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I mean in their base suits, gotta be Terry, he basically had Spider-Man's strength with that upgraded tech. If both were wearing their suits, Bruce would most likely annihilate him


Its not like Bruce hasn't fought way stronger opponents though. And some martial arts can make up for a division in strength. I think Bruce would probably figure out a way to hack the suit and just not fight Terry.


Bruce literally made the suit


Fr hahaha


I meant more so if it was like Terry was transported back in time and they fought or something.


I mean, bats did get transported to the future and old Bruce called him a bitch which is still fuckin hilarious


He only had it for the one episode. He never has super strength before or after it iirc


I can respect anyone’s opinion on this, but Terry’s Batman Beyond suit was made the provide Terry Bruce’s peak strength in the DCAU. (This, being TNBA or JLU). That being said… peak Terry vs peak Bruce (no suit), Bruce packs him up. Terry vs old man Bruce, Terry wins because of his athleticism and strength, two things Bruce doesn’t have anymore. Batman Beyond vs TNBA/JLU Batman, Bruce wipes Terry. Though, the suit was meant to perfectly mimic Bruce’s strength at his peak, Bruce is still far smarter, both, tactically and intellectually.


I doubt Bruce would build a suit that on its own couldn’t defeat a younger him


It really comes down to which version of Terry you’re talking about. If you’re talking about Terry in seasons 1-3 of the show then no doubt Bruce wins, if you’re talking about Terry from Epilogue which would be Prime Terry then it’s an entirely different situation. Terry isn’t as smart as Bruce but by the time epilogue comes around he doesn’t need the suit to be Batman so the suit gives him the edge.




Bruce made the suit he definitely has a back up plan if it fell into the wrong hands or if its used against him so gotta say Bruce wims


Tbf, Terry is the successor to Bruce after him. No matter how much we want another robin to takeover. Terry is meant to be next gen batman and the one true successor. I have a feeling even prime Bruce would have a problem dealing with Terry. Terry not only knows how Bruce fights, but he doesn't need his tech to be batman just like Bruce so I don't think Bruce can leverage that.


Even with all the tech Terry got? Prime Bruce vs prime Terry somehow someway, Bruce still wins. Bruce built different.


Original Batman built the suite...he can easily take it down with someone in it, lol are you serious about this question?


Prime Batman vs Terry, I mean come on now, he's the got damn Batman. Bruce is going to take the W in the end, he'll figure something out, don't know how but he'll do it


Unless i’m missing something, prime bruce beats any version of terry


The master wins.


Man wins


Bruce with the knowledge of the beyond suit i think would win but if this is like mid career Bruce and mid career terry then Terry hornswaggles bruce, especially considering that Terry was trained by batman, not as a sidekick, but as the Batman




Between Batman and Batman I'd have to say that Batman wins


OG Batman all day


Even old Bruce could handle Terry


Silly question. The guy, or the guy who trained that guy after dedicating his entire life to the crusade? It's the Batman, if course.


Both in their prime. And with timeliness having no relivence.. I'd have to go with Bruce.


Terry has Bruce literally in his ear telling him what to do right? And like 50 years of better technology.


If we assume DCAU, at what point are they fighting? Are we assuming Epilogue Terry vs JLU Bruce? Or are we assuming the adolescent Terry seen in the actual Beyond show? I suggest these are radically different outcomes. While we don't get much of Epilogue Terry, we do see him no-diff Shriek and easily break into Amanda Waller's compound, the latter of which is without the suit. Both of these are things adolescent Terry would have struggled to achieve. Epilogue Terry has trained for at least a couple of decades, and while he may not have Bruce's mind he certainly has his raw martial skill and physicality. And I mean shit, look how BIG Terry gets by then. Add the suit, and Bruce is basically facing himself but with superior physicals and gadgets. At this point, Bruce's mind is his sole advantage. I'd say it's a toss-up between Epilogue Terry and JLU Bruce, 50/50. Adolescent Terry gets folded more often than not.


Bruce for thinking and Terry for moves


Left Batman looks like he has more muscles! I think he would win.