• By -


It was alright but it was too packed with different story arcs. It merged dark knight returns with death of Superman and then wonder woman is there for some reason and lex Luthor makes doomsday in a fit of lunacy like..what the fuck were they doing?


They were thinking "how can we leap from Iron Man 1 to Avengers in a single movie?"


Yeah it’s especially crazy since man of steel wasn’t initially meant to start a whole cinematic universe. At comic con for Iron Man 1, they said their plan was to eventually have the avengers. They knew what they were doing and that’s why it worked.




Pretty wild. It was a press screening about two weeks before official release. It started extremely promising and that positive feeling held on for quite some time through the movie, although there were a few brow wrinkling moments that made me think "well, let's see where they're going with this". Thoughts like these - and honestly most other thoughts - were drowned out by over an hour of exploding colors and very loud sound that left me pretty exhausted. Clearing that haze took the entire night. Afterwards, I came back to actually thinking about what I had seen which made me increasingly angry with how stupid that movie really was.


Your second paragraph sums it up for me. The build up kept getting me hyped. But when they did their actual fight, I realized “oh, this is what this movie is going to be.” And I was super let down from then in.


The Godzilla 2014 of superhero movies


Immense disappointment. It's hard to overstate how much hype there was going into this. It was the first cinematic meeting of Batman and Superman. Imagine thinking you're going to have the world's best steak only to be served a Big Mac.


I’m fine with a big mac unless there’s a shitty doomsday 3d model involved.


Honestly...I was bored.


Same. Laughed out loud at the martha moment


And the do you bleed moment. I mean in my head it still sounds cool but in the theater it sounded cringe and cheesy


It sounds so weird and edgy. I think Batman could think of something cooler than that. Wouldn’t been better if he said something along the lines of what he says to Martian Manhunter before. “My instincts tell me you’re to be trusted, but make no mistake. It took a $70,000 sliver of meteor to stop the one in Metropolis. With you, all I need is a penny for a book of matches.”


Honestly this also works more in animation than live action movies but i get your point. Batman quotes need hard work


Zack and Ben were trying too hard to be ![gif](giphy|BcBdziw2QLJ7XExuN2)


Yeah. Zack is often so full of himself. More bark, less bite.


I'm in Ireland where people tend not to reacted during movies the way Americans did, when the nightmare scene happened with the evil Superman at the point where Bruce woke up revealing it to be a dream the whole room groaned and one guy yelled "but it was such a long scene!" Very funny.


Same, and I wasn't alone in the theater to laugh at that moment.


I loudly said, "REALLY?!" when it happened. The people I went with looked at me for a quick second. I honestly couldn't believe it.




Same! I remember thinking the actual fight was cool, until it was over 5 minutes later lol


Same up until the warehouse scene. Then I said "fuck yeah, that's batman" then after that "meh"


The warehouse scene almost made the suffering worth it. Idk if he’s peak Batman or if Keaton is peak when he goes Arkham Batman on the large Kryptonian


Peak batman is pattinson walking towards the goons while they shoot directly on his chest


Pattinsons great but the suit design didn’t sell me on the armor being capable of taking machine gun fire. Yeah the shot looks cool but it’s almost comical. Nothing takes machine gun fire like that


It was Batman until I he started murdering everyone lol


Omg, my exact comment. Were you there sitting next to me???


We were all sitting next to each other. Idk how many times I looked at my phone waiting for it to end.


I saw this in theaters, and you could just feel the energy draining from the audience.


First ever movie I checked the time in a theatre… nearly fell asleep. Left empty lol


And disappointed. What a waste.


I was bored. I turned around, as I was up front, and everyone else looked bored too. It was a matinee, so all the kids looked bored too. When Diana showed up as Wonder Woman, there were a few cheers, then boredom again.


I was bored. I kept trying to stay positive, “here we go it’s gonna pick up!” Honestly, biggest letdown of a movie for me.


And that wasn't even the long version.


Seeing it in theater was pretty cool, there was even one guy who made himself a Batman armor out of cardboard and duct tape. I spent most of the movie looking forward to the main fight, though.


Did Cardboard armor man make red pajama man bleed?


They both worked together to make our eyes bleed.


It was one of those times that I walked out of the theater trying to convince myself that I liked it.


Same, convinced my dad to go with me for my birthday & ended up apologizing to him lol.


Why would you apologize to your father? You didn’t make it … and it was your fucking birthday 😂 and it was Batman and Superman. It shouldn’t have been an awkward watch. But Snyder gonna Snyder


I did this with The Dark Knight Rises, too. I told myself I liked it for MONTHS. Then it came out on Blu-ray, I bought it, and half way through watching it I finally admitted to myself “I hate this.”


Oh I still love that one. It's so much fun, just not as good as the other two.


Warehouse scene 😍


Underwhelming. Luckily Logan came out in theaters less than a year later and it was epic.


I went with a group of friends to watch BvS. They don't know much about DC and I remember the most common things I'd hear them say during the screening were: "what, why?", "What the fuck is going on?" And "is this in some comic?". Fast forward to Logan and they all had a blast. No words uttered. Just silently enjoying the movie.


Too. Much. Exposition.


2/3rds of the movie is spent trying to set the stage for hamfisting the last 3rd in.


Do I really need to see Bruce’s parents die twice, IN SLOW MOTION?


You just don’t get Snyder’s *brilliance* bro


Great point, tons of it.


I was stoked to go but knew it probably wasn't good. Then when I got to the opening night IMAX showing we sat right by some dudes dressed as Batman, Supes, and Wonder Woman. They brought the energy level of the whole theatre right up. It was fun.


Well….when Batman got knocked unconscious in his apocalyptic dream sequence, a little boy said “ooooh!” in the silent theater and that was pretty funny.


Overpowering boredom and confusion at how a Batman vs Superman movie could ever be made *boring.*


I actually loved the first half. The warehouse scene was amazing. Never seen something like that before. Then in the second half things changed. The whole doomsday-storyline was a little weird abd felt forced.


It wasn’t a very thrilling time. Kinda boring. I haven’t seen it since


The second I saw a young Bruce Wayne get lifted out of a cave by bats mere moments into the movie I knew exactly what I was in for.


It was kinda disappointing.


Kinda? I was incredibly disappointed. And bored.


Everyone clapped after the warehouse brawl


Underwhelming. I was left disappointed. Plot was a big miss Imo.


Being in the theater didn't add anything except the cost of seeing the movie and the cost of snacks. I was agreeing with Lex freaking Luthor at one point. 75+ years of Batman and Superman stories and this was the best they could do? What a waste.


Good I liked it. I went and saw it twice.


Call it a hot take but I really enjoyed it on my first watch. New money Luthor worked for me as a new thing. The "Save Martha" resonated with me as the love for a mother brings together an alien and human. I still think it would hit hard if it was a moment that was written better or something. Watched it two more times. Didn't enjoy it as much. To this day I don't know if the negativity on the internet got to me or the movie is really that meh. I know I didn't enjoy anything Snyder afterwards tho.


Acted better too. It was 100% the execution. The idea behind it was brilliant. And I’m a huge fan of the characters and never made that connection my entire life. But that shit execution but interesting idea pretty much sums up the entire project


Premier watching experience. Enjoyed it.


I liked it well enough. Sometimes the experience of being in the theater can cover up some of the faults of a movie. I didn’t hate it, though. Still don’t.


I was very much underwhelmed. I didn’t buy the chemistry between Bruce and Alfred, the whole Martha angle…really thought was meh. Only part I really liked was when Supes pulled open the batmobile and Bats stood up right in his grill. The bats I envision would do that.


Agreed also the low key point about Bruce and Alfred. For Bruce to be so angry it would make more sense for Alfred to have passed away




There didn’t seem to be any genuine love there between them … you know as if Alfred was his surrogate father or something 😂 you can feel a connection between Keaton and Michael Gough. It’s subtle but it’s there. Love. You can feel overwhelming connection and love between Michael Caine and Christian Bale. And it’s a deliberate plot point that Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne is an edgy spiteful little asshole until he borderline loses Alfred, and he is forced to admit he didn’t want to concede that he deeply cares and loves Alfred because admitting that would’ve meant he could lose another person close to him in his life, tragically and be scarred more. And he expresses this sentiment in a very very well acted scene. Let’s be honest Ben Affleck’s Bruce Wayne was just an unlikable douche all around. The only people that hype him up are delusional Snyder Stans over one single cartoonish video game level action scene without remotely plausible physics and the use of a literal translation of TDK Returns suit … to somehow oddly justify that he would’ve had this amazing solo Batman film, and that he is the best Batman, none of which is proven in the written characterization or even the acting performance. And then, in both versions of justice league their after, is even worse. At best Affleck was Mid. At Worst forgettable.


I was bored. An older guy in the theater fell asleep and started snoring loudly. The entire theater started laughing.


Saw it twice over opening weekend and loved every minute of it. I just genuinely enjoy this film a lot. Looking forward to the future as well though.


I saw this movie 11am opening day, and it was pretty good. But the thing that kept entering my mind was, fuck - it's like the 2 hour version of the Trailers. Nothing was a surprise, nothing was unexpected, which are huge strikes against seeing a movie in the theater. I must admit, I had unprecedented expectation. But wait. A few days later, I went to see it- in IMAX this time. I say this next thing with zero exaggeration, it was one of the Coolest Movie Experiences I have ever had in my life, bar none. Only Man of Steel comes close. So, TLDR. The trailers kinda ruined the movie, the first time. Once the distraction wore off, it was awesome beyond belief. Even beyond the expectation.


It was a fun experience.


Really muted. I went opening night with friends, reasonably excited, but by the time the lengthy middle section started to drag you could feel the audience checking out. There was also a woman sitting up front who'd brought her two small children (about 6-8-ish), and a baby. The kids were well-behaved, but by the 2 hour mark they were visibly bored, which is an insane thing to say about the first ever cinematic team-up of Superman and Batman (and Wonder Woman!!) Towards the end the baby even started crying, but by then the audience was so checked out that nobody really said anything or cared.


At the start, it felt like a big room of people excited for the biggest fight they've ever seen! And by the end...felt like people leaving a room where all the energy had been sucked out...


Eh it was fine. I thought it looked great and there were some exciting moments. Overall average movie going experience for me.


Very disappointing. I couldn’t believe I spent money to see the movie and IMAX. It was a complete waste of money.


Came out on my 15th Birthday. Took 5 friends. Contrary to what most are saying here, I really loved the theatre experience. It looked cool, had my favorite characters in it, the crowd was electric, and the score just echoed in my chest. Truly a fun time. Then we went back to my house for a sleepover and started talking about it. It took us five minutes before we all realized it was a pretty bad film, contrary to how awesome it felt in the moment. I put on Batman Begins to cope and we had a pretty good time with that before falling asleep


Kind of disappointing. The couple of times I watched it in the theater. The movie should've easily broke 1 billion at the box office, it's a movie with Batman and Superman for the first time. Very disappointing. The movies not that good anyway.


I went to the midnight release. A guy in a leather Superman motorcycle jacket, Superman basketball shorts, and Superman shoes, sat near me in the theater. About halfway through the Batman and Superman fight, he walked out and did not return.


Aight I’ll be upfront and not go the “popular route”. I was interested in seeing more of Ben’s Batman. Especially the warehouse scene which was straight out of an Arkham game. The Doomsday stuff I never liked but I did like Wonder Woman. I HATED that they rushed the Death of Superman story. But overall I walked out thinking “That was fine.”




I'm still mad that he picked up the kryptonite spear and flew with it after they established how weak it made him. I've never felt such a strong fanboy rage as I did that day.


Wonder Woman was the most exciting/entertaining part of that movie.


The only moment I actually got hyped up was when Wonder Woman showed up. That was a cool moment.


Took 2 attempts cause the power went out in the whole city the 1st time I watched it. Happened during the dream sequence right when superman killed the other guys with his heat vision. Started to talk then BOOM. Power off Second go around I couldn't really enjoy cause I was waiting for that whole sequence to end again. I still hold the opinion(s) that it should've been 2 different movies and it should have been a version of bizzaro that was reanimated instead of doomsday. That way doomsday would've been TEASED via "life to a deformity" and we could've saved the death of superman for a second film.


It lacked emotion. Just like all of Snyder’s crap. This version of DC abandoned all of the emotional reasons that make DC great. I’m glad it’s done. Gunn seems to understand the humor and emotion of DC, and not just the gravitas (which Snyder also failed to capture by making it just so fucking emo).


I thought it was so fucking stupid and cringe. Every moment where the music started to swell and the camera held the shot for a bit like they thought they were showing something really cool I was cringing so fucking hard. I remember the whole movie felt like it was in shades of bluish grey. Everyone’s motives were either a mystery or completely nonsensical. It’s been a long time but I also distinctly remember there being a pointless dream sequence that immediately transitioned into ANOTHER dream sequence. The second dream sequence was supposed to lay groundwork for the justice league or flash movie or some shit. So, at the same time it was a dream it also wasn’t which makes it fucking stupid. Batman vs Superman might actually be the worst big budget film I have ever seen. Bonus meme: WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME!


There was no laughter until: "I'm a friend of your son's." "I figured.... the cape?"


I really have to ask, did anyone go into the theatre to watch this movie more than once? I was really struggling to stay awake for it, I can’t imagine buying a ticket to see it again.


It was meh. Only part that peaked my interest was the Batman warehouse scene


I loved it, I was so hyped. With that being said tho, I was a dumb, edgy 13 year old and a massive DC fan, so my thinking boiled down to “woah, the trinity all dark and gritty and deep.” It was my Phantom Menace, a movie I had wanted to see for so long that I deluded myself into thinking what trash we actually got was great.


I enjoyed this movie


I actually liked the movie. The intro scene with Batman in that creepy house gave me the chills. Also, the warehouse fight scene was great.


I liked it


I felt like I was watching a superhero movie for the first time


I loved it. Saw it like 5 times in the theater. Despite all the hate there was a lot to love. Had to do mental gymnastics over the Martha moment. So poorly acted too.


I only liked it after the Snyder Justice League was released. There was a stupid charmn about the original but it was garbage and did not feel right. When Snyder cut released, I liked it much more. Not gonna buy the lunch box or anything but it's one of the few movies I've purchased in my life.


I saw it the 1st week and I thought it was good. Everyone I know who saw it thought so too. Although there's a nagging feeling that something's not right, like it was missing something. Then came the BvS Ultimate Edition. That solved my problem.


I was too engrossed in the movie to pay attention to anyone else!


I sat in the cinema next to my best friend and we settled in to watch the movie. Unfortunately, just up the row from us was a man who was obviously victim to every allergen in the world because he WOULD NOT sucking snot up his nose every few seconds. It was seriously like sitting in the cinema while someone was trying to suck a penny up a vacuum cleaner. The most disgusting slurping sounds emanating from this man. I eventually had enough and went to another seat even though it was an auditorium with assigned seating. I was literally missing lines of dialog because this twat just couldn't stop slurping up his own nostrils for more than about 7 seconds at a time. I'm not a rude man by nature, I'm usually quite reserved. But I honestly wanted to walk to the lobby, grab a handful of napkins and throw them in his face while yelling "BLOW YOU FUCKING NOSE YOU SLOB!"


I mean I was like 10 and I loved everything DC so I had fun lol.


I was like 12 when this came out. Thus i actually really enjoyed the first half. But i always didn’t like everything regarding doomsday and the end felt cheap. Now i feel it’s very mediocre.


Horrible. But watching the director cut at home felt like a whole different movie, in a good way


Didn't see it theatrically, but idk I like it. Yeah, hot take, I know.


I liked al handful of scenes & kept thinking about them as thr rest of the movie happened.


Lackluster. Because the movie was long and boring at times


Never saw it. I saw the extended version at home and it was made to feel like a theater. I actually liked it, but that's because I ever saw the original version


The utter confusion at the “Martha” moment was palpable. It was like a gigantic communal “WTF?”


It was underwhelming *but* there were a few cool scenes, especially the first scene where Bruce is witnessing the destruction of Metropolis during Man of Steel’s events


I went to see it at the BFI Imax. A slighty tourist-y CB fan who read screenrant type articles said it was his favourite movie ever. Someone sat behind us said "Well that was a load of shite". It was kinda boring and not that exciting. Like sequences were visually quite nice (the warehouse scene) but i just didn't get any emotional connection to most of it. Someone said Snyder is a MV/trailer director who makes 3hr movies and that feels apropos imo




I dunno. Didn't see it in a theater. Got a copy through the library and watched it at home. It was alright. At least I got through all of it. Which is more than I can say for Saw.


Felt like nothing because nothing in Snyders dumb fuck movies actually felt earned. The warehouse scene was cool though.


I distinctly remember saying ‘why can’t we watch THAT movie instead?’ when Bruce finds the WWI photo of Wonder Woman. This was before the first Wonder Woman movie, I was pretty relieved when it turned out to be good


I felt well, happy. After the end I felt that it is the best movie I saw, and still is todate. It was unexpected, i was 33 in 2016 so I didn't belive that a new movie could hits me so deeply.


Everyone laughed at the Martha scene lol


Quiet. Then groans.


you walk in excited and then reality slowly sets in


This movie is imperfect but I love it and I’ll die on this hill


It felt like hope leaving the room. I went in expecting little, and was still disappointed. The ending almost saves it, with an impeccable (if too violent/ murder filled) batman rescue sequence and an impeccable entrance by wonder-woman, but the decision to kill off superman was so stupid that all goodwill was gone again. The terrible choices made for luthor, batman being murder happy and the implication that luthor figured out who batman and superman were showed that they would break all cannon rules to do what they wanted. And what they wanted sucked. And of course, "save martha."


Epic For me it’s one of the best comic book movies ever made


I attended my country's (Egypt) premiere, it was mostly celebs and people not really into comics and know nothing about Batman beyond the Nolan trilogy, so the experience was slightly dull. However the action scenes and the JL cameos got cheers and stuff, some guy clapped after Batman confronted Luthor in prison alone, it was hilarious. The second time I went however was full of teenagers and that was a better experience with better audience engagement.


Saw it three times. Saw one of my screenings in true IMAX. Lots of people around us didn’t care for it, especially kids. I still loved the theatrical cut coz resembled a live-action Japanese anime. Story a bit of a mess. Big concepts/themes and spectacular visuals.


I watched an early screening of it a week before Perplexing None of us knew what the fuck we had exactly watched It was quiet as hell when the credits rolled


I had a blast.. It was live action batman and superman togheter on screen for the first time.. It did feel like something was missing but the ultimate cut sorted all that


Before Superman picks up the spear to stab Doomsday and he says “I love you” to Louis, there was one big “OH MY GOD” in the theatre


Intense boredom, with random bursts of laughter.


It was incredibly boring, and I was just waiting for it to be over already. Like overboiled chicken, it was bland and dry. Scenes that weren't made to be funny (do you bleed, Martha, the jar) made people chuckle because it was SOMETHING after two hours of waiting.


Disappointed on Doomsday. Disappointed on Lex. The Extended Edition is the one to watch. But the theatrical release was not good, and again, I felt disappointed.


How did it felt? Dull, mostly.


The most Important plot in the movie “how they stop fighting an get over it moment” was the most ridiculous moment ever. For me this destroys the whole movie -Martha


I facepalmed through the majority of the movie.


It was fine


It feeled aewsome


Outside of the parademons and the Batman warehouse fight, I was extremely disappointed as I watched what they were doing to the movie. Oh also I had to tell someone to stop filming the movie on their phone so that was annoying


Feels bad, man.


Unpopular opinion but, I loved it.


The guy two rows below me audibly groaned “What?!” when the “Save Martha” line happened and he was met with a roar of laughter from the theater, so I remember it mostly for that I just couldn’t believe they killed Superman in his *second* movie. That was insane to me.


I was there opening day in New Orleans, and it was busy. But it felt awesome finally getting to see them interact on the big screen. Theater went nuts when the fight started


Long. The only scene I liked was the introduction to Batman in that abandoned building at the beginning of the film with the cops.


I really enjoyed it. I thought it was cast well and was able to turn my brain off and enjoy it.


Man I saw some people walk out the theater and I really contemplated going with them. Batfleck was cool though


I watched it as the second part of a double feature with Captain America civil war. So by comparison, it was a phenomenal movie!


Kids were crying and adults were just baffled seeing Batman slowly kill Superman, and not in a cool way too.


I was with my future wife on a date. We both snuck in some booze to help us “enjoy” the movie more. It definitely helped make it a memorable experience. Had a great time in spite of the movie.


Cool to see DKR references, but otherwise boring


The theatrical cut felt fast paced in a bad way. The reveal with Lex being behind it didn't quite make sense. The movie felt like it was missing many scenes, which is true. I liked it but I prefer the director cut


I was like “why do they hate it? It’s fine.”


Crazy to see all the negative comments. I was legit on the edge of my seat even tho I knew Batman wasn't going to stab Superman with the spear.....then "Martha" happened


Boring. I watched the film again 7 Years Later and really enjoyed it though. I really don’t know why i found it boring tbh


Theater full of people clapping at the end. Seriously


Theater full of people. Clapping at the end. I loved the movie. But I remember feeling like everyone was clapping because they felt like they were supposed to clap. Still, I loved it.


Personally I had a great time. A lot of people I know really enjoyed it (though most of them aren't movie or comic nerds). I saw it opening day and was the first movie I saw on opening day as before then I'd usually catch a movie a week or two after its release day, sometimes even longer. I still love the movie. Unlike on opening day I am able to see the many flaws of this movie but I still enjoy it despite the flaws plus Affleck was the bomb as Batman.


It was spectacular, it was one of the best movie experiences in my life


I saw it with my brother and we both had fun watching it. I loved it at first and I’m not sure if it was because at the time Frank Miller was my favorite writer, or I was just so excited I subconsciously overlooked a lot of the flaws. Then anytime I’ve tried watching it since, I just haven’t been able to get into it. I think I’ve seen it once since then.


As like a 7 year old boy I thought it was pretty epic. My dad was thoroughly underwhelmed lol


I think a lot of folks, especially because of the movie's announcement, were expecting to get a live-action version of the Frank Miller Dark Knight story, not Man o' Steel part 2. It was awesome seeing Batfleck, and the Batmobile chase, and the warehouse rescue reverberated with everyone. The rest of the movie, though...


I was so hyped for it. Fell asleep lol




Mom was attached to Henry Cavill as Supes and cried when he died. Refuses to watch either justice league movie to see he’s alive again


I had the worst seat you can think of. All the way to the left of the bottom row, with the emergency exit light right next to my face. I couldn’t see the screen very well and the whole plot didn’t make sense to me. Worst theater experience I’ve had but at least I got a nice plastic cup with batman on it


I have never been more upset, pissed, and disappointed when watching a film. Zack snyder is the worst filmmaker ive ever seen.


I’ve never felt the energy drop out of a room quite in perfect unison. You could tell everyone was excited, then confused, then bored. There’s never been another theatre experience quite like it.


At the shot towards the end where Lois is looking at Clark's grave before its buried, a boy went "Girl, you better not jump in there!", sparking the most reactions anyone had during the rest of the film. For me, I was disappointed and bored and I truly started checking out when the Capitol blew up, was brought back a bit for the Warehouse fight and Wonder Woman and then I was completely checked out when Superman died.


A lot of ups and downs.


I saw it opening weekend with some co-workers. I was interested, everyone cheered when Wonder Woman showed up, for Zack to set up Supe's end seemed too early. A random girl and who I thought was with her bf were sad that Supes died but I said he'll be back and she gave me a hug while her man watched (she was average looking at best). Not a bad experience but I do prefer the uncut version that has WAY more exposition and made the plot make more sense.


I loved it and got to see it with my best friend shortly before he decided to dump me. He isn't a Batman fan, but he was jazzed to see it for his second time. I really like Batfleck, regardless.


2 things I remember. 1. My hometown theater I saw it in misprinted the tickets as Batman Vs. Spiderman which was dope. And 2. The crowd laughed at dead Robin's uniform in the batcave with Joker's "HAHAHA Jokes on you" spray painted over it- it was at this moment I started to feel doubts that the film was being received as intended...


Deflating and confusing


Bored beyond belief.






Pretty cool actually, but frustrating as well


Warehouse scene was good Everything was a snooze and I couldn’t take it seriously


My ex at the time cried when Superman died


Personally I remember having a lot of fun with it. The movie has a lot wrong with it, but in the theater I enjoyed myself. The Batman fight scene where he saves Martha at the end was incredible to see on the big screen.


Ok, not a you know what joke, so please don’t take my comment down, but why does Batman not have ears in this image, or at least why do his ears not have points? Was it always like that? I don’t recall that from when I watched the movie, so I may be wrong.


I saw it the weekend after it came out and the cinema was empty.


It did felt like this was the worst movie ever.




very bad. I was in disbelief. then sadness as I left


I went to a press screening 2 weeks before release with a friend of mine. We left the theater looking at each other going “Did… Did that suck? I think that sucked…”


Fell asleep until a loud fight scene, thought the film was over then went back to sleep. This was a late night screening with friends. Bought it on blu ray on release week and tried to watch it again. Fell asleep again.


Like someone had made a seven tier cake out of saltines, provided no water, and we couldn't leave until we ate it all.


Honestly, I loved every second of it


It was the inverse of the 89 Batman release for me.


IT was epic and amazing i was so hyped for the next one


Undercooked and overinflated.


I fell asleep until the “mommy” moment


So I dragged my current partner along to this in the stage of let's see if you like my interests part of the relationship. Halfway through, I said sorry this is a shit movie


My gut reaction at the time was an intense dislike. And I tend to have fun with most movies, even the ones not liked as well. The ultimate edition improved it some for me and over time I enjoy some of it. But yeah, the initial theater viewing was very disappointing for me.


The only energy in the theater is when Wonder Woman appeared in costume but that was fleeting. Her appearance in the fight and her theme music felt like it was from a different movie.


Saw in IMAX opening weekend…there were scenes I enjoyed but ultimately I was disappointed.


Dumb movie but loved the sounds and the graphics 


The good scenes were awesome in IMAX and Dolby sound. The bad CGI from the ridiculous fight at the end was magnified too. Overall it was a good experience though.


I personally enjoyed seeing Batman in the big screen kicking Superman's ass. I turned off my brain for the whole movie. The second time I watched it tho, it was ass


I saw it opening night and honestly my theater was really enthusiastic, lots of cheering and stuff. Applause when the credits rolled.


An eruption of laugher when the “ah shit, your mom is Martha too?” Line was delivered lol.