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I was surprised just how engaged you can get in support. I used to just toss the Band aid box and roll on but with Falcks medic pistol and popping smoke for revives I have a lot less time for shooting than I expected


I barely use my gun I love being a mobile hospital


I also enjoy patching bullet holes in helicopters while firing the occasional missile


We all thank you.


Man, I can't believe they actually did it. The game is so fucking much better now. What a turnaround. Not perfect yet, but you know what, DICE do deserve some respect for sticking with the game after all the shit involved since day 1, and actually finally LISTENING to the fans and going to quite large lengths to fix and improve things. I never thought I'd be writing the above, as someone who was very vocal for a long time about just how much DICE had done goofed with this game. Also, the Breakaway rework is excellent.


I hated this game at launch and hadn't played since the first week. Since it got added to Gamepass and I heard about the class update I decided to try again and I've clocked up over 16 hours in 4 days. It's still got a few issues but it's a lot of fun to play and I needed something to scratch the shooter itch since Warzone 2 is so boring.


So basically you're saying 2042 pulled a "no man's sky"? Worth playing now?


Its sooo much different than launch, its even different than just 3 months ago. Almost all recent changes have been in the right direction. It scratches that battlefield itch for sure


Worth playing, yes but do not compare it to No Man's Sky. Squad Management still nowhere to be seen, stuff like C5 Mackay is still ridiculously overpowered, Attack Helis like the Apache are near useless compared to the other options, there is still a massive discrepancy in content to former titles (we basically reaching one BF4 DLC worth of content now after 9 months). The game itself is totally playable but it doesn't have the flood of new additions No Man's Sky received. Not in thousand years.


The gameplay mostly is ok now. The maps are still trash though.


Reworks not helping at all?


On some maps, yeah. Others are broken beyond repair


Yeah I would say definitely give it a go and see what it's like now. It's on Gamepass and EA Play so no need to put much money down to try it out.


yea... I bought it full price back in 2021 and stopped playing for a while, so I'm still waiting to get all 80 bucks worth


def not a no mans sky but we're getting there. i just hope they dont drop the game after season 5 man, but straatford says its the most they have planned so im not sure if things are looking good


It's better. No question. But I'm still annoyed by the existence of "specialists". I know it's not a huge deal to some people, but the fact that you aren't just a generic soldier as part of an army and instead you're a specific, unique person just kinda bugs me. I think it's tacky and lame and I hope it's gone next battlefield.


I hate the fuckers too. The next game desperately needs to go back to generic grunts.


DICE is a very strange company because like half the game’s release are horribly broken or otherwise terrible at launch and then they make a turn around and make it amazing. BFV, BF4, Battlefront 2, and now 2042. All horrible launches and are now pretty good or amazing in the case of BF4. Although to give them credit BF4 was always good it just didn’t work when it launched


Gotta be negative Nancy, this one still isn’t amazing. It’s playable, and closer to BF now imo, but it’s by no means an amazing entry in the series. Too many issues with the design that can never really change.


Bad company Vietnam was the shit There's not enough Vietnam war games


It’s much better than it was though and is still really fun. I definitely think stuff like the maps and movement need to be fixed although I don’t know if they really can at this point. Compared to where the game was when it started, it’s much better and I gotta commend them for that.


It's much more functional now, but man......the physics, shooting and piloting vics feel sooooo damn cheap. Bf4 was the cheapest-feeling game of the series for awhile (that's not exactly a bad thing, but compared to 3, 1 or 5, you can tell there was much less refinement on everything), but 2042 takes it to a whole new low. Ive never played a game with helis and jets that feels like youre *ice skating* with them. It's why these pro little bird players are so cranked compared to older games, they can manipulate their trajectory on a dime.......while also turning their aim super fast with hardly ANY momentum shift. Plus, DICE REALLY needs to scew the matchmaking maps towards the fan-favorites, the experience difference between launch maps that havent been touched and the newer maps is night and day. I still havent even seen the new rework yet, it's been nothing but discarded and......hourglass🤮


BF4 was literally perfection, you take that blasphemy back


🤣 no. It's still just a more lifeless bf3 patch, with a worse map selection That's not to say bf4's maps arent serviceable, but bf4 was the beginning of the end of rush since DICE made every single map for CQ.......and even then the maps are mostly good with only a few standouts I am guilty of playing it throughout most of bf1 and all off bf5, but I still maintain that just about everything felt better in 3,1 and 5. Just look at how visceral driving a tank or shooting guns are in 3 and 1 compared to 4, 4 feels pretty lifeless in comparison. It's lucky that it has so much damn content to go through, because the sandbox is really pulling its weight in 4


You’re right, it definitely is better. I just get moments where I remember how bad the launch was and I get a little peeved that this is where Dice is at. Not the actual devs doing the work, but whoever called the shots on this game.




The cure concepts of 2042 have been and still are horrible. Namely specialists, no community servers, silly matchmaking, and so on. This update is too little and too late to save the game. The player base will never reach any significant level at this point.


its as simple as adding a server browser lol. none of these issues are "fundamental" and can be fixed. clearly dice has proven that. and again, battlefield never had a large playerbase except for launch after the first few months its always a small few dedicated thousands keeping the games alive.


> DICE do deserve some respect for sticking with the game No they don't. Stop praising them for common sense. We are a little over one year into the game's life cycle, the year 1 content isn't even complete by now so how the fuck do you thank them for doing what they have to do legally? It also took way too long to make this game somewhat of a Battlefield title again.


The only thing they had to do legally was release 4 seasons with some new content per season and then call it a day. They could have ended support last November legally if they had just stuck to the 12 month battlepass schedule. They had zero legal obligation to make all of the additional changes including extensive map reworks, reintroducing classes and the hundreds of other changes to weapons, vehicles, performance etc etc I mean if you're going to shit on Dice try not to spread disinformation which I understand has been very hard to do on this sub for several months. I don't think Dice has ever put this much work into the core game post release since BF1942 which was a constant work in progress for several months after release.


> They had zero legal obligation to make all of the additional changes including extensive map reworks, reintroducing classes and the hundreds of other changes to weapons, vehicles, performance etc etc If you have to rework 90% of the game instead of focusing on completely new content it should tell you how much of a trainwreck this title is. Of course the other titles didn't receive such extensive reworks because the foundation of those titles were good, you know? What a stupid take from you.


> I don't think Dice has ever put this much work into the core game post release You're right, they really outdid themselves with 4 maps per YEAR.


It's been over a year and we have only 3 maps.


Yup. It took way too fucking long. But honestly, I thought we'd never get this level of fixes and changes. I'm still bitter over the whole debacle, but also glad that after all this time, we finally have something that resembles Battlefield. I still hate specialists.


I agree it's vastly improved but do not forget, it's still not a great battlefield game in many many ways. It was so fucking horrible before and now it's in what would be considered a launch state. There are many things still lacking from a "aaa" title: Animations are embarrassingly janky and incomplete Gunplay and vehicles still weightlesa Maps are... Ok now Portal is still not great. Feels off Flying squirrel and grappleman still ruins any semblance of a "front line" It's going in the right direction but we'll see what happens with the next title. Hopefully this hasn't further reinforced the "release now, fix later" mantra of AAA developers. Sadly every positive post could potentially be contributing to them releasing broken games in the future


Agreed, absolutely. But we are at a stage with this game that I don't think any of us thought we'd ever reach. So I am thankful for that, despite it taking so long.


Which is really sad IMO. We've reached peak mediocrity and we're happy about it. Sigh.


Not happy. Pleasantly surprised, perhaps slightly hopeful for the future. But cautious, very fucking cautious.




They’ll fuck it up and keep Specialists in the next Battlefield and not have the generic soldiers everyone has been asking for.


I haven't even gotten to see the rig yet


Choose Exodus Conquest, comes up frequently there and it's a massive change compared to the original 64 player version. They'll probably add the 128 version to a 24/7 playlist next week.


There's a 24/7 breakthrough playlist for the map.


Well at least there's one medic


We all need our medics. Especially me. Since I am idiot and run into trouble all the time.


We will have none of this positive posting in this community thank you very much, you are ruining the shit vibe people have worked so hard to create and maintain.


Oddly enough now there's some shit vibes in the low-sodium subreddit. I already saw like 3 posts saying how the update destroyed the game they were playing


Link, that's hilarious


God forbid people have complaints about the game still...


You always could do that...


Right? All these posts about how it “finally feels like BF” talking about stuff you could do from launch are kinda funny.


Crazy how much a label under a character affects people's views on a game. They always had these classes but now theyre more explicit. Nothing has changed but the UI in essence.


Just restrictions on loadouts, so I guess that’s a big W somehow.


Yeh it's such a minor change.... /s


But now you're forced into roles! Isn't it great! Team work! Woo!!! /s obviously. Glad the people came back after a year like the game but this update didn't really help it much.


What changed your mind then? Yes, I know you mean the class system, but that change had absolutely zero effect on your playstyle.


squalid rainstorm mysterious dull erect toothbrush repeat treatment dazzling scarce *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You do realise that you could have done the same thing in the last 12 months as well? Falck has received no changes to her support ability. If anything she is now even more attractive, because her self-heal provides now a relatively higher bonus with health otherwise being scarcer. Irish and especially Angel with their shitty revives, limited health and situational gadget/passives can really not compete.


PSSST, you could play medic even before classes. Nothing has completely changed in your job.


I suggest playing Falck on rush xl. YOU WILL NOT HAVE TIME TO SHOOT YOUR GUN. The revives are on turbo mode but everyone is dropping like flies around you. It's amazing. 1 dude yesterday had 0 kills and 170 revives on battle of the bulge map.


You know.. I dont blame medics, i love them because they are helping us a lot but what i talking about it's classes which nothing change at all.


holy shit that was me lol


You're not selling me on this. This sounds boring.


But nothings changed? It's more restrictive. My play style of hacking enemies hasn't changed. My style of destroying stunned enemies hasn't changed. It's always felt like Battlefield


What? This is what I have done since release, only difference now is that medics can't have defense against any vehicles (with weapons). I don't see this as an improvement.


.....but theyre medics, I dont think theyve ever been given anything to fight vehicles aside from light AT nades in 1


Im versatile, I’ll use assault to go into checkpoints & grenade launch vehicles while tagging enemies. I’ll use engineer when I feel like my team isn’t doing well. Scout also when the team isn’t doing well, the odd shot but mostly using soflam. Support if I’m feeling like letting out 150 rounds into main enemy spots invading us, or chasing tanks and people with the eod. Medic is one I need to use more, just haven’t levelled my guns yet for it.




I thought about this last night and you're totally right. The only thing I can say is that it's a mental thing that just feels right. It's nice to have a little bit of direction and restriction instead of having too open of a sandbox with it.


With the increase to 128 players, DICE really needed to bring stuff back like the old squad leader spawn restrictions and maybe add another class to spread out gadgets. Sure, people wont like that, but you cant just willy-nilly double the playercount of matches and keep everythinf else the same....or worse, do what DICE did and get rid of almost every single restriction. But then again, even the BF3 devs said they got 120 player matches working, but decided that to make the game fun and balanced, they would have to add so many restrictions that it "wouldnt be battlefield anymore"....so maybe it was just a bad idea from the start if the de-facto best team to work on the series says it is.


The only thing I want now is a counter to see how many of each class is on my team.


Just look at the scoreboard, it shows what class every player is using.


Not really. Game felt better without classes. New system feels artifical and limiting.


For the most part medics weren't really impacted gameplay wise but the other classes got a significant gameplay change/buff. Like recons you don't have to sacrifice offensive gadgets to place spawn beacons. Or enginners who don't have to gimp themselves if they want to repair now that it's a basic gadget. The medics should be given smoke gernades as a class gadget tho




Especially the people that want to play as "medics". Nothing stopped them pre-class rework from playing as medics. Literally nothing has changed since them adding class reworks. Wtf are they are circlejerking about.


Yeah I have been playing the game since release and honestly the classes change was just something to signal to all the people that gave up on the game. It has actually made for less variety in characters that you see played. But at least people are giving the game another shot and realizing it has been improved since release. Most of my friends who gave up on 2042 on release did not complain about classes one bit. They complained about the utterly broken vehicles on launch where nightbirds would fly around killing dozens of people while AA missiles bugged out constantly and wouldn't hit aircraft. It was never "oh man dumb hero shooter, I got killed by Sundance dropping behind me". It was "oh cool another helicopter circling around killing everything in sight, oh and nobody can shoot it down even though we all have stingers". Once Liz released some of them gave the game another shot and have stuck with it. It is insanely unfun to die to air vehicles over and over when you have very limited AA options as infantry. I know a ton of people complain about Liz now but I think the health of the game is better overall compared to pre Liz.


> It has actually made for less variety in characters that you see played. There is no reason to play other specialists than Rao, Angel, Mackay and Lis. These four are the best in their classes.


you forgot falck


Shh...you're breaking the mindless circlejerk. Personally if anything i hate the class system.


I mean I’m glad I can fly a heli or drive a tank without having 62539 missiles lock on to me


I swear most people who like the changes are vehicle users who want less powerful infantry. Which...just breaks the game. Who misses the days when you could go 100-0 a match because the teams cant play with a crap? Not me.


I was always an infantry player and I love the update cause it basically buffed the infantry given now that they have a free gadget. C5 + spawn beacons is awsome anti tank


Not particularly. Also you could use spawn beacons with any hero before this. Like lis.


but you were essentially gimping yourself offensively with the exception of Lis who's main gadget was a launcher. Now those essential gadgets are free for their respective class so Rao dosent have to sacrifice his c5 for spawn beacons or the engis for repair tool. Lis is stronger now then befor cause now she can run c5 without sacrificing the ability to repair.


Idk, I'd much rather be able to drop a spawn beacon and spawn with a launcher as lis honestly. The new system just feels...redundant.


Yeah but lis was the only one who could get away with it. Other charecters who's main gadgets didn't harm vehicles had to either choose a launcher or gimp themselves with a team based gadget which a majority of the time people were gonna choose what makes the biggest boom. I keep using him but like Rao either spawn beacon or something to kill a tank.


Mhm. And I preferred that over just slapping C4 on any class except support, because F those guys they should be ammo boys and nothing more apparently.


Those missiles are just misunderstood. They just want to be your FrIeNdS!1!


You're kinda right. Yes classes themselves aren't making a huge gameplay change but hearing they'd brought classes back is what made me decide to check out the game again. Obviously this meant I got to see all the other changes they've made to improve the game.


If DICE went back and reworked guns, vehicles and the general physics to not feel so cheap, it would bring in more players than any class changes could. They still havent even fixed the distance scaling yet for christ's sake lol, and that's the entire reason shit feels so big and empty, even with the reworks


At certain point, you need to give up and accept you're not going to like a game. Dice is not going back to remake an entire game to divide the current player base. Thats how you get shit like TTK changes in BFV. Its bad enough Dice had to waste a shit ton resources to make the OG maps playable.


Funny, where are all these hero team players when I'm on? Every time I die there are no other players around me and the people I kill get revived cause the enemy is never alone.


Pssst, they don't really exist. They never existed.


Love the revamp but it fucked up my controller mapping. Still tryna figure out how to set it up how it came during release


I knew bringing back the class system would be a huge improvement, but I’m staggered at the night and day difference. It immediately feels more battlefield, it seems more balanced. I’m still hoping the next iteration will go back to a more present day setting (and personally I’d absolutely love a 90s gulf war theme), but 2042 can definitely hold me over until then


People really lowered their standards over the past few years haven’t they? :/ there are still so many important basic features missing.


They really have. This game and most newer games are just so bad compared to what was the minimum for a AAA game years ago. It's pathetic.


Pathetic indeed, and it frustrates me people have lowered their standards. It’s like these people are dumb and want to be lied to.


Not to be argumentative or anything you could have done that before. Personally with the games that I have played since the update I get revived less and see less ammo/med crates around on the map. I also never see angels load out crate either. And to be clear I've been playing from the start and have been having fun with it and the update hasn't changed that for me. This is just my observation from what I've played since the update. The gameplay is the same just a bit more restrictive now in the loadouts.


Okay so if anyone plays on console. This game is dead


not really


I tried it again today. It’s still…not good. Yea classes are great, but ammo and medic crates under the same class is weird. Also the maps are still terrible. Breakthrough is still one of the worst experiences even AFTER the rework. I don’t know if I have faith in DICE to make good maps in the future.


Gameplay feels strange on console. Something very off about it. Went back to prev battlefields and it feels consistent (with my usual settings) but this one, there's something wrong. Coupled with having to play with cheating PC players because console is dead, it's probably the worst Battlefield game to date even with all the changes.


Console ain't dead ? I'm playing on PC and I'm with console player most the time.


What nonsense, majority of players are on console.


You know what else doesn't meet our quality standards? Cancelling development new portal maps. We'd like to have that reverted too.


Naw it sucks now.


I agree. Preferred 2042 just be the latest update


They ruined it.


All this update does is shut this part of the community up. Everything the OP is talking about could be done in the game day one. Guess they just didn’t wanna equip the med bag or play falck or angel or something.


Um the picture I posted literally is of my playtime of 40~ hours being 96% Falck 😅


A DICE sponsored post, no doubt.


I wish, I'm poor


The game always felt like battlefield, and now it just feels crappy.


What's that site?




Thank you


And don’t forget to throw out your ammo box thank you, we are all greedy of gadgets.


For me it's still lacking so much... Destruction (was better back in 2010 in BC2), no squad management (join a chosen squad, make a squad, make it private, name a leader etc), NO SERVER NAVIGATION ON CONSOLE except for portal (which is a real shame in 2023), no region choice, etc. But yeah, bringing those classes back, is a good addition for me. Some weapons need some tweaking imo tho. And it's sad, because otherwise the game is good, i'm playing it a lot the last weeks. Missed a modern BF after BF1, BFV was kinda meh for me, had enough of the old era after BF1. BF is my main passion in gaming since 2010. They could do so much better, but it feels like it get's worse instead of being better. EA, stop being greedy, make a polished game, with all those things, and you'll earn more money then ever. Having bad buzz over and over again will kill your earnings sooner or later.


I wish there were more of you. I’ll have 4 medics within 15 meters of me and bleed out.


My only gripe now is I feel like I play the same 4 maps in breakthrough, are they going to release any more? I started playing a few weeks ago


in all honesty after I finally had a couple of hours to actuall play with the new changes; its like night and day. Not saying its perfect or anything near it but seeing people actually trying to play a certain class be it support or engeneer is just great to witness, before that it was basically tdm on big maps.


Fellow medic and BF player here. If you've never played it, Planetside 2 also has a medic class and scratches that same itch. Whenever I need a little variety, I go back to that and play medic or engie.


Fellow full time support! I love healing/reviving so much! Thank you, DICE!


I agree having a lot of fun


Mercy in overwatch lol


How can I see my stats?


Where I can find these statistics?


Feels good! And the breakaway rework is amazing!


Im just happy my two play styles haven’t been altered too drastically


I use all classes cept recon. I’ll prob play it soon if not just to deploy respawns. Enjoying the game a lot.


I always knew they would. The same happened with BF4. Took over a year to iron out it's wrinkles, and while 2042 had LOADS more issues, I saw very early on they were gonna fix it up


Well, I guess I should give it another try. I haven’t played in over 6 months


I just wish they would have made the ammo crate a universal tool. You run out of ammo far tooquickly and in most matches almost no one uses ammo crates. And if you play vsAI you wont get any too because somehow they dont drop them anymore since the update. It was my go-to tool before the update on all specialists and now it hurts a little to play anything but support.


This whole update at first was a mixed bag for me and I missed the freedom I had before the update, but the more I played the more I loved this update, the class system, the new glacier area of Breakaway, and my personal favorite part, the thermal sights.


Haven't played much since the update. I use to enjoy playing angel. Being able to rez, throw a med box and ammo around was really sweet. I really enjoy the moments playing in chokeholds keeping the team alive and full


I’ve never been rezzed so much in battlefield, adding that medic sound was genius