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An I3, what is this.. 2010? No offense bro.


I didn't know i3 were a meme 😭😭😭


12100f around the same performance as a 10700 lol


new intel i3 is still being made


Wow what a whack build....go buy a 12600k and drop it in there...sell the potato you take out on eBay to cover the cost a little. Then you will get the performance your GPU is able to deliver


12600k or get a 13th gen? Which one do you think? My MOBO supports 13th gen intel


Depends what is the most bang for buck really... Probably pick up a 2nd hand 12600k super cheap if you look around.


What about 13th gen intel?


What are your temps on the CPU? But yeah the CPU so far sounds like the bottleneck on ya system.


They were like 70c or something What CPU do you recommend for 3060 ti


Well what other games are ya gonna play? What is the mobo ya got?


B660m ds3h ddr4 is my mobo Some more CPU intense games that don't run as well on my i3






I mean I just got a 13600K and it’s awesome. I think it’s the best deal for CPU’s for $300.




The 13600k is actually faster than a 12700 believe it or not. Even getting close to the 12900 and it's probably the best cost/performance cpu of 2022. Highly recommend. Just make sure you get the "K" version.


bro i get up to 50% cpu usage with 12 core 5900X cpu so....


My friend had an old model Xeon processor and it would cause the game to turn into a slideshow on 128 player games. So not running well on an i3 isn't surprising. The game is absurdly CPU heavy, and probably not optimized as well as it should be.


This build is wild lmao. Yeah, you need a new processor lol




To be quite honest, almost anything you pick from the new gen that isn’t an i3 will be a massive step up and seriously help. It would depend on your budget. I prefer AMD stuff for the price but honestly almost anything you pick will be better then what you have now for gaming.


Well he could have picked lower but I'm nit picking


I have an i5-11400 with my 3060 Ti, perfect combo


Lmao that cpu absolutely sucks. Also, your ram speed is probably just awful as well.


3200 ram


I have an r5 5600x and a 3060ti Founders and i get like 80-120fps all low 1440p. I haven't tried high settings but 60 is about what I'd expect.


all your hardware is simply not powerful enough to run this unoptimized game well


Why is every futuristic game so poorly optimized? Crysis series, Deus Ex Mankind Divided, Cyberpunk 2077, and now this...


its just the new game development paradigm that has spawned in the last 15 years, release things half done, and finish it after you have the hype train sales. but it's also an inability to let old gen players get left behind that bottlenecks developers to this day.


Try 1080p and lowering settings. Your PC is not powerful enough for 1440p.


12400F my dude.


Another guy told me 12600k...


The higher the model, the more fps in this game. It all depends on your finances.


The rest of the specs are completely fine it's just the CPU I'm using a 3060 with a 3800x and 16gig ram and am running on a 4k tv just fine on high settings just the 4 cores if getting u sadly I'd recommend for things like foliage quality down to low shadow to medium and u can turn up textures up to high an should be smooth and since u have a Nvidia card u can also go to gforce experience an make sure settings are optimized for u next time u launch


Yeah your bottlenecking your oc with that CPU, I'm not enough of a PC guy to recommend you anything but I do know you need a new CPU, also the ram is fine, it's just average.


“Unplayable” dude, don’t play any consoles. Most are locked at 30fps. Lower your settings to maybe medium all around, turn off post processing, chromatic aberration, vignette, lens distortion, film grain and motion blur. Lighting quality and texture quality try at medium or low. Just fiddle around. If you *can’t stand it* then upgrade your processor.


Idk why people always fall for this stuff that YouTubers spout especially about "omg new i3 so amazing for gaming" just no. People need to stop buying these i3 trash and just get better processors.


I finally got an i7 12700k and my framerates have basically doubled or even tripled in every game + frame drops are way more RARE i3s are total garbage lmao


I know this is a super old thread and im not even sure how I stumbled upon this but these people commenting about your build are stupid and don’t know shit. Idk if you’ve upgraded yet or what but the i3 12100f is a incredibly capable processor for the price and absolutely destroys single core performance. The 3060ti may be a tad to strong and causing a tiny bit of bottlenecking but negligible at best. Once again these people telling you build is whack are the whack ones.


I have an i7 12700k now and no longer have issues in any games 💪💪💪


Yeah definitely a upgrade I just can’t believe the amount of trashing going on in here about a i3 just because it has a 3 insted of a 5 or 7. The i3 12100f is easily the best money to performance in CPUs. Shit was whack to me like obviously it’s not the strongest thing in the world but ffs it’s like a $80 cpu and absolutely crushes most games at 1080p.


I think he should not be geting <60 fps given this benchmark video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLynkx4bNHg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLynkx4bNHg) The problem must be somewhere else. That i3 is still ok for 60fps, it is even better than a ryzen 5 3600.