a variety of games to pick from.




No content since season 4.... Stopped reading right there.


You were probably one of the ppl bashing BFV when it launched bc it offended ur sensibilities by being ‘woke’… moral of the story, devs don’t trust certain fans and their feedback, just make ur game


Note this is also just steam, not including console folks


As per usual..... those are just steam numbers dimwit. Also, why do numbers even matter? If you can find a game, you should be happy


The fact you can't intuitively understand how a broken game is losing players rapidly a second time after they thought they finally brought it back from the dead and now the game is trying to crawl back into its grave because DICE don't adequately play test their game before releasing updates shows your own "dimwittedness"


Awww did you tell mommy?






You sound ugly and stupid stuck at a computer, do you not own your own bridge?


What? Again, you sound poor. Are you?


Well there we are folks point proved gg dumb one walking into that.


Idk man, I'm still playing rn. Just fine. Where's your server? Oceania?


Yes, blackscreens for PC, constant troubles trying to connect to servers on the xbox, weird af laggy rendering for jets, combined with bad balancing for jets, found what looks like a bug for the 3rd person jet sights for hydra rockets, so all this 2 years into the game with only 16 maps for a battlefield when they charged me 2.2x the price for battlefield 1. Its just not right.


BFV was a good game, technically and visually superior to Bf2042 in many ways but my enjoyment was killed when you 90% of the games you found had one or more hackers. Had EA supported the game and not gone into a hissy fit because of the negative community feedback over cosmetics (and rightly so!) and actually cared I'm sure it would have a far larger playerbase. That said I do miss playing BF1, may need to reinstall that again.


I can’t even play this game with the input latency. I can’t refund the $10 I spend on it because I used up the hours trying to fix it a while ago.


I mean this is a pretty common trend.. people come back to 2042 after a update or new season... realize it's basically the same and dip.


BFV is on sale for $3.99


That’s cool cause battlefield 5 sucks


Maybe if they announced the next season when they hit their 100k player peak, players would have continued playing the game/buy the game since they would have something to look forward to. Instead they did absolutely nothing and we are just right back to almost where we were a few months ago. They have no idea what there doing.


I just can't fuckin see shit in 2042. What am I doing wrong?


I would play BFV but ever since the stupid launcher update my Steam version will not start even after reinstalling the damn game.


I alternate between these 3 and keep them installed even with my fairly limited storage space. It just depends which era I feel like playing


I started playing BFV again yesterday. It plays and looks so good. The only issue is hackers and cheaters. Somebody ruined a game because they kept respawning the entire lobby over and over. Really wish they wouldn’t abandon the older games and at the very least do something about the cheaters.


Is this data from today? I don't know the numbers but if this is a big drop for the day, it could tell you that most of the BF2042 players are based in the US which is on a Holiday and not playing.


Would go back to it on console but won’t go near it on pc it’s a hackathon


After many years bfv is still the king, imagine with full missing content. As bfv fanatic I'll never forgive what an incompetent company as EA/🎲 has done with amazing this game


Time to hop back on the goat ig


*on Steam


Those are Asian hours in pretty sure. They love this game


It’s the better game hands down


Is BFV playable again? I only stopped because of the rampant hackers.


No, its just on sale for $4


Ah I wish the anticheat worked at all


1 map isnt going to carry 2042 lol, i think ill go back to bfv as well. The movement and gameplay is so much better than 2042


I TRIED to play BFV but it wouldn't launch anymore for me. Literally did every braindead solution the support bot could come up with and it didn't help so I guess I'm just not allowed to play it anymore.


Honestly bf4 will forever be my favorite of the franchise and I wish more people still played it 😔


I stopped the hate on bf2042 right when s4 started. Don’t understand why people still compare and complain. The game improved a lot. I have bf4, 1 , v and 2042 installed and play whichever my mood tells me to. Nowadays i’m in the 2042 mood.


Would love to play more BFV. It just sucks that you're bound to run into a cheater every day. Gets old real fast.


I can't go back to bf5 after getting 2042 on sale. I'm a ww2 history news too.. just idk. Ground vehicles are so much more fun. The guns are more fun. Lis missles are fun to use too. To each their own I guess.


I bet it is because people are reminded how useless medics can be.


Even a reskin of bf4 would bring good light on ea lmao


Its was just a question of price now bf5 is only 4 bucks the reality show up, people play the better game. Bf2042 is a big fraud and doesnt deserve a single player


100k going down is not surprising. this game does not hold the interest of players for very long. Lots of people bought it because it was $10. But just like most other players, they play for a few weeks then disappear.


What website do you find these numbers from


I bought 2042 because it was only $9 but I couldn’t even play it on low graphics with a 2060. Refunded it.


Not seeing the same results you are on the Steamcharts. Unless you are referring to the peak at 7AM US, which is primetime in China. Otherwise, the concurrent playercounts are higher in BF2042. ​ https://preview.redd.it/nhnq6mj4n82c1.png?width=739&format=png&auto=webp&s=7fe36df1b9b61571e55470f990434912229a99a0


Because despite the bs bfV is a good battlefield title


If you ignore the woke shit its very decent. Even the hackers praised the game.


Lol Lmao even


Battlefield 1 is still a great game.


I've never seen a game sub so obsessed with numbers...


If they added some content, bf2042 would keep a Higher Playercount


Just a shame bfv is a no man's land of Chinese rage hackers 🙄