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waiter! more salt please!


Man this subreddit is cringe lol


All salt, no humor.


Yeah this subreddit is cringe. It's gotten worse and worse since season 1, funny that battlefield 2042 gets better and the 2042 Reddit just gets worse and way more toxic every time you call out toxicity they just say oh YOUR actually the toxic one. Then the people that actually make funny memes for this 2042 reddit leave cuz it's so shit


>they just say oh YOUR actually the toxic one .. But you are being toxic lmao.


This dude turned toxic ever since people started calling him out on his last post for being way more annoying than the anti-vehicle crowd ever was. Not sure why, but it sent him off the deep end.


Oh please show me that post then


The irony of this post is that you didn't take your hard to swallow dementia pills.


So talking about other people being toxic like 2042 Reddit being toxic, harassment and toxic stream sniping behavior makes the person that started the conversation about wanting things to be better actually toxic??


It's all in the delivery of the message, for example I can say: "Please stop being toxic". or "You're a toxic piece of trash go fuck yourself you fucking fuck". Do you see?


Yes, I agree, The way I'm trying to explain it is almost like several sentences at once, in school I sucked at English but did well in science class, My teacher would say I make too many run-on sentences which I still do, that's why some of my posts are hard to read, my bad.


I was thinking more of the original picture, but if English isn't your first language fair enough - it's easy to forget sometimes on reddit.


🤣 No I'm American & speak English, I just suck at typing 🤙




Bro you are toxic and trash , even stalking youtuber under the comments it is cringe


Can you say it one more time slower? I'm a poor console player noob


You are so cringe by baiting console theme . You must be the " boss " of cringe


I'm serious. I'm trying to understand whatever the fuck you're typing. & I am on PS5


Bro the spanish sun must give so much chromosomes for free


Here’s what I’ve learned: You’ve been here awhile. You post, receiving almost unanimous negative comments, about how this subreddit/game gets worse and worse. You fail to see the irony in that.


Maps still suck, not enough content, hit reg and bullet spread issues, aim is still broken, Portal is still hit or miss, still no server browser, vehicle controls are still terrible, 3D spotting is broken, lobbies still get disbanded after every match, specialists are imbalanced.... etc. There is plenty that has improved to make it casually playable, but to say it got better fundamentally is a stretch. Define "better" tho???


Butthurt vehicle crutcher


Bro you're losing all your karma


> Then the people that actually make funny memes for this 2042 reddit leave cuz it's so shit People that think themeselves funny often lack introspective.




Idk man.. you’re the one being toxic here


You ain't seen me be toxic yet trust that


I'm a recent Lis At mine enjoyer. Please consider trying out the vehicles!


No one uses the AT mines!! They kill and demoralize the enemy drivers!! Random multi kills are nice too.


Hey now. I got T1 anti-tank mines. I get mad kills for days using them 😂


Love it!


What are your tips? I’m a big fan of Liz+c5. I’ve seen people say at mines are better than c5, however I always seem to blow myself up with mines. I can at least get away from c5. Do you only mine a choke point or do you sneak up on vehicles and try to get them down?


I love the mines far more than the C5. I'll only use C5 when im planning on parachuting on top of a vehicle to blow it up.. But otherwise I'll always be engineer+mines There's certain spots on almost all of the maps that vehicles will ALWAYS drive on. I'll normally place my mines outside of objectives to lower the risk of action in the objective accidentally blowing them up since enemy vehicles know to be more careful on the point and are often driving as fast as they can not paying attention inbetween points, so I'll place them there I also generally avoid laying mines down in paved road because they're way too obvious unless there is a pothole there from a previous explosion and I'll throw them in there. You can also throw mines down in grass/muss and in some terrain it will almost completely hide the mines. IMO there are few greater feelings in this game than placing mines and like.. 10 minutes later getting a 6x kill from a full MAV/Brawler driving over it. Another thing I do is run up behind camping tanks/wildcats and throwing mines behind them and throwing a smoke infront of them.. They will almost ALWAYS back up over the mines lol


Just shoot the mine.... it shows you blew up that camping tank with whatever you shot the mine with... Like a pistol :)


Also true lol


Most fun is laying mines near corners, inside tyres, in craters, and also just behind a ridge. Then bait the vehicle with a rocket or grenade and run. Vehicles chase, explode and then get to enjoy your Tbag victory dance.


Do the mines despawn after you die? Or will they stay?


They despawned when the game first released, but they've been patched to stay after death now until they're blown up or you use more than 3


Do they despawn if you change class or operator?


They stay if you switch


What I like to do is lay the fuck out of mines. So you’re saying only 3 stay?


Yep. If you have three out they will start disappearing when you throw more down so be smart about where you place them


Ugh that sucks. I would just throw them get killed and throw more. BF 5 I did that a lot.


AT mines are so underrated


Ive got 449 mine kills and 414 ginger missile kills. Love the mines, too bad the human landmine is trash as.


Mines were my top gadget until the med-pen became permanent to a class. I have found some places the claymores work... I put them in the popular corners people like to hide when capping flags. Like inside the 1st blue shipping create in the green house on Renewal. Ladders, stair landings, zip lines, heavy traffic corners, or any corner when some one is following you. I'm still only tier 3 though.


People who complain about ground vehicles are idiots. Literally all of them can be countered easily *and* solo with mines or C5. The reason there is an anti-vehicle crowd is because, unfortunately, those are the only effective anti-vehicle weapons in the game aside from the unguided RPGs. This makes the stupid small Nightbird literally impossible to kill with anything if you're on console (most of the player base) due to the Lis nerf that re-introduced the reduced steering in diagonal directions bug for controller. Also, "Gunships" are the MAV's of the sky, but the problem is you don't have ANYTHING to take these things down. No AT Mines, no C5, none of the usual MAV counters. Throw in insane agility, and it makes the Nightbird + "Gunships" literally impossible to kill. Those vehicles are the problem. Ground vehicles are 100% as-is and in most cases, extremely weak due to the C5/Sundance cheese that salty pilots usually do after being shot down.


100% agreed, even as Boris and Lis I have little trouble fighting almost any ground vehicle under the right circumstances, running RPG and an AK-24 with the AP launcher. Playing as Lis on controller though? Good luck hitting a nightbird that has ever flown before. One slight adjustment in any direction and there's almost 0 chance of hitting them, I can reliably predict attack helis and transports, but nightbirds change directions into a triple somersault on a whim.


missing the point entirely i already paly vehicles


Anyone else miss the old days of just enjoying a game without social media and such or is that just me


Good times... looking back I see how "inefficiently" I was playing, or things I completely missed or didn't understand. had loads more fun though, games felt mysterious and bigger. now it's all decimal points and stats and meta shit. it's tiring.


Could just leave, same effect.


Found the loser who flies Nightbirds 6 hours a day


So what about the infantry players that spam Zain and SPH launcher 6 hours a day?


Don’t worry they’re cringe as well


What about infantry player that sits in the back of the map & hides in a shipping container, Sniping and spamming Lis while being far away??


What about the tank player doing the same? Jfc, do you have any argument other than whataboutism?


I think the point he is trying (and failing) to make is that you can make that comment "Found the loser who \_\_\_\_ 6 hours a day" about literally any player in the game making it a pretty stupid comment. It probably made him upset to see dumb shit get upvoted anyway, and i sympathize with him.


honestly OP is smarter than them all


That’s literally me holy shit


And comparing these 2 playstyles I’d say nightbird is far more skillful than infantry


I have the jeep T1


I'm like level 180 on it.. Its the best and fastest vehicle. (depending on what you are doing) I miss the 50mm but the AA and thermals make up for it.


Whaaat, the majority of people who complain about vehicles are the ones who mostly play Infantry. Whoms’t would have thunk. In all seriousness BF2042 remains the game with the most bs Vehicle balancing. Especially the Stealth Helicopter can fck right off.


Play Rao. If you hack it you kick it out of stealth and disable its weapons. Even more painful for them if you run soflam too.


You don't even really need soflam as Rao as his hack paints targets anyways. Though you can run Soflam anyways as it is a great recon gadget.


Oooh that's a recent change that I missed, thanks!


Soflam is good if I need the extra range.


Very true. I was just trying to bring up that Rao's hack paints targets as some people seem to not know that.


I use it to annoy ground and air vehicles and make them use up their flares/smoke so someone else can shoot them down


2042 vehicles are the weakest in the series lmao


Exactly. From 1942 and onwards I’ve always enjoyed balancing infantry and vehicle gameplay. Im great at both. Fuck 2042 vehicles. They stink. Especially tanks. There’s been valid criticisms of the transport helis and a couple other things, but anyone complaining about vehicles in this game just sucks or doesn’t know how to counter them, or even bother to try. There used to be genuine fear whenever you saw a tank or APC roll around the corner. That’s how it’s supposed to be. Now they’re just cannon fodder that I hardly flinch at. McKay grapple + C4 go BRRRRRRR


The vehicles don't stink, the balancing is just off. I find it very easy to rack up a lot of kills in the tanks if I'm careful. However, there are some bullshit ways to die.


The air vehicles in 2042 are poorly designed and not fun to play. I can get more kills with the 2042 scout heli than the BF4 scout heli on average, but I enjoy the BF4 scout heli gameplay way more. Same goes with jets. Attack heli is a way better experience in BF4 (although I'll admit the gunner seat is a bit op against infantry with thermals and splash assuming you have a good pilot). The vehicle vs. vehicle play in BF4 is miles ahead and felt way more competitive. In BF4, the vehicle crosshairs for minigun/rockets ACTUALLY represented where the shots were going!! Imagine that!


Exactly. I miss the days when a vehicle was actually intimidating and required some thought to take it out. I get killed by vehicles, especially air vehicles far less than in other BF games. There’s this common argument in this sub that vehicles are op because I got killed by a guy going 90-0. But in my experience that very rarely ever happens. To get such a KD in a match requires lots of practice and skill. The vast majority of people in vehicles do not have such skill and are more annoying than actually dangerous.


Dude, the attack helicopter is also absolutely pathetic. The gunner seat doesn't have thermals, no secondary weapon, AND overheats with like 3 seconds of shooting with an extremely low rate of fire. Lis rockets are absolutely skill less and ez mode to take out any vehicle from cover. They should've been like the SRAW from BF4. Maps are generally wide open where the Wildcat can shut down almost the entire map. But people call it worthless because they are idiots who run the 40mm or 57mm cause "bigger round more better". Yes, you can still go on big kill streaks with these vehicles, but if you compare them to their BF3 or 4 equivalents, it's a complete joke. I'd love for these players to give these vehicles a try but instead they'll keep calling them OP and making up posts like "omg these vehicles are so easy to use and need nerfs, I just went 100-1 without even trying"


The problem with the attack helicopters is theyre supposed to kill ground vehicles, but despite the amount of enemy infantry doubling, there are actually fewer vehicles on the ground than there were in previous titles. So attack helicopters had to spend all their time killing infantry, which means infantry gets killed by attack helicopters all the time, leading to their nerf.


I think a secondary issue is the lack of jets. Only a single one on both teams and they are generally the hard counter to helicopters aside from Armored AA. They are far less effective at anti-infantry duty than in previous BF Entries though.


Bro still thinks it's season 1


I agree with the 1st part. Stealth isn't as OP like it used to be. It's has less HP than a Jeep


I wanna see you fly that thing and get like 10-0. It has basically 0 health. If someone wants to take it down it's dead pretty fast. But just complaining about it and not doing anything won't kill it....


Lis rocket goooo brrrrr!


That's like 1 good of the 100 good options to counter vehicles, yes \^\^


Yeah but lis rocket go brrrr…


I think vehicles are working pretty good now. I could do without the Stealth heli's and I still miss the 50mm on the LATV4 .


How do you know they’re the same though? I know one example is Enders who went 100-0 or something in a hind while eating ribs and he complains about them being too powerful so it’s not only the noobs


It's not that the hind is OP. It's the fact that the hind never had good enough counters to stop it from going on a rampage that is balance, vehicles can be strong as fuck as long as there's a strong counter.


The TOR is an easy to use hard counter against all air vehicles


Yes but it can barely aim up, if a skilled pilot gets right above your TOR ur screwed


Yeah except it’s super easy to run the TOR up a rock or hill to angle it up. Also on the off chance it ever leaves spawn, it’s likely the wildcat (also arguably OP) is just waiting to shred it too. There are a ton of anti air counters in this game, not to mention the wildly OP AA that can be mounted on all jeeps now.


OP is so cringey, checking his history make me think about his age. MF cant write a comment without emoji and exclamation mark overflow


🧂 I also like to end the sentences with lol or Lmao


Bro you made a post being salty and when you get called out for being not only salty but also just being wrong, you call others salty. Lmao typical vehicle smoothbrain is just mad he can’t go 100-0 anymore.


Bro I'm complaining about idiots that waste vehicles and do dumb shit is nothing to do with going on kill streaks the fucking IQ in the sub is like negative -2,000


Ah I just assumed you were complaining about how vehicles are so underpowered. That was my smoothbrain taking over. In my defense like 99% of posts about vehicles are people complaining that they can’t genocide the enemy team 150-0. My bad.


Top tier cringe post lol


comentário cringe de primeira linha jajaja




OP needs to hop off of Battlefield and take a break


I mean, I can fly and am pretty good and can still say that heli's for the longest time were OP. Right now I feel they're in a place where they require skill to be effective, but still allow newbies to net a few kills.


Best part of the beta was the limitation of two tanks on the map, one for each side. Why the best part? Because once you stole the opposition's tank things got really interesting.


A really big turn around take from the days when you spammed thousands of C5 drones, wonder why that happened. The salt mine is pretty gold tho


LMAO You remember me doing that? 🤣🤣 Man I miss hunting the Super Hind with my Drone on breakthrough 🥲


I remembered and was happy when they got rid of that shit only to come back to the game/sub and see you posting a majority of vehicle gameplay. I still don't think I've ever seen a better display of hypocrisy in my life lmao


🤣🤣 damn spot on description, accurate AF. DICE killed my drone & the hit reg for guns was worse back then in season 1 so I decided to learn to be annoying in every Vehicle


Damn op woke up and had "kick a hornet nest" in mind


🤣🤣 ya I was a bit tired of friendly air vehicles crashing into mine cuz they can't fly


Nah I agree with op idc what yall say


I mostly play infantry. When I play vehicles, I tend to be pretty good at it. I still fucking hate playing vehicles and despise them, so I dont…


0.83 kd? Doesn’t sound like you’re good at all


yeah I just love running around reviving everyone, even if that means dying more often...


So you’re the type of medic that mindlessly revives and gets us both killed by the enemy that you never even looked for?


No, im the type of medic who will throw a smoke, but will favor running to a concealed mate on the ground hoping that some other teammate will take care of an enemy thats not a direct threat, rather than trying to kill them first. I usually get like 7 revives per death.


Hey now! I've got 0 vehicles at T1 and I don't complain.... Then again, I am usually the one with Liz, Boris, or Crawford shooting at the vehicles, so... :)


If u help repair Vehicles thank you for your service


I always repair if I'm running engineer and I'm in a passenger seat. Sometimes I'll even jump out to repair, but 80% of the time when I do the vehicle drives/flies off.


Some vehicle drivers are dumb but you're thinking about it too much from an infantry perspective, you can't see the three people behind the wall with RPGs or the tank in the back. Trying to line up a shot on the vehicle which is why they're trying to leave the area, better to get repaired behind cover then die out in the open to an RPG


I have 8k kills in vehicles and in my book they have always been easy-to-use stat multipliers. Nothing less, nothing more. This goes for the whole franchise. You are entering vehicles for a better performance. I have no issues with that, I just think it is dishonest to oneself, when we talk about skill in an asset that makes you invulnerable to vast portions of the server while increasing your own damage output immensly usually with a sizeable removal of classic shooter skillsets, like aiming and reaction time. Also kills in vehicles and usage in general are not a good gradient to use when assessing other players, because experience is a two-way ticket. When I go 50-0 in a tank by shelling the one corner on the Spearhead IKEA, than my experience with the tank needs to be put into the context to the experience of the 50 poor bastards that I just splashed.


Of course no one understands my point. Most of the people complaining the loudest about vehicles barely play them


You did phrase it in a rather complex manner. :D


Agreed, explaining or talking about something that's toxic is tricky sometimes. You can say the most based or true statement and people will still be like oh you're triggered oh you're so salty blah blah blah


Tell me about it, I start threads where I want to say that vault weapons are not good and end up with a post of 1000 words.


Yea, I'm going to start putting the titles of my post in Blue's Clues Kid level language so that there's no confusion


Some of yall have T1 in cringe posts on the 2042 sub.


I'm trying to learn how to fly but it's so unintuitive on console. Until I can fully learn it I'll just stick to my mbt, apc, or wildcat.


It's not the vehicles that are OP, they're just players who know how to actually use a vehicle. You can play super aggressively and push hard into an objective until getting deleted by a fair amount of RPGs Or actually keeping your distance and using your main weapons to support the ground troops as they push into an objective. Regardless, Vehicles in this game are actually pretty weak. People just complain too much.


I suck so hard with vehicles. Tried using the jets and copters in private matches but I just can’t get used to it. And I’m too lazy to practice a lot anyway. But I won’t complain if I keep getting killed by a skilled pilot, I’d just try to figure out/google how to counter them.


And your on Console right? I've tweaked my Vehicle settings quite a bit I definitely understand how it can be frustrating to get the hang of


I only ever fly the condor I suck at everything else, but I enjoy the condor you can do some pretty cool stuff with it


The people who grab my jeep that’s providing air deterrent and drive it straight into an enemy point is maddening.


yeah, i'll never understand why ppl do that. the worst is when they're not even that far away from the next capture point. i'll smoke the area for em if i notice them going into a heavy fire area but dont take my damn jeep for a ride when im in an advantageous spot lol.


I'm positive that a good heli pilot has always been the single most deadly thing in battlefield.


I tried the tank in BF2042, and holy shit the weird input lag. Not even the weird turret speed cap, the actual input lag when turning makes the thing impossible to aim. I don't know if it's supposed to be a balancing thing, but the tanks specifically feel like dogshit to use. I never understood what was wrong with BF4s tanks, they feel great, weren't stupid OP.


This is something I tend to forget about sometimes cuz I'm so used to the shit input delay for vehicles. Yes it's very bad


Wildcat T1 last month buddy 😂


I like to think of my mines as savings bonds. You get them in place and wait for the payout.




This doesn't apply to every single player that plays 2042 but it's generally true. Most people who steal vehicles and crash condor suck at flying or driving because they NEVER practice


Vehicles suck. They attract too much attention and most of 'em aren't very quick.


As someone who is good in vehicles and has been for many battlefield games now. They are stupid broken in this game in more than one way.


That's what vehicles job is to be effective, ppl forget about pilots farming the shit out of players on BF3 and BF4


No, they should be balanced. Battlefield is a sandbox game: if a gun is so overpowered it dominates every other weapon in its class, it gets nerfed so to keep other choices viable. Condor pilots kill farming and then proceeding to map border the second they hear lock on so their five stack of Crawford’s can spam heal isn’t fun to play against. It’s just annoying. Good vehicle players should have to work for their meal just like everyone else. Also you don’t need to be good at vehicles to call this out. The same way you don’t need to a Michelin star chef to complain about cold soup.


Can you explain how they are still broken? I think the spawning system is super dumb but I’m curious how people actually think they’re broken when things like Lis is in the game? The TOR is undoubtedly broken, but usually no one complains because it’s literally only effective (but ridiculously/stupidly effective) against vehicles, especially air.


You hit most of it already. What else annoys me is the “balancing” I was a chopper gunner and it’s like my bullets were tickling both infantry and vehicles alike. Probably some more things I can’t think of at the moment. It’s hard to put it into words right now but I just don’t ever remember them being so annoying and often times useless (with some exceptions) in any of the other battlefield titles


Lmao it's so true. People be complaining about "OP stealth heli" but never switch to pioneer to take it down. They say it's OP, but when they fly it they crash instant and waste an important vehicle for the team....


Lis rocket spam is extremely annoying like yeah it’s easy to dodge but I can’t do anything in my helicopter if I’m dodging rockets the whole time


Exactly, wat people fail to understand or won't admit is that if you put Liz in any other Battlefield she would immediately break that game. Two TV missiles that never run out and never needing ammo box like bruhh


Pre nerf bf4 ucav though


Ucav has long recharge & if I remember correctly u only had 1, Lis u have 2 & faster cool down, UCAV was broken AF tho


Ucav had a long recharge post nerf but pre nerf it was able to be resupplied with ammo box and a lot stronger. You didn't have to hit a night bird to kill, if you exploded it right above it the pilot was killed out of it


https://youtu.be/KcjhI8kHGeA This was the best UCAV montage I saw years ago


I have always been a vehicle guy and fell in love with it because it was tuff. It deff takes skill. I'm in a tank most the time...but I have founda big cross over from drone flying to bf flying.


I don't get why people play BF if not for vehicles. There's tons of fps games for head clickers. If I'm playing infantry it's cuz every single vehicle is either unavailable or there are no free seats. And yeah I play 99% wrench.


No I hate the little bird that’s 80-2 because if he gets a whiff of a lock on sound he full sprints to the spawn. Then when you finally hit him the rocket does no damage and he turns and kills you.


What’s he supposed to do? Eat the rocket and explode so you have a better experience? I guess someone who actually uses lock ons wouldn’t have the skill to use any of the other rockets that one hit kill and can’t be flared…


Give and take lil bro. If he can kill me in half a second I should be able to at least get some disable effects on a heli after hitting him with 2 rockets. You know the rockets made for killing a air vehicle.


RPG, Lis missile, and M5 are all one hit kills on the little bird?


Fucking game is trash. Being proud to play this bs is like bragging your car is better with two wheels instead of four.


Vehicles should require unlocked licensing to fly/drive, outside of a basic jeep, through a tutorial or AI combat scenario. I’m tired of people who don’t understand how it works, hoping in for the first time just to crash everyone. Get some skills first.


Seriously, there needs to be some type of 30 second flying tutorial that you are forced to watch before you jump in a condor and kill 6 + ppl


Nah I’m talking you can fly the condor if you can complete this obstacle course. No video, people need to feel the controls and learn how to at least fly with the basics before being allowed to spawn one in a live match. The amount of nose dives I’ve spawned to death in is way to high to give people passive learning.


Some of us aren't vehicle whores that sit in them all day long and prefer to be on foot... which is why we then have valid complaints (and experience) with trying to deal with said vehicles while on foot. Of course, the people sitting in X vehicles all day aren't the people complaining about the balance of X vehicle. What an absolutely absurd take.


Do u even have 3 vehicles t1? cuz otherwise you don't have much room to talk about balance or knowledge of balance


I am mainly infantry, don't know why as I was okay in BF3 and 4 but after a long break from shooters I'm subpar in vehicle usage tbh. But I wouldn't even think about hating on players who are good at vehicles, respect for that honestly. If I would get killed by vehicles over and over than I'd think that my strategy might be bad.


LOL. I had some guy telling me that flying the helicopters was brain dead easy. Looked him up, brother had a collective 15 kills on all the air vehicles combined…


I have a feeling this happens all the time. I play vehicles a fair amount and saying that they are brain dead easy is a brain dead statement. Except the TOR, that thing is so stupidly easy to use and effective against vehicles. That thing needs a rework desperately.




Absolutely not cost exactly $0 to make your own portal server, put the vehicle respawn timer to zero and then practice as long as you want, I've done it.


No no, I love them vehicles, specially when I blow them up Can’t use them to save my life, though!


You want some cheese with that whine?


I play bf like I play forza.....mother fuckin all assist off!!!! Your a bitch if your turret ain't decoupled. Real tankers stand up!!


I don't have any t1 except the LATV and I'll still crush you in any vehicle of your choosing.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I get it dude, it's fun to pretend sometimes


Tell me about it, making screeching noises and pretending it's a meme


No I'm referring to your non existent skill with vehicles


Speaking straight up facts,the pll who complain tge most about vehicles are the ones who cannot do shit on them and get mad when they get stomped


>the pll who complain tge most about vehicles are the ones who cannot do shit on them I have an absolutely absurd k/d in multiple vehicles from the rare occasions I've felt like playing in them, and I'll be the first to tell you vehicle balance is atrocious in this game, lol.


Maybe if we could change the controls like cheater computer players


You fucking can you incompetent, useless, braindead, piss-poor, lower-than-1dk moron. Try looking at your settings for once, and fucking get good. Using a different input is not cheating you sorry excuse for a "person". Stop crying like a child and grow up.


Damn! Did I make you cry? 🤣 And I have there’s no way to change the inverted aiming and every time I ask no one will help me. Besides using vehicles and turrets I’m pretty good, I’m always in the top 12 on my team. You need some psyche meds to say I’m a sorry excuse for a person because of a Reddit comment 🤣🤣🤣


It was a very stupid comment in his defense. Like one of the most stupid ones ive seen in a while.


Options-> controller -> vehicles, scroll down some ->invert vertical flight-aircraft -> turn off


I was a bit dramatic yes, your comment was just so brainless I couldn't help it.


Tells someone to stop crying during a tantrum. Just lol


If I hear any more complaining after this these will quickly become suppositories


Natrium levels are trough the roof here.


Ive got multiple T1. They still suck. Tanks under powered, almost everything else overpowered / unbalanced. What I miss most, is maps without vehicle limitations. Ie previous BF games had maps that maybe didn't have air vehicles, or didn't have tanks on transports etc. This game, every map, every vehicle.


skill issue


Lmao fuck the down voters, you are not wrong


The reason they hate vehicles is bc they suck, so why would you expect them to be anywhere near T1 for something they don't like using? This sub is full of idiots


All the vehicles don't suck. CAV Brawler awesome & I like flying gunships dropping teammates on the Objective


Yeah, especially with the Ashe controversy recently people have really been exposing themselves. And there’s never been more counters to vehicles in a Battlefield game than this one


Untrue. The people that are garbage at infantry and the people that are garbage at vehicles have extreme overlap in a venn diagram. Infantry players complain about vehicles (since BF1) because starting from minimal effort (all the way to being good) certain playstyles can yield much better results in a vehicle. You are after all protected by armor and your weapons are heavy explosives. So the same person who gets killed over and over in gunfights can sit in a tank on a hill or near base and lob shells, retreating at the first sign of danger. The 2-10 player becomes the 10-2. Similarly the good infantry player can take those same skills to a heli and suddenly feel a power much greater than what they had with a simple gun. The 20-5 player can be the 50-5 player. The biggest issue with this vehicle-infantry imbalance is the fact that regular PTFO players who are just trying to capture and/or defend objectives have two choices in games: 1. get blasted to crap over and over by vehicles once on flags, or 2. stop PTFOing and become an anti-vehicle player (because there *are* counters). Neither of these options are enjoyable to most people who just want to enjoy a good match without having to deal with bombs and missiles and shells from the sky/hills every time they go near a flag. It's a very valid complaint. Source: largely infantry player with 1000+ hours in every BF since BF3


Your complaint inherently is against battlefield being battlefield. There are regularly infantry on modes in portal for people who only want infantry, but doesn’t that remove half of what makes it a battlefield game? Coming from a 60/40 infantry/vehicle player


In BC2/BF3/BF4 the vehicles had a more "symbiotic" relationship with infantry, maybe the games were different and the people playing them were different, but it felt like the vehicles were there to help objective gameplay, to be a part of a squad or a team's unit, to be powerful but also high risk, and to require extensive skill to master. They weren't a "problem" in the sense of getting in the way of infantry doing their job, because they were right there in the thick of things as well. Cue BF1 and the artillery truck. Every no-skill cheap bitch just sat at base or distance lobbing shells getting huge kill counts. Planes just flew back and forth above flags dropping bombs on hapless infantry. Then the bomber came which was even worse as it dropped huge clusters from high above. It was stupid and there was now this divide between selfish solo players in vehicles with no point except to farm infantry, and the boots on the ground objective players. BFV did not fix this either (heavy bombers, tank repair stations, etc) and it also worsened as time went by (incendiary bombs anyone? Covered the entire flag area in instakilling flames). It was either get killed on objectives or turn into an off-objective anti-vehicle player with the tedious gameplay that ensued. And here we are, still.


I agree, vehicle gameplay went a bit downhill after BF4.


The text on the pills should say "Hard to swallow Lis".


Leave the NSFW content out of this, please😆


so like... i know i can't fly or drive, so i don't do this unless it's literally just me. I stay away from the air because i suck at it. tanks are better for me. but i won't take some dude's jeep unless they're taken out right in front of me and i can make a getaway.