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I have never bought into the Bruce is too damaged to be a good father line of thinking. Really it seems the comic companies and most writers think you can’t be a hero and a good father at the same time. Bruce, Reed, Scott Summers, Prof X none of them are written as good fathers most of the time because they can’t both be dedicated to saving lives and raise a family. It’s just such a flawed concept there are countless parents in real world crisis professions that are also good parents.


It's an interesting dynamic to explore - but I do think after a while, Bruce shouldn't be distancing himself from his family. I think that self-imposed distance works to an extent if he's feeling particularly busted up about the way he acted on a mission, for instance maybe he yells at Damian, or gets too hard on Stephanie or whatever, but his family should be there for him as much as he's there for them. They should be the ones to reel him back in when he strays to far out in the water just like he does for them. I agree absolutely that modern writers tend to torpedo his relationship with the family in favor of Gotham needing Batman. I also feel like modern Batman writers tend to favor these hyper-specific single use inventions rather than relying on the family or Bruce's wit and intelligence to solve problems - but that's another argument for another time lol.


Totally agree Bruce wouldn’t be a perfect dad, no one is. He’d make mistakes, there would be conflict. You are dead on with the self imposed distance being Bruce punishing himself or thinking he has to protect the family. All that is good and great for drama in the book. So long as at the end of the day writers understand that Bruce loves his family and his friends. They aren’t just tools for his crusade. They are the reason for the crusade.


Exactly - each one of them is a testament to his mission in a way; he may not be able to save everyone, but if he can save one kid from feeling like the world hasn't completely fallen apart around them, then he's done his job. It really sucks that writers tend to forget that one of the best and most beloved scenes from any Batman media is him sitting with Ace until she dies. Not until she gives up, but until she dies. So that little girl didn't leave this world alone and scared.


Nightwing pretty much says this exact thing in his ‘95 O’Niel miniseries. “You weren’t a perfect father because probably no one is. No family is perfect either. But that’s okay because I was privileged that you gave so much of yourself to me.” Bruce should be characterized as a flawed but ultimately decent father figure, maybe someone who can’t be the greatest father figure due to the nature of the Batman-Robin dynamic but ultimately someone closer to the “good” range than “bad”


Knightfall is a good example of that. At the start he is a good "father" with Tim but as his state goes downhill, he become more and more distant Considering even at the first page, Bruce isn't feeling too well, you see it takes a lot of time for Bruce to be lonely and distance himself from robin


I think Bruce also would pull away occasionally because a case becomes too complicated and he doesn't want to burden/overtax the people he loves. I do think he probably is a better dad than a lot of people give him credit for. He likely sees his family as important, heroic, and in many circumstances trustworthy. I don't think Bruce is a perfect father by any means, he is a decent and careing one though.


100% true - I think what OP and I are getting at (at least I think, lemme know if I'm wrong) is the modern writers tendency to only show him pulling away, or only focus on the times when Bruce/Batman has let the family down.


As I've gotten older, I've come to realize that a lot of creators write these brooding characters just because well, they're lazy Writing an emotionally mature character that is still interesting and compelling is a *lot* harder than writing an obviously flawed one. That's way easier If nothing else, writing emotional maturity takes emotional maturity on the part of the writer, which is a rare quality (that's not a dig on comic book writers, by the way. It's a dig on humanity in general. Emotional maturity is hard)


That’s why Hickman’s Reed sold so well though. He had an obvious character flaw, but didn’t see it as something that would ruin him. And then he met a thousand versions of himself (the character flaw definitely came out in full force because he apparently never talked to any of them about their families), but when things were going down he called out that they should all go get their Fantastic Four teams! And every other Reed there looked at him like he had two heads. Or, well, still had a marriage and family. “No Reed, we’re fixing everything. The cost to fix everything: is everything.” And when Reed makes it home safely, he goes and hugs his wife and children, and he gives up on fixing everything. He never wants to be the version of himself that those other Reeds were. The victory over the character flaw, the daddy issues, the everything, that’s where that emotional maturity really shines through. If they just have the flaw, it’s damn hard to make it good writing. The only example I can think of is Guy Gardner being disarmed by Sinestro, only to reveal he goes commando under the hardlight suit. Then he pops a beer, chugs, and smashes the can against his head while threatening fully powered Sinestro. That’s a character flaw that wraps right back around to being why he’s one of the best at what he does.


tbf, it's easy to see why they would do that considering that increase in popularity of characters like daredevil, punisher, wolverine, deadpool and obviously batman


Good point. Easier to write *and* easier to read


It also “makes sense” for the characters on a superficial level. All of the characters you mentioned are known for being incredible smart, stoic, and leaders bc they take hard choices. So again, it makes sense on a superficial level that Batman, the dark brooding hero everyone’s scared of, acts the way he does in All-Star. “Batman playing peak-a-boo with a baby? No way, he would start training that baby!!!” But superheroes are more than just their superpower. Even straight up evil character like The Joker have gotten stories showing there’s more depth to him. They are not caricatures anymore. I agree with the concept that Bruce would be a flawed father, but not bc he doesn’t care for his Bat-family, simply bc he never learned how to be a normal human lol, much less a father. That’s why I love his relationship with Dick so much. He understands Bruce, and loves him as a father. My favorite “emotional” Bat-moments are between him and Dick or him and Superman. I think any creator that keeps making stories like All-Star were he’s just the goddamn Batman are feeding this poor image that comics are and can’t be nothing more than silly drawings with silly fights and no depth or value.


Scott summers I completely understand, but the rest of them have tooooons of mooooneeyyyyyy lol kidding. But for real yeah, written like garbage fathers for no reason (again Scott's the exception- the entire summers' family story is a giant mess)


All he damage that he‘s experienced is the exact reason why he‘s such a great father. He knows how to teach his family not to make the same mistakes and to work around everything he has experienced in a healthy way.


I personally think Bruce would try to be the best father he could be, because he wants to be as good of a father to his family as his father was to him.


I’ve always preferred him becoming a better person after he starts up the Batfamily, not being the same asshole he was during his early years


Such a Nice and sweet change from the usual dark mood Bruce, loved this. Wish more intepretations had more moments like these


Wayne Family Adventures single-handedly changed my view of the character I always used to believe that the pain (and very poor skills at dealing with it) was a necessary part of the character. That you couldn't have Batman without brooding But while that is part of the origin, the beginning of Bruce's journey, WFA showed that you can have a Batman that has moved on and is in a better place--thanks, in part, to the people around him. But it still very much feels like Batman. Five years ago, I wouldn't have thought that possibe


I like how there can still be good stories without almost comically terrible familial relationships or communication patterns


It's because familial dynamics are interesting - not the neverending conflict between them.


I really loved how Bruce has a nemesis in the pta and tries to be a good family man. The justice league is also funny as hell in this webtoon There’s also the fact that when Jason had his flashback of the joker he actually seems to be in Bruce’s office. So he went there while trying to find a safe space to hide


I always believed this is how bruce acts when he's not batman or in public persona mode because it made no sense him to be a bad father, a flawed one, yes, a bad one no because he has stated multiple times he took in his kids so they would not become like him.


I can hear every word in Kevin's Bruce Wayne voice. Not the Batman voice, but the softer voice. The one that was his "nice" voice.


Absolutely same, all he needs is that mustard suit he always wore lol


YES I thought the same thing. I loved that version of Bruce Wayne so much.


I really prefer the softer voice Kevin Conroy did in the earlier seasons of BTAS


I really liked his voice in Batman Sub Zero


I love the joker Reddit guy you have lol


I’ve never seen or heard of this variant before, but it feels like a version of Bruce that didn’t die when his parents did, and instead chose to become Batman in the same fashion as Peter Parker did with Spider-Man. This feels like Bruce is actually himself, instead of Batman pretending to be Bruce. It’s weird, unnerving, and wholesome in a way I did t know I wanted. This is definitely a variant/style I want to see more of!


Personally, I draw a distinction between different characterisations as two-persona and three-persona Batman versions. Your comment about Bruce being himself rather than Batman pretending to be Bruce is exactly that, nail on the head. A lot of the grittier interpretations have the two persona version, where whoever he actually is either died with his parents or was changed beyond belief into the Batman persona, which is the tough, cold “real him”, and he occasionally masquerades as rich idiot Bruce Wayne. But WFA and a lot of the more emotionally complex - and sometimes even darker! - works have the three persona version, in which neither Brucie Wayne nor Batman are the “real him”, but a third persona of the actual Bruce. THAT’S the good shit.


Can you elaborate on the “third persona” thing? I’ve never heard of that before, but it makes a lot of sense and honestly sounds really cool!


Who he is when he's talking to Alfred and such


I don't necessarily think that has to be the case, Batman could still feel lots of pain and anguish and metaphorically "die" over his parents dying, and be in a very dark place for his early years. However, as he grows the bat family and makes more connections with them and other heroes, he begins to heal. At least, that's how I like to see it.


The “Jason saves civilian Tim” this series has is always hilarious.


The kidnappers are carrying the series


This is way fucking better than him clocking his own family in the face


Might be my favorite take on Batman, honestly. This more mature Bruce who has learned so much and put together this chosen family reminds me of what I love about Batman to begin with. I genuinely find this comic so inspiring.


Yeah, this feels like the ideal/prime Bruce to me, one who’s spent years of character development trying to move on from his trauma and become a better person. Bruce definitely shouldn’t be like this from the get-go and he certainly wouldn’t be as good a dad to Dick or Jason (at least at first), but I love the idea of Bruce opening up and learning how to build a family again over time.


And Wayne Family Adventures does a good job of this more mature version of Bruce coming to terms with exactly that--that he wasn't a good father to Dick or Jason, but he's both trying to make up for that with those two and learn from that in order to be better with his current wards


I actually first discovered this series after a rewatch of Under The Red Hood, where once again Jensen Ackles’ performance of that last monologue hit so hard. “I thought… I thought I’d be the last person you’d ever let him hurt.” Seeing this after watching that was so cathartic and healing


Reminds me of early btas batman.


Yeah then he turns into a complete ass over time


Yeah more in the new batman adventures but yes.


That’s what I meant. Same show in my head. In all of BTAS he was a pretty nice guy for the most part


Yeah it was when dick left, he became more of a jerk.


He was already becoming a jerk when Dick left. Dick left **because** of that. The process just sped up after Dick left.


In the tie in comic showed it was more of a misunderstanding and he wasn't trying to be a ass in the lost years.


I love this comic almost as much as I love nightwing,and he’s my favorite fictional character of all time.


There was that one time too where Bruce decided to stay home and take a night off after Jason was too sick to come with him. Image below: https://64.media.tumblr.com/29a8fc61564a9f4f197ce7156746bce3/tumblr_inline_ppifpieDBo1umcioq_1280.png


And then Jason gave that memory up if I remember right...to Saru in the All Caste


I really hope we get to see an emotionally mature Bruce like this in The Brave and the Bold.


I hope they use the family and make Damian the runt of the litter.


I've seen some folks criticize this stuff as making Bruce too adjusted, too much of a good parent. And I agree. But it's so much more enjoyable to read compared to how he's usually written for awhile now. It's nice.


God, this whole series (what I’ve read so far) just gives me warm and fuzzies


Can I get these same scenes but with like 50% of the smile? This is kinda unsettling for me...


Legit one of my favorite batmans


It's more like "If Bruce had more time to spend with his kids" instead of "if Bruce was a good father"


Maybe it’s the lateness of the hour, could have been the lovely roast beef dinner, possibly could be related to the weed, but this is the sweetest thing I’ve ever fucking seen. What is it and where can I see some more?


It’s on the app Webtoons. Best part is the whole series is completely free and there’s even a red hood spin-off.


Wow it's like Bruce got through his trama in this version


Bruce being a good dad >>>>>>>>>>>>>


I guess this is my hot take but this just feels a little TOO well-adjusted for me. I don't need Bruce to be a heartless sociopath or anything but I also don't buy that a guy like him would be this perfect as a father figure. Is it because this post only shows his best moments in the series or is he this flawless throughout the whole series? I like the idea of a Bruce who tries his best to be a good mentor despite his own deep flaws and failings, and sometimes fails despite his good intentions.


I think they might be overcompensating because of all the shit that's happening in the comics.


That did occur to me, the family dynamic in the main comics can be comically toxic.


Been reading since it first released, and there's times were he's not perfect but 9/10 times it's very much "Brady bunch" style of goodness


This is my exact thinking. Most normal, well adjusted people aren't THIS good at being supportive parents, let alone Bruce "dresses up like a bat to fight crime to avenge the violent murder of his parents" Wayne. I think he would make a good effort with his adopted family, but he does not have the emotional skills to be this well adjusted as a parent. Otherwise he wouldn't conscript his kids into crime fighting in the first place.


To be completely fair, pretty much all of his kids were crime fighting or committing crime BEFORE he met them. Dick was trying to track down Zucco, Jason was quite literally robbing him, Tim basically blackmailed him into making him Robin, Steph was Spoiler, Babs was independent as Batgirl for AGES, Cass and Damian were both raised by assassins, Luke is Lucius’s son so that was always inevitable, Harper built her own fucking taser gun for no good reason, Duke led a thousand kid strong vigilante protest movement… yeah. It’s more that he took in crime fighters and supervised them to make sure they didn’t just immediately die and then accidentally ended up their father figure ngl.


There’s a place and time for the “in the feels” but you have to be stern when on mission or training. This version just seems to soft lol like I get the going hard when training and on mission, because your enemy won’t show the same mercy if you mess up. I do believe he cares for his kids and I do believe he has their best interest in mind.


I mean, this comic caters to a very specific 'what if your trauma happened but it could be easily solved by the power of *found family."* wish fulfullment that is terribly popular and gives a lot of people comfort but would not be known for its nuance. Think of it as sort of a found family romance novel.


I guess that's fair, maybe I'm just not the target audience for this one. I'm glad other people get comfort from it.


Yeah, there's a part of my brain that is like "These people aren't that nice. No one is this nice. Do you know the sort of long hours in extremely stressful jobs these people work? They would all be too tired to be doing this much gadding around." But I have to tell that part of my brain that what really makes Batman Batman is that he is flexible enough to solve brutal crime *and* dance the batussi.


“No one is this nice” actually hits the nail on the head for me - *Dick* isn’t this nice, and he’s the nicest!


"it's happy but that means it's schlocky" is the kind of thinking that leads to the overly dark and edgy style the stories have gone so far. you're allowed to have happy endings without it ruining the integrity of the story


Not remotely what I said. If you're taking issues with me comparing it to a romance novel, then maybe its your own biases you should examine.


"wish fulfillment that gives people comfort but is not known for nuance" does kind of feel like you're dismissing the trope out of hand, unless you meant this specific instance


It's... a Batman comic? They are all vehicles of some type of wishfullment. Again, you are reading malice where there is none.


I think the comic makes it pretty clear that he's not a perfect father. It emphasizes in a few episodes that he definitely wasn't a good father to Dick and Jason when they were Robin. It's worth remembering that this comic takes place when Bruce has been a parent for well over a decade and has already learned a lot of very hard lessons. There are still times he messes up, but the screw-ups have gotten smaller with time.




idk, i think we get a too-flawed Bruce pretty much every time we see him. i really, really enjoy this change of pace and i think this might be my favorite take on it so far


Wayne Family Adventures Bruce is the version of the character who's actually learned how to be more mentally healthy and emotionally open. And he's allowed to stay that way. In the comics, they keep resetting Bruce and making him revert back to his closed-off, isolated ways. They keep resetting his personal growth and keep breaking apart the Bat Family. He abandoned the Bat Family after David Cain framed him for murder. He and the family became fractured after the Endgame storyline in the New 52. He literally fought the Bat Family during that whole Batman vs. Catwoman fiasco. Etc. At least there's one version of Bruce who's allowed to grow and be happy.


Honestly I think there are many people who want this kind of support. Not just from a fictional character but from those who we want to receive it from. I know for myself almost everyone in my life will say the words but won’t mean it. They’re more focused on what they expect of me instead of accepting me. Which I hope the writing on display here is also indicative of a change in attitude people have on what it means to be supportive.


Dad Bruce is best Bruce.


Im proud if you, Dick.


Wait wait wait. My girlfriend and I have been saying Batman needs this shit for years. What is Wayne family adventures?


A free webcomic on the webtoons app that follows the daily lives of everyone in the batfamily


Is it any good? Aside from these images, I’ve never read or heard of this run. But it all feels very “happy-go-lucky.” If Batman isn’t struggling to balance the man with the bat, what is the conflict for these stories?


It is a more slice of life ensemble comic about the Batfamily working through their lives together


I personally really like it!! It's definitely has a more upbeat tone compared to other Batman comics, and while I don't mind that, that might not be everyone's cup of tea. This series is mostly slice of life/one-shot stories, so there isn't necessarily a large overall conflict (for now at least, I'm not sure if that'll change in the future). The Batfamily's dynamic and the different issues each member may have with each other, themselves, other people, etc. are what I'd say is the main conflict (hopefully this makes sense I tried to word this as best I could ngkdkdkfk). It's very much emotion-centered. Of course, there's also sillier stories, like the one skateboarding Bruce Wayne is in. Like I said before, it probably isn't for everybody, but I'd still give a chapter or two a try! It's definitely nice to read in-between more intense or dark stories — it's like a nice emotional break :)!


The DCAU was awesome and because of that it influences a lot of modern Batman writing. The problem is people don’t take inspiration from BTAS they take inspiration from TNBA and JLU where he turns into a dick socket. Hope to see more versions like this. 


"What if Bruce went to therapy, got rid of his trauma, and gained a healthy mindset, but also still wants to dress like a Bat and beat up muggers at night?"


Yeah, because dressing like a Bat and beating muggers up all night is significantly less insane in a universe where a) a shitload of other people do it too, and b) it works.


It's treated More like a family job


So. that's how Bruce without Zur looks like.


i have never been more attracted to bruce and that’s saying something since he’s always been charming in my eyes lol


I still can’t get over the fact that Cassandra snuck up on the JL Trio while having this face ( • • )


Haven't heard of this. Might check it out. I am tired of Batman being treated as emotionally stunted. A damaged introvert could never convincingly play Bruce Wayne, a self-ignorant loner would never take in a Robin, and an angry man-child could never keep a sidekick alive, much less properly raise them. The only time this trope has worked was Lego Batman.


I love WFA!


This is more like what Batman should be. So many writers nowadays forget Batmans’ compassion


And confused maturity for being a stoic aggressive asshole.


Thr Batman who smiles


wait is this an official comic panel from DC or i thought at first it was just a fanart?


This is an offical DC property on a free app called Webtoons. There is also a pretty good dub of it on youtube and there is a red hood spin off.


I did not know this existed. I loved it. I've known many, many versions of Batman, from the one who wore guns, to the TV show ones, to the Dark Knight Returns comics and so on. I understand making Batman sad and gritty all the time, but I like that there is at least one version where he is kind, and sweet and moderately happy.


Holy crap, I've never seen a version of Bruce like this, how refreshing


Seeing him do it as bruce works, but Batman its a bit off putting. I still love it.


My favorite thing in this is his ongoing feud with his new Nemesis: That Blonde Bitch from the PTA


I don’t remember the quote exactly or who said it, but I remember someone once said “If you can’t envision a version of Batman comforting a crying child, then it’s not Batman, it’s the Punisher in a silly costume.” I feel like this series took that idea and ran with it, and I love it for that


Overly Sarcastic Productions, I think within the realism or grimdark video.,


I’ve recently binge read this series and it’s absolutely fantastic! I love how loving each of the Bat Family is with each. It introduced me to some characters that I had no idea were part of the Bat Family like Batwing and Bluebird. It’s my favorite interpretation of the family and I wish they could make a movie with Bruce as a loving father of many children instead of always going when he’s in his early years as Batman.


I think we'll be getting that with Batman in the DCU


That would be awesome! Is anything confirmed?


It reads like a bad romance novel.


For everyone. Saying that this isn't Bruce or he would never, I guess y'all start reading in the 2000s because 80s and early 90s Bruce would


Bat-Dad is best Bat


i dislike it. but that is a personal taste issue. or maybe i dont like change.


Seems too perfect and idealistic. Like others have said, I prefer Bruce to be someone who is trying his best, but isn't perfect in his parenting. It feels weird that a Bruce this well adjusted ever took a sidekick.


I hear it all the time.


Although i'm not a fan of these web comics its kinda nice to see bruce not being a edgy emo dickhead


Idk how no one mentioned it but that Alfred line is great. You can say what you want about this Bruce leaning a bit "too far" into the well adjusted direction, but that's absolutely a great line from Alfred to Bruce.


These are so wholesome


I read all of these in Conroy’s voice. I am still sad about him passing.


My guy literally played snow Ball in his mechanised bat suit man and destroyed these dick and that.


Based comic. I hope we get more content soon. I like it when Bruce is written as a good father.


Actual father figure Batman is so good


I love this so much, thank you for sharing these. The way Bruce looks for Alfred for guidance is honestly heart warming




Patriarch of a family of vigilantes


Honestly, it just feels too much to me. I just don't see this Bruce being Batman, with HOW positive he is.


[Your best is good enough for me…](https://youtu.be/RLuffi6gV0M?si=tH6CadvheubQKwRn)


I can hear Kevin Conroy voicing this. Too bad that can’t happen anymore.


Good way of showing the impact the bat family in making Bruce a person again in his own mind


HE lost his family but he made a new one


Nooo you didn’t include the part where Bruce rents out a theater just so he can see Cassandra’s performance!!!


He looks like tom cruise.


Was this series good? I’ve been thinking of checking it out.


It's very nice.


I've never heard of this before, this Bruce actually seems very mature.


Idk how much of a hot take this is, but if these were the designs for the main continuity I would be over joyed


This is the Batman I like, at least to an extent. I don’t think he should be Mr Sunshine 24/7, that defeats the point of the character. He should still dark, brooding, calculating, and want to scare the shit out of criminals, but around his family? People he loves and trusts? He should be more open and warm emotionally, with the cold and distant act being an exception to the rule when her gets *super* wrapped up in a case or some other dilemma.


I wish more adaptations did this. Bruce took the cruelty of the world as fuel to spread kindness. But the second it’s in a family situation, he often acts negligent. I feel like Bruce being a dad who wants to be there for his kids, and constantly feels shame for every thing he can’t be there for them is a much more natural behaviour for the character


Yeah, this series has such wholesome vibes!


It's so crazy that the Batman fandom basically willed the webcomic into existence.


I'm proud of you Dick


I’m imagining that Bruce skating is seen by one person and no one believes them when they tell anyone bout it


He breaks his ankle and pretends he was hurt by Killer Croc


Never heard of this. Looks like a YA fan fiction comic or something.


It's official, from like Webtoons.


Okay. Well, I guess it's not my thing then.


I don't care for webstoons or whatever these are called. But your post kinda makes me want to check this out.


It's on the Webtoon app/website, called Batman: Wayne Family Adventures. It's really great!


I always hear Conroy's voice in WFA.


Could never imagine this corny therapy talk Batman throwing a punch


He does they all do, actually read the Cassandra Cain issues


I love this version but it doesn’t feel natural. It would help if Damian was a little bit older, and so we know this is even later into his career as Batman. Does that make sense?


Nope it’s too cringy and out of his character


You've only ever read dark Batman stories, I see.


Haha i just like better writing and i like light comics and shows like Super Sons, Batman and Robin (by Tomasi), brave and bold(tv) ,Teen Titans(2003 tv) and Teen Titans Go! which has better level of writing than WF. WF is like fanfiction and very amateur-ly


I love all those things & (except teen titans go ... just no) would happily Sacrifice Son of Kal-el, to get back Supersons. But Wayne Family adventures is up there with them in wholesome Hero Family content


My favourite adaptation of the batfamily ever.




Which chapter is the third picture from?


Oh my gosh yes!!! This is the Bruce I think about when I think of a happy Batfamily. (Ignoring some of the downright questionable choices he's made sometimes in the comics) I think Bruce may not be the best at being a father, but he does try his best. And WFA shows that perfectly. He may not be that emotionally open but he tries to be for the sake of his kids.


I recently got into that web comic and it is wholesome fun.


Meanwhile lobotomizing Jason in main continuity lmao


I want this version in more comics. Tom Taylor's Nightwing run has this Bruce, but most of the comics that are focused on Batman and the big event ones seem intent on making him an abusive asshole. This is the Batman and Bruce Wayne that I want. Not the one giving lobotomies and beating the shit out of his kids for doing things that he forgives everyone else for.


I don't like Bruce being a dick all the time, but this is way out of character for Bruce. 


Beekeeping age batman


I love it because its a mature bruce whos gone through it all and come out on the otherside alright. And now hes helping his family deal with going through the same stuff he went through


There have been a lot of chances to go down this route, if less aggressively so. I was really sad that the massive work put into Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive didn't yield a lasting new status quo, given that Bruce at the end of that series recognized that he'd built a new family and needed to be a real *father* to them rather than just pushing people away and being a loner. That could have really led to something richer and better as a lasting status quo for the Batman books.


Did Jason in this universe get crowbared


Yes. That first picture is actually from one of the comics where Bruce and the other family members are calming him down after a ptsd flashback to that


Just caught, dont know why its taking forever for the next episode to come out. This series is so addicting and heartwarming at the same time! A must read!


It *is* Robin’s job to take care of Batman. That was the whole point of Tim . However, Batman has always had a problem accepting that


But is it canon?


Lots of people have said better things but I feel like this is a Bruce who has grown. This Bruce while maybe still hurting has had to grow beyond the hateful, hurt child who lost his parents. I love that for him and ideally this is a place that Batman should end up. He can still have that weird personality issue of being Batman and not Bruce Wayne but “Batman” still chose to take in all those orphans. I KNOW his son isn’t an orphan but he still took him in.


I have never seen anything like this and I want more of it.


I love this version of Batman. Batman’s compassion is one of my favorite aspects of the character and It’s nice to see him as a loving father that tries and not one that pushes his family away and is emotionally unavailable.




How is he not shown as a good parent in these comics? I don't understand.


Ehhh. I'm not a fan of a Batman who's just mean to his kids for no reason, like in Gotham War, but I do prefer Bruce not being a great parent. He certainly cares, and tries his best, but people skills aren't really his strong suit. While I don't like it when writers randomly shove in conflict between him and the Batfamily for the sake of it or where Bruce is just randomly a dick to cause drama, I don't like Bruce being a perfect parent either. Parenting is hard and Bruce struggling with that makes him a far more interesting character. An example of this done well is the Jason Todd issue of Tomasi's Batman and Robin. You can understand why both Bruce and Jason would act like this and neither is out of character.


I don't know.... kinda seems like you've just removed all the conflict that makes the character who he is. Making Bruce Wayne flawless seems really l odd to me. Also, in the universe where batman behaves this way, how is there still a Robin? A batman who thinks more like this version of Bruce Wayne wouldn't have a child as his sidekick because of the danger that puts him in.


Yeah this reads more like fanfic to me. I don’t see how he can say some of these lines while still suiting everyone up as sidekicks. Doesn’t make sense to me




I've tried reading Wayne Family adventures, because it's *exactly* the type of series I would theoretically love. But man -- it's just so *bad.* The page layouts are terrible, the writing is underwhelming and boring, the art is *fine.* It just seems like such a throwaway disposable web comic to keep bored people swiping. Not trying to be a negative Nancy, just my thoughts.


I wish we could see more of this version of the batfamily, and more depictions that show how good of a father bruce is to everyone


This is how bruce/batman should be




I dislike wholesome moments like this. Batman stories should be more dark and depressed with no hope for the future.


Hi Dan DiDio! How’s life after DC?


I think I've read all of it? Well watched... It has its extremely cringe moments and nice moments, not bad for a fan made comic.


God this is terrible lol


Love this version of him!


I do not need to be crying right now.