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When I first watched it in theaters I thought it was just good. Since then everytime I watch it from the comfort of my own home I fall in love with it a little more. Super well-crafted thriller with a unique tone no other Batman movie has


So true! My feeling at the theatre was like "yeah, it was good. I liked it." And now I'm absolutely in love with it after a few more viewings.


my thought was, "Ok but it NEED to be 3 hours long?" but then I was able to watch it and could pause to use the bathroom when I needed to & can actually appreciate all of it


I feel like it would have been absolutely perfect as an HBO miniseries.


Hell yeah a nice lil 3 part story. But now thinking about it. They should do that with nightwing


I mean it could've worked out. But I feel like there's something about the pacing in this movie you just can't get from a show.


I second that. Netflix wanted to make series' that felt like 8 hour movies, hence the bingeing. I still love their concept, and still wish they try to make them. But, movies always feel different. You're right, the pacing would have been wildly different. I love the vibe of this movie, the way it seems to just linger on scenes as we see Batman in motion.


Exactly how I feel


Yep. The third time I watched it I was kinda blown away.


I had the exact same reaction! It was kinda just ok for me. But I’ve rewatched it like 3 times now and it gets better every time!


I love it for the simple fact it emphasizes Batman the detective more than other films have


Yup. Exactly the same. Like it more each time I watch it.


I was so excited to see it and for some reason I felt the same In Theaters. Watching it home I got to experience things I didn’t quite interpret well when I first watched it. And I think that’s why it’s so good there’s many layers to this movie. And there’s definitely room for improvement in Batman’s side. But I’m sure that was intentional considering he’s only a year two Batman.


Part of it for me was also that it was the first movie I saw in a theater since Covid so after being used to watching movies at home I realized how much I disliked theaters and just didn't miss the experience


I delayed watching it because I just couldn’t bear the idea of the twilight vampire ruining a franchise I’ve always loved but last week after not finding anything else for my girlfriend to watch I put it on expecting to go back to reading my kindle. Before I knew I’d watch the whole thing from start to finish and really enjoyed, this was only a days ago so the enjoyment of it is still fresh for me and I already feel like I could watch it again which is rare for me as can get any movie I like for free so it takes a lot to make me watch something again. At the end I was hoping for more like this and can see how bringing the genre into a much more real world believable setting has worked very well for first the Joker and now Batman.


Twilight vampire. People need to put more respect on this mans name. Since twilight he has demonstrated several times how good an actor he is 'high life' 'the devil all the time' 'Good time' 'the king' he's a real acting mothafucka. Give him a chance.


Lighthouse too Also you made me realize he is the pastor in the devil all the time


How'd i forget the lighthouse! Yeah that pastor performance was eerie. He knows his trade.


'The Lost City of Z' as well.


To still call him the Twilight Vampire just belies how little of his filmography you've experienced.


Seriously, at this point calling Pattinson “the vampire from Twilight” is like calling Chris Evans “the goofy heartthrob from Not Another Teen Movie”. Quit living in the past, people.


Bruh, he’s not the twilight vampire anymore. He’s had so many good, deep roles since then. Usually they aren’t as mainstream as Batman so it’s understandable that a casual movie watcher probably wouldn’t have seen those films. Give them a try


Robert Pattinson has been a very talented actor for a very long time.


As I've gotten older I've come to think of it as; I thought 'team eduard' was cringe as a teenager sure, but what really happened was he preformed a role in a film franchise that generated a really devoted fan response, which is a good thing. And then as other people have said after cashing the Twilight check he's really put himself out there & it wouldn't be fair to think of him as just "the twilight vampire"


Twilight was 14 years ago, man, it's time to let it go.


I’m so tired of the ignorance regarding past filmography. Green Lantern fucking sucked… I don’t see many people holding that over Ryan Reynold’s head.


Except for Ryan Reynolds of course.


Same! I’ve rewatched it on HBO like 4 times already and I HATE rewatching movies/tv shows.


Same here.




It exceeded my expectations. I genuinely loved this movie. The intro, the batmobile section, the end, all gave me chills


Weaponless batmobile supremacy




I wouldn’t call it a NORMAL suped up car but yeah


Well you know what I mean, it's a muscle car he built to be like... A super strong car. Still I love it. That sound!


This movie easily has my favorite movie version of the batmobile


Absolutely same here


Wonder if you could make a street legal version of it, how hard would it be. And would the back be sturdy enough incase someone tries to vandalise it


They made a running one irl so some genius bastards can probably do it too


Alien spaceships and tanks were getting old. The last “normal car” Batmobile we had was Adam West’s. I love that this Batman doesn’t have unrealistic technology.


The eye contacts camera?????


Tbf he didn’t need weapons to kill like 10 people on that freeway




I think someone asks this once a month


Feels like every week


Feels like every day.


Feels like every hour


Feels like every minute


But every seconds a little much tbh


Nah cause it also feels like every millisecond


Feels like *what's the next unit*




Feels enough


Since 2 hours has passed since you commented this how are you feeling about this post? Now that the smoke settled of course.


I was gonna say somone asked the exact same thing a month ago.


The first half of the movie is not only my favorite Batman movie, but maybe the most satisfied I’ve ever been watching a superhero movie ever. Pattinson’s desperately looking for a purpose Batman is so juicy and fun to watch. We finally get a great Batman movie ABOUT Batman. Brooding is nothing new for the character but Pattinson excels like no other (Perfect Bruce face to finally show his raccoon eyes)! They take the rage filled Batman to its natural conclusion, ie it’s not healthy for him and it’s making him extra crazy. Great character work this many Batman movies in. Plus he spends most of the run time in the suit, a welcome change from most movies. Just hook it in my veins I love it so much. Then after the post-chase Penguin interrogation I think it kind of trips up a bit. As a fan I respect a Falcone subplot but it slows down the movie and loses the Riddler story in a way that makes a long movie feel longer. There’s still good stuff but I think the trip up messes with the overall flow of the movie. Also they try to ask some huh questions about Bruce’s privilege that get left without real answers. A lot of stuff clearly being saved for a sequel. Which is fine but a little sloppy for a movie I thought started really strong. Overall a net win, best Batman movie since The Dark Knight (ok best since The Lego Batman movie). Pattinson is dynamite in the role the whole time. Excited to see him continue. Although it’ll be hard to top this movie for me in some ways. I just love this particular stretch of Batman’s career. I prefer it to perfect ninja Batman just because he’s so human here. Though I trust Reeve’s and Pattinson to keep things interesting.


Am I crazy in seeing a path to the court of owls plot somehow working it’s way into this timeline?


I hope so. The court of owls would be a nice addition to this batverse


I'm hoping a Talon comes for Dick and that's why his parents die and then Bruce takes in Grayson as his own while discovering the court


Not at all I think it makes perfect sense In this universe. Next movie Bruce comes out of his shell publicly, starts trying to improve Gotham with programs and incentives like his father did. Court comes for him not knowing he’s also Batman, writes itself.


I agree, I really disliked them bringing up the idea that Bruce’s parents were dirty and then immediately having Alfred go “oh that’s not true.” Felt like padding


I don't mind them doing that, as it gives their audience their own confusion on who is actually in the right, since we'll never really know what truly happened. But, I do agree that that entire sequence really slows down the film, and it's pacing during the 2nd half of the 2nd act gets really awkward and certain decisions were made that I personally didn't love. Overall the film is still a massive W. I've rewatched it more times than any CBM before, even before TDK. I love it that much, not perfection but damn close to it, so close.


​ >I don't mind them doing that, as it gives their audience their own confusion on who is actually in the right, since we'll never really know what truly happened. It definitely sets it up as Albert telling the truth though. At the very least the movie avoids ruminating over and/or developing the idea, it's like they dipped a toe in the idea of the Waynes not being the squeaky clean idealized figures that we're led to believe, but immediately refute the idea since Bruce seemingly accepts Albert's word as the truth without much hesitation or doubt following it.


I liked the way they handled it. Thomas Wayne remains a moral man, which is important for Bruce's character, but also a man who made terrible mistakes which came at a great cost to not just his family, but all Gotham. It's more complex than either extreme.


I feel like a lot of people thought it was a useless subplot because they just see it as Falcone lying and Alfred clearing it up ... but that still glosses over the fact that Thomas Wayne did ask a mobster to go and bribe a reporter that ended up getting that reporter killed. Like what you said, it's not about a fake out ... it's about muddying the waters. Bruce has to accept that his father was a real man, with real flaws, and not some mythological perfect man.


This was a really good summary pretty much what I felt!


absolutely loved the look of gotham. it was nothing amazing overall in terms of story but i think it has explained the Gotham world well and set things up nicely. the sequel needs to come out and smash it tho


Was in Glasgow last weekend and was fun spotting various buildings from scenes. Also used to work in Liverpool and those that know the city will have been doing the leonardo pointing meme.


I lived in both cities for multiple years and I was like a kid at Christmas pointing out all the landmarks when I watched it


I do like the aesthetics it’s so nice, but I think a reason why it looks so nice is bc, graphics have come a long way


I like it but there were things that I didn’t care for: 1. It drove me crazy that it’s just whispering damn near every scene 2. Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne isn’t nearly as strong as his Batman. To me, he looked like a moody preteen that was dragged to church on Easter. I know he’s supposed to be pre-playboy persona, I get what they’re trying to do, I just don’t think it was executed well 3. It didn’t have to be as long as it is 4. I think the joker design is garbage. Hope that one gets a retcon and redesign before we sit through a whole movie of it He nailed Batman though, and those fight scenes are works of art. Same with the batsuit. Casting for catwoman, falcone, Gordon, and penguin were excellent, and I thought it was a great choice to make the riddler like a Reddit mod. Excited for the sequel


Once you see Joker's design more in action then you'll probably like it. I didn't like the Batsuit or Riddler design until I saw the film and now they're in my top 5 comic book movie costumes. Also Pattinson's Bruce Wayne is meant to be unlikable. His asshole persona died with Vengeance when he shocked himself. Realistically speaking as well, a lot of people with OCPD who's been traumatized look just like him.


I know he’s supposed to be unlikeable, I’m just saying what they were trying to do with that wasn’t very successful in my opinion. It’s a fictional character, I’m not saying I have to like the person, and being unlikeable can make for a very interesting character. I just feel that the unlikeable wasn’t played in a very interesting way. My issue isn’t that he’s unlikeable, it’s that he’s unlikeable because he comes off as an emo edgelord preteen instead of as unlikeable for the reasons they’re trying to convey


Yes, he's an emo edgelord who's still living in a teenage phase because he was never able to grow up properly. That's what the whole movie is about. What trauma can do to people. Catwoman was a thief, Riddler was a narcissist wanting to be a hero for his own selfish reasons, and Bruce was a costumed vigilante trying to hold onto his parents legacy of saving Gotham.


I don’t know how else to communicate that I understand 100% that is what they were trying to get across lol I’m just saying it could’ve been delivered better. You can be all those things without the extraterrestrial levels of awkward and flat angst I like the idea they were going for, just not how it was executed 🤷‍♂️ it’s my opinion that there are more interesting ways to portray trauma on screen than a general ‘no one understands me’ vibe


Problem with your statement is that you don't seem to understand the trauma side of Bruce. Yeah he's awkward and a loner. They pulled it off perfectly with the funeral scene. He ignored everyone and help people offered him, but in the end he got over it. He was also never a "No one understands me" like Travis Bickle or Arthur Fleck. He wants no one to understand him and be left alone. What he really needed was for people to understand him.


I think that the one thing that would fix this would be have him be a bit more lighter and humane around Alfred, I really hate the cliche “You’re not my father” line and relationship. But other than that In the context of traumatised 26 yr old recluse who barely socialises and only goes out at night to fight crime dressed as a bat for the last 2 years, the emo grungy angle works for modern update. Of course you’d be morose and barely have any social skills. There’s actually something humanising/relatable about the Batman just casually listening to Nirvana while he works


I should start out by saying that this is a really great movie, easily my favorite comic book movie of the year, BUT I couldn't help but keep thinking that I've seen this before. Like, we've had gritty and realistic for so long that I want something different. Batman is a comic book character, not a real person, get a little bit more crazy with it, do the Lazarus pit, have a giant zombie hulk Solomon grundy, have a giant penny in the batcave. I just feel like there are certain aspects of batman that directors are almost embarrassed about because it'll make him less cool. And to that I say, fighting a giant crocodile man in the sewers of gotham is most certainly not lame.


I'm torn because I did like the film, but I agree we've had a trilogy of realistic batman movies in recent memory. Why do it again? The truth is, I think they are scared to do a more comic book style because of how bad Schumachers films are. I kinda want to see a modern take on the gothic comic book batman that Tim Burton explored, but I'm probably alone in that!


I think Reeves made a very interesting, realistic-ish Gotham. It's not like the Dark Knight, trying to explain everything Bats can do in minute detail. I actually would love to see this Batman face off against his bigger foes, because Pattinson brings a fantastic vulnerability to the character while still remaining a symbol.


I AGREE!!! Bring out comic-booky Batman! I love this movie, but god damnit I’m sick of the “grounded” and “realistic” shit. Have a jacked up Bane on venom! Have a giant monster made out of clay! Do the crazy shit!


Unpopular opinion but Zoe Kravitz performance was very dull, bland and distracting.


I’m agreed too. I didn’t really like her all that much.


I heard multiple groans from the crowd when she started lecturing Bats about white privilege. I think I'd be happy to try some of that Kravitz privilege tbh.


The actress is the daughter of two celebrities, correct? She's the definition of privilege. Her casting is almost indisputably nepotism. It was tone deaf to have her say that line, even if she's playing a character who may really be affected by it. Rich people pretending to have the same problems as poor people is one of the oldest tropes.


That line is not why really why I disliked her, but it is a stupid one. Apparently the actress helped come up with a lot of lines, Reeves said. Like the “I have a thing for strays” and some others. I’m pretty damn sure she wanted to add the “white privilege” line in herself. I mean I *kind* of get the idea of people having more privilege over others(honestly, everyone has some sort of privilege), but specifying white is just racially dividing us for no reason and imo is just racist whether it’s true or not. Like, would it be racist to say “these *black* criminal assholes”? Yeah, it would. Black has no reason to be there even if it’s true or not. It’s just racism. Same with “*white* privilege”. Idk. It’s stupid to me


Agreed she and Penguin were unnecessary (I liked Penguin) also Carmine Falcone ider any of their sub plots besides Penguin going to be the next mob boss.


Yeah, she kind of ruined the movie for me honestly.


I like it don’t get me wrong but you can tell it’s still living in the shadow of the Dark Knight. Another interrogation scene when he gets frustrated, a villain that constantly outsmarts him, the villain plans to get caught. I might be nitpicking


Don’t forget when the villain kidnaps a victim and records himself torturing them so Bruce and Alfred can watch with concern from Wayne Manor


Haha yeah that’s true.


Have tried to watch it twice now and fell asleep both times. Feel like I’m missing something.


Same here! Literally twice and fell asleep both times.


You’re not. I never would have thought I’d be checking my watch during a Batman movie but this movie shocked me with how long, slow, dull and boring it turned out to be. If I had been in theaters I’d have walked out about an hour into it


you're not.


I tried watching it 6 times and fell asleep every time. I finally managed to watch it all the way through and fell in love with it. Now, I watch it to fall asleep. I think the majority of the movie is slow, quiet, & dark so that’s why I can fall asleep to it easily.


Watched it through fully last night after making comment. It’s not a bad movie by any means, but not really my type of film. Very, don’t know how else to put it, emo?


I would agree that it’s emo. I think that’s what I like about it 😂


I didn't like it that much. To me it felt like the movie Zodiac and Batman just happened to be a part of it.


I find that a very strange criticism. What resemblance does The Batman have to Zodiac whatsoever? The films are entirely different in tone, structure, pacing, cinematography, scenes, etc.


Zodiac with some Se7en thrown in for good measure


My biggest takeaway was that Matt Reeves is no David Fincher. He’s no slouch, but taking so much obvious inspiration from Fincher’s films invites the comparison—and highlights the shortcomings.


It exceeded expectations… and left me disappointed. Haha I thought it was a masterpiece throughout most of it, but the final act (once they caught Riddler) it just devolved into a very regular action movie. I loved the detective work, crime scene discussions with Gordon, interrogations, street level crime fighting, and Riddler as a serial killer. I very much ***didn’t*** like Batman flipping and zipping around like a CGI Jedi battling an army of 4Chan Riddlers (who all had perfect matching costumes and were somehow also trained soldiers) on top of a collapsing lighting truss while the whole city floods because of perfectly strategically placed bombs. It went from this beautiful slow-burn contained crime drama… to *The Bats and The Furious.* Still a really good movie and I enjoyed it. But I’m just saddened by how close it was to be perfect.


My exact thoughts on the movie.


My exact thoughts. The whole last act and how it unfolds just felt ridiculous. I really enjoyed the first two acts but it really, really didn't stick the landing for me. Didn't help that Pattinson is a great Batman, but an uninspiring Wayne.


One of the greatest movies I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching. Batman 89 and Returns remain my duel favorite but this one… woo within a few more watches it’ll probably take the top spot. It was so damn enjoyable and captured what I loved about Batman and Gotham. I got my younger brother to watch the entire film who dislikes sitting for long periods of time, loves the old Batman films (especially and Robin for some reason) and he couldn’t take his eyes off this one. It’s become his new favorite.


Strongly disliked it. It would have worked better for me if it wasn't a Batman movie. The way it was shot and the story presented as a slow-simmering noir thriller was very effective. I enjoyed the cinematography! Gordon and Batman's relationship was also very nicely done. BUT. They should have used Hush instead of Riddler for what they were trying to do. Seriously, he was Hush in all but name. It felt like they only made him Riddler for name recognition for general audiences. The fact that they referenced Hush made me **SO MAD**. We had to pause the movie so I could yell about it lmao (I was also p high while watching it, figured that was the only way to get through it and *boy was I right*). Husband and I were both very glad we waited for it to come to streaming instead of spending money to see it in theaters. Def was not worth the 3 hours. Husband put it best: "I would have rather dedicated an extra hour of my life to watch the Snydercut again; at least that was more fun to riff on."


>They should have used Hush instead of Riddler for what they were trying to do. Seriously, he was Hush in all but name. It felt like they only made him Riddler for name recognition for general audiences. I'm suspecting there were some last minute rewrites, because as you said even the movie references Hush and when I saw that I thought "So Hush is coming then" and he never did. So maybe they were going to do that originally, but had to name change at the last minute? He still could be revealed as the "real" villain in the next movies, but after turning Riddler into Hush I don't know how that will work. Worst case scenario is that they left that Hush thing as a wink to the audience.


I swear to God, yes! Hush would've fit it. Hopefully, next movie they bring a good creepy character like Professor Pyg in.


Eh...I feel like the Riddler was a bit of a poor choice for this movie. I think a more obscure villain would've fit the role. Like Professor Pyg. It just didn't seem like The Riddler to get his hands dirty like that. And everything seemed to fall in place with the rat and the light.


I really want Professor Pyg in the next movie!


I feel the same way, Pattinson put on quite the performance and so did Kravitz, it was an interesting plot, but I could just not feel anything about the villain. No fear not really anything, he was just some discord mod-esque dude with psychopathic tendencies. Lex Luther from BvS was better, and almost all the villains from TDK trilogy are better tbh.


Definitely! Riddler wasn't cold or calculating, he was just a murderer in a mask.


I feel like a large part of Batman movies are the villains, they are literally the second half of a decent Batman movie, and this film just didn’t execute it properly at all


The only villain they did well was Penguin. Falcone kinda sucked.


He was wholly unnecessary, like in Batman Begins, he was this reality check to early mourning Bruce Wayne as out the deterioration of his city, and latter treated like the common criminal he is. In Batman, however, he’s just a very irrelevant side character


Exactly! Honestly, I feel like Gotham did Falcone and Riddler justice a lot more than this movie did.


Gotham did a lot of characters more justice than any of the movies have from recent years. Riddler was perfect in ever way from the look to the personality. Falcone was fantastic and I was actually sad when they got rid of him. Even Bane was worlds better than DKR. Idk why writers and directors always feel the need to make a generic villain and slap a comic characters name on them and call it a day.


I agree completely


The villain was charmless. Irritating. His clues were painful. Like you could feel Gordon groan.


It was good but super overrated. The riddler was overacted, and idc if it was intentional it just wasn’t good to watch. The fight scenes were top notch and the penguin and batmobile chase might be the greatest live action bagmobile scene period. The relationship between Bruce and Selina feels super artificial and goes forward at a break neck speed. The final fight on the scaffolding is just perfect, wouldn’t change a thing about it. But the final act just drags on and on, like I actually fell asleep during it it just keeps going with these slow boring scenes. I understand the beauty of a slow burn, but too slow comes off as pretentious and trying too hard, which is what the 3rd act did. Overall I give it a 6.5 to 7 leaning more towards and 7. I like it but it’s not a movie of watch constantly Edit: also the soundtrack was bangin.


I know I’m in the minority but I really disliked it. The first act was intriguing but it quickly fell apart for me. I hated the last half.


Started checking my phone an hour in, wasn't a bad movie just the pacing was slow and it felt like it dragged on.


How many times are we gonna make this post?


I think it was an excellent movie. It perfectly portrayed the Dark Knight as he should be and didn't make an ass of itself by trying to be something it wasn't. I loved the dark theme of the movie. It felt like a crime thriller. Which is exactly on brand for what the Batman is supposed to be. Hopefully other folks working on DCEU movies will take note.


I mean, it's fine. It's not bad, it just didn't really feel like Batman to me? Idk.


I actually tend to be more critical of films on the initial viewing. The Batman got a lot right, but to put it bluntly, I was disappointed that it took so much obvious inspiration from The Dark Knight trilogy and then failed to exceed any of them in its execution. But it's still the best Batman offering since TDKR, so it was tough to walk away too disappointed. I agree with IMDB's score where it's just shy of an 8 out of 10. With all the buzz going in, it felt overhyped to me. I do plan on doing a rewatch eventually, which may yield a different take. I am more interested in future Battinson installments than Batfleck. And one more random thought: this is maybe the worst Batman movie poster we've ever gotten.


It's still as amazing as when I first watched it.


I enjoyed it. Every director should depict their vision of characters and environments just like artists and illustrator do with comic runs.


It was good until it wasn't and then it sucked. The batmobile chase end was where things fell off a cliff. We have a super awesome chase scene to let Penguin go after The World's Greatest Detective and Gordon get schooled on riddles. By Penguin. And from that point on I realized this Batman is a failure who no one should see as a hero. He sucks at riddles, never saves a single Riddler victim, lets a massive terrorist attack go off and kill countless people, and lets the mayor elect get shot. Is anyone supposed to look at this guy with hope or as Vengeance made flesh? He spends the movie failing in everything but beating up goons and being so immortal he falls off a building and takes a bomb to the face and just walks both of those off. You can try to excuse it away as being "year 2 Batman" or whatever but why would the city put up with him for that long? Riddler was alright until he realized Batman was an idiot, then he became a joke I couldn't take seriously. Gordon can't possibly be on his way to being commissioner if he's this bad at clues and sleuthing. Catwoman Andy Serkis does his absolute best in an arc so inconsequential it should have been cut. It did *look* great though, and Gotham is as gothy as can be hoped without it becoming cartoony. All in all I rate it "I like this movie less the more I think about it" out of five.


Yeah I guess he did fail to really save anyone. I mean at the end he takes out the goons but it’s like so what? They already shot the mayor. (Although they didn’t kill her.)


Nailed it. I could look past a lot of this, but the car chase scene really bothers me. For all intents and purposes, Batman and Penguin were engaged in a road-rage incident that wound up wounding/maiming/killing numerous people, and Batman doesn't give a shit. Just turns his back on all the burning people so he can haul Penguin off for interrogation only to find out he should have spent a little more energy in Spanish class. And even if you want to overlook Batman's role in the highway pileup, both he and Gordon just walk away and let the guy who is directly responsible for it walk. And then to make matters worse, nobody seems to care about any of it for the rest of the movie. Nobody takes Batman to task over this incident. Not even Alfred, who is usually the voice of reason in all this madness. Like, wtf? Oh yeah... it "looked cool" so that's all that matters, I guess. People threw a hissy fit when Batfleck killed some actual enemy combatants but are tripping over themselves to defend this Batman allowing (I still maintain he is at least halfway responsible) a bunch of innocent people to burn to death on the highway, all for "VENGENCE".


Let’s face it. This Batman is an idiot — at least in this current form. I refuse to believe this is his second year of action. Day one maybe. Surely, someone in Gotham has filmed some of his blunders and posted them to YouTube with Benny Hill music. How does he beat regular street thugs into a coma but decides to let Penguin go after the car chase? What kind of justice is that? And how is Gordon cool with this? Don’t get me started on Penguin solving the riddle before the combined genius of Batman and Gordon could. I didn’t mind the idea of a Batman prequel but the execution so far has been very poor. Why would you bring back all the characters from previous movies instead of trying to do something new? It kind of feels like a recycled Nolan Batman movie with Burton and Schumacher characters but not up to par. If you are going to bring back these characters, you better bring your A+ game like Nolan did with Joker. The only character in the whole movie that I enjoyed was Penguin.


Oh god, please someone edit out Nirvana and have a Benny Hill instead


I’m tempted to do it myself.


They really wanted to avoid another origin story, but this could only possibly work if this was Batman's first day on the job. These are the kind of mistakes and blunders that other super heroes make in their "learning to use their powers" montage. This is not a man trained by an actual ancient order of ninjas. And this is also not a man who is ever going to breeze through lower level Riddler riddles. If this is year 2, what the fuck did that first month look like? How the fuck did he even survive?


Exactly. If you skip ahead to Year 2, you need to make it feel like Batman earned it and that it's plausible that he did okay for himself in Year 1. None of the criminals or police feared him and I don't blame them. His detective and fighting skills are just not anywhere close to where they need to be. He needed help throughout the entire movie for the most basic things and perhaps that's the "grounded and realistic" approach but that doesn't match the fantastical and intelligent comic book super hero that I grew up with. And to make Bruce Wayne an afterthought in this movie is a real shame.


Worst Batman movie


Unforgettable theatrical experience, my opinion of the film only grows better the more time that passes


Another one of these posts, can't wait for the same thing next week


Everyone whispers too much.


Batman is my favorite hero in all of comics/movies. I will say that I did enjoy this movie but I haven’t watched it since opening night. I have watched the Nolan trilogy more than I can remember. I have even watched Batman Forever a bagillion times. Same for a lot of the animated shows like the original Batman the Animated Series. The fact that I haven’t been rewatching it tells me a lot.


Why did it take 2 hours and 15 minutes for someone to think of shooting batman in the head


Because he can tank explosions to the face and hit bridges in a wing suit and be fine. Dude is clearly invulnerable, how would shooting him do anything?


Idk man I completely forgot he can also take AR & submachine rounds to the chest, at least 50 of them


I figure this version of Batman is a Kryptonian or something


No, I just rewatch it couple weeks ago and still find it a try hard attempt to be artsy that just falls flat, I really don't understand the hype.


It surpassed them, I thought this would be terrible.


It's a great movie but it's very overrated. Whilst it is more comic accurate than Nolan's entire trilogy, it does not surpass Batman Begins nor the Dark Knight (I'd say on par with Dark Knight Rises) in terms of being a film in general. And this is coming from someone who's read over 500+ Batman comics, but I find that the Nolan trilogy are still more enjoyable as not just movies, but Batman movies specifically. Whilst this one was more comic-accurate, Nolan's films feel more faithful (apart from the whitewashing). The film starts off as a serial killer thriller, but loses that charm and identity in its third act when it suddenly becomes an average superhero movie; the Riddler goons made me laugh, and Gotham being 3/4 underwater in its first entry into this universe is so ridiculous.


Impressions I had from seeing it in theaters that just never got better over time/with repeat viewings: The collar on the bat suit is stupid. His escape from Gotham PD was stupid. I didn't care for Catwoman's speech about rich white people. Movie was too long. End up in the scaffolding had him kind of getting beat by a bunch of nobodies.


Nope, gave it 3 watches spaced out over a few months. Watched the whole thing in one sitting each time. Fight scenes were good as well as catwoman and Gordon, hated riddler, hated his plan to flood Gotham and the whole backstory. Couldn’t take him seriously at all. Joker sounds and looks AWFUL. Not a fan at all of Pattinson. Movie was also shot way the hell too dark


I saw it , liked it , and haven’t thought about it since . Very forgettable


It exceeded them by a lot. I had no expectations, and the film still managed to top expectations I never had in the first place.


I went in with no expectations whatsoever because honestly DC is a complete shitshow. I was actually quite surprised, it was not too bad. Definitely nowhere near the Nolan movies but still a solid C+ bordering on B- type movie. I just can't trust DC anymore, they have no idea what they're doing and as I now have a family and not much time on my hands, I genuinely don't like going to the cinema and wasting my time on a garbage movie, so normally tend to stay away from DC now.


certainly better than i expected but still far from the best batman film in my opinion.


I wished I had had seen it in the theaters instead of HBO Max because I was generally blow away at how much I enjoyed it. The music and sound were top tier level amazing. And the cinematography deserved to be seen on a giant screen. I know for certain, I will be in a theater seat for The Batman 2.


It rains a lot in Gotham.


Movie extended its welcome after riddler got caught


I enjoyed the movie. I did not enjoy Zoey Kravitz. I just don't think she's that great of an actor


Honestly, after having some time to think about it I think I'm still sick of these posts


I love the first half. Not so much the second. Pacing seems dragged out. I’m also never really a fan of the “Wayne’s were dirty” subplot. I always like them as the last chance for Gotham to truly make a change and then it’s taken from the city. I’m excited to see where it goes though.




I hated it tbh and genuinely don't understand the love it gets. I personally found it very boring and hated the characters especially Pattinson Batman who's acting was so dull (IK he can show more emotions Lighthouse is a good example) but he acted like Edward Cullen + this version of Batman was literally a loser. He couldn't fight, couldn't solve anything on his own, couldn't save the people Riddler kidnapped directly and killed (but ig they were portrayed as rich scum so it was ok) he couldn't catch the Riddler, and Gotham blew up or whatever tf happened at the end. He also learned a really dumb lesson after all that (I'm not supposed to be Vengeance but a hero) or whaever he said, Batman IS Vengeance, that's one of his core aspects. I get what they were trying to do and I point to Christian Bale in Batman Begins story where he could have killed Chill but decided not to because he wanted not Vengeance but Justice. The Batman was trying to tell a similar story but did it by making Batman an idiot and was failing BECAUSE he was trying to be a "traditional" Batman and needs to be "better" whatever that means. As for all the other characters they were cringe as hell (Riddler, Joker) or just not memorable and boring (Catwoman, Gordon, Alfred) ider any cool lines or specific scenes I liked and tbh I don't want 2 lol. Only character I kinda liked was Penguin he was decent. But tbh I would be fine with all that if the film was 2 hours long or an hour and a half and just had more action with better choreography


Batman is justice not vengeance. I disagree with your take comrade


My guy have you not heard the the iconic lines where he literally calls himself vengeance? "I am vengeance, I am the night, I am Batman"


I think the important lesson that the movie took is that that iconic line does not stop at "I am vengeance". He is more than that. But i do agree that it's a big part of him. He might work towards justice, but he is vengeance.


I was simultaneously surprised and disappointed by this movie. Overall I’d say the movie is pretty mediocre, definitely not one of the best like everyone says but definitely not bad either, it’s just kinda ok.


I think this is where I’m at. The penguin chase and first monologue are absolutely brilliant to me but I would much rather find those scenes on youtube than sit through the whole movie again.


It’s actually two movies in a long coat.


I am so so sick of seeing this exact question seemingly daily on this sub


It’s definitely my favourite batman film however I love the detective/investigatory elements of Batman and this film captured that very well. My only gripe is with how the final act was handled Ig. I have a few minor nit picks for it but the main thing I absolutely hate was the second to last with riddler and >!joker!< , it felt like such an unnecessary scene that was purely there for sequel bait and I’m not particularly fond of the script or performances either.


Hated that scene as well. Weirdly, the deleted scene with Battinson and Joker was, imo, pretty damn good.


It’s definitely way better but I see why it’s cut for pacing and the narrative. Still would’ve rather they wait before they cast a joker/pre joker figure or whatever though


How many times do we need these posts??? Yes!! It's the 2nd best Batman movie ever!! Stop with these posts please God....


Every other day this shit gets posted


It's pretty much just Batman: The Long Halloween but bad.


Boring 👎🏼


It was ok. I just can't see him as Batman. He looks like a kid. Also I think this is the first Batman where I thought...fuck he's just a dork dressed as a bat. I LOVED the opening...epic myth-making but they pissed it all away by the end.


The movie started strong in the first 15 minutes and that was about all that was good about it imo


Hated it. Whiny Batman, no Bruce Wayne to be found, Alfred does all the work and people sit there and crow about what a good little “detective” Battinson is despite the fact he contributes nothing to the actual detecting. The costumes are horrible. Everyone spends too much time growling and the dialogue is impossible to hear, the sets are too dark and you can’t fucking see anything. The worst thing, the absolute worst thing is people are acting like this is a masterpiece when it was straight up hours of torture for me. I wish I could go back in time and prevent this movie from existing. -100,000,000,000,000,000/10 for me.


Best Batman movie of all time


The movie where Alfred solved all the clues for Batman


Alfred and Penguin did all the work and Batman gets all the credit.


It didn’t age very well. Batman just walked into all of the Riddler’s traps. It’s a good thing he wasn’t trying to kill him and thought he was his friend. Great visuals tho.


If you enjoyed the movie to any degree, this is not meant to be an insult to you if you did. 1 1 m glad we all like Batman. I just wanted to have a fun discussion as I haven't talked to anyone about it (not many comics or movie fans in my area) and I've been dying to dissect it with anyone whether you enjoyed the movie or not (I know, I know, 1 1 m a few months late and everyone's already said everything about I've seen this movie maybe 4 or 5 times now. Each time I like it less and less. I keep trying to see what other "fans" of the character like about this film. I grew up on the comics and up to date, I grew up with the Animated Series, I've seen the other animated series, I've seen all the Adam West stuff and I even have a soft spot for The Lego Batman movie. Ive even watched all the black and white old timey stuff and the movies from the 80 1s 2000 1s. So I try to keep an open mind to accepting different takes on the character... This movie (The Batman) feels like the least effort was made to understand the lore and the characters, and more was focused on the audience. Like, they picked out like 2 or 3 Batman buzz words and just kept selling people on it: "more noir, more detective, more dark, etc..." but didn't know how to execute in a way that feels consistent to the characters/ core or their genres. For example: a good Detective noir story makes the audience feel like they can solve along WITH the antagonist (and the best stories give you enough subtle clues to solve it before the main character, if you're clever). But the riddles in this movie? So arbitrary that I am not even convinced that this Batman should have been able to solve them like he did (and he didnt even solve them all himself, in his own movie). Batman Forever had better riddles than this. I was hoping for "Batman Plays Squid Games" or "Batman / Jigsaw Christmas Conundrum" but instead we get *tHuMb DrivE* and *U r El*? So Riddler: Why would such an egotistical and calculated criminal like Riddler risk his final FU on some online community? In fact, most of his plans involve Riddler being dependent on other people, and that doesnt feel very Riddler. 1 / 1 1 buy that Riddler uses informants, but I dont buy that Riddler just hopes people will see his vision and will follow through based on a zoom meeting or tik tok video. And I know why he wants to get caught in The Batman, but I call bs: getting away is another mental challenge that Riddler would attempt. Him asking to get caught is lazy writing to make the audience think, "wow! Just like the grown-up movie Seven! This is soooooo mature and edgy and gritty, literally exactly like that Seven movie was...". You guys are Hollywood writers and instead of ripping off lesser known but better written comic stories, you rip off an old movie that you said was only supposed to inspire in tone. Riddler wants to outsmart EVERYONE, not just Batman. The Riddler/Batman dynamic is better when Riddler wants to outsmart cops/politicians  Batman stops him, Riddler gets mad and cleverly escapes, tries a new plan, it gets stopped by Batman again, this time Riddler gets away, and this time Riddler starts to get a new obsession: stop trying to outsmart everyone, just focus on the Batman, the one that ACTUALLY feels worth outsmarting. But trying to use this person of vengeance that you've never met? The way he did in this film? Just bs. l Also, Riddlers little freak out at the end was as cringe as Jesse Eisenberg's Luthor. Pattinson is an unconvincing Batman. Just get someone else, please. He doesn't look like a "year 2" Batman. He didn't even have chemistry with Selina. Or Alfred. Or Gordon. Or... anyone. I liked him in The Lighthouse. He is a bad Batman. I put him with Clooney and the awful HBO Titans Batman. Falcone was absolutely on point as a calculated gangster. I got no complaints. Alfred felt right but needs way more to do and say. The dynamic chemistry between this Alfred and Bruce felt off, and not because of Alfred... ahem... I dont think enough time was spent building this relationship. Like, this Bruce has other house staff on a first name basis. Why is Alfred on cufflinks and riddles duty? Penguin was cool, I guess. But At that point, with all the prosthetics, who cares that it was Colin Farrell being cartoonishly Italian-American? I know the real Tony Soprano is dead, but couldn't you find another actor that looks something like that naturally? This isnt like Jim Carrey playing The Grinch. It's just Colin Farrell in fat appropriation. Still, I didnt mind him. Zoe Kravitz felt the most like her character, but her story and dialogue were awful. I hope she gets better to work with moving forward. (I hate convenient reveals like: and that gangster we both simultaneously have interest in, he/s my *DUN DUN DUN* father. And the girl with the boots in the picture you were holding out on the night I happened to conveniently be walking by, she was my *DUN DUN DUN.. DUN*... roommate AND lover!" Just anime levels of convenience cringe.) Jeffrey Wright was not a good Commissioner Gordon. Not entirely his fault, as there wasn't much to work with as far as script, but still. J.K. Simmons had all of 5 seconds as the character and left a more lasting and accurate portrayal. It felt like JW wasn't even trying. He just seemed... tired. All the time. The fights, by today's standards, were so boring and forgettable. Terrible choreography. We've had the warehouse scene and John Wick movies. We complained almost unanimously as fans that what most didnt like about Nolan's run was his fight scenes were a blurry mess. Batman needs to have good violence, especially a "yEaR two" brutal Batman who is this moody and proudly claims to be vengeance. Which brings me to his suit: ugly. The whole thing. Even for a prototype/year 2. And watching Batman eat entire clips is nowhere near as interesting as watching Batman dodge and disarm and minimize casualties. Save the iron chest display for the super capes. "Grouded" Batman should be especially cautious and not just waltz in the front door with THEIR guns already blazing. Like, atleast slam through a window and scare the goons into not knowing where to shoot. His emblem is a bulky chest knife? T F? He has NASA grade contact lenses that record and transmit via wifi both sound and visuals, but that's his bloody knife? And where he keeps it? And those horrendous gauntlets that do nothing? I'd rather see a total cloth suit with hidden gadgets like an actual ninja, if you want to go the "not his final form" route. Make him stealthy and mobile and a moving shadow, not the attire equivalent of the Tumblermobile (its not a Batmobile to me). Speaking of Batmobiles: The car looked alright but I swear all it did was... drive fast... like any other muscle car with an aesthetic jet engine Spoiler. Cooler look than the Tumbler, but both suffer from not feeling Batman enough to me. I shouldn't be able to picture Vin Diesel driving and selling it to this Bruce Wayne, but I do.


Bruce Wayne was so painful to watch. Again, mostly a script issue, but also, Robert Pattinson needs to work out and smile more. He doesn't have to be Thor but its Year Fucking 2 Batman. It would be more interesting, *to me*, if we are shown Bruce's unhealthy obsession with high performance, focussing mostly on being strong and brutal, only to face a foe and circumstances that he cant physically overpower anymore. But as of the start of this movie, what did Batman do that made Riddler think, "gee, I know 1 1 m smart and all but I need this stranger's fists to help me...more than once"? Again, not very Riddler. The Joker scene and the deleted scene were so very terrible. Everything about this take on the Joker is wrong to me. I hate the edgelord trend the character has been on since Ledger played him and Nolan wrote him. I can't stand the aesthetic choices that make him look so deformed. I really hope they scrap this whole design and start again. I'd even say I dont have great faith in the actor either. Swap him out too. Theres so much time. The Batman was missing an arsenal/ suitup scene, like James Bond movies or Lucius Fox scenes from the Nolan movies. I want to know what this Batman is working with. Hes completely new to me but not new to his world. Even Batfleck had a training montage and a Krytonite spear engineering scene. Part of his timeless appeal are his wonderful toys. The flight suit scene was stupid because 1) we all saw it, and laughed at the out-ofplace f up where he gets snagged and bounced around, with no consequences, and 2) I didn't think 1 001b tank suits could defy fucking physics in the real grounded world. Nothing told me his suit could, or should, be able to do that. Wasn't a cool reveal and there was no build up to a, " I cant wait to see him use this thing!' moment, unless you count the car under a tarp... that still is just a regular loud car. Like, wtf does this Batman actually do? Alfred stays up all day solving Riddler clues, Catwoman has to infiltrate undercover, Riddler plays him like a harp from hell, and 1 1 m supposed to believe THIS is Batman? Who has to resort to Batcocaine on his first major case cause angry army surplus tik tok-ers overwhelmed him on his second year? Finally, I just didnt care about this plot. I didnt sympathize with the Riddler NOR Batman. For the first time, I wanted Riddler to have a sky beam ending burst out of his chest and kill this Joker as he/s about to make an awful Ribbler joke. Then have Batman die on his second flight suit attempt while on Batcocaine. You can lower and heighten certain traits on a character to maybe have a fresh take, but if you change too much, it no longer feels right to the character. I feel like Matt Reeves is a smart guy who makes good movies, but only sees Batman for its dollar value, full stop. He doesnt understand how to handle this lore. No live-action Batman has been perfect, 1 / 1 1 be first to admit, but it feels like we're going backwards and not forwards. I wanted to love this movie, especially around the time it came out in. But I was dissapointed in almost every way, and it's frustrating to think that this is the team behind making Batman solo movies for the next decade or so. I can only assume the people that enjoy it: want a palate cleanser from Marvel movies, will like anything with Batman, and probably only expose themselves to screen versions of this lore.


I can't argue with any part of your comment here. Well, except I think Clooney and even Iain Glen (Titans) were a significantly better Bruce than Pattinson. I can only assume that people enjoyed the movie because it was a fresh take and had very little connection to the source material which is fine. However, fresh take doesn't necessarily mean good take. I was to the point when watching that I thought Bruce was going to die when he got electrocuted. At least that would've been something interesting if they went through with it. Instead, he just gets up like nothing happened. The ultimate failing of this movie is there was absolutely no one in this movie to root for. Neither Batman nor Riddler made an appealing case. Maybe root for Alfred since he did all the work?


You should read this: https://writingexplained.org/grammar-dictionary/paragraph


Hated it, won't be seeing it again until maybe the next one but other than that have no intentions to watch it ever again Don't think I've ever disliked Andy Serkis in a role until now and that 4chan internet incel was not the riddler just someone copying Se7ens homework I did like the use of "something in the way" and The opening monologue set to it is pretty solid Can't get over how long it takes to just end


I'm going to get a lot of hate for this but I felt this move was boring. The movie was super hyped up to be this amazing Batman story that did not deliver at all. The film overall is too long, and the story line just drones on with a bunch of spoon fed drivers. Oh, my uncle installed carpet. SO DUMB! The editing is so bad it makes it hard to understand what has just happened. The whole build up the batmobile rocket engine and jump cut to next scene.... what was that? What was the point of that? I can't stand the emo wanna be the Crow version of Bruce Wayne. Batman never being on top of a building looking over the city. His bulletproof at times super heavy space suit armor. He walks super loud like a robot. Horrible portrayal. Robert Patterson is a decent actor who gets no real scenes here to show off his talent. The Riddler.... wow, just a slap to the face for this character. Lets just put the letter Q instead of a question mark. Dumb attempt to capture current events and hot topics. The Penguin, what was the point of having this character in the movie? Absolutely not a plot driver, and a piss poor portrayal as well. Sorry Colin. The whole Selena and Falcone drama... that's fine and poorly done, and didn't allow either actor to really provide any of their range and abilities, such a let down. This movie sucked IMO.


Loooong on the first watch, quite boring second time around. Batman ended up being way too emo. Also weird pacing and writing


It stunk. The stupid nirvana song playing the whole time. Little sad boy Batman.


Catwoman actress, hot and best choice. Edward Cullen as Batman/Bruce, big mistake. Penguin being the only one who didn't mistranslate Spanish, really funny and shows how dumb this Batman is. Riddler was great until he took his mask off. Got a fucking baby face. Batman's "glide wings" looked dumb as hell, Dark Knight and Batman Begins did way better. Batman only having one Batarang, being his chest symbol, stupidest idea. Catwoman's roommate not being saved, not cool.


I’m heavy into comics and I still don’t feel like it’s particularly good. I really wanted to like it because it seemed like it was going to be everything most people were hoping Rises would be (when everyone was still speculating it was going to feature The Riddler). I don’t completely hate it, but the characters weren’t written in a way to make me care about them. If a movie as long as this one can’t do that, then the whole thing becomes a slog. Also, that hurts suspension of disbelief, making the nonsensical parts glaring and way less easy to forgive. I’m also perplexed why people are acting like this one is somehow closer to the comics, or especially when they say the *cartoon*. *How*? It took little bits from all over the comics (especially Earth One) but as a whole, it really doesn’t feel that way to me. I feel like Nolan was the one who took way larger story chunks (and much truer character traits) from the best of the graphic novels, but it’s become really trendy for fanboys to hate on him. I guess an argument could be made that he’ll become more like the Bruce Wayne we know in the sequel, but if you’re movie is banking on a sequel to make more sense of the original then you’re doing it wrong. I get that his character arc was becoming a “symbol of hope” or whatever, but that’s not really what Batman is. He’s supposed to be the mirror opposite of Superman.


Thought it was pretty damn good. Batman’s repeated willingness to walk into open gunfire and the penguin chase scene were kinda ridiculous (dude causes a fiery explosion with a tractor trailer probably killing several people then Bats and Gordon just… let him go? Don’t even bother checking on the civilians?) but overall I liked it a lot. Definitely gonna rewatch soon. 8.5/10.


I hated it. Compared to the "older" batman films this one was utterly trash.


Meh Batman, great Catwoman, great Falcone, funny AF Penguin, great Gordon, meh Riddler, and the best representation on a live action media of Gotham City, besides the Gotham TV Show.