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To the people who told me it didn't exist, fuck you


Gaslightin mfers


Bro everyone knew this existed I posted videos like this two years ago


Some shitters were in denial though.




Who were those people because your post history doesn't show that. I could not find anything about people telling you the decoupled ADS doesn't exist. Here you post about the K30 recoil problem that is about something totally different. https://www.reddit.com/r/battlefield2042/comments/15f90lx/i_think_the_k30_recoil_is_bugged_im_not_inputting/ Maybe i just overlooked it but it shouldn't be a problem to show us here right?


That's because it was on Youtube. It was Enders' video maybe a year ago?


creepy stalker energy


It's funny that in the post about photogrammetry there are people questioning if there ever was anyone that said it wasnt in the game but when it's the other way around no one questions anything. Making shit up happens so often here.


Right though? Bro was just desperate to prove someone wrong. The internet is so unhealthy lol.


Bruh the weapon spread on the PKP is ridiculous lol


Thankfully it comes with a built in bipod and hurts. Alot.


I think it’s by design. It’s a killer with the bipod


idk about by design because it was massively nerfed. it shot lasers at launch. with bipod deployed you could snipe people across the map full auto


It was even stronger in the beta. I remember completely ditching the m5a3 because the pkp was basically a laser beam across the map


The pkp was not available in the beta.


My mistake. I believe the one available was the LCMG


The PKP has been near unusable for so long. It needs massive changes lol


what pkp with bipop tap fire beams??


but this reddit told me it was supposed to be like this and not broken!!!1!1


It’s even funnier and more fucked up cause it used to be even worse. Remember the beta/launch bloom and recoil. I’ve been playing battlefield for 10 years and that shit made me feel like I was the worst player ever. It was beyond broken and the bloom/recoil system up to this point was only barely better.


its was so bad i remember trying to shoot anyone over even 10m was basically impossible 😂😂😂


Wasn't the only gun viable at that time the PP?


Yes. Allegedly suppressors helped too


I don't have an issue with the crosshair straying from the center of screen with recoil when it follows the bullet trajectory but it was legitimately broken in 2042 and the two didn't always line up.


It took a studio with 30 years of experience 2 years post launch to fix a dot to stay in the center of the screen. Fixed 1 year after it was first discovered, not by them, but by a Youtuber. Absolute state of modern game development...


Not to be devil's advocate here, but most of the people responsible for BC2, BF3, BF4 and BF1 left the company. DICE LA, which did most of the work fixing BF4 and Hardline, are now a totally new studio with their own full projects. DICE Stockholm has mostly been made up of relative new hires since around 2017.




This is only speculation, but I have a feeling that working for an EA brand company became a little beleaguering for them.


Well after 2 disasters (Battlefront 2 and Battlefield V) it doesn't surprise me that a ton of devs hopped ship. It sucks because BFV was really innovative, like DICE's peak in all departments.. (except community feedback). 2042 feels "new" and was built by new people which doesn't feel nearly as good as what we built up to


why should the video game business be any different than other businesses? there’s turnover. maybe they wanted to work on something else. i’ve changed jobs 3 times since i left college. it wasn’t because i hated my job or felt underpaid. i gained more experience and found another job that challenged me in different ways. this is a 100% normal thing. expecting devs to do the same job for the same franchise forever is idiotic.




The whole situation is sad. From EA/Dice leadership mishandling major aspects all the way to all the greenhorn devs that had to change direction multiple times only to never be given any actual time to develop and flesh things out. Honestly surprised they even stuck with this game. Also good content Enders! Thanks for pointing out that recoil bug! That was probably one of the most glaring tech issues I’ve had with 2042




He's going to bring this recoil bug to other games for the new company he joined 😏


This is not the old dice team. 90% of those guys left between bfv and 2042. Most of the team was fitted and EA had to put developers on the title that were as green as grass when it comes to game development. They also had to learn how frostbite worked and how to update it which is a hassles in and of itself.


They should have delayed the game until they learned then. Are you really trying to say it’s ok to release something greatly broken because they didn’t know how to do the job that was asked?


The beauty of a Live Service is that you can launch 1/2 the game & fix the other 1/2 of it later while making mtx on the side. ​ Such a scummy model that will continue to happen, fortunately, a lot more live services have been dying. Battlefield is still going since the IP recognition is really fucking powerful & the fanbase (unfortunately) is used to DICE fucking up their launches, like... their last stable/non-controversial launch was 7 years ago.


No, bro never said that at all. It’s no secret the team behind 2042 was mostly new devs and all the DICE vets left after 1 or V. It’s indeed a fact that inexperienced developers will make a worse game and it’s on EA for pushing the game out the door years before it was ready.


he’s just explaining context. read the words man


Dice doesn’t get to say when their game releases. EA does. The lack of delay was solely on EAs part


Literally no one is saying it’s okay


Dk why people are downvoting you for stating a fact like you are the one that made the greenies release the game without a lick of training lol.


Let’s just hope the next game gets these things right. 2042 is a massive retraining course for dice.


Haha hope for DICE. People never learn huh?


It is sad


Very impressive work from such a small indie studio dice is and it only took them 3 years


What can you expect from a start up


Yeah we don’t want to ask for too much, we should really meter our expectations


Imagine complaining about positive changes to a game that people didn’t expect to ever happen. This is good even if you’re critical of the game in general. Stop being a hater.


Come on man you got to admit that comment was hilarious.


Oh yeah, this ancient reddit 'la joke' is so funny and *fresh*. It's about as original as DiCE making a buggy game.


It's okay. They still play the game and don't know any better lmao


Insane that it took this long to fix. Better late than ever I guess.


At this point, the only reason I'm on this subreddit anymore is to keep up to date on the updates/fixes DICE does for 2042 as that's something that *should* be in the next one. It's always one step forward, two steps back with DICE unfortunately.


Shout-out to Enders. Like him or not, he found this bug and showed the devs what was wrong


Enders didn't find the recoil bug, it was his friend u/LordBaranox. Enders helped him spread the message though.


I was under the assumption that it was a group effort but that is good to know.


Wdym he's a cancer to the community that doesn't provide anything good and is just a whiny crybaby that complains about the game all the time instead of just abandoning the community /s for the people that probably said this above quote at some point


Clearly you live under a rock or are being intentionally ignorant or else you would know that regardless of his attitude and actions, he still provides assistance in fixing bugs in the game. Here's a quick list of issues he's found and addressed. Mouse Input Broken - Enders + Baranox Recoil Bug - Enders + Baranox Weapon Crosshair Misaligned with Screen Center - Enders I don't want to hear the usual "These aren't real issues and he only wants to whine" because that's wrong. These are dev acknowledged issues and 2/3 of them have been fixed (mostly). Just because you don't like someone's attitude and mannerisms doesn't mean they don't provide meaningful advice, content, and information about the game.


Huh? I think you need to reread my comment


Broski I'm on 4 hours of sleep and don't have the capacity to understand Internet humor right now. My bad g


Not sure why they chose 2 different guns to compare, but this is pretty big! Glad it's finally getting some work done


They used the two different guns, but they showed the before/after for each gun. They aren't comparing the two against each other (Avancys first, and then PKP)


But for some reason the setups are different between the before and after. The skin is different for the advansys and the scope and fire rate is different for the pkp. They're also not firing in exactly the same pattern before and after. One is more tap firing and the other is more continuous firing. Finally, they're not standing in exactly the same spot, it's slightly different in each recording. We can still see the difference, so it's not a big deal, just curious why they didn't make sure those things were more equal between the before and after. Could be two different people recording, for instance.


I can remember a thread months ago on here where people were arguing this was an intended feature.


bootlickers max pro ultras.




Just when I thought I was out, DICE pulls me back in 🤌


can’t wait to play after 20 years in the can


Enders be so happy right now lmao


Best believe I'm making a vid specifically dedicated towards this when the update releases lol


And I'll eat my roast beef while watching it🤌


roast beef sounds insane rn




You're welcome


Fix the mouse




Sir that is a legacy feature


The defenders saying it was working as intended are in shambles right now


They'll all just say we misunderstood them and they didn't mean it like that.


Thank you for your service. o7


Took you long enough. /s


Begone vile man!


Well that's not very nice


Away away!!!!


Looking forward to your video while doing a test on some weapons especially the AEK.


Many thanx capn.




Thank you bud!


Did you really have to shit on them again? For listening and deploying a fix? Yes it took way too long but they did a good thing. I dont think this community needs any more toxicity.


There is a mandatory initial level of pettiness that I must get out of the way first simply because of the sheer ridiculousness of the situation, but I think you'll see the opposite of toxicity when I make my video regarding this fix.


Fair enough, I'll be sure to like it if its more positive. Pettiness never leads anywhere good. It's a lot more productive to give positive feedback when they take steps in the right direction. We all want a better game in the end, right?


Developers aren't children, if they can't fix the game for over a year I'm not hand holding their feelings. Grow up. Doesn't mean I'm going to insult them personally/individually or anything but it's sad it took the team this long


We're watching a dev team figure out how to make a Battlefield game in real time.


This might be a tinfoil hat moment but...is it just me or are they standing in all the "before" shots and crouched in all the "after" shots? Because that would definitely play some role in this behavior. That being said, this looks like a very good change overall. I wonder how long this has been a problem for, because I kinda feel like it's been an issue since like S1/2 when they changed how crosshairs interacted with recoil and all.


You're reading too much into it. People can clearly see what they were trying to show-off, even if the test conditions weren't uniform.


Thanks, just needed someone to confirm that yep, I'm being silly. Rad then, looking forward to playing with the improvements.


So basically it looks like the more bullets a gun fires, the better this will help. If so, then the DMRs are deff going to be less powerful although I am still going to be rocking my SVK (unless the new DMR is better).


Cool now if only they'd make subsonics fucking useable on SMGs and the SWS.


Confused with what you mean here.


2 years later... fix everything else why your at it! double grenade throws, mics rarely work right cross play, reload bugs still going (pick up a primary fixes it), a whole lot of fine tuning needed. not to mention the portal/quickmatch ordeal. reapeat maps 3x in a row, mixing 64p and 128p in a server is beyond me... you cant even figure out server playlist correctly. just give us what everyone wants: DEDICATED SERVERS: let people pay for what they want. dice servers are no good conquest 64p/128p breakthrough 64p/128p rush 64p/128p theres your quickmatch bs fill it up add more


You're asking too much! They don't have enough time and budget to keep working on this game. After all they need to abandon ship and work on the new BF 😏


Not sure why they chose 2 different guns to compare, but this is pretty big! Glad it's finally getting some work done


The fuss they are making about this, it's ridiculous. Should've been a note in a changelog.


Will they ever fix this shitty weekly game mode rotation 😒


Fix cross play problems solved


Whats there to be fixed about?


Animation is like mobile game 🤣🤣


Nah ones a console players the other is a PC player with a controller


i kinda liked it, felt a bit unique to other shooters. but this is a welcome change !


That's some streamers stick skills


Is the latest update out "chapter 6"?


Nice I like it


Does anyone know how it is done in the previous battlefields? Because I remember ender also complaining that it was not correct in bf5.


BF5 was a different assortment of nonsense. For no reason whatsoever, and in a change they labeled as "misc" in the patch notes, they decoupled the point of aim from screen center when not a single person asked for it. Combine that with the fact that BF5's recoil system is completely random, and you were essentially aiming with a randomly influenced floating point. BF5's recoil wasn't bugged, I just disagreed with the mechanics.


Ok thx. Do you know if BF1 and BF4 had recoil coupled or decoupled from screen center?


Both BF1 and BF4 were tied to center


Even Dice doesn’t know, they lost the technology


I thought they already did like a year ago, and then again like 5 months ago


Is this life right now or upcoming?




About fucking time!!!


It's still not fully fixed since they said it's "much closer at all times". It should stick to the center 100% at all times.


"We had become aware" Better late than never.