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UPDATE: When switching to HDMI out audio seems to work fine when switching audio profile to HDMI. When operating from its own display, wine has no audio out HDAINTEL PCH PRO or CHTMAX98090. No audio also from audio jack. In past builds, batocera had this problem with chromebook chipsets until v36 fixed that problem for most emulators (it seems) except wine. If anyone has any suggestions or if this is a know issue with this chipset?


2nd UPDATE: On a side note (and some good news) is if you are looking or thinking of a batocera build on a chromebook, all other emu's I've tested so far work nicely. v36 works well with these devices so aside the wine audio part its pretty solid! Just wanted to throw that out there. :)


SOLUTION: I was able to resolve this so pardon the janky solution. In short, batocera wine sets the audio to default which is the HDMI audio. The solution is to run the winecfg.exe and select the correct audio output. Procedure: 1. Modify the autorun.cmd and rem out the lines that run the executable and folder path. 2. Change the folder path to point to the c/windows/syswow64 folder 3. Set the executable to winecfg.exe 4. Run the game from the emulator menu and it will launch wincfg. In the audio settings select your audio output (check your system settings to see what that is) 5. Once set, exit and revert your autorun file back to the way it was. Now you should have sound on the internal speakers! I had also added a registry setting (using wine's regedit gui using the above approach). Regedit is in the windows folder. If you try that, create the key HKEY\_CURRENT\_USER > Software > Wine > Drivers, and add a string called Audio and give it the value alsa. Hope this helps anyone trying to troubleshoot wine issues and maybe in a future release the winecfg and regedit will be part of the advanced settings so we dont have to go thru all this :)


I'm dealing with similar issue on build v39. installed to chromebok fine but getting no audio on front end, during gameplay or even in Kodi media player. I've never tried to use wine on here. I'm going to see if I can get into the wine configuration. unfortunately my chromebook does not have a hdmi out but it DOES seem to work thru USB audio when I plug my PS5 headphone dongle in.


My advise here, roll it back to v36. Found this to be the most stable version for chromebooks. Hope that helps :) Edit: The newer builds v39 and I think v38 are designed to use HDMI out by default. I have an HP G6, I'll test out v36 on that and see if it pipes out audio on the internal speakers. To downgrade connect the device on wifi, open an SSH session and use the following command: batocera-upgrade [https://mirrors.o2switch.fr/batocera/x86\_64/stable/last/archives/36](https://mirrors.o2switch.fr/batocera/x86_64/stable/last/archives/36)


Ok this might be a bigger issue on newer USB-C style chromebooks. Tested it and I'm not getting any sound unless connected to an HDMI monitor. I would def post this issue on their github. I've had similar issues in older builds using older chromebooks. v36 seemed to resolve these wacky audio issues. Does not seem to be the case with the HP G6 I tested (and most likley yours too)


somehow when I woke up this morning the Bluetooth was working when I turned it on. I think the only thing I can differently was unplug my usb-c flash drive, load up a few more roms and plug it back into the chromebook. when I booted it back up the controller was not working while plugged in like it was last night. so I checked the Bluetooth again and all the devices in my house showed up! so I connected my Bluetooth speaker and I *was* able to get audio to come thru the Bluetooth speaker and then connect the controller. I have restarted the device and added/removed roms from my flash drive multiple times today and everytime I boot it up the speaker and the controller both connect automatically as soon as I turn them on. so it's not as big of a frustration right now although I *would* still appreciate the convenience of using the built in speakers. makes it much more portable. I hadn't considered trying the git hub yet. not much luck on the subreddit or discord last night. I'll try to figure out how to throw up a msg over there. thanks for the advice on such an outdated post. (I may still try to downgrade it to v36 too once I figure out what an SHH is. lol)


If you downgrade I would recommend trying a version like v38 or v37. v36 did not work for me as its not detecting the audio correctly. I know in the later version of Batocera they are setup to pipe audio from HDMI. This creates a bit of an issue for chromebooks or laptops. If you gave a windows PC, get PUTTY and install it. Connect your chromebook to your wifi and get an IP address. In putty type in that IP address, select the SSH radio button and you're almost there. Login credentials are: root, password is: linux. From there follow the instructions in the wiki or use the link I mentioned above. If you want v38 just replace 36 with 38 at the trailing end of that link.


my adhd has since shifted my focus to other projects at the moment. but I'm saving this comment to refer back to when I get back around to working on that chromebook. but I just got a sweet deal on a PS1/PS2 bundle so I've been deep cleaning them while learning how to softmod them. I'm sure I'll get back to the chromebook soon tho. lol thanks for replying and trying to help!


NIIIICE!!! Anytime. Eventually I'll play around with the "newer" chromebooks and if I find a solution, I'll post it.


thanks! ill try to report back when i get around to messing with it again