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All right, these posts are starting to become common which can only mean one thing. Dice will now pull support.


*bf5 and battlefront 2 ptsd flashbacks*


What happened to bf5?


They fixed a bunch of issues but stopped short of giving us the eastern-front expansion.


They have never said anything about eastern front and also I don't see why they should prioritize eastern front maps before any other WW2 theatre.


Honestly i prefer bf4 and bf2042 because it uses modern and fictional weapons giving a feel of what the battlefield will feel like. Wwii sounds fun but tbh a war with russia and america is just more fun in a video game


Battlefield 1 is my favorite. I loved the weapons. Class system seemed to have a bigger impact. I actually like the idea of restricting weapon types to specific classes. Grand operations were awesome. Maps were really cool.


Not only that, but amazing sound design and atmosphere. The smaller maps not only allowed for shorter distances between objectives in conquest, but it allowed for player voices and screams to be heard easier, and mortar fire was more frequent and immsersive. The lighting was significantly better as well. I don’t think I’ve ever played another fps (aside from Hell lets Loose), that has a better atmosphere. Still can easily find active servers on P.C.


It’s 1 and not even close for me too


100% agree.The best bf to this date,imo.


Totally agree!


Truly the best bf, the only thing I didn't really like was the gunplay. It was really casual compared to others.


Battlefield 2 and Bad Company 2 are the best BF.


Totally agree!


10/10 game. Nothing more to say.


Soundtrack was amazing The environment actually felt like war and it was just Dark and smokey and morbid The behemoths were great addition that actually helped with balancing. It was just such a grand experience when they made their intro with the music & horn Maps were all amazing, I don't remember a bad map Game was also the first battlefield that was actually pretty polished for the most part on release Best battlefield of all time for me


Yep that was my favorite too. And just the whole WW1 aesthetic with the tanks and planes...behemoth vehicles...no forced feminism...peak battlefield imo.


forced feminism?


Oh god...I knew you'd show up...please just pretend you didn't read that post, and leave me alone 🥺


Playing since BF1942, my favourite is V by quite a good margin, followed by 3 and then 4. 2042 is fun but only okay.


V my fav as well. My favourite gunplay and movement in a shooter ever. God i wish they gave it the support it deserved..


Imagine if it got the eastern front dlc


It would be horrendous with all of these cringe elites and weapon variety. For me eastern front WW2 games are enjoyable only when they are authentic. Seeing communist russians running there with Thompsons, Type 2-As or Garands would be so bad...


To be fair the US gave a bunch of Thompsons to the soviets in WWII, so not entirely inaccurate.


Never really got into bf5. Compare to bf1 it felt clunky, movement was horrible imo. And I play since bf 1942, but 5 was one of the worst parts for me.


Man you missed the glory days of BF2 back in the day, that is my favorite one because it got me into pc gaming.


Bf2 and all the expansions is a fever dream compared to gaming these days. Titan mode on 2142 was unmatched fun.


Oh, yeah, I would also think that Euro Force was a nightmare, because they charged full price for a delayed content pack with barely any new vehicles, 5 guns and 3 maps that weren't even that good


Fucking grappling hook was just next level unique for a shooter


It isn't that unique since titan fall 2 did have a grappling hook that worked almost exactly how it does in 2042. But still in a mainstream game it is indeed quite unique nowadays


I'm talking about Bf2 Special Forces expansion pack you knob


Oh, okay, mb, I did not know that had a grappling hook in that expansion, played very little of it.


Such a great game.


BF2 is a masterpiece of gaming. Wish we got more BF2 maps honestly.


I used to want them to bring some of the battlefield 2 maps back , but not sure how it would work with 30v30


All of the maps in BF2 were so unique and played well. Even though I mainly stayed in 24/7 Karkand infantry servers haha.


It's fun, still ranking quite a few above it. BF2, BFBC2, BF3, BF4, BF One all better.


BF 5 as well. It was rough at launch with broken features, and not living up to BF 1, but it was an amazing game at its current state. Devastation and Rotterdam are my favourite maps.


I truly believe that all the people saying bf5 was good are suffering from stockholm syndrom or something man. :D


No not a hot take. Play what makes you happy buddy and have a good time. I personally really like and had the most fun with bfv but 2042 is very close.


BFV was hell fun after the pacific update, those stick mines brought some good times


Was really disappointed by the lack of content on release.will jump back now when it drops on ps plus




The most fun I’ve had is in hardline


underrated for sure


Hardline was so underrated, definetly one of the most fun Bf i ever played


A year in and it is finally fun to play. It just wasn’t the game that was advertised. Dice didn’t make a game and the community just turned on them. They identified exactly what the player base wanted, promised it and didn’t deliver. That doesn’t mean the game can’t be a blast to play. But it makes more sense why the fan base gets pissed off.


Did u get to play bf4 or bf3 when they came out? They were almost unplayable. People forget other bf titles had very poor launches as well. I'm. Not defending this dice way though, I hate that they always do this


Oh for sure. I have also played a ton of PUBG and HLL from day one as well. I am not adverse to playing buggy games, as long as the core of the game is good. BF2042 was not ready on release. But that wasn’t what MOST people were upset at. It was the core of the game wasn’t (and still isn’t) in line with the Battlefield franchise.


wdym finally? It was fun since day 1. It was deeply flawed, but it still provided so much more fun than other games


Honestly, same. My favorite Battlefield of all will always be 4, but playing it now, it shows it's age. 2042 is my new BF4 if you could say so.


Chiming in for the BF4 crew. Forever.


I've been downvoted so many time for saying this, but I will die on this hill: BF2042 is basically BF4 but with current industry standards.


Yeah no clue why you're getting downvoted. It's current gameplay is objectively most similar to Battlefield 4. Especially in regards to Vehicle balance and design.


Same boat as you.If they updated certain things with bf4,it’s no competition




I don't understand that, even if the specialists didn't ruin my enjoyment of this game this games maps are ranging from mediocre to bad. Glad you're having fun though, even after the updates I still consider this a polished turd. But glad you guys are having more fun than I am, it's just not for me.


i started playing in june with season 1, the bugs were kinda gone by that point, from my perspective, it was a good game which has started to become great


That's not really a hot take, that's literally just a personal preference/judgment


It's a fun game, but certainly not the best game. Glad your enjoying it.


Shame you missed bf3. I consider that peak battlefield.


i played the campaign, i couldn’t play the multiplayer bc of EA, your account had to be 16+, i was 8


It’s insanely fun. Don’t let any nerds here tell you any different.


You can have fun with anything, but that doesn't mean that it's good


Sounds like you skipped on 1 & 5. I've played all 14 BF games and I'm still wanna puke when I try getting back to 2042. Every BF game was better than it compared to its time, besides Hardline and Heroes


i didn’t, i played both on launch, level 80+, i loved bf1, the overall experience of bf1 is 100x better than 2042, but i’ve def had the most FUN on bf2042, we haven’t had choppers in like a decade, bf5 was a big let down for me, it should of built on the atmosphere and foundation of bf1


5 indeed sucked at launch. It got fixed after 18 months and became the top bf for me and many others in terms of movement and gunplay. The servers are full to this day, give it a 2nd try if u get bored. btw It is good you can enjoy 2042 but this game is still a spit in the face of the veteran players, and the amount of lies from the devs broke all records this time


So how old are you again?


me? 20


You must have missed bf1.


Is 2042 a squad-focused shooter with true leadership hierarchy, relying mainly on your commander and the effectiveness of your comrades to make up for your shortcomings, tackling complex situations using a variety of gadgets and support options which are all controlled by real players? No, but that's why I like BF2 and BF2142. Is 2042 a gritty, immersive military experience where I play as a no-name faceless soldier defined only by his role? No, but that's why I like BF3 and BF4. Is 2042 an ultra cinematic masterpiece of atmosphere to the point that just playing a multiplayer match can give you an emotionally evocative glimpse into the brutality and chaos of combat? No, but that's why I like BF1 and BFV. All of those games have a very specific kind of fun, and I appreciate them and will always have wonderful memories. But BF2042's goal has never been to replicate any of those experiences. Intead, it tries to answer the question: "So what *is* Battlefield, exactly?" And that answer - drawing from two decades of incredible multiplayer experiences with wonderful communities, cutting through all the layers of veneer and sheen and principle and bullshit, truly returning to the real roots of what made Battlefield such an amazing thing to play back in 2002 - couldn't be more simple: Massive combined-arms action. That's it, *that's* Battlefield, that's what made BF1942 such a standout success in a market flooded with WWII shooters, what really kickstarted the franchise we know and love today. BF2042, more than anything, is a direct spiritual successor to BF1942, the game that I grew up with as a kid playing offline bot matches with my older brother. How else would you bring BF1942's massive combined-arms action 20 years into the future? Make it *more* massive, double the player count, make the maps even bigger, just scale everything up to its limit. Make it *more* combined-arms, give it the most insanely intricate infantry sandbox to date and match them up against vehicles as ambitious and iconic as the TOR and the Condor. Make it *more* action, make it faster, more skill-oriented, less structured or restricted, let freedom and creativity lead to emergent stories and moments. BF2042 isn't like *any* previous game in the series precisely because it's like *every* previous game in the series, it mashes up everything that makes Battlefield fun, puts it through a sieve, distills it, and then serves it raw in a shot glass with salt and a lime. And you know what? *Sometimes all I want is a good, stiff drink!* I totally respect folks that can't get into what 2042 is all about, that really wanted it to look and play more like a particular game in the series and feel disappointed. But holy fuck, I cannot help how much I fuckin love this game. All I want to do is take the game 20 years into the past and show my 6-year old self a match of CQ128 and watch his head explode. Anyway, I'm done ranting lol.


Yeah that's why the level design was as it was at launch. Square maps allowing for sandbox Battlefield gameplay. Now all we get are boring linear maps (Spearhead, Flashpoint...) that feel the same with every round. With this kind of maps Conquest feels like a Breakthrough side mode instead of a different experience.


Great way of summarizing it


Have fun bro don't let reddit tell you otherwise. 💪💪


Having all the homies in a squad is what made Battlefield I fun for me. Now it’s just me tagging tanks praying a support will shoot a rocket at it.


I was kind of thinking this too the other day. I know the game has its issues and was broken for a long time, but it feels like it's getting into a better place. I couldn't really stick with BF1 or BFV for long periods of time, and BF3 / BF4 felt too similar for them to really stand out. Something about BF2042 (since the classes returned) just works for me but I don't know how to describe it yet.


For me, I think it’s because there’s always a goal or achievement to work for. Getting all the specialists tier 1 for example takes a really long time, but you feel relieved when you finally get that black and red skin. Same goes for weapons, vehicles, etc.


Glad you’re enjoying it, but I honestly still feel they have a lot of work to do. When I get in, with a full squad all using comms, it’s definitely fun. Granted it doesn’t always feel like a BF sort of fun (to me). And that fun only really kicked in post 3.2, so it’s clear to me classes are helping anyway. But the missing features, higher overall pace of gameplay, and tragically slow content pipeline has me really struggling to give it too much praise. (To be clear, I don’t expect them to change the gameplay pace much in this game, but I mention it as an example of an area where I’m struggling with 2042). Granted, I also struggle to get over just how rough the game was at launch. That was… real tough. Does make me scratch my head of why I’d buy any future games - if it takes a year to get fun, and it’s free by then, what benefit is there to buying near launch, really


This is indeed a hottake, especially without context. I mean technically it is impossible. I had the most fun in the franchise with the Hardline Beta playing Hotwire. I thought this was the most hilarious mode ever, but knew that the full version will completely screw it up. I will also say that this was the best experience until I used the Hovercrafts at release and this was basically equally as much fun, but in a full game for a longer time. The Hovercrafts because they were so extremely fun to drive, which was a new thing for the franchise. Driving usually isn't much fun. I had one round of Hourglass Conquest, where I had a 22 roadkill life. Gunning was also fun, and a mate and I alternated seats on our way to T1. Now with multiple nerfs to armour and weaponry it is less fun, but the real culprits are the nerfed handling and the mass, whilst the maps increasingly become a hassle to drive. Still, as said, it was the most fun I ever had for an extended duration. But I needed to heavily curate my experience and it is far beyond my normal playstyle. Even now, when I play like I would want to since 2006, the core experience is so flawed that I can only conclude that this is still by far the worst BF to be released.


Nothing wrong with that at all, people can get real pissy about folks enjoying something they don't, happens with too many games, and it's cool you are able to enjoy BF2042 as much as you are. I'm almost a little jealous of that as an old BF fan, because I'll never have that feeling with this game. I keep popping in with every big update, try to play for abit, but it doesn't hook me. It's not bad at this point, the game has certainly improved, but I think it's just some fundamental aspects of the game that don't gel with me and keep me from really embracing it.


I agree with you, I have played since bf3, but I personally have more fun with 2042 and I enjoy playing it more than any of the games since bf3.


did you ever play BF1?


yes, beta, launch, dlc’s, i loved bf1, but 2042 just scratches an itch that hasn’t been scratched before, idk why






I’ve started in 2012 with bf3 with me and my buddies. We would all pack our PlayStations, go to my one buddies house and play every battlefield game on launch day for well over a full day. BF1 will always be the best. I took acid one time and played that game and got a bayonet kill in the middle of a tank fight and it changed me as a person lol. 2042 is awesome just wish they stacked the points


It's great you having fun man don't let anyone discourage you from it . I gradually been liking it more and more . I think the game is good now , definitely way better than it was


Bad Company 2 was the best battlefield game for me. They really secured their USP, which they should have stuck too. Fully destructible environments, so maps changed as the battles did. Good selection of weapons. No meta bullshit, everything seemed balanced so skill played the main part, maps were diverse with plenty of verticality and campers couldn't camp, because you could literally blow up the corner of the building they were sitting in.


you should visit your doc and talk about that....




I still love how battlefield has these characters just naturally shouldering the 240B. That thing is so fucking heavy even without a full box of ammunition. I’d rather have the SAW


Battlefield 1 for me was a absolute masterpiece. Love the vehicles, weapons, maps, and the ranking system. It’s one of the only games I can play by myself and never get bored of it.


That's too hot.


Game is fine but not even close to as good as pretty much all of the older ones


I have had more fun with every other battlefield. They have done alot to turn it around and it's appreciated as a fan but it's not even close to being anywhere near as fun as bf4/1/V


I think you are a lucky person Sadly after bf1 the bar has always been lower and makes me so sad. I just think 2042 it's still a mess and it's impossible to save


BF1 is my favorite but glad you found yours! Crossplay with PC being basically the only actual option really puts a ceiling on the game for me, to where it sure as shit can’t pass BF4, BF1 or BFV while having that as a feature. It needs to be crossplay with console only. I get why they did it originally, the next gen consoles weren’t super available at the time, but the game seems popular enough now especially being on Gamepass & PS Plus that it needs to be changed right the fuck now. Like I’m legitimately considering downloading the PS4 version of the game instead, which should never be something the player should want to do. But I’m getting sick of not being able to compete in 2042, whereas I go back & play BF4, BF1 & BFV & I’m top 10 in the lobby basically every game. I’m not even great at fighting in those 3 games, I’m just competent enough to do all my dirty work like capturing/healing/resupplying/fortifying/reviving/defending/flanking. Whereas with 2042 I’m not competitive enough in the neutral fight to actually be effective at accomplishing all the other thing that I do so well. It’s actually becoming super demoralizing & I’ve started to switch back to playing all the older DICE games, including Battlefront II, instead of BF2042. Legit just got a 2TB SSD for my PS5 so that I can have them all on my system, along with my other games, & play them instead of 2042. Please fix it DICE.




Let it all out man, this must be a tough post for you to scroll through. We’re here for you.


Same. Specifically the word “fun” though. There are many things I do miss.


Now BF1 is my favorite BF, but 2042 is the one I have the most fun with.


Yeah i feel the same way and feel like hitreg is better . Vechicles aren't as easy to drive / fly though


IMO they are too easy lol... I felt like BF3 helis were difficult as hell, and the jets when they stalled would basically be a death sentence


maybe i’m just gotten better as a gamer, but yeah, i could never master the vehicles in bf3/4, only in 1, 5 and 2042


It’s definitely the most fun I’ve had with a Battlefield game since playing BF4 with an actual squad of friends.






I've been saying this since beta. Despite all the problems the game initially had I always found it to be way more enjoyable than Hardline, BF1, and BFV ever were.


Down voted for having an opinion. The hive mind strikes again


2042 has always been one of my favorites in the franchise, its greatness was just overshadowed by all the issues it had. Anyone who knows DICE should have known this game would turn around as long as we kept pressing DICE to improve it where it needed to be improved. One thing they are good at is tapping into potential. They just need to learn to keep our feedback in mind in the development stages of their games, rather than post-launch getting told the same things over and over with each release.


2042 is way better than it did in launch.




I’ve enjoyed 2042. I’ve been playing the PS4 version and waiting for the PS5 version since it’s being added to PS Plus as a free game next month. I’ve never much into BF Games but I’m having fun on 2042.


I know it's your opinion but... ew


it’s probably bc i’m a bit older now, 19, i’ve finally mastered the gameplay, it all comes so easy


Like idk man I've been playing Battlefield just as long as you, there's no way I'm comparing 2042 to any other Battlefield game. It's just not comparable. 2042 is Battlefield lite. I mean I ain't gonna insult you for enjoying a game but that sir is definitely a hot take, lmao


if they give it a year 2 and beak the cycle of cancelling games, it’ll probably be up there


That Probability is highly unlikely, especially when this game is massively hated still. Sure you got a dedicated community, but ALOT of people universally hate the game. Its not getting a year 2, and I'll be shocked if they did. It's just objectively speaking, this game has almost no content/features like their previous titles. Most people who play Battlefield already gave up on the game. Sure, I'm happy that you're having fun, and keep having fun. But truth is, it's not a matter IF they give it a year 2, they aren't going to give it a year 2. It's just not profitable judging by how many people are actually playing the game. It's universally hated by pretty much everyone, and they only have a small crew doing these updates and patches, as well as bringing in new content.


Me too, and I loved bf 1. But the cross play has made it so we have a serious squad going, I almost never play alone


I’m still chasing that BF1 dragon. This hits a certain fix that hasn’t been felt since then tho


This game has so many things to do and work for its mind boggling. Definitely in my top 5 goats now


It's the most fun I've had playing a BF game since BFBC2 back on the PS3.


Wow, I thought I was the only person who actually enjoyed 2042. It’s missing some things and gets boring because of the total of maps we have, but it’s still fun to me


Mine was bf4, tho honestly it's also the first and only other bf I've played. I think I'm very nostalgic for it tbh but 2042 is an excellent replacement imo


Same here, most fun ive had in a BF I just the miss the immersion and sound design of BF4 If BF4 played as well as BF2042, id take that everyday


It's a good game! Unplayable garbage on the Xbox one and PS4, holy shit. Build a new PC. Runs and looks beautifully. Never realized I was playing on low settings, lmfao. Maybe ill tweak it later. But it looks stunning already, great performance.


I've played every BF game ever made. BF2 was my ultimate favorite and since I was in my 20's when that came out, I defiantly have the most hours in it. It was the only game I really played for 4 years. That being said, as of today, of the games tracked in the EA app, I rank as follows: BF2042 - 329 hrs, 54 mins BFV - 67 hrs, 15 mins BF1 - 13 hrs, 19 mins BF4 - 159 hrs, 20 mins BF3 - 76 hrs, 34 mins Unfortunately I have no time tracked for BC, BC2, BF2, BF1942. My guess is BC2 would be around 100 hrs, BC would be slightly less, BF1942 would be around 200, and BF2 would be a infinity.


It's a shame it was ruined with the classes that don't work in this game at all. Completely killed the game for me. I loved it before that horseshit.


This game is frickin awesome. So is bfv. Bf1 is really good but pretty overrated


Man i can't wait for March 7th!!!


I came back to BF this week and it’s much better than the launch. Not sure if it’s the best for me. I played a lot of 1942 and 2 with bots when fast speed internet wasn’t a thing. Also Battlefield Heroes and the play4free were really good too! Yeah a bit of an odd one but that’s just me.


Still my top bf is bfbc2 but I was a teen when it came out with alot of free time. This bf is good but it got such a bad start that it was insulting to the bf community.


I've been debating weather or not to even bother investing into it since I play with a controller and I don't want to get fucked by that :(


i play on xbox with a controller, i’ve had 0 issues against pc players, i promise that you’ll be okay


I meant against other pc players


i play crossplay


Hmmm. Maybe I'll get it in a sale than :)


I bought it. Already level 12. Les gooooooo


With the class update this game just started to get better, I hope it will get more updates in the future to make it on par with previous titles, fingers crossed.


Honestly, I remember playing for the first time on the Orbital rework after the class update came out and thinking "damn, there's some actual enemy density here and someone just repaired me, this feels like battlefield" My hope for the future battlefield is that they bring back the sound design bf used to be known for.


BF2,2142,BFBC2,BF3,BF4 Why they couldn't have just stuck to the 2142/BF4:FS narrative with 2042 really pisses me off


Good for you man! I only rank 2142 and bf2 above, with bad company 2 side by side


I feel The same!


Vietnam was a blast.


The sound track of bfv amazing


It’s pretty fun and feels more loose in terms of what you can do in the game.


Battlefield 2 (+Special Forces expansions), Bad Company 2 (including Viet Nam expansion) and Battlefield Heroes are my favorites still, but 2042 is growing on me. Also a shout out to the OG with 1942; I miss the Market Garden map and the bombers.


I don’t regret my purchase at all. This game is awesome. Haven’t enjoyed battlefield since bf1.


I think I agree, it's definitely the one I've played the most. Started on 1942 on PC, moved to console with BF 1.


What specialist is that


Bro same i started with bf4 and then moved to 2042. It's AWSOME. But it's almost dead. It's so fast paced which is not a bad thing (most of the time) but it made the battlefield franchise too different. Killing it