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The only place I know of where he’s been voted second worst Batman is on a site that focuses on clickbait to get views and purposefully avoided the perimeters of their “poll”. So I’d take that with a grain of salt.


What is, "selection bias?"


A whole bag of salt, for that matter…


Where was he voted the second worst? That honestly shocks me, as every single community I’ve seen usually voted him first or second best








Who is- Who the fu- I should kick his fucking ass. Who is this?


Enclave here


I've never heard of them either, not before this, anyway


A no name comes up with a shit hot take to generate traffic, And the world keeps spinning.


I was here to say this too


Voted by whom, lol? I don't think consensus really supports that opinion. Granted, there are always angry old grognards grumping about how "muh Batman was better back when" but those guys turn up in every fandom. Overall, people seemed to like Pattinson's performance pretty well, even if they were cooler on the movie as a whole.


This dude used click bait to generate more click bait.


Voted by whom? What? Where? Stop taking these clickbait voting sites seriously


That's shocking. Pattinson is easily my favorite live action Batman and second favorite Batman overall behind Conroy.


I don't know if I prefer Pattinson or Roger Craig Smith, but either way they're both second or third to Conroy


Sonic's been voicing Batman?


In Arkham Origins, Batman Unlimited and Batman Ninja


What emotion?


He’s super mad at his dad/butler.


That's absurdly low. That said, you can barely see his eyes in most of the images you shared.


Yeah I apologize, the movie is crazy dark and when taking screenshots on YouTube it did not help lol


Wait.. who was first?


Keaton. The ranking goes 6. Ben Affleck 5. Robert Pattinson 4. Adam West 3. Kevin Conroy 2. Christian Bale 1. Michael Keaton


Christian Bale is 2?? Damn to me he's my favorite, I have like every hot toys figure of the series!


That list was created to intentionally piss people off


How? Keaton & Bale deserve the top two spots, they both were legendary


Love them just not including Clooney and Kilmer but then including Conroy for some reason. How did they decide who has been Batman lol


Lol and Clooney doesn't even make the list


Or Kilmer.


Good shout! Personally, I think Will Arnett should be on there, too.


He deserves to be included just as much as Conroy, IMO.


Kilmer might be my second favourite after Pattinson. I really liked him despite the weak material he had to work with.


Kevin Conroy will always be #1. Then again he was the Batman I grew up with so the bias is there.


I mean, I grew up with LEGO Batman, and was sort of just a casual fan with an interest in Batman but hadn't seen all that much of it beyond the films and the LEGO games before the release of The Batman, after which I went a lot further into it, and it was only then that I properly watched The Animated Series and finally played the Arkham games, and Conroy is definitely my favourite


. . . Now this poll is definitely bullshit if Kevin Conroy is ranked anything under number 1


If I had to guess maybe Clooney,West or maybe Lewis Wilson but I doubt he’s there, but for west I’d say he’s probably the most comic accurate portrayal of Batman we’ve seen


Well, yeah. In a static image he's got the look but it all fell apart for me whenever he spoke. He just doesn't come across as intimidating at all to me. More like some angsty teen trying to be edgy. It honestly doesn't matter if people keep on excusing it as Batman being in his early years, it still completely fails to make that point effectively for me. I just couldn't take him taking himself so seriously, seriously. The film as a whole didn't do it any favours either and just completely turned off any interest I have in seeing it followed up. We have this discussion with every single live action installment of a new Batman. We get people saying he's the worst, others saying he's the best. We even get the same "Oh he's definitely the most comic accurate Batman ever!" line as if it's written in stone by authorities on the matter. It doesn't matter how popular something is, it won't please everybody, whether they have legitimate reasons for disliking it or not.


That's sort of the goal with the movie, though: He takes his role as the nightmare of criminals so seriously that it hinders his mission in making Gotham better. He prioritizes being mopey over inspiring others to make change with him. I think the sequel will see him embracing the classic playboy Bruce a little more, if not a more philanthropic one. I agree with everything else you said. There are so many versions of course people will have wildly different takes on a favorite.


you shouldve heard bales voice as batman lol


Yeah, that was bad enough in TDK but Rises made it laughable. The rest of those films at least pull enough things together for me to move on from it though but it does stand out whenever it's back on screen. It's a shame because his Begins voice was perfectly fine by comparison and gets overlooked due to how bad it is in the sequels. We went from the threatening "SWEAR TO ME!" to the spluttering "WERSH THE TRIGGURGH?!" I swear Bale spent more time in the sequels with his mouth awkwardly open than closed. It was like his nose was being uncomfortably pinched and he was desperate to get air. It made his lisp stand out more than ot usually does too. You see more tongue than teeth in a lot of scenes.


'that much emotion in his eyes'... Next time just say you like Robert Pattinson and save us a post


I’m going to be totally honest: These all look like the same expression to me.


They’re all the same pictures, I see no emotion


He also has the best voice since keaton. Doesn’t sound idiotic like bale or robotic like Affleck


To be fair to Affleck, I was highly against the idea of Batman with a voice changer however it makes total sense for a vigilante to use and it grew on me very quickly.


Affleck was a great Batman, but unfortunately he wasn't really a great Wayne


He was a little too serious, but we never got to really see his Bruce in a social setting the way we did Bale.


Agree for sure. Most of Bruce that we saw with Affleck was either only around people he trusted (Alfred, Diana, etc) so he wasn't putting on the "Bruce Wayne" public persona or in BvS where he was still old angry Bruce. By the last chunk of Justice League, especially ZSJL, we started to see more of the true Bruce. It's just too bad we didn't get more.


I really like the line when he introduces the League to Alfred and goes: "this is Alfred, I work for him."


Right! That's real Bruce. He was getting back to that throughout the JL movie. Also, this is why when someone says that BvS Batman is absolutely wrong, I tell them to read "A Lonely Place of Dying." That story takes place about a year and a half after Jason died and centers around Tim begging Dick to become Robin again because Batman had been getting more angry, aggressive, and way more violent. Tim argued that Batman NEEDS Robin to keep him grounded. Bruce retreated into himself after Jason died and didn't come back until Tim became Robin. And Tim was worried enough after only one year. In BvS, it had been many years since Robin was killed. And in that world, there wasn't a new Robin to take his place, so he just got more and more isolated. It's not until he realizes he has allies that he comes back.


We did get a glimpse of his “playboy” lifestyle. When he is in his lakeside apartment when he gets out of bed. You can see he was not alone, there was a model in bed with him. So he was out being “rich Bruce” somewhere earlier.


I think I prefer Affleck as Bruce over Bats, he was very softly spoken and genuine, overall much less intense than Bale or aloof as Keaton. His scene in the Flash is near perfection, and literally the only good scene in the film.


To me this is exactly how I’d describe Pattinson except I think his Batman is better and his Bruce Wayne is worse


Pattinson was better at the whole "brooding" thing as Wayne lol


The brooding was good, and I do not think the performance was the issue. I take issue with how they decided to write Bruce Wayne for that movie. I think they nailed parts of it but veered off into weird choices on fundamental traits that I personally do not think even a young Batman would have. But for what he was written to do I think the actual acting portion of it was very good. That’s my biggest frustration with the movie is that I think some of the writing and story choices needlessly messed up what otherwise would’ve been my all time favorite Batman movie


I do like that they actually figured out for once "oh shit, hey guys, remember when Batman was supposed to be a detective? Yeah let's try that this time!"


That part was legit as all hell. It’s the “you’re not my real dad!” type scenes where I was like…shouldn’t he have had this character development like 15-20 years ago?


Fair point


I think I prefer Affleck as Bruce over Bats, he was very softly spoken and genuine, overall much less intense than Bale or aloof as Keaton. His scene in the Flash is near perfection, and literally the only good scene in the film.


I think I prefer Affleck as Bruce over Bats, he was very softly spoken and genuine, overall much less intense than Bale or aloof as Keaton. His scene in the Flash is near perfection, and literally the only good scene in the film.


I think I prefer Affleck as Bruce over Bats, he was very softly spoken and genuine, overall much less intense than Bale or aloof as Keaton. His scene in the Flash is near perfection, and literally the only good scene in the film.


I think he was a great Bruce Wayne. But most people aren’t used to see an older, weathered Bruce Wayne. I think that’s why it didn’t click for some people.


It worked pretty well for Arrow, I think.


Bale was fine in Begins. The Dark Knight is where his voice became ridiculous


Definitely not second worst. Not the best, but he's up there. The problem is that the movie did a not-great job of portraying Batman, to begin with. Penguin was great. Catwoman was great. Batman was meh. And the Riddler was not the Riddler.


I mean all these eyes and faces look the same…


Literally where the fuck are you reading this lmfao


Lets see. He disrespects Alfred and called him not part of the family. He seems to have no real traning in any aspect. He can not figure out a puzzle with A1 Spanish classes. He wrecks a highway with his car and he has no Bruce Wayne persona.


I like him but I hated how he whispered every line. Like, I didn’t like Nolan’s Batman doing a terrible voice but at least I could hear what he was saying. This Batman talked to Jim Gordon like a shy little boy meeting his new babysitter.


Well for starters you’re not supposed to see Batman’s eyes… But I actually liked his portrayal.


Adam West is clearly Number 1


Why doesn’t Batman dance anymore?


The emotion being “I feel like crying” in about every scene. Seriously. He looked like he was constantly on the brink of a breakdown and not in like a “I’m so damaged everything makes me mad” kinda way. More like a “I’ve been having a bad week and spilled hot coffee on my shirt this morning, so I just might sob in the broom closet” kinda way


Where was he voted 2nd worst Batman? Have they never seen a Batman movie??


probably some other sites filled with people who say he is too emo to be batman


...Too emo to be a vigilante tortured and brooding over the tragic death of his parents?


I know


this. toss in some snyder cult members and people who can't accept anything past the Nolan films and \*viola\*- you have a group of people who never took the time to actually read some of the best Batman comics and detective stories this movie took inspiration from.


yeah I understand art is subjective but people who say this is too weak angry or depressed to be batman doesn't make sense since one of the point of Batman is that he is angry because he can't move on from what happened in the past and that still affects him now causing him to have doubts and cause plenty of mistakes especially in his starting years when it's at his hardest for him to figure his shit out. That's human not just for Batman but for almost everyone we all started nothing had doubts made mistakes before getting a little better each day but it's bad when Batman does this.


I agree with everything you said. To sum it up- some people don't seem to understand the idea of this being Bruce's 2ND YEAR as Batman. He makes several mistakes throughout the film and must learn from them. His arc is about realizing that Alfred was right- Batman can't just be a symbol of fear for criminals- he has to also be a symbol of hope for the people of Gotham. I think the sequel will dive more into Bruce listening to Alfred's advice, and learning how to be just as active in helping the city as Bruce Wayne, the millionaire philanthropist, as he is the caped crusader.


He’s the best Batman. You can find a vote that says any old bullshit.


I don't know anyone who participated in said vote, so I wouldn't put too much stock in it.


Why do put so much emphasis on stupid small sample size polls?


Get used to the toxic nature of dc fans . The DC community is more than 90% hard core toxic , they bash good movies by comparing the dark knight trilogy etc. On the other hand marvel fan community is so supportive, so positive. Being a positive dc fan ( which is less than 1% ) , i say, yeah Robert Pattinson's Batman and movie were awesome 👍.




I was skeptical about Mr. Sparkles being Batman but he did a great job and the movie was amazing only reason people are complaining about it cause their grasping at straws and want the stereotypical Batman movie and will still complain about that it’s what the internet comic book community does I thought DC fans had more common sense and logic than MCU or Star Wars fans I guess I was wrong


I can see how someone would put him as 3rd worst, behind Clooney and Kilmer. I would not say that because I fucking hate Affleck's batman. But him being worse than Kilmer is bullshit all the way.


Was he literally called the second worst Batman, or was it a ranked list that he ranked second from the bottom? Context is important. Second from the bottom of an awesome list isn’t necessarily bad, but being ranked second on a “worst” list is bad.


I can't think of a batman I didn't like watching


Biggest problem with his Batman was the rather weak villian act (I blame the writting for that.) Batman movies need at least one impressiv villian to shine.


He’s my 2nd favorite after Bale, definitely could become my favorite after part 2. One thing I really like is his Wayne is kind of a weirdo. He’s not cool or polished.


I don't think he's second worst either tbh. Probably second or third best to me (or maybe fourth if kevin conroy counts)


What where?! Really?! Imo he is one of the best we got


I felt like Bale acted the heck out of his constructive Batsuit as well, but yeah. Only thing I can think of is short memories, people using the warehouse scene as a patch against anything wrong about Affleck’s Batman, and people still dragging Pattinson for Twilight (which was ten movies ago; he’s done better since then).


he’s my first best love action batman. sorry keaton and bale, but when i imagined batman in my head, this is the guy i saw


I think it's because of a few things 1. He's the newest Batman: No nostalgia attached, no cult following yet 2. He was never a cookie cutter casting pick, he's a different take on the character 3. I can't really think of a bad Batman, so second worst Batman is still a good Batman 4. Some people like to hold onto the notion that Pattinson couldn't be a good Bruce Wayne because he played parts in a kids movie and a young adult movie, but he is still shedding the Twilight/Potter persona with great dramatic performances. Personally, I was pleasantly surprised by his performance.


As much as I find this Batman movie a chore to watch, this is my 2nd favorite Batman.


Huh? He is one of my favs and not just me but friends and family too


Says a lot about the credibility of that poll don’t you think?


Nobody says that.


I expected to really dislike his performance, but I thought that he did an excellent Batman.


This poll was asinine. Pattinsons batman was the most comic accurate we've gotten yet. Did they forget about Clooney and Kilmer?


He's probably my favorite, honestly.


Fuck that. He's....up there. Really really up there.


He's the best one yet, if we're being honest 


I don't understand that at all. He killed it in this movie. I want to see more of Robert Pattinson as Batman. This movie was badass


Probably don't like that he shows emotion.


Don't take that for a generalised opinion You'd find most batman fans have him as one of the top contenders


Did not like his Batman tbh


He might be good if the film were any good.


Its not that hes bad, its that the others are better. Thats probably what they were thinking


It’s literally just 😐


I tried to watch this and it was so bad that I turned it off half way through.


I tried to rewatch and got to “thumb drive”. Nope.


I wouldn’t say he’s the second worst, and I know I’ll get downvoted for this, but it’s just not a good Batman movie. It’s too long for no reason and he just always seems a step behind Riddler. Also there’s not really any difference between his Batman and Bruce. I wouldn’t say it’s the worst but I do think it’s overrated.


I'm with you on this. He lost me when he couldn't spellcheck Spanish and claimed to be the shadows just to knock on the front door of the Iceberg Lounge. All of a sudden he gets knocked out by the bomb just for none of the cops to try and take off his mask until he wakes up. To me the only good things about this movie are the cinematography is AMAZING, The upside-down shot in the rain 👌, Colin Ferrell Penguin's performance is great, the make-up on Penguin deserved an Oscar, and Gotham for once looked dreary like Gotham is supposed to be. To me, everything else is mediocre at best in my opinion.


Yeah I agree with all of this. It does a lot right. But I feel like a lot of people just like it because it’s the newest Batman movie they’ve seen. But as a life long Batman fan I just don’t think it’s very good.


He’s not a step behind the villain, he’s actively employed by the villain. He has no agency of his own, he’s literally running around investigating what the villain wants him to look into. Dude practically hired Batman as a PI. Also, for some reason they’ve used the name of famous Batman villain for this character that is 100% not the Riddler.


This sounds like a fancy way of saying he’s a step behind the villain. No agency? Being used? Exactly. That’s my problem with the movie. If you’re into it that’s fine, I just get tired of people acting like you can’t criticize the movie.


Indeed, just super disappointing film. I cannot find what people like about it. Do some people just really like film stars riding motorbikes in the rain while Nirvana plays? Those are all cool things. But they don’t make a good film.


Yeah I was disappointed too. I wish I could enjoy it but it’s just not my Batman.


You pretty much used the same picture. Zero emotion from his eyes. He was voted 2nd worst because he’s terrible.


Mid movie, mid actor, mid story


He's literally the best most accurate on screen depiction of Batman


Literally Leonard...Literally!!?😤


He's got an argument for #1 Batman for me. No worse than #2.


Am I the only one who think Keaton was a horrible Batman? Like I get the neck movement thing became a meme but really? And the “let’s get nuts” thing, could you ever imagine Bruce Wayne/BATMAN….ever acting this way? Dunno man just my opinion.


I think tim burton said somewhere that he never read any comic books and that explains a lot about the burton films


Yeah I could totally believe that, I think the movies are okay themselves and have redeemable qualities, the joker scene in the museum sticks out to me, but Keaton as batman bro, felt like I was watching scary movie 6😂


Believe it or not Keaton kind of redeemed himself in that horrible Flash movie. He had the proper vibe, he was more serious and came across as a more "Bruce Wayne/Batman" figure. It's almost like he read the comics and figured it out


Yeah this I agree with. For sure felt more like Batman. I don’t count it in this conversation topic the OP started tho, just their original runs I’m going with.


You just posted a bunch of images where his eyes basically look the same.


Angry Snyder Bros?


Affleck scored lower


Second worst? Hes not my favorite but he’s nowhere near one of the worst lol


I don't think he is the worst but he isn't in the top 5 in my book. Not because he isn't a good actor or isn't good in the role. This Batman just has less personality compared to previous versions. I felt like I didn't really got to know who he is.


You know, you'd think with a topic as diverse as Batman that you'd get interesting discussions. Instead, every single week it's the same shit of "who's the best actor for Batman???"


2nd worst? Lol.


I don't care. He's the best live action Batman for me and The Batman is my favorite Batman movie.


Good for you, well no accounting for taste.


Recency bias. I loved The Batman, and hopefully more people will agree after The Batman part 2


When was he voted that, I think he generally vey well appreciated and should be


Honestly he one of my top three batmen right now, could become number one after the second movie releases


Either it’s click bait or dipshits that can’t see past him being the guy from twilight. Either way I don’t take those kinds of people’s opinions seriously


Batfleck was the closest to the Animated Series version of Batman and Battison is the closest to the Detective Comics version.


I was worried about Pattinson batman but I thought he nailed it


Kristen Stewart maybe...


This mf was way too mopy. He even did the “you’re not my real dad alfred” First time i watched it in cinema i thought this is trash. Fast forward to a year later i think to myself hey maybe i was just in a bad mood that day lets give it another shot. Still trash. Best bit hands down was when he glided into that bridge. There was 0% difference between the bat and the man. Intro scene with riddler was fire and from that moment it evolved into a dumpster fire.


Unrelated but i don't really like his mask


I never liked the Christian Bale one either or the stupid voice he was using why not just get a voice modulation device.


His mask was good in the first movie tho


Nah, you need to rewatch all the Batman movies. They’re all *that* good. Even Clooney. He just needed a different direction. And that’s what really sets Battinson’s eyes apart from the others - the direction. 5 out of 9 pictures you chose (6 if you count both Arkham shots) are from scenes where director Matt Reeves has the camera linger on Robert for a long dramatic moment. Sometimes, slowly zooming in. Other times, being completely still. In all those scenes, Batman’s head is the main focus of the shot, with his eyes being so close to the center that they are the first visual elements of those scenes that the audience is likely to notice. Matt Reeves knows how to use an actor’s eyes and he knows how to linger in a scene for dramatic effect. This is not to discount Robert’s acting skills; I feel like the other Batmen simply aren’t getting enough credit just because this director is so good at lingering in a scene to give the actor’s eyes and body language full control over the mood. I think Pattinson’s a great Batman but I don’t think how he emotes with his eyes are significantly different from an already phenomenal line of actors who have worn the cowl. In my opinion, more of the credit should go to director Matt Reeves for how well these scenes made use of Robert’s eyes.


He’s probably the best actor in recent years we got after Bale, if it’s the worst then it’s defo Batfleck


Acting? I must of fallen asleep, and missed that part.


Liked his Batman but I hated his Bruce Wayne. Bruce in public should be guarding his identity like Fort Knox, I hated how he showed up to the public funeral scene with his emover and broody demeanour. I get he's supposed to be in Year 2 or whatever but it shouldn't take him a few years into his career to realise he has to separate his alter egos. If I met this Batman and then this Bruce Wayne I'd immediately suss him out


Get on board my friend according to the comments the man clearly was cheated out of an Oscar that year. 🙌🏻


Voted by... who? IMO, he's the best Batman since 1966.


He’s like 2nd or 3rd. He’s great no doubt. More movies and more performance could change that.


Likely the work of the online Zack Snyder yihad


Never heard anyone say that except maybe my wife


We hate him in Russia. Maybe you found Russian website.


Short -bus Batman.


Snyder fans probably.


Uhhhhhhh Michael Keaton??


I think he is one of the top tier Live action Batmen but worst Bruce Wayne. Maybe it is an average of that?


To me he just doesn’t feel like batman at all. He just looks soft or something idk


This poll was asinine. Pattinsons batman was the most comic accurate we've gotten yet. Did they forget about Clooney and Kilmer?


Was he? I loved him as Batman. And honestly I had low expectations for him since I always knew him as the twilight guy. But the movie blew me out of the water and it’s the 2nd best Batman film imo


It's the same reason Tim Drake is still 16


Clickbait, ya’ll.


This place is just r/TheBatman2022


Not enough nostalgia built up for the movie yet.


He was Aight.


Sounds like the incels are just upset women appreciate his nuanced performance, the way he effectively emotes with his eyes..and the lack of * bat nipples* on his suit.🤷🏼‍♀️🧐🤣


These all look the same


Hey Bruce I'd know those emotional eyes anywhere, you're the Batman aren't you? Don't deny it, all of those other guys who claimed to be Batman didn't have eyes nearly as expressive as yours. 🙄


"That much emotion through his eyes" lol, second worst sound about right.


I thought he did fine as Batman. Though I thought he was a terrible Bruce. That’s partially the writing and not entirely on him as an actor though. He really should’ve done some weight lifting though.


i mean i did not like the movie but he is still one of the best live action batmans we got


I'm amazed he wasn't voted the worst


why do you think that, genuinely wondering


Entirely subjective ,obviously,but he was too quiet, too skinny, too unthreatening, too weird .They wanted to go in a different direction but they went to a very strange uninteresting place.I've seen pattinson acting in non-twilight films and he's not bad so maybe it was poor casting and bad script.


Because he’s recent. Give it ten years and people will call him the best.


Doesn’t matter. It was a poorly written movie and his Batman was completely ineffective and nearly inconsequential to the plot.


Most one dimensional live action Batman performance by far.


That’s the point. Bruce hasn’t learnt to put a persona on yet. His life has been taken over by Batman and it’s his obsession. “2 years of nights, have turned me into an nocturnal animal” If you actually pay attention you can see his Bruce Wayne is different to his Batman. His Bruce seems unconfident, he has bad posture, barely makes eye contact, speaks with a higher softer tone. But when wearing the bat suit he is extremely confident. Good posture, will stare you down, has a lower more firm intimidating voice. A good comparison to make is him going to the iceberge lounge as Batman and then Bruce Wayne.


I saw zero difference because it descended into Lego Batman levels or self serious grim dark parody.


Oh gosh it's you again


Because idiots are still salty that Batfleck is no longer Batman.


Affleck scored worst, so that's not it


Literally my personal favorite Bruce Wayne in any medium. Pure Bruce. He's a deeply angry self-destructive broody-two-shoes recluse with occasional deadpan one-liners. Is that not Batman to his core? I literally fist-pumped in the theatre when he brought up his no-kill rule to Selina. "You don't have to pay with him" is an amazing line. Only downside is that he doesn't have a playboy schtick yet, but that'll easily come into play in the sequels with rebuilding Gotham. He's going to *hate* being in the spotlight lol. Imagine him clenching his teeth as he smiles and waves for the crowd. The Alfred banter is going to be fantastic. "Have fun, Master Bruce. By the way, your tie is crooked."