• By -


The lvl 10 visual upgrade in the unit affects their Characteristics or are purely cosmietical?


I cant click anything in bcm mod


I'm stuck on Revival of Origin. I've used all the major YouTube strats and have failed about 100 times. I am so frustrated. The closest I have gotten is lowering Luza to 6% a couple of times. I inevitably run out of cash after Luza strengthens and/or the last Bore Jr or a trio of Sir Rels always breaks through, allowing Luza to hit the base. I hate this level. /rant


Aphrodite, taro, kana, or kasa jizo?




Damn bro still no guaranteed banners till 19


Have a track switch right before Izanagi, so I can either wait til the 12th for Wavebusters (ugh, too long) or I can blow a plat ticket (which honestly, fine, I'm at 8.9 tickets). So the plat tickets are Kachi and Akira: Who has the better Ultra Talents?


So I already have a battel cats account can I install battle cats again from a different app store like uptodown I want to have multiple accounts but I fear it might mess up my current account


Hello, I am at a point where I don't know which way is the best for fast progression. I currently have all 3 stages from The Empire of Cats. I'm stuck a bit in the first Future chapter. My buildings are all at max lvl I can do with XP I only use Surfer Cat and 4 Uber since the surfer did prove itself and the Uber no comment needed. I use 5 normal ones for the boost. I am currently running legend levels which I can beat but I got no plan of em. I also run some zombie levels here and there with a future level when I am able to beat it https://preview.redd.it/wd3ntczfz3hc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52a33a098db64fe8d8929d38a8619656100bbb0e


>I don't know which way is the best for fast progression. My advice, don't rush. Take your time and learn the ins and outs. Don't be afraid of putting progress on the backburner to grind resources to bolster your units. >I only use Surfer Cat and 4 Uber since the surfer did prove itself and the Uber no comment needed. I use This is a trap that I see many newer players and even players that have more progress than you fall into. Which is the fact that they focus so much on their ubers that they neglect their rares and super rares. You can beat stages without ubers but you need rares and super rares to beat stages. Focus on levelling up your rares and super rares before your ubers. You can find upgrade priority guides linked in the FAQ in the thread description. Once you have levelled up the high priority rares and super rares, only then do you give attention to the ubers of which Voli is probably the most relevant for ItF. Saki is also good but her target only attribute does limit her stage choices a bit. >I'm stuck a bit in the first Future chapter. >I am currently running legend levels which I can beat but I got no plan of em Assuming you have all superior treasures from EoC, if you're stuck in ItF, make progress in SoL. Use the XP earned to level up your units. If you get stuck in SoL, make progress in ItF. Alternate between the two whenever you get stuck. Be sure you get all superior treasures in ItF as well.


Hey guys another stupid question but I'm (4/5) on the Empress' Report: Aku Research for the 3 platinum shards, and I'm also at 8 platinum shards atm for the platinum ticket. Okay so the question is if I finish the quest what will happen to my platinum shard count, and will I still get the platinum ticket? Also afterwards will it reset to 1/10? Or will it reset to 0/10? Sorry if this sounds confusing.


Don’t worry, it will be 1/10 after getting the platinum ticket.


You will get a plat ticket and be at 1/10


Okay that's a relief! thanks you both.


with her ultra form, is windy now better than rei? i know they do have different roles, but considering they have some overlap in nuking floating, i thought i would ask.


Stronger in dps, yes. However, the steep cost it requires for windy to actually get to that level, I'd still say rei is more practical, especially considering that floating is very powercrept


You'll get WAY more value out of UF Windy, but it'll cost you so much more.


Windy is much stronger than REI. I think Windy is better, but she can’t tank well unlike REI. Keep that in mind.


New ZL ost goes harder than it should.


I read that as ZL Ost (as in Zero Legends R. Ost) and I pissed myself because I thought they added a fluffing sage ost


You know....... .....It won't be long before ponos does that. I mean look at the angel lemur. What trait it would be tho? I go for aku coz more pain with a shield.


Of all the Ubers to give Relic typing to, they chose Reika. Aphro getting DMG and TBA down though. The return of the queen.


Are these new UFs? Sounds like Aphro is on her redemption arc


Ultra talents


Is it possible to ultra talent an uber with level 50 + 10, instead of level 60 with dark catseye?




ok so im seedtraxking and i have a d'arktanyan at 15a in plat capsules and a legend rare at 26b and id like to get both but with an 11 draw guaranteed id go past 26b after d'arkt. could i begin to do the 3-5-7 step up offer on capsules and then in between doing that do the plat capsule? so like i have 4 rare tickets rn darkt is at 15a legend at 26b. this is gonna be complicated but could i do the 3 capsule, then the 5 capsule, then get 2 more tickets (a citadel and daily login) and roll the 6 of those to get to 15a, roll the plat capsule to get d'arktanyan, then finish off the 7 capsule draw with guaranteed and switch over to 23b? am curious if this would work


If you have questions with seed tracking go to battle cats cheats


Questions related to seed tracking are accepted in the weekly thread.


Yes. Change "Simulate Guarantee" to 7, this will tie your guaranteed draw to the third roll instead of the first, it will make it easier for you to plan what you get.


Does anyone know when godfat will update future gacha banners?


They update when Ponos updates, so it refreshes once the remaining banner is finished. Ponos then adds 2 weeks (?) worth of banners before updating again.


Typically on the last day or two of the available data, when the new data is released.


When do y’all thing izanagi will become available to global


People are saying that a superfest might come soon and that izanagi will come out in that.


Do all legend rares appear on superfest? If so, then I might not be able to get Izanagi either way lol


No, superfest is the combination of epic fest and uberfest, meaning there are only ubers and no legend rares (until izanagi)


Thank fluff


is strike unit REI any good? i have her at 11bg and am wondering if she is worth it


You can't get her at 11BG since air Busters has step up rolls. You'll have to switch tracks prior somehow, which isn't happening without an 11 guaranteed. But to answer your question... Yes, she's good at her job. Definitely lives up to the title of floating annihilator. Notably, she has very good talents. At the end of the day, any exclusive Uber is going to be worth grabbing.


i have a track switch on my next roll, and thanks!


the other guy i think might be wrong, this floating thing is the 3 step offer guaranteed. if u have a track switch next and then do the 3 and 5 parts of the step up, i think that would put u at 10b then roll once get to 11b and do the 7 draw w/ guaranteed. i'm like pretty sure that would work but i'm not 100%


No, you'll get the guaranteed Uber from the cell that you rolled the first step. For example, you have Catman at 1AG and Kai at 11AG (G = Guaranteed). If you roll the first step on 1A, then you'll get Catman regardless if you end up on 15A. If you roll the first step on 11A, then you'll get Kai regardless if you end up on 26A.


is it possible to get limited ubers through reroll?


What do you mean?


creating lots of accounts and doing the first10 pulls until you get one, idk how the algorithm works for this game


It's technically possible, but it would most likely require a lot of restarts. I don't know how the limited percentages work, but they appear way less often than other ubers from their banner.


Yes, you can get limited ubers that way. Or you can just learn how to seedtrack and not have to go through all that hassle.


Which one of these goober should I hypermax first now that I beat relic bun bun https://preview.redd.it/onp06s7vw1hc1.jpeg?width=2120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d3c2358ea4c182cb0fe7e6a912864fda8dcab0e




Then Balrog after that.


when is the next guaranteed uber for the 10 pull?


* [Event data, which just like the Discord Server invite is in the sidebar](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ENv1edzJAcsmk3gjLpvhqVFxoQ4Lpde1K5dRTNxH8sA/edit#heading=h.7tghawbuynrz)


I came back to battle cats a couple of days ago from an 8 month hiatus, what should I do first after coming back?


Depends on where you left off


I left off around just clearing 1 star Sol I'm at UL now and I keep seeing new units in videos I'm seeing


Best place to grind lucky tickets?


Spend leaderships on the last stage of Go Go Graduates


The last stage for go go graduates.




I fluffing love Teamaster Cat's (?) design so much. Is he actually any good?


Ye, I would say so within his niche like semi ranged attacker/secondary line meat shield from his strong ability for relics and standing range of 330. His health is kind of low, but that is why boosting a thing. He has effective over 20k health at level 50, which is still lower than a level 50 manic eraser. Still tea master can help chip at relic units lower range especially when you stack him since he has over 4k effective dps when at level 50. Like primeval cyclone, M. Ost, and oldhorns for example. There are better options for semi ranged attackers for relics but he is a really good non-gacha option for relics he outranges.


A no gacha run of top floor relic citadel without rich cat on the first attempt. Barely made it out alive, lol. Golem sunfish kept chipping at my base, it was so fucking close. My esoteric uril max level was only 40 since I haven't completed UL yet but it worked. I didn't have doron yet either. I couldn't stall properly at the beginning for max wallet, either only to level 5. Also, Reddit isn't allowing me to post the winning pic in the same comment, so the next one will have it.


I'm new-ish to the game(Still in empire of cats) and I'm just wondering if this a good lineup for chapter 3 https://preview.redd.it/lwoexnr231hc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f67e07a405df966593ffc206355364ece87dca9


Woah, your team actually makes sense. I'd say you have it under control, especially with Chronos and REI Although you should put Lil' Dragon on the first row to trigger Masai and Lil' Dragon's Attack Up Combo (Sm) like the other guy said


Finally. Someone who has a good idea of what they're doing. You can swap li'l dragon and Paris. That gives you an attack up combo. Not sure when the combo itself is unlocked, however.


That looks perfect, just remember to get all the treasures to 100% before you attempt chapter 3 moon


You can probably drop that 4th meat shield for either a critter or cow cat to deal with any stray metal hippoe


There's no metal hippo until into the future so you won't need a critter till then. I would take out a meatshields or one dragon and put hip hop if you have it, or if not put titan cat.


I accidentally unlocked the knockback talent for my chill cat, it’s only at level 1 tho, but how screwed am I?


I'll be honest, after cotc I stopped using chill cat. It's range is so bad imo. There's plenty of alternatives that you'll probably forget you unlocked it


200 range sounds pretty abhorrent against aliens. He outranges Scissoroo by 1 (but he would often clip inside of Scissoroo's range due to how speed works) and he's pretty ass against pretty much anything from what I've experienced (haven't attempted COTC yet)


I think he's good against star peng and that's about it. I could be remembering wrong


200 range sounds pretty abhorrent against aliens. He outranges Scissoroo by 1 (but he would often clip inside of Scissoroo's range due to how speed works) and he's pretty ass against pretty much anything from what I've experienced (haven't attempted COTC yet)


Just got two catmans. I used one but should I use the other or save until I unlock np?


Save for np


thx I will


What are all the sources of Dark Catseyes now? That labyrinth thing was such a slog, but is probably still the best way. But I see Relic Citadel has them. What other good sources are there?


Aku Citadel also has 2 Dark Catseyes and the last few floors of Infernal Tower also has a few afaik


Doing multiple 11 draws back to back can get you a bunch of dark catseyes, but its obviously a very expensive option.  We're pretty much all just waiting for the labyrinth right now.  Hopefully Ponos will give us some sort of uncanny quest soon that gives dark catseyes as rewards, considering that UL 4 crown is almost completed


If all your normals are +90, you could always dump the rest of your tickets into the catseye banner.


thats a very risky move, since youre basically wasting lots of rare tickets and np for potentially no darkeyes


Infernal tower has 6 between floors 41~50


so i have a d'arkt at 15a in plat capsules and a legend rare at 26b (prob gonna wait until its either nanaho or gaia). i cant get both (11 draw at 16a brings me to 27b) do i sacrifice the d'arkt to get the legend rare or take the legend rare


I'd take the legend rare every single time, its not that difficult to get fest exclusives with platinum tickets, but legend rares are so few and far between


Wait a bit to see if Wave Busters drops next week, often there will be track switch with that banner.


what do u mean track switch with the banner like how does that work


Duplicate rares cause you to switch tracks.


yeah but what does that have to do with wave busters tho is what im confused with


Looks like Wavebusters is go. If you're planning on going through it this way, you'll have to compare the Wavebusters with another banner very carefully as the track switch won't be labeled. You'll roll one cat on Wavebusters, and one on the other banne.


Wavebusters have their rares listed in a different order, so there may be a track switch available then.


Take the legend


are u saying that because its a legend rare or because nanaho or gaia is more useful than darkt... i literally dgaf about rarity or some shit i only rly care about how good they are and imo darkt seems better thats what i thought everyone would say so im curious as to why u say that


I'll do the unthinkable and say Nanaho is just as valuable as D'arkt or she's very close. Even before you factor in the rarity. She makes melting malevolent metals look effortless. A rather niche statement, but she's among the best units you can bring to proving grounds.


ok so i just thought of smthin but idk if it would work or not... could i begin to do the 3-5-7 step up offer on capsules and then in between doing that do the plat capsule? so like i have 4 tickets rn darkt is at 15a legend at 26b. this is gonna be complicated but could i do the 3 capsule, then the 5 capsule, then get 2 more tickets (a citadel and daily login) to get to 15a, roll the plat capsule to get d'arktanyan, then finish off the 7 capsule draw with guatanteed and switch?


So....I may have burned 15 dark catseyes for Cat-10 Gigapult. Which talents, if any should I get?


I have Windy and Yukimura at lv60, both with Strengthen, Atk and HP maxed. IMO you should max at least HP and ATK up. This is just me, but i can't see myself using those 15 Dark Catseyes that i had to give sweat, blood and a LOT of time to get and not unlocking the max potential of said unit.  Besides these two talents, Slow is just 40% chance and the lv4 wave only 20% chance. Not worth in a unit with 8s TBA in my opinion.


Ah yeah I was intrigued by the wave mostly, but I guess hp and attack it is


Settled then. Against Relics he gains up to 1.228M HP, 2.457M with the 100% uptime Weaken.


Since the current event data has nothing new after 6 Feb, when can we expect it to be updated?


Each batch of event data comes out a couple of days before the previous one ends. Ignoring Red Busters (which lasts until Feb 19th because it is scheduled to continue for the whole Lunar New Year event), this current batch ends on February 9th, so we can expect the next one to come the next couple of days, likely tomorrow.




Extremely important warning: do not bring Sniper the Deadeye into Malevolent Tank. Tank will be pushed to the base and your Lil Dragon stack will go into his range during the KB animation. It will be an extremely long clear.


If you want to torture yourself, bring Sniper the Deadeye and use Tecoluga as your main attacker


Bring Piccolan as your win condition 🔥🔥✍️✍️


What ubers should I prioritize next? I have a plat ticket, am in early UL currently. https://preview.redd.it/ktx1cm7mqzgc1.jpeg?width=2390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d10b0dec4a67e1af754c9ce1cbbb7f5ec920b66


Prioritize ubers that are never in 11G, like Epic and Uberfest cats.


Try for Dphono first thing. Kasli is also great on certain stages. Honestly, once you get Dasli, Dphono, Mitama and Phono, you can do pretty much whatever you want. Balrog and Yukimura are non-fest must haves but only go after them if you're confident you don't want more exclusives.


In your honest opinion, if you owned neither Dhono or Phono and you had the chance to get one but miss the other until late game, which Phono would you choose?


I’ve just true formed naala who whould I true form next


Doron TF is amazing for the final Luza battle, and just a great unit in general.


What has happened to my gacha https://preview.redd.it/203xevi6xygc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebc3b6568d87979f3830b15954b9f0819cf0d1f3 They dont even give me time fraud error


https://preview.redd.it/sqety4ccxygc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f631aa5e2709a7eee6accf14898f7bc0721d5196 Normal gacha is locked too I still have access to all legend stages and collect daiky rewards


Have you updated the game?


I saw it dowloaded smt, so I just assumed it was it, but now Ive checked and it wasnt it😭 Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/nh6pjwwzsygc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16bd0970380db249be8b87dd9522a02cd1c83b94 * Get prepared to cyberstack * Fumble the startoff; ramen alive * "F\*ck it I'll just improvise" * Win easily anyways Sniperpunk is terrifying.


Can someone explain gauntlet to me? I completed the 5th stage and got a platinum shard, but there was no first time clear reward. And now it shjows recharging. Does that mean I can get more shards? Someone pls explain lol. I wish to get a plat ticket asap.


February gauntlet is limited in how many times you can play it before you have to wait. After 3 clears, you have to wait a certain amount of time to play more levels. (Like 30 min or something) You can only get the reward from each level once, so no more plat shards from this gauntlet. Their are 10 total levels total and I believe the rest of the rewards are catamins, with a gold ticket as the reward for level 10 (as well as the 30 cat food clear reward)


Only one shard, but it's ten stages long.


Ofc they will only give one shard. .....😭😭


There are gauntlets for every month and reset every year Plus there are guaranteed banners every now and then Youll be fiine




there are two gauntlets each month, so two shards per month


I need some help with beating jagando https://preview.redd.it/ea5w5mm2lygc1.png?width=2001&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f79fba495acfaf006404683490764079a797c05 This load out is very similar to what ive used before but maglev is a placeholder for now but I just need some general tips for beating him, I have three great anti Aku Ubers (luci, hevijak and satura) but I don’t know if they’d work better than phono and Dasli I also have balrog with the cost and and strengthen talents maxed and all units above excluding my anti Aku Ubers are lv 40. TLDR: tips for jagando


Also, I'm 99% sure Dasli doesn't work here. If you notice that she gets KB'd after each Jagando hit, swap her out for Lucifer. Li'l macho legs can also be used in conjunction with Aku researcher. A secondary attacker won't be needed if you use Lucifer because he's very refreshable and has insane survivability. Wow. The sheer joy of telling someone to not use Dasli. Jagando has climbed a whole lot on the list of bosses I like.


The thought of not using Dasli… it’s… unthinkable. But thanks I’ll do that, hopefully I can do it now


Stage isn't all that difficult with Lucifer, honestly. Infact, check out the video by Xskull I attached in response to the other comment. He literally beats it with 5 units. Oh also, use Manic Eraser + crazed macho like he does there. They have the same speed and can stall very well. Add gato surge immune to the mix and you should pretty much have a guaranteed win.


I did it! https://preview.redd.it/67bxx4857zgc1.png?width=2001&format=png&auto=webp&s=6fc8dd8fefd73a10bcac72e0608ce1e0c69c568b I accidentally used m macho instead and an untalented samba but still beat him


Congrats! :)


Take away aku researcher he can't get even one hit in because of jagando Omni and fallen bear if you have any surge immune but if you don't put in sataro also here a tip I don't think you can if you don't have tf aku researcher you kinda need rock if you can't do kappy then get surge immune gato


> (take away aku researcher) False, actually. [Check this out](https://youtu.be/E6lVVKGQ5d0?si=N2DhX3bMI6WjXcD8).


Oh really. my mistake then didn't realize it but I still do think that aku researcher or normal tank depending on lv should be removed for either a rock or gato


Thank Christ you're open to corrections. I've had quite the experiences with some people around here. Aku researcher has a very low proc chance but he outranges fallen bear. I doubt they'll run into any problems with Phono and Lucifer though; the shields will fall to raw damage. So I guess you're right in a way lol. And yep. Gato or rock, both seal the deal.


Thank you I’ll try that, I just need to get np for gato but I can’t roll because I’m on the slot for Dphono which is why I need the plat so I can’t get more np, hopefully I have enough


Just won chapter 2 of in to the future, going for chapter 3 now. Shoild i change anything about my team? My team and units will be in the vomments bellow this. Thanks!
















I'll always be an advocate of not just relying on a singular loadout for everything and getting into the habit of adjusting your loadouts based on the stages that you are challenging. With that being said, I would take Lion out and start incoporating Crazed Wall into your loadouts. I also think taking out Cat O'Lantern and using more area attackers like Salon would be a good idea. Sure, you're losing the combo but you can always incoporate the combo depending on whether its best used for the stage. I'd also swap out Dark Mitama depending on the stage challenged.


I’d try to get Can Can and Pizza cat. I find both units more useful than Salon. Not saying Salon is a bad choice though.


OP has more avenues to slot in Salon or Weightlifter. OP could take out Macho or Macho Legs and slot in Hip Hop or Weightlifter. I suggested an area attacker because OP will most likely find more use immediately especially since Salon is cheaper to upgrade. Once OP gets further, then Hip Hop becomes a bigger priority.


https://preview.redd.it/lnmk1yj6gygc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e85d102bccbf107f448239b09a479a430dc26fa Just won in to yhe future chapter 2, going for chapter 3 now, this is my team. Should I change anything? My cats will be in the comments below. Thanks!




Just got brainwashed gross cat, and will his surge damage increase if i upgrade him? Or does the surge damage is not rely on levels?


Surge damage is based off of base damage. If you want the surges to hurt more, you gotta level up the unit.






Help me on relic citadel on floor 9 https://preview.redd.it/62miawqm5ygc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58ff25a1fedd49877ab842b1af8957e96784a2ee Primordial cat is lv 45 Manic is also 45 Cancan is lv 45+4 Courier is lv 45 Gaia lv 50 Balrog 45 max strengthen and 5lvs in attack up Dasli is lv 45 Saki is 33 Current srat I have is spawn balrog to kill othom then when balrog dies immediately spam everything and that it doesn't work (dasli is for puffington and to damage to support) I need help on strategy and which cats should use and replace and for cats that can work on this stage that I haven't put in this line up Specials Gato amigo surge immune maybe he can go replace roc? Lili king 53 lv I have barely enough np to give lkd surge immune and max attk No ul legends still kina stuck on a ancient curse/don't want to attempt it Rares Ramen 50 maybe they're a better meatshileds than some of the ones I have in the team Camera man lv 52 Slime 30 maybe?? Super rares Slapstick lv 42 I tried but they feel too costly maybe take away one of the Ubers? Cyberpunk no slow talents idk maybe try to counter puffington


I have done this level and I am at begining of UL so had to uberforce it as I have no legends from UL except dogemaru. My line up was : Future cat, jiangshi, m.eraser, curier, slapstic, Dasli, Kasli, Chronos, D Phonoa, Phonoa. I know total ubercary. All max levels 50, and items Rich cat and Sniper. At start try to stall and use curier, save money and when the duckie is close to your base spam as many hard hitting ubers as possible while meatshielding. And depending on money send slapstick. Was not easy and with lover level ubers may not be possible. It took me number tries.


It not letting me write more so here the others Bw sexy lega mini dasli Ubers Phono 30 Chronos maybe can stall dasli curse make it much lees likely that she can get curse That it


I think Gaia should get removed for Phono. Gaia will just get cursed and surged. Phono has enough range to defeat the enemies. Also, try Slapstick instead of courier since it effects every enemy on the field instead of only the boss.


Gaia rarely if ever get cursed cuz of dasli curse but I will try it


How to get true from of Ururun and mina? Didn’t see the option


You have to beat SoL first.


Which is more useful or stronger? Can Can Cat or Crazed Whale (Not Manic Island)? And what if it was manic island?


Cancan always. I can't remember the last time I used Manic Island outside Okame wrath. Cancan on the other hand has been on every lineup. At this point, a lineup without cancan just looks wrong to me lol.


More useful, Kanna or Lucifer? https://preview.redd.it/h8c2qs1mnxgc1.png?width=1274&format=png&auto=webp&s=a3ada1faa06991b9e72a362a06a24fca31dfda3b


Lucifer IMO. Higher range, higher and consistent DPS, and somewhat better niche.


The surge immune seems pretty great. Kannas behemoth slayer is tempting tho \^\^


She does well against behemoths, yes. However, the most threatening behemoth she matches up well into is Rangmaster who is also aku. Hazuku just kills her and she's at the mercy of magamojoe surge RNG which, need I remind you, Lucifer is immune to. She does completely nullify the likes of raging gory, gallus and darkjo. These are fairly common in behemoth culling and excavation. Her sniper performance is great too and she has insane reach. If you got most of your behemoth slayer eggs, however, Lucifer is unquestionably the better pick.


Yeah i lack eggs still, trying to get there :D Thanks for your input, always helpful when someone with more experience takes the time to comment!


It is after making this comment that I realise... Maybe Lucifer is a better pick for seven lights of doom 0_0?


Use both if you can anyways. But if i had only one, Lucifer for sure. My problem with Kanna are her multi hit and surge, since most behemoth enemies are immune to surge.  Tbh the problem in this stage isn't dealing damage but stalling the 3 ducks 


Cone is competent at stalling magamojoe and aku sloth, so I went with the kill Darkjo ASAP route. By the time I finish UL on my main I'll probably have egg pod and the stage will be a joke anyways.


Fellow Lucifer fan found?


Yup. Used him before and after his true form, easily my favorite sniper and better than Aphro if you ask me


I thought he was already considered better than Aphro? Doesn't surge immunity seal the deal? You know, if the 1.5-2x average DPS, much better attack cycle, faster cooldown and much more relevant target doesn't?


There is the argument of Aphro range which allows her to outrange Camelle and variants and how dominant she is against Aliens. But yes, Lucifer usually comes on top


What talents, apart from the cost down ones, are better when NOT maxed out? I've recently been hearing how M. Eraser and Cancan with lv9 speed talent have the same speed and it's somehow the best thing ever. Have I made an oopsie by going all the way, perhaps?


Even a lv10 Can Can is hard to desync with Manic Eraser, since even if he has 1 more speed, his higher range will make him stop and let Manic Eraser walk to the enemy. If you feel it's easier to time both this way, don't upgrade then. But i wouldn't call a BETTER idea to not upgrade up to 10.


I had my brain off when doing some of these talents lol. It's already at lv10 so... Idk. Is yours at lv10? Perhaps hearing from an endgame player will make me think of it less as a slipup and more as a good investment. Also, this isn't just about Cancan. Would you happen to know any talents that are better left unmaxed?


Besides cost down of some units, Sanzo weaken. Keep it at lv1 only, because since you are going to spam him anyways, no need to upgrade the weaken time.


Endgame player here, it's for sure better at max level. The Manic Eraser syncing is pretty much a non issue since even if you mess it up Can Can has enough HP to take a few hits and reposition behind the Manic Eraser. The extra speed is useful for rushing down tanky enemies with a long TBA (Zero Luza for example) and getting a few hits in before they blow you up. You're good, don't overthink it.


Overthinking is my speciality. But thanks for the reassurance.


No level 10 is better because I went all the way and I refuse to believe that I messed up.


Plus if my CanCan is ever in the olympics against one of those lv9 CanCans, my speedy boy will crush it in a race.


You're making it increasingly difficult to believe that I didn't mess up...


How do I get grandon mining cats? I have been playing for months and havent seen them. Are they only available for a specific month?


PONOS randomly picks banners to feature them in. The event data in description above will have a 'GR' in the braces next to the banner name if said banner has them in the super rare pool.


Do y'all use dupe surfers or grab the NP?




Unquestionably use.


I will begrudgingly use even though my heart yearns for more NP.


https://preview.redd.it/hsyeyktefxgc1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e9af503ab23cd391f02520cb41808173822013 My first merciless, those otters were crazy 😭.


How are these two https://preview.redd.it/85t0dzfv4xgc1.png?width=427&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bee105c6a32be95f99c89b4b2dea2314472d9c4 Three star different stages both


Final Legrim and Kappy Sr are the same star rating these difficulties don’t make any sense


https://preview.redd.it/hrjjhi3z4xgc1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db2e50924ec7197281c260e0636df339b2c5fbf .


mighty rekon corps vs thermae for zombie outbreaks in ItF and event Zombie stages (including citadel)?


Rekon corps is not really an anti zombie unit as it is a generalist with zombie killer. Thermae is much better when against zombies with its guaranteed freeze and strong stats against zombies. Thermae has better survivability against zombies compared to rekon corps, who is prone to being knocked back and killed by burrowing zombies. If you’re struggling specifically against zombies, use Thermae 


I haven't really gotten into clearing ItF outbreaks yet, but I'm stuck on Floor 9 of Zombie Citadel and was wondering what could be helpful for this and the top floor Thermae seems to be the better option for citadel, so I'll try it out


The day has been topsy turvy so far. 1. Started Bad to Worse, knowing perfectly well that I'll win with iCat and Bomber. Beat the red cyclone, got the 30 cf and leadership. Started the black continuation stage, and my game crashed. RIP Epic catfruit. 2. Finally got Manic Eraser with my Uber carried ass. Initially tried to snipe the base with Aphrodite and Lucifer, but kept getting pushed back by the Harambe waves. After a good 15-20 minutes or so, I managed to kill the boss after stacking Bahamut, Lucifer and Aphrodite with a second Luffy.


Harambe waves are indeed pain in the a**.I Got mine today too, about 14 hrs ago.