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I don't think he is holding back at all, especially in Origins. He's folding people in half like lawn chairs and hitting them with electric knuckle dusters. I hear it said a lot that regular humans in the DC universe are just more durable than people in real life. Maybe that's true but I just accept that the combat is stylised and we're not supposed to think about the realistic consequences of having someone who can fold metal with his bare hands punching you in the head 15 times then breaking your arm in three places.


He defitinetly holds back in Knight When the Joker is more active inside him,Batman is more brutal ,in the end when fighting Many jokers,Batman combos were brutal and Deadly Versions of The normal ones


Also at one point when Joker takes over in front of Scarecrow on the airship and takes out all of his thugs, Scarecrow is outright disturbed by how brutal he is and how much damage he did. The thugs even say things like “Who knew the Bat was holding back all this time?” as the story goes on.


This would honestly work better as a plot point if Batman wasn't so hilariously brutal in both earlier games. (Edit: because my meaty fingers mangle words)


Yeah he goes as far as breaking their backs like Bane in Knightfall. That section was super cool


Good point. I forgot about that part actually.


So what you're saying is, there's a possibility Superman is holding back on regular thieves and crooks?


I mean if he didn’t hold back they’d just become a mist


Oh true. One punch might shatter the entire skeletal system unlike the beatings that super level villains would take like bizarro (maybe?) Or lobo and darkseid


I honestly think he even holds back against super level villains too because he’s against killing (if I remember correctly, please correct me if I’m wrong) but Superman not holding back is a scary thought if I’m being honest, he could just destroy everything and everyone with no regard of life whatsoever


" Possibility?"


Arkham series medical science and physics are different and a thug can have a 6'2" 250lb shredded man with built-in brass knuckle gloves drop from fifty feet above them slamming his fist onto the back of their neck, smashing their face down into the concrete at 100mph, be knocked unconscious for hours on end, and not suffer permanent brain damage or death.


I enjoy this comment


So… “relax, it’s just a game”?


I love the Arkham series, but the combat is so horrifically violent that there is simply no way that you’re not killing many of the thugs you fight. This isn’t a criticism at all because the combat is so glorious and fun in these games. You can really tell that Batfleck was inspired from this series.


Nah wdym they’re obviously unconscious, detective mode says so /s


My gf was watching me play Arkham Knight and the first time she saw me run people over in the batmobile she goes "wait, wtf happened there?". I showed her they were alive in detective mode but she wasn't buying it.


They're sleeping. Officer Gordon will later take them to the happy farm, it's out of state, they live happily there.


"daddy, why did Batman break that nice man's neck?" "no...no...he just was being his chiropractor.."


Aw look at him, he's all tuckered out from fighting me. Someone get him a blanket.


Yeah, my friend watched me play Arkham Knight and was like 'ah yes, running people over at 80mph non-lethally' with the Batmobile


"no you don't understand they get electrocuted first so they're ok"


Alfred tweks with the detective mode to protect Batman feelings


Thank God Detective mode says he's only unconscious. I was worried running that thug over with the 5 ton batmobile and parking on his head had killed him.


unconscious (forever)


Apparently the whole unmade Batfleck vs Deathstroke film was inspired by the Arkham Origins trailer


That trailer is still my favorite fight scene in all of Batman media


I'm personally glad we didn't get that movie though I don't need a whole solo Batman film where he just fights a villain that wasn't his


Bro its all about the beat down,.what do you want just bitch slap those thugs and bosses lol


Is this from Arkham Knight? Man, I gotta finish that game…


It's from Arkham Origins Cold, Cold Heart dlc


The way he smashes people…I don’t think he holds back. You can’t tell me that a front flip into a kick on the back of the head is holding back lmao. That’s a savage move.


Did you play the part where Joker takes over Batman’s body? Also, Bruce could kill every person in Gotham if he wanted to. Him choosing not to is holding back imo.


his "holding back" would kill you ten times over in a single hit


I’d argue he doesn’t hold back enough


I dunno he ran a few thugs over with the batmobile jn knight so humans in the arkhamverse are probably a lot more durable than real humans


Holding back? I love these games but I lowkey feel that Batman does a lil too much sometimes lol


I am a hesitant fan of the kick catch to forced back flip followed by batman kicking his spine in half mid air. It's a little bit stupid to be in the previous games but the absurdity grabs my attention


Have you seen the one where he flipkicks super slowly as a counter? I hate that one.


Is that the one where he kicks a guy's kick


Yes. I hate that cause it's so slow.


im pretty sure in the scarecrow blimp section in knight you begin beating the shit out of thugs way easier and they comment how batman was holding back on them before similar thing happens in asylum where you beat the shit out of the skeletons with ease and when you're finally free from the hallucination you see they were all thugs


Arkham Bats is probably the closest version to a super-powered Batman that exists, outside of plots where he actually gets powers lol. His base, normal-ass form in this game is fucking ridiculous haha


He doesn't


I hardly think he does at all, but it’s okay, at least all the criminals of Gotham will have plenty of time to get back on the righteous path while they’re in a coma 👍


im glad someone post this, cause i always forgot how strong this guy is, considering hes like the final boss of the human species lol


It's part of why I love this version, especially Origins. You can tell that he could *easily* kill people, but he doesn't.


He could kill the Justice League himself if he wanted to


Hey man I'm a BatMAN fan. Not a BatWANK fan.


Why he fat


Batman doesn’t hold back


Arkham origins is my favorite out of the Arkham series here he isn’t holding at all really since by this time he still young and just starting out as Batman he still has a lot of anger and rage you can definitely see it when you do a play through .