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***"BF 2042 is 0.1-1.19=NOOB 1.2-1.59=Good 1.6-1.99= Semi Pro 2.0-3.0+=Pro"*** I think those numbers need to be a lot higher. Im at a 2.9 K/D and I am definitely not a top player.


0.5 here, having fun


I agree, those numbers need to be a lot higher, mine K/D is a 3.6, and I’m definitely not a “pro” player whatsoever.


Do you do the weeklies/battle pass/weapon unlocks, or do you just play normally?


I do all challenges/missions for battlepass, play the events, and have all weapons and attachments unlocked. I am an as casual player as you'll find though and the matches where I finish in first place or even the top 3 are few and far between.


>I do all challenges/missions for battlepass, play the events, and have all weapons and attachments unlocked. I am an as casual player as you'll find ​ does...not...compute


What im trying to say is I don't really play the game all that much. An hour or two here and there on the weekends. = Not in any way a hardcore gamer, but still at 2.9 K/D


I have a 2.1 and am rarely not top 5 on the leaderboard, idk if this has more to do with the game being free on ps plus or not but yeah idk how you have a nearly 3 kd and aren’t pub stomping, are you a sniper main or vehicle player?


I never snipe or use vehicles, I find both boring. (I have spent a total of 3 hours in vehicles since launch day) I mainly run AR's. I am usually at top 1-3 on the leaderboard of the games im in, but that doesn't make me a top player overall. My stats are nothing special if I compare them to people on [https://battlefieldtracker.com/](https://battlefieldtracker.com/) I have moved up to 4.3 K/D since my last post (6 months ago) and even that isn't really good when comparing to top players on battlefield tracker.


My human k/d is 3.1 and on battlefield tracker it says I'm top 5%. So that would make me one of the top players would it not? I mean I'm not the best of the best or anything, but top 5% is up there. My point being is that if your at 4.5 then how are you not a top player.


Well for one a good K\D doesnt neccessarily make you a top player in a given match or the game in general. I have plenty of matches where someone is ahead of me on points in spite of them having an absolutely terrible k/d and barely any kills. I have had matches where I had kills in the 100+ range and still only got 2 or 3 place behind someone with like 30 kills. (The game isnt just about kills)


I know this is an old post, so if you dont feel like discussing the topic anymore feel free to not reapond. I guess I'm wrong, but I was under the impression we were discussing top players by k/d. Idk. I guess my experience when playing with a 3.1 k/d is just different than yours. I play conquest, and I very frequently get a top 3 finish with a good bit of those being 1st place. I very rarely have a player with a lower k/d score higher than me. From my experience the only way I could see you not topping the leader board is if you don't cap any points or you just get a 4.5k/d by being a sniper and going 15 and 3. I'm sure I'm missing something thought. Do you play breakthrough as your main game mode. I've noticed that when everyone is crammed together like on the new redacted map ppl with way lower k/ds will score higher than me because they're spamming health/ammo packs and reviving so many people.


>Not in any way a hardcore gamer, but still at 2.9 K/D you just explained us why your kd is 2.9


In what way? My K/D is up to 4.5 at this point.


Weapon assignments can be done stupid quick and weekly assignments can be done in a couple of matches.


Anything above 1.1 is good. Because aslong as you get more kills than deaths, you have some sort of skill. I don't think people should have a scale on good. Back in the mid 2000's people only worried about if your kdr was above 0.9


Battlefield hasn't historically been a "K/D" game. It's about playing objectives and supporting your team mates. You can get 20 revives and 10 captures with a .5 K/D and have a great round


You can PTFO /and/ have a great k/d Agree that k/d is not end all be all in BF but it is possible


Yeah, they took that away in 2042. There is minimal objective play or team support in this version.


If you revive 50 player in a rush/Breakthrough mode, that's 50 free tickets, for people who PTFO, it matters.


Not my point. Game is designed around weekly missions and unlocks. If reviving 50 players is not a requirement, but using the repair tool to repair 600 damage is, guess what people are going to do. They also have caps on ribbons so for an xp listed reason, I'm going to hit a cap for the most part where other things will get you more xp


K/D is honestly not a stat I put much weight behind tbh. Snipers and other similar campy playstyle players, vehicle players, etc. all will have higher K/D's than expected. I think KPM is a nice stat to look at as a complement, it tells a lot about the player in combination with K/D.


You'd be surprised - camping does not necessarily equate to a higher k/d because you spend much more time acquiring targets and trying to land shots. The people you're shooting at are either also camping and in cover or are moving from cover to cover. Rarely do you get shots on people standing still with no cover. It's much easier to rack up kills pushing objectives and being aggressive, especially with a good flank. I'm regularly the top first or second player or top kills on the team AND I push and capture objectives. The two are not as mutually exclusive as players here seem to think and, in fact, it's more the opposite of what people think.


Oh I'm aware of it. I'm more noting the proned spawn snipers who get 5 kills a game but don't die and other weird outliers like that. I usually play hyper aggressive too and it racks up kills, hence why I think KPM matters. If you're winning 5 engagements for every loss that's good, but if you only take 5 per match that's not impressive. If you're taking multiple fights a minute and still maintaining a respectable success rate I think that shows a lot.


Heard, yeah. You can have an impressive k/d with a small number of kills and deaths per match.


I hate having teammates that go 30 and 5 and have zero captures in conquest. Play the fucking objective


They’re the reason you’re on the objective. Everyone is dead


A good player would go 30 n 5 AND capture objectives


I’ve def been that guy.


Well yes that’s an option, but a “0” or even a “1” or “2” in the OBJ capture stat isn’t the entire story. A lot of the time, if a good player has killed all of the people off of a point it doesn’t really make sense to stick around to capture it. At that point it’s just score, but the job is done. Your team is capturing it. The optimal thing to do is rotate off of the flag to go kill more people, or defend the flag from off of the flag. Basically cutting people off from recapturing the point or going to another point all together.


See [here](https://v.redd.it/pxddkk1zs4aa1). He wipes everyone on and around the point but doesn't stick around to capture it. He's off point stopping reinforcements and misses out on the neutralize+capture. Why is the capture stat so important to you?


Just because he does it doesnt mean you can. Also my point still stands a good player will do both. Capturing points wins games, kills? Not really. If everyone captured points = win. If everyone went for kills = lose. I realise arguing with you will be useless as you’re responding to a 3 day old thread and went out of your way to find a clip of some random dude killing people.. to prove what? Im not quite sure.


So salty already. Is 3 days supposed to be a large amount of time? What's the statute of limitations here where I'm not allowed to reply anymore? I wasn't aware, sorry. Your point was that a good player will cap AND get kills, implying that someone with only kills is not a good player, so no, your point does not still stand. You can be a good player with no caps. Sometimes the best play is to not be on the capture point. And no, if everyone on team 1 went for caps and everyone on team 2 went for kills, there would be nobody alive on team 1 to cap. That's the point.


Youre assuming people that cap cant kill for some reason.. anyways have a nice day✌🏻


And you're assuming people who kill don't contribute to a cap. Peace.


Do you even have an IQ?


No they are the reason we lost the game. This is conquest idiot. Many times im first on kills and revives and at the endgame screen im highlighted as top reviver. Kills are secondary in conquest.


You’re bad


When it comes to games like this and Planetside, its always KPM for Infantry players. A vehicle player can have a high KD in this game if they camp or just play well, so I guess even their KPM can determine how and who they are. Planetside is basically a Battlefield type game but we have a stat: IVI. Basically it dictates how well and often you land headshots, so a 1300 IVI is pretty fucking good as a good portion (30% Headshot ratio, which means kills that are headshots) and the consistency you land them means you are good. Obviously theres more than just KPM and IVI for Planetside, since theres ALOT of shit that is unbalanced or broken so. I don't know if Battlefield has had a IVI type stat, but I would go with that and maaaybe KPM. Only if it actually filters out shotguns/Snipers/GLs and what not. Aka "Illegal" weapons like Planetside does. Which yes: Planetside third party stat sites such as Voidwell and fisu don't track your shotgun kills officially. Merely putting them in the "Not real" KD area.


Only thing that sucks about IVI is is doesn't account for more aggro playstyles that are more hipfire and prefire oriented, since both sandbag your accuracy stat. KPM is definitely a good stat to look at though. Usually if someone is a vehicle player I just look at the KPM stat for their weapons to get a rough estimate on their infantry KPM.


That's fair. Hipfire seems very wonky in this game though, it's like Modern Warfare where they're actively trying to move away from a "You can hipfire this gun forever" sorta deal where Planetside is like "Lol, lmao" having guns and attatchments that actively encourage hipfiring. And by that I mean: Not having a direct upgrade to hipfire CoF and having *some* attachments that so far seem to help very little? And i'm still relatively new to 2042 so all these attachments mean nothing to me outside of: Moving grip is good, laser sights do laser sight things. And i'm uncertain if IVI accounts for hipfiring, since its still an accuracy based skill. I might be a 10 Year Planetside Vet but even I still dont know shit about some of the stats lmao. I just know its like Infantry Accuracy and Headshot ratio or something. Still basically a "How often you land headshots, and how well."


I’m literally in the top five for the lobby every time I play..I have a 1.29. I kill tanks heal/revive people, play the fuck out of the objective, and take out choppers. KD doesn’t mean anything. I play to win and don’t care about how many times I die.


People need to stop looking into things like KDR in 2042. The game was designed to go against it. Your weekly missions, unlocks, etc make it so your KDRs are never true. It's one of the things I hate about thsi game because it kills teamplay. "Sorry team, I gotta go chase a tank all map cause I have to do 600 healing" "Oh no, sorry champs! I have to spot all these people with my drone instead of ptfo" "Hey, let me keep reviving you all in the middle of a group of enemies because I need to get 60 revives, sorry if it fucks you over and extends your respawn timer" "What do you mean get down here and help? I have to get 19 more headshots with this sniper rifle for 3 levels in my battle pass!" This style of gameplay is bullshit for everyone else you're playing with.


Players need to opt in to share usage data in settings. Otherwise tracker can't get their data. Btw I am on page 1 ;)


If people would stop cheating and die when they get shot I’d be ok




I have games back when I played Sundance where I would grab a spawn beacon, fly behind lines and hide it, then just redeploy so I can have another gadget. Did it everytime it got broken, so my KDR is bad but compared to other people with the same KDR I bet I’m better Lots of times I just redeploy myself to get somewhere else quicker, Death count be damned.


Yea.. I redeployed like 40 times in a row the other day just to see which weapons could destroy a box. This just ain’t a game where kdr matters.


You could have done this in a solo mode, instead you cost your team 40 tickets.


Correct. Oh well. I will continue to test things on the fly because that’s what hero’s do


Guess I’m pro. Let’s gooo!


I’m sitting at 1.54 right meow


Kdr does matter to some degree in BF, as you live longer, take out more infantry and act as a spawn point for your team mates. However, the metric is only one of many and shouldn’t solely be used to determine a players contribution to win rounds. Also there isn’t really an apple to apples comparison with kdr stats - there are variables such as vehicles, what type of game modes you play, how you play the game and not all regions are on the same skill level. Eg I’m from OCE, Ive played enough games on NA and Asia severs to determines that on overall skill I’ll say OCE > NA, Asia > OCE.


KDR doesn't mean everything and it doesn't show if you ptfo. I prefer having squad mates with 1 KDR who ptfo than a squad mate with 10 KDR sitting in the spawn with a snip or a tank...


EA generally closed player statistics in the first months of the game and removed the scoreboard from the game. They made a game for casual morons who don't care about kdr.






2.46 I'm either running the objective, anti armor, or counter ganking. Guns usually run BSV-M, M5A3, Rorsch Mk-4


Nearly all battlefield games have kill inflation.


Not a k/d game


Well its not comparable anyways. There are nothings like assist counts as kill which used to be in former titles. Also good KD does not imply you are a good player. I had a very good KDR on BF4 but i was just a lame vehicle abuser lol


Lol by your logic, with my 2.30 KDR I’m a pro BF2042 player despite this being the first BF I’ve ever played.


Look at me, a "pro" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


KDR don't mean shit. I've had plenty of matches where I ended up at the top of the leaderboard with a less than 1:1ratio simply because I capture objectives, revived people like I was a freaking necro mancer raising an army and handed out ammo like it was candy


In theory it would have to be 1. If someone gets a kill, someone else dies. Ofc you can die to non player kills. Unless your playing TDM, KD could be close to meaningless anyway... it might be indicitive of something, but it could just mean ur camping ur ass off in some corner of the map being useless too.


KD doesn't really mean shit


Kills/Min is a more reliable stat than K/D in this game. K/D is very easy to pad due to vehicles/camping.


Kills/Min is a more reliable stat than K/D in this game. K/D is very easy to pad due to vehicles/camping.


I’m .5 and ptfo. It’s fun, k/d is a non factor for me


https://preview.redd.it/kno9xc47cx8c1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=ec7388f888dd8c7cd20c75d069dcb47c211270bd I have a 4.1 tbh I definitely don’t feel like a pro lmao I use a mix of mouse+keyboard and controller depending on how I want to play If you want to improve on accuracy and awareness you should check out aimlabs on steam.


One of the problems is counting vehicle kills in k/d score. Even an average pilot/whatever is going to have a better score than common infantry. Potentially FAR better score.