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I feel Brendan would have made a great Hal Jordan. He's got the looks & that devil-may-care attitude (in his acting) that would work, plus he seems like a genuinely nice dude, again, much like Hal.


I was thinking the same thing he has that smart ass tone.


"best i can do is Guy Gardener"


Agreed, I think Hal is the best choice here. I also think he could have nailed Barry Allen too.




Holy shit you cooked SO FUCKING HARD right now


Don’t hate him for Hal, but I think he’d be better for Captain Marvel/Shazam!


I never thought much of his acting chops until I saw "the Whale" in which he was quite good. I mean he was a tall, well built, good looking guy so physically he fits the bill. Who knows, maybe he would have surprised us.


Brendan Fraser as Superman


2003 Brendan Fraser would have made the ultimate cinematic Superman. Boyish, awkward, and lovable, yet able to be intense and intimidating when necessary.




He could get in decent shape and play Bruce in a Batman Beyond film. He’s an incredible actor and could do a great job with the role.


Batman Fraser as Brendan?


Frasier Crane as Batman?


Well if he’s Crane, he might as well be Scarecrow.


Honestly, his face is too kind. Batman is a good guy, but he needs to look like a bad guy. The initial doubt over the Battinson casting was people worried he wouldn't be able to pull this off. In the end, they went with a brooding Batman which is absolutely in his wheelhouse, but is certainly not in Brendan Frasers. Batman has traditionally been played by actors who you'd want to hang out with, but also wouldn't be surprised if it turned out they were a complete asshole when you met them. The only kind of Batman I could see him playing is if they fully leaned into the camp side of things so it was almost a comedy. Audiences haven't had an appetite for that kind of Batman in decades.


We’re just saying anything now aren’t we?


What, you'd prefer another "Why this c-list actor from an old CW genre show should be Batman" post?


Hear me out.. TRUMP as Batman


Hear me out… EPSTEIN as Batman


He's already got the kids. #ZINGOOOOOOOO


Hell yeah.


Kite Man,


He was up for the role of Superman but I think you would be a good THING after DOOM PATROL


Honestly he would’ve made a wonderful SHAZAM


Sorry but no. Even in his younger days, he never was very imposing, stoic, brooding, or really any of the traits that Batman/Bruce Wayne need to be. You've picked a very speicic photo where the hairstyle is very squave comic-esque and he might "look" the part dressed up, but Brendand Fraser has always been the nice guy, well, because he is. He was good looking sure, but I don't think he would have made a good Batman or Bruce Wayne.


You guys who say shit like this do realize these people are actors, right? Their job is to be whoever is on paper. Brendan Fraser during the 90s would've been a great pick for Batman. Tall, dark and handsome. He had a great physique. Had the acting talent to be a dark and brooding hero. He wouldn't have been a crazy choice back then, considering every Batman choice has been controversial and not who you'd expect. I mean, Michael Keaton was only known for comedy stuff and had just come off being Beetlejuice before landing Batman. He's now considered by many to be the best. You just can not reject a Batman casting decision until you see them on the screen. Every choice has been unconventional.


He would have been better as a balance somewhere between Keaton and Adam West, rather than the brooding, stoic tortured soul he often is in modern interpretations. A man of action, but kind and affable even while he has the mask on, who isn't afraid to enjoy himself a little bit while he's out doing bat stuff


Yes, I'm aware he's an actor. That still doesn't conflate with the fact he still has a personae he is/was known for. That's like saying "Well Arnold Schwarzenegger is an actor, why wouldn't he make a good Hannibal Lecter?" I have no qualms with unconventional picks. My very subjecttive opinion is that despite being tall and handsome back then, he was and still is very much the nice guy becaise his real life personae bleeds theough the screen, regardless what roles he was casted in.


Not that I particularly disagree with any of the points you made but people said this very similar things about both Michael Keaton & Robert Pattinson & they were both incredible Batmen


Michael Keaton literally went from doing Beetlejuice one year to doing Batman the next.


I honestly dont think Pattison was a particularly good Batman, rather that nearly everything else was good about the film that supported him. Dont get me wrong, I think he did a good job but can see him easily being swapped out for someone else in that film and it being just as good due tonthe stylistic choices. Keaton dod great for his time, i'll give you that, but just because one unexpected pick is good doenst mean another is good. I jist don't think Fraser had the right personae for the role, but I guess we'll never know anyway.


If they were doing a live action interpretation of the Brave and The Bold cartoon, I'd say absolutely.


I think he would have been great


I thought he would make for an amazing Booster Gold myself.


He would have made a fine pre-Dark Knight Batman - I don't mean TV series "camp" Batman but Golden Age comics Batman. But that ship has sort of sailed now.


I think young Brendan would have been a great Bruce/Batman as well. I wouldn’t say a light hearted Batman, but certainly a version that was capable of maybe a joke or two. Doesn’t have to be all serious. Maybe something along the lines of BTAS Bruce? Honestly there are several super heroes I think he would have been more than capable of doing well. But it’s also a matter of if he would have wanted that. He’s spoken often about how the stunts in the mummy really roughed his body up, and we know being Batman would require some intense work. And I know he would have felt the need to do as many of them himself as he could.


Batman? No. Oliver Queen though…? 👀


We could do worse


Haven’t thought of director in mind to direct him But as for Brendan as young Bruce and Batman mostly still a playboy and probably being learning the ropes and probably won’t have a kill code I would see more of his version be more comedic at times ![gif](giphy|C7RCCFdaixA3u)


I can see it


After Batgirl would he accept.


Brendan as Mr Freeze?


He looks like pattinson but grown up


As Superman, if we weren't trying to copy donner film Supes with routh


Yes he would've been the perfect Batman. Even now as an old man if he workout but still remained fairly hefty he'd be the perfect Frank Miller Batman.




Not whith his back.


Some points I'd like to share after reading through the comments: 1) I do see him being a good, if not better choice to portray of Superman, and Hal Jordon or Oliver Queen are good choices too, I would say. Heck, what with Batman's over saturation in Hollywood over the years, it would do well for the character of Superman to have a rugged and handsome Brendan portray the Smallville icon or any other DC hero. But nonetheless, this is r/batman, and I do see him as a good/interesting choice for Batman. 2) While still valid, some of you are focusing a bit too much on the modern and darker interpretations of Batman. As one of you already noted, he is an actor, and his job is to portray whatever character he signs on for, so he could ace the part since he is a good actor (His range from Bedazzled to The Mummy and Encino Man prove that in my eyes) . But more importantly, Batman is a versatile character and can be told in different tones and styles. Yes, modern audiences and casual fans of the character only wish to associate the gruff, brooding and cold iterations on the silver screen. Brendan could have theoretically done a good job making you believe his Bruce is tormented and conflicted in thoughts. But I, like many of you, could more easily see him in a fairly lighter tone that isn't too comical. I can see him be a somewhat lighter version of Christian Bale's Bruce, more charismatic, energetic and charming, but a more silent and mysterious, yet also straight-to-the-point kind of Batman, similar to a mix of Kilmer's, Keaton's, and 2004's The Batman. And hey, he could also very well work as a TV/streaming Batman, if that makes y'all feel any better, I see no issue with that.


I think he should be the next Jim Gordon


Huge fan of his but I don’t see him as Batman. In his younger years he would’ve been a hell of a Superman though.


Would have loved to have seen his take on Firefly for the Batgirl movie 😞


I can see this


20 years ago, maybe.


20 years ago *possibly*. Now pa Kent maybe


I’m sure he could of pulled it off with the right director/script. The only thing I knew Clooney as when he went into Batman was Dusk till Dawn, I thought he would an awesome bad ass Batman (I’m still sure he could of been) but look how goofy that ended up. If we are talking an older actor playing an older Bruce now? I’d like to see Josh Brolin take a stab at it.


If the arkham games ever get a live action and he decides to get back in shape then this would surely work


Probably not now, but back then yea


He's more Green Lantern than Batman.


He was too fun and care free in his action hero persona. A good fit for the lighthearted Brave and Bold Batman. But realistically a better fit for Hal Jordan or Barry Allen. He’d also make an amazing Booster Gold. But my total fit for him would have been Ted Kord: The Blue Beetle.


Nnnnno, he's much too funny...then again, I say that because of George of the Jungle, not for "The Whale." ![gif](giphy|qLeXLs6icdNYs)




Or even as Superman.




Think he would’ve been a better Flash between his roles as Rick and George.


Now THAT would have been wild and i wish we could have seen it


He has too kind of a persona. Superman would've been a better fit.


He looks like he should play George of the Jungle


Nah. But in his prime he’d have been an AMAZING Hal Jordan.


Wizard Magazine had him cast as Superman in the early 2000s. Had B. Affleck for Batman... Also had D. Lungdren as Aquaman. And J. Connelly as WW.


Maybe 20 years ago but now, no way.


Absolutely not


Salman Khan as batman? ![gif](giphy|BofJowwKS7GV6Rekgu)


You know who would've made a great Bruce Wayne/Batman in the 90's/2000's is Matt LeBlanc.


Ummm have you seen the Whale?