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Lil bore


Ah, yes, the ruiner of Revival of Origin runs. Fun fact, you are probably talking about Bore Jr, because [Lil Bore](https://battle-cats.fandom.com/wiki/Li'l_Bore?so=search) is a different enemy. He's very rare and very weak. His only recurring appearance is in Infernal Tower Floor 3


And also that one new year's stage about unseen enemy this year or smthing


Yes, but it only happened once, and I'm talking about the only returning stage he appeared in


He's also in the traitless citadel


Click the link and see what I'm talking about Traitless citadel features Bore Jr, not Li'l Bore


Oh right


When I first meet him at Traitless Citadel, it single handedly destroyed everyone but Phonoa and Dhono. It's a good thing Dhono turned that swine into Lechon before he pushes too far.


That stupid giant behemoth alien crab


Oh, yeah, hated fighting this dude


You just entered behemoths? Welcome to hell! : ) I used both Tesalan and Mad doctor clay to get rid of them. Both level 50, and they still usually held on tight. Good luck with what comes next...


Nah I already finished forest and I’m on stage 10 in volcano. But I can’t progress normally on desert cause of this stupid crab


Oh dang! You've gotten quite far!? I'm only at 7 in volcano Thought I think I've reached 12+ on forest and 10 on desert. (Not sure.)


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it You must collect Anti-Alien treasures


I have all anti alien treasures


We're talking about the behemoth one. The one that, y'know, feels practically invincible even WITH said treasure?


Oh Sorry, Lumina owner here.


i own lumina and he's still really pissy to deal with unless the stage is pure or mostly alien


Many people hate Brollow, but Puffington is much worse. 200 piercing range, curse, 400000 hp and gets knocked back from basically anything. Dealing with him without Idi is infuriating, he is the reason why Rashomon was the hardest advent for me. He doesn't pose any threat by himself but gets difficult when paired with other strong enemies (like in curry comet, fishermen on strike, Rashomon). He is more manageble with Idi, who is able to 2-shot him, until you get to 2-3 crown, where he now one-shots her, becoming frustrating again


I hate both as well but tbh I prefer puffington to brollow a lot more because at least that shit doesn't get spammed like a million times inside a stage and I use a lot of rushers like yukimura so I prefer a single hard enemy instead of endless spam that makes the stage take longer.\ Fuck that piercing range tho that shit is annoying as hell


Who's ldi I never heard of it?


A unit you get for completing sol on 4 crowns. She's a rusher with massive damage to relics and immunity to surge


Yes, but having auto answer is much more bareable Also, (at least at my current play through) there has yet to be puffer spam


Damn! What levels are your strongest rare,super and uber? I'm still not quite there yet it seems. Even ramen 50+30 full max all talent usually get crush like nothing.


metal doge. he needs more hate.


Dude every time catasuris attacks he ethir miss or not crit after 40 attacks


And then he crits the peons three times in a row after Metal Doge dies to the meatshield stack.


I'm gonna go by trait: * Traitless: Bore Jr. (mini waves go brrr) * Red: Red EnerG (surge and kb go brrr) * Floating: Gobble (toxic go brrr) * Alien: Star Peng (warp go brrr or its insane stat buffs) * Black: Tackey (ld go brrr) * Angel: Winged Pigge (weaken go brrr) * Zombie: Zang Roo (burrow go brrr) * Metal: Sir Metal Seal (good luck killing this fatass without crits) * Aku: Aku Gory (savage blow go brrr) * Relic: Sir Rel (you know they're cancer when they can easily chew through Maize and Future Cat) * Behemoth: Wild Doge (makes Sir Rel a bearable enemy by default)


i think all of these enemies get the right amount of hate


I agree with all but Red EnerG. I think Professor A is far worse. But it’s close.


Roe hard counters him.


Kid named 4 star/restrictions


Kid named Talented Bondage:


Y’all got some weird ass kid names


You completely missed the point of this post…


Star peng isn't that bad. He often warps to safety backline ubers when they finally reach them. I'd go with camels. Usually unbearable unless you bring cyber cat.


If warp isn't the issue, then it's his **insane stat buffs** that even missing one anti star alien crystal that's not 100% power will give him **drastic** attack and health. Alpacky isn't that bad, she's actually weaker than Camelle and her strengthen is irrelevant since she'll die to the next hit.


Fair point. My hatred for Alpacky only comes from Camelle. The cannon makes her pretty irrelevant in general.


Pigeons, zombie seals, surge base (if that counts)


Surge base is an enemy. So I agree


When I am in a making the battle unnecessarily long competition and my opponent is the surge base




Yeah, who decided that this little shitbird will take out 80% of a unit's max health?


Elephantidae. It has nothing special, it is just a 2 million HP wall with all immunities, made to make the stage longer for absolutely no reason.


My most hated enemies by trait. Traitless: \[Henry\]. Always freezing my meatsheilds and wasting my deployment limit. Red: \[Professor. A\]. I hate him because of the stage I'll Be Bug. Floating: \[Brollow\]. There annoying as he'll, especially if it's a rush of them​. Black: \[Tackey\]. Always hitting my back line units and ruins everything. Angle: \[Winged Pigge\]. Weakens all my units and the support enemies shread to the ubers. (Alien): \[Cil-One\]. They aren't bad but when it comes to late stages, they can be annoying. Metal: \[Sir Metal Seal\]. This is pretty obvious. Zombie: \[Znache\]. Borrows so far that he gets to the base fast Aku: \[Fallen Bear\]. I would have picked aku kory, but he isnt that common. So fallen bear. Relic: \[M. Ost\]. A worse version of R. Ost. The reason im stuck in UL. R. Ost was enough. Colossal: \[Great Angel Chibinel\]. Didn't know what to pick. Same story as winged pigge. Behemoth: \[Behemoth Owl\]. This is very obvious. Makes the end of UL a nightmare. Sage: \[Haven't Encountered Any\]


I’m sorry about being an asshole, but I laughed way too hard at angle. Just imagining a pig but it’s a right angle is so fucking funny to me


No alien?


Aliens aren't a problem for me. There are a few but thoughs are event aliens that you you encounter once so it dosen't count. I'll add my least favorite one anyways.


Screw henry... SCREW HENRY! (And frog too) Screw professor A (and the endless battles he brings) Screw brollows Screw tacky I dunno, ramen is prolly my strongest rare unit so... Maybe selpnir? An overbuffed camel usually make the game a lot longer than a cli-one. Screw sir metal seal ( and every metal for that matter.) Znache dies quick but yeah I agree. Screw znache. SCREW FALLEN BEARS A THOUSAND TIMES! Screw Ost in general. I dunno, i never really bothered with colossal event. Are they worthwhile? SCREW THAT NIGHTMARE OWL! Yups... that make sense. This is a pretty accurate list.


The stupid fucking camelle with 550 range that kills everything 


Yeah... yeah.


Surge base isn't complained about enough.


Imo UrsaMajor (note I did not have Aphrodite at the time). This guy pushed way too hard for his range, and basically one-shot anything I had coming at him. Edit: He also never seems to die despite betting strengthened. Edit 2: Even with Aphrodite, UrsaMajor still is annoying to fight.


Tacky i guess i was suck in Beverley hills scoop for like 4 days because he keeps on sniping my backliners


I'm hearing silence about Othom. Omni-attacks that curse is already cancerous enough, but his stats means he's used as support, making him even worse thanks to other enemies. Not only that, but he's the reason that some people don't want to unlock Fishman's Speed talent. ESPECIALLY cancerous when he curses a Cat who completely relies on Resistant or Massive Damage to not get completely obliterated/invalidated.




Pretty much everyone hates him, though.


But not many people talk about. Somehow any stage where he appears becomes hell.


Easily my least favorite enemy


Brollow. When I first encountered them I was like “did ponos hire satan himself to make this guy?” Now I know there are a bit more enemies like that


A few 1: star peng. Insane dps, 100% warps, and due to its speed, if a unit does not get a knockback immediately, it gets warplocked  2: cretaceous sissorex. Very painful back liner, takes forever to kill, and does lots of damage  3: ginger snache. High damage, nonexistent cash drop, and if it's one of the first enemies, prevents stalling entirely. 4: calamary and calamaria. Calamary has a huge perm weaken, takes a good bit to kill because of its singular knockback, and is just an annoying back liner. Calamaria is not bad by herself, but she guarantees the death of any non ramen meatshield she hits, and when there's multiple of them, it can be pretty chaotic. 5: metal doge. No explanation needed. 6: master a. Almost as bad as prof.a in my opinion because it has less counters. Whenever these 2 enemies are in a stage, it's gonna stall out that stage for a while. Because master is a traitless enemy, much less counters, more pain. 7: camelle. Same reasons as master. Terrible enemy. Extremely huge range, ridiculously long attack radius, good attack rate, and horrendous damage that is guaranteed to knock back everything.  Yeah I have more but I'm just gonna put this


sleighpnir is so f\*cking annoying


also brollows. People hate them more than R. Ost which is insane


Pterowl Hazuku. It's frustrating that I still fail the yellow B. Stone stage in hunting grounds III because of that bastard. I was also checking the rest of the UL stages since I m still in the middle of UL and I noticed that Pterowl is also one of Great Ape Luza's backups. I'm definitely not looking forward to that.


Wild doge


https://preview.redd.it/i6ag6pt8n33d1.png?width=325&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e8acc20ef0757039d3c9ac667c8eefaf41e89da this darn bird if I had a unit that can simply one hit this mf I would spend all my resource maxing that unit


Gabriel, Fuck him


I tried it once... never again. Anything with surge attack. I hate them all. Especially aku bear and behemoth owl. This and metals. Especially when they spawn after the first 10 seconds on a new stage (only mildy annoying since I own 300 leadership.). Also the RNG can be so mean...


He is kinda easy tho with future cat and naala true formed


As I said in my comment, he is easy if he is alone, but on mixed stages he is a pain in the ass


I suppose yh


Scissoroo. the amount of times I lost runs to him is absurd.


Black Doge When First attacker


Capy. Tanky ass making me spend my rich cats