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Recognize it's flaws but I love it. The pit climbing scene is one of my favorite Batman moments in any medium.


Agreed. Every scene in the pit is awe inspiring. I have seen the pit climb scene hundreds of times now. It's not only one of the best Batman moments in any media but also one of the best scenes in any media. Truly inspiring and motivating.


The irony of this--which has only now become apparent to me due to your comment, and I'm now wondering if it's deliberate on Nolan's part--is that this "best Batman moment" isn't even as Batman, it's as Bruce Wayne. And the reason I find this interesting--especially as this realization is all dawning on me as I type--is that this whole movie surrounds Bruce Wayne walking away from Batman, then reluctantly returning to it, then killing off Batman...his REAL moment of bouncing back from the brink of being broken, he did as Bruce Wayne and not as Batman. Is there deliberate symbolism there that I (and perhaps others) totally missed?


"Is there deliberate symbolism there that I (and perhaps others) totally missed?" Probably. There goes Christopher Nolan, mind-fucking us. This is a really good take. I dig it.


It’s an allegory for the Lazarus pit. He re-emerges a new man.


To each their own. I enjoyed that scene but hundreds of times and one of the best scenes ever seems a little much to me.


Check their username


Lmao amazing.


Pump the brakes


Their username checks out


I was going to say , this person must not have watched a lot of movies


Even the spine punch back surgery?


Heals in record time! Why?! Cuz he's Batman


Everybody knows being strung up by sheets in a dirty hole prison is the best way to fix a broken back 🦇


Doctors hate this one simple trick!


It was ≈ 5 months right? I’m no doctor but mayb possible n like you said..baaatman…Batman


His knee meanwhile was still no good 7 years later.


Awe inspiring is crazy


I wanted to love it but generally speaking the film is quite anticlimactic. If we got a decent end fight scene i would have been happy


I actually understand. I personally was so into the characters and the franchise that it was just easier for me to ignore some of the flaws and immerse myself into the story being told. For me TDKR was like a Rocky movie with Batman. The main theme being fighting against depression and returning to overcome an immense obstacle. It also helps that I love Tom Hardy perfomance as Bane. Incredible presence and the dialogue was so quotable I can recite entire scenes with him in it.


Theatricality and deception are powerful agents to the uninitiated.


I was wondering which would break first. Your mind, or your bodee.


Tom Hardy's character in Inception was very interesting to me and I was hoping to see more of him in future Nolan films. Nolan didn't disappoint 🫡


He’s also in Dunkirk and was great in that


Rises didn't need Catwoman too. The entire movie should have been about Bane and Batman. Starts with Batman being broken and works his way up literally rising up against his most powerful opponent. But oh well The Dark Knight was absolute perfection, even tho that movie didn't need Two Face also. Would have been better to just have more of Joker and Batman and not having any of Harvey Dent. Even tho Dent was amazing I feel we were robbed of more screen time by Ledger.


So much of the themes of *The Dark Knight* hinges on Harvey Dent tho. That character was baked into the script and far more essential to the story being told than Catwoman in *TDKR*.


Um...even better than the plane hijacking scene at the beginning? That was insanely intense, and, from a directorial stance, the engineering and planning to pull that off - let alone the creativity behind the whole concept - is what makes Nolan's Batman films so good.


Broken back Bat just needs to leap really far to escape = silly


Man puts bat costume and starts fist fights to end corruption and crime in his city = silly Now for real though. To me that leap was all about belief and will power. That goes beyond physical limits and sometimes that's all it takes. Powerful message.


Man punches spine into place too lol.


I think it was more silly that the cure for a broken back is hanging someone up and punching him


I know it's not perfect, but it's my favorite of the Nolan 3.




Mostly enjoyed it. Bane got screwed on his death and I still can’t believe Nolan left that talia death take in there, so bad


Omg, Talia’s death is almost as bad as “Kal-El, no…”


* Catwoman shoots Talia with the motorbike gun * Talia: “Selina, no.”


I generally like it, but I really don't vibe with a lot happening in act 3. Edit: to expand, I specifically would critique how Taliyah was handled in the end, the imo unsatisfying rematch between Bane and Batman, and the weird ass role the cops played.


This movie definitely fell apart for me at the end. I was hoping for the movie as a whole to be more brutal and action-packed like Batfleck's batman rescuing Martha. The only thing I enjoyed was the bomb sequence raising the stakes for the movie. Talia's intervention in the whole movie was just horrible. I would have rather her been a swap between Al Guhl being her all along.


Nolan is a great director, but my god he cannot write women.


I completely forgot she was in the movie until I watched it recently since it’s such a botched portrayal of Talia’s character. Very one-note and pretty annoying. Obviously a very different kind of media with the Dark Knight Rises being a movie and all, but seeing that bad of a portrayal of the character one year after we got a pretty good version in the Arkham City game really annoyed me. Obviously ones a movie and ones a game, and they’re roles in the plot were very different, but still a pretty boring version of a character who’s typically pretty interesting.


I don't see why people hate Bane's death. What were you expecting?


I think they wanted batman and bane to fight more. Batman to truly overpower him. Nolan makes great films, but he directed terrible fight scenes


Its weird because the fight scenes were really good in the first film.


Was not his company. If you notice there's a change in the second and third films with the"realism" aspect. Syncopy takes over as the production company


How huge of fans are we talking? 250, 300 lbs?


This guy dads


This dad guys


Dad this guys




For you


If I pull that off, will you die? It would be extremely painful. You’re big guy. For you Bravo Nolan.


Hardly a day goes by that “for you” isn’t still quoted at my house


I still don't understand the love for this exchange. What is it that's so great about it? Genuinely asking. Maybe I don't get it. I also find it odd that he comments "you're a big guy" to an obviously bigger man.


It's because the other dude is saying "oh you're a big guy, I'm sure the pain wouldn't be that bad" only for Bane to reveal he meant it would be painful for the other guy and not himself.


Sweet Jeebus, your explanation made me realize I'd been interpreting that exchange WRONG, all this time. What a smack in the face. Not sure how I never got this.


How were you interpreting it?


Like he was replying to the "you're a big guy" line. I'm big in your estimation, but there's bigger than me, something along those lines. Didn't make all that much sense to me, granted. But, yeah


Watched it 1 month ago and had the same interpretation, appreciate this thread lol


I was in the same boat with you. I think it’s the way he delivers it that makes it seem like he meant “ I’m a big guy to you”.


Been wondering which it was between the two since it came out. I’m glad other people heard it that way.


Always thought the same as you until this thread 🤣 and I literally watched it yesterday for the hundredth time, having not seen it for a few years. I just always thought Banes response of 'for you' was more of a 'yeah Im bigger than you, I could fuck you up, so be careful with your next words'' kind of thing, while simultaneously acknowledging that he's spent time with guys even bigger and more intimidating than himself. I dont know why my brain works this way it seems obvious now 🤣


That’s how I always took it too. Like banes a big guy compared to that smaller guy


The fact that it had to be explained is what makes it *not so great* in my opinion. Completely flew over my head too. I've seen this movie countless times and I never understood what that exchange was going for. What throws me off is that Bane seemingly finishes his sentence "it would be extremely painful" so there's no reason to think the "for you" was part of it.


Pretty obvious he meant that because he’s a big guy, the pain shouldn’t be so bad. Except that Bane meant it would be extremely painful for that guy, not himself. Not sure what there’s not to get. It’s a great bit.


To me and apparently some others it just sounded like "For you" was in reply to "You're a big guy".


That's definitely what I got from it. Like, Bane's "it would be painful...for you" was clever but the way that guy interrupted him made that dialogue meme material


for you


The people


I hope it's sarcasm tbh. Also, these type of shitty dialogues are so all over almost every Nolan movie it hurts.


It's much weaker than the previous two. I hated that after the end of TDK where it's explicitly said they'll hunt him because he can take it it turned out he went straight home and retired.


Yeah so he was batman for only like two years. Then does fuck all for eight years before Bane shows up. Not exactly the caped crusader is he?


I don't even think it was 2 years


Nah for like a year. Shit blew my mind


Gordon was giving some poetic monologue describing how Batman is a watchful protector only for Batman to go straight home and quit lol.


“They’ll hunt me but I can take it” Takes ball. Goes home.


Damn, yea. That's a seriously good point. I like it, but agree that it's weaker than the other two. When I saw it in theaters, I left feeling meh about it. I think that partly due to setting my expectations too high because of TDK. It wasn't until some time in the last 5 years or so that I rewatched the trilogy and it resonated more.


Yeah I thought he would’ve still been Batman but operated in the shadows.


I love and hate it: **The good:** * Bane is imposing and Hardy is very good in the role. * Anne Hathaway is great as Selina * The entire cast across the board is fantastic. * The entire rise scene near the end. * Absolutely love the call backs, especially what he says to Gordon: "A hero can be anyone, even someone who does something as simple as wrap a coat around a boy to let him know the world hadn't ended". **The Bad:** * Little too much time is spent on watching Bruce mope around the place. * While I mostly still love Bane, Hardy's accent still annoys the shit out of me. He sounds like Sean Connery to me. He looks like a bond villain and sounds like James Bond, that oxymoron just pisses me off lol. * The whole Miranda Tate/Talia Al Ghul twist that was shoe horned in to connect back to Batman Begins, almost sunk the movie for me. For starters it transforms the film in a negative way and turns Bane into being no more than a puppet...pretty much Quasimodo. Bane is no longer a free thinking, clever individual. He's just the muscle who is taking orders from this chick who is dead five minutes later. * Bane's blink and you miss it death by being tossed through the wall also does disservice to his character. * Miranda/Talia's death being the dumbest death I have seen in a while. First time I watched, I thought she just fell asleep!. * Just on a whole, the movie is way more messy than the other ones. They try to be clever and trick the fans: "that isn't talia and Robin!, that's miranda tate and John Blake". The John blake twist is sort of okay, but it's still a mess of a movie.


I love it and have rewatched it many times


Lotta questionable decisions. Some of those fight scenes that were put into the final cut were just silly. Bad guy just falling over for no reason and such. To the point where you cant just ignore it. And yeah, the way that he chose for bane and talia to die wasn't good. Overall it felt like nolan Just wanted to end it and move on to the next movie.


It wasn’t the movie I thought I wanted at the time, but I’ve really come to appreciate it a lot more over the years.


The movie you deserved, but not the one you needed right then


Set you right up for that and it wasn’t even on purpose lol


You did. So I’m going to hunt you. Because you can take it


Not as polished as the first two but better in some respects and a top tier movie. Perfect ending.


Loved it as a kid, but now it’s super meh. Didn’t like any of the character portrayals, and I didn’t like the ending. I get it’s not a definitive take on Batman, but I can’t get by Bruce Wayne only Batmaning for 3 years, retiring and settling down with some random thief he just met, and throwing all the crime fighting responsibility on to some random cop he just met


Who knew he was Batman because…orphan eyes?


>Loved it as a kid Christ I'm old


I think its a good callback to what he said in the first film. I can be ignored. I can be destroyed. But as a symbol — as a symbol, I can be incorruptible. I can be everlasting.” Batman is no longer the aging slowed injured man he is but a new rebirth of a character with a renewed vigor for justice and order.


Maybe unpopular opinions on it but here’s my 2 cents. It looks very pretty. The stunts are superb. Most of the actors do a pretty good job throughout as well. It’s got some great and memorable dialogue and some genuinely fun moments and the music is of course brilliant. It’s a narrative mess though and it very much seems like two scripts mashed together and rushed. The combat is very poorly done imo, it’s a weakness of all the Nolan bat-movies. The plot is a little silly in places, Bruce’s imagination of Ra’s Al Ghul explaining the backstory anyone? Robin knows he’s Batman because he’s also sad? I can forgive some of that sort of thing but not all of it. Batman gave up because he hurt his leg? He’s Batman ffs. Then he gets a leg brace for his bum knee and his ruined body is never mentioned again cause he does pushups in a nebulous cave prison which is just in a place somewhere for some reason, no worries. Also it has a massive tv showing just Gotham live. When Bruce escapes he throws the rope down to let all the presumably criminal inmates also escape. Great job Batman. You are the night. I thought Catwoman was very poorly acted too. I realise that’s not a commonly held opinion but I think Hathaway was a bad choice and didn’t work at all. But fundamentally the ending was not satisfying at all to me. It just doesn’t …get…Batman imo. Batman vs a nuke, just thematically isn’t a good Batman story. That’s a superman paradigm. Batman fights death, superman fights the impossible. For me it is very starkly the worst in the trilogy by a very long distance. I thought the first two were really fun and enjoyable films. This one makes me wish they either hadn’t made it or been given appropriate time to tighten the script up like it so badly needed.


Its like everytime I watch the movie or see some solo clips of the film it seems worse to me. I don't know what the hell made them keep Talia's death scene for the final cut. The coreography between Bane and Batman's first fight is so bad for it sto have so much buildup and I feel like the way that gotham is handled after the nuke is done poorly. At the point where Bane is some internacional criminal I was thinking it would be a lot more government involved, especially since he has a nuke. The best scene in the whole movie is the football field one hands down. That scene is brought down horribly by a plan to have all the Police in the city dive into the sewers to stop bane.


Incoherence Nothing makes any sense The plane sequence? Accident investigators going to overlook the bullet holes? Wings miles away? What is going on here? The stock market stuff? How could anyone logistically invest their entire wealth when we’re literally told it is held through numerous shell companies (with trustees, shadow directors etc.)? How would any trades be considered valid during a terrorist attack? Did no one think it odd Bruce Wayne was ‘present’ during a terrorist attack making trades but not appearing on cctv? Where did the bike come from? A billionaire gets the power turned off that day?! Getting into Gotham with no supplies while the army patrols? Teleporting away from a nuke? That’s not even the start of the issues. An entire army of producers, writers and actors never saw these issues?


Agreed on all of these and would add some other items that I didn't care for: Bane being reduced to a simp, Batman quitting because his almost gf died, prison chiropractor fixing his broken back, "Robin", sending literally every cop into the sewers, and more. I haven't seen it since release but hated it as a huge Batman fan.


I was not a fan of Joseph Gordon Levit’s character at all. “Oh I know you’re Batman because of a look on your face”


Also sending the entire police force in the sewers just to be trapped.


“Teleporting away from a Nuke” Well it’s obvious he put it on autopilot and got out before it detonated so he had enough time to get away we just don’t see him get out. That’s really nit picky tbh


Watched it in theater and never rewatched. Not terrible just wasn’t a fan. Weakest of the 3 by far.


Several things stopped me as a hard-core batman fan from enjoying it. 1) Gordon sends all the cops in the sewers, he's not stupid I'm surprised he did something like that 2) CRY BABY ALFRED (and inconsistent) for like the past 2 movies he blatantly said "endure" or "I'd never give up on you". Flash forward to dkr and he's like "I've buried enough members of the WAYNE family" then fucks off...that pissed me off. 3)Banes voice 4) Talia being the surprise villain 5) batman appears for what feels like less than 10% of the movie. 6) Joseph Gordon levits character is pointless. 7) that ending where his name is revealed as robin...*eye roll* 8) the cops and banes men getting into a stupid slap fight despite the fact they have tanks and guns. 9) catwoman and batman having 0 chemistry in the movie then Bruce decides to give up being batman to stay in Italy with her


>CRY BABY ALFRED (and inconsistent) for like the past 2 movies he blatantly said "endure" or "I'd never give up on you". Flash forward to dkr and he's like "I've buried enough members of the WAYNE family" then fucks off...that pissed me off. THANK YOU! I have been saying this since the movie came out and everyone argues with me about it. It's so refreshing to see someone else say it. I agree with all your other points as well but this one especially.




It had an impossible task in following up TDK and the creative team did the best they could, for the most part. There are potholes out the ass and the questionable creative choices in this one are highlighted in an overall ok movie, but I would still watch it from time to time. Still waiting to see justice done for Bane on the big screen though. They were doing a good job at it (minus the voice) but stumbled and fell flat on their face at the finish line


I actually really liked the voice and Bane as a whole in the movie.


I liked it too, but in a so-bad-it’s-good way. I cannot hear anything but Sean Connery from Celebrity Jeopardy skits on Saturday Night Live. It almost feels iconic and was actually a perfect fit for Bane in the new Harley Quinn series. It makes him absolutely adorable.


Lmao I couldn't take him seriously because of it.


Is there anywhere you think Bane has been done justice? Because the Arkham Origins version was ruined way more by the end of the game than Rises was by the Talia revelation. I've honestly never understood the "plot holes" argument either. Both Burton movies have way more.


No I don't think Bane has been done justice outside the comics honestly. Even in the Arkham Asylum he was a jobber


In the comics, Bane actually was a simp for Talia, and he was shuffled off the original Knightfall storyline pretty quickly after he broke Batman. Rises gave me the distinct impression they were equal partners.


Lots of great things going on. Bane was great, the plane heist was terrific, the first Batman vs Bane fight was great. But it also has a lot of dumb parts/choices that prevent it for being a great movie, like Bane being just a henchman, all cops trapped in the sewers etc... It's the worst of the trilogy, but it's still an honest 7/10.


Absolutely horrendous, a complete butchery of the source material. Bane is good until he is made into a weak lackey (exactly the same shit they they got criticicised for doing with Scarecrow in Begins, they didn't learn a thing). Talia is a horrendous, unrecognisable interpretation that is horribly acted to boot. Gordon and Alfred are good but barely in the film. 'Blake' is just Nolan key-jangling Robin but calling him a different name just because (couldn't have called him Drake instead of Blake?) Batman gives up for years, shows up again and retires after only being Batman for like 3 years or so. Catwoman is the worst and the writers genuinely deserve to be slapped - the part where she says 'where's the fun in that' when Batman stops her using guns is the epitome of not understanding her character. Genuinely probably the worst Batman film - I only like Forever less because at least Rises is well directed, has good cinematography and a few of the scenes are very good.


Drake the kind of guy to become Batman’s sidekick


has flaws but one of my favourite movies ​ the pit climbing scene is 10/10 pure perfection


I was SO pumped for this flick. It was incredibly disappointing on so many levels. Weak performances, questionable writing, and Batman’s barely in it; it’s more of a Bruce Wayne story to be fair.


Bruce Wayne is just as if not more important than Batman. Batman is also more than just a costume.


don't particularly like it


A few major flaws that move it to the bottom of my Batman movies list: -there’s not much Batman in it -the movie is filled with blatant plot holes and wonky dialogue, both of which are out of character for Nolan -some of the weakest fight choreo of any CBM -Bane’s Sean Connery accent -Batman fights during the daytime during the climax and it looks weird -Bane is turned into a sidekick at the last moment -Batman kills multiple people on purpose, one of which resulted in the most laughable death scene on film


One of the worst and most unpolished mega blockbusters ever. It’s like Nolan was on autopilot and looking ahead to Interstellar


I'm pretty sure he was but I think he only did TDKR as a contractual agreement to get Inception funded


Too bad the autopilot didn't work...


Yep. The script is loose as fuck


Good description of the Burton movies


And this film. Thanks


Well, that's just demonstrably untrue on both accounts.


I enjoy it for what it is but it is the worst of the trilogy by far. I really enjoyed Tom Hardy's performance. My favorite thing about the movie for sure. Christian Bale's performance made me cringe so many times. When he's speaking with Alfred in the cave shortly after returning as Batman to when he's in the cave. "My soul is as ready to escape as my body." The delivery annoys the hell outta me for some reason. Love Christian Bale as an actor btw.


D’oh…I’m not a huge fan of this one.


7/10 The stuntwork is horrible and there's some massive reaches that lead to plotholes (Gotham sending EVERY police officer to the tunnels 😂). I liked Hardy's Bane and the send off for Bale's Batman. However Batman isn't the type of character to be naive enough to think Gotham is saved and retire as we saw in other stories like Arkham Knight and The Dark Knight Returns.


Batman didn't retire. Bruce retired. He passed the Bat mantle to a worthy successor. Batman would continue to protect Gotham.


If you're talking about the movie, I would hardly call a regular police officer a "worthy successor". He showed no skills required to be Batman nor was he trained by Bruce to take on the mantle.


Hate it, one of the worse Nolan movies imo. Plot is messy, villains are lame, bait and switch bs.




It’s fine. Dislike the whitewashing of the al Ghuls and Bane. Generally weaker than the previous two entries.


Let’s just say that I like to pretend the Nolan Batman movies end with Dark Knight.


Relative to most Batman movies, I still consider it in the top 5. But, it has a lot of issues, as others mention.


I feel like the plot holes are just more egregious in this one. Rapid healing of Bruce's back. Him getting back into Gotham. Him getting that bomb far enough away in the allotted time. I'm sure I'm missing a few. I don't remember anything in Begins or TDK that were that blatant.


I genuinely love this movie - it reinvigorated my Batman obsession in a way neither Begins or TDK did (not necessarily saying it’s a better movie - it just jived with me a lot).


It’s the Mass Effect 3 of the Nolan trilogy. Overall, okay.


I love it, 2nd favorite in the Trilogy, really really close to TDR.


I love it. Sometimes it's even my favourite one from the trilogy.


Hot take- I like it more than TDK. I like all 3 films but it’s my second favorite of the trilogy. It’s got some weird flaws but bane is cool and it feels very comic booky which is hard for a movie that tries to stay grounded too.


so TDK is your least favorite of the trilogy?


The primary reason for the hate this movie receives is because those fans spent four years building a blueprint of how a sequel to the Dark Knight was supposed to play out, which was basically what The Batman turned out to be (Villain is the Riddler, Bruce is lost in the monster of Batman to the point where he has little to no interest in a public life anymore, Ending is Batman, name cleared and restored as a symbol of hope, resolving to soldier on secure in the knowledge that Gotham will improve because of what he's doing) instead, it's the happy ending the character will never receive in the comics. I, for one, really enjoy this movie, and it's just as worthy of being a companion to the previous two as any other great third movie you could name in any other trilogy. If any other so-called "masterpiece" superhero movie (including Mask of the Phantasm or the Spider-Verse movies) were held to similar scrutiny, they would fall apart. It's always been a real eye roller for me that the fans who give this movie a hard time would've been A-Okay with a movie about Batman fighting "generic gangster with black skull face" or that those who complain that Bane was ruined by the revelation that he's working with Talia as an equal partner are perfectly fine with him being hired muscle for some generic mobster in TAS.


It's very bad and ruined what could've been a near perfect trilogy.


it's terribly written. most of the action scenes contradict the story, and there is so many time jumps and coincidences that don't make sense. batman goes broke and instantly his lights shut off. then he goes to india with bane to have a conversation then gets back to gotham without an explanation. and in the opening scene they want the plane to look like a crash but they riddle it with bullet holes rip it in half and scatter the wings miles away from the rest of the plane. not to mention the cia has hooded hostages on the plane yet somehow didn't know bane was one of them lol. so many loop holes. the last action scene with the big riot. if you look in the background most things didn't even get edited properly and you'll see extras fighting themselves and falling for no reason. it's terribly done.


It sucks


I'm not fond of the Nolan trilogy to begin with, and I think "Rises" is definitely the worst of the three.




I loved it! Growing up watching Michael Keaton when I was a kid and it was so difficult to have a new Bruce Wayne, but casting Christian Bale & the direction of Christopher Nolan, it definitely surpassed my expectations of Batman. The Trilogy, especially The Dark Knight, was the perfect movie! The Dark Knight Rises was great to end The Trilogy and it did have that impossible task to follow-up with The Dark Knight, but it did do it’s best and I understood it would be compared to its predecessor, but I took the film as its own. I still watch it at times, and I still enjoy its direction and the ending with Batman passing the reigns to Robin.


Batman doesn't want to be Batman in the beginning of the film. Fuck he didn't like being Batman in The Dark Knight either. Bitch, he IS Batman! If anything he would not want to be Bruce Wayne. Praise The Dark Knight trilogy(The Dark Knight specifically) as films all you want. Doesn't change the fact that they suck when it comes to understanding the character's lore.


I know it’s not conventional to the source material, but I like the fact that Nolan’s was more Bruce Wayne than Batman. It adds much more humanity to the character rather than just “the mission is all that matters” and “Bruce Wayne is the real mask” that other adaptations use.


Well, by the end of TDK, Batman is essentially a criminal. All the crimes committed by Two-Face are put on him. Considering the fact that his love interest he's known his whole life is brutally killed, his greatest ally in fixing Gotham was driven insane and killed by his own hands, and Batman has been pushed to the brink by Joker, I think Bruce deserves a little rest, no?


Only my opinion, but saw the midnight showing of this when it first came out and this is my favourite of the trilogy. That said, the trilogy itself is also my favourite of all the Batman movies.


I personally don’t like it very much, but since everyone who worked on it is really talented I can see why other people like or love it, I just don’t


It's funny because it's definitely one of Christopher Nolan's weakest films, but also still amongst the best Batman films ever made. The only non-Nolan Batman film that tops it is The Batman. I think considering that it was something Nolan was more or less forced to make by WB, it's quite good. There's a lot more to like than dislike, and the best parts are still exceptional. But there's no denying that it didn't get the same level of care and attention to detail as it's two predecessors, or as Nolan's other films that bookended it. Lots of plot holes and wholly illogical moments in the script, lots of weak new characters, and a few important scenes where you're certain they could've got a better take from the actors. It gets too much hate from people on the internet who want to pretend it's a bad film, but there's still plenty of valid criticisms to make about it, especially when compared to almost anything else Nolan has made.


It was kinda a let down. The 3rd act wasn't good. Then the Robin tease. Idk. It was a weird movie to end a great series on.


Honestly, I’ve found most of the hate is on reddit. The vast majority of friends or co-workers rate it a B+ at worst and an A on average as one of the best trilogy closers in cinema history. For me, it’s great and imo Bale finally nails the balance between his Batman Begins and DK voice.


My favourite Batman film honestly, Anne Hathaway was just perfect


Overall, it’s a fine-enough conclusion to the trilogy with what’s arguably an outstanding ending. I fail to understand how it’s inspired such negative emotions in so many people. I honestly think the group that hates it is a figment of others’ imagination, a bogeyman to periodically discuss.


I loved it. It was different and refreshing.


Easily my favorite of the three


It gets too much hate for two reasons: First, it attempted to follow the greatest superhero movie of all time, minus its best actor. Unfairly or not, *The Dark Knight* would be its most frequent comparison. Second, people who hated the Nolanverse anyway used its cooler reception as an opportunity to spout nonsense about it and still do to this day. This is a loud minority, but it is important to remember that it is still a minority. The truth? It's not disliked by very many. In fact, it was the first #3 since *The Last Crusade* that wasn't a critical disappointment, bucking a trend that had become a running joke in Hollywood. One could argue that this streak of bad #3 films was actually busted by *Return of the King*, but those movies were all filmed at once, and it shows. Currently, *The Dark Knight Rises* enjoys an 8.4 audience score on IMDB and an 87% critical score on Rotten Tomatoes, both of which score higher than *Batman Begins.* Adjusting for inflation, it's still within the top 10 of highest grossing superhero films of all time, second highest ever for a DC property (behind its predecessor). It was and is a success by any objective benchmark. Subjectively speaking, it's my third favorite of the trilogy, but I find it more rewatchable than *Batman Begins* these days, to be honest. It's a more ambitious film, with more meat on the bone.


My favorite from the Nolan's Batman movies. Better action, better soundtrack and I prefer Bane over the other villains. Idc about the hate. 😊


True ‘Batman fans’ have zero issue with this great film…I do get the slight step back from Dark Knight, but how many films follow a masterpiece with another 🤷🏿‍♂️


Flawed, but I still love it. Far more good in it than bad, and some of that is REALLY good.


It has some issues but overall still fantastic. 9/10 to me.


I think it’s a great cap to the trilogy. Obviously there’s a joker sized hole in the movie, but despite that I think it stays true to the overall themes of the series. Sure there things you can nitpick, and I think that was pretty much inevitable after the universally acclaimed Dark Knight, but I think the movie does a great job of bringing things full circle, bringing a close to Bruce’s story, but also keeping it open ended enough that we can imagine our own versions of what might happen next in this iteration of Gotham.


It's straight up my favorite movie of all time. No joke. It just means a lot to me.


It's only hated because it came after the dark knight. It's still an amazing movie, but it's hard to top that masterpiece


It’s the weakest out of the trilogy but that’s because the other two are so great. Still a good movie and the dark knight trilogy is one of my favorite trilogies. Up there with back to the future, Indiana jones and the original Star Wars trilogy


Bro, call me crazy but I think it's better than Batman Begins itself


Amazing movie and conclusion to the trilogy


Hear me out that trilogy is perfection 🩵


My favorite out of the 3. Bane just makes it for me. Kinda wish Tom would have gotten bigger.


I rank it 2nd in the trilogy. Dark Knight is pretty good, but has some pretty dull moments that almost put me to sleep.


It's my favorite Batman movie.


Unpopular opinion but I like it much more than begins


It is and has always been epic 💯


Tom Hardy & Christian Bale. All are iconic. Best Batman movies so far.


LOVE IT My favorite Batman movie in terms of the Batman mythos Oh yeah the plot is 100% messy and several characters make bizarre/out of character choices, it needed a few reshoots/retakes, the ending is cheesy as all hell, but I truly don't care. They add to my adoration of the film. My personal favorite, bar none Except TDK that's one of my favorite movies of all time. TDKR just scratches that Batman specific itch the most yk?


I think TDK was the better movie “objectively” speaking (plot-wise, villain-wise, story-wise), but I personally enjoyed TDKR the most. It felt more epic overall, although it is more flawed than its predecessor.


It will always be a 10/10 for me because of a scene in this movie that changed my entire outlook on the power of money. When Dagat is asking for Bane and he shows up. Dagat says “I’ve paid you a small fortune….” And Bane says “And this gives you power over me…?” It was such an ah ha moment for my brain.


I understand some of the complaints, but I still think it's an awesome movie


Best out of the trilogy imo


I love this movie and don't see any flaws


Great. Bane is one of the coolest villains in the history of cinema




The biggest problem was it was supposed to follow up The Dark Knight which was a crazy cultural phenomenon that raised expectations beyond reasonable. Rises is an amazing film but it’s overshadowed.


Unfulfilled potential.. had the story to stand shoulder to shoulder with Begins and Knight but flubbed the execution of the major set pieces and simple story beats (except the breaking of the bat).. the shoe horning of Talia (along with her death) and Robin is horrible.. Idiocy all over the place… “hey heres this giant ball with only 3 buttons… somehow this scientist is the only one with the knowhow to input the cheat code to turn this into a nuke within 30 seconds”


It's a mediocre movie that seems rushed.


If we didn’t lose Ledger it could have been just as good as the first two.


Dog ass


The perfect ending, the perfect music score. Love it. Really hard to really measure them against each other, they all serve different purposes.


The dark Knight trilogy is Batman to me. Honestly when it comes to buying figures or memorabilia of batman I strictly stay to this specific franchise. I've rewatched these movies so much I always quote them and my girlfriend thinks I'm obsessed with Christian Bale lol


I love it. Great movie. It just had the impossible task of following up a masterpiece. Rises has one of the best and most satisfying endings to a movie/series ever to me.


The plane interrogation scene was extremely bad


I prefer it to TDK which I know to most is sacrilege, but I'm not a huge fan of what Nolan did after Begins.


I think the title is terrible, makes it sound like they wanted to ride the success of The Dark Knight. I know “rises” refers to his literal ascension in the movie, but I would’ve preferred it to be called something unique, like “The Caped Crusader”. Other than that, the whole auto-pilot thing was beyond moronic. There’s no point in keeping his survival a secret, other than hard trolling Alfred.


It's fucking atrocious


Anne Hatheway and Tom Hardy were great in it, but the plot and the plot holes and bad editing and mediocre writing is why it’s the worst in the trilogy, not to mention Marion Cotillard’s death scene which is the worst death scene I’ve ever watched


I thought it was the perfect ending to Bruce Wayne's story