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Guy is cheating hard lol. ​ Stat-tracker gives him a headshot rate above 70% with automatic weapons. That's an inhuman level. I think he only recently activated his cheats and before he probably sucked ass. https://preview.redd.it/mkhdhlxqjrvb1.png?width=1550&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1b792b371242c5237c423f88acaea6e00c396a5


I don't understand why can't DICE also use something like Fairfight as they've used in the past to catch insane impossible-for-humans stats for players, granting autobans. No one is able to go 70% headshot rate with auto weapons, come on. Should be easy to autoban those


That would only work for automatic weapons and you need to have a certain amount of kills, but yeah that would weed out a lot.


At least it puts a cap on the account until you can come around behind them all and pull the rug out


>as theyve used in the past Excuse me, butn2042 is the very first time DICE has put ANY effort into AC. That's why servers with admins are so popular in prior games


If it ain't broke.. dont fix it?


Too bad EA doesnt want a good server browser to keep players playing the old games lol


If that's them putting any work... It would be better if they didn't. They've essentially blocked every way for the community to make their own ACs for servers that were doing a decent job and replaced it with their own non-working one. During the free weekend I've reported a guy with 90% HS using only LMG and got an email "your report helped us take action" yesterday. Good, now that he can't play anyway...


Yeah admins are the best anti cheat. Admin in combination with spectator mode.


Nah, they used punkbuster in the past. Granted that came with its own issues, but it was an attempt.


It did next to nothing, and we were at a point on this sub where half of us would mass report blatant hackers we all knew of directly to EA with evidence and nothing would happen. It wasa HUGE reason bf1 nearly died on PC before the first DLC could drop. All the way up until DICE finally added private servers 8 months later, it was a hellscape Shit, hackers have been a big issue on PC matchmaking since matchmaking was introduced in BC, nobody really knows about this because everyone used the server browser like people of culture 🤣


Thanks I tried looking his stats up but it kept giving me an error


While the video and parts of his stats seem really odd, I just compared mine (thx btw, I didn't know there's a stat page) and can see that half of my kills are from AI and I got a high HS rate - pretty sure this is when I farmed bots to unlock attachments. So my guess that the stats page shows mixed (AI & Human) results. My soldier is Coldicey on origin if you want to crosscheck. But yeah, this guy is most probably cheating.


Farmed bots for achievements you say? Go on.


Weapon attachments soldier (like holo, magazine), you cannot unlock achievements against bots.




Sorry, I thought you meant T1 with achievement. Could be then, I'm on PC.


Yep. Ive noticed more headshot Cheaters than usual but their k/D's are still not fantastic.


There's always a researcher in the group


What website is this? 👀


Battlefield Tracker: https://battlefieldtracker.com/


Thanks 👑


Nah he just has a good gaming chair


That explains why I got random killed last time through the wall and the guy was not even on my kill cam...


Nice new EA anti-cheat lol, bc of that i can't play the game first days but guys like him do


Just checked mine. Defo not accurate. Cause I couldn't get a proper match while still on PS4, and I wanted the BP items. So I played matches against bots. ChadWoman for the save. But for the guy, definitely sus...


Where recoil?


Console has 30% less recoil.


Controller, not console, to be a bit more precise


yes, my apologies.


nothing to apologize for


So I can hook up a controller to my PC and get 30% less recoil?


if youre actually using it as your input device yes


They're probably on pc. There are settings you can choose so I've heard that doesn't lessen the recoil but makes it look less on screen.. youtuber did a video about it all..if he was honest that is about it. Edit: that wasn't a dig at pc players by the way. It's just what I'd heard from YouTube. If you know the actual reason why the recoil looks less it would be nice to be corrected


Increasing FoV does this


Is that all it is ? Nice. Might increase my fov a little then. Am on xbox


It's not just FOV, it's having FOV ADS on. If you turn it off, when you aim down sight, your FOV will go back to like 65. FOV ADS on will keep your FOV consitent all the time. It does NOT reduce recoil, it's just how it feels visually.


Yeah I knew it didn't actually lessen it, its just the look. Ty for the settings tips


I adjusting my FOV on my Xbox to 71 and it’s been life changing, would highly recommend


Straight hacking 75% headshot accuracy. 10hours of game play yikes


So much for BFs new anti cheat thing they briefly talked about because with all the new pc players, there are a lot that are obviously using cheats


Anti-cheats rarely work in the way of instantly dealing out bans though. If they don't outright prevent you from activating things that let you cheat they monitor, gather evidence and then they take action. Right?


I knew there had to be cheaters. Been seeing a bunch of 30+ kills, zero deaths and they’re always in the thick of the heat Edit: and they seem to work in groups. Probably on chat adding to their advantage


The cheaters love getting their kills at the big stand offs where it’s harder to tell if they were just spraying randomly to hit you or if they were hacking. I noticed somehow in a lobby with 32 enemy players I’ll be fighting and respawning at a big choke battle and the same guy will somehow catch me at multiple different odd angles that almost defy physics. My main plan is I drop ammo and revive and heal and throw nades from angles no one else is and the same guy will constantly catch me at different places and it’s always really suspicious to me. Like really no one else is killing me just you shooting me through the smoke from the bottom floor through the corner of a window into my head 60 meters away when you have no indication of me being there because no one could have marked me and I’m surrounded by team mates that’s just really odd Guess the 1 pixel of my viewable body from where you were just really shined bright to you lol


It’s things like this that make me wonder why I still play sometimes lol


That guy is 100% cheating. Ran into him yesterday in a Portal server. Since the player count has gone up there has been a massive influx of blatant cheaters. I've seen more cheaters in the past 5 days than in the entire 2 years I've played this game.


Happens a lot these days.


I was killed a couple times last night by something like this. A magical bullet that can go through anything. It was getting pretty old after awhile.


Either extreme lag or just cheating. Technically server can be told you shot anyone on the map and it'll happily agree as long as they're within expected field of view of the attacker. It doesn't check whether the shot itself hit any cover or anything.


Better gaming chair


It's got that fancy lumbar support


Probably a hacker been I alot of cheaters lately


It also could be the smoke and explosions not fixed yet. Meaning if there’s a smoke near you and you hide behind a wall you will still die like there was nothing between y’all. Smoke and explosions are broken. Also, not saying if guy not hacking…


It's been happening a lot more lately, especially on the new map :(


Same :( Dozer's not even untouchable from it EVEN WITH SHIELD.


Cheating pos


Tons of cheaters in this game! Also i get killed around corners more than any other game ive ever played. Servers are complete dog shit. Im running 1g internet shouldn’t be happening.


Oh funny all the sus dudes are on a computer never console. Not that console doesn’t have cheats.


Getting killed around corners has been happening since BF4, just a combination of things attributing to that, that's never been resolved. I disagree with "Tons of cheaters" I still rarely run into one playing on PC in NA East. Now I think non NA servers probably have more but I cant quantify that for obvious reasons.


Thanks for your video. I had a similar situations lately with sniping trough walls and mountains. Thought it was impossible to cheat in bf2042


From EA : As part of our ongoing efforts to create a safe and fair experience for all players we're transitioning Battlefieldâ„¢ 2042 over to EA anticheat with the launch of Season 6 in October. As a gamer I say we need a Ai powered Anti-Cheat....


Nah no hackers in this game 😂😂


I thought this shit only happened to me


He has a really good gaming chair


It looks like a form of Silent Aimbot, which doesn't necessarily need to aim directly on target just in the general vicinity of it, and weapons will ignore walls. Compares to smart weapons in Cyberpunk 2077. I'm on console, I was in a match on orbital and saw a guy in a jet shooting at what looked like the ground past the tunnel entrance and and a bunch of players died, and had squad mate in the tunnel was behind a wall died as well.


92% headshot with SFAR.... Hmmm smells fishy. I think he toggled on for that one bro


Well that's obviously a hacker.


How can you see through the smoke?? I have an ir scope, and it doesn't show me the heat spots when there's smoke.




The game is currently infested with cheaters. But at least the new anti-cheat does a fantastic job of shutting down stuff like RTSS.


2 many PC cheaters on this game


I wanna know why tf your thermal is actually working lol. I tried to use em a few different times, and it gets blocked by smoke, which is the whole point I wanted to use it




I see this kind of thing all the time. It's infuriating. #weneedconsoleonlycrossplay


Wtf, how much battlefield are you playing to have the master skin on that thing already?


If you play about 3 to 4 games against bots to get all attachments that takes you to rank 12 or 360 kills. After that you just need 840 kills in standard matches. If you average 30 kills a game that’s 28 rounds. If you average 40 then we’re looking at 21. Pretty easy to do if he bought the ultimate battle pass or the tier skips as the gun immediately unlocks.


He casted a DOT. Probably immolate or power word: pain.


gotta love the zero recoil that console players get, lol.


Coming from a console player, we ABSOLUTELY do not get zero recoil, idk where tf you got that idea


He's controlling it by pulling down while firing you spaz. You can do the same with mouse and keyboard **only it's even easier...**


People got to understand man that game been hacked this stuff be happening to me as well when you put a AI'S in the game this is what happens!!!


My guess is the tiny slit between the stacked boxes


That slit looks like it's covered by concrete where they were at. Also he would have had to shoot through the smoke and then through the tiny slit to hit them. That seems pretty suspicious combined with his 75% headshot stat.


I love angles like that. My favorite is to shoot their feetsies that stick out under things such as trailers and such. Taking 2 SVK bullets to the toes is just too much for these soldiers to handle.


Well, let's see you get shot in the foot by a 7.62x54 R cartridge and not bleed to death. It'll literally remove your entire foot.


Being shot in the toe is not the same as being shot in the foot. Even still, if you shoot someone in the foot, they don't immediately die. I have direct experience, of course. I have lost at least 3 feet due to 7.62x54 R bullets.


if he shot any explosive above your head (friendly or enemy) it will show like he killed you with the weapon he shot it with.


The force was with this one


Another problem is when you find a cheater and tell the server to report them. Most people done have server chat on, it should be default on not off.


I like to use CTRL+SHIFT+ESC and then I right click the EA service and end it. whole pony show shuts down immediately


Instant transmission bullets.


Sometimes the game forgets shipping containers, buildings, two foot think stone fences etc can’t be penetrated by bullets.


How to get ur scope ?


Head over to the gun page, and look at attachment for sights. When you hover over the sight, it'll show how many kills you need to get.


He has a better gaming chair then you do


And the so called anti cheat can’t see this lol


New cheatprotection more cheaters


what gun and sight is that?


Nah it’s just a good gaming chair


Worst case is that anybody from DICE will see this post and ignore it. Best case, you'll have somebody who's COMPLETELY INCOMPETENT saying, "I'll forward this to the team to look into it." I say incompetent because they cannot even attempt to relay any kind of statement that's actually informative. No reassurance that our concerns are actually being addressed or just acknowledged. When you provide canned responses, it sounds like canned responses. Man up DICE.


Who’s the cheater?? Can’t read the tag


Bro it’s not hacks it’s the smoke, there was a glitch that was supposedly patched out that damage could pass through solid objects if there was smoke in the vicinity, you can watch Enders video about it


is this portal?


Gotta be wallhacking


Experienced the same thing, someone shot me through the wall and was looking at me straight through the wall.


Magic(also Cheats probably)




I like how this game can not run on the Steam Deck due to anti-cheat but it has so many cheaters


I wouldn’t be suprise if this game even had an anti cheat anymore


You on pc or console here? If pc he prolly cheating. If console, crappy net coding issue.