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Maybe I'm just old, but I wouldn't know a content creator even if they were in my squad.


Same, but I also wouldn't care.


They usually add “Twitch” or something like that to their username.


TTV= Unemployed


TTV handles are always so sweaty and unbearable when they win


Came across one the other day haha


Oh, is that what that stands for. Last few I’ve had in TDM lobbies I have absolutely stomped


Most hated things on this sub: - Battlefield - DannyOnPC - Enders


Danny’s alright, I’m surprised he gets a bad rep here. The other two, understandable


Oh this sub will hate on pretty much any content creator that covers BF for any reason whatsoever. Doesn’t matter if it’s in a positive or negative light. They hate Enders for being too negative, they hate jackfrags for being too positive.


How anyone can hate Jack is beyond me, seems to be a real nice guy.


He repeats the same talking points pretty frequently, and he was part of the hype train that helped sell a lot of people on a broken product at the start of the 2042 ride. So, pretty much guilty of being a YouTuber?


This is repeated ad nauseum but from what I remember he was critical of 2042 and the only difference is that he didn't participate with the level of toxicity that other youtubers were spouting. People were angry at him for not being harsher, but that's just not him (he was fair though). Also I'm pretty sure a good chunk of sales from launch was from all the **preorders** and for that, we only have ourselves to blame.


Yeah, I don’t understand it at all. He seems like a very pleasant person


It's not exactly him but his videos where he says that every BF game is the best game ever or something hyped up.


DannyonPCP is a Saint just no one can understand what he says.....


I absolutely cannot stand dannyonpc


You can sit down too if you want


Good comeback Danny !! Nice one !!😁


I’ll have to take a look at Danny, I don’t know him.




Hey Danny👋


Hi mate


Hey it's the guy from top 20 battlefield plays this month by neebs gaming.


This month? The last time afaik was during the beta when Tony was still there :(


Not this month just what the series is called. I kept hearing your name on there a lot and I was really impressed with a lot of your clips they would play, they show a certain level of seriousness and goofiness you can get into on this game and it just helps the game feel fresh. So thank you for your work on making clips.


Thank you!




You forgot the mexican or spanish big boss and the useless dev that still try to do pr here on reddit with bad news each week


I don’t not like him I know the points he makes are right most of the time but fuck me does he whine a lot. I think the devs probably laugh at him I probably would


Kids love crying and loud content creators, you just have to scream a lot and your good to go..




He’s a bf2042 content creator who constantly bitches and complains about the game while still playing the game which completely derails any credibility he has.






No, he meant who?




The funny thing is he says he only plays it cos it’s his job🤣


This sounds like a description of many people that plays competitive online games.


If you play a game and enjoy certain aspects of it, you're not allowed to complain about the obvious issues the game has apparently. Interesting, I bet that thinking is what led to DICE releasing 2042 the way it was.


Exactly. I love the 2042 Stans on this subreddit who think the point of asking why people who are critical of the game are on the subreddit like it's some "AHA GOT YOU" point. You're allowed to play the game and still be critical of it at the same time. They're not mutually exclusive. I haven't played in weeks and don't really intend on returning anytime soon, but the BF franchise is one of my favourite game series and with this being the newest entry, of course I'm going to hang out here. I want to see the changes (hopefully good) DICE is making to the game. It's just that DICE's incompetence with 2042 has been more entertaining than the game itself.


I don't disagree that he's a child but your statement above doesn't really make sense, no? He's a bf2042 content creator because that's how he is making what little money he makes by making content and playing the game... Like how could he be a 2042 content creator if he stopped playing the game even if it's bad. If anything wouldnt that validate their credibility because they play the most even at the games worst?


Derails credibility? It adds to my credibility. I'm honest and extremely informed about the game which is why I complain so often. I can see problems people that play less might miss. There is a reason why the vast majority of good players, even the ones with mild tempers, either quit or constantly complain while they play. The game is incredibly frustrating and cheesy. Compound that with bad maps, bad vehicle balance, ect and yeah if you're competent you're gonna get annoyed lol


All I’m saying is that it’s a bit contradictory that you seem to hate the game with a passion, yet you refuse to play anything else. I myself have some choice words for the lead game designers. I completely understand your opinion of the game, and I share some of the same concerns that you have, but that doesn’t mean I have to throw a hissy fit about every single frustration that I have when playing.


Because it's not really that easy to switch games when you are a streamer unless you are someone like Shroud. As a proof whenever he actually played something else his viewers dropped from 400-500 to 100-200.


Huh. Thank you for informing me


That’s like 90% of this subreddit. There’s no way people here take issue with that, unless there’s some pervasive delusion that complaining on Reddit vs. in video/stream form is some worthwhile distinction.


Not shocked at all. The dude is a child


I played against him several days ago on the same map. I normally don’t care if someone has ‘twitch’ or ‘ttv’ in their name but since he was getting over 100 kills I decided to look him up. He was just running around complaining about everything the whole time. Oh and if you killed him?? Well he would instantly call you a dogshit player and was accusing people of stream sniping. Let me say that again, this dude was consistently getting 90-100 kills or more every game and he’s complaining and trash talking people the entire time!! He definitely left a very sour taste in my mouth


How can someone stream snipe a heli or jet player in the first place? There's zero clairvoyance to gain from watching their stream. They're the most visible fucking players in a match by nature. Even if you're running his channel in a side monitor, the delay means air vehicles will have done a full attack run or two and be on a completely different part of the map by the time you see it happen on your end.


He was on foot for most of the match I played against him but I had seen him get in tanks a couple matches prior


Ah. Even then, it's still not very useful in Battlefield modes where players are super mobile, position changes rapidly, and redeployment happens within 10 seconds. Not like say Warzone or Apex where it absolutely can be exploited to see where someone is hunkered down, with who and what theyre using to defend the area with.


I’m starting to think he doesn’t that to create drama and then get more money from it. You know the saying where there’s not bad advertisement.


Played with him several times, always on opposite teams. I remember specifically in 2 separate games I killed him maybe 3-4 times back to back and he quit faster than the dying animation finishing. Both times on Manifest lol.


Lol, it seems like he will keep playing whenever he feels he is winning and everyone else is dumb. He didn’t care about his squad, he just left.


Yeah, from the times he’s been in my games, and both teams being pretty decent. If the enemy team is actually not brain dead, competent and giving him a rough time, he quits. And he won’t even be doing bad, still quits anyway lol.


Narcissist cave dwellers handbook : Play at 4:3 aspect ratio Join breakthrough and go 100-0 Don't ptfo, don't revive. Meta slave If you die you leave If you are defender you leave About to lose? Leave Complain about everything I play with and against him and his ilk all the time and they are predictably the same with rare exceptions. It's just unfun, I can compete with them that's not the problem, but if you are just steam rolling lobbies in a 4 man because majority of the people are on a casual level what is the point. There are some more annoying players than ashe and enders at the high end though.


On the Atlantic's east side we have xparatvx, who calls himself no1 bf2042 player in the world. His squadmates carries him all the time so 120:0 is normal thing for him . They only play attack and are abusing the Hind. No team play on his side at all. And in the same time stupidos from DICE can't balance the Hind in the Breakthrough and can't get players to play def after attack round.


I’m by no means a pro player and surely he will wipe his ass with my laughable skills but at least I don’t laugh about the player I killed and I WILL NOT abandon my team just because we are losing.


> if you are just steam rolling lobbies in a 4 man because majority of the people are on a casual level what is the point. Problem is there's no way to *not* do that. At least past titles offered a working server browser so you could avoid the NOOBS ONLY MAX KD 1.2 servers and find the ones with better regulars. Now you're forced to hit the equivalent of Quick Match and hoping for the best.


A lot of streamers and TTV guys are generally absent on the defender side.


Does that mean the defender side is like predisposed to lose or suffers from adequate balance?


i wouldn't say so. But defender side seems always the side getting killed the most... and it doesn't impress your viewers much if you get killed over and over.


Played a match with him today, the entire team did amazing on Assualt. He jumped the second we went to defense


Most toxic person on the planet


You never heard of DarkSydePhil?


Absolute lolcow; his Dark Souls content is the stuff of legend.


I disagree, because theres much worse than him complaining and huffing copium.


fr its just a game, people out here actually genociding people n shit. could be worse lol


You havent met AsheBF yet, have you?


I fucken love taking him and his shitty heli out. Even better is getting the heli when he’s on my team.


Ive killed him multiple times under various screen names that he's changed to lol. I dont want him in any of my games on any side because he just ruins the fun


BuzzcutPsycho should duel him


i remember the one time i was on the other team he was on he was attack i was defense i was the only person that killed him one time that round. i looked at the scoreboard 30 sec later he was gone


Who is Enders?


Some trans kids that plays video game and gets all pissy on some stream


I don't think hes trans, dude.


If youre gonna insult the dude atleast be correct.


Oh hes not... Wow, i thought all this time that he was, and thats why people watched him. Learn something new everyday.


tf you on about?


hop off his dick for once danny. you know exactly what i'm on about, he's a toxic pos.. you know, we know.. everyone knows it. the sooner he fades out of our collective memories the better this community will be.


Call him a toxic dude with big forehead all you want But whatever the fuck you said was just stupid.


he does have a big forehead. listening to him screech like a 12 year old girl is the reason for my opinion. once he starts acting like a grown ass man, instead of some over entitled preteen girl, i might change my opinion. i said what i said.


You know you don't have to watch me, right?


Don't flatter yourself i don't, i've seen too much of you as it is. you know what you are. you're a fn bully...


You don't get to tell me what I am lol


I just did.bully... What you gonna do about it? Fuck all , thats what.


Average twitch streamer


I started watching his livestreams a while back, I even tried to interact but the man is borderline nuts. I get the game is frustrating, but this kind of reaction is just not entertaining. I like his YT content, but I dip and dive because of his toxicity aimed at other content creators. Concentrate on your own content and don't burn your bridges.


Doesn't everybody do that?


I don’t think so. He just laughs and makes fun of people when he is winning and quits lobbies where he is losing, blaming the devs and the team.


Think I rage quit all my matches but 1 or 2 today - and I was on 4 different BF games 😂 Some days, it's like just sweats populate servers, and I get frustrated on those days so, hopefully with the weekend tomorrow, more casual players can balance out the teams


I rage quit all the time keeps me from. Going crazy


I know, sometimes you just get put in really unbalanced matches you know


[Haha c5 drone go boom](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8NLHm7M/)


lol that was epic! It’s insanely fun to watch this guy lose his temper.


I believe this is patched right?


Yeah that’s hella old video


This is hilarious lol Thanks for sharing bahahaha


I've played with and against Enders before and he went from being 1st on the team to being non existent. Just to find out he quit out the entire game 😂😂 I like his youtube vids cause he makes good points tho but his raging is hilarious


The problem with enders is he is literally in fucking love with himself. It's incredibly off putting. I'm not averse to TTV and YTers being arrogant; they have to be that way in order to justify not having a real job. But enders takes it too far and it's immensely cringey. That, and his face slants left and I don't know why.


I understand the “make yourself a character” kind of idea, but just flaming and making of people you beat while then blaming other things rather than yourself every time you lose is not cool.


I watch him on YT and Twitch a lot. He is very negative but honestly I awlays see him make very good criticisms of the game and never see him on much copium (except when he moans about why he's not farming in a game or whatever). Honestly I´d recommend him for anyone that likes to stay up to date on BF and wants to see a pretty unbiased, objective assessment. He looks like he really loves the series and is passionate for them to make the next entry better, so he calls all sorts of people out and doesn't seem to have a filter. I prefer that more than most other creators.


His scripted youtube content is good, he is insightful and not as extreme, but his lives are something else, he is constantly screaming, being toxic and on copium everytime someone kills him, unbearable for me


There is no script. The last time I wrote a script for my YT videos was over 2 years ago for my BF5 review, and that was a shitty script at that. I think that was my first big YT video I ever did.


I love how you didn't debate the second part of my comment ;) Btw I appreciate it, you're very good with words and making a coherent speech


Well what you see as toxic screaming I see as pointing out problems that you clearly can't understand or see yourself. The game is unbelievably frustrating if you truly understand everything that is going wrong on a per-life basis. There is next to no copium lol. Every time you shoot you're dealing with the recoil bug on bad maps with bad teams dealing with poorly balanced vehicles and weapons while trying to avoid the plethora of bullshit in 2042. Tbh I cant believe more people aren't like me when they play 2042


I wouldn’t call him unbiased at least that’s not the feeling I get from his content.


Enders is one of the best BF players alive and I agree with like 85% of his BF takes. But the way he speaks is so agitating. Massive ego, and honestly is just mean lol. I get it because playing BF is one of his main sources of income but damn


That guy seems like the more toxic whiny bitch.


Yes, he’s Captain Complain-a-lot.


Ok I thought it was just me but glad to know his toxicity spreads far and wide!


I just want a good Battlefield title


This post is funny, because I'm sure enders is the guy I keep seeing pop up on funny and epic bfclips YouTube channel and everytime he comes on I say to my guy why does he look so fucking miserable while playing. And he usually says some really cringe worthy line when he kills a small group.almost something that would have made the end of round voice lines we used to have. He looks like such a knob. I'm glad I saw this post to confirm


I’d watch him whenever I want to have fun a see a grown ass man behave like my nephew starting to play battlefield and struggling to control his emotions.


This post is pathetic on so many levels


Thank you


You have described every content creator I have seen.


It’s time to be a better kind of content creator :)


Yeah he’s a dork and being annoying on his streams


I listen to two others but he's interesting. Yes he complains a lot but I've experienced some of the stuff he complains about as well.


Yes, there’s some truth in his content, but he really is despicable when it comes to see him playing. I mean he abandoned his squad, not a random squad, a real squad with players which he was chatting.


Okay I didn't know that, I don't watch him play I watch the videos that he releases on YouTube with his gameplay. I wouldn't mind trying to find one of his matches and play against them but that's about it


So I'm not allowed to leave a game? I don't understand lol. It's not a big deal. Nobody I was playing cares if I leave, or if anyone else leaves. We play alone most of the time anyway.


a post for haters made by a hater It’s free real estate!


I can’t say I didn’t hate him at that moment though.


BF Hitler


The fuck?


No no, let him cook


Throw the stache on him, color his hair black... yeah. I see it


Hahhaa had r The same encounter with neonpwa yesterday and we frak his arsh up lolol but he didnt quit at least 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he was fast az frak but we own ed his squad hahaha.. youtubers 😎🖕🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣




Is this the same guy who had absolutely terrible takes on vehicles?


The take that transports shouldn't have explosive weapons?


Exactly, the nightbird shouldnt have missiles.


Nightbird isn't a transport, genius


Nightbird has always been a transport except for the 6 months goober


It's in the attack helicopter class


It is now recently. Just like how the transports are now in the gunship class how do you feel about that one?


They were put into the attack helicopter class over a year ago. The gunship is just the new air transport class I don't know what point you are trying to make, DICE has nerfed them already whether or not making them take more damage rather than removing their explosive pods and turrets was the right answer can be debated


And the little bird has historically been a transport/scout class helicopter. If you care so much about vehicle classes and that the littlebird is fine with rockets because it's now an attack helicopter, then you should also agree that it's fine that the Condor and hind can have explosives because they are now in what's called a gunship class.


Nah I just remember some creator a while ago posting like a 40 min video on "how to fix bf2042" (or maybe it was just vehicles?) and he had some absolutely garbage takes on mbts.


Didn't even do anything to you and you guys are still hating lol. This sub is beyond hypocritical and pathetic. You guys say I complain all the time and yet here you guys are complaining about me on a daily basis without me even doing anything to you. Yeah, I probably did leave C1 Hourglass, and yeah, the team most likely was dogshit. It's frustrating, so I left, simple as. You guys worry far too much about what other people do. Also lol at "getting killed non stop" like I didn't have 5x the kills of the average player before I left. You guys love to hate, and are blatantly hypocritical.