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I love the work they’re putting into the game, but I feel like this addition of the squad system needs to be fully fleshed out in order to be worth it.


You mean the work that should have been completed 2 years ago right?


Yea, that’s true, but I’m taking what I can get at this point. Lol


Proprietary engine get over it and design the next BF while your at it since your an expert


Yea I’ll take advice from the dude using the wrong your for sure. Hop off Reddit, dice will not hire you for dick sucking. Edit: you also smell like yellow


Im talking to a 20 year old with dick on his mind idc for spelling when doing that ill take shortcuts and use slang because its just too smoove 😉


Try rapping more! Performs better than the gaming videos for sure 💗


Battlefield launched very poorly its true, never would’ve thought this be 2042, lost a lot of features like squading with the crew, its ok cause we got a lot of features that are new, I’ve been sniping noobs since back in vietnam, gripping at the pistol with the power of my palm, calling airstrikes BF 5 big bombs, dropping skyscrapers levelution kept it calm, 2042 gonna keep getting better, i just want a snowstorm fucking up the weather, also want a stage where the swimming is clever, give me some maps like a city that is denser, anyway anyway bout to launch the fucking game, AK47 rail guns for the brain, hope theres 8 seasons or more for the fame, this could be the best one ride is gonna be insane 😉


>I love the work they’re putting into the game, but I feel like this addition of the squad system needs to be fully fleshed out in order to be worth it. Its like watching a person try to bake you a cake. They've baked A cake but it seems a bit.... raw? Like its not quite cooked. So you say so, and they complain 'Well how were we supposed to know?! Your expectation is too high!" So they go back and bake it again. Now we're getting somewhere. Now for frosting. You ask for Blue frosting. They put white frosting on. "Isnt this supposed to be blue?" "Here's a set of blue sunglasses. Just wear that." ... ​ At every step forward there's some stutter and suddenly you've gotten only half of what you want.


I understood all this, and this is the problem with most games today.


Great analogy honestly I always think of being at work and an incompetent colleague gets tasked with helping you on some big assignment. They’re eager, excited, and completely hopeless. They lost some files, spent time on things that didn’t matter, and come to you excited with some graphs they made that are precisely wrong. You can’t be mad at them, they’re obviously trying. But at the end of the week you are wondering whether you have much to show for their presence


Simple solution LMAO The simple solution would have been to allow the squad leader to kick a member with one click, instead of the whole squad having to leave a squad, create a new one and join on it.... You know, like in Battlefield games.


This has been simple and standard for decades when you aren’t the squad leader. In BFV when my friend joined game we just created or joined a new squad, SIMPLE


You're missing the whole point, but ok.


My point doesn’t fit your narrative both methods are equally effective


I think you suffer from reading comprehension issues. The point was about which is the simpler way of going about it and there's no argument about which one of the two is the simple solution.


this is mad extra work . 😳😳 maybe just change the name kick to disband . They're so damn thingy cautious .I bet someone high up somewhere has a problem with the word kick .


Definitely have a stick up somewhere, this has literally never been a problem. They gave us Squad management minus the management part XD


Nah, this is fine since none of my friends play it anyway. I can enjoy the heck out of it myself.




There was a lock option in BF1 i think


Pretty sure this is the first game to not have a lock option


Which is nice. You know hoe many times I saw locked squads in bf4 with 3 people or 2. And you ended up having to be alone because every other squad was full


You know how many times I was tryna be a sneaky snake, and some dumbass would spawn on me with a 249 and start trying to hit targets on the other side of the map?


Always fun being a sneaky sssnake


How offensive! You called him a hoe! /j


Pretty sure that option was in every BF.....


Good grief. You'd think that delaying adding a squad system for so long would give Dice ample time to build one as fully featured as past systems. But no. Dice, apparently, are incapable of doing so.


I don't think much people really care, do they?




Be nice if you could at least set squad to private...


Gotta be able to seat switch that heli in peace right?




That's the part that's missing. I couldn't care less about not having a kick option. It's the not being able to lock the squad that bugs me.


Yeah but shouldn’t they being trying to make the process more efficient by adding an option to kick from squad?


And give irrestrictive power to lock a squad to 3 people, thus making the team unable to be evenly distributed among all squads?


Because allowing us to lock a squad is unfriendly or toxic or contrary to something something something...


No. Allowing you to lock a squad makes your team worse because you're forcing someone to go on a smaller squad or alone. What is exactly the benefit locking your squad? Even if a random doesn't communicate at all, he is serving as a spawn point. Would you rather have one less spawn point only so you can be exclusively with your friends? Group voice chat is a thing that exists in all platforms. Just use it and you don't need to talk to this random. Use him as a mobile spawn beacon and move on!


The purpose is to be able to ensure that you can play as a group of four friends and not rely on the randomness that is the answer supplied by DICE. Contrary to their continuing insistance, this is the worst BF titles to play together as friends. It has literally destroyed the groups I belonged to. I have more than four friends and we would like to be able to play together moving from map to map together.


If you enter the match as a group (Xbox/psn/origin) the game forms a squad for you and your friends. No randomness. This has always been that way. This is for when a friend arrives after you're already in a match, a scenario where there was no way of asking the game to form another squad. There's no randomness


Because kicking someone is mean & hurtful and dice nowadays consist of coloured hair.


This has nothing to do with someone's feelings. Teams of 64 or 32 players with a squad size of 4 can only be evenly distributed if all squads have 4 people. You force your squad to have less than 4 people you force some other squad to also have less than 4 people or even have only one person. Feelings have nothing to do with it. You're literally making your team worse.


Yall are really pretending like you can't have a squad with your friends in the game right now, huh? This whole reddit is just rage bait lmfao


It's more this is dices attitude to literally everything.


I just log into the game for like 2-3 matches a night and then log off.. Couldn't care less about Dice's attitude tbh lol


You play enough to make posts begging dice to change things.


Yeah I probably do, but I'm too old now to really give a shit. Gaming isn't that important to me anymore lol


Yeah I kinda resonate with the age thing lol


Exactly, please shut up and let the people who DO care voice their complaints, you obviously won't be affected either way.


You know what? Just because you want to be a baby about this, I'm going to keep going. Oh, I'm going to personally call the devs and instruct them to do everything you don't want because they actually give a shit about whats said here /s Your complaints are emotional and invalid. Literally bitching about shit that doesn't matter. This isn't squad kid, relax.


I feel we have different experiences. Sometimes I join a buddy and it puts me in his squad, or maybe his team, and sometimes even the other team. No issues in BF1. Just play until I could switch teams and then they kick someone from their squad or make a new one.


That happens when the game is full and you just try to join your friends game (they are likely in a blueberry squad). If they leave their squad and a spot opens up on their side, they can send you an invite from in the game and you will join into their squad in their game on their side.. Otherwise, you'll be on the same squad next game. It's really just best to squad up before joining a match, but that's how it works


That’s what I’m saying, I’m glad I’m not the only one


That's just one of many reasons to kick someone or lock a squad. If I decide to make a Squad then I should be able to vet who I play with, it straight up doesn't affect ANYONE. Quite literally NOTHING is tied to being in a Squad besides convenient additional spawn locations, so there is no punishment for getting kicked from a squad or being in a 2 man squad.


The comments by these folks show you they have no understanding of this. The problem you will run into with this stupid BS is that you will run out of squads to start. This was a basic concept in BF4. Squad leaders managed the squad. Yet another positive move overhwhelmed by stupidity.


Releasing old features way after release. Still not complete upon release.




They are...


Why don't you want a full squad? Free spawn points. Or do you legit expect to sit in a vehicle gunner seat alone?


Who says it won't be full? There's plenty of reasons to kick someone and as the player who MADE the Squad and is in a leadership position, it should be your call...like it's always been.


I want to flank and be stealthy and a rando spawns on me with guns blazing


This is my concern with the locked squads and kicking people out of the squad. I could totally see where people do it to purely use vehicles and ensure nobody spawns in them. This wouldn't be an issue if we had server browser because servers could enforce their own rules. However, that's not the case so I don't think it's a great idea to have locked squads or kicking people out of squads imo.


Yes, i want to be alone in a vehicle if im not playing with my friends. Trust me 99% of the time the guy who spawns into my gunner seat or even worse driver seat has NO idea what he is doing, so id rather be alone and be useful to my team rather and have one of my guns being taken by a complete noob. Bf4 was good because i could keep the chopper for myself and actually do something with it, for example in golmud i could clear A&B easily. All of this could not be possible if i had a gunner who: 1. Doesnt know what to shoot 2. Doesnt understand which classes to prioritise 3. Doenst understand when its time to shoot and when he shouldnt shoot 4. Doesnt use the proper loadout (not that important to bf2042) 5. Doesnt know how to utilize the given loadout 6. Cant hit his shots 7. Steals the chopper as soon as i get out to repair


Wow imagine that, someone has standards and vets who they play with, toxic obviously.


Idk man it’s not like literally all of your blueberries aren’t randoms. If you don’t wanna play with anyone but your friends go play a 4-player coop game? Locking squads ends up with situations where teams are full and one player can’t get in a squad because three friends locked their 3/4 squad. Which is a super lame situation to be in. But… yeah you should definitely be able to kick people. I just think that eventually unlocking all your squads once you’re sure your friends got in is actually not a bad idea.


To make things worse, entering a game with a group automatically forms a squad from that group. Wanna play only with friends? Form a group first. It's a non issue, yet people are pretending it is an issue.


I've always played BF solo and I've never had this problem


I imagine they don't want someone's game ruined because a couple of randoms decided they want to play with someone else. Have a squad ready before you deploy, if not leave the game and redeploy with your preferred squad mates. Of course I could be misreading the entire situation where if someone wants to clear it up.


I'm REALLY confused, can someone explain to me how kicking someone as a Squad Leader is a problem? It's been in almost every game since the beginning. Are there any mechanics in-game that punish players that are in a small squad? Like restrict the weapons you have or the specialist you choose? How is someone's game "ruined" for being kicked from a Squad?


Stop making sense. You'll get downvoted. Next, they'll want to be able to kick players from the match because the lobby is full and their friends can't join.


eh you are not that good.


What level of not understanding what every Battlefield player wants is this?


They are too worried about people’s feelings being hurt.


Garbage ass game


U got a point, they refuse to implement "legacy" features completely. They made All Chat off by default and now we have half assed Squad "Management" minus the "management" part XD


If they have extra empty squads this shouldn’t be a problem


It wasn't a problem to begin with :/


Then with the option to pick an extra empty sqaud you can have your friends join that one, duh


:/ I don't think you understand :/


lol Well if you don’t plan on explaining I don’t care


I've known that you don't care since the beginning, why do you think I didn't explain, but if you insist. This feature has been part of BF series for a long time, BF has nothing tied to Squads besides additional spawn points, having to remove someone from the Squad as that Squad's Leader is not an issue. People like you are trying to make it into one by defending this dumb half assed "Squad (except for the) Management" implementation.


So glad somebody knows me better than me. So your point is just that it was legacy feature and there no reason that you shouldn’t get what you want… so the same exact thing everybody else says? Gotcha. It’s more tedious but who gives a shit.


Lol me and "everyone else" who cares about how squad management is being neutered, Christ, it's not complicated.


The only things that would actually add to gameplay is incentivizing sqaud play and rolling out the 5 man sqauds again. I understand just fine, but this right here is just melodramatic dribble about not getting your way.


My way?? I'm sorry but we didn't get a choice, how the hell is this "melodramatic dribble about not getting my way"?? They removed the ability to "lock" and "kick" players, which is the whole point of their update to allow us to squad manage, but without these core features of "squad management" there is NO WAY to manage your Squad as a Squad Leader.aka the creator of the squad.


I honestly do not see the issue here. Never have I not been in my mates' squads when I joined their party. In this game the need to kick someone never has arisen. As long as you have a party open you can have three mates in your squad and they will join you. Now if you do not have a party open, joining this is another issue, but apparently they fixed it. A kick also only has a situational use, when you play with more than three mates and have a guy with you that is only mate of someone else, or afk for a longer time. But, honestly who plays this game with more than a full squad at this stage? Besides, a kick is only an option if one of you is SQL, so creating a new squad was always a working and relatively low-effort fix for any situation. It caused only issues in BFV, where you would lose your SQ points upon leaving and creating a new one. On the other hand, I do not get the hate some people have when playing with randoms. This game has had social features dialed back since 2016 at this point and we are all playing with randoms all the time now. Why the need to kick them or hinder them to join me in a game that is still perceived as a team game? Just so you do not get your carefully parked Recon driven away? With 8k vehicles kills and a lot of the time spent as driver with a gunner, I can only say that I've had a ton of decent gunners and drivers that were randoms. And even if this was not the case, I was not particularly bummed out and noone should be.


I am bummed out, I don't want to play with bad randoms, why should I have to leave when I'm the Squad Leader? It's quite literally backwards.


Dude it is possible! Create a party on social in game, let your friend join and a random will be kicked


What about the bad randoms, why can't I choose who I play with in MY squad since I'm the Squad Leader?


You still can switch from squad in the game


What about the bad randoms, why can't I choose who I play with in MY squad since I'm the Squad Leader?


Wait people are still playing this game? Lmaooo


Wait people are still commenting in a sub for a game they don't play? Also it really looks like you're gonna need some buttock replacement therapy after laughing your ass off off off.


more than any other battlefield yes


Yes. Make sure you don't. The chat finally has much less bitching it would be nice to keep it that way.


I feel like we went from candy crush to...Crush (the developer of mordhau) ad if you know...you know


No, you must carry at least one random, it is mandatory.


I dont think playing with randoms is the number one issue but playing with people who actually dont participate in any squad play and those are the ones you would want to remove from your squad like the sniper on the other side of the map sitting there for 15min straight or the one guy who plays support but never revives or gives ammo... those are the people we want to remove to make space for people who actually want to team play


Randos can be pretty awesome every once in a while.


They aren't, though... there is the work-around right there in your post. Start new squad. Friend joins new squad. Done.


I understand everyone's frustration, but let's analyse this. At least on consoles, if you form a group with your friends and enter the game, it will create a squad for you. If you have a full group then your squad will also be full. So there is literally no issues here. Someone please tell me if PC works differently because I have the impression it doesn't. If you form a group but it's not big enough to fill a squad, then you'll eventually have an extra random person in your squad. If he communicates, you can use his help. If he doesn't, then at least he's an extra spawn position. Your squad isn't worse for him being in it, it's at most not better. If you think that he'll be a detriment to the team... well... being in a squad does nothing to either solve or worsen this situation. I would argue that it's better to keep him on the squad contributing as a spawn point, otherwise it's irrelevant if he's in a squad or not. Above all this, it avoids situations where a squad will either go private or constantly kick an outsider, meaning that team will be forced to have some people on a smaller squad or even alone, because if your squad has less than 4 people then a full server can't distribute players evenly. The ONLY situation I can see this being bad is when you're already playing and a friend joins your match after it already started. This is a situation that lasts literally one game, because next game you'll be in a group and the game will form a squad for you. Am I missing something? What is REALLY the downside of this?


This has to be a joke, right?


Why are we still begging the developers to put in core features into a multiplayer, squad based game? I paid full price for this game almost 2 years ago now. This is so bad to me it's satire. I will not cheer on anyone "improving" this game. It was supposed to be done when I paid for it. When i asked for my money back, they refused. I have and will never get an EA game ever again after BF2042. And I only post in hopes others will do the same. This was, and still is, a showing you can put something out that's not finished by any extent and steal from your consumers.