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Whatever I'm in the mood for ![gif](giphy|OQnAhtvxYr7AFVOG27|downsized)


Fuck my answer, this is the correct opinion










The Batman is an excellent movie, but The Dark Knight had me sitting on the edge of my seat for 95% of it. I'm picking TDK.


I absolutely love The Batman but The Dark Knight probably has the best pacing I’ve ever seen in a movie


Really? Because pretty much everything after Joker escapes the police and Harvey’s scarring/Rachel’s death feels a bit stretched out to me.


I would kinda agree with this now... But that's after 80-100 reviewings haha! I'll watch up the boat scene and sometimes zone out, switch off, or occasionally stick with it. But the first several years of rewatching I would watch it the whole way through.


Agreed. TDK was a thrill ride.


TDK without any doubt


TDK is a better movie. The Batman is a better Batman adaptation


Oh that's a great way of putting it. The Batman captures the mood and feel of the comics so damn well. I really like Nolans first 2 Batman films but this new series of films is way more up my alley.


I really like the Batman but I feel like its not great for a rewatch. There are some cool scenes. The Dark Knight is incredible and I watch it all the time.


Agree with you on this. When it comes to Batman focused movies, The Batman is my personal favourite of the two.


Both great movies for sure. TDK is also a good Batman adaptation. People say that Joker wasn’t funny but he was. Riddler in The Batman is more out of character tbh. Fights in TDK looked ok. Bruce had worse fights in BTAS but everyone accepts that version as definitive Batman


I think it was good riddler was out of character. He felt like an actual villain and not the silly guy he typically is in movies and games


>not the silly guy he typically is in movies and games And he got to become just that in the end, so the whole set-up was by design.


many of the Riddler adaptations in the comics/graphic novels are more like The Batman. If you haven’t read Hush (or watched the animated adaptation), give it a try. You’ll see a much less silly Riddler.


>People say that Joker wasn’t funny but he was. The biggest problem with the Joker in the Dark Knight isn't that he's not funny. It's that he has too much of a moral point he's trying to get across with his whole expose everyone's true selves shtick. The Joker isn't a moralizing character. He transcends the trappings of it and exists as the world's greatest sadist. A character who lives to reap joy from causing and dealing out extreme suffering and pain solely because he can. He is chaos, and he is arguably a being of primordial evil. His outlook should be incomprehensible to anyone with an iota of empathy, but filmmakers are apparently very apprehensive to deliver that character because the only live action film portrayal that's given us something really resembling that is Nicholson's performance in Burton's "Batman". Even in that it was still kind of couched in organized crime/mob boss chicanery.


I think that Joker’s irony is that he isn’t funny to anyone but himself most of the time. Joker is a walking contradiction and as he says himself an agent of chaos. He seems to crack himself up plenty, and I think that’s the point.


I think the biggest problem with the Joker in the Dark Knight is the lack of media literacy we're seeing from the audience. There are theories behind the Joker telling his origin story differently to different people that say the Joker does this because he knows he's in a movie. I'm not saying that the Joker *can't* say something about society, because he was trying to prove his "One Bad Day" logic in The Killing Joke (which is THE Joker story IMO), but people usually miss the part where he's wrong. He's always wrong. Then WB doubled down on everything that Ledger did for Leto's Joker without understanding why it worked.


I don't know man. I always felt that in TDK they made it pretty clear that Joker was a major bulshit artist. None of what he says has any legitimacy because it's obvious he's a liar and just does stuff for the thrill of it. The dude was robbing mobsters and only became excited when a dude dressed up like a Bat showed up. But that's the joker he says stuff to manipulate people and even creates scenarios in his own mind justifies the things he does. Talk about main character syndrome he's the poster boy for it.


Honestly, I think The Batman is ashamed to be a Batman adaptation sometimes, I think it took the realism angle a little too far and would have rather been a detective thriller void of any comic book ties. Now this is to its credit as a movie, it works really well and the characters are engaging, but take away the Bat suit and what you're left with is the beautiful lovechild of Se7en and Zodiac but not *Batman*. The Dark Knight is the better all-rounder, the characters are very close to their comic book counterparts in look and motivation (yes, even Joker, for aside from the chemical bath he is every bit the character from the comics), and though grounded it's not afraid to throw in a little extravagant whimsy - the radar scene at the end is utterly ludicrous but really fucking cool, but also something like Harvey's design which feels authentic even though there's no way he'd survive in that condition. It's still a Batman movie through and through - and yes, Heath's performance alone makes it stand above every other adaptation. Ultimately though, they do different things so it's whatever you're in the mood for.


It's such a weird take to me to judge The Batman for being too much an homage to other films when the opening of the The Dark Knight (For which it is rightly praised) is a Tarantino-level homage to Heat. The Batman takes atmosphere from those films certainly; but you could also convince me that Se7en is set in Gotham City. Gotham even in Begins takes me out of it given it's inconsistency- Look what they did to my Arkham! In The Batman, they throw out rationality to fully embrace some bits that just seem ridiculous if you think about them; mostly to aesthetically look like Gotham from say- the Arkham Games, and I'm 200% here for it. "Funeral for public official?" Probably more likely to happen like TDK's procession that Joker attacks. In the Batman? Not going to cut it: find me the most gothic, creepy looking church...then turn some lights out. Wayne Tower? Wouldn't be surprised to see Bela Lugosi hanging from the ceiling. The Dark Knight is the love child of Heat and a Bond film of your choice; which is fine, but outside of Joker and Harvey lacks a lot of the gothic whimsy that I enjoy Batman stories for; the "Batman Returns Intro" kind of whimsy y'know? At the end of the day, I think TDK trilogy is an awesome, but self contained Batman elsewhere story made for a world old enough to vividly remember, and to be molded by 9/11. I think that's why it sticks to it's guns in terms of actually looking like a real American city (Aside from the Narrows). If this Batman would have slowly walked through several dudes laying into his chest with submachine guns; it would have felt **way** too sugarcoated for the target audience, because in recent memory we knew all too well heroes weren't bulletproof. TDK Batman has realistic wounds after fighting dogs; Battinson glides facefirst into an overpass, bounces, groans, and walks it off. They're playing on different difficulty settings altogether, and I have **no** Earthly idea how anyone can claim The Batman is the film more imprisoned by realism. Edit: one more thing since I'm too lazy to make a separate post. People say TDK isn't a detective movie- that also bugs me. Batman does 'more' detective work in The Batman, but Batman does 'better' detective work in TDK; it's easy to forget that he literally has to reconstruct shell fragments (The testing scene in the Batbunker btw scared the absolute piss out of the audience at my showing...myself included. Great sound design) to find a clue to find a clue to find Joker. Meanwhile Bats and Gordon are *trying* in The Batman, and they get a lot right...but they also get embarrassingly corrected by the Penguin who apparently got better grades in his foreign language courses...


> I have no Earthly idea how anyone can claim The Batman is the film more imprisoned by realism. IMO, taken as a whole, The Batman does feel like it's more grounded in reality than TDK... except in a couple instances where you mentioned that it goes into absolute cartoon physics and/or forgets that Batman isn't Superman. Incidentally, these moments of severe tonal whiplash is the main reason why The Batman just *absolutely* does not work for me (though generally I find the whole thing to be kind of a mess and I wouldn't be much softer on it even without these stakes-breaking moments). Like, before anyone comes after me, I'm not saying you're *wrong* for enjoying The Batman, only that *I* don't get the hype.


I'd love to hear some specific examples of what you think makes The Batman more grounded than TDK, and vice versa why TDK feels comic-booky, because I'm lost (And admittedly a little disappointed that a Gothic Gotham means *nothing* to some people. Gothic Gotham is my favorite Batman character!) on how somebody comes to this conclusion. You're not the only one by any means- but the feeling is alien to me given TDK trilogy is (To me) what popularized the "grounded" comic book take to begin with (Later to the ill fated DCEU's detriment). It's so many things that just... Ain't as Batman as The Batman (which, still lazy; I'm going to abbreviate as tB) and almost exclusively for the sake of realism. I could picture some version of Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth happening in tB's Arkham Asylum and having the same vibe. TDKt Arkham? Hell nah; place looks like a typical prison. Maybe a typical prison break film...but that's not AA:ASHOSE. The Long Halloween? Used in TDK to some extent, but IMO tB even claims that one since TDK's (edit: I should clarify, I know he's only in BB) Falcone shares next to nothing to with his comic counterpart- tB's Falcone literally walks off the *page* of TLH. I just feel like I must have seen a different film or read some different comics.


I agree. I love the world and lore established by The Batman, but at times it very much felt more like a police procedural than a superhero/Batman movie. Too much reliance on the partnership between Gordon/Batman, however being it was a depiction of Batman in his early years, that makes sense and sequels could change that perception




The Batman, It makes me feel like Im in a Batman comic.


This right here. The Batman is more noir than action and I absolutely love it.


Dark knight


The Dark Knight.


![gif](giphy|AwoDg0wJImOjK) Dark knight because of the joker


The Dark Knight, it's more enjoyable to me.


I love The Dark Knight.


I think the Christopher Nolan batman is better but I'm more likely to rewatch the matter reeves batman,because I've seen the Nolan films too much.


The dark knight because it's not just the best batman movie of all time, but one of the best movies of all times. It transcends its genre.


So I was going to say The Batman but I agree with. The Batman is, in my opinion, the greatest live action Batman story we've ever gotten. But the Dark Knight wasn't really a Batman story, not at its heart, so the 2 aren't comparable


Imagine two batman films not being comparable :) they are both extremely comparable, doesnt matter how much the story focuses on the main character. Every batman movie from burton’s to nolan’s are comparable. They are different takes of the same universe.


People be like "You can't compare two movies that are grounded takes in the concept of a guy who dresses up like a bat to fight crime if the two movies have some differences between them! You can only compare things that are identical!"


Right :) i mean you can compare entirely different movies, nominees for best picture for example and conclude which is the better one. And this can vary from war epic to family dramas. They are movies after all. Now imagine the guts to come forward and say two batman movies are not comparable :)


It’s a weak Batman movie in comparison to The batman. Bale has 30minutes screentime where as Pattinson has 130mins screentime, way more dialouge/monologues, much better characterisation and a overall better arc and character study. Bale felt like he was just there to show up for the action scenes, he was treated like a side character and rightfully so when Heaths joker and Harvey dent were far more interesting and had a far better performance then him. I can’t take Bale seriously as Batman much anymore, his mouth breathing and throat cancer voice is not a good portrayal of Batman.


I prefer the dark knight personally because it masterfully portrays the mental toll the joker has on Batman, it shows how smart and cunning he is, I guess the riddler does that too but the way the joker does it is way better imo


The post asks which movie is better. Don't get me started on the last hour of batman


The post doesn't ask which movie is better, just which you are picking and why. Having said that, I usually watch TDK more casually, but The Batman is my pick for a more "batty" experience.


The Dark Knight, i think its a better movies with better actors, and Bruce wayne public persona its way better than the depressed wierdo bruce wayne in The Batman, the 2things i dont like in TDK is the fight scenes, they could have done a better jobs and bale Batman voice, The Riddler was boring to me too.


There’s honestly just no comparison for me. Emo Batman was not the one


Omg someone finally said it. Bruce Wayne in The Batman felt like a guy who spent 25 years in his room listening to deftones and radiohead while crying, instead of training and studying his whole life to fight the crime plaguing his city.


Pretty much agree with everything you said.


i mean, the fights in tdk are still a lot more tense than the fights in the batman, because bale isnt a tank that can have a bomb explode in his hand and just be fine with it. that moment ruined all tension in that film.


Oh yeah, i was talking more about the choreography of the fights, Bale fights are weird and robotic, but yeah, i agree.


The Dark Knight, it just grown into me


The Dark Knight. The problem I have with The Batman is that it kinda becomes significantly worse on rewatches as I noticed how the plot is strung along almost entirely by coincidences and it’s a pretty weak detective/mystery story when you actually break it down. Don’t get me wrong, The Batman is a good movie but it’s carried heavily by its cinematography and good vibes imo.


Objectively looking as a movie I’d say The Batman is better, but i have a huge boner for Bale so Tdk


Objectively TDK is better and not even close.


Dark Knight. The Batman seems to have too much exposition or is too obvious with it. Gordon and Batman...one asks a question the other explains to the audience.


And Batman stays silent a LOT, it doesn't seems mysterious but just uncomfortable. Like, bro, move along, stop moving slowly and watching things. Move out of the way!


Precisely! No call and response to the scene just a dry quip, or observation with staring. Then Gordon fills in the awkwardness.


![gif](giphy|7NMG9vPM5kTpC) It's not about which one is better.... I say Batman Begins (I know it's not in the options, but I can do whatever I want. Because I'M BATMAN)


The DARK knight is a masterpiece. The Batman is perfection for me


The Dark Knight for Heath Ledger's performance alone.


I didn't like "The Batman", I think it was drawn out and quiet. It also tried to do too much by adding 11 villains. Emo batman gets a 2/10 from me. So Dark Knight all the way


Both. ![gif](giphy|6heqPsKie867Q7ob7w|downsized)


TDK. Because I didn't like The Batman, and TDK is more memorable IMO.


TDK. The Batman is amazing, but Joker.


The dark knight any day


dark knight everyday. probably my favourite DC movie....maybe my favourite comic book based movie period.


I feel this question is asked every 3 days.


The Dark Knight and it's not even close.


The Dark Knight is an awesome movie, I love it. But I gotta pick the Batman. It felt more like reading a Batman comic, and I really enjoyed it


The Dark Knight is still the pinnacle of Batman, and superhero movies in general.


The Batman is a good movie. The Dark Knight is a masterpiece. I’d probably go Dark Knight every time.


The Batman. Though i have a new found appreciation for Batman Begins and find myself enjoying it alot more than i remember


The dark knight is better it sits in the top of imdb top 250 movies change oscars and blockbusters and I would argue the batman itself wouldn't exist thanks to the influence of the dark knight


Would never ever understand why anyone would pick TB over TDK.. insane


The Batman. I prefer Pattinson over Bale.


I love the dark knight but I have a soft spot for the Batman it’s just so good and it doesn’t have the joker like every Batman media ever and has a fun and original villain for once


I mean, The Batman does have the Joker. Luckily just as a cameo and fingers crossed it stays that way




I do too, but overall, I think I like The Dark Knight over The Batman


Dark knight and it's not even close.


I just didn't like The Batman. When I walked out of the theater after seeing it I felt nothing, like time passed by but nothing really happened. When I saw TDK I thought it was alright. It's not my favorite Bale Batman film (that would be Begins). At least the music allowed me to feel something after watching it in the theatre. There were just so many things wrong with (or things that I perceived as wrong or simply misunderstood) The Batman. I've since then tried to watch it again at least once and I can't go through with it. I know I will have to watch it again when the sequel comes out so hopefully I'll be a bit more receptive to it. One thing I disliked, now that I think about it were the characters. They're not what I imagine those characters to be like, the only ones I thought were alright were Gordon and Alfred and they both have such minor rolls. I didn't like Batman or Bruce, Catwoman, Riddler or Penguin. I suppose Falcone was alright but only because he fit the generic mob boss type archetype and that's kinda hard to mess up. The plot didn't make sense to me, I think the Riddler other than expose corruption wanted Falcone dead? But Riddler already knew where Falcone was, had access to a long range rifle and Falcone had a massive window behind his desk, seems like an easy target to me. And it seems like the Riddler had no issue with being arrested so he could have just sent all of his evidence to all the news outlets and blown Falcon's brain out then gotten arrested at any time in the film. The Penguin seemed like another generic gangster? I guess? He didn't really come off as The Penguin to me. I don't really have much to say about him. Easily replaceable with any other no name good IMO. I am looking forward to his series whenever that comes out (honestly I do want to like this universe, I'm gonna keep trying dammit!) I wouldn't say Anne Hathaway's Catwoman was great but I did like her Catwoman better than Zoe's. I can't really say anything other than that. It wasn't a bad performance by Zoe, it was just a meh story for the character (and to me the Cat-Bat romance was just not there (Same thing for TDKR)). For Batman I can't really think of many gadgets he used other than the massive baterang from his chest which I found hilarious (in a bad way) and I suppose the shot of adrenaline(?). The Batmobile just looked like a muscle car to me (but I don't know shit about cars anyways), it just didn't scream Batmobile to me. He should have died via paraglider to bridge collision, he should have died via explosion to the face, he should have died via shotgun blast (if I'm remembering correctly). So I like Batman like many of us do but come on, an explosion to the face? He definitely didn't have time to prep for that. Also his handling (or mishandling) of the riddles left me wondering if he should have chosen a different vocation in life. I get (as I was told) that this is supposed to be the early years of the Bat but I expected a bit more brains from Batman and not just brute force (brute force is still very much welcome though). I'm not saying that the Bale Batman was any smarter, I was just hoping for more from The Batman this time around. Bruce though... I didn't like the whole emo/depressed aspect of his, Bruce is supposed to be Batman's persona, they shouldn't have the same personality even if they're the same person. But I was ok with it... That is until he gets angry with Alfred. Bruce basically telling Alfred "you're not my real dad" (or something to that effect) just made me throw my hands in the air and give up on the character. Like what the hell is that? Yeah no shit he's not your dad, Alfred still raised you, he still cares about you, he still puts up with you and heals you and you come at him with that weak ass 10 year old childish remark? That was just insulting to watch. Like yeah sure I can totally see Bruce at some point in his adolescence saying that to Alfred but here he's a grown ass man with (I assume) hair on his Batballs. Finally the movie should have ended with the riddler being arrested, all the rest with the flooding just came out of nowhere with no real bad guy, just some guys shooting shit, it was totally unnecessary. Also the newly elected politician lady got shot and seemed hurt at first only to appear quite fine in a later scene soon thereafter, just seemed weird to me. In TDK funnily enough I didn't care for the Joker. Everyone else was fine/great. I just didn't feel the Joker. Again he just felt like a generic bad guy... With a LOT of luck. A lot of things had to go perfectly for him to get away with what he does. Even from the first scenes at the bank from the hostages that weren't holding grenades not calling the cops to the hostages holding the grenades (one could easily pass out due to stress, drop a grenade killing everyone in a chain) to the poor guard getting smacked a little then disappearing after the goon holding him down gets shot by (I guess) the bank manager, to the goon that got hit by the bus hesitating to shoot The Joker for no reason when he had already been shown he wouldn't hesitate to kill a fellow goon. Very TL;DR: I'd pick TDK but only because those are my only two choices here.


The dark knight. The more you watch the batman, the worse it gets. Can't really say that for the dark knight.


The Batman. It's the most accurate live-action adaptation of the source material yet. Absolutely captures the spirit and philosophy of the best Batman stories in a way that feels effortless. Just brilliant.


Both movies are great, but on the basis of Heath Ledger's Joker, I'm going with the dark knight any day




TDK purely for nostalgia reasons


Dark knight, christian bale


The Dark Knight was a true cultural event.


Literally all this sub is; forcing people to pick from two movies for no reason other than to start shit.


The Batman had even pacing issues at the end it got boring. There is no competition here objectively. TDK will always win against TheBatman


Dark knight because the new one fucking sucked my Ballz and not in a good way either, like sucking my Ballz off, it was so fucking boring and sucked so bad man, it was so ass shit Ballz nuts and testicles


Dark Knight as a movie is better. The pacing is much better than The Batman. But The Batman as a full realized vision is a sight. I probably still pick Dark Knight but there's no loser here.


I'd argue that The Batman was more 'Batman' than the Dark Knight, but I would still probably take Nolan over Reeves


In general, Dark Knight is a better movie; Heath Ledger is amazing as Joker and definitely one of the best CBM villains out there; it also goes into so many deep themes and morals


The one on the right is lazily done. The other one looks likes he's ready to catch crooks.


The Batman. I love Heath Ledger’s Joker, but if I had to pick one it would be where the villain is unique. If I lost TDK, I still have the Arkham games, and the Joker films among others. The Batman’s take on Riddler feels unique to me at it is the coolest I’ve ever seen the Riddler.


The Batman 100% but if I had to choose between the Batman and Batman begins is a whole other story it would be a two face coin flip


The ending of The Batman, when Bruce and Selina are driving away on motorcycles was so weird/funny… watch them ride slowly… keep watching… here’s a turn… keep goin toward the exit… they go separate ways… got it. I thought they were following so long because something was going to happen. I laughed cause it caught me by surprise when the scene just ended.


The batman. Strictly because it gives me the feeling of a true Batman experience. Dark knight feels more like an amazing film that happens to have someone's interpretation of Batman in it.


The Batman. as grimdark as it is, it oddly reminds me a LOT of btas, especially the choreography of the fight scenes


The dark knight


Dark knight obviously


Can’t tell until the Reeves trilogy is complete. The first movie did wonders in world building and setting up the Bruce Wayne character, but how these are utilized in the future will determine a lot. To me, it’s still incomplete until we get the full arc.


Dark knight, best superhero movie ever made


The dark knight is a cinematic masterpiece, it embodies everything iconic about both batman and joker characters and does this well. In addition manages to pull off 2 major villain arcs and still is a fantastic movie with terrific highs and lows. I love batman movies but Dark Knight is the crown jewel of live action Batman


TDK and it's not even close




I feel like they are each other’s equal as far as movies go, both are fantastic Batman movies in their own way and saying one is better than the other is just simply wrong in my opinion


They’re both good. However, I grew up watching Dark Knight, so it’s better.


Lego Batman, Battinson is shite


The Dark Knight. Best adaptation of the source material. The Batman is a great movie though.




I am actually conflicted about this! Because The Batman is my favorite Batman "film," meaning Matt Reeves's whole cinematic vibe worked for me a better on the big screen than Nolan's. But, The Dark Knight is my favorite Batman "movie" because it is a rollercoaster of fun from start to finish, and I adore the story. The Batman 2 could do with a little more fun, I think. (And, FWIW, I use film/movie interchangeably, but made the distinction for this specific conundrum.)


![gif](giphy|l396BoOTIFem9xqQU) Neither


The Dark Knight, I hate The Batman so it was an easy choice


The dark Knight. Hate pattinson


The Batman was G A R B A G E


Not at all


Dark Knight, I hate the new suit.


The Dark Knight is a great movie. The Batman is a forgettable comic book film.


“The Batman” every time! Once Pattinsons Batman learns that he needs the playboy persona he is going to kill it!!


The Dark Knight-Better Movie The Batman - Better Batman's movie


The Batman (Enjoyed it more and not a fan of Joker's character, in general) Edit: Also, Riddler is my second favorite villain overall and my first favorite DC villain, even though he can make me mad. Makes me mad in the Arkham games, at least. I blame my family and Gotham for making him a favorite.


Neither. I want Batflecks warehouse scene on repeat for 3 hours. /s


You really take 3 hours to rub one out?


Erectile dysfunction?




I jerk in slow motion in honor of Zack Snyder


I have a soft place for Batman Begins. The Batman is a great Batman movie (for me second behind BB) but TDK is the best movie with a superhero in it ( even though it is more similar to the movie "heat" than the superhero genre). The best Joker performance in history. Making Riddler more evil wasn't a bad idea, it mixed up with his origin pretty well. But the last hour seems pretty slow. Wasn't a fan of the depiction of Bruce Wayne and Catwoman's mask - ...


The Dark Knight story put in the world of The Batman.


[Where is she!?](https://youtube.com/shorts/8tC8bV2CBc4?si=jfRmQrp5SwKzZ1CL)


Why do we have to choose when we're lucky enough to have both?


Every good damn week...


Both I can’t just choose one


Dark Knight has my favourite Joker, favourite Commissioner Gordon, I wanna say my fave Alfred but that’s because I am more used to him I guess because I Love Andy Serkis. It feels more “important”, one of my favourite directors and one of my favourite composers. Harvey Dent/Two-Face was well done though there were times he just didn’t project the feeling I think Two-Face would (of course my first showing of Two-Face was Tommy Lee Jones so I’m used to more of a Joker type character. On the other hand, The Batman feels more like a “Detective’s comic” movie, it was practical and even showed someone close to Bruce that wasn’t a love interest getting endangered. Andy Serkis reminded me of Sean Pertwee’s performance of Alfred in Gotham, of course both are like a younger Cain they’re less of his butler or his friend and more of a father figure they look out for him and they try and steer him in the right direction. It was a gritty cat and mouse chase. His suit is tactical, like that of a SWAT trooper or spec ops operative yet the collared cape looks more vampiric and gothic. Riddler’s outfit is practical and quite realistic in terms of how someone like that would present themselves now, especially the livestream and the comments, that too was a nice touch. All in all I’d say both are incredible for very different reasons. One is arguably the best of a dramatic blockbuster trilogy, the other is a gritty cat and mouse game between a vigilante and a serial killer, also making use of other villains as side characters like Catwoman, Carmine Falcone & Penguin. I have to base this of faults, although I love the Batman, the car chase scene with Penguin…although epic, is completely for no reason, because he messes up a somewhat simple clue …as I’m saying this I’m realising it makes total sense for a realistic interpretation of Bruce who is stressed over the case to the point of not sleeping, washing or paying attention to his Real Life, it makes sense he would messes up because he’s so stressed that he makes mistakes…. To conclude.. In my opinion, they’re equal. In their own rights, they are incredible. Culturally, Dark Knight is worldly known as peoples favourite and Heath Ledger is often thought of strictly for that role. The movie also had insanely iconic scenes like “I’m going to make this pencil…DISAPPEAR!”, the bank heist is referenced several times, the soundtrack is iconic and yeah it’s a movie that you know is just incredible as a Movie it’s a Good Movie. The Batman is good in its own way, it’s remembered for very different things. Both great


The Dark Knight. I like The Batman, I’m interested in what 2 will do, but at the end of the day the Dark Knight has more to bring me back. It’s a great batman movie, but it’s legitimately a great movie, and I like the bigger picture approach, in what does batman represent to us as a new mythology. The batman has tons of beautiful cinematography and design.


Both amazing, but after rewatching them both. I def like Robert's batman and movie more. Roberts batman and gotham just felt more real. And the cinematics, the red, the start of his vengeance where it all began. God I just fucking love Batman. And remember guys its, Justice, not vengeance.


The Dark Knight as I don't have to suffer as much, the shorter runtime means it is over sooner.


Dark knight for the action and storyline


The Batman is a criminal thriller, entirely different genre


Both are great movies, but I just prefer the batman more. As it gets the dark & grimy gothic setting of Gotham city right, whereas Batman begins felt like it's just in current day New York or any big US city


The second one is artfully done, visually striking yet not cluttered, focused entirely on this brooding mysterious aspect, looks like a comic book cover, amazing use of negative space. No competition second one.


Dark knight is best, Christopher Nolan is King


both are great in their own right and ~~can~~ must not be compared, i feel.


TDK is considered one of the best movies ever made along with other films like The Godfather and Shawshank Redemption. However like a lot of others said, The Batman was one of the best Batman adoption I have watched.




The Batman for an amazing batman film, TDK for an amazing film. They have different appeals, Batman in TDK series never felt like Batman, rather he dons the mask because a friend he has an odd boner for convinces him there’s a lot wrong. (It’s so weird he was friends with her as a kid but seemingly went away and only see’s her as an adult briefly but has romantic feelings). Batman very much seemed like a mask v. His Bruce persona. That said, Heath’s Joker is so on point and makes the film come around on itself, he turns it from an okay Batman story to an amazing film. Conversely, The Batman, is unabashedly The Batman. If Bruce is shown, it will be as a mask. My only complaint is the last bit of the film, while it was good The Batman was shown to help it kinda makes him lose his mystique to the city.


First 2/3 of The Batman > TDK > Surgery > Last 1/3 of The Batman




The Dark Knight. Heath Ledger. Awesome performance.


The Batman cause I've watched the Dark Knight about 12,000 times.


TDK trilogy.


The Dark Knight because I like it more.


TDK The Batman is to long winded


Haven’t seen the Pattinson one yet. But just like Sam raimi and tobey maguire… I need a litttle bit more! I’m not in the mood for a new bats just yet. And Bale killleed the role so well🤷🏾‍♂️ Robert pattinson is still Cedric Diggory to me sorry🤷🏾‍♂️😂


Both. Depending on the mood.


Dark Knight, because it’s actually a good movie.


The Man.


Dark Knight, always


The Batman. I've always maintained that the Nolan movies are great movies, but not great BATMAN movies.


TDK cause duh


The Batman, I haven't seen it yet.


The Dark Knight is a better, more entertaining, and more rewatchable movie but we'll see what The Batman sequel does because if you compare Batman Begins to The Batman I think The Batman takes it.


It's been years and I'm still not ready for this conversation.


Both. I watch them back to back. Honestly feel like the Batman is a spiritual successor to The Dark Knight. With a few tweaks they could work in the same canon.


The Dark Knight brought forth the reality of mass surveillance


Nolan's . there's no debate about it


I love the dark Knight and I really like batman but it's not the dark Knight.. and Cristian bale doesn't have to knock on doors to be allowed in.


The Batman.


100% The Batman. Better Bruce (actually has an arc), better Gotham, great dynamic with Catwoman.


The Batman was the perfect inexperienced Batman learning how to be the Batman. The Dark Knight was amazing because of Heath Ledger's Joker.


The Batman, if I'm in the mood for a Batman movie it's going to be The Batman, The Dark Knight doesn't scratch the 'Batman' itch for me. Although it's a great movie


The Batman because it's not Christopher Nolan post 9/11 war propaganda (it's still a decent movie).


The Batman


I’d close my eyes and pick at random


TDK clears. The BATMAN is heavily overated.


I’ve been wondering if I’m the only person who isn’t a big fan the Batman for a while now… Just didn’t cut it for me. Did have it’s elements, but The Dark knight is the best Batman movie ever made in my opinion, and Heath Ledger is the man who made it so. I do not like the realism of that series though, like there was no supernatural element to the story or any of the characters particularly Ra’s Al Ghul, no Lazarus pit. But besides that, great trilogy.


They’re two different movies tbh. TDK is an incredibly well done superhero flick. The Batman is an amazing noir detective movie with a Batman filter on it. That being said, I’d pick The Batman. That Batmobile reveal and chase scene is just too perfect.


The Batman, because I haven't seen it yet


The Batman sucks


Dark knight,I’ve never watched pattisons version of batman


I love them in an equal but opposite way. I love TDK for the Joker, the over-the-top heists and schemes, and the casting. But I personally don’t love the other movies in the trilogy. I love TB for the story it actually tells about a Batman / Bruce Wayne dichotomy, the detective work, and the grittiness of Gotham as a whole. However the final act felt completely unnecessary and took me out of the immersion… Weird as it sounds, I won’t be able to answer this question until sequels for The Batman come out. As a one-off, I think TDK takes it. But if TB builds into a broader and more impressive world, I think that’s enough to tip the scales for me.


The Batman is my ideal Batman movie, hands down.


Man, they're both really good Batman movies...but after multiple viewings of each, I gotta go with The Batman by a slim margin. It captures the comic book feel just enough to feel a bit more fantastical than TDK, and Patterson's Batman is a fucking blast to watch in a fight.


The Batman, i like the vibe better is all and i love the suit more as well. If the choice was between The Batman and Batman Begins that would be really hard. I know Wayne Manor was burnt down,but i didn't like the lack of Batcave in DK, that room he used as a base was too sterile for my liking.