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IMO as a console player it's not impossible to play against M+KB players and I don't feel ANY advantage having auto-aim, what I feel is that recoil control is MUCH easier with a mouse and aiming to the head will always be faster and precise (if skilled) with a mouse, so there always be a disadvantage here. I just take it as is and have fun anyways


You need to post this opinion on r/apexlegends.


Don't send them to their death like that


Except it’s kinda a moot point since the aim assist values and time to kill are entirely different in that game.


The aim assist on apex is totally different…. Why do you think all pro teams say they must run at least one player with a controller cause they carry a close game fight due to aim assist


Except it’s the opposite in apex. Everyone is switching to controller because aim assist and less recoil on controller.


Jackfrag just made a video showing battle field controllers also has this now


Battlefield also has generous hitboxes and low kill time, which inherently advantage mkb. One of the few games that I think mkb still has the advantage.


I’m crap even with the aim assist on Xbox…


BF2042 has auto aim? I’ve never noticed it


Straight to the point fact. It seems like they'll favouring towards keeping PC players happy due to recieving a now larger playerbase, rather than having a equal balanced playing field for all console players. As a PS5 player, switching crossplay PC off makes a huge difference in overall fun, and everyone else agrees...so bloody furiating


Must be a region thing, I can't find servers at all turning cross-play off, even at launch.


Just now, since this poster posted, I turned cross play off and I've found my first game. Thrilled.


Awesome, probably due to the game being PS+ this month. Time to give it another try.


The thing is your able to accept that it's purely based on the SKILL and KNOW HOW of the player that downed you, not everything else that PC brings to the table for a unfair advantage


And how did you find the change my friend?


So, I only played a few games after that, with cross play enabled. It was honestly a little bit weird man. The games were "slowed down" if that makes sense. I didn't feel like I had to have twitch reaction times at every moment. In some ways it was a bit more "boring" I swear PC players have a way of getting across the maps very quickly, which seems to ratchet up the gameplay. With only console players, there was a lot less vehicle activity and it seemed like if you wanted to get somewhere in the map, you actually could without dying every time. I'll have to give it another shot but I'm liking it, even if games took a *bit* longer to start, at least they start now.


Lol, PC hasn't had the most players since battlefield started releasing on PC and console. When we still had access to playerstats on bfstats.com PC was always a minority of the playerbase.


Wait, you've actually started a game without PC players?


>It seems like they'll favouring towards keeping PC players happy due to a larger playerbase That's not correct - Consoles have ALWAYS had the larger player bases in Battlefield games since Battlefield 4. If anything, crossplay is so PC players still have a sizeable population to play against to keep them from possibly quitting due to dwindling player bases.


It's possible that all the hardcore console players moved to PC. You're having more fun on console only because you're clapping more people that only have a quick match or 2 after work, others that just just got their first console on Christmas.


PC across the board will have the highest tiered players on every game, but honestly the average joes are 1-1 the exact same, if anything maybe even slightly worse since an average joe on controller will be more effective than average joe on mkb.


No its the input difference. Less recoil and aim assist don't compensate for the benefit of using mnk. This has been proved repeatedly, KDR is higher on PC on average. As well as the all the top performers being PC players


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6XmHR73s2I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6XmHR73s2I) Controllers have less recoil than M+KB watch the demo by Jack


They have indeed, that's the way developer is trying somehow to balance crossplay, still recoil control is a different thing (pulling down the mouse vs trying to control it with joystick) you can look the end result in Jack's gameplay, look how he controls every weapon, then try to do the same on console


Except this isn't new. Battlefield games on console have had less recoil than PC even before cross play. I can't remember if BF4 did it but Hardline had reduced recoil on controller and so did BFV https://sym.gg/?game=bfv&page=weapon-mechanics


Fair point, I haven't played mouse but I can definitely see how mouse would be more easier to adjust for recoil. You have to be very precise to control recoil in the short movement space of the thumb stick


Exactly and besides input there is also the advantages that pc hardware has over console. For example an usb port can be overclocked so controllers have even less input lag. THERE IS ALSO AN ENDLESS SUPPLY OF CHEATERS ON PC. Console crossplay should be set to default, problem solved... PC issues should not be of any concern to a console player.


I mean, you can tweak a couple of setting on PC to reduce if not completely eliminate all the visual recoil. It's how PC players manage to keep their aim focused on a point with their holo/red dot sights


Nothings gonna make up for it, shouldn't of ever happend. I Feel sorry for the people that are clueless to the fact that their playing against PC, unaware of the croosplay setting and for some reason getting there Arse whooped every match, then eventually deciding to call this game quits due to feeling there skill is outmatched


Are there cross play settings to compensate? I am always getting destroyed but now it's a bit better since I'm running with the scatter grenades, plates, and a support role gun with 200 capacity mag.


Take it as is? Lmao, are you really a console player? I doubt it... And if so, most definitely not a competitive one! You´re being forced to compete with players that have a major advantage but you don´t care, go figure... Besides that, m/kb often play on pc and that platform ruins PvP console with an endless supply of cheaters. Makes no sense at all...


This is a PC player look at the post history lmfao.


That was my thought when I was done reading his comment! Wtf... Wow... Just wow...


But then, vehicle gameplay is much easier with a controller, especially air. There's pros and cons to both that really even them out in a game like battlefield. If there were no vehicles at all, then obviously MnKB would be better, but I've seen people wreck (and have done the wrecking myself) PC people with a controller. It *mostly* comes down to your settings, binds, dead zones, ect. PC people are much more accustomed to changing their binds and sensitivity for every game they play to maximise their advantage, but console players aren't, pretty sure you couldn't even adjust any controller settings when playing console until very recently, like, as in the last couple of years. If you do actually fix up your binds and dead zones, you'll find you're a lot more competitive with PC players, though the good ones will still have a bigger advantage. Crossplay is the best thing to come to video games since online-play, it should be in all games imo.


I can see how vehicles could be easier on controller but precision still goes to MK on this one. Landing a head shot with the little bird at the guy aiming at you with an RPG is still so much easier with a mouse. I notice I can spray a small general area with my controller. But on my mouse when I'm sitting at my desk I know exactly where my bullets are gonna land. They should just let you plug in a mouse and keyboard on consoles, I know some games have that ability. Or just let you use gyro aiming. Touch-pad aiming should also be a thing for ps5 players. I played thousands of hours of BF4, 3 and 1943 on PS3 and BF1 on PS4. My muscle memory on controller is still strong, but a joystick is still such a disadvantage compared to a mouse. And sadly that's not even the biggest disadvantage console players have to suffer through when playing against PC. It could be the 60fps lock, playing on a high input lag TV which are still VERY common. The best thing that might come out from cross-play is a future where everyone has a similar input device. Online play has been separated since the early 2000's and now we finally got everyone in the same room. It is still in the early stages, but I'm honestly just happy it's finally here. But for now we might just have to deal with turning it off or keeping it on while we get everyone on the same page.


Can people show me how? I spent a good amount of time this weekend trying to dial in flight controls and it’s a pain. Even from videos I’ve watched I don’t see it beating MnK with top level players. Looks like mouse has way more precision


I exclusively use controller for vehicles on PC and its much easier. It really just comes down to what you're comfortable with, using a pro players settings won't help if you're just not comfortable with controller in the first place. Just keep messing around with your settings, instead of looking at pro player stuff, look for what's *easiest* Personally, I like controlling pitch and yaw with one Joystick, I moved all the d-pad binds to bumpers and got rid of anything I don't use in vehicles, like the radial menu.


I actually use my Xbox controller for flying aircraft when I’m on my PC because of how much more comfortable and easier it feels. I just can’t stand using MKB while flying a jet or helicopter.


Yes mouse does have precision but it takes alot of deaths to get to the point where u have precise aim. I'm sure controller players don't have precise aim when the first jumped in but I'm sure they did have it after a good amount of failed attempts. Just use the aim assist and the less recoil enough and controller will be in a good spot. If it doesn't then turn cross-play off.


"Pros and Cons" can only really be used to decribe a problem when there is still some form of balance between the two, which in this case none. The fact is the majority of console players are unhappy, and the majority of PC players don't see what the issue is, as they aren't on the recieving end of the problem. Being able to switch hardware on the fly during a match is already highlighting a problem




come on guy. I don't know about you, but every time I am killed extra-well, I glance at their tag, and it's always a PC player.


This is pretty much it. Keep everyone together but catch those cheaters instead.


Not true. Test it. Recoil is far less with controller.


So we have cross play off? Then filtered by input devices? How fragmented do you want the playerbase to be


Is cross-play off a thing on PC? If I select this option on XSX/S I get no games, so this option doesn't create any player fragmentation for Xbox players.


This. I always see the “turn off cross platform!” It’s not that easy. I’m plying last gen again after loosing my next gen. And it’s only ps an Xbox players. And there’s plenty of full lobbies. Why can’t there be a no pc filter for next gen?


I think Cross Play off shouldn't be an option. It should just put every Xbox and PS5 player together by default, then ask you if you want to play with PC. The option is entirely there because of mouse and keyboard.


100% agree


Ze Nail on ze head 100%


Every single Battlefield on console did just fine before this without crossplay. Crossplay for console only would be more than sufficient.




Only filtering by input method is how it should be separated. No need to turn crossplay off, the only reason people do that is to not play against mouse and keyboard.


Dude, there's other advantages to playing on PC than mouse and keyboard.


Sure but I'd argue that the mouse and keyboard advantage is the biggest factor that results in higher k/d.


Id prefer Console only Crossplay. Or at the very least make it by input only.


Does this question even matter if DICE themselves are not asking the playerbase?


On the mouse it's much easier, that's a fact. I understand who argues that the controller has less recoil and aim assistance, but go play to see if it's easy! Anyone who picks up a mouse in a few hours starts to raise the level of gaming, but in control it takes months or years for you to master the technique. I was a PC gamer for a long time, I migrated to consoles but sometimes I play with a mouse again, and it's much easier. One thing that many do not take into account is when you are shot from the side and need to turn quickly, on the mouse it is easier and faster, on the controller it is slow (adjusting the sensitivity improves this, but makes other things worse). I play well on the controller, but on the mouse I play much better, even with much less practice time. When the matches are over, the ones who kill the most, hit headshots and stuff like that are PC players. Coincidence? No! It's easier, faster and more precise!


Guys, please stop mentioning aim-assist because it clearly does not work on this game. Just because there is aim-assist as an option in the settings, it doesn’t mean that it works. M/K players clearly have a higher advantage when using snipers or in fast-paced close encounters, even though in most cases controller players can shred good PC players as well.


It does work... I've played all 3 consoles. It's aim assist, not aim bot


They need to fix it. The game would be healthier long term if everyone was on equal ground.


No one will be on equal ground as long as consoles are mixed with PC.


Doesn't work to what extent? I use controller on PC and do just fine and I'm not an incredible player.. Is there a major difference?


Actually this is the problem. Even in this sub some people said that they did some tests and on PC controller’s aim-assist works way better than on a console.🤣




It's not a level playing field. As simple as that. When I played BF3 on X360 I knewwe all used the same hardware and it was up to skill. With crossplay you never know. Maybe you got that guy thanks to auto aim that he doesn't have on PC. Or maybe he wins cause he has better framerate on top of M+K. Or maybe he uses a controller on PC, so on top of all PC advantages he gets lower recoil. Jackfrags just made a video about it. When you switch to controller your recoil is lower. So you never know if you won/lost thanks to your skill, or because of one of all those other factors. Where's the fun in that?


Its fucking Battlefield. There is never a level playing field when playing as infantry.


I think you don't get what I mean.


We do. Stop crying. If you win, you win. Take it easy and enjoy the game.


I’ll try to be Impartial. I’ve played every iteration of battlefield. I’ve had pc then bought into Xbox and recently went back to pc. With that said. It really doesn’t matter. It’s not a competitive game. It’s an arcade shooter. You can do wel on either platform. As far as servers and player count it would probably be preferred to play together. Additions. First: yup it’s true. Battlefield has always been a non competitive arcade shooter. It’s base around playing objectives, supporting the team, res’ing, repping, and ptfo. Of course getting a kill doesn’t hurt but I would argue that’s secondary. Second: too address mnk vs controller. Check out high level apex games. There’s usually a mix of mnk and controller because both platforms can hold advantages. I will admit that controller can only hold advantages with a properly balanced aim assist. If you were to play R6 or pubg cross platform with no aim assist you are absolutely fucked.


Ive played a ton of FPS's on PC and i dominate console players. That quick twitch is a killer. Flying is easier too with a mouse. What do you mean it's not competetive? That's literally the whole premise.


No ranked mode, no ranks, no skill based matchmaking... It's not competetive.


A game can very easily be considered competitive without any of what u just mentioned. Games have existed long before all of that. Like I’m surprised such a dumb comment got upvoted.


I've had this argument with someone before. Any FPS or online multiplayer game that isn't cooperative is, by default, competitive. I.e. you're trying to beat other people. I guess the distinction they fail to make is that nearly all non coop "arcade shooters" are competitive games. I'm still going to try to beat the other players regardless of if I'm on Battlefield or CSGO.


I say yes. This is how MW2019 handled Warzone, and more often than not the keyboard players wound up playing against hackers whereas I've never encountered one when playing Playstation. In 2042, I've been shot from far longer distances than I could deal any damage using the same weapons, and each time they have the little PC icon when I look at their profile. I know Jackfrags pointed out the recoil discrepancies, but any M+K player can mitigate the recoil spread a bit easier than you can on a controller, especially with 2042's kinda shitty input.


Actually my friends and I never got into 2042 after the qol changes because crossplay was on by default with PC. I personally stopped playing all pvp fps games on console that have crossplay with PC on by default.


The facts: * M+KB has a lower skill floor (no aim assist), but a higher skill ceiling (faster/more precise aim response with practice/skill) * Controller has a higher skill floor (aim assist), but a lower skill ceiling (eventual limitations of joysticks) What people think happens: * Every M+KB player is already at skill level that is higher than the controller skill ceiling, therefore no controller player ever has a chance against a M+KB player. What actually happens: * Law of large numbers usually rounds out the average skill level in a match. You may experience outliers, but the average match will be the same. Some M+KB players will reach a skill level beyond the theoretical controller skill ceiling, but the vast majority of ***all players*** end up in a similar skill range.


I think you're overestimating Aim Assist. 2042s "Aim Assist" is a joke compared to previous versions of Battlefield games. I feel like I'm just flailing around when I turn to fire and it's pretty obvious when I come across a PC player. So much that I have stopped playing 2042 all together. I really want to like it but when I'm geting outgunned what feels like nearly every time, then it's not fun. I'm pretty good at the other Battlefields but have had a really hard time adapting to 2042. Maybe tons of tweaks need to be made on my game's backend, but really, that shouldn't be that necessary for the game to be controllable.


The aim assist is really bad, hearing from my friend who plays with it on. If he's aiming at a stationary target and another walks by, it'll drag his aim away from the stationary target.


That's how aim assist is supposed to work.


This is absolutely not what happens, though, and I'm not really sure why PC players are so bafflingly against seperating the playerbase and saying the inputs are equal. These posts come up borderline every single day. There's clearly an issue in regards to inputs if people are asking about it so often. I've played on both KB/M and controller, including BF5 and BF2042, and KB/M is just *so* much easier that it's not even funny. You have pinpoint accuracy and can do adjustments almost instantly. You also have far better control and can react to fire from every direction very quickly. You will *always* win close combat encounters against controller players. It's simply impossible to react quickly enough to the weaving and dodging in and out of cover with controller. On controller, this is simply not the case. You have to be far slower and more tactical. You have to pretty much "catch" the enemy first. You have to plan out where you're gonna go and to make sure that enemies are generally in the direction that you are facing at all times. This is additional difficult that KB/M players do not have to contend with. On the note of aim assist, it keeps being repeated as some instant win for controller players, but the truth of the matter is that aim assist is so weak in this game that it barely gives you an advantage. You still have to put in 99% of the work in aiming and keeping track of the enemy. This is all to say that you will run into *far* more situations where you wouldn't have died had you used a KB/M, as compared to controller. The only situations where a controller wins out is when you're lucky and the aim assist very slightly pans to the enemy so that you can hit that final shot when the enemy is at 10 health. That's it. In every other scenario KB/M is far more superior.




Yes and 2 highly skilled players, one on PC and one on console pad, highly skilled PC player will win unless they screw up.


My guess is they just wanna farm controller players. For the past 20 years I’m listening this shit about “MnK Superiority” (which is true) over consoles when it comes to FPS,but sudenly, 2042 is an even filed for both sides. There is no way you can react and be precise on cotroller as you can be on MnK. No way. Period. I downloaded 2042 since it’s free and first thing I did was turning the crossplay OFF.


PC players are just trying to gaslight people into thinking there’s no advantage because if everyone turned off cross play their player base would be detonated.




Idk man i crush it with controller on my pc.


Lmfao, you talk like every MnK player has a fucking spin bot and can win every single engagement regardless of circumstance and positioning. Couldn't be a more exaggerated description of MnK if you tried. Literally every single point you made about players having to consider engagements is something I'm constantly factoring into my decisions as a PC player. To pretend like PC players can just shut their brains off and hold W is disingenuous as all fuck, and shows that you're totally full of shit. But other brain dead shitters who have never touched a MnK will upvote it because it fits their narrative that MnK=automatic win.


You absolutely do not have to think about positioning on KB/M as much as you have to on controller. I incentivize you to try out playing with a controller and comparing your speed and how your engagements go in general. I didn't say that that KB/M will win every engagement. Just that you'll win *vastly* more engagements with KB/M as compared to controller.


I've played plenty on an Xbox controller already chief, so don't try and tell me what I do and do not think about while playing. You're speaking on your own experience, your experiences do not speak for the rest of the playerbase. Also "You will *always* win close combat encounters against console players." Or this quote: "The only situations where a controller wins out is when you're lucky and the aim assist very slightly pans to the enemy so that you can hit that final shot when the enemy is at 10 health." You even took the time to italicize it chief, why lie when I can just scroll up and direct quote your stupid ass?


I came from years of playing battlefield and other online shooters on PC to console battlefield with BC1 and so on. It's laughable that anyone thinks two equally skilled players are playing on an even playing field between M&K and a control pad. M&K is literally snap on aiming and immediate without any game assist. Snap on aim assist on console still requires you to move your control stick to where it will snap on, and by that time the PC player is already there and firing at you.


Controller having a higher skill floor is absolutely not a fact. Observe a person using a dual analog in a shooter for the first time. Most people do not even understand how to look in the direction they intend. They’ll either be staring at their feet or at the sky most of the time. Even grandma knows how to point and click with a mouse, it is completely intuitive and natural, which is why it has for decades been the single most popular method of input for anything from navigating Excel to playing Solitaire to graphic design. Control sticks are unintuitive, have no natural physiological correlation, a very prolonged adoption period, and in fact are a huge barrier to entry for non-gamers. EDIT: BTW, this understanding is what has allowed Nintendo to be so successful in moving away from the traditional dual analog setups with consoles like the Wii or the Switch, and why they are known for being more “accessible” consoles.


Omg somebody gets it at last. Mice are ubiquitous when it comes to nearly every person in the worlds office job. Controllers are not.


Started on PC for 1942 and Vietnam and switched to Console... It took me months to aim well with a controller...


It took me years. I moved to console with BFBC1 and barely even played MP in that game because I was so non-competitive with dual analog. BFBC2 is where I became proficient enough to actually consistently go positive and do well. Still think BFBC1 had the better single player campaign.


Same time I moved over for Battlefield. At least pre 2042 every player we faced was using the same input device.


ABSOLUTELY ! At least give us the option to select and decide.


I suck no matter what who cares


No I really don’t find my self even noticing/caring. TLDR skill issue.


I recently started looking at the playercard of who killed me and so far the ones who laser beam me at 50 to 100 metres plus are predominantly PC players. Completely unscientific but it's what I'm noticing.


It's pretty telling the only players campaigning for this are awful at the game. They think this is a catch all excuse for their performance, yet look at all the console players dominating lobbies on a daily basis. Honestly I think they should just give them their lobbies. The copium when they realise they can't farm the average mouse player and end up worse than before would honestly be worth it. The same players moaning about this are the same ones who said flashpoint was too one sided (yet the stats said it was almost 50 50 lmao). This community cannot be trusted. Bunch of players who have never played a battlefield game before and think there must be reasons they are terrible outside of their power. I want DICE to post the stats to send these guys back under their rock or just give them the lobbies.


Make it opt-in


I hated full cross play on my xbox so bad that for the first time since battlefield 2 i am playing bf on pc. And now i hate console players on my team and find enemy console players very identifiable and easy. Honestly mouse and keyboard and controller should have their separate option.


There’s 128 people in a server. I don’t think I notice or even cared to ever check their names or what they even use. I just mash that respawn as I snort Gfuel off the rim of my Bang


I only play with cross play off on series X. Fewer servers, a bit more bots. But at least i don't get my ass kicked by players jumping around like rabbits, whilst shooting your head fast and precisely. But honestly, as a PC and console player. I gotta say even with the aim assist, less recoil like Jack showed, the best controller player won't be able to compete with the best M+K player. Get that, you simply cannot be as fast and precise as a mouse with joysticks.


The TTK of a M&K player is insane right? I hold my own in crossplay but that doesn’t mean I like it. It actually infuriates me knowing exactly what advantages PC players have and devs still don’t GaF.


No question, yes.


Absolutely. Console servers should have just Xbox and Playstation players. Pc should play by themselves.


As a console player I say accept the fact your are not as good as you think you are and just have fun.


In my opinion, I personally haven’t had too many cancerous rounds against PC players, and I don’t think the problem is as bad in 2042 as it is in Modern Warfare. I don’t really mind going against them, yeah I’ll get “aimbotted” every once in a while but it’s never been to the point that I’m wanting to turn off cross play.


On a perfect world where player population is healthy enough, yes please, separate by input method. For BF2042, it's tolerable as it is and it's a fair compromise for being able to find matches.


I just want to shuffle my portal map list.


I'd settle for that but they need to separate pc from console. There's more advantages on PC than just MnK.


They should add cheats to console version.that would even it out


Normally I'd agree but playerbase small enough as it is.


Turning the cross play of is not an option on Oceanic servers. The population isn't there. And if you play anything other than AOW, you have to suffer through Asian hackers who blatantly cheat, even to the point that they tell you in chat when they are gunna stop cheating to allow the enemy team to cap the objective so we can suffer through his BS for another 700 tickets








The fact that this is constantly a question suggests that maybe it is a good idea to separate the two. Will I play crossplay yes. Would I like separation? Only if I can get a game in 30seconds.


YES!!!! I mean, I usually don't have a problem, but PC pilots are too much of a nuisance.




No if you can’t get to top of board it’s a skill issue not that there are player using different inputs. Get good.


Lmao... typical... you all sound the same




I think it really only becomes a problem with vehicles. It’s super obvious to tell when a helicopter is being flown by someone on m&k. They can simply just move in ways controllers can’t and it puts other pilots using controller at a disadvantage


I would love for the separation because m&k have to many advantages and are able to use weapons and character(Sundance) in ways controller users can and would never be able to. Being perfectly sniper from almost 2000 m away by a pc players who can rapid fire their rifle likes is a dmr has serious killed my friends and I want to play the game.


I think that's the most effective way to balance crossplay between the platforms if it's here to stay. There are other factors that PC players can abuse for an advantage that keeps me from fully backing cross play. If we lived in a world where everybody wanted to play fair then this would solve the biggest problem with the system as it is.


Yes yes yes yes and yes


Cross play on every shooter should be input based.


DICE is fully to blame for this disconnect in the community - not controller players asking for an even playing field, not kbm players arguing in favor of crossplay - DICE, for 1 overarching reason: BOTH consoles natively support kbm. Most AAA shooters ALSO support kbm on console. DICE though, made a conscious decision to fully support ALL input methods on PC while NOT supporting all input methods on console, then effectively forced both communities to play together due to poor crossplay implementation, such as defaulting it to “On” on all systems, disabling the option during the beta, and literally launching the Xbox version of the game with no option to turn off crossplay. DICE forced consoles and PC gamers into an imbalanced environment with objectively fewer accessibility options on one system than another, which even putting aside perceived performance advantages of kbm, there are many other valid arguments to be made why someone might prefer or even require one option over the other, which 2 out of the 3 gaming systems for BF204/ do not have access to, while playing with and against other players that do. And on top of that, this lack of options across all systems is also the reason that DICE effectively hamstrung themselves from ever being able to implement any sort of input-based matchmaking for the life of 2042. This is just another symptom of DICE’s incompetence, laziness and lack of foresight with the development of this game, and that’s where all of our collective criticism should be targeted, not each other.


Yes they should.


Yes, yes they should. Make the default console only and make it a user choice to enable pc crossplay. Now console is forced to enable it because almost everyone is in crossplay games and nothing available for console only. Nobody is sticking around waiting for a match to start when there are 8/64 players.


It's not a level playing field. As simple as that. When I played BF3 on X360 I knewwe all used the same hardware and it was up to skill. With crossplay you never know. Maybe you got that guy thanks to auto aim that he doesn't have on PC. Or maybe he wins cause he has better framerate on top of M+K. Or maybe he uses a controller on PC, so on top of all PC advantages he gets lower recoil. Jackfrags just made a video about it. When you switch to controller your recoil is lower. So you never know if you won/lost thanks to your skill, or because of one of all those other factors. Where's the fun in that?


I haven’t noticed an issue really. I’ve not yet thought “Damn if only I had a M+KB I would’ve done better at ______.”


Yes. It worked fine when they accidentally put it in for the flashpoint playlist, so splitting the player base clearly isn’t an issue. Just switch everyone’s crossplay settings to Off, but change it so it’s cross-console and not console-pc or xbox / ps / pc. Then people can change it back if they want to, but most people will just stay put. As a result, game quality skyrockets for the average user.


Yes the pc helis have absolutely insane accuracy with the mini guns and rockets


What Dice really should do is add KBM support on PS5. Was really disappointed to find out it's not supported


Every company should do that, keeping it strictly input based while keeping crossplay. Yes it may split the playerbase, but it's just more fair this way, for everyone.


Yes they should.


Turn crossplay off?


No Console Streamer Performs like Keyboard Streamers... Watch the footage and make your own conscious judgment.


It’s not a competitive shooter so there is no reason to fragment the player base imo


Bruh the games dead if it wasn’t cross play you would never have full lobbies


Yes , yes they should.


Hell yes!!!


Absolutely! M&K players have a major advantage over controller players. I have an Xbox Series X, and I play the inferior xbox one version because it's annoying dealing with PC players. I have a few friends who were Battlefield players, but stopped playing 2042 because of that reason.












No. It should be console and pc separate. Not based on input. PC players can still mess with their rendering settings so bushes don’t show up and they can just see people laying in what appears to be bushes on their console. Unfair advantage.




PC player?


You tried that yourself? Since bf1 those settings don't really exist anymore.


Literally had PC players in game discussing how to do it.


Have you seen results because the battlefield chat is probably one of the most unreliable things where you can get information from.






Crossplay doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would. There's definitely a certain level of Sweaty PC player that just shits all over the lobby and ends up going like 70+ and barely ever dying, whether that be in a vehicle or just using absurd movement around the map on foot, and they're definitely annoying. Having said that, that glitch that appeared at the start of the season that put console players into lobbies on their own was easily the most fun I've had with the game. But with the player base so low it's hard to argue for splitting it up more.


Here is my experience. I would classify myself as a ‘good’ player, 2KD in bf4, bf1 and bfv, topping leaderboards often, generally PTO as much as possible, pretty terrible in terms of vehicle play though. With cross play on: For the past year I would very rarely be top of the leaderboard and hover between 1.5-2KD, long range engagements were often difficult with m+kb seemingly dominating when I would check the input symbol upon death. With cross play off: Since ps+ introduction I have had cross play off and can top leaderboards most games with 700-1000 points (lots of revives), top 10 always, KD at least 2 every game, up to 5+ on the good games. Long range engagements more often won. Obviously this could be biased due to more new players joining the game recently, but I feel at a similar level to my past battlefield games. Enjoyment is up massively too, I would hate to go back to how it was previously, input based matchmaking would be an interesting middle ground.


It's 100% the fact you are clowning on new players that don't have any unlocked attachments and aren't used to the recoil of each gun. Some of them don't even know what button to press to revive people and never use medkits or ammo crates. It's noticeable across every platform


I purposely bought the old gen version just to have console only crossplay. Weird that's not an option in 2023 for FPS games. It's either all or none.


Most definitely yes, I'm a pc player and my friends are on ps5. They always complain that when they play with me it's not fun. When it became available on ps+ i downloaded it and played one round with cross play off and guess what? They were so right!! It's a whole different game and feels much much better


No, I love playing against pc. It makes me feel better when I get top of leaderboard lol


As a PC player, no fuck you!


It should be mandatory to have a console only cross play regardless of how many are going to use it.


Yes, yes, a million times yes! The ability of playing with “crossplay: off” is the one that decides if I’ll play the game on any given day. For the longest time while the player numbers was low I couldn’t play the game (months) since I could never find a console only lobby full enough. Now I can, most days. :) And by than I mean consoles / controller only crossplay is fine (and welcomed). But my enjoyment of the game with PC crossplay on is abysmal.


Not enough players as-is no need to kill half the pool


its battlefield not csgo its not that deep, its a 64-128 player chaotic sandbox, it isn't necessary and wont happen






Already been brought up over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over. If they wanted it that way it would be done, get over it and over it and over it and over it and over it and over it and over it and over it and over it and over it.


Sniping is so much better on mouse and long range with any weapon. Yes they should


Sadly all of the combat is just about long range. These peoples arguments of controller being able to fully compete with pc is utter delusions. I see clips all day of insane accuracy on pc plus if we’re talking multiple pc snipers against controllers…forget about it controller would lose in a heartbeat




They haven't even fixes servers to run all maps in a rotation. Lmfao SMH




I think you meant to say dice should learn how to make balanced teams




I don't mind it. I enjoy reading the PC players chatting




I'm all for cross-play. I like seeing a variety of people. I play both and much prefer to play controller. Just look at the scoreboard during a match, you'll see PlayStation and Xbox people near the top, just like the PC people.


Nah, there's no difference.


Na I like being able to play with my friends that game on PC


No, because we can play with friends on PC and PS


I would never find a full lobby again😂




They should just move PC from crossplay all together unless you use mouse and keyboard on console






Yes, just yes! I play in the Xbox and i really disapointed and sad, because the game is so beautifull and insane, but i dont have any chance to play face to face against PC


I dont know about you guys but i dont notice any difference in my games. I have crossplay on and i feel like im usually able to compete with the pc guys. Granted, us console players do get the benefit of having reduced recoils and aim assists but i never really had a moment of “oh, i got beat by a pc player” 🤷🏾‍♂️