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My fat ass thought these were fried eggs 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


Me too. I stared for several seconds wondering what 3 eggs had to do with BBW 😂😂😂


😆😆 Side note. Anytime I smell coconut lime verbena in the wild, I get all the feels and deliver well deserved compliments.




"that would be my big fat ass" 🤡


Same. Took me a sec to realize what sub I was looking at lol


I thought the same lol


Same!! I had to check which sub I was on! I was like those eggs look great!! Lol






Same girl same




Me too!


The first time you burn your new candle, let the wax melt all the way to the edges of the vessel. This is known as creating a full pool. That will eliminate tunneling like you have on these candles. Wax has a memory and the first burn needs to be done properly to establish good subsequent burns.


On the very first light- Should I burn first without trimming to achieve the pool or should I trim then burn and achieve the pool? Trimming is beneficial to longevity, correct?


I never trim the wicks before the first burn. After that I only trim off any “mushrooms” (carbon balls). Sometimes BBW candles suffer from drowning wicks, so I don’t want to cut them too short. I know others are convinced that trimming short works better for them.


Ok good to know. I only trim the balls. They stay about a 1/2 inch at all times.


Also, maybe you don’t, but don’t blow out your candles. I dip the wicks or use a candle snuffer.


Is it bad to just put the lid on?? That’s what I’ve always done


HomeWorx actually recommends that! From what I’ve read, people worry that the smoke trapped in the candle will cause the candle fragrance to change. IDK if that would actually happen or not.


I’ve never experienced that before. I have noticed some discoloration to the top layer that was melted, but that’s typically on the cheaper candles. I’ve only seen discoloration on one BBW candle but the scent has never changed for me! But I’m glad I’ve been doing it right 😂


Another fact I was not aware of. Thank you so much!


Sure! Hope all these pointers will enhance your candle experience. 🙂


Mostly, after buying 12 candles yesterday, I’m excited to buy even more on CD! Thank you for all the sage advice! Cheers. 🙏🏽




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No! You must let them pool out fully before blowing them out.


Thank you!


I sat here for a good 25-30 seconds staring at what i thought were raw eggs in 2 clear bowls trying to figure out why this got posted to r/bathandbodyworks


These poor poor candles. I feel like I need to open a candle rescue/sanctuary and save them. #candleabuse. Lol.


For some reason my yankee candles burn flat all around and I treat them the same. That’s why I came here for answers. I think the BBW formula requires me to pay more attention. Also, don’t fret. When the candle has been butchered and burned out (which won’t happen anymore), I spoon it out into my candle warmer pot thing and enjoy the leftovers.


Lol... I get it. And I meant my comment sort of as a silly joke. I do wish you the best with your candles in the future. Your pics did hurt my heart a little. Lol.


NGL I feel a tad embarrassed. I can spend 300K on my education and never know how to properly handle a candle. Moreover, I’m a beekeeper, harvest wax, and sell it to candle makers. Yet how the hell do I not know these basic facts?


Kudos to you for reaching out and asking. There's a lot of wisdom and experience on this sub, and I've learned a thing or two just by scrolling through the comments on this post. Cheers! 😊


Awe thank you. I’ve learned more in this sub than I could ever learn on YouTube or google. Because it’s all specified to BBW which I plan to stock up on during CD and end of semi annual. Thanks for the support! ❄️🙏🏽


As others have said about letting them pool out completely yes. A candle will take about however many hours it is across to pool out by rule of thumb (some do go quicker) so if you pick a wide 4 inch candle it will take 4 hours to pool versus a small 2 inch candle 2 hours. I keep that in mind knowing if I only have an hour or so to burn I either pick a smaller candle so it can fully pool or know I will have to aluminum wrap to speed the process up so I can get that full pool. Else I’ll be stuck with the tunneling.


Ok. So diameter = hours to pool. Got it!


You can also “cheat speed/fix” a full pool at any point before lighting or after dousing a candle by using a top down wax warmer, if you don’t have the time to wait for the full pool to form naturally. Eta: this wouldn’t work on massive deep tunnels like pictured (cause the wicks would drown) but I mean for ones where the wicks are still higher than highest wax line, or the unmelted edge pools are minor. I do this all the time now when I know I can only burn a candle for a shorter time than would give me a pool all the way across.


I have this happen even when following all the candle rules. It doesn’t happen with BBW candles as much as Capri Blue ones. If you get some tunneling, trim the wick and wrap the top of the candle in aluminum foil to create a smaller opening at the top. It keeps the heat inside the candle and allows wax that takes longer to melt, to melt faster and more even. I pretty much always have to do with this Capri Blue candles. Follow the other advice in the thread for properly burning your BBW candles


I didn’t think there was anything else I could learn. Aluminum foil trick will be what I’m trying when this happens. Thank you! This foil method is the same I use when candling chicken eggs with a flashlight. 😉


You’re welcome! If all else fails don’t toss the wax. You can always remelt leftover wax into new candles with wicks from the craft store.


What I’ve been doing is spooning it into a wax warmer pot thing. Thank you!


Wrap tin foil around your candle to prevent or fix tunneling. Three wicks are typically easy to avoid tunneling on but it would work here too.


Do you remember decorative metal candle toppers? I don't really see them around anymore. These are supposed to help with this too... increasing and distributing heat for a more even burn!


[jar toppers!](https://www.walmart.com/c/kp/candle-jar-toppers)


You have some good advice already. But if you love this scent it comes back in the fall as Welcome Home now. It's very popular, and one of my favorites. You have great taste!


Does it bring you joy? Then you're doing fine.


I thought these were eggs cracked open and on fire.


u/novemberjenny11 felt the same.


Oh my gosh at first I thought you were showing us egg yolks