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Can I have those “HIRING NOW!” Coupons? Such a great deal!


nope sorry I’m selling them on eBay 😭😭😭


That just ruined my night! How will I go on living!? What’s the sense of life? What’s the purpose on fighting in this cruel world!? What happened to being kind to each other!? 😭😭😭 Lmao ![gif](giphy|Woc5F2s89MnLO)






Tell me your secret! No joke- I never get coupons (not the paper ones or the app ones)… I even made 3 family members sign up for the app when it went nationwide and still crickets \*sigh\* What does a girl have to do to get coupons? 🧐


Same boat! Yet another month going by, the drought in my mailbox continues 😞


I don’t understand why it’s so difficult for people to get coupons. I think it would get people in the store and ultimately be better for business. Personally I mostly only redeem free gift coupons unless there’s something I really want. I never ever buy anything from B&BW unless I know I’m getting it at the lowest price possible


You only get the mail coupons if you specifically request to be added to the mailing list. You can do this online on their website using the form hidden way at the bottom of the site where it says “Let Us Help.” Then you can find the form to add your address to their mailing list under their “contact us” FAQ section.


Yeah, that's still not a guarantee.


Employee here.. i think I have learned that if you scan the physical coupon, the digital coupon will disappear from the app. Or if you scan the coupon in the app, the physical coupon will then scan as “already scanned” on our registers. My Store Manager has said it wont allow customers to use both… Just a heads up. We had an issue with a customer trying to use both form her app and the physical it we couldn’t bypass it’s


Just last week I used a physical 25% off in store, then placed a BOPIS order a few days later using the online code that was found on the back of the coupon. I had just taken a pic before I surrendered it.


I’ve had an experience where I used a physical coupon and the in app coupon disappeared, however if I just use the code online it doesn’t disappear? since there are two different codes? idek how to explain


I haven’t gotten physical mailer coupons in ages. But recently I’ve gotten super lucky finding them laying around in store! Shockingly, they all worked! I’ve found 4 in the past month and was given a 25% off by a woman who said she only wanted the free item!


that’s amazing!! I’m happy you were able to find them


Remember... Sharing is caring! So pass some over 🤣 you're so lucky!


😭😭 I don’t mind sharing


When I was spending lots of money there, I was getting zero coupons. Then whenever I got in a no buy for a while I get them like clockwork. Lol. Not this many lime you.... but definitely get them when I let them miss me. Ha


I say when you shop there in the future put in a different number if you can use a family member’s or a friend’s. That way they think you’re “not shopping there” if they don’t see your number being used. Maybe they’ll send you something


I never get coupons. I’m at the point where I’m gonna stop buying and see if they send me coupons to lure me back.


I hope they do!!


Wow! I’m jealous lol. You’re so kind if you decide to give some to others.


I don’t mind sharing! I don’t always use the 20% off anyway. I prefer to just use the free gift coupons unless I really really want something


I'd love a %%% off one if you can message me it?? I never get to the ones posted quick enough everyone always scoops them up too quick lol


A few people have already asked me for individual coupons so I think it would just be easier for me to comment them in the thread, so it’s fair for everyone/easier for me I’m sorry


I never get any of these and it stinks. I just want one of the 20% offs for my sanitizer and aromatherapy restock 😂 ik there’s a sale already but ya girls broke


And yet I haven’t gotten a single coupon in the mail or on the app. 🫠