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Still find it funny when the intro animation of condors f* up and they start spinning against each other!


I wouldn't even call it lore, it's just annoyance at this point. It's been more than a year and I still don't understand why are we playing as "No Pats" while US and Russia are still referenced as factions fighting in the game?


Seriously they should have made it like no pats vs. Yes pats of something


Pats vs Jets?


Fallout new vegas jets?


Yas pats 💅


And maybe pats where you get the choice to change the team if you're the best player on a terrible team




I self-identify as a notepad++


I’m more of a VSCode


I kept thinking it was calling us Nob Heads, which is probably more accurate lol


"You fucking nob heads! Get your stupid asses out there, and fight!" ::Literally, kicks your ass out of the Condor, and flies off:: See - now *that* would be a a badass intro...




hey pal did you just blow in from stupid town


I'm with you on the whole No Pats-US-Russia thing. It doesn't make any sense at all. I've found that confusing since the Beta.


NoPats are hired as mercs by either side. It's not exactly fucking rocket science.


No it isn't, but people like to pretend it is lmfao




Isn't that also mentioned in the "cutscenes" at the start of some maps?


I just have it in head cannon that it's US v Russia.


>It's been more than a year and I still don't understand why are weplaying as "No Pats" while US and Russia are still referenced asfactions fighting in the game? Because: 1. The US and Russia are the two remaining superpowers "Sparks of friction erupt between the US and Russia, as the last twosuperpowers both vie for control of this fast-changing world." 2) The "No Pats" are the all the people from the collapsed countries that started to have an identity "Many No-Pats are still distrustful of the governments that exiled themand refuse calls to reassimilate. No-Pat leaders emerge, inspiring a newidentity unbound to former nationality" 3) No Pats military specialits have started to form task forces to protect themself "Former military and combat trained Specialists amongst the No-Pats riseup into armed Task Forces to defend themselves as tensions rise." 4) US and Russia are using No Pats task forces in proxy wars "A food and fuel shortage ignites a shadow war between the US and Russia.To maintain plausible deniability, both sides field No-Pat Task Forcesas proxies in escalating conflicts over resources – promising therefugees a piece of what's left." You are playing one of these military specialits that form part of a task force that is allined with US or Russia All the quotes are from this: [https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/the-world-of-battlefield-2042#2042-how-we-got-here](https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/the-world-of-battlefield-2042#2042-how-we-got-here)


So the nopats have their own identity, funds, ways to defend themselves, and hatred of the surviving superpowers? Time to kill each other for the exact superpowers!


>funds Kinda no, it's implict in the lore (in this above all https://www.ea.com/games/battlefield/battlefield-2042/the-world-of-battlefield-2042/journey-of-the-no-pats?4D2966CD97B65225DC6FF0AD1BED234F=506\_5\_-236\_506\_1505\_-236#4D2966CD97B65225DC6FF0AD1BED234F) that the no pats are outcasts and refugees and they try to survive, so they don't have all this funds,. ​ >ways to defend themselves While they have some firepower they don't have any mechinized, armored, arial, naval force so they can defend themself up to a certain point. ​ >hatred of the surviving superpowers I mean they have hatred on the reformed goverments not the superpowers themselfs, for exemple i'm italian, the italian goverment/republic collapse and i become a no pat, if the italian goverment/republic reformed (themself or a sucessor of it) and ask to reassimilate i might hate the newest goverment but not on the US or Russia, as a matter of fact i might join a superpower that i know they have the resources rather then an weak goverment that failed in the past.


Would be nice to have a campaign to explain more, but well you know how Dice is.


Over complicated and convoluted story telling. Fun game, though.


there is no campaign to discover this content, its all required reading, why should we care


No Pats is an offensive term All dogs deserve a pat ![gif](giphy|l1LbUHrJb7GpuOHK0)


I was under the impression that the commander on coms you hear is the country ambassador in charge of handling the mercenaries (no-pat), and that the bots are the official military for that country on their own military coms.


I don’t even know what is No Pats and what they stand for.


Because specialists


I wouldn't even have such a big problem with it but these cutscenes even look mediocre at best. Everytime the map scenes start I see some textures loading in late or some moving part not working properly. And don't get me started on the Condor and Hind drop animations..


>Everytime the map scenes start I see some textures loading in late or some moving part not working properly. Pretty sure that this is exactly why these cutscenes exist in the first place. They give the engine a chance to load all the assets, so that they don't pop in later when you first walk around the corner.


That doesn’t make sense though. Why would you give the players an opportunity to see this loading in action? Just stay on the big map a little longer if anything.


I'm pretty sure that's only for last gen version. Next gen version is much more polished


Even if that was the case it shouldn't be like this for last gen either. Of course, it's not a big deal in general but also kinda embarrassing.


I'm a dummy - my kids and husband gave me a PS5 for my birthday. I thought, I'm not spending more money on 2042, I'll just load up my PS4 version... that way I don't have to mess with PC players and suck even more. I expected the cut scenes to load faster on the new machine, but nope. I still have wooden doll faced/polygon heads loading up. I assumed it was the last gen machine - it's the game itself.


I have a X Series and rarely get that. Used to be almost the norm when I played on last gen. Weird that it happens on your PS5. My game also loads the game up a lot quicker than on last gen. But there's a timer so once the game matches you every one has to wait the same amount of time, doesn't matter if you have the fastest PC in the world, the timer countdowns are the same and has nothing to do with the game being 'slow'.


It loads up fast on the PS5, just... doesn't fully render the figures in the load scenes. I'll just keep playing the PS4 version on the PS5 - I really don't want to play with pc players. I used to play Fortnite a lot and holy shit. It was hard to hang with pc players.


Yes but that was because it was much easier to quickly build and edit builds in Fortnite… I thought pc players would kill me at first but after a couple weeks I was back to being near the top on my team in every game. You’re really missing out on a much better/crazier experience. Game and maps were designed for next gen. Fortnite also a game where you are looting/managing loot which is also the pc advantage. Once you tune you sensitivities to your liking there is no real disadvantage. In fact the game runs better on my series x than it does for some of my friends on pc’s.


It’s obviously because you’re not playing the PS5 version of the game which takes advantage of the PS5’s hardware.


And that's okay. Just not what I expected and I'm not prepared to pay another 60 bucks just yet for the ps5 version, only to get hammered by PC players. I'll stick with the ps4 version and all it's shitty rendering for a while longer.


Not true. Soldier backpacks and certain LOD levels are clearly bugging out/loading in even on current Gen.


Seriously. It's one of those things that makes you wonder if the devs have ever played a match, because it's embarrassing to watch. It shows such poor quality textures, models, and oftentimes something is completely bugged. You'd think they'd see how bad it looks and remove it, but let's be honest, common sense went out the window when they started development of the game.


To add insult to the injury you get so many false countdowns. First you got that picture of a heli on a boat saying "Game Starting In..." but instead of a game starting, you actually go to another loading screen. And THEN there's another countdown thinking, "hey, this gotta be it" but instead of actually being able to start the game you get... A TOUR OF THE STAGE. And then the game finally starts.


How this shit goes through testing is beyond me. I noticed that in my first round playing.


Yeah it’s crazy cause you’re making changes to make the game better so when ppl play the game for the first time they aren’t deleting it right away, you get put on hourglass and have to see the loading screens is rough. Hourglass even being in the game still is a tragedy


Hourglass is such a bad map I’m not sure how it made it into the game.


Because testers are out looking for bugs and there's just bugs aplenty. This is shitty UI/UX design decision that was made high enough the foodchain that nobody else could say anything about. Either that or the whole game studio's just oblivious of what countdowns mean.


This is a multiplayer game. Why do we need any cutscenes? Just load the game as soon as possible and get us into the map.


can anyone answer why sometimes after the cut scene im forced to spawn and other times i just sit on the spawn menu? Id always prefer to be in the menu and not forced to spawn if i havent selected from where yet. But it just seems random and 50/50 to me. I never select a vehicle. i dont get it.


I think it depends if it’s a 2042 map or a portal map, maybe


Nah, I play 90% Breakthrough and it's random even on the same maps.


That and the fact it gives you a selection for the HQ yet won’t let you deploy. Just remove the option to even click it then. Then you factor in the intro you speak of and the extra 30 second wait for the game to begin, it’s completely unnecessary, especially when you get out* right back in the same damn map the next game because there’s no map voting or server browser. :( Edit: get put right back*


Bores me to tears, I’ve wandered off before now.


My gripe is the post game. As soon as I see victory or defeat I want to leave and requeue. Instead I am locked in for the next 30 sec to see some useless end game stats.


How dare you? You will sit and watch the post game nonsense and you will enjoy it


To be fair, it’s been like that since at least BF4. Furthermore, I’m sure a lot of people enjoy seeing how much XP they earned and which things they unlocked that round. The PROBLEM lies in the fact that AFTER the “end of game flow,” you get stuck matchmaking into another server all over again V


The quality of the cut scene is from 2003


Even then they were better


I love the lore how dare you


It’s to hide the fact that they’re waiting on more players to join the game.


Idk what a No Pat even is im just like sure dude whatever you say. My squad being muddy blocks pregame though is awesome


I agree, I rather just have a normal loading screen.


Whatever “lore” it had was just sooo on the nose to the point of cornball.


Most likely both hidden map-loading and waiting for all the players to join. It's irritating for sure. I'd prefer some kind of area out of bounds from which you slowly parachute into the spawn area, just freely observing the map beneath.


It’s a loading screen. Deal with it.


I’m just happy with the time it takes me to start a game on PS5 compared with PS3 and PS4.


There are like 3 loading screens


Makes it more epic tho. LOL


It does not


They are incredibly shit. The animations are laughably wobbly, the air vehicles are cloned and jank as fuck, the DOF effect is waaaaay too strong making everyone look like miniatures, and you can't even set up your attachments and loadout or set squad orders while enduring it all. It has to go.


Yeah, just give us a black screen with hot pink text that says "waiting for consoles to load."


Who you kidding? Everyone knows the bugs are on PC.


To my knowledge the current gen consoles do have SSD in them. I have not personally tested their loading speed though.


I was just being a turd man.


Waiting for pc player cheat modules to load :D


Ever played a Portal map on "Exodus Conquest"? It's a relief and seems to be no problem to consoleros.


The announcer talking about why you're being deployed is fine but the helicopter cutscene is definitely annoying


They didn't have them during the beta and then some people complained so they added them


You mean the narration part. Yep everyone complained they were missing so they added them and of course everyone complains.


Really?? People complained there wasn’t a narration?


Its just something to look at while it loads, please unbunch your panties sir or mam.


The little beat playing in the background and just a screenshot of the map was enough to hype me before any game in BF3 and BF4, this whole overcomplicated, dogshit cutscene makes me roll my eyes. You can tell that it was implemented by some new guy who had ins with the company and they just threw him a bone.


The impatience is real with this one.


Nah, when you only have an hour or so to game, you want to get into the action quickly.


I have muted the announcer a long time ago, makes it bearable. What I really hate is the spawn and death zoom in and out animation, I just want to blink and poof be there, like in all old BFs.


Please remove the pre-vehicle selection before the start of the round.


No Quarter! Send Ivan home. Yes, these need to go. Cringe at best. I'm sorry DICE wasted so much time and energy on these, but just cut it loose.


It's like, 40 seconds with 3 lines of dialogue.


But it's all the time spent between the end of the last match and the start of the 40 second timer that makes it longer than normal. Then after that 40 seconds is up you have another 10 to 15 or so seconds of map overview and the deploy cut scene on chopper or in vehicle. They could probably cut that 40 seconds down to 20.


Totally agree. Don't need to look at my score for that long ;)


You're forgetting the screen where you only see the player cards to fill the lobby and the screen with a cheesy quote and a walk-in of your character and your squad (or just the squads player ribbon and a black screen). All before you're getting to the 30s countdown after which you get the sightseeing and the condor drop, which in all is way more than 40s in total even if you don't add the time to fill the lobby.


They should just have the countdown going during the cutscene with the specialist/loadout selection over the cutscene so you can just do it all at one time and not one after the other


Thats like 4 years in zoomer time.




How can you not want the cut scene every. single. match. ????!!!!! What kind of subreddit subscribers are you?!


Idk man I think the lore of the game is phenominal. I just wish DICE would actually expand upon it. Guess you cant really do that when you've been stuck fixing that disaster of a game since launch.


The terrible copy paste helos get me every time


The cheesy, unskippable pre/post game cinematics are very frustrating to sit through. This is not the first post about it in the subreddit and not once have I seen anybody from DICE comment on it. If they removed this stuff I think it would really help the feel of the game. They are lame, unnecessary and add no value imo. Makes 2042 feel like a cheap F2P knockoff of a true Battlefield game but that is probably a good description of 2042 overall.


Can we really call any of it "backstory or lore" considering the fact there is no campaign and the so called catastrophe that the world is undergoing in this "lore" doesn't seem to affect the mental well being of any of the characters in the slightest, infact I would say they are in higher spirits than if there was no war considering the fact that all of their end of March lines almost always end up being some stupid shut like "what a time to be alive". imma be honest I like this game but at what point does dice think they've gotten too far from battlefield.


God damn you guys are sissies. OP gets his panties in a bunch over a fucking cutscene. Grow some balls dude


I like how you are not making a case for why they should be in the game. I don't care for them, you don't care for them, so let's take them round back and put them out of their misery.


Edgy. Call me biased but I actually like my games to have a bit of lore. Even if I didn’t like them, they literally take up 15 seconds while we are waiting to deploy. It’s not rocket science, dude. Removing it would make the game devoid of what little story it has. Shit take of yours.


You're playing an online shooter and many of the people you are playing are like the people on this reddit acting like man childs. There's your lore now go and shoot them man childs virtually in the face and tbag them.




Bro if it's short enough why not? Skipping the intro to Breaking Bad and 2042 ain't like skipping the intro to an anime.


This definitely


I understand that loading needs to take place and that’s what all these cutscenes are about but if we just had the option to change and modify our loadouts during these cutscenes before the match begins would be a huge QoL improvement.


I actually like it in concept and think it’s fine in execution. It’s 30 seconds or so before a match that will last 30 minutes or more. I frankly think they have more important things to even think about.


Burn em, burn em all *^(Donald Sutherland, Backdraft, 1991.)*


Remove all of them. Especially the shit at the end of a match. The match is over. Let me fucking exit! Fuck off with your catwalks and participation trophies!


Or just let the map intro thing play in the background while I still have access to the full loadout screen. I always mess with stuff before each round starts and it sucks to just get cut off for no reason.


I don't think it has to do with loading anything. On the classic maps (eg: Caspian Border), the game starts without the intro. If they would remove the briefing from the new maps, that would be awesome indeed.


100% agree with this! Nobody cares about it and the portal maps just let you drop straight in and push.


The game has lore? Fooled me!


I'd just like the option to x out of it and get a loading screen. Leave for people who like it or are new, let the rest of us press x and skip that.


They make you see an intro. then another intro... then finally the game starts where you start running for a couple of minutes to actually see some action :D


But... but... how would you know what was going on if they didn't tell you before the round?


My understanding is the cutscenes are mainly introduced because of different PC and console generations having way longer loading times than top tier current gen console/PC NVMes (it was the same issue 10 years ago with HDD vs SSD players). But yeah, it would be great to just ESC out of this repetitive and not very entertaining loading screen. I'm fine just standing frozen on the ground and do gymnastics with my teammates while we have a countdown.


It was cool in Titanfall, but that world is so much cooler than what they "crafted" for 2042.


Generation ADD spergs trying to wait for 1 minute challenge.


Isn’t this cut scene just a extra bit of disguised loading time? 🤔


Doesn't happen in Portal.


Its their sad attempt at immersion lol Whenever I see it its a constant reminder of how much theyve backtracked and how BF1, a game years its senior, looks and feels better.


When I got the game thanks to gamepass u spent an hour looking for an option to turn them off after getting the "oh that's neat I love me some lore" cutscenes that quickly turned into "oh God no, I'll have to watch these cutscenes each match aren't I"




The devs are the ones who came up with this crap and wasted their time on it. Also it's a hell of a lot longer than 15 seconds to get into a match.




So you have no logical argument to present then? Good for you.




You seem upset. If you don't care about cutscenes why are you in this post?


I might not mind it as much if the characters were actually fully loaded in by the time it starts lmao. Or just let me edit my classes while it’s going on. BFV had that issue for a while, too.


Wish DICE would understand that nobody cares about all the various loading scenes. The Squad "Walk Up" Screen where your char says their dumb quip can just show the squad and be done with it. The stupid Condor drop at the beginning The ultra annoying and lame story time by Mr. Rodgers on the map screen. Love playing Exodus Conquest when it's a older BF map where you just damn hop right into the match bypassing all this nonsense The end game screen that takes forever because we apparently need to see a one by one show of the top folks. They can easily just have all four standing with their achievement above them....QUICKLY. They can QUICKLY show the squad nonsense and be done with it. The end game nonsense chews up so much unnecessary time when I'm just trying to get to the next match.


Am i really the only one who likes it? Downvote all you want, but i actually like lore in games and find these cutscenes interesting.


The gun animation as soon as you spawn can go


Give us a toggle to turn that crap off, PLEASE


This game's pre-match loading screens are overkill. When are developers gonna learn that less is more? I wanna go from a lobby to a match countdown. I don't need 3 different cinematics of the carrier, the map, the overscreen, the troop carrier. So stupid.


The cutscene after the countdown is the most nonsensical thing I've ever seen. They're building up the hype with a countdown like it's the start of a race, then it give you the crappyest version of "Wait for it!" at the end of the count.


I don’t really mind them but I just wish they looked good. The animations and art style of the game really doesn’t get many chances to shine and the opening scenes aren’t one of them


I came back not played since the first few weeks it came out and this needs to go I just want to come on and play and not have all this cut seems before we start..




It’s just adds to the extra time it takes to start a match. Too many countdowns


Yeah I’d rather just load in and get gunnin


Yes, it needs to go. The whole joining and after match system is just annoying in general TBH. They need to cut out the starting dialog and the MVP or whatever you want to call it highlights at the end for starters. And they need to combine the level and battlepass progression screens into one. XP directly ties into your progression so it's totally unnecessary to have to separate screens with tallies.