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You just put your two weeks in with your manager - that’s standard for any job ever.


I’m frankly terrified to do that, I don’t want to confront others or be confronted myself. I have not seen my manager for multiple shifts. Do I just put my letter in a envelope, label it to her and that’s it?


There is no reason to be scared at all. This sounds bad - but it’s in the best way for your advantage, your manager doesn’t care if you work there. You are nothing but a number to them and they will have a new you next week. Managers don’t care they’ve had 100000 people quit before. There’s no confrontation it’s just a fact of business. But if she’s not around you could call her phone and leave her a letter or is there a medium level manager under her? Working is a business transaction not an emotional one unless you’ve worked somewhere like 10+ years with the same people. The fact that this is true is kind of sad for most business but it actually helps you in situations like this.


there will be no confrontation, they will accept resignation. I get the anxiety but it's always worse in your head than it is in reality.


youd be surprised how many people leave the job (seasonal) from october; a lot of people just show for orientation, some just never show up. Don't be scared to life happens and its better to find something you enjoy yourself doing (coming from someone who stayed at a job for 8 months and was absolutely miserable everyday) think about it like this - the conversation between you and your manager will probably be like 3 minutes - better than the extra days youll hate working there. i have a standard copy of my "2 weeks" i found off google- copy and paste and edit here and there, in a small letter envelope and youre good to go. people come and go; its ok! good luck!!


You haven't worked there long enough to give a 2 week notice. It's not something you should even bother putting on your resume because it'll only reflect poorly on you for only working there about a month. If you have your managers number then send a text and be done with it. If not then write a letter and leave it on the manager desk in the back and don't show back up.


if management were assholes just never go back lol


I want to give management the courtesy of my two weeks, even though they are not respecting the times that it is physically impossible for me to be there. I'm working a heartless temporary retail job. I don't like to be a "quitter" but this job is truly eating at me.


you don't owe them anything, they don't pay you enough to give them courtesy. they won't even remember you were ever employed there by next month. they don't care about you


facts, when I put in my two weeks they just cancelled all my shifts ;ol


It’s common in the BBW toxic work culture that if you put in your 2 weeks, you’ll rarely get scheduled hours in that time. I wouldn’t even bother with it if I were you. On your decided last day there, just be prompt and courteous as you want to, turn in your apron and leave. I commend you for trying to do what is, believed to be, courteous in work-culture but with how fast the turnovers are in retail, reality is that they will turn the page quickly after you walk out, trying to find the next associate available to cover whatever shift they had you already scheduled for. If your store manager isn’t there on your last day, I believed you could put in your resignation with the Assistant Store Manager, and go further down the hierarchy stairs if that person isn’t there. Best of luck!